electronic and chemical properties of graphene-based ... vanin.pdfsociate professor kristian s....

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Page 1: Electronic and chemical properties of graphene-based ... Vanin.pdfsociate Professor Kristian S. Thygesen and Professor Karsten W. Jacobsen. Financial support was provided by DTU. First

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Electronic and chemical properties of graphene-based structures:A density functional theory study

Vanin, Marco

Publication date:2011

Document VersionEarly version, also known as pre-print

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Citation (APA):Vanin, M. (2011). Electronic and chemical properties of graphene-based structures: A density functional theorystudy. Technical University of Denmark.

Page 2: Electronic and chemical properties of graphene-based ... Vanin.pdfsociate Professor Kristian S. Thygesen and Professor Karsten W. Jacobsen. Financial support was provided by DTU. First

Electronic and chemical properties of

graphene-based structures:

A density functional theory study


Marco Vanin

Center for Atomic-Scale Materials


Department of Physics

Technical University of Denmark

Page 3: Electronic and chemical properties of graphene-based ... Vanin.pdfsociate Professor Kristian S. Thygesen and Professor Karsten W. Jacobsen. Financial support was provided by DTU. First


Page 4: Electronic and chemical properties of graphene-based ... Vanin.pdfsociate Professor Kristian S. Thygesen and Professor Karsten W. Jacobsen. Financial support was provided by DTU. First


In this thesis several aspects of graphene are investigated using density func-tional theory (DFT) calculations. Graphene is a two-dimensional sheet ofcarbon atoms, which was isolated and observed for the first time in 2004.

The binding of graphene on metal surfaces is of great technological andscientific importance. However, theoretical approaches based on DFT do notdescribe dispersion interactions accurately. A recently developed exchange-correlation functional (vdW-DF), which explicitly includes non-local correla-tions, is used to investigate the metal–graphene interface, and the results arediscussed by comparisons with calculations using standard functionals. Therelatively strong binding to Ni, Co and Pd surfaces found in the experimentsis not reproduced by the vdW-DF, while it is reproduced by the local densityapproximation.

Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) have attracted interest as candidates forfuture nanoelectronics applications. The stability and electronic properties ofstandard and reconstructed edges are studied, also with common gas speciesadsorbed at the edge. It is found that the zigzag edge passivated by atomicoxygen is particularly stable, and its ground state is compared to the wellstudied hydrogen-passivated zigzag GNR.

Catalytic etching of suspended graphene by silver nanoparticles was ob-served in-situ in a transmission electron microscope. The channels wereshown to be aligned along the zigzag edge. DFT calculations are used tomodel the reaction path for the gasification of both armchair and zigzagedge atoms on a silver surface. While the removal of armchair atoms pro-ceeds without energy barriers, a barrier is found for the zigzag edge, whichreproduces the experimentally determined barrier. This is consistent withthe observation of zigzag channels, as the removal of zigzag atoms is therate-limiting step.

Nanomaterials hold promise as effective catalysts. Metal nanoparticlesare already common catalyst for a number of industrial chemical reactions.Graphene is functionalized with porphyrin-like structures and is investigatedas catalyst for the electrochemcal reduction of of CO2 to chemical fuels and


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iv 0. Abstract

comparisons with transition metals surfaces are made. The functionalizationwith gallium is found to be the best candidate, even though poisoning of theactive site by hydrogen represents a major obstacle.

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I denne afhandling undersøges adskillige aspekter af grafen ved hjælp aftæthedsfunktionalteoriberegninger (DFT). Grafen er et todimensionalt lagaf carbonatomer, som blev isoleret og observeret første gang i 2004.

Bindingen af grafen pa metaloverflader er af stor teknologisk og viden-skabelig betydning. Teoretiske metoder baseret pa DFT beskriver dog ikkedispersionsinteraktioner nøjagtigt. En nyudviklet funktional til approksima-tion af udveksling og korrelation (vdW-DF), som eksplicit medtager ikke-lokale korrektioner, bruges til at undersøge metal–grafen-grænsefladen. Re-sultaterne diskuteres ved sammenligning med beregninger udført med stan-dardfunktionaler. Den relativt stærke eksperimentelt observerede binding tilNi-, Co- og Pd-overflader ses ikke for vdW-DF-funktionalet, men ses derimodi lokaltæthedsapproksimationen.

Grafen-nanoband (GNR’er) har tiltrukket opmærksomhed som kandi-dater til fremtidige anvendelser inden for nanoelektronik. Stabiliteten og deelektroniske egenskaber undersøges for standard- og rekonstruerede kanter,herunder med almindelige gasarter adsorberet pa kanten. Det ses at zigzag-kanten passiveret af atomart oxygen er særligt stabil, og grundtilstandenfor dette system sammenlignes med den allerede velundersøgte hydrogen-passiverede zigzag-GNR.

Katalytisk ætsning af udspændt grafen med sølvnanopartikler blev setin-situ i et transmissionselektronmikroskop. Det blev vist at kanalerne liggerlangs med zigzag-kanten. DFT-udregninger bruges til at modellere reak-tionsstien for gasomdannelsen af bade armlæns- og zigzag-kant-atomer pasølvoverflader. Mens fjernelsen af armlænsatomer foregar uden nogen en-ergibarriere, findes en barriere for zigzag-kanten som svarer til den eksper-imentelt bestemte barriere. Dette stemmer overens med observationen afzigzag-kanaler, da fjernelsen af zigzag-atomer er det ratebegrænsende trin.

Nanomaterialer er lovende som effektive katalysatorer. Metalnanopartik-ler bruges allerede almindeligt som katalysatorer i flere industrielle kemiskereaktioner. Grafen funktionaliseres med porphyrin-agtige strukturer, og un-dersøges som katalysator for den elektrokemiske reduktion af CO2 til kemiske


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vi 0. Resume

brændstoffer. Der sammenlignes med overgangsmetaloverflader. Funktion-alisering med gallium ses at være den bedste kandidat. Dog udgør forureningaf det aktive sted med hydrogen en større forhindring.

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This thesis is submitted in candidacy for the Ph.D. degree from the Techni-cal University of Denmark (DTU). It is based on the work carried out at theCenter for Atomic-scale Materials Design (CAMD), Department of Physicsat DTU from September 2008 to August 2011 under the supervision of As-sociate Professor Kristian S. Thygesen and Professor Karsten W. Jacobsen.Financial support was provided by DTU.

First of all I would like to thank my supervisors Kristian Thygesen andKarsten Jakobsen for their guidance within the realm of electronic structuretheory. I have greatly benefited from their knowledge, ideas and suggestions.I thank Jan Rossmeisl for his advice in the exciting catalysis part, togetherwith Vladimir Tripkovic and Marten Bjorketun.

A special aknowledgment goes to my office mates of many years: Mikkel,Egill, Anca, Hai-Jan, Vladimir, Georgios, Jon, Nonni, Jakob and Falko.Thanks also to Carsten, Marcin and Jun for the “relaxing” gym breaks,and to Filippo for the collaboration on the graphene pac-man project.

I am very grateful to Marcin Dulak, Jens J. Mortensen and Ole H. Nielsenfrom the IT team for making sure that all the CPUs were always up andrunning. I want to thank Marianne Ærsøe, Helle W. Wellejus, Stavroula G.Nielsen for facilitating all the administrative matters.

