elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n....


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Page 1: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview
Page 2: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview
Page 3: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview






n. 小精灵

adj. 魔法的,不可思议的

n. 力量,能力

n. 侏儒,小矮人

v. 拥有

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Page 4: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview

1. Who is the writer of The Lord of the Rings?J.R.R. Tolkien.2. Where does the story take place?The story takes place in a world called Middle Earth.3. Who are the characters in the story?In the story, there are elves, tall beautiful creatures, hobbits, dwarves, wizard Sauron and wizard Gandalf.


Page 5: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview

1. In what ways is Middle Earth different from our world?

There are different creatures living there, and wizards who can do magic.

2. Explain how the Ring is important to the story.

The Ring can control all of the other rings and give the owner power over the whole of Middle Earth.


Page 6: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview

parts paragraphs


the beginning

the middle

the end




Introduction of the book

The fantasy story about the Ring.

What people think of the book


Page 7: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview
Page 8: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview


n. 吸引力,魅力n. 自助餐厅n. 信封adj. 文学的n. 纽带,结合剂n. 作品数量n. 小学生,学童n. 打字机n. 在某一领域受尊敬的女性领导人物

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(be) associated with






adj. 有天才的n.( 喻 ) 根,根基n. 肉与……有联系n. 构成,安排n. 趣闻,轶事n. 草稿n. 负担,重负adj. 快的,迅速的

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appeal to sb.


adj. 顽强的,坚持的v. 克服n. 调整adj. 自动的,习惯性的n.( 批评等的 ) 对象n. 批评,评论 对某人有吸引力n. 课程

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Page 11: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview

(be) restricted to








限于v. 发行v. 积累,积聚n. 存款adv. 因此,所以v. 达到,得到n. 身份,地位n. 亿万富翁,巨富

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Page 12: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview

Who wrote the novel of Harry Potter?

J.K. Rowling

Page 13: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview


appeal cafeteria envelope literary bond output parents schoolchildren typewriter

1 What did J.K. Rowling use to write the first Harry Potter?She wrote the first story with a pen because she couldn’t afford a typewriter.

Page 14: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview

2 Where did she write it?

She wrote it in a cafeteria in Edinburgh.

3 Who did she write the books for?

She wrote them for schoolchildren.

4 How many books a year did she intend to write?

She intended to have an output of one book a year.

Page 15: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview

5 What is the appeal of the Harry Potter series?

It appeals to readers of all ages, including parents.

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(a) How long did it take to write the series?

(b) What is the appeal of Harry Potter?

(c) What does J.K. Rowling plan to do next?


Paragraph 4

Paragraph 5

extra question

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(d) Where did the idea for Harry Potter come from?

(e) How many people have read Harry Potter?

(f) How did J.K. Rowling begin writing the first book?

(g) When did success arrive?

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 6

Paragraph 3

Page 18: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview

4 1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (d) 4 (b) 5 (c)

51 stubborn 2 output 3 accumulate

4 roots 5 attain 6 format

7 anecdote 8 gifted 9 thus

10 adjustment

Page 19: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview

Discussion1 Why do you think the Harry Potter stories are so popular?2 Have you seen the films? If so, what did you like best?3 What do you think is the most popular book for children in China? Have you read it?4 Which activity do you think is more important to you than the others, reading, watching TV or playing computer games? Why?

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Page 21: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview
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ahead of



look back over one’s shoulder

catch a glimpse of

set out

n. 衣橱n. 悲哀,伤心 在……前面v. 应该,应当adj. 好奇的 回头看

瞥见 出发,动身

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n. 嘎吱嘎吱的声音n. 劈里啪啦的声音adj. 有光泽的v. 拖,曳n. 围巾adj. 卷曲的int. 天哪!哎呀!v. 惊叫,大叫

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Page 24: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview

1 What makes The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe a fantasy story?

Because it takes place in the imaginary world of Narnia where it is always winter.

2 Who was it written for?

It was written for children.

Page 25: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview

3 How is C.S. Lewis similar to Philip Pullman?C.S. Lewis is similar to Philip Pullman because both authors have created a fantasy world where their characters go and have adventures.4 Do you think it has a happy or a sad ending?It probably has a happy ending although the characters might be sad when they leave Narnia.

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1 (a) 2 (d) 3 (d) 4 (b) 5 (b)

Page 27: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview

1 What can you see when you catch a glimpse of something?part of something, but not all of it.2 What makes a crunch-crunch sound?eating sth. crunchy like an apple, or walking on stones3 What are a goat’s hoofs?the hard part of its feet used for walking4 Why do you wear a muffler around your neck?to keep my neck warm

Page 28: elf magical power dwarf possess n. 小精灵 adj. 魔法的,不可思议的 n. 力量,能力 n. 侏儒,小矮人 v. 拥有 Words Preview

Discussion1 Would you be too frightened to go forward into the forest? What would you do, go forward into the forest or go back into the room?2 What do you think the wood is meant to represent?3 How would you feel if you saw the Faun?4 Who or what is the Faun meant to represent?

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