employees' state insurance corporation · attention in this connection is invited to rule- 3...

HEADQUARTERS OFFICE EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION PANCHDEEPBHAWAN. C.I.G. ROAD, NEW DELHI-2 (AN ISO 9001-2008 OMS CERTIFIED ORGANISA TION) E-mail: [email protected] Fax No: 011-23210646 No.A-15/18/2/2011-SCT Dated:- 02/08/2011 To, 1. All the Regional Directors, ESIC, Regional Offices 2. All the Joint Directors, ESIC, Sub Regional Offices 3. All the Medical Superintendents, ESI Hospitals 4. All Director (Medical) ESIC 5. The Joint Director, Estt-V, Hqrs. Office. Sub: CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 - Supreme Court Judgement in the case of Vishakha Vs. State of Rajasthan regarding sexual harassment of working women. Ref: This office letter No. B-21/11/1/94-Estt.I(B) dated 29/04/08. I am directed to refer to the reference and subject cited above and to enclose herewith a copy of above letter with DOPT OM dated 13/02/98 and copy of judgement and guidelines and norms issued by Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgement in the case of Vishakha regarding sexual harassment of working women for information and strict compliance. Yours faithfully, Encl: As above. (V.K.RODA) DEPUTY DIRECTOR Coov to:- The Website Content Manager, Hqrs. Office with the request to upload the same on ESIC Website. TOR '\

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(AN ISO 9001-2008 OMS CERTIFIED ORGANISA TION)E-mail: [email protected] Fax No: 011-23210646

No.A-15/18/2/2011-SCT Dated: - 02/08/2011

To,1. All the Regional Directors, ESIC, Regional Offices2. All the Joint Directors, ESIC, Sub Regional Offices3. All the Medical Superintendents, ESI Hospitals4. All Director (Medical) ESIC5. The Joint Director, Estt-V, Hqrs. Office.

Sub: CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 - Supreme Court Judgement in the case ofVishakha Vs. State of Rajasthan regarding sexual harassment of workingwomen.

Ref: This office letter No. B-21/11/1/94-Estt.I(B) dated 29/04/08.

I am directed to refer to the reference and subject cited above and to enclose

herewith a copy of above letter with DOPT OM dated 13/02/98 and copy of judgement and

guidelines and norms issued by Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgement in the case of Vishakha

regarding sexual harassment of working women for information and strict compliance.

Yours faithfully,

Encl: As above.(V.K.RODA)


Coov to:- The Website Content Manager, Hqrs. Office with the request to upload the sameon ESIC Website.



t ...•



No.D-21/11/1/94-Estt. I (B) • Dated: '~" .04.98.


All Regional Directors/Joint Director(AdrOn.) -IIi Hqrs'/Dir (z.terlical) Delhi/l1edical supdt., ESI Hospital,Basaidarapur, New Delhi /Jhilmil/ O]{hla/ Rohin1/K.K. Nagar, ESI Hospital, Chennai/Director,Sub Regional Officer, Nagpur /Director, Sub Re'gional office, Pune ,

SUBJECT:- ccs tconeuce) Rules, 1964- Suprane court judgement inthe case of Vishaka vs. state of Raj asthan regardfsexual bar as sment; of working women.,



Kindly find enclosed herewith follo,.,ing papers foradoption a:....d necessary action :

1) Hinistr"'.!of Labour ci:r.cular No. Z-11016/01/23/98-Coord., datErl 24•.2.98 alongw:i.th its enclosures i' ••e.f-1inistry of Personnel, Pub~ic Grievances andPensions (Department of Personnel & Training)Office'Memo. No. 11013/10/97-Estt. (,1\), dated .1.

13.2'.98 and its Notification of even number dated '13.2.98.

2) Government of India, Ministry of ;Labour NoteNo. Z•..11028/01/11/97-Coord., date::i 27.11.97alongwith copy of Supreme Court of India- judgem~'in W.P. (Criminal) Nos. 666-70 of 1992 dated 13. b.

Hindi version will follow.

1NO.l10 13/10/97 -E:stt. (A)

...- Government of InGlia."'.:·Mi!list~ ofP8rsormel',' pubffc

.. :.'. ..:9rievances 'arid Pensions(De~~ent of Personnel O( Training)

.,/. ;...~. ..... .... .. New Delhi,dated. the 13th Feb.,1998.

