elevator hydraulic

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This is the elevator hydraulic system


1. IntroductionThis section of the paper describes the design and development of control system of an elevator model with following requirements: Serve passengers quickly Highest proficiency and safety Low cost

2. Specification2.1. FeaturesThe problem concern the logic required to move elevator between floors according to the following constrains: Each floor, except the first floor and top floor has two buttons, one to request an up-elevator and one to request a down-elevator. These buttons illuminate when pressed. The illumination is canceled when an elevator visits the floor and then moves in the desired direction. Inside the cabin, there is panel consisting of 8 buttons, these buttons illuminate when pressed. The illumination is canceled when an elevator visits the floor and then moves in the desired direction. Continue traveling in the same direction while there are remaining requests in that same direction. When an elevator has no requests, it remains at its current floor with its doors closed.2.2. ConceptExpending on our list of attribute, we speculate that the elevator circuit would consists of five modules: Users inputs Elevator button panel: consists of 6 buttons corresponding to 6 floors, in addition to close door button and hold button which take the request to the visited floor. Each floor, except the first floor and top floor has two buttons, one to request an up-elevator and one to request a down-elevator. Display module Indicating the position of the cabin on 7 segments LEDs Showing the direction of the elevator car on an 8x8 Matrix LED Illuminate the buttons when pressed using Red LEDs. Sensors Floor sensors: each floor has a limit switch to indicate which floor that the cabin has reached Secondary floor sensors: located at the haft way between floors, also use limit switch Opened and closed door sensors which signal that the doors have completely opened or closed Motors driver: control two motors, one to lift the elevator cabin and one to drive the doors. Power supply

2.3. Basic block diagram

2.4. LimitationsBecause we are dealing with a simulation meaning that not all features of the real world can be implemented, these limitations can be summarized as follows: The door system includes several safety devices. Sensors detect passengers or objects in the door opening, preventing the continued closing of the doors. A special fire emergency system has been installed. It may be manually activated, or may respond to smoke sensors in the building. Exact operation varies by local codes, but generally such systems return the elevator to the main floor, open the doors to allow passengers to exit, and make the elevators available to emergency personnel.

3. Hardware design3.1. AVR MicrocontrollerThe ATMegal6 was chosen for the prototype development. The Mega16 is pin-for-pin compatible with the smaller-memory model ATMega8535 as well as with the larger-memory model ATMega32. This allows some freedom during the design phase. The option of increasing the memory model may be needed, since we do not know exactly how much code space is required in either unit. At the end of the project, and after the features have ceased to creep, if the code would fit into a potentially less expensive component with a smaller memory size, that choice is available as well.

3.2. Power supplyThe supply power of the implemented circuit need to have a capability of maintaining a steady voltage level despite vary current demands and input voltage variations. For this purpose, we use IC 7805.

We use the power supply of the PC to generate the 12V sources from the 220V AC at the input of IC7805. The role of capacitors is to store and release electricity to smooth out noise, surges, and sags. Without the capacitors, the 7805 would still output 5 V but wouldnt react as quickly to changes in supply and demand, and thus it wouldnt provide as clean of a regulated output.

3.3. Users input and Floor sensorsBecause ATmega16 has a limited number of pins and this system requires quite many buttons to operate, except the button panel inside the cabin using four pins of microcontroller, we use each of three pins to take the input of each group of buttons and sensors. We can see the circuit of matrix 3x8 in the following figure

3.4. Display moduleIndicating the position of the cabin using 7 segments LEDs, showing the direction of the elevator car using an 8x8 Matrix LED and to illuminate the buttons when pressed we use Red LEDs. Finally, to control all of these LEDs, we use six ICs 74HC595

The 74HC595 shift register has an 8 bit storage register and an 8 bit shift register. Data is written to the shift register serially, then, latched onto the storage register. The storage register then controls 8 output lines.

Pin 14 (DS) is the Data pin. When pin 11 (SH_CP) goes from Low to High, the value of DS is stored into the shift register and the existing values of the register are shifted to make room for the new bit. Pin 12(ST_CP) is held low whilst data is being written to the shift register. When it goes High, the values of the shift register are latched to the storage register which are then outputted to pin Q0-Q7.Thus, to control all of the LEDs, we just have to use three pins of the Microcontroller which is an advantage of this method.3.5. Motors DriverThe motors driver circuit is required in order to drive the motors, for pulling or lowering the elevator car, and for opening or closing the doors. The digital control signal provided by ATMega16 Microcontroller does not deliver sufficient current to drive the motors. Hence, a driver circuit, which is capable of changing the direction of motors using the logic signals and is capable of being driven at high current, is used.

