embellish bureau

A Project Seminar On BY Under the Guidance of Mr.Murtaza Khan Associate Professor Dept. Of CSE V.Rajkamal N.Shyam Sundar M.A.Muqeez Kaleem 08M21A05C0 08M21A05A1 09M25A0501

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It is about displaying advertisement for web users


Page 1: Embellish bureau

A Project Seminar On


Under the Guidance of

Mr.Murtaza KhanAssociate Professor

Dept. Of CSE

V.Rajkamal N.Shyam Sundar M.A.Muqeez Kaleem08M21A05C0 08M21A05A1 09M25A0501

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This application allows the administrator us to manage the members through registration. He can also manage the categories and he has the right to place a new on his own , edit the add or delete the add.

It allows the administrator to manage important links information, yellow pages and he can store the ad management tasks using this application, assign the tasks to different employees and check their status.

We need assign the tasks and get status of the tasks from an employee manually.

We can track the tasks related to our ad business very easily from online.

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Existing System

Ad info can accessible for the customers of our new paper Allows to post limited no of ads Difficulty in managing different ads in different categories Difficulty in updated the new links for each and every time Difficulty in updated the yellow pages information Difficulty in managing daily business activities of the company Difficulty in tracking the tasks.

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Proposed system

• Posting the ads in a portal which the customers can access from online

Posting new links and yellows info which the customer can utilize from Online

Allows to company to efficient manage their tasks

Allows the company to manage their agents and observe the business through an agent.

Allows to categorize the ads which customers to find out the Information very easily . 

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Software Requirements:

Operating System : Windows XP with SP2 Technology : Java/J2EE(JDBC, Servlets,

JSP) Web Technologies : Html, JavaScript, CSS Web Server : Apache Tomcat5.0.25 Database : MY SQL 5.0 Software’s : JDK1.5

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System Design:UML DiagramsUse Case Diagram:

A use case describes a set of sequences , in which each sequence indicates the relation with outside things. A use case involves the interaction of actors and the system. In this diagram, one actors and ten use cases are used. Use cases are WebPages, login, edit and delete. Admin has association relationship with WebPages, login, edit and delete. User has association relationship with WebPages

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Class DiagramClass Diagram are used for visualizing , specifying and documenting the structural modeling. The class diagrams consists of four things , they are classes , interfaces , collaboration , relationships. The purpose of a class diagram is to depict the classes within a model. In an object oriented application, classes have attributes (member variables), operations (member functions) and relationships with other classes.

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Activity Diagram

In this activity diagram, initial state and final state are used between which action states are used that are create ad, edit ad ,delete ad,post ad,logout and a rhombus is used which indicates whether the customer is valid or not. If he is valid following operations take place, if not it will not be validated.

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Sequence Diagram

In this sequence diagram, four objects are used that are member, project manager , my classifieds & details. Member first registers to the project manager which in turns sends acknowledgement. The member login to my classifieds add new data. Then member logout from my classified.

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Deployment Diagram

The deployment diagram shows how the components of the completed system are physically related (i.e. what hardware will the system be running on and how will it all be connected).Each node represents a computational unit such as a piece of hardware. The connections between the nodes show the system interaction paths.

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Modules Home link Admin Module Registration Module My Classifieds Module My ad Module Ad Info Member Info My info

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Home Link Admin Module

• This module is about an Administrator who maintains this application.

• This module allows Administrator to add all objects to this application.

• The entire application is under control of an Administrator.

• In home link panel the administrator will first need to login and then he will search for a particular name if it is approved then the links will be displayed.

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Home Link Panel

In home link panel the administrator will first need to login and then he will search for a particular name if it is approved then the links will be displayed.

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Registration Module

This module is about registration. Through this module the user can register to the

Ad Express.The registration panel consists of login, password

,name , email, location , work phone.The registered user can access to the portal.

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Registration Panel

• In registration panel,

• the user can register to the Ad Express.

• The registration panel consists of login, password ,name , email, location , work phone.

• The registered user can access to the portal.

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My Classifieds Module

• In my classified panel the administrator login with the username & email then the administrator ads will be displayed in my ads.

• This module is used for ads.

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My Classifieds ModuleIn my classified

panel the administrator login with the username & email then the administrator ads will be displayed in my ads.

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My Ad ModuleIn My Ad Module administrator will store his

own desired ads.Administrator will access , modify the ads &

also it can create new ads.

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My Ad PanelIn My Ad Module administrator will store his own desired ads.Administrator will access , modify the ads & also it can create new ads.

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Ad Info ModuleIn ad info panel administrator can add new

ad to adxpress.Ad info panel contains

ad#,name,price,dateposted,category,description, member info and ads.

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Ad Info Panel

In ad info panel administrator can add new ad to adxpress.Ad info panel contains ad#, name,price,dateposted, category,description,member info and ads.

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Member info Panel

In member info panel administrator login with name admin id and e-mail ,then the member ads details will be displayed.

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My Info Module

• In my info panel it contains information of administrator

• Administrator can update his information• My info panel contains login, name,

password. Email, location ,Home phone , work phone.

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My info Panel•In my info panel it contains information of administrator•Administrator can update his information•My info panel contains login, name, password. Email, location ,Home phone , work phone.

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Conclusion and Future work• This project has designed and developed for placing ads

related to different things inside different categories. • A client can place the Ad through an agent.• It can maintain different categories in which it stores the ads

related to that category which helps the customers to find out required information easily.

• It helps getting posting the important links and yellow pages information also from this site which helps a lot for the customer.

• There is also the possibility of a having a section in which the notes of a particular faculty is uploaded for students. If we were to continue with this project, we would implement the above features, and also improve the content management and search features