A great thanks goes to all the colleagues who commented and proofreadpart of this thesis: M. Dulak, J. Yan, G. Tritsaris, J. Howalt, Ask. H. Larsen.

Lastly, and most importantly, I would like to thank my family for theircontinuous love and encouragement throughout my life. A special thanksgoes to Silvia, who made my stay in Denmark a wonderful experience be-yond academia, and to her family for their loving support.

Copenhagen, August 2011

Marco Vanin


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List of Publications

Included Publications

Paper ILocalized atomic basis set in the projector augmented wave methodA. H. Larsen, M. Vanin, J. J. Mortensen, K. S. Thygesen, and K. W. JacobsenPhysical Review B, 80, 195112, (2009)

Paper IIGraphene on metals: A van der Waals density functional studyM. Vanin, J. J. Mortensen, A. K. Kelkkanen, J. M. Garcia-Lastra, K. S.Thygesen, and K. W. JacobsenPhysical Review B, 81, 081408, (2010)

Paper IIIFirst-principles calculations of graphene nanoribbons in gaseousenvironments: Structural and electronic propertiesM. Vanin, J. Gath, K. S. Thygesen, and K. W. JacobsenPhysical Review B, 82, 195411, (2010)

Paper IVMechanism of channelling behaviour of silver nanoparticles on sus-pended grapheneF. Pizzocchero, M. Vanin, T. Booth , K. W. Jacobsen, P. BøggildSubmitted to Nano Letters

Paper VFunctionalized graphene as catalyst for CO2 electrochemical re-ductionM. Vanin, V. Tripkovic, M. E. Bjorketun, K.S. Thygesen, K.W. Jacobsenand Jan RossmeislIn preparation


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Other Publications

Paper VIElectronic structure calculations with GPAW: a real-space imple-mentation of the projector augmented-wave methodJ. Enkovaara et al. (M. Vanin)Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 22, 253202 (2010)

Paper VIIDensity functional theory based screening of ternary alkali-transitionmetal borohydrides: A computational material design projectJ.S. Hummelshøj et al. (M. Vanin)Journal of Chemical Physics, 131, 014101, (2009)

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Abstract iii

Resume v

Preface vii

List of Publications ix

1 Introduction 1

2 Theory 7

2.1 The Electronic Structure Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2 Density Functional Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2.1 Hohenberg-Kohn Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2.2 Kohn-Sham Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2.3 Exchange and Correlation Functionals . . . . . . . . . 11

2.3 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.3.1 The Projector Augmented Wave Method . . . . . . . . 13

2.3.2 Basis Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.4 Electron Transport Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.5 Adsorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3 Localized Basis Bet in PAW 17

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.2 Localized Basis Set in PAW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.3 Benchmark Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.3.1 Molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.3.2 Solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.3.3 Structure Relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.4 Summary and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23


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4 Graphene on Metals 254.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254.2 Computational Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264.3 Standard DFT and vdW-DF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274.4 Graphene on fcc(111) Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274.5 Comparison to Experimental Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304.6 Binding from Exchange and Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . 314.7 Summary and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

5 Graphene Nanoribbons in Gaseous Environments 335.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335.2 Computational Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345.3 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

5.3.1 Adsorption Energies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355.3.2 Edge-formation Energies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

5.4 Oxygen-saturated Zigzag Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395.4.1 Band Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395.4.2 Vibrational Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5.5 Summary and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

6 Graphene Etching by Silver Nanoparticles 436.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436.2 Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446.3 Computational Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466.5 Summary and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

7 Catalysis on Porphyrin-like Functionalized Graphene 517.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517.2 Computational Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527.3 Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537.4 Scaling Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587.5 Summary and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Appendices 61

A Van der Waals Interactions in DFT 63

Included Papers 77

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Chapter 1


Even though carbon is one of the most abundant elements in the universe andthe basis of organic chemistry and thus of life as we know it, this chemicalelement has been attracting enormous interests recently. After the discoveryof carbon nanotubes and fullerenes in the late 80s and early 90s, the attentionhas now turned to graphene, a sheet of carbon atoms arranged on a honey-comb lattice. The Nobel prize in Physics of 2010 was awarded to Novoselovand Geim following their isolation of this material for the first time in 2004.Due to the flexibility of its bonding, carbon has a variety of allotropes and formost of them graphene can be considered the basic, two-dimensional ingredi-ent. Carbon nanotubes, one-dimensional systems, can be obtained by rollinggraphene along a given direction. Fullerenes, zero-dimensional systems, canbe tought as wrapped-up graphene after some pentagons have been intro-duced. The three-dimensional allotrope, the most common and well known,is graphite, which consists of a stack of weakly interacting graphene layers. Incontrast to these sp2-bonded materials, diamond is another three-dimensionalcarbon allotrope, in which the bonding network is sp3 instead. By peelingoff graphite, or alternatively by writing with a pencil, graphene sheets canbe produced and occasionally even single layers can be obtained. However,only in recent years experimental tools for manipulating atomic layers andnanostructures in general have become available. This is part of the reasonwhy it has taken so long for graphene to be isolated even though it hadbeen produced before in all probability. The other part of the reason is thatno one had actually been looking for it, since two-dimensional crystals hadnever been observed before, and were believed not to exist, at least in thefree-standing form.

Graphene research and publications have developed at a remarkable pace,due to the large variety of properties which make graphene extremely excit-ing both for fundamental science and for technological applications. In the


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2 1. Introduction

Figure 1.1: Left: graphene lattice, with the primitive unit cell con-taining the A and B carbon atoms. Right: band dispersion for the πbands from the tight binding approximation.

following, a brief overview of graphene properties will be given. For a morecomprehensive treatment, the reader is directed to the excellent availablereview papers[1, 2].

The honeycomb lattice is usually described as consisting of two interpene-trating triangular lattices. The primitive unit cell has two atoms, commonlydesignated as A and B carbon atoms, as shown in Fig. 1.1. The sp2 bondingnetwork leads to the formation of the in-plane σ bond between carbon atomswith a distance of 1.42 A. This bond is responsible for the strength of thegraphitic materials. The remaining p orbital, perpendicular to the plane,hybridizes to form the π band. Since each p orbital has one electron, the πband is half filled. The band structure was calculated by Wallace already in1947[3] using a simple tight-binding approximation, see Fig. 1.1. The keyfeature is that the two π bands are crossing each other exactly at the Fermilevel, giving rise to a conical intersection, known as Dirac point, at the Kand K’ points in the Brillouin zone. This peculiar dispersion

E = hvF |k| (1.1)

means that the charge carriers in graphene mimic relativistic particles. At lowenergy the quasiparticles can be described as massless Dirac fermions, wherethe speed of light in the Dirac equation is replaced by the Fermi velocity vF .The spin of the relativistic particle is mimicked in graphene by the so calledpseudo-spin, which is related to the composition of the wavefunction fromthe two sublattices. By analogy to quantum electrodynamics (QED) the chi-rality can also be defined, which basically connects electron states at k with

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hole states at −k since they belong to the same carbon sublattice. Severalexotic effects in graphene can be understood in terms of conservation lawsfor pseudo-spin and chirality. Examples are the suppression of backscatteringand Klein tunneling[4]. Among the most spectacular phenomena reported itis worth mentioning the anomalous quantum Hall effect and the minimumconductivity in the limit of zero carriers. Due to all these unique features,graphene was soon recognized as a material with tremendous potential inthe field of post-silicon nanoelectronics. It exhibits remarkable transportproperties, with room temperature mobilities up to 15000 cm2V−1s−1 at am-bient conditions[5]. Moreover, being planar, it has significant advantagesover carbon nanotubes in terms of fabrication and compatibility with cur-rent silicon technology. Field effect transistor behavior was observed alreadywhen graphene was first isolated[6].