4. Software Design4.1. System EventsThe system events can be summarized as follows: Process Elevator Calls: These scenarios includes that the elevator receives calls from the passengers outside the cabin, turns on or turns off the light of elevator call buttons, updates the record of elevator calls stored in system queues, etc. Process Floor Calls: Similar to Elevator Call processing, this use case includes that the elevator receives Floor calls from the passengers inside the cabin, turns on or turns off the light of Floor calls buttons, updates the record of floor calls in system queues, etc. Move/Stop elevator: The main function of an elevator, how to make the decision of stop, and driving directions of the elevator. Indicating Moving Direction: This mechanism let the passengers know the current moving direction of the elevator such that the passenger might decide whether to enter the elevator or not. Indicating Elevator Position: Similarly, the elevator let the passengers know whether his/her destination floor is reached so that the passenger may decide to leave the elevator. Open/Close the Doors: The elevator is able to open and close the doors for the passengers to get in and out of the elevator. The door function also enables the passengers to make door reversals when the doors are closing and the passenger wants to get in the elevator or close door sooner than usual when there is no other passengers entering cabin. On/Off illumination: The elevator and floor buttons are able inform the passenger that his call has been scheduled and inform him that his call has been requested, in which button illumination will be needed.

4.2. ImplementationThe basic concept of the software is to collect the inputs from users and sensors (floor sensors and door sensors); base on these inputs, program will drive the motors to serve every request, one after another, while displaying the present status of the elevator to the users.The task list is as follow:1. Scan all the input ports of the Microcontroller to collect request from users and signal from sensors every 200 milliseconds.2. Display the elevator status every 14 milliseconds.3. Have algorithm to process the inputs, and then drive the motors correspondingly.The first two tasks are handled on an interrupt basis, and the third task will be put into the main operating loop of the software.4.3. Functions4.3.1. Queue FunctionsThe following functions are used to interact with queues: Create a new queuevoid QueueCreate(Queue *q); Check if the queue is empty or not int QueueEmpty(Queue *q); Put the requested floor into queue void QueueEnter(const unsigned char c, Queue *q, unsigned char x); Take out the first queue element unsigned char QueueRemove(Queue *q); Sort the queue elements in ascending order void QueueSort_Up(Queue *q); Sort the queue elements in descending order void QueueSort_Down(Queue *q); Copy all of element from source queue to destination queuevoid QueueCopy(const unsigned char c,Queue *sourceQueue, Queue *destQueue); Check the value of queue elements int CheckSecQueue(const int c,Queue *qs,Queue *qd); int CheckDup(Queue *q,unsigned char x); int CheckDir(const int c,Queue *q,unsigned char currentFloor);

4.3.2. Elevator Algorithm FunctionsThe elevator algorithm will be based on the following functions: Scan all buttons and sensors to take the input from users and sensors (called every 200 ms)void scan(void); Display function using 74HC595 (called every 14 ms) void display(void); Control the door void Door(void); Main function implements the elevator algorithm void Elevator(void); Turn off the light of buttons void Turnoff(void);

4.3.3. Secondary Functions Initialize TIMER1 and TIMER2 interrupt and TIMER0 PWM void Init_Timer(void); Assign the first elevator state void Elevator_init(void); Function put data into IC 74HC595 used in Display function void PutData(unsigned char data); Swap the position of two queue elements void swap(unsigned char *a, unsigned char *b);

4.4. Flow Charts4.4.1. Door Function

4.4.2. Elevator Algorithm4.4.2.1. Activity Diagram 1: User calls elevator Activity Diagram 2: User travel in elevator Activity Diagram 3: User presses a floor button while traveling

4.5. Elevator Algorithm4.5.1. Problem StatementThere are different algorithms that could be used for designing the elevator controller: Shortest seek first: Serve the request closest to the present floor.This algorithm is irrespective of the time at which request is placed, it only caters to the request closest to the present floor.E.g. If someone places a request for 6th floor, there are a lot of other requests for nearby floor as it is a busy section, also if they keep coming, then that persons request is not served for a long time. First come first serve: Serve the request as they arrive.This is inefficient as far as power requirements are concerned and more time will be taken on an average to reach the required destination. Elevator algorithm: Serve the entire request in one direction and then reverse the direction.After considering the advantage of all algorithms, we finally choose the elevator algorithm to implement in this project.4.5.2. ImplementationTo implement the elevator algorithm, we use three queues (upQueue to store requests going up, downQueue to store requests going down and secQueue to store the requests that have not processed yet) and the elevator has three states: IDLE State: Cabin is not movingIn this state, the elevator keeps checking the upQueue or downQueue, if one of these queues is not empty, the elevator will change to GO_UP state or GO_DOWN state, correspondingly. GO_UP State: Cabin goes upIn this state, the elevator will take the destination floor from the upQueue, and then goes to this floor. While moving, if there is request going up to the floor that is closer to the cabin than the destination floor, the previous destination will be put into upQueue, and destination floor will be assigned to this request. Other requests will be put into corresponding Queue. GO_DOWN State: Cabin goes downIn this state, the elevator will take the destination floor from the downQueue, and then goes to this floor. While moving, if there is request going down to the floor that is closer to the cabin than the destination floor, the previous destination will be put into downQueue, and destination floor will be assigned to this request. Other requests will be put into corresponding Queue.4.5.3. Coding/**************************************************** * Main.c ****************************************************/