'flttLY =:'. OFFICE


.... ., .'.."

cCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 - Supreme Court judgement inthe case· of VishaJ<a Vs. state of Raj asthan regardingsexual harasSment of working women.

The undersi.gned is di r ec+ed to say that in the Case ofrishaka an·d Ors.' Vs. state of Raj asthan and Ors. (JT 199'7(7)3C 384), the Hon'ble Supreme Court has laid down guidelines andnoms to be oo aer-ved to prevent sexual harassment of workingwomen.

2. It has b een laid down in the judgement above-mentione:lthat it is the duty of the anployer or other responsible personsin work -pLaces or other inst.i tutions to prevent or deter thecommission of acts of sexual harassment and to provide theprocedure for the resolution, settlement or prosectuion of actsof sexuaL harassment by tak In q all steps required ..For thispurpose, sexual harassment includes such unwelcome ~exually'determined behaviour (lNhether ("1i:':'.?ctlyor by implication) as:-

a) physical contact and advaricesrb) 0. demand or .request :~·orsexua1· fflvoursi0) sexually colured remarks1d} showing por.i oqz-aphy re) .any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal

conduct of sexual nature.

3. Attention in this connection is invited to Rule- 3 (1)(ii t) of the ccs (conduct) Rules,1964, which provides·that everyGovernment servant shall at all t~mes do nothing which isunbecoming of a Government servant. Any act of sexual harassmentof womenemployees js definitely unbecoming of a Governmentservant and amounts to. a misconduct. Appropriate disciplinaryaction should be initiated in' such cases against the delinquentGovernment .servant·ln accordance with the rules.

4. 'tJhere such conduct. amounts to a specific offence underthe. Indian Penal Code or under any other .law~ the concezn edauthorities shall initiate appropriate·action in accordancewith law by making a complaint vlith the appropriate authority •

.. . . . . 2/-

- 2 -

5. In particular, it should be ensured that victimwitnesses are .n ot; victimized or discriminated againstdeal ing with complaints of s'- .•...:~".l 'harassment. The vi irn,sexual harassment should have tih e option to seek transferthe perpet~:-ator or the'h:' own.,t"=,,ansfer.

6. Complaint Hechanism:- vlhether or not such conductconstitutes an' offece under law or a breach of the servicerules" an appropriate complaint mecb an I sm.should be creatErlin every organisation for redress of the complaint made by ;victim. Such compla:i.nt-mechanism should ensure time bound tlof complaints. vJherever. such mach In er-Ies for redressal ofgrievance already exist, they may be made more effective and

'in particular wo emn officers should preferably harid Le suchc:;:omplaints.' , .

7. Awareness:- Awareness of the rights of female employeein this regard should be created in particular by prominentlynotifying the quId e'Lf.nes (copy enclosed) ina suitable manner

.8. A specific prov Ls Lon v I s, however, being made in the CC(Conduct) Rules" 1964, prohibi tirig sexual harassment of womenoovernmen+ servants, in compliance of the judgement 'of theHon'ble Supreme Court.

9. The Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the::instructions to the notice of all concerned for' strict cornp Li

10. In ~o far as persons serving in tile Indian Audit andAccounts Departme1'l,t are concerned, these instructions issueafter consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General cIndia.

Hindi version will follow.

sd/-CHarinder Singh)

Joint Sccrc'.:.al.-Yto the Govt.of'1'0


All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.to: .

Comptroller E,( Auditior General of India, NewDelhi.Union Public service Cornm i ss ion, New Delhi.Central Vd qi Lan oe Commission, New DelhiCentral, Bureau of Investigation, I-jew Delhi.All unLon Territory Administrations.Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha secretariat.All Officers and Sections in the lvlinistry Personnel,Public Grievances and Pensions and MEA. 'All AttaCheq. and Subordinate Offices o.f l1inist.I:Y ofPersonnel, Public Grievahces and Pensions and IvlHA.


sd/-(I-Iarinder Singh)

Joint Secretary(E)


r·"'·~ /" rno RmARD to the defin i tion ofuman rights in 8ecL:iOfl~(<3)of tile

.c'rotection of Hu.manRights )\ct, 1993TAKmG NOTE of the faGt that the,present civfl and penal laws- in Indiado not adequately provide for specificprotection of women from sexual hara-ssment in work places and that-enachtment of such legilation willtake considerable time.