Despite the fact that the linear band structure is extremely intriguingand interesting, most electronic applications require a band gap in order tooperate. Several approaches have been proposed in order to open a bandgap in graphene, the most common ones being chemical doping[7, 8], antidotlattices[9], lateral confinement[10] and strain engineering[11]. Recent devel-opments of fabrication techniques have led to the fabrication of graphenenanoribbons (GNRs), which are graphene stripes in which the effect of lat-eral quantum confinement produces a band gap. Prototype devices havealready been demonstrated, in which GNRs are used as semiconducting elec-tronic devices[12]. Challenges in the fabrication and manipulation of thesenanostructures still remain, but the experimental achievements have beenimpressive over the last few years.

Even though the electronic properties have been the most investigatedso far, current graphene research also involves a number of other lines. Dueto its lightness and stiffness, graphene’s structural properties have been in-vestigated in connection with both fundamental and applied research. Ap-plications in the field of nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) are seen asparticular promising[13], with particular attention to resonator and sensingapplications. Thermal properties have also shown potential for applications,with room-temperature thermal conductivity up to 5000 Wm−1K−1[14]. Theinvestigation of the chemistry and reactivity of graphene and graphene-basedsystems is only at the beginning but it is likely to play an important rolewith respect to precise functionalization and even catalysis[15, 16].

Before concluding this brief overview, a few words have to be said aboutthe current fabrication techniques. The mechanical exfoliation, also knownas the scotch-tape method, has been replaced by catalytic growth on metalsurfaces[17] with chemical vapour deposition techniques. This method hasthe potential to be scalable for mass production of large-area graphene flakes.

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4 1. Introduction

Methods based on chemical synthesis from graphite, usually via grapheneoxides, have also attracted interest recently[18, 19]. The quality and the sizeof the graphene samples have been improving dramatically over the past fewyears, but the precise control over the growth mechanism is still challenging.This makes the quest for a cheap and reliable growth method still one of theholy grails in graphene research.

In the present thesis several aspects among the topics mentioned in thisintroduction have been touched upon. Each chapter deals with the inves-tigation of a different aspect, using first principles calculations to solve theelectronic structure problem. In Chapter 2 the theoretical background ispresented, with emphasis on the density functional theory (DFT). Chapter3 reviews the implementation of a localized basis-set within the projectoraugmented wave method, which is the way of describing the core electronsthat is used in the GPAW code[20]. In Chapter 4 the investigation of thebinding of graphene on metallic model surfaces is presented. The resultsfrom traditional exchange and correlation functionals are compared to theresults obtained with a new type of functional, which includes van dew Waalsinteractions. Relevant comparisons to experimental data are also illustrated,which show that the metal-graphene interface still represents a challenge forDFT-based methods. The stability of GNRs in the presence of commongas species adsorbed at the edge is investigated in Chapter 5. It is pointedout that the saturation of the edges by oxygen atoms is also important toconsider, besides the well studied hydrogen passivation. Chapter 6 presentsa joint experimental and theoretical study of the mechanism by which sus-pended graphene is etched by catalytically active silver nanoparticles. Theexperimental observation of zigzag channels is elucidated by the DFT calcula-tions, which show that the armchair edges are easier to remove and thereforeonly zigzag edges are left. In Chapter 7 functionalized graphene is investi-gated as catalyst for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to chemical fuelsand comparisons are made with traditional transition-metal surfaces. The in-vestigated porphyrin-like structures are attractive candidates although issuesregarding the poisoning of the active site remain to be addressed.

Outline of the Thesis

This thesis is organized as follows:

Chapter 2 provides a brief theoretical background on the methods that arerelevant for this thesis. It also discusses some issues related to theimplementation.

Chapter 3 outlines the implementation of a localized basis set within the

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projector augmented wave method, and presents a set of benchmarkresults.

Chapter 4 presents a study about the adsorption of graphene on metal-lic model surfaces. The results obtained with standard functionals arecompared to those obtained with a recently developed functional whichincludes a non-local term for the treatment of van der Waals interac-tions. The results are finally compared to experiments.

Chapter 5 presents a study of the stability and electronic properties ofgraphene nanoribbons with different edge configurations and a numberof common gas species adsorbed at the edges.

Chapter 6 presents a joint experimental and theoretical study of the cat-alytic etching of suspended graphene by silver nanoparticles. Calcula-tions are shown to support the experimental evidence that the channelsare etched along the zigzag direction.

Chapter 7 is a first step towards the systematic investigation of porphyrin-like functionalized graphene for catalytic applications. In particular,the electrochemical reduction of CO2 is studied.

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Chapter 2


The results presented in this thesis are based on “ab-initio” (or first-principles)quantum-mechanical calculations. This means that no empirical parametersare used in order to compute the electronic structure properties of a system,but only the atomic numbers and positions are inputs to a calculation. Theincrease in computer power in the last decades has made it possible to per-form ab-initio calculations on larger and more realistic systems, achieving adegree of accuracy which enables direct comparison to experiments.

The aim of this chapter is to give a brief overview of the theoreticalmethods used in this thesis. Some aspects of the implementation relevantfor the work presented in later chapters are also discussed and references areprovided to more in-depth literature.

2.1 The Electronic Structure Problem

All properties of matter are in principle described by the well known Schrodingerequation (in the time-independent approximation)

HΨ = εΨ. (2.1)

Any observable can be extracted from the many-body wavefunction Ψ, andε is the total energy of the system. The Hamiltonian operator H in generaldepends on both electronic and nuclear degrees of freedoms. The Born-Oppenheimer approximation allows to decouple the electronic and nucleardynamics due to the large difference in mass between electrons and nuclei,me/Mn ≈ 10−3 − 10−5. The electron problem can thus be reduced to a N-electron Hamiltonian in which the nuclei are assumed to be fixed at somegiven positions {RI} i.e. they enter as external parameters. In the non-


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8 2. Theory

relativistic approximation it reads

H = −1



∇2i −




|ri −RI|−



|ri − rj|

= T + Vext + Ve−e


where ri is the position of electron i and ZI is the atomic number of nucleusI. The first term in (2.2) is the kinetic energy operator, the second term isthe electrostatic potential from the ions and the last term is the electron-electron interaction due to the Coulomb repulsion between electrons. Notethat Vext could also include any other external contribution (e.g. appliedelectromagnetic fields) besides the ionic potential. It should be noted thatall the many-body effects are contained in the two-body operator Ve−e, whichis then the most cumbersome term to deal with in realistic calculations.

Solving (2.1) is the fundamental challenge in the theory of the electronicstructure of matter, and many ways of attacking the problem have beendevised, based on different levels of approximations. For sufficiently smallmolecules, wavefunction-based methods are feasible and give excellent re-sults. They usually rely on the minimization of a suitable energy functionalwithin the space of a chosen set of approximations for the real wave-function.Many-body perturbation theory is another approach, but extremely expen-sive numerical methods are required for realistic systems. Quantum MonteCarlo simulations are also computationally very demanding, restricting themonly to systems with a few electrons.

