emerging social media practices by product companies

Emerging Social Media Practices by Product Companies 7 th May 2011, Mumbai #smcmum

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SMC meet themed around 'Emerging/Best Social Media Practices by Product Companies' . Objective: a) Learnings and takeaways for SMCM community/audience b) Feedback & gyan for product cos. from the club members, strategists & experts present at the venue. Products & Speakers: a) Sahil Parikh - DeskAway.com b) Sahil Khan - Yolkshire c) Nitin Jain- Hokey Pokey Ice Cream


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Emerging Social Media Practices by Product


7th May 2011, Mumbai


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Emerging Social Media Practices by Product Companies

Sahil Parikh Nitin Jain Sahil Khan

Moderated By: Lavin Mirchandani

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•Founder of DeskAway, Author of The SaaS Edge

• DeskAway: project collaboration & track service

• SaaS/ Cloud

• Target Market – Teams

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• Young Brand with 15 outlets across 4 cities .

• Serving Super Premium Grade Ice creams.

• Helping Customers make their own ice creams using Cold Stone.

•Building an Experience around Ice Creams.

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Key Objectives

• Pushy sales and Marketing – No! No!    

• Create Awareness or Lead Generation

• Conversations in a virtual world

• Aligning with people with like-minded interests

• News wire

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Key Objectives

•To increase brand visibility

•To increase brand encounter

•To engage current and new fan base

•This was done through good creative’s and a healthy social media strategy

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Key Objectives

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Emerging Social Media Practices by Product Companies

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• Do you have a strategy when you go to a social eventor a party (unless you want to ‘pick up’ a chick ?)

• Just open up conversations and see where they go

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• What your story?

• Aligning what you do and wish to achieve with the operations within?

• Stakeholders?

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Emerging Social Media Practices by Product Companies

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Tactics: Tools and Platforms

• Twitter  (coupons, helpdesk, tweet about workproductivity, email overload, success stories etc.

• Blog

• Google analytics and UTM, Hootsuite

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Tactics: Awareness

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Tactics: Product Launches

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Tactics: Feedback + Candid

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Tactics: Inside Scoop

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Tactics: Slurrp

Campaign Creative’s

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Emerging Social Media Practices by Product Companies

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What worked and what hasn’t?

• Facebook hasn't worked as a conversion medium.  • Twitter has given us 5-7% of our total traffic in the last 2 years. 9-12% converted.

• Last 2 years 50% of our traffic has come from blogs/referring site.

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What worked and what hasn’t?• A lot of competitions and contests were run on a daily basis on Facebook, where we gave out daily free vouchers for ice cream creations

• On twitter we were trying to woo our fans with cool Ice cream facts and discount coupons

• YouTube was employed to showcase the innovative juggling concept, the way we serve ice creams

• There was no specific one centralized strategy which could encapsulate the activities, but a mix of lot of innovative content combined with cool creative’s fetched us the engagement

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What worked and what hasn’t?

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Emerging Social Media Practices by Product Companies

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Key Metrics

• Measure clicks on Hootsuite, followers, engagement

• Seeing an increase in direct traffic

• The buzz grows overtime

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Return on Influence



•300 Active Followers https://twitter.com/hokeypokeyindia

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Measuring Success: HOW & WHAT

• What should we look at- the important parameters?

• What is I in ROI: Investment /Influence / …?

• Is SM a channel to sell? How effective when offline?

• LBS worked for footfalls? Coupon redemption?

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Emerging Social Media Practices by Product Companies

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Current status

• Going to stick with Twitter. Easy to update via the phone and doesn’t require much time.

• Social Media is just a small part of your overall marketing strategy.

• ROI is hard to measure. Don’t sweat it.

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What We Earned•Brand visibility and awareness•A deep relationship with consumers •New Product development and feedback •People got to know where exactly the outlets are located by asking on facebook, twitter•High Brand encounter •High Brand affinity

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What We Earned

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