emarketer webinar: holiday shopping 2014—online trends and forecast

© 2014 eMarketer Inc. Made possible by Holiday Shopping 2014 Online Trends and Forecast Yory Wurmser Retail Analyst September 18, 2014

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Holiday sales are known to make or break retailers, and 2014 is shaping up to be even stronger than last year. Topics in this webinar include: How much will holiday ecommerce and overall sales grow? Is mobile eclipsing desktop in ecommerce? Are beacons and visual search ready for primetime? Will supply chain troubles plague retailers again this year?


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Holiday Shopping 2014

Online Trends and Forecast

Yory Wurmser

Retail Analyst

September 18, 2014

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US ecommerce forecast for 2014 holiday season

Mobile’s expanding role in US ecommerce

Emerging technology trends this season

Fulfillment: Are last year’s shipping issues resolved?

Key takeaways

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US Holiday Ecommerce

Forecast for 2014

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US retail


will grow

16.6% this


season, up

from last


15.3% rise

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accounts for

a growing

share of US

retail sales

during the



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What’s driving this year’s strong ecommerce


1. Greater comfort with mobile buying

2. Improved retail sales overall

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1. More consumers are getting comfortable with

buying on their mobile devices …

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… leading to more mobile sales

US retail

mcommerce sales

will grow 37.3%

in 2014


share of US retail


will reach 19.0%

in 2014

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Mobile shopping plays an even bigger role during

the holiday season

In 2013, Black Friday was the

season’s biggest mobile sales


People bought with their

phones and tablets while

waiting in line

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2. A strong year for ecommerce will mirror an

improved season for US retail sales overall

Source: eMarketer, Sep 2014

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Despite solid sales growth, three factors will

keep retail from excelling this holiday season

Image source: Shutterstock

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1. Slow real-income growth

Real income in

the US is up 2.3%

since Jan. 2014

But it’s down

2.0% overall

since Dec. 2012

Per capita real

income is down

8% since 2007

Source: BEA, Aug. 2014 Twitter – #eMwebinar

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Slow real-income growth leaves consumers


“The big issue is the economy. You’re

not going to see big sales growth

until you see real-income growth.”

—Craig Johnson, president of Consumer

Growth Partners

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2. Retailers overestimated consumer demand in


Image source: Shutterstock

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Retailers are making conservative inventory

choices in 2014

“ [Last year], the conversion rates were

starting to fall below plans, the pricing

pressure started to get significant, and the

promotional levels started to elevate.…

[This year], we’re seeing very, very lean

levels of inventory going into the back half

[of the year]. Retailers would rather

compromise sales for better profitability.”

—Stephanie Wissink, co-director of research and

senior research analyst at Piper Jaffray

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3. 2014 has a short holiday season

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A short season will only marginally affect total

sales but shift retailer and shopper behavior

“ We are going to start seeing

much more aggressive ads a lot

sooner in the year. People tend to

procrastinate and there will just

be fewer days to buy items.”

—Clay Olivier, CEO of Volusion

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Recap: Despite challenges, US retail ecommerce

will have a stellar holiday season

Sales will grow 16.6%, boosted by:

1. More mobile commerce

2. 5.0% year-over-year growth in overall US retail sales

Three factors will hold spending back:

1. Slow real-income growth

2. Cautious retailers

3. Short season

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Mobile’s Ever-Expanding

Role in Holiday Sales

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Mobile sales are still relatively small …


of US retail sales occur on mobile devices

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… but mobile’s impact on shopping is much


In 2014:

145.9 million US mobile


74% of US digital

shoppers shop with their


23 million more

US mobile shoppers

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The majority of US smartphone owners in all age

cohorts shop in-store with their phones

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The influence of mobile shopping on total retail

sales is huge

In the 2014 holiday

season, mobile

shopping (i.e.,

research) before or

during in-store trips will

influence between a

quarter and a half of all

US retail sales,

eMarketer estimates

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Mcommerce sales are still only a small part of total US

retail sales

The majority of US shoppers are mobile shoppers

Mobile will influence between a quarter and half of all

US in-store retail sales this holiday season

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Emerging Technologies

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Ubiquitous mobile shopping is spurring retailers

to test two emerging technologies this season

1. Beacons

2. Visual search

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1. Beacons

Image source: Estimote.com

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Beacons will be more common this year

“ More than half of the top 100 retailers are

actively working with beacon technology

now. They’re in different stages, but all of

them are evaluating, testing, piloting,

trying it out. We’re going to see at least

several retailers announce very large-

scale, public rollouts to support holiday


—Rob Murphy, VP of marketing at Swirl

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HBC is one of the first major retailers to deploy

beacons system-wide

HBC will cover 130 of its

Hudson’s Bay Co. and Lord &

Taylor stores with beacons

Each store will have multiple


Offers will come via HBC apps

and third-party coupon app


Image source: HBC.com

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Third-party apps overcome the limits of branded

retailer apps

Beacon provider Swirl

announced a partnership with


Epicurious app holders will

receive messages when

entering stores of partnering

retailers Image source: iTunes

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eMarketer’s view on beacons this holiday


Retailers will expand experiments with beacons

Direct effect on sales this season will be limited

Beacon’s biggest impact will come via third-party apps

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2) Visual


Image courtesy of Slyce

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Amazon.com’s Firefly jumpstarted visual search

Image source: Yory Wurmser

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Retailers see opportunity in visual search

“ We’re hearing a lot of brands say

that they want to be able to

capitalize on impulse purchasing

at the moment of inspiration

when they see something.”