A somewhat different approach is provided by the Density FunctionalTheory (DFT), which has became the basis of much of the computationalmany-body physics we see today.

2.2 Density Functional Theory

DFT is an exact reformulation of the electronic structure problem in terms ofthe electronic density n(r) rather than the many-body wavefunction Ψ(r1σ1, r2σ2, ..., rNσN),which was worth the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1998 to Walter Kohn andJohn Pople. The major strength of this formulation is the fact that it allowsto solve the electronic structure problem in an efficient way, thus providing anexcellent compromise between accuracy and computational cost. Although inprinciple exact, the theory requires a universal functional which is in generalunknown and must be approximated.

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2.2. Density Functional Theory 9

2.2.1 Hohenberg-Kohn Theorems

The basis of DFT is the work by Hohenberg and Kohn (HK) in 1964 [21]

Theorem 2.2.1 (Hohenberg-Kohn 1,1964) The ground state density n(r)of a many-body quantum system in some external potential vext(r) determinesthis potential uniquely.

which formally enables using the three-dimensional (real) function n(r) in-stead of the 3N-dimensional (complex) many-body wave function Ψ(r1, r2, ..., rn)as the basic variable. In other words, all physical properties deriving from agiven Hamiltonian through the solution of the time-independent Schrodingerequation are determined by n(r). This includes the ground state energyE[n(r)], among others. More precisely, all physical observables can in prin-ciple be expressed as functionals of the electronic charge-density.

The second major ingredient is the existence of a variational principle forthe energy functional:

Theorem 2.2.2 (Hohenberg-Kohn 2,1964) For any trial density n(r) itholds E0 ≤ E[n(r)], where E0 is the ground-state energy for the system.

In other words, the minimum value of the total-energy functional E[n(r)]is the ground state energy of the system, and the density which yields itsminimum value is exactly the single particle ground-state density.

The explicit form of this energy functional reads

E[n] =

∫v(r)n(r)dr + F [n], (2.3)

where the universal functional

F [n] =1



|r− r′|drdr′ +G[n], (2.4)

is often separated into the classical Coulomb term due to the charged elec-trons and the new universal functional G[n].

2.2.2 Kohn-Sham Scheme

Although providing the ultimate theoretical foundation of DFT, the HK workof 1964 does not propose a simple way to solve the many-body problem.Such a scheme was in fact provided by the work of Kohn and Sham in 1965[22]. For any interacting ground state density n0(r), a corresponding non-interacting system in some effective potential Vs is constructed such that the

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10 2. Theory

non-interacting Hamiltonian Hs = T + Vs produce the same ground statedensity n0(r)

Es[n] = Ts[n] +

∫vs(r)n(r)dr. (2.5)

We know from the HK theory that

E[n] =

∫vext(r)n(r)dr +




|r− r′|drdr′ +G[n] (2.6)


∫vext(r)n(r)dr + UH [n] +G[n], (2.7)

and we now write the universal functional as

G[n] = Ts[n] + Exc[n]. (2.8)

where Ts[n] is the kinetic energy of a system of non-interacting electronswith density n(r) and Exc[n] is the definition of the exchange and correlationenergy of the corresponding interacting system which we will discuss later.The problem of minimizing the functional (2.6) is casted in the form of theEuler-Lagrange equation


{E[n]− µ


}= 0, (2.9)

where the conservation of electrons is enforced by the Lagrange multiplier µ,fixed so that

∫n(r)dr = N Taking the functional derivatives and using (2.6)

and (2.8) we obtain an expression for vS

vs(r) = vext(r) +



|r− r′|dr′ + vxc([n0]; r), (2.10)

where the exchange and correlation potential is

vxc([n0]; r) =δExc[n]



. (2.11)

Eq. (2.9) can then be rewritten as∫δn(r)

{vs(r) +



}dr = 0, (2.12)

which takes the same form of an equation applied to a system of non-interacting electrons moving in an effective potential vs(r). Therefore one

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2.2. Density Functional Theory 11

obtains the sought density n(r) by solving a set of single-particle Schrodingerequations for a given vs(r)[


2∇2 + vs(r)

]φi(r) = εiφi(r), (2.13)

and computing

n(r) =N∑


|φi(r)|2, (2.14)

from which the ground state energy is

E0 =occ∑j

〈φi| −1


∫vext(r)n(r)dr + UH [n] + Exc[n] (2.15)

= Ts[{φi}] +

∫vext(r)n(r)dr + UH [n] + Exc[n]. (2.16)

As the sum of the eigenvalues in (2.13) is the same of the ground state energyof the non-interacting KS system in (2.5) we can rewrite the kinetic energyterm Ts[{φi}] as

Ts[{φi}] =occ∑j

εj −∫vs(r)n(r)dr, (2.17)

which allows to rewrite the ground state energy as

E0 =occ∑j

εj −1



|r− r′|drdr′ + Exc[n]−

∫vxc([n0]; r)n(r)dr


εj − UH [n] + Exc[n]−∫vxc([n0]; r)n(r)dr.


Note that, since the Kohn-Sham potential vs(r) itself depends on the density,the equations (2.13) are to be solved self-consistently until convergence isreached in the electron density. It is worthwhile mentioning that Kohn-Sham orbital energies do not carry a direct and simple physical meaning,with the exception of the HOMO level which is equal to minus the ionizationpotential via Koopman’s theorem.

2.2.3 Exchange and Correlation Functionals

The exchange and correlation term in the KS theory appears because theuniversal functional F [n(r)] contains information beyond the Hartree term

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12 2. Theory

UH [n] and the one-body kinetic operator Ts[{φi}],

Exc[n] = F [n(r)]− Ts[{φi}]− UH [n]. (2.19)

which is usually separated into exchange and correlation components

Exc[n] = Ex[n] + Ec[n]. (2.20)

Several approximations for Exc[n] have been developed over the years us-ing different approaches, each one providing different accuracy and/or com-putational cost. Only a brief description of the main types will be givenhere.


The Local Density Approximation, already introduced by Kohn and Shamin [22], approximates the xc-energy density with the the xc-energy density ofthe homogeneous electron gas with the same density as the the local densityof the considered system

ELDAxc [n(r)] =


xc (r, [n(r)]) (2.21)

The exchange expression for εhomxc (r, [n(r)]) is known exactly, while the cor-

relation part is fitted to very accurate quantum Monte-Carlo simulations.Several parametrizations exist, the most common ones being the Perdew-Wang[23] and the Perdew-Zunger[24]. The surprisingly good results pro-duced by this simple form are usually attributed to the LDA approximationsatisfying many of the constraints of the exact xc functional. Despite itssimplicity, it is still widely used, especially in the solid state community.


The generalized gradient approximations add the dependence on the localdensity gradient

EGGAxc =


xc (n(r), |∇n(r)|)


xc (n(r))Fxc(n(r), |∇n(r)|)(2.22)

thus making the functional semi-local. Different GGAs usually differ forthe exchange part of Fxc, and several of them have been developed. GGAs

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2.3. Implementation 13

functionals are the most commonly used functionals nowadays. The mostcommon versions are by Becke (B88)[25], Perdew and Wang (PW91)[26] andPerdew, Burke and Enzerhof (PBE)[27]. Revised versions of PBE are alsowidely used, such as revPBE[28] and RPBE[29], which are fitted to databases.In this work the RPBE functional has been used, unless specified otherwise.


