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Www.emmanuelclovis.org July, 2013 Emmanuel Lutheran Church Clovis T HE G RAPEVINE Dear Christian friend, You already know the story, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded. The second and third Presidents of the United States were John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. These men were good friends in their youth, but after Adams was replaced by Jefferson, political disagreements separated them and they never saw each other again. They were eventually reconciled in the last 14 years of their lives and exchanged many affectionate letters. When John Adams died at the age of 91, his last words were, "Thomas Jefferson still lives." But this was incorrect. You see, at the age of 83, during his last hours in his home in Monticello, VA, Jefferson passed in and out of consciousness. In 1826, just a few hours before Adams died, Jefferson died surrounded by friends and family. His last words were, "Is it the 4th?" After he heard, "Yes," he breathed his last. Amazingly, the final words of these two Founding Fathers were uttered on the same day--July 4-- and on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. It's really breathtaking to realize this is the 237th anniversary of that world-changing day. Whenever I hear someone say how proud they are to be an American, I am reminded of the words of Christian singer Wayne Watson. Watson says, "The older I get, the less there is to be proud of and the more there is to be thankful for. Most of it has been the blessing of God. So my ‘thankfulness’ list is growing much longer while my ‘proud’ list is becoming much shorter." Watson is right on target. I don't know about you, but I can say without a moment's hesitation that I am so thankful for our nation. I was born here, so America was a gift to me. Being a citizen here wasn’t something I achieved or earned. It just happened. It was an accident of birth. But I consider myself one blessed person. In Paul's letter to the Galatians, freedom, or liberty, is a big word. Paul talks about the freedom that Christ brings. Let me be more specific. Paul exclaimed that salvation was by faith alone. Being reborn as a citizen of God’s kingdom did not come about by works or ceremony—but by what Christ did for us upon the cross. Paul writes, "May I never boast of anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." We have so much to be thankful for on this Independence Day, 2013. We are free, but we also owe a great debt that can never be repaid. There is freedom at the cross of Calvary. "God forbid that I should boast, save in the cross of Christ my God." In His service, Pastor Ed

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July, 2013

Emmanuel Lutheran Church Clovis


Dear Christian friend, You already know the story, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded. The second and third Presidents of the United States were John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. These men were good friends in their youth, but after Adams was replaced by Jefferson, political disagreements separated them and they never saw each other again. They were eventually reconciled in the last 14 years of their lives and exchanged many affectionate letters. When John Adams died at the age of 91, his last words were, "Thomas Jefferson still lives." But this was incorrect. You see, at the age of 83, during his last hours in his home in Monticello, VA, Jefferson passed in and out of consciousness. In 1826, just a few hours before Adams died, Jefferson died surrounded by friends and family. His last words were, "Is it the 4th?" After he heard, "Yes," he breathed his last. Amazingly, the final words of these two Founding Fathers were uttered on the same day--July 4--and on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. It's really breathtaking to realize this is the 237th anniversary of that world-changing day. Whenever I hear someone say how proud they are to be an American, I am reminded of the words of Christian singer Wayne Watson. Watson says, "The older I get, the less there is to be proud of and the more there is to be thankful for. Most of it has been the blessing of God. So my ‘thankfulness’ list is growing much longer while my ‘proud’ list is becoming much shorter." Watson is right on target. I don't know about you, but I can say without a moment's hesitation that I am so thankful for our nation. I was born here, so America was a gift to me. Being a citizen here wasn’t something I achieved or earned. It just happened. It was an accident of birth. But I consider myself one blessed person. In Paul's letter to the Galatians, freedom, or liberty, is a big word. Paul talks about the freedom that Christ brings. Let me be more specific. Paul exclaimed that salvation was by faith alone. Being reborn as a citizen of God’s kingdom did not come about by works or ceremony—but by what Christ did for us upon the cross. Paul writes, "May I never boast of anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." We have so much to be thankful for on this Independence Day, 2013. We are free, but we also owe a great debt that can never be repaid. There is freedom at the cross of Calvary. "God forbid that I should boast, save in the cross of Christ my God." In His service,

Pastor Ed

July, 2013, Emmanuel Lutheran Church www.emmanuelclovis.org





Suzanne Garcia

On Sunday, June 2, 2013, during the 9 am service, the new Governance

Board members Ross Young, and Suzanne Garcia were installed.

