emotional management in the workplace means: unlocking creativity, innovation, and satisfaction


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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Unlocking creativity, innovation, and satisfaction

Enjoy HEARTMONY Services

• Heartmony services are specifically designed to help individuals maintain health and energy within an increasingly stressful corporate world!

Corporate Heartmony Programs

•Heartmony seminar

•Heartmony membership

•Heartmony workshop

Heartmony seminar

½ hour for free information regarding :

Cardiac Coherence Heart Rythm Variability and Objective test to measure stress

Heartmony Membership • A membership represents a real opportunity for each employee/manager to

follow a complete and personalized program, with immediate results on a long term:

CoCard Essential• Heartmony Preventive Anti-stress Management Program Membership –

teach you how to transform emotional and mental energy into new ,satisfying feelings and intelligent perceptions that ease the stress, give the power over the automatic stress response .

CoCard Relief • Heartmony Curative Stress Management Program Membership – focused

on managing the emotional virus. The virus eats away commitment and team work, blocks creativity and innovation, increase costs, and diminishes profits.

CoCard Group• Group Counseling/Therapy Membership – guarantees a complete

mental, physical and emotional comfort.

CoCard EssentialChose the CoCard Essential and you will be able to prevent serious future diseases, absenteeism and turnover of your personnel!

• Personal Psycho Somatic test evaluation• 6 sessions 50 min. each for stress relief during 3 months ,

– based on learning to control emotion– based on learning to change heart rhythm pattern and create a

physiological coherence – based on preventing stress by becoming aware of when the stress

response starts and by stopping it in the moment – based on using Freeze Frame interactive learning system, real time

heart rhythm monitor– based on using Quick Coherence Technique

• personal psycho somatic stress test reevaluation• 1 follow up session at 3 months

CoCard Relief(1)

Chose the CoCard Relief and you will cure your employees from:

• a constant overwhelm experience ,• a quiet desperation, and dissatisfation in their jobs • high blood pressure• high cholesterol • immune deficit, etc and you will have employees eager to be involved in future business projects.

Control the emotional toxic work environment and you will control business results!

CoCard Relief(2)

• General health check up , EKG, specific lab tests for stress evaluation• Personal psycho somatic stress test evaluation • 6 sessions 50 min. each personal counseling • 6 sessions 75 min. each based on

– learning to control emotion– learning to change heart rhythm pattern and create a physiological

coherence– preventing stress by becoming aware of when the stress response

starts and by stopping it in the moment – using Freeze Frame interactive learning system, real time heart

rhythm monitor– Quick Coherence Technique

• Personal psycho somatic stress test reevaluation• 1 follow up session at 3 months • 1 follow up session at 6 months

CoCard Group

Benefits of group counseling/therapy:

• Exploring issues in a social context more accurately reflects real life. • Group therapy provides an opportunity to observe and reflect on your own

and others' social skills. • Group therapy provides an opportunity to benefit both through active

participation and through observation. • Group therapy offers an opportunity to give and get immediate feedback

about concerns, issues and problems affecting one's life. • Group therapy members benefit by working through personal issues in a

supportive, confidential environment and by helping others to work through theirs.

• Group therapy : minimum 6 , maximum 10 person

Heartmony services are unique


Objective Test to measure STRESS: Heart Rate Variability ---Freeze Frame interactive learning programm

• 15 years medical research – best test of body’s autonomic nervous system• No placebo influence – therapy selected must change HRV to be successful• Baseline evaluation• Real time feedback• Measures progress

Organisational benefits

• increased productivity and performance • reduced turnover • improved employee satisfaction and engagement • improved customer loyalty • decreased health care utilization • decreased absenteeism and sick leave • create a coherent organizational climate• emphasize emotional wellness as a life style within corporate


Individual benefits

Improve: • cognitive function • creativity• emotional well-being • physiological health • blood pressure • cardiovascular function • immune system

Heartmony Workshop

Based on the latest innovations from neuroscience and cardiovascular medicine, the Freeze-Framer software gives you instant feedback on how you're performing--and teaches you how to quickly boost your performance--utilizing Heart Rate Variability (HRV), a key measure and predictor of overall health and vitality.

Heartmony Workshop (1)

In this four hour workshop, you will learn

• Tools to be less reactive, think clearly and make good decisions, especially under pressure.

• How to improve health, stamina and well-being; maintain personal balance and avoid stress and burnout.

• The most up-to-date scientific information on the heart's role in boosting performance and intelligence, and how to achieve the optimal performance zone

• Techniques that transform your physiological response to stress, enabling you to quickly re-balance mind, body and emotions for greater intelligence, creativity, decision-making and communication skills.

Heartmony Workshop (2)

In this four hour workshop, you will learn:

• All the functions, games and educational content of the Freeze-Framer to maximize your learning experience, while boosting your health and performance.

Participant materials include:• Program guidebook

• Freeze-Framer software/hardware system training

• emWave personal stress reliever training and guidebook


«In today’s fast-paced business world , the goal of controlling stress and achiving a sense of emotional regulation the HEARTMONY SERVICES could prove to be an extremly valuable treatment alternative to doctor –and self-prescribed medicines and drugs.»

Ariadna Avram, General manager Top Diagnostic

«If you want to learn how to live authentically from the heart in a way that gives you control over your response to a chaotic and changing world use HEARTMONY SERVICES»

Ana Drughean, Dr. Arhitect, sef lucrari, fac. de Arhitectura

«At HEARTMONY CLINIC I found out that heart is the major reactor to stress, the key to understanding harmony between body, mind and emotion. Noting is more critical to life and health than transforming stress into a positive influence. HEARTMONY SERVICES provide that path to transformation»

• Sorin Stelea, Marketing director Ludan Engineering

Call to action

Stress costs!

Stress kills!

Stress must be managed!Take action!

15 Ialomicioarei street,sector 1, Bucharest

tel/fax: (+40)21 - [email protected]


HEARTMONY is waiting for your