The widely used local and semi-local functionals usually provide an accuratedescription of covalent and ionic chemical bonds. However, they fail to re-produce nonlocal dispersive forces, in particular van der Waals interactions,which are likely to play an important role in the case of graphene. The vdW-DF[30, 31] was recently developed in order to account for the van der Waalsinteraction through a non-local correlation term. The functional takes theform

Evdw−DFxc = ErevPBE

x + ELDAc + Enl

c (2.23)

where ErevPBEx is the revPBE[28] exchange energy, ELDA

c is the LDA correla-tion energy and Enl

c is the non-local correction given by

Enlc =



∫∫n(r1)n(r2)φ(q1, q2, r12)dr1dr2 (2.24)

where r12 = |r1 − r2| and q1 and q2 are values of a universal functionq0(n(r), |∇n(r)|). Eq. (2.24) is efficiently evaluated by factorizing the in-tegration kernel φ and by using fast Fourier transform to compute the self-consistent potential as proposed in Ref. [32].

2.3 Implementation

All the first principle calculations in this thesis have been performed withthe GPAW code, which implements DFT within the Projector AugmentedWave formalism. The next sections cover some important aspects of the DFTimplementation relevant to the GPAW code. For a detailed account of theGPAW implementation, see [20].

2.3.1 The Projector Augmented Wave Method

When solving the Kohn-Sham equation for condensed matter systems, oneof the main concerns is the very different behavior of the wavefunctions closeto and far from the nuclei. The rapid oscillations of the wavefunctions inthe core region make their representation computationally expensive. In the

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14 2. Theory

pseudopotential approach, the atomic potential is replaced by an effetive,smoother, potential which is easier to represent numerically. This pseudopo-tential is constructed in such a way to reproduce the correct scattering ef-fect on the remaining valence electrons. The drawback of this approach isthat the information of the core region wavefunctions is lost. The ProjectorAugmented Wave (PAW) method allows to use a computationally conve-nient representation while mantaining the all-electron information available.This is achieved by describing the all-electron wavefunction |ψ〉 in terms ofa smooth pseudo-wavefunction |ψ〉 in the valence region and a local basis setexpansion in the core region, called the augmentation sphere, around eachatom a. It is thus possible to recover the all-electron wavefunction using thePAW transformation operator T

|ψn〉 = T |ψn〉 (2.25)

where n is a quantum state label, consisting of a band index and possibly aspin and k-vector index. The transformation operator is expressed as

T =∑



(|φai 〉 − |φa

i 〉) 〈pai | (2.26)

where |φai 〉, |φa

i 〉 and pai are atom-dependent partial waves and projector func-

tions which are only non-zero inside the augmentation sphere. The partialwaves |φa

i 〉 and |φai 〉 are the basis set used to expand |ψn〉 and |ψn〉 respec-

tively. |φai 〉 are usually chosen to be the solutions of the Kohn-Sham equations

for the isolated atom, and |φai 〉 are their smooth continuation inside the aug-

mentation spheres. The projectors pai are functions dual to the partial waves

ψn and can be chosen in order to obtain a rapid convergence of the expansionof the wavefunctions.

Since the core electrons hardly participate in the chemistry, the frozen-core approximation is applied. Within this approximation, the Kohn-Shamorbitals of the core electrons are fixed to the orbitals of the corresponding iso-lated atoms. The Kohn-Sham equations are thus only solved for the valenceelectrons.

2.3.2 Basis Sets

In order to solve the Kohn-Sham equations, the wavefunctions need to berepresented in a computationally convenient way. In the GPAW code, thewavefunctions can be represented using two different basis sets: real-spacegrids and a localized basis composed of a linear combination of atomic orbitals(LCAO). The latter option has been implemented in order to reduce the

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2.4. Electron Transport Calculations 15

computational cost while keeping an acceptable accuracy. The possibilityto switch seamlessly between the two representations is also a convenientfeature of the code.

Real Space Grid

The use of real-space grids for electronic structure calculations is relativelyrecent, compared to the more traditional plane-wave basis used by the solidstate community. Real-space techniques provide several advantages overplane waves. A plane-wave basis inherently imposes periodic boundary con-ditions, while the grid allows for a flexible treatment of boundary condi-tions. The Fourier transforms used in plane-wave methods are very difficultto parallelize efficiently, while the parallelization over real-space domains isvery efficient, requiring only small communication overhead. Similarly to theplane-wave approach, the accuracy can be systematically tuned by a singleparameter, the grid spacing (in analogy with the kinetic energy cutoff inplane-wave methods).

In the “grid mode”, the wavefunctions are represented on a three-dimensionalreal-space grid. Differential operators, such as the kinetic energy operator,are represented using finite-difference methods. Well developed grid-basedalgorithms can be used, and the Poisson equation is also solved using multi-grid methods.

Numerical Atomic Orbitals

Localized functions, traditionally popular among chemists, provide a verycompact and efficient basis set, suitable for large systems and systems con-taining a lot of vacuum. This type of basis is also particularly convenientin combination with Green’s functions-type methods, which make use of thelocality of the representation. A description of the LCAO implementation ispresented in Chapter 3.

2.4 Electron Transport Calculations

Non-equilibrium Green’s functions combined with DFT can be used to inves-tigate electron transport at the atomic scale, within the so called NEGF-DFTmethod[33]. Standard DFT calculations provide the structure, the electronicstructure and the Hamiltonian in the LCAO basis (which is then used toconstruct the Green’s functions). The transport system is partitioned intothree regions: the two semi-infinite leads (L,R) and the central region (C).

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16 2. Theory

The phase-coherent conductance in the low bias limit is

G(ε) = G0T (εF ), (2.27)

where G0 = 2e2/h is the conductance quantum and T (ε) is the transmissionfunction, given by

T (εF ) = Tr[GrC(ε)ΓL(ε)Ga

C(ε)ΓR(ε)], (2.28)

where GrC (Ga

C) is the retarded (advanced) Green’s function of the centralregion, and Γα is related to the self energies of the leads

ΓL/R = i(ΣL/R − Σ†L/R). (2.29)

and represents the broadening of the states in the central region due to thecoupling to the leads. Note that this formulation is totally equivalent to theLandauer-Buttiker formalism[34].

2.5 Adsorption

The adsorpion energy is often a key quantity, in particular when the interac-tion between molecules and surfaces is involved. This is especially true in thefield of catalysis, where the adsorption energy is a measure of the strength ofthe bond to the surface, which is a very important descriptor in the investiga-tion of catalytic properties of materials. Since DFT provides total energies,the adsorption energy is calculated as a difference between the energy of thecomposite system and the energies of the component parts. For example, theadsorption energy of a molecule on a surface is calculated as

∆Emolecule∗ = Emolecule+surface − Esurface − Emolecule. (2.30)

The adsorption energy ∆E can be converted into free energy by taking intoaccount the change in zero-point enegy ∆ZPE and entropy ∆S between thecomposite system and the parts

∆G = ∆E + ∆ZPE − T∆S, (2.31)

where T is the temperature. This is tipically the quantity of interest whenchemical reactions are considered. The energetics of a chemical reactionpathway is usually investigated by plotting the calculated free energies as afunction of a reaction coordinate. In the case of electrochemical processes,due to the presence of the aqueous solution extra terms that take into accountthe applied potential, the stabilization from the water and the effects of thepH and the electric field should be added[35].