On Sunday, June 9th, Ross and Suzanne met with President of the Board,

Darrell Strickler for their orientation. They went over the responsibilities of

the trustees and were given the opportunity to ask any questions they had.

Our next Board meeting will be on June 18th, 2013.

If we have omitted your birth date or anniversary date or have the wrong date listed, please call the church office with the

corrected information. Please accept our apology and HAVE A GREAT DAY IN THE LORD! THANK YOU.

God’s Blessings and Our Congratulation’s

July Birthdays July Anniversaries

7/02 Matt Weber

7/06 Flo Lilke

7/08 Cristy Mc Nicholas

7/08 Shemaiah Golden

7/09 Elizabeth Powell

7/11 Nicholas Alexander

7/12 Lloyd Shaffer

7/15 Lauri Young

7/16 Jeremy Danielson

7/18 Kathryn McDonald

7/19 Anita Hannickel

7/24 Keisha Watkins

7/24 Curtis Chow

7/26 Art Howansky

7/29 Alexandra Luna

7/30 Sarah Ariaz

7/30 Linda Vangsycha

Helene & Mike Kipp 7/13/1986 27 years

Suzanne & Gene Garcia 7/20/1982 31 years

Joy & Kem Cunningham 7/25/1981 32 years

Prayer, Praise & Bible Study!

We meet Mondays at 9 am

for fellowship, Study of the

book of Ecclesiastes and

to Praise our Lord, and

to pray for whatever may be on

our hearts.

Ju ly, 2013, Emmanuel Lutheran Church www.emmanuelc lovis.o rg

Mission Statement:

Inspired by the holy spirit, we share His love and invite people to Christ by proclaiming and living the Good News.


Doug Richardson Ross Young

Darrell Strickler Suzanne Garcia Sandra Lucero


July 7th HOLY COMMUNION 9:00 Worship Service & Kids Church 10:30 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Youth Bible Study Adult Study July 14th 9:00 Worship Service & Kids Church 10:30 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Youth Bible Study Adult Study July 21st HOLY COMMUNION 9:00 Worship Service & Kids Church 10:30 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Youth Bible Study Adult Study July 28th 9:00 Worship Service & Kids Church 10:30 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Youth Bible Study Adult Study

EMMANUEL OFFICE Cristy McNicholas, Office Manager

(559) 298-0725 [email protected]

Office Hours: Mon.—Fri 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 pm


Electronic Fund Transfer is available! You can have your

Tithes/Offerings automatically withdrawn from either your

checking or saving account and given to Emmanuel. There are many benefits to Emmanuel,

as well as to our members and friends. It is safe and

secure. For more information, please contact Mike Kipp at 447-9369, or you can email

him at [email protected].


Women of Grace have been involved and will continue to be involved in preparing for a Christmas Boutique hosted at our church on Saturday, November 9th. We have and will be having several craft sessions until the event. We welcome all ladies to join us to give suggestions or participate in current craft projects. There are a number of ways you can help if you are not “that crafty person”. We welcome gift baskets and baked or canned goods for the event. It would also be great for the men to set up a kiosk with beverages and baked goods for sale. Linda Miller is the chairperson for the event if you have questions. Lutheran Campus Ministries collects shoe boxes similar to Good Samaritan Ministries, but these boxes are given to needy children in our community. There is a box under the coffee cart where items will be collected throughout the year. We will be assembling these boxes with the ladies from Redeemer Lutheran. Please see Lynette Burgasser if you have questions or would like to be involved. Our ladies love BUNCO and are ready for another game on Saturday, July 13th, 1:00 PM at the home of Karen Krueger. If you’ve got an itching in your hand to throw some dice, please join us. We will hold another Craft Day on Saturday, July 27th at 9:00 AM in the church house. Please join us.

I don’t know about you, but I had never acknowledged to myself that God really loves me until Pastor Ed’s sermon a few weeks ago. I am really amazed at the realization of the breadth of God’s Love for me. I always thought “oh yeah God loves us all,” however, feeling very unlovable, I never felt it was meant for me. It has really changed the way I feel toward God. He loves you too!

