elite professionals programme: high performance learning concepts

Learning Concepts of the High Performance Programme 18 May 2013

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Information for financial advisers considering the High Performance Course from the Elite Professionals Programme. For experienced NZ financial advisers wanting a quantum jump in business performance.


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Learning Concepts of the High Performance Programme 18 May 2013

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Learning Concepts & Programme Framework What can I expect to learn from the programme?

Included in this document are brief overviews of each learning session. These overviews are in fact the ‘Concept Statements’ that we use within our programme framework to ensure that the content (learning points) are consistent with the ‘philosophy or feel’ of the topic being coached. For reasons of business sensitivity, we are unable to share the exact Principles and points of Detail within the programme as we believe it’s not just what we’re coaching, but what we’re not coaching that sets this High Performance Programme apart from previous workshops you may have attended. Please take a moment to read through the document and feel free to contact Tony Vidler (021-221 9001) or Mike Barnes (0272-934 461) if there’s anything you’re unsure about. We do ask however that you please respect the Intellectual Nature of this document and refrain from passing onto any third parties. Thank you and we look forward to working with you in person…

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Learning Concepts & Programme Framework What does CPD Structure mean?

C.P.D Structure is short for ‘Concept, Principles, Detail’ and is the way that we designed the ‘Learning Points/Objectives’ within the High Performance Programme. Yes, the High Performance Programme will allow you to receive CPD Credits (Continued Professional Development) but whilst distantly related, are not the same. The Programme Framework is how we ensure that the content is ‘boiled down’ to the stuff that matters, it also drives how we facilitate the material to ensure attendees get the maximum gain from their time invested with us. Listed below are the ‘Learning Levels’ that contribute to ‘Why we coach the way we do’, we’re sure you’re interested in not just ‘What we coach’, but how… • Knowledge. The ability to recall previously learned material. • Comprehension The ability to grasp the meaning of learned material. • Application The ability to use learned material in practical situations • Analysis The ability to break down material into it’s component parts so that it’s structure may be understood. • Synthesis The ability to put parts together to form a new whole. • Evaluation The ability to judge material for a given purpose

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Learning Concepts & Programme Framework What happens if I fall behind?

The ‘learning levels’ (as listed on the previous page) of Application, Synthesis and Evaluation can only be achieved over time which is why the programme is designed to have elements of ‘repetition and review’. Additionally, the programme is designed to have ‘catch up days’ to reduce the chance of information saturation (overload) and to ensure the practical APPLICATION and SYNTHESIS of information already covered. The catch up days are spread throughout the programme at intervals observant of previous session ‘complexity’ and serve the mutual purpose of allowing attendees to learn material/session missed due to illness etc. The Webinar deliveries are also designed to assist in retention and application as well as video resource which will be available on line. (For attendees only) Design aids Delivery and combined, achieves results.

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Contents Page

Part 1. Basic Psychology & Profiling (morning session – day 1) 4

Part 2. Strategic Language & Planning (afternoon session – day 1) 5

Day 1 Basic Psychology & Profiling , Strategic Language & Planning (test 1) 6

Part 3. Modern Psychology Sales Process (morning session – day 2) 7

Part 4. Structure for SME Approach (afternoon session – day 2) 8

Day 2 Modern Psychology Sales Process & Structure for SME Approach (test 2) 9

Part 5. Modern Marketing Methods (morning session – day 3) 10

Part 6. Designing Your Marketing Plan (afternoon session – day 3) 11

Day 3 Modern Marketing Methods & Designing you Marketing Plan (test 3) 12

Part 7. Fundamentals for Internal Efficiencies (Morning session – day 4) 13

Part 8. Best Use of Technology (Afternoon session – day 4) 14

Day 4 Fundamentals for Internal Efficiencies & Best Use of Technology (test 4) 15

Part 9. Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far (Morning session – day 5) 16

Part 10 Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far (Afternoon session – day 5) 17

Part 11. Legal & Statutory Best Practice Standards (Morning session – day 6) 18

Part 12. Defensible Advice (real life lessons) (Afternoon session – day 6) 19

Day 6 Legal & Statutory Best Practice Standards & Defensible Advice (test 5) 20

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Contents Page

Part 13. Formal Risk Management Theory (Morning session – day 7) 21

Part 14. Facilitating Formal Risk Management to SME’s & Accountants. (Afternoon session – day 7) 22

Day 7 Formal Risk Management Theory & Facilitating to SME’s & Accountants (test 6) 23

Part 15. Governance Fundamentals (Morning session – day 8) 24

Part 16. Accounting Essentials (Afternoon session – day 8) 25

Day 8 Governance Fundamentals & Accounting Essentials (test 7) 26

Part 17. Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far (Morning session – day 9) 27

Part 18. Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far (Afternoon session – day 9) 28

Part 19. Written Peer Assessment (Morning session – day 10) 29

Part 20. Video Role Play Peer Assessment (Afternoon session – day 10) 30

Part 21. Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far (Morning session – day 11) 31

Part 22. Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far (Afternoon session – day 11) 32

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Part 1. Basic Psychology & Profiling (morning session – day 1) The material in concept, is around what drives us, what shapes our thoughts and our work habits, how we see ourselves and how we want to be seen by others. What helps and what hinders when we’re communicating (manipulating) others and what holds us back (and pushes us forward) from our goals in life.