—Mark Elfenbein, CEO of Slyce

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Target’s In a

Snap, an early

branded visual

search tool:

Works with Target


Does not need QR or

bar codes

More examples

should follow this


Image source: In a Snap

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eMarketer’s view on visual search:

Firefly has ushered in an era of visual search


Firefly and other early versions have limited

functionality, but newer search tools show promise

Until visual search can readily identify objects in the

wild, and from various angles, consumers will not use

it widely

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Will Retailers Avoid Last

Year’s Problems?

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2013: Missed deliveries made headlines

Midwest snowstorms hit

FedEx and UPS hubs

Roughly 33% of major

etailers tracked by Stella

Service missed deliveries

Amazon, Kohl’s and

Nordstrom were among

the retailers affected

Image source: Shutterstock

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Consumers depend on reliability of cutoff dates


deem guaranteed delivery dates important


will look elsewhere after a late delivery Source: CFI Group

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2014: Shippers

are building

networks to avoid

last year’s issues

UPS will hire 90K to 95K

seasonal employees, up

10K from last year

UPS has invested an extra

21% in new technology

and manpower (Source: WSJ)

FedEx also expects to hire

more seasonal workers

Image source: UPS

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It won’t be enough

“ Consumers are increasingly taking

advantage of two-day shipping and

waiting until the last minute to do their

holiday shopping. … The trend is

growing faster than the logistics that

are there to keep up with it.”

—Chris Mason, co-founder of Branding


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Retailers are overcoming the limits of the

shipping network in 3 ways:

1. Distributive


2. In-store pickup

3. A commitment to

removing shipping


Image source: UPS

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1. Distributive


Image source: Shopatron

Online Order

Order management system

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Shipping from stores gives multichannel retailers

a way to fight back against pure plays

“ Distributed technology

is fundamentally the

most resilient and most

diverse system that can

exist. You have two

hands. If you lose one,

you’ve got another


—Ed Stevens, CEO of





of store staff

Reduced shipping


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Distributive fulfillment: Modell’s

Harmonized online and in-store


Began drop-shipping to

increase available styles

and sizes

Added ship-from-store, and

continues to add stores to the


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Image source: Modell’s.com

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2. In-store pickup: Customers can fulfill online

orders themselves

40% of in-store

pickups lead to

additional in-store

purchases (Source: Shopatron)

10% of Target’s

online orders are for

in-store pickup

In-store pickup can

serve last-minute


Image source: Target.com

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Consumers who default to in-store pickup remain

the exception

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3. Successful etailers make it easy for the

shipping companies

Image from Zappos.com

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Zappos.com: Few problems last year despite late

cutoff date

“ Inventorying all product is one

variable of [our success]. We also

have a great relationship with UPS

and are committed within our

company and all of our fulfillment

centers to meet those deadlines and

get those packages out as soon as

possible to our customers.”

—Maura Dailey, senior manager of customer

loyalty at Zappos.com

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Zappos minimizes potential breakdowns

All products in-stock

No drop-shipping

Priority relationships with shippers

Phone reps focus on serviceImage source: Zappos.com

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eMarketer’s viewpoint on fulfillment:

Shippers are better prepared this year

Problems will persist nonetheless, because shoppers

expect quick delivery

Multichannel retailers have an opening to capture

last-minute shoppers via in-store pickup

Forward-looking etailers are simplifying fulfillment

processes and building relationships with shippers

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US retail ecommerce sales will grow 16.6% year-over-year in

the 2014 holiday season

US retail sales overall will have a good season, with sales up

5.0%. But slow income growth and retailer caution will keep

that figure from being even higher

The ubiquity of mobile shopping will convince retailers to test

new technologies that bring the physical and virtual shopping

worlds together (e.g., beacons and visual search)

Fulfillment will remain a challenge, but retailers will turn to

distributive fulfillment, in-store pickup and better coordination

with shippers to mitigate problems

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#1 Ranked eMail Marketing Platform

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Susan Wall|VP, Marketing | Bronto Software

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Bronto’s Holiday Resource Center

Visit Bronto’s Holiday

Resource Center to find

everything a retail marketer

needs for the holidays.

• 2014 Holiday Planning Guide

• Top 12 Marketing Tips for the Holidays

• Interactive plans, checklists and guides

• On-demand holiday webinars, plus much more!


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Tips & Tricks Newsletter

• Expertise from the field

• White papers

• Customer success stories

• Blog posts


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Yory Wurmser

Holiday Shopping 2014

Online Trends and Forecast

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Mortar Stores Embrace Digital

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