emaho! purpose dreams talk invite 2 dec 09

8/14/2019 Emaho! Purpose Dreams Talk Invite 2 Dec 09 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/emaho-purpose-dreams-talk-invite-2-dec-09 1/3 IN TR OD UC TORY TALK K now Your Purpose, Live Your Dreams Did you know that you could be anything you choose to be. Your dreams will take you there! Do you ever wonder ? o What is my true purpose and calling in life? o Can there be more to life than I'm currently experiencing? o What makes me unique and special? o How can I be of service to the world in a meaningful way? o What are my core strengths and gifts that make me unique? o Will my dreams ever come to life? o How can I overcome my fears and sabotaging habits so that I can “spread my wings” and live an inspired and meaningful life? o How can I turn my unique life and business experiences, skills and strengths into powerful income generating products and services? If you are asking any of these BIG life questions, then don't miss an inspirational talk with Adéle Diedericks from Emaho! on 2nd December at 19h00 where she introduces the topic “Know your Purpose Live your Dreams” in both a system and programme she has developed to support you to receive higher levels of clarity on your unique purpose and how it is possible to bring your dreams to life. The system is based on many years of personal exploration, study, research and profiling tools by various international teachers, like Dr John Demartini, Caroline Myss energy medicine and archetypal profile, NickWilliams and Marcus Buckingham. Living an inspired and purposeful life brings wonderful vitality and happiness.When you know what makes you unique, your strengths shine through and you are able to help others in a meaningful way. You shine in your magnificence when you are able to bring your ideas, goals and dreams to life in a focused manner. SOLUTIONS WITH SOUL Emaho! c Emaho! Adele Diedericks 2009 “A dream is more than just a dream  A dream is your power to change your world To discover your destiny To become everything you imagined Dare to dream big Your dreams will take you there”  Jenna Clifford – Dream Big initiative . Adéle Diedericks : 082 450 7296 [email protected]  www.emaho.co.za

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I N T R O D U C T O R Y T A L K  

Know Your Purpose, Live Your Dreams

Did you know that you could be anything you choose to be.Your dreams will take you there!

Do you ever wonder ? o What is my true purpose and calling in life?o Can there be more to life than I'm currently experiencing?o What makes me unique and special?o How can I be of service to the world in a meaningful way?o What are my core strengths and gifts that make me unique?o Will my dreams ever come to life?o How can I overcome my fears and sabotaging habits so that I can “spread my wings” and

live an inspired and meaningful life?o How can I turn my unique life and business experiences, skills and strengths into powerful

income generating products and services?

If you are asking any of these BIG life questions, then don't miss aninspirational talk with Adéle Diedericks from Emaho! on 2nd

December at 19h00 where she introduces the topic “Know your Purpose Live your Dreams” in both a system and programmeshe has developed to support you to receive higher levels of clarityon your unique purpose and how it is possible to bring your dreamsto life. The system is based on many years of personal exploration,study, research and profiling tools by various international teachers,like Dr John Demartini, Caroline Myss energy medicine andarchetypal profile, Nick Williams and Marcus Buckingham.

Living an inspired and purposeful life brings wonderful vitality and

happiness. When you know what makes you unique, your strengthsshine through and you are able to help others in a meaningful way.You shine in your magnificence when you are able to bring yourideas, goals and dreams to life in a focused manner.



c Emaho! Adele Diedericks 2009

“A dream is more than just

a dream

 A dream is your power tochange your world 

To discover your destiny 

To become everything 

you imagined 

Dare to dream big 

Your dreams will take

you there” 

 Jenna Clifford – Dream Big 

initiative . 

Adéle Diedericks : 082 450 7296 [email protected]  www.emaho.co.za

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K N O W Y O U R P U R P O S E ,

L I V E Y O U R D R E A M S !

I N T R O D U C T O R Y T A L K  


c Emaho! Adele Dieder icks 2009Adéle Diedericks : 082 450 7296 [email protected]  www.emaho.co.za

About your presenter Adéle Diedericks is an entrepreneur, teacher, facilitator, life and business coach and healer. She has vast experience andskills in supporting people as individuals, families and as businesses – big and small - to recognize their full potential andbring their dreams and visions to life.

Adele has a unique ability to motivate and inspire people to expand their creative mindsets, transform talents intopowerful strengths, explore new possibilities, discover solutions and grow potential, towards greatness. She usesvarious tools, methods and techniques to guide her clients to become all they were born to be. Her style is supportive,creative, inspirational, intuitive and challenging yet non-judgmental when needed.

