elements of poetry 8 th grade language arts mrs. uglialoro

Element s of Poetry 8 th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Uglialoro

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Page 1: Elements of Poetry 8 th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Uglialoro

Elements of Poetry

8th Grade Language ArtsMrs. Uglialoro

Page 2: Elements of Poetry 8 th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Uglialoro


The repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginnings of several words of a line of poetry or a sentence.

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Example of Alliteration

There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,

And swallows calling with their shimmering sound.

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Direct or implied references to people, places, events, literary works, or artwork.

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Example of an Allusion

In desperate times be brave and bold

Your Cinderella story is not yet told.

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A figurative description that compares two or more things that are similar in some ways, but otherwise unalike.

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Example of an Analogy

Dog is to puppy as cat is to kitten

dog: puppy :: cat:kitten

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Deliberate repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds.

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Example of Assonance

“Poetry is old, ancient, goes back far. It is among the oldest of living things. So old it is that no man knows how and why the first poems came.”

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Ideas associated with a word beyond its definition.

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Example of a Connotation

The actress is a diva.

Connotation of diva:

Power, confidence, talent, arrogance, bossiness

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Repetition of consonant sounds in stressed syllables with different vowel sounds.

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Example of Consonance

Gulls gracefully pass across the sky.

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Literal definition

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Example of Denotation

The actress is a diva.

Connotation of diva:

Power, confidence, talent, arrogance, bossiness

Denotation of diva:

Successful female performer

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Figurative Language

Made up of all the tools that a poet uses to create a special effect or feeling. It includes metaphors, similes, alliteration, personification, and onomatopoeia.

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Free Verse

Poetry written without a regular rhyme scheme, meter, or form.

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A bold, deliberate overstatement or exaggeration.

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Example of a Hyperbole

It is going to take a bazillion years to get through Medical School!

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A common phrase made up of words that can’t be understood by their literal, or ordinary meanings.

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Example of an Idiom

It’s raining cats and dogs!

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Language that appeals to the five senses: touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight.

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Example of Imagery

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Literal Meaning

Actual, everyday meaning of words

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A direct comparison between two unlike things. It does not use the words like or as.

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Example of a Metaphor

Life is a journey.

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The use of words that sound like the noises they describe.

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Example of Onomatopoeia








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A seeming contradiction in two words put together.

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Example of Oxymoron

Hot ice

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Giving human characteristics or abilities, such as the ability to hear, talk, feel and make decisions, to something that is not human.

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Example of Personification

The stars danced playfully in the moonlight.

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Common form of written language. It includes both fiction and nonfiction. Stories, articles, and novels are all prose.

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“To repeat” something

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A comparison between two unlike things, using the words like or as.

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Example of a Simile

The wind is like a child playing on a brisk fall day.

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A group of lines in a poem set off by blank lines. It usually develops one idea.

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The attitude the writer takes towards the audience, the subject, or the character.