Editorial Staff of the Grapevine Cristy McNicholas, Sandy Wisener,

Elizabeth Bombini and Marlene Coffman Suzanne Garcia and Lee Cates

CALL TO PRAYER Join CPR on Wednesdays at 12:00 noon for an hour of prayer for our church, our country , our state, county, city, schools, and safety organizations as well as fellow congregation members. Whatever we feel called to pray for. This is so important, you don’t have to pray aloud, just be willing to say the AMEN. “Wherever two or more are gathered in My Name . . . “

Volunteer to be a counter.

We Need You


The Emmanuel Prayer Chain is led by Helene Kipp. If you or someone

you know needs prayer, Helene can be reached by phone 447-9369 or

e-mail [email protected].

Join a small group this summer!

You will be glad you did.

Has God given you any talents? I’ll bet he has! Are you using them. Do you volunteer for small jobs at Emmanuel? I pray you do, because the more volunteers we have the smaller the duties become. Please think about volunteering inside your church or outside your church there are many organizations needing you. You will feel sooo good.

July, 2013, Emmanuel Lutheran Church www.emmanuelclovis.org July, 2013, Emmanuel Lutheran Church www.emmanuelclovis.org

June 1 Talent Show

July, 2013, Emmanuel Lutheran Church www.emmanuelclovis.org

June 1 Talent Show

Were you there? Did you See? I hope you didn’t miss it, it was really special and greatly entertaining! There are so many talented people in our congregation it’s hard to believe. Magicians, Musicians, Dancers, Poetry Readers, Singers, Artists, Comics, Organizers, Cooks, People who kept things going smoothly and a pretty good audience too. There were several displays of art work in the Narthex, all very good and of different subject matter. Some were of Monsters, some were of pretty girls, some were of robotlike creatures, all kinds of things. The artists were Nick Beck, Rachel McNicholas, Madeline Richard-son, Michelle Vangsycha, Will Vue, and Karina Howansky. Then there were different styles of singers popular music, western music, instrumental music and more. We had dancers doing modern dances, and Hawaiian dances. We had musicians playing the Flute, Horn, Piano, Guitar, and Drums. And to start it all off, we had good food, Hamburgers, and Hot dogs, grilled by Kem with all the fixens, Chips and Drinks. There were cookies and cupcakes for dessert. I’m sorry to say, I don’t know all the contributors to the food part of the entertainment, but I do know that their efforts are greatly appreciated. List of the Talents: Gary and Jill Gerloff, Carl Watkins, Pastor Bill Heidel, Libby Alexander and Meridian Rice, Katy Richardson, Dan McNicholas, Judy Strickler and Carl Watkins, Michael and Michelle Vansycha, Amanda Golden and Alyssa Gonzalez, Samantha Simma and Grace Gerloff, Michelle Vangsycha, Karina Howansky, Pastor Ed Krueger, Alyssa Gonzalez, Keisha and Carl Watkins, Dan McNicholas, Judy Strickler, Kaila Juergens and Annabella Simma. This event was sponsored by the Emmanuel Youth Group who thank all who helped and attended. The Free will offering will go towards the youth fund and the National Youth Gathering trip to San Antonio. Thrivent will provide matching funds. This was one of the most successful events we have had at Emmanuel Thank you God for your blessing this event!!

July, 2013, Emmanuel Lutheran Church www.emmanuelclovis.org

Busy Month of June:

Women of Grace had lots of fun at their Bunco Party on Saturday, June 8th. They brought eats and drinks, and don’t tell anyone, but the prizes were in money! Sshh.

Pastor Ed gives the kids Message.

Pastor looks very happy to tell us “The call is for you.”

Garrett Wimer (Jill’s Dad) entertained us with his harmonica on Saturday night at the Evening Under the Country Stars on June 15th. He’s very talented and has played for us numerous times. Thank you Darrell. Thanks to Don Wright for

playing and singing for us Under the Country Stars also. (We know him as Martha Wilson’s Son) he has performed for us many times before and we all love him.

Doug and Don are really getting into it here! Judy “Stands By Her Man” on his 60th Birthday.

Art is a real artist on the violin, and boy can that man fiddle!!