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Chapter 3

Localized Atomic Basis Set inthe Projector Augmented WaveMethod

This chapter is based on Paper I. It discusses the implementation of local-ized atomic-orbital basis sets within the projector augmented wave (PAW)formalism. Benchmark results are also presented for atomization energies ofmolecules and equilibrium bulk properties of a variety of solids. An exampleof structural relaxation is also discussed and compared to the grid result.

3.1 Introduction

As discussed in the previous chapter, the only approximation of DFT is theexchange-correlation functional. However, solving the Kohn-Sham equationsinvolves, besides the challenge of describing the rapid core oscillations as out-lined in the PAW section in Chapter 2, the representation of the Kohn-Shamwave functions. Plane waves, wavelets and real-space grids are accurate ba-sis sets which can be systematically improved to achieve better convergence.Relatively less accurate but computationally more efficient are the localizedbasis sets, such as gaussians or numerical atomic orbitals. The followingsection will describe the implementation of the localized basis set, which weshall refer to as linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO), within thePAW formalism in the GPAW code. A convenient feature of the implemen-tation is the unique possibility of using two different but complementarybasis sets within the same formalism and approximations, i.e. the real-spacegrid and the LCAO basis. This allows to switch seamlessly between the tworepresentations even during a calculation. As an example of this feature, a


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18 3. Localized Basis Bet in PAW

0 1 2 3 4 5r



HGH 4sHGH 3dPAW 4sPAW 3d

Figure 3.1: The pseudo valence states of iron calculated with PAWand the norm-conserving HGH pseudopotentials. Both methods pro-duce smooth wave functions for the delocalized 4s state, but the lackof norm conservation allows the short-ranged 3d state in PAW to beaccurately sampled on a much coarser grid.

structural relaxation will be presented where the first steps are performedwith the atomic basis while the grid is used for the final steps. In this wayadsorption energies, which are tipically not very accurate with LCAO meth-ods, can easily be improved in the grid mode. The combination of LCAOand PAW is also unique because compared to norm-conserving pseudopoten-tial methods it allows the use of coarser grids. This is especially importantfor large systems, where the operations performed on the grid become com-putationally dominant. As an example, Fig. 3.1 shows the atomic orbitalsof iron calculated with the norm-conserving Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter(HGH) pseudopotentials[36] as well as with PAW. The d state is clearlymuch smoother in PAW.

3.2 Localized Basis Set in PAW

The Kohn-Sham eigenfunctions |ψn〉 are expanded onto atom-centered nu-merical orbitals |Φµ〉

|ψn〉 =∑


cµn |Φµ〉 , (3.1)

where the expansion coefficients cµn are now the variational parameters inthe self-consistent loop. The basis orbitals |Φµ〉 are chosen as

Φnlm(r) = ψnl(r)Ylm(r), (3.2)

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3.3. Benchmark Results 19

where ψnl(r) are stricly localized radial functions, and Ylm(r) are sphericalharmonics. The minimal basis set, called single-zeta, consists of one orbitalfor each valence state of the considered atom. These orbitals are obtainedby solving the radial Kohn-Sham equations for the isolated atom placed in aconfining potential well, as proposed in [37]. The cutoff radius is determinedby specifying the energy shift ∆E of the confined orbital compared to theenergy of the orbital in the free atom. In this way smaller values of ∆Ecorrespond to longer-ranged basis orbitals. In order to improve the radialflexibility of the basis set, extra basis functions with the same angular mo-mentum l (multiple zeta) are constructed for each valence state using thesplit-valence technique[38, 39]. Finally, in order to increase the angular flex-ibility of the basis set, polarization functions can be added - orbitals with lquantum number corresponding to the lowest unoccupied angular momen-tum.

In the “LCAO mode”, the matrix elements of the kinetic energy andoverlap operators are efficiently calculated in Fourier space using analyticalexpressions[40]. On the other hand, the matrix elements of the effectivepotential are still evaluated on the three-dimensional grid, since the densityis also evaluated on this grid. All the two-center integrals are calculated onlyonce for a given atomic configuration, before the self-consistent iterations.Since a basis-set calculation involves fewer degrees of freedom compared toa grid-based calculation, the hamiltonian can be directly diagonalized in thespace of the basis functions. This significantly lowers the number of interationto reach self-consistency compared to the iterative minimization approachesused in grid-based calculations. The Hartree potential, which is needed ateach self-consistency step, is calculated by solving the Poisson equation inreal space using multigrid methods[41].

3.3 Benchmark Results

In this section, selected physical quantities are calculated using the localizedbasis set. The results are compared to the values obtained using the gridmode, which can be considered as the complete basis-set limit since the sameapproximations and most implementation is shared.

3.3.1 Molecules

As a first assessment of the accuracy of the LCAO implementation, the at-omization energies for the G2-1 data set[42] were calculated. The geometrieswere taken from MP2(full)/6-31G(d) optimized geometries, and the Perdew-

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20 3. Localized Basis Bet in PAW




































lLi 2
















H N2









a 2 Si 2 P2


Cl 2






Si 2

























d[ eV





Figure 3.2: PBE atomization energies from the G2-1 database, rel-ative to the grid values.

Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) functional was employed. The error with respect tothe grid results

∆ELCAO −∆Egrid = ELCAOmol −


ELCAOatoms −


mol −∑atoms



is shown in Fig. 3.2 for different basis sets. The corresponding mean abso-lute errors (MAE) are shown in Table 3.1. It can be noted that enlargingthe basis set, i.e. adding more orbitals per valence electron, systematicallyimproves the results towards the grid values. The remaining deviations fromthe grid atomization energies are mostly due to the fact that the orbitals ofisolated atoms are long-ranged (in principle infinite), while the basis orbitalsare obtained with an artificial confining potential, which produces confinedorbitals.

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3.3. Benchmark Results 21

MAE [eV] MAE % [eV]DZ 1.71 20.4DZP 0.36 4.45TZP 0.25 3.02TZDP 0.20 2.44

Table 3.1: Mean Absolute Errors of the LCAO basis set with respectto the grid for the atomization energies from the G2-1 database for∆E = 0.01eV

3.3.2 Solids

The equilibrium bulk properties (lattice parameter, cohesive energy and bulkmodulus) were calculated for a variety of crystals. Simple metals (Li, Na andAl) were included, as well as semiconductors (AlP, Si and SiC), ionic solids(NaCl, LiF and MgO), transition metals (Fe, Cu and Pt) as well as oneinsulator (C). The results are shown in Fig. 3.3, where different bars indicatedeviations from the grid results for different basis sets. The calculationshave been performed for the solids in their most stable crystal structure,using the PBE functional. Spin polarization was included for Fe and for thecalculations of the isolated atoms.

The agreement with the real-space grid is excellent, with a mean absoluteerror of 0.5% in the calculation of lattice constants, 4% in cohesive energiesand 6% in bulk moduli using a double zeta polarized (DZP) basis set. Inmost cases very accurate lattice parameters can be obtained already with asmall single zeta polarized (SZP) basis, especially for lattice constants. Thisis an indication that structure relaxations with the LCAO basis are likelyto produce very accurate geometries. The calculations of lattice parameters,in fact, only involve the evaluation of energy differences between similarstructures, i.e. not involving references to isolated atoms, thus leading to amore effective error cancellation.