~ f.'~,


It is necessary and expedient foremployers in work places as well asother responsible, persons orinstitutions to observe certainguidelines to ensure the preventionof sexual harassment of wornen,1. DUty of the Elnployer or otherr-espons fb Le persons in work placesand other ins1:i tutions.

to the. victim's employ-ment or work whether ShEis drawing salary, orhanoran iurn or voluntary,whether in government;public or private enter-prise such conduct can 1humiliating and mayconstitute 'a health andsafety problem it isdiscriminatory for inst·ance 'when the womenhasreasonable grounds to"believe that her obj ectwould dLs.advarrt.aqe herconnection with herernpLoyment; or workLncLu.dLnq recruting orpromoti on of when it'creates a hostile workenvironment Adverseconsequences might bevisited if the victimdoes not consent to theconduct in question orraises any objecti8n 'thereto M

It shall be the duty of the employeror other institutions to prevent ordeter the c6mnission of acts ofsexual harassmE!l1t and to· providethe procedures for the resolution,settlement or prosecution of actsof sexual harassment by taking offsteps require9.

For this purpose, sexual harassmentincludes such unwelcome sexuallydt.e.rm ined hehaviour (whether directlyor by implication) asa) Physical contact and advances.b) a demand or request for sexual

favours.c) sexually coloured remarks,d) showing pornography,e) any other unwe.lcomephysical,

verbal' or non-verbal conduct·of sexual nature.



All ompLoy ez-s or personin charge of work placewhether in public orprivate sector shouldtake appropriate stepspreven t sexual n.ar-aasm eWithout prejudice to thgenerally of th isobligation they shouldtake the following step(a) Express prohibition

sexual harassment adefinerl above at thwork place should bnotified, publ.f shedcirculated in appro·priate ways.

2. Defin iti on:

Hhere any of these acts is committedin circumstances whereunder thevictim of such conduct has a rea-sonable apprehension that in relation •• Concd ,

Z r~ 2

"(b) The Rules/Regulations of Govt!"arfd Publ'ic sector bodies rela-:ting. to conduct and d Lso Ip Lfn eshould include' rules/regUla-tions prohibiting sexual hara-ssment and prov.ide for approp:'"riate penalities in suchvru Le sagainst the offendef_

(c) As regards p.rIv at.e employerssteps should be taken to inclu-de the aforesaid prohibitionsin the standing orders underthe Industrial Employment(Standing Orders) Act, 1946.

(d) App r opr t at;e wor-k candi tionsshould be provided in. respectof wo rk leisure, health andhygine to further ensure thatthere is' no hostile environmenttowards women at work placesand no employee woman shouldhave reasonable grounds tobelieve that she is disadvent-aged in conn ect Lon '\I'Tith herempLoym en t.

4. _Crif!1in¥-R~oceec1in 9s:

Where such conduct amounts to aspecific offence under t.hotn~1ianPenal Code or under anyother law, the employer shallinitiate appropriate action in

\accordance with law by makinga complaint with the appropri-at e aqtho ri ty •

In porticular, it should ensurethat victims, or witnesses arenot victimized or discriminatedagainst while dealing withcomplaints of sexual harassment.The victims of se~ual harass-meiltshould have the option tosec,k transfer of the perpet--rator or theIr own transfer.'--------------------------

5_ P i s~J..£..J:.in a IT A_ct~.?E.lv-lhere such conduct amounts tomisconduct in employment asdefined by the relevant servicerules, app rop r I ate di scipl in ary

\ ~, \

, . ~~ ~..act·lon .should be initiateclw0';:"

the employer in acco rdarioe w «those rules. ~

. ~

6. Complaint_ t-t ech an ism:

vJhether or not such conductcon sti tutes an o.f Eeric e underlaw. or a breach of the servicerules, an appropriate comp Lafri:mechanism shouEd be created. inthe employer's organization ,fo:redress of the complaint madeby the victim. . such complaintmechanism shou Ld ensure timebO~d treatment, of complaints.

7. C.CJ~_~aints Commi t~The complaint mechanism, refe-rred to in (6)above, should beadequate to provide, wherenecessary, a Complaints Commit1a special counse l.l.o r- or othersupport service, . including themaintenance of confidentiality.