Adéle's highest value is healing - through unveiling full potential in her clients' lives, it enables them to live inspired

purposeful lives, from which joyful wellbeing grows within, ultimately creating healing and happiness – for ourselves andeverybody we're connected to.

Emaho! services and products for individuals:?

?Life vision, strategy and goals setting?Entrepreneurial and Business building mentoring and tools?Individual profiling for Purpose, Strengths, Values and Archetypal patterns?“Know your Purpose Live your Dreams” talk and programme?Wellbeing, healthy living and joyful balance mentoring?Valuable network of Wellbeing practitioners and Business building service providers?Creative play-shops?Facilitated dolphin encounters?Inspirational talks

Through Adéle's unique life experiences and abilities she is able to -?Bring to life your dreams and business visions.?Transform key talents into powerful strengths.?Unveil full human potential and develop leadership qualities.?Support you to open your mind, think out of the box and explore new possibilities and practical solutions to


Understand the mysteries of human behaviour, family and organisation dynamics – using a combination of strongdetective abilities and intuition.?Assist you in understanding and transforming your sabotaging patterns, fears and limiting beliefs.?Empower all areas of your life in a balanced way.?Support the creation of balance, joy and overall wellbeing in your life.?Share her wealth of knowledge, resources and experience in creating physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, as

well as spiritual growth.?Support entrepreneurs in setting up and growing their business in a systematic and sustainable way.?Develop change agents and change leaders in organisations, families and communities.

Coaching and mentoring


Do not miss this opportunity to be empowered, inspired and gain understanding in how you can turn your dreams into reality. Join us on:

2 December 2009 at 19h00 (Registration - 18h30)Investment: R110 (Bring friends along and you pay R80)

Venue: Centre of Holistic Health - 56 Kingfisher drive, Fourways, Sandton

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K N O W Y O U R P U R P O S E ,

L I V E Y O U R D R E A M S !

I N T R O D U C T O R Y T A L K  

c Emaho! Adele Dieder icks 2009Adéle Diedericks : 082 450 7296 [email protected]  www.emaho.co.za

“Know your Purpose - Live your dreams” talk is hosted by theCentre for Holistic Health – Registered Physiotherapists

Adrian Stevens Physiotherapy practices provide a thorough, comprehensive, complementary and cutting-edgephysiotherapy service. Adrian, Kerryn and Justine are all highly trained, and more importantly passionatephysiotherapists. Together they offer a truly holistic approach to helping their clients resolve their complaints, injuriesor symptoms. They are trained in the Integration technique that was developed by Adrian, and other modalities thatsupport the practices holistic philosophy. Justine also provides a welcome addition to the practice by Cranio-SacralTherapy.

This revolutionary view and combination of techniques helps to integrate the client or patient's nervous system'sresponse to biomechanical, biochemical, psychological and even energetic stress to relieve their complaints andoptimize their health and performance.

Integration involves assessing and if necessary, correcting a specific set of neurological imbalances ormiscommunications that occur due to “stress”. This “stress” may be of an emotional, biochemical, energetic orstructural nature yet the correction is a neurological one. These corrections and the patient's posture are maintainedby stimulating specific gravitational reflex points on the planter aspect of his or her foot/feet. This is achieved usingcustomized paper wedges.

Cranio-Sacral Therapy is an exceptionally gentle yet extremely powerful form of treatment, increasingly recognized forthe depth of its influence, the comprehensive range of its therapeutic effects, and its ability to resolve issues that are nothelped by other means.

It is a profound healing process which can release the deeply held patterns of disease - both physical and psychological -which accumulate throughout life as a result of injury and illness and become held into the body tissues, leading to ill-health and dysfunction.

The Cranio-Sacral process involves two mains aspects. It is primarily concerned with enhancing the underlying vitality -the Breath of Life - which pervades our whole selves, creating and maintaining health and wellbeing in all aspects of ourlives. Secondly, it is concerned with releasing any restrictions to the free distribution of this vitality throughout thebody. It can be of benefit to most people and can help in most conditions - from minor aches and pains to severe andpersistent chronic health problems.

If you would like any more information please email to [email protected] . Alternatively, if you would like anappointment please call reception on 011-467-7022.

Let yourself SHINE in all your MAGNIFICENCE!

For more information and bookings please e-mail Adéle at [email protected] or contact 082 450 7296.Seats are limited, don't miss out - please book in advance.