3.3.3 Structure Relaxation

Since LCAO calculations generally reproduce geometries of grid calculationsvery accurately, they can be used as high-quality initial guesses for gridcalculations. This is made possible by the possibility of a seamless switchbetween basis-set and grid representations. For most systems, an LCAOcalculation is 25-30 times faster than a grid calculations, thus making thecost of the LCAO relaxation often negligible. In Fig. 3.4 a performancecomparison is shown, for which the atomic positions and the Hessian from the

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22 3. Localized Basis Bet in PAW



MgO Al


l Li



AlP Fe Cu Pt0.2









[◦ A]







MgO Al


l Li



AlP Fe Cu Pt









c[ eV




MgO Al


l Li



AlP Fe Cu Pt0.4












Figure 3.3: Deviation in lattice parameter, cohesive energy and rel-ative bulk modulus from the grid results. The largest bars have beentruncated and are shown with dotted edges.

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3.4. Summary and Outlook 23

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70iterations











0 50 100 150 200 250CPU time [h]











Grid only


Grid, continued

Initial Final

Figure 3.4: The energy as a function of iteration count (top) aswell as CPU time (bottom) in structure optimizations. A grid-basedand an LCAO based structure optimization plus the continuation ofthe LCAO optimization after switching to the grid representation areshown.

LCAO relaxation were used in the subsequent grid relaxation. The system isa 38-atom truncated octahedral gold cluster with a CO molecule adsorbed,as shown in the inset of Fig. 3.4. The grid-based relaxation took 223 CPUhours, compared to the 8.4 CPU hours of a LCAO one (with a similar numberof relaxation steps). The further grid relaxation took 45 CPU hours, for atotal speedup of a factor 4. The speedup is of course system dependent andhigher when the initial guess is further away from the converged geometry.

3.4 Summary and Outlook

The implementation of a localized basis in the grid-based PAW code GPAWhas been outlined. Test results for atomization and cohesive energies, latticeparameters and bulk moduli have been presented and compared to well con-verged grid results. The deviations from the grid results have been shownto decrease as the size of the LCAO basis is increased. Since the struc-tural properties are very accurate, it has been demonstrated that the LCAO

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24 3. Localized Basis Bet in PAW

relaxation can provide a good initial guess for subsequent grid relaxations.This has been shown to increase the efficiency of grid calculations withoutcompromising the accuracy.

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Chapter 4

Graphene on Metals

This chapter is based on the Paper II. It concerns the investigation of thebinding of graphene on fcc(111) model metal surfaces. A recently devel-oped exchange-correlation functional has been applied and the results arecompared to both standard functionals and to available experiments.

4.1 Introduction

The interaction of graphene with metallic surfaces is an important issue bothat the fundamental and at the application level. At the fundamental level itis a very challenging system to study theoretically, since it involves dispersiveinteractions and a 2D system, which are difficult to describe with standardDFT-based approaches. In the context of applications, catalytic growth ofgraphene on metal surfaces has become a routine method to produce rela-tively large graphene samples[17]. Moreover, as a candidate for future nano-electronics, the contact with metal electrodes definitely plays an importantrole in the design and fabrication of nano devices. Nevertheless, the natureof the metal-graphene chemical bond is still not well understood. On theexperimental side, the lack of control over the details of the metal-grapheneinterface and the lack of a direct and accurate method to obtain informationabout the binding distance have made it difficult to investigate the chemicalbonding at the interface. On the theoretical side, DFT is well known tohave severe limitations when van der Waals interactions are involved. Theseinteractions are likely to play a role in the binding of graphene, due to itsclosed-shell and planar nature.


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26 4. Graphene on Metals

Figure 4.1: STM image of graphene on single-crystal Cu(111) show-ing Moire patterns, from [43].Graphene growth by CVD has beenachieved on most metal.

Figure 4.2: The model for the adsorption of graphene. The leftstructure (smaller unit-cell) is used for Cu,Ni and Co while the struc-ture on the right is used for Pd, Ag, Au, Pt and Al.

4.2 Computational Details

Two different unit cells were used, in order to obtain commensurate struc-tures without significant strain, as discussed in [44] and show in Fig.4.2. Themetal slabs were modeled with four atomic layers and the atoms were keptfixed to their experimental lattice parameters, while the carbon atoms inthe graphene sheet were relaxed using the DFT forces (fmax = 0.05 eV/A).Monkhorst Pack k-point samplings of 6 × 6 × 1 and 4 × 4 × 1 were usedrespectively for the smaller (Fig. 4.2 left) and the larger (Fig. 4.2 right) or-thorombic unit cells. The wavefunctions were represented on the grid, with agrid spacing of 0.16 A, and at least 14 A were added in the direction normalto the surface. The calculations for Ni and Co were spin-polarized.

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4.3. Standard DFT and vdW-DF 27

4.3 Standard DFT and vdW-DF

Local and semi-local functionals usually provide an accurate description ofcovalent and ionic chemical bonds. On the other hand they notoriously failto reproduce non local dispersive interaction, in particular van der Waalsinteractions. Being long-range correlation effects, they cannot be included inany local or semi-local formulation[45]. It is well known that LDA tends tooverbind systems where van der Waals forces play a role, while GGAs usuallyunderestimate the binding in these systems.

Since in the case of graphene on metals GGAs, contrary to experiments,predict no binding at all, most theoretical work on these interfaces has heav-ily relied on LDA. However, the relatively good performances of the LDAfunctional on these systems are to be considered fortuitous[46, 47]. For thisreason, the recently developed vdW-DF functional[30, 31], described in Chap-ter 2, has been applied. This functional has proven to improve the resultsover standard functionals for a number of systems, with particular success inpredicting binding energies[48, 49, 50]. A word of caution is in order here,since results involving the application of the vdW-DF functional to metallicsystems should be taken with care due to the choice of the response functionemployed in the construction of the vdW-DF[51].

4.4 Graphene on fcc(111) Metals

The interaction of graphene on metals was studied on a number of modelfcc(111) surfaces: Co, Ni, Pd, Ag, Au, Cu, Pt and Al. The calculatedbinding energies and distances are reported in Table 4.1. The LDA predictstwo classes of metal-graphene interfaces, in good agreement with [44]: Co,Ni and Pd which bind graphene relatively strongly and Ag, Au, Cu, Ptand Al which bind graphene very weakly. The same calculations were alsoperformed with the revPBE[28] functional, and no binding was found forany of the metals. The picture emerging from the vdW-DF functional isthat of a weak binding, similar across the different metals. Interestingly, thebinding energies for the system that LDA finds weakly bonded are similarto the energies obtained with the vdW-DF. On the other hand, the bindingdistances are systematically larger in the vdW-DF case. This overestimationof the equilibrium distance has been in fact reported previously[51].