#include "Main.H"#include "Port.H" #include "Elevator.H"#include "Queue.H" unsigned char currentFloor=1, button, callUp, callDown, destFloor, secSensor;unsigned char buttonLed, upLed, downLed, direction, index=0, column = 1;

Elevator_State E_State;Queue upQueue, downQueue, secQueue;

void main() { Port_Init(); // Initialize Port QueueCreate(&upQueue); QueueCreate(&downQueue); QueueCreate(&secQueue); Init_Timer(); // Initialize TIMER Elevator_init(); while(1) { Elevator(); } }

/**************************************************** * Elevator Function ****************************************************/void Elevator(void){ switch(E_State) { case IDLE: TCCR0=0x05; //Turn off PWM PORTB.4=0; PORTB.3=0; direction = 0; if(!QueueEmpty(&upQueue)) E_State = GoUp; else if(!QueueEmpty(&downQueue)) E_State = GoDown; break; case GoUp: if(secSensor == currentFloor) secSensor = currentFloor - 1; destFloor = QueueRemove(&upQueue); direction = 1; TCCR0=0x6D; //Turn on PWM // Car goes up while(destFloor != currentFloor) { if(secSensor == (destFloor - 1)) { PORTB.4=1; OCR0=170; } else { PORTB.4=1; OCR0=0; } }; TCCR0=0x05; PORTB.4 = 0; PORTB.3 = 0; Turnoff(); Door(); // If there is no command going up and there are commands // going down, change state to GoDown if(QueueEmpty(&upQueue)&&!QueueEmpty(&downQueue)){// If the highest floor in downQueue is above the current // floor, add it to upQueue if(CheckDir(2,&downQueue,currentFloor)) { uChar temp; temp = QueueRemove(&downQueue); QueueEnter(1,&upQueue,temp); } else { E_State = GoDown; if(!QueueEmpty(&secQueue)) { // If the lowest floor in the temporary queue is below // the lowest floor in downQueue, add it to downQueue, // and copy the rest to upQueue if(CheckSecQueue(1,&secQueue,&downQueue)){ uChar temp; temp = QueueRemove(&secQueue); QueueEnter(2,&downQueue,temp); QueueCopy(1,&secQueue,&upQueue); }

// If the lowest floor in temporary queue equals the // lowest floor in downQueue, remove it, and copy the // rest to upQueue

else if(CheckSecQueue(3,&secQueue,&downQueue)) { QueueRemove(&secQueue); QueueCopy(1,&secQueue,&upQueue);}else QueueCopy(1,&secQueue,&upQueue); }}} //If there is no command going up and downelse if(QueueEmpty(&upQueue)&&QueueEmpty(&downQueue)){ if(!QueueEmpty(&secQueue)) { uChar temp = QueueRemove(&secQueue); QueueEnter(2,&downQueue,temp); E_State = GoDown; QueueCopy(1,&secQueue,&upQueue); } else E_State = IDLE; } break; case GoDown: if(secSensor < currentFloor) secSensor = currentFloor; destFloor = QueueRemove(&downQueue); direction = 2; TCCR0=0x6D; // Car goes down while(destFloor != currentFloor) { if(secSensor == destFloor) { PORTB.4 = 0; OCR0= 85; } else { PORTB.4 = 0; OCR0 = 255; } }; TCCR0=0x05; PORTB.4 = 0; PORTB.3 = 0; Turnoff(); Door(); //If there is no command going down and there are commands going up, change state to GoUp if(QueueEmpty(&downQueue)&&!QueueEmpty(&upQueue)){// If the lowest floor in the upQueue is below the // current floor, add it to downQueue

if(CheckDir(1,&upQueue,currentFloor)) { uChar temp; temp = QueueRemove(&upQueue); QueueEnter(2,&downQueue,temp); } else { E_State = GoUp;// If the highest floor in the temporary queue is above // the highest floor in upQueue, add it to upQueue, and // copy the rest to downQueue

if(!QueueEmpty(&secQueue)) { if(CheckSecQueue(2,&secQueue,&upQueue)) { uChar temp = QueueRemove(&secQueue); QueueEnter(1,&upQueue,temp); QueueCopy(2,&secQueue,&downQueue); }

// If the highest floor in temporary queue equals the // highest floor in upQueue, remove it, and copy the rest // to downQueue

else if(CheckSecQueue(3,&secQueue,&upQueue)) { QueueRemove(&secQueue); QueueCopy(2,&secQueue,&downQueue); }

else QueueCopy(2,&secQueue,&downQueue); }}}

//If there is no command going up and down

else if(QueueEmpty(&upQueue)&&QueueEmpty(&downQueue)) { if(!QueueEmpty(&secQueue)) { uChar temp = QueueRemove(&secQueue); QueueEnter(1,&upQueue,temp); E_State = GoUp; QueueCopy(2,&secQueue,&downQueue); } else E_State = IDLE; } break; } }