And another familiar face, Carl Watkins. He plays the guitar and sings the songs right on key, lucky I know the words, cuz I can’t understand a word he’s singin’. Keep it up Carl! We love it! Keisha sings a solo with Art accompanying her

on the violin. There was something for every-one’s taste at the event. Not to mention the wonderful desserts and drinks provided by the Women of Grace. It was a great event!

Look at their faces, you can see they are having fun!

July , 2013, Emmanuel Lutheran Church www.emmanuelc lovis .org

Youth Fund Raiser Remember to SAVE your PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES, & SODA BOTTLES for the green youth trash can located in the Church House. Thank you for supporting our recycling program.

July 7 July 14

July 21 July 28



9:00 am

Neil Hoppus

Scott Linenbroker

Lloyd Shaffer

Ross Young

Mike Golden

Gorden Miller

Darrell Strickler

Todd Weber



10:30 am

Fon Vangsycha

Chad Watkins

Mike Kipp

Gee Vue


9 am

Don Rutherford Vern Meyer

Gordon Miller Fon Vangsycha

Ken Paar

Joshua Daily Mike Kipp

Scott Linenbroker

Chris Watkins Fon Vangsycha Vernon Meyer

Don Rutherford Bob Hammond Pat Hammond

Travis Kirby Neil Hoppus

Ken Paar Fon Vangsycha

Usher 10:30 am

Don Rutherford Vern Meyer

Gordon Miller Fon Vangsycha

Ken Paar

Joshua Daily Mike Kipp

Scott Linenbroker

Chris Watkins Fon Vangsycha Vernon Meyer

Don Rutherford Bob Hammond Pat Hammond

Travis Kirby Neil Hoppus

Ken Paar Fon Vangsycha

Acolytes 9 am

Amanda Golden Stephen Gerloff Libby Alexander Madeline Richardson

Info Booth 9 am

Suzanne Garcia Chris Watkins Sandy Wisener Chris Watkins

Info Booth 10:30 am

Suzanne Garcia Chris Watkins Sandy Wisener Chris Watkins

Counters Don Rutherford Darrell Strickler

Irene Stinson Sandra Lucero

Travis Kirby


Our Praise Team: Jill and Gary Gerloff, Judy Strickler, Keisha Watkins, Amanda Hutto, Randy Alvarez, Doug

Richardson, Carolyn Baten, Darrin Lowenthal, Joy Cunningham and Art Howansky. Contact Jill if you are

interested in joining.


Please call your team leader. For the info booth it is Chris Watkins, 297-4922 ([email protected]), for

Communion Servers it is Mike Kipp 447-9369, Counters and Greeters, let them know at the Church.

Want to raise extra money for

Emmanuel? Just turn in your empty

inkjet cartridges to our church office for


Cards are Available at Information

Desk to use at Save Mart, FoodMax

grocery stores to Get 5% credit for

Emmanuel Ask about them.

Ju ly, 2013, Emmanuel Lutheran Church www.emmanuelc lovis.o rg

“Serving With Joy”

(9:00 service only)

Summer Lesson Plan

Sunday School Hour July 7th The Case of the Missing Scroll

(10:30 – 11:30 am) July 14th The Case of the Old Bed

July 21st VBS Sunday

July 28th The Case of Oil & Bandages

Lesson Themes for July


July 7th Workers Build the Temple

July 14th Naaman’s Servant Girl

July 21st VBS Sunday

July 28th Joseph, the Father

VBS Kingdom Rock

July 15-19th 5:30-8:30pm

5:00-5:30pm Optional Lite Dinner

$5.00 per family per night per meal

July Movie Night canceled.

Please give your child's Sunday school teacher Chris McCracken, Amanda Hutto and Mrs.Esther some extra thanks and gratitude for teaching you child about Jesus every Sunday.

If anyone is interested in helping with movie night each month please inform myself or Tony of your interest. We would love for you to be part of our ministry. We would be able to reach more families in the community by offering this event more often than just once per month.

Thank you, Jeska & Tony Garofalo

Directors of Children's Ministries

Ju ly, 2013, Emmanuel Lutheran Church www.emmanuelc lovis.o rg

Thank You Emmanuel for helping the Youth reach their goal for San Antonio. Please pray the Lord will bless the service projects, strengthen the faith of all who attend and give us safe passage.