~he complaints' Committee shoulc(be headed by a women and notless than half of its member oishouLd be women , Further, toprevent the possibility of anyundue pressure or influence fr::s enLo r- levels, such ComplaintsCommittee sh ouLd involve athird party, ei ther NGO or o ch ebody who is familiar with the:t s ue of sexual harassment.

The Complaints Committee mustmake an annual report to theGovernment department concernedof the complaints and actiontaken by them.

'rhe anployers.·.and, person incharge wi 11. also report on thecompliance with the aforesaidguidelines including on thereports of the ComplaintsCommi ttee to the Govemmen tdepartment.

•• Contd ••••••

3 - ::

In i ti ati ve:

Elnployees should be allowed toraise issues of sexual harass-ment at workers I meeting andin other app rop r t ate forum andit should be affirmatively dis-cue sed in Elnployer-Elnployeel1eetings.

9. !.i~aret:l_~~

Awareness of the rights offemale employees in thisregard should be created in'particular by prominentlynot.Lfy In q the guidelines (andappr:::>priate legislation whenenacted on the subject) in asuitable manner.

10. Third Party Har_q§§mens

vlhere sexual harassment occursas a result of an act or

,omission by any third party oroutside'r, the employer andperson in charge will take allsteps neces sary and reasonableto assist the affected personin t.e rms of support andpreventive action.

11.The Centra l-/state Governmentsare requested to consideradopting suitable meusuresincluding legislation toensure that the guidelineslaid down by thi s order areaIao observed by the employersin Private SectQr.

12.These guidelines will not'prejudice any rights available-under the Protection ofHumanRights Act, 1993. I:'


NO.l1013/10/97-Estt.~)ooveznmerrc of India .

Ministry. of Personnel;Public Grieva.''lces & Pensions(Department of Personnel &. Train.ing)


New Delhi, dated the 13th Feb., 1998.

~I FICAT..!9l!

G.S.R •••••••• In exercise of the powers conferred by theprov i so to article 309 and. cLause IS) of article 148 of theConstitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and .Auditor General of India in relation to pe.r aons serving in theIndian Audit and Accounts Department/the President hereby makesthe ,following rules further to amend the central Civil services(Conduct) Rules, 1964, namely:-

1. (1) These rules may'be called the central Civil services(Conduct) l~mendmentRules, ·1998.

(2) Th8\.f shall come into force on the date of theirpubtication in the Officia'l Gazct·te.

2. In the contral Civil services (C:Jnduct) RuLes , 1964,after rule 38, the f~lloYling rule shall be inserte::1, nameLy ee-

"3C - Prohibition of sexual harassment of warking women.

(1) No Government servant shall indulge in any act of sexualharassment 'Jf any. woman at her work place.

(2) Every GOVernment servant who 1s incharge of a work placeshall take appropri ate steps to prevent aexua L harassment to anywoman'at auch wor-k place •

.:~mlan_?tion - For the purpose of this rule, "sexual harassment"includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour, whetherdirectly or otherwise/as ~

(a) physical contact and advances;(b) demand or request for sexual favours;(c) sexually colured remarks;(d) showing any pornography; or(e) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or ncm-verbal

conduct of a sexual nature".

sd/-( Harinder Singh )

J:Jint Secy. to the Government of India •

. .. . . . • •2/-

- 2 -

NOTE:The Principal rules \vere pubLfshed in the Gazette of Indiavide Ministrv of HomeAffairs Notification No.i5/4/63-Estt. (A),dated 30th N;V.,1964 (S.O. No.4~77 dated the 12th December"1964, "Part-II, section-3, sub-section (ii) ) and subsequently amended vide\

. \of\

\S.No. Notificcltion N:o~ Da-t.e Pub Ljah.cd in .the Gazette

Iridia Part-II' 'section - 3Sub-Section (ii)

