emotions in decision making

Emotions In Decision Making

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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role of emotions in judgment and decision making


Emotions In Decision MakingGroup MembersAHMAD BILALSAFAL GHIMIREDoes emotions helps you in better ecision making or not!hat is EmotionAccoring to Hokenbury " Hokenbury# $%%& ' Emotion is a comple( physiological state that in)ol)es three istinct component* a ob+ect e(perience# a psychological response an a beha)ioral or e(pressi)e response,

Emotionseems to rule our aily li)es because -e make ecisions base on -hether -e are happy# angry# sa# bore or .rustate /lutchik0s !heel o. Emotions1ype o. Emotions1-o types o. emotions/ositi)e 2egati)e /ositi)e Emotion in Decision MakingHope3o4operati)e Beha)iorTrust2e- Approach to Sol)e /roblem3reati)e thinkingSelf MotivationMultiple Alternati)esBroaer SearchIncrease E5ciency .or Decision MakingDra-backs o. /ositi)e EmotionsLeas you to take risk6eeping other emotions apart it -ill lea you to the careless ecision2egati)e Emotion in Decision MakingDoubtLack o. EnergyDepressionRisk A)oianceHigh 7ncertainty an Lo- 3on8enceFrustationHigh Risk 9ptionsLoss o. Re-arSlo-er Decision Making2egati)e EmotionsLeas to improper processing capacity an thinking in comple( tasks:Helps to impro)e ecision ;uality by enhance etails# care.ul an systematic in.ormation processing:3onclusion!hile making the ecision consier both the positi)e an negati)e sies o. the matter:1ake other emotions in consierations When dealing with the people remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotionsRe.erences [1] Williams, S., Zainuba, S., & Jackson, R. 2003, Affectie influences on Risk !e"ce#tion an$ Risk %ntention&, Journal of managerial Psychology 1'(2)* 12+,3-. [2] Ra./unat/an, R. an$ !/am, 0. 1111, All ne.atie moo$s a"e not e2ual* 0otiation influences of an3iet4 an$ sa$ness on $ecision makin.&, Organizational human behavior and Human decision process -1 (1)* 5+,--.[3] 6uce, 0. 111', 7/oosin. to Aoi$* 7o#in. 8it/ ne.atie emotion la$en consume" $ecisions&, The Journal of Consumer Research 29(9)* 901,33.[9] Jones, R. & :eo".e, 0. 111', The role of affect in managerial information processing and decision making, !a#e" #"esente$ at t/e Aca$em4 of 0ana.ement, San ;ie.o, 7A.[5] >le.com=a"ticles=t/e,"ole,of,emotions,in,4ou",$ecision,makin../tml.[+] ?3fo"$ ;ictiona"ies, efinition of emotion, ie8e$ 2013, /tt#*==o3fo"$$ictiona"ies.com=$efinition=en.lis/=emotion.[-] %sen, A.0., & 0eans, @. 11'3. "The influence of positive affect on decision!making strategy#$ Social co.nition, 2(1), 1',31.1HA26