Emmanuel You are Awesome! Linda, Michelle, Lissa, Rachel, Helene, Dan and Cristy.

Pick up SaveMart cards at the Hospitality table in the Narthex.

Helene Kipp

Ju ly, 2013, Emmanuel Lutheran Church www.emmanuelc lovis.o rg

Judy Strickler

Date: Thursday, July 11th

Time: 7:00pm

Location: The New Emmanuel Church

785 N. Fowler (off Hwy 168, on Fowler/Alluvial)

Clovis, CA 93611

Contact Number: 559-299-7339

Contact E-mail: [email protected]

Ju ly, 2013, Emmanuel Lutheran Church www.emmanuelc lovis.o rg

Country Music Event

Saturday, July 20th

6:00 pm

It will be inside with Guests

Tim Dooley on Bass and Donna Lou on Fiddle

July 13th

At the Church House

8:00 a.m.

Come Join Us!

New 6-week Bible Study

"Heaven and Hell"

The Edge of Eternity

Begins June 30th

10:30 am

Church House Fire Side room

'Faith on the Edge' Series

Begins June 30th

10:30 am

Church House Fire Side room

'Faith on the Edge' Series

Ju ly, 2013, Emmanuel Lutheran Church www.emmanuelc lovis.o rg

E m m a n u e l V B S

J u l y 1 5 - 1 9 t h

5 : 3 0 – 8 : 3 0 p m

Kids ages 4-12 are invited to our week-long summer Bible camp. Activities include: Music, Crafts, Games, Snack, and Bible stories.

Pre-School group for ages 4 to Kindergarten (20 max)

(optional) We are offering a light supper from 5-5:30 pm

Cost $5 / family each evening

Coordinators – Tony & Jeska Garofalo

Register online – www.emmanuelclovis.org

If you are interested in helping out with –

Registration, Crafts, Pre-school, Music, Snacks, Bible Stories… We have openings for you.

Contact Tony or Jeska - [email protected] or call Church office – 298-0725

Volunteer Training Date: June 30th 12-1pm in Narthex Please plan to attend if you have not attended previous meeting

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9 a.m. Bible Study in the

Church House

12:30 Sm. Group Ch House


9:30 Staff Meeting


12 noon CPR Group

6 pm Praise Team Rehearsal 6:30 pm New Heart






7 Communion 9 AM WORSHIP 10:30 WORSHIP 10:30 Sunday School Youth Adult Bible Studies 5, 6 pm Sm. Group


9 a.m. Bible Study in the

Church House

12:30 Sm. Group Ch House

7 pm Thrivent


9:30 Staff Meeting


12 noon CPR Group

6 pm Praise Team Rehearsal 6:30 pm New Heart


7 pm Juice Plus



8 am Men’s Breakfast Bunco 1 pm at the Krueger’s House

14 9 AM WORSHIP 10:30 WORSHIP 10:30 Sunday School Youth Adult Bible Studies 5, 6 pm Sm. Group


6 pm Sm. Group


9:30 Staff Meeting


12 noon CPR Group 6 pm Praise Team Rehearsal 6:30 pm New Heart




Country Music Event 6 pm

21 Communion 9 AM WORSHIP 10:30 WORSHIP 10:30 Sunday School Youth Adult Bible Studies 5, 6 pm Sm. Group


9 a.m. Bible Study in the

Church House

12:30 Sm. Group Ch House


9:30 Staff Meeting


12 noon CPR Group 6 pm Praise Team Rehearsal 6:30 pm New Heart






Women of Grace Craft Day at Church House 9 am

28 9 AM WORSHIP 10:30 WORSHIP 10:30 Sunday School Youth Adult Bible Studies 5, 6 pm Sm. Group


9 a.m. Bible Study in the

Church House

12:30 Sm. Group Ch House


9:30 Staff Meeting

31 12 noon CPR Group 6 pm Praise Team Rehearsal 6:30 pm New Heart

Aug 1 Aug 2

Aug 3

Ju ly , 2013, Emmanuel Lutheran Church www.emmanuelc lov is.org

JULY 2013

Newsletter Deadline

5:00 P.M. Vacation Bible School

Prayer for Nation

Cristy Out of Town

LCMS Youth Gathering