electronic cigarette reviews

Electronic cigarettes originally hail from China and made their way across the world in the 90′s, a fter becoming an internet se nsation. They have now surpassed that status and are gaining an stablished place in the market. ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE REVIEWS

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Post on 14-May-2015



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  • 1.Electronic cigarettes originally hail from China and made their way across the world inELECTRONIC CIGARETTE REVIEWS the 90s, after becoming an internet sensa tion. They have now surpassed that status and are gaining an stablished place in the market.

2. V2 CIGS 3. GREEN SMOKE 4. VAPOR COUTURE 5. EVERSMOKE 6. SOUTH BEACH SMOKE 7. SMOKETIP 8. E-CIGARETTE MARKET IS BOOMING Electronic cigarettes originally hail from China and made their wayacross the world in the 90s, after becoming an internet sensation.They have now surpassed that status and are gaining an stablishedplace in the market. The potential of this product has raised theenthusiasm of industry experts that foresee the sucess and fortuneassociated with e-cigarettes. Some analyst predict that e -cigarettescould even eclipse the popularity of traditional cigarettes within thenext decade. The beginnings of the e -cigarette industry remind manyof the start of energy drinks. They proved to be more than a trendand so are e-cigs. There is an amazing room for growth in the e -cigarette market. Insiders are confident that the electronic cigaretteindustry will be worth over $1 billion in the coming years. Although at the moment, the number of e -cigarette users is nowherenear to the number of those consuming traditional tobacco products,according to some experts, the main difference is that e -cigs are inthe rise while tobacco products are losing their ground. E -cigarettesare becoming more and more appealing to consumers, thanks to thenotion that they offer the same sensation of a traditional cigarettewith reduced risk. 9. E-CIGARETTE MARKET ISBOOMING reduced health concerns Innovati on andare two key elements that make e - cigarettes attrarctive . While manufacturer s cannot make health claims due to FDA regulations, more consumer s are switching to e -cigs as a mean to enjoy a less harmful smoking experience. In addition, e -cigarettes do not produce the smell and second hand smoke that concerns non smoker s. They are an alternative for those that are not ready to quit altogether but dont want to bother those around them. Added benefits of e -cigarettes include their price (they end up being cheaper than regular tobacco products).and their convenience. With all the buzz and advantages of e - cigarettes, it is no wonder why they are getting attention even from tobacco companies that may consider the possibility of getting hold of the e - cigarette market. 10. E-CIGARETTE MARKET IS BOOMING As a product that is quickly achieving itspermanent place in the market, there areregulation discussi ons surrounding e -cigarettes, specially when it comes to taxingand regulating their distribution. There areplans to regulate e-cigarettes as tobaccoproducts. This means that e -cigaretteimpor ter s must hold tobacco impor tinglicenses, and seller s must have tobaccolicenses in all states. While e -cigarettemanufacturer s have no issues with the taxingof the product, they are adamant in getting afair tax that takes into considerati on that theproduct is less harmful than its tobaccocounterpar ts. The interest on electroni c cigarettes isincreasing and although it may take a few yearto get a massive switch from traditionalsmoking to e -cigarette experience, there aremore and more commited user s that willcontrinute to the industr ys growth.