S.O. No. Date

1. 25/23/68-Estt.(A) 03.02.70 ,482 14.02.702. 25/11/7 2-Estt. L~) 24.,10.72 3643 '04.11.723. 25/57/64--Estt. (A) 83 13.01.734. 11013/12/7 5-Estt. (]\) 13.02.76 846 28.02.765. 25/19/74-Estt. (A) 3,9.06 .'76 2563 17.07.766. 11013/19/75-Estt. (A) 06.07.76 2691 24.07.767. 11013/06/7 5-Estt. (A) 24.11.76 4663 11.12.768. 11013/4/76-Estt~ (A) 24.08.77 '2859 17.09.779. 11013/03/7 8-Estt. (A) 22.09.7,8 ,2859 30.09.7810. 11013/12/7 8-Estt. (A) 22.12.78 3 06.01.8011. 11013/3/80-Estt. (A) 24.04.88 1270 10.06.8012. 11013/21/85-Estt~ (l,) 03.10.85 4812 19.10.8513. 11013/6/85-Estt. (1\) 21.02.86 935 08..03.8614. 11013/11/85-Estt. (1\) ,07.03.86 1124 22.03.8615. 11013/5/86-Estt. (A) 04.09.86. 3159 20•.09•.8616. 11013/16/85-Estt.(~) 10.09 .•86 3280 27.09.8617. 11013/1/87';' Estt. (r,) 27..07.87 1965 08.08.8718. .11013/19/87"':Estt. (!'.) 19.04.88 14.54 14.05.8819. 11013/13/87-Estt •.(".) 18.09 ..90 2582 06.10.9020. 11013/20/9f-Estt.(]\) 09.12.92 3132 26.12.9221. 11013/4/93-Estt. (r.) 12.07.95 GSR355 29.07.9522. 11013/4/93-Estt. (1\) 16.08.96 GSR367 31.08.96


sd/-(Harinder Singh)

Joint secretary to the Govt. of India.

The Manager,Govt. of India Press,.t@Y:apuri,NewDelhi. .

(No.11013!10/97-Estt. ('\) NewDelhi, dated the 13th February, 1998~

'•• Contd••.••...


\Copy to:-

- 3 -

1. All Ministries/Departments of the Gov~mment of India.

r'~mr'_~" 0r" ,"nd !"uditor General of Indi,-, NewDelhi.2.3. UPSC, NewDelh I ,

11" Cent-r~l Vj'Jilance Commission, New Delhi.

5. Central Bureau of'Investigation.6. ~ll Union Territory ~dministrations.7. Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha Secretariat.8. ~ll attached and subor-d tn atie offices of the HH1.and

~dnistry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensiqns.9. ~ll Officers and S'ectionsofthe Hinistry of Personnel,

Public Grievances and Pensions and' MH~.

sd/-(Harinder Singh)

Joint Se:-cretaI:Y(E) •

N~.Z-11028/01/(11)/97-Coord.Government of India! Bharat Sarkar

Hinistry of Labour / Shram HantralayaShram shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg

..• '.New Delhi, dat.ed 27"th Notrernber,.997.

NOT E==r.:=

Subject: Suprane Court judgement in TJlrit PetitionCCriminal)Nos.667-70 of 1992 filed by Vd sh eka & Ors. againststate of Raj asthan & Ors. - Follow up action reg.

1\ copy of Suprane Court judgement in \"'Trit Petitio"n(Criminal) nos.666-70 of 1992 fil(.u" by Vdsh aka & Ors. against

the state of Rajasthan and Ors. Qlongwith a copy of D.O. letterfrom secretary (Labour), addressed to secretaries ofHinistries/Departments of Government of India is forwardedherewith to all con cozn ed for compliance / similar action etc.



1. 1111l~ttached / subordinate Offices.

2. All 11uton::-mousBodies / Boards under the r"1inistryof Labour.

3. 1\11 Officers in Hinistr"i.l of Labour.

4. 1\11 sections / Desks / Divisions etc.


Tele:Fax :

Hinistxy of LabourShram Shakti. Bhawan,

Net" Delhi-ll000 1.

D.0 .No.lS-27016/1/97 -C&HL.11 November 2, 1997,-5

The Hon'ble Supreme Court has in a recent judgementdefined what constitutes sexual harassment in workplacas and

has laid down certain guidelines to prevent such harassment.These guidelines have the consent of the Government. TheSupreme Court has :directed that these guidelines be strictlyobserved. at all work places for the preservation and enforcement

of the right to gender equality of woncing women. The direction

of C:::mrtwould be binding and enforceable in law until U.rticle-141 of the Constitution) a suitable legislation is enact.ed , 1.

copy of the judgement CvJ .•P. (CRL)Nos.666-70 of 1992) is enclosed.