The material in concept, is around understanding the language (terminology) of Strategic Planning, why this is important in achieving ‘collaborative thinking & field intelligence’ which contributes to greater ‘buy in and follow through’, what makes us different (our communicable point of difference) and how best to communicate this message to our market and finally, clarity around our ‘end game’.

Part 2. Strategic Language & Planning (afternoon session – day 1)

Part 3. Modern Psychology Sales Process (morning session – day 2) The material in concept, is around understanding the Psychology of Selling, how people make instinctual decisions about us and why we need to be consciously aware of our position in the sales process. Further, how the law of reciprocation has been eroded in the sales arena by consumer experience and the impacts on you from negative associations. How to Facilitate, rather than push!

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Part 4. Structure for SME Approach (afternoon session – day 2) The material in concept, is around understanding the needs and issues of an SME owner in context to insurance. By understanding the common problems and language used by SME owners, we can developing an approach that is engineered from the business owners perspective which will increase our chances of gaining an appointment in a manner and style that will position us favourably in the mind of the client. (The style of approach must also be consistent with our Super Ego ‘professional self image’)

Part 5. Modern Marketing Methods (morning session – day 3) The material in concept, is around the role of Social Media and Digital Marketing methods to build awareness of our service offers amongst our target market. The importance of Marketing vs. Selling and how both support each other. If we view social media as “word of mouth on steroids” then we recognise the importance of ‘getting things right’ and balancing our approach to all three facets of social media marketing. (Platforms & Analytics, Somatic Message and Message Medium, Styles and Disciplines)

Part 6. Designing you Marketing Plan (afternoon session – day 3) The material in concept, is around ‘putting the morning’s theory into action’ and will involve the use of your business laptop, I-Pad or Smart Phone to gain familiarity with technology (for some) and to improve the quality of message (for others). Further, this is about having a clear plan of action to identify how technology could work best for you and your business in generating leads or creating more efficient servicing protocols.

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Part 7. Fundamentals for Internal Efficiencies (Morning session – day 4) The material in concept, is about ‘making the most of what we’ve got’ so we can resource ourselves to grow to ‘the next level’. Material in this session relates primarily to ‘people and process’ (work habits) and whilst it incorporates time management, is not limited to just time management techniques.

Part 8. Best Use of Technology (Afternoon session – day 4) The material in concept, is around implementing New Technology Habits to support our attempts at Business Growth. The focus in this session is on ‘paperless applications’ and ways of ‘keeping in touch’ effectively and efficiently.

Part 9/10 Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far (Morning /Afternoon session – day 5) The material in this session will be driven by questions, observation of attendees by presenters and feedback prior to this workshop. It’s a ‘collect all- catch up session’.

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Part 11. Legal & Statutory Best Practice Standards (Morning session – day 6) The material in concept, is around exploring the laws that Risk Advisers must comply with in addition to the common laws that most SME owners need comply with also. This is to raise awareness of Risk Management issues that may not be insurable or could be further exasperated by conflicting advice. (this does not include industry codes of practice as they are too numerous to cover here)

Part 12. Defensible Advice (real life lessons) (Afternoon session – day 6) The material in concept, deals with case scenario examination of how an adviser could be in breach (unwittingly) of NZ law whilst conducting day to day operations and just as importantly, how an SME owner could be in breach if not discussed during their Risk Management process.

Part 13. Formal Risk Management Theory (Morning session – day 7) The material in concept, is around understanding the formal terminology and procedures required to conduct Risk Management and to learn how the distinctions learned in this session can be used to help re-position the adviser in the mind of the client and accountant as a provider of value added service.

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Part 14. Facilitating Formal Risk Management to SME’s & Accountants. (Afternoon session – day 7) The material in concept, is around coaching the attendee how to allow an SME owner (and accountant) to become familiar with the risk management tool, the terminology and concept of insurable and non-insurable events in general. This is designed to help re-position the adviser in the mind of the client as a provider of ‘value added’ advice rather than advice which purely relates to insurable events.

Part 15. Governance Fundamentals (Morning session – day 8) The material in concept, is around understanding the Role of a Board vs. Management Team, the implications and responsibilities of being a Director (including regardless of being a board member) and how a more formal structure could benefit a SME owner.

Part 16. Accounting Essentials (Afternoon session – day 8) The material in concept, is around understanding the basics in reading a set of accounts and the ability to conceptualise money movements and prudent ‘best use of assets’ for a SME owner. These would be considered fundamentals to Financial Management.

The material in this session will be driven by questions, observation of attendees by presenters and feedback prior to this workshop. It’s a ‘collect all- catch up session’.

Part 17/18 Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far (Morning /Afternoon session – day 9)

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Part 19. Written Peer Assessment (Morning session – day 10) The material in this section is driven by content previously covered in the programme. This is the written test to assess how much of the content is understood by the attendees. The Video assessment begins in this session due to time constraints in the afternoon.

Part 20. Video Role Play Peer Assessment (Afternoon session – day 10) The material in this section is driven by content previously covered in the programme. The Video assessment begins in the morning due to time constraints in the afternoon.

Part 21/22. Re-Rehearsal & Common Q&A for Total Content So Far (Morning & Afternoon session – day 11) The material in this session will be driven by questions, observation of attendees by presenters and feedback prior to this workshop. It doubles as a ‘collect all- catch up session’ and a second chance for those that struggled during peer review tests in the previous workshop.