embryotic development & stages of development!

Embryotic Development & Stages of Development! Embryoti c Developm ent Stages of Develo pment Qu iz Hom e Hi! I’m Tommy Pickles! To get started, click on ‘Embryotic Development’ or if you want to jump ahead, click ‘Stages of Development’. When you’re ready to see what you’ve learned, click on ‘Quiz’. You can find your way back here by clicking the ‘Home’ symbol. Have fun! Before you do anything, check out this video!

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Hi! I’m Tommy Pickles! To get started, click on ‘Embryotic Development’ or if you want to jump ahead, click ‘Stages of Development’. When you’re ready to see what you’ve learned, click on ‘Quiz’. You can find your way back here by clicking the ‘Home’ symbol. Have fun!. Embryotic Development . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

Embryotic Development Stages

of DevelopmentQuiz


Hi! I’m Tommy Pickles! To get started, click on ‘Embryotic Development’ or if you want to jump ahead, click ‘Stages of Development’. When you’re ready to see what you’ve learned, click on ‘Quiz’. You can find your way back here by clicking the ‘Home’ symbol. Have fun!

Before you do anything, check out this video!

Page 3: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

What happens at the beginning of the Germinal Stage?

• The sperm and egg unite in one of the fallopian tubes

• The fertilized egg (zygote) moves toward the uterus where it will begin cell division and growth

• What is the purpose of Cell division in the germinal stage? • The zygote divides into two cells, then four, then eight, and so on

• As the cells multiply, they will take on distinctive masses: outer cells will become the placenta while the inner cells will become the embryo

• The cells develop into blastocyst

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Germinal Stage Continued

• Implantation occurs when the blastocyst attaches to the uterus wall

• How can we tell that implantation has been successful? – Hormonal changes halt a woman’s menstrual cycle and

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Lets Review the Germinal Stage!

Click on the screen once you think you know the answers!

2.) When does it occur?

1.) The sperm unites with what?

3.) What is the fertilized egg called?

• Egg

• The first two weeks

• Zygote

Page 6: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

The Embryotic Stage • The mass of cells is now called an embryo

• The embryo divides into 3 layers that will eventually become the body systems

• 22 days after conception, the spinal chord and brain begin to form • Four weeks in, the head, eyes, nose and ears and mouth form

• Five weeks in, arms and legs begin to form • Cardiovascular system is the first body system to start working

• All basic organs have formed at 8 weeks and the embryo weighs about 1 gram

Page 7: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

Lets Review the Embryotic Stage

3.) What is the mass of cells called?

1.) How many layers does it divide into?

2.) How long does it take for the brain to being to form?

• 3

• 22

• Embryo

Page 8: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

The Fetal Stage• This stage lasts from 9 weeks until birth.

• At 3 months the sex organs begin to appear

• The end of the 3rd month marks the end of the first semester

• The second trimester is months 4-6

• The fetus grows drastically during this stage

• At week 28, the brain begins to mature quickly

Page 10: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

Lets Review the Fetal Stage

3.) How long does this stage last?

2.) When does the first trimester end?

1.) When happens at 28 weeks?

• The brain matures

• The end of the 3rd month

• 9 weeks – birth

Page 11: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

Stages of Human

Development Click on a stage to learn more about it!

Birth- 1 month

2-3 Months

4-6 months

7-9 months

10-12 months

1 year – 1 ½ years

1 ½ years – 2 years

Review Page

Page 12: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

Birth – 1 month • They feed 5-8 times per day• • Have 20 hours of sensory capacity

• Makes distinctions in vision, hearing, smelling, temperature, and pain

• Emotional capacity is only generalized tension

• Fed by mother

• Helpless

• Asocial

Page 13: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

2 months – 3 months • Visually can see color

• Visual and oral explanation• Cries, coo’s, and grunts

• Has control of eye muscle and head • Can emotionally feel distress

• Can smile • Can be soothed by rocking

Page 14: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

4 months- 6 months • Can localize sound• Can babble

• Can make vowel sounds • Fed 3-5 times per day

• Can roll over • Can grasp things

• Controls head and arm movement • Recognizes mother• Enjoys being cuddled

Page 16: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

1 year – 1 ½ years • Creeps up stairs

• Walks 10-20 minutes• Can start to scribble with crayon

• Dependent behavior • Doesn’t like separation from mother

• Fear of bath time • Obeys limited commands• Repeats a few words

• Responds to mirror images of himself • Feeds himself

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1 ½ years – 2 years • Can run and kick a ball

• Capable of bladder and bowel control • Vocabulary of more than 200 words

• Sleeps 12 hours a night • Takes 1-2 hour nap

• Can throw temper tantrums • Does opposite of what he is told

Page 18: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

Lets Review!

See if you can recall the information from the previous slides!

2-3 months

4-6 months

10-12 months

1 -1 ½ years

1 ½ years – 2 years

Can roll over

Sits without support


Feeds itself

Emotional capacity of only generalized tension

Can be soothed by rocking

Capable of bladder control

Birth- 1 month

7-9 months

Page 20: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

When does the germinal stage of prenatal development occur?

A. First five weeks

B. First 2 weeks

C. Last 6 week s

D. The whole first trimester

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Correct! Great Job!

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Page 23: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

In the Embryotic stage, the embryo divides into 3 layers. What will these layers eventually become?

A. Major body systems

B. Feet

C. Hair

D. Teeth

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Page 26: Embryotic Development & Stages of Development!

When does the Fetal Stage Occur?

A. 6-10 weeks

B. 0-8 weeks

C. 0-28 days

D. 9 weeks- birth

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How many hours of sensory capacity does a baby from birth to 1 month have?

A. 18

B. 10

C. 20

D. 60

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At what stage can babies feel emotional distress?

A. 6-8 months

B. 2 months – 3 months

C. 1-2 months

D. 3-8 months

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What stage does a baby start babbling?

A. 4-6 months

B. 10-12 weeks

C. 8-12 weeks

D. 1-3 months

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At what stage do babies begin to crawl?

A. 0-6 months

B. 2-3 months

C. 9-12 months

D. 7-9 months

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At 10-12 months, how many words can a baby say?

A. 50

B. 1-2

C. 200

D. 7,500,000

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When do babies start to show dependent behavior?

A. 6 months

B. 2 years

C. 1 year- 1 ½ years

D. 0-3 months

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At 1 ½ years – 2 years, how many hours a night do babies sleep?

A. 12

B. 16

C. 24

D. 0

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10 months – 12 months • Control of legs and feet

• Stands • Apposition of thumb and fore finger

• Can say one or two words• Imitates sounds

• Responds to simple commands • On average 3 meals a day • Sleeps 12 hours with naps

• Can experience affection, fear of strangers, curiosity and exploration• Responds to own name• Can wave goodbye