2.. lI.s the onus for implementation of the quidcLti nes liessolely on the employer, I woul.d urge you to initiate immediate(lcti on to specifically ensure the following:-

(i) Bring ta the notice of those \o'!G:tJdngin your Hini stry/

Departm'ent as well as attached and subordinate offices,autonomous bodies, public sector undertakings etc. thedef-Ln i tion of sexu al, harassment as laid down by the Supreme

C::~:)Urtand its express proh ibi tion.

(i t ) Tuke all necessary action to suitably modi f:y the Conduct.

Rules governing the employees of .PubLd c Sector Undertaking::under- the jurisdiction of your rHnistry to ensure that

they include the express prohibition of sexual harassment

and provide fo~ appropriate penalties against the offender.

(ii L) Take all steps necessary to ensure that appropri ate \vo:d<c:::mditions are provided in respect of work, leisure,

•• Contd ••..•.••

health and hygiene to further ensure that there is no

hostile environment t::n'larc1.swomenat wo rkp Lac es and nowornan employee has reasonable gro'Lmds to believe thatshe is disadvantaged in corm ec t.Lon Hith her employment.

(Lv) Set up a complaints mechanism in your Department to dealwith complaints of sexual har-e ssmen'c, The modali tiesfor setting .up such a mechanism may please be seen at

para-7 of the judgement.

You may alsO consider setting up such a mechanism ini~hE(.attached and subordinate offices, autonomous bodies etc.

under the jurisdiction of your Hin istr".l/Department.

3. Action taken for implementation of .the guidelines laiddI:"wn by th'e Supreme Court may kindly be intimatErl to this

Ministry. at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Sd/-fucl: As per li st

enclosed.( Dr. L. Mishra )


HRIT PEl'ITIO~~ (CRIIvIINl\L) NOS. 666-70 OF 1992-_._ .._._._-- ------.-

.VISH].'J(A & ORS., ------.----- ... P mITION ERS




Verma, o.JI:

This "(tlrit Petition. has been file::l for t?e._~forcement of

,and 21 of the Constitution of India in vLew of the prevailing---_. ..-------_.,--_.-----climate in which the violation of thesG rights is not uncommon.

v1ith the increasing awareness and emphas La 'on gender justice

there is increase in the effort. to gy.ard against such violations,

and the resentment towards incidents of sexual harassment is

also increasing. The present petion has been brought as a

class action by certain social activists and NGOswit~ the aim

of focussing att~1tion towards this societal aberration and

assi§~in9 in finding suitable methods for realisation of the

true concept of gender equali ty;. and to prevent sexual harassment

of working womenin all. work places through judicial process,

to fill the vacaum in existing legislation.

• •Contd ••••••

- 2 -

I The immoo.iate cauee for the filing of this writ petition

is an incident of alleged brutal gang rape of a social \-r.)rker

in a village of Raj asthan. That incident is the subj ec+

matter of a separate criminal action and no further mention

of it~ by us, is necessary. The incident reve~ls the hazards

to 'which a working womanmay be exposed and the depravity .v=

which sexual harassment can degenerate; and the urgency for

safeguards by an alternative mechanism in the absence of

legislative rneaaur-es , In the absence of legislative measures,

the need is to find an effeqtive alternative mechanism to

fulfil this felt and urgent social neod,

Each such incident results in violation' of the fundamental

rights of 'Gender Equality' and .che "Right to Life and Liberty!

It is a clear violation of the rights under Articles 14j 15 and

21 of the Constitution. One of th~ togical c::msequences \of

such an incident is also the violation of the viCtim's

fundamental right under Article 19 (1) (g) 'to practice any.profession or to carry out any occupa+d on, trade or business' •

Such vLo Lat.Lon s, therefore, attract the remedy under Article 32

for the enforcement of these fundamental rights of women.

This class action under Article 32 of the Constitution is for

this reason. A writ of mandarnus in such Cl oituation, if it is

+o be effective, needs to-be acoompanLed by directions for

preventi:::m; as the violation of fundamental rights of this

le inc1 is a recurring phenomenon. The, fund pmental ri ght to carry

•• Con t.d •••••