In the following, the case of graphene on Ni(111) is analyzed. Fig. 4.3shows the binding curve obtained with the different functionals. It is dis-appointing to see that different functionals predicts qualitatively differentbehaviours. The LDA curve has a relatively deep minimum at ∼ 2 A while

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28 4. Graphene on Metals

Co Ni Pd Ag Au Cu Pt Al

vdW-DFd (A) 3.40 3.50 3.50 3.55 3.57 3.58 3.67 3.72

Eb (meV) 30 37 39 33 38 38 43 35∆EF (eV) -0.20 0.13 0.65 -0.40 0.21 -0.43 0.66 -0.51δQ (10−3e) -5.0 -3.0 +5.0 -5.0 +0.4 -4.0 +5.0 -8.0

LDAd (A) 2.08 2.08 2.33 3.32 3.35 3.21 3.25 3.46

Eb (meV) 175 123 79 45 31 35 33 25

Exp.d (A) 1.5-2.2a 2.1b 5c - 3.3d

Hybridization se sf sg wh wi wj wk

Table 4.1: Binding energies (Eb) per carbon atom and binding dis-tances (d) of graphene on metal (111) surfaces. Fermi level shift∆EF and charge transfer δQ at the vdW-DF equilibrium separation.Negative (positive) ∆EF indicates n (p)-type doping. Negative (posi-tive) δQ indicates electron transfer to (from) the graphene layer. Thecharge transfer has been evaluated using the Bader scheme[52]. TherevPBE functional yields no binding for all metals.

a Ref. [53] b Ref. [54] c Ref. [55] d Ref.[56] e Ref. [53] f Ref. [57]g Ref. [58] h Ref. [59] i Ref. [55] j Ref. [59] k Ref. [56]

the revPBE curve is repulsive. The vdW-DF curve lies in between, and pre-dicts a shallow minimum at 3.5 A. This large difference in predicted bindingdistances have a direct impact in the calculated Kohn-Sham bandstructures,which are shown in Fig. 4.3. In isolated graphene, the carbon pz orbitalsplaced at A sites (pA

z ) are decoupled from the pz orbitals at B sites (pBz ) at

the Dirac point, thus producing two degenerate states (see inset in Fig. 4.3for the structure). Since in the LDA calculation, the A sites are located di-rectly on top of Ni atoms at a close distance (2.08 A), a strong hybridizationbetween pA

z orbitals and Ni3z2−r2 is observed. This interaction gives rise toan unoccupied antibonding state σ∗ and two occupied bonding states σ1 andσ2. The LDA gaps for σ∗−σ1 and σ∗−σ2 are 2 eV and 4 eV, respectively. Onthe other hand, the pB

z orbitals (occupied in the spin up channel and unoccu-pied in the spin down channel) hardly interact with Ni d states and thereforeremain unchanged. The vdW-DF band structures (because it is calculatedat the vdW-DF relaxed distance of 3.50 A), on the other hand, resemblethe free graphene, preserving the Dirac point and only shifting it by +0.13eV. Similar behavior is found for Co and Pd. For the remaining interfacesboth the LDA and vdW-DF bandstructures resemble that of free standinggraphene with the Dirac point shifted with respect to the metal Fermi level,

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4.4. Graphene on fcc(111) Metals 29

Figure 4.3: Binding energy (Eb) per carbon atom of graphene onthe Ni(111) surface calculated with LDA, revPBE and vdW-DF func-tionals. Graphene is adsorbed in the top-fcc configuration (see inset).

Γ K MWave vector










LDA up

Γ K MWave vector










vdW-DF up

Figure 4.4: LDA (left) and vdW-DF (right) band structures forgraphene on Ni(111) in the top-fcc configuration. Larger dots repre-sent larger weight of the carbon pz orbitals.Only one spin channel isshown, the other being almost identical.

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30 4. Graphene on Metals

due to the similar binding distances predicted by the two functionals.

Since LDA is known to underestimate band gaps significantly G0W0 cal-culations were also performed for the graphene-Ni structures correspondingto the LDA and vdW-DF distances. In both cases no noteworthy differ-ences between the G0W0 and DFT Kohn-Sham band structures close to theK-point were observed.

4.5 Comparison to Experimental Data

It is unfortunately very challenging to extract binding energies and bindingdistances from experiments of a graphene layer on a substrate. The com-parison to experimental data is therefore indirect, and relies on differenttechniques. Recent experimental work on the Ni/graphene interface is basedon Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES). The ARPES bandstructures reveal a band gap at the graphene K-point thus suggesting somehybridization between the graphene and Ni orbitals[57, 60]. Earlier LEEDmeasurements found a Ni-graphene bond distance of 2.1A[54]. Note thatboth of these results are in line with the LDA calculations. On the otherhand LDA is not expected to work well for highly inhomogeneous systemssuch as the interface structures investigated here. Similar experimentalconclusions[53] are found for the Co/graphene interface, using Scanning Tun-neling Spectroscopy techniques (STS). These results might indicate a diffi-culty for the present vdW-DF in describing systems with mixed bondingcharacter, in line with the conclusions of Ref. [61]. It should also be notedthat the present calculations are restricted to two specific interface configura-tions and hence do not take into account the variety of Moire superstructuresobserved in experiments. Recent ARPES and LEED data is also availablefor the Pt/graphene interface[56] which provides clear evidence of weak in-teraction between graphene and the substrate, with an estimated separationof 3.3A, in fair agreement with both LDA and our vdW-DF results. STSmeasurements for graphene on Pd[58] show a band-gap opening of ∼ 0.3eV, in contrast with both LDA and vdW-DF predictions. STS experimentson the Au/graphene interface[55], particularly relevant since most electroniccontacts consists of gold electrodes, demonstrate a weak interaction betweenAu and graphene, and a p-type doping in agreement with both LDA andvdW-DF results. The available recent experimental data is summarized inthe last two rows of Table 4.1.

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4.6. Binding from Exchange and Correlation 31

4.6 Binding from Exchange and Correlation

In order to better characterize the differences in the behaviour of differ-ent functionals, it is instructive to look at the exchange contribution tothe binding energy. Fig. 4.4 shows the total (full lines) and the exchange-only (dashed lines) binding energy curves for revPBE, PBE and LDA inthe case of graphene on Cu(111) (left panel) and on Ni(111) (right panel).The exchange-only energies are calculated by removing the correlation en-ergy term in the exchange-correlation functional and have been evaluatednon self-consistently. Clearly, the bonding for the physisorbed graphene onAg, Au, Cu, Pt and Al originates partially from the exchange term in theLDA xc-functional, as shown for Cu as an example in Fig. 4.4 (left). Thisis in principle incorrect since the van der Waals interaction is a purely non-local correlation effect. The weak binding energies obtained with the LDAfunctional are therefore to be taken with caution, since the good agreementwith experiments might be fortuitous in most cases. The weak bonding pre-dicted by the vdW-DF functional, similar in magnitude to the LDA results,is produced by the correlation term instead, which is physically correct. In-terestingly, this applies to the Ni/graphene system as well, as shown in theright panel of Fig. 4.4. The LDA exchange-only curve shows a broad andweak attractive contribution between 2 A and 5 A with two local minima.We note that in a genuine covalent bond the exchange contribution to thebinding energy is generally significantly larger than it is in this case. TherevPBE and PBE exchange-only curves are repulsive at all separations forboth systems. This is exactly the type of behavior which is usually observedin van der Waals bonded dimers or organic molecules on surfaces[30, 62].

4.7 Summary and Outlook

The recently developed vdW-DF functional, which includes explicit non-localcorrelations, has been applied to study the adsorption of graphene on differ-ent metal (111) surfaces and the results have been compared with those fromtraditional functionals. No binding has been found with GGA functionals.For Ag, Au, Cu, Pt and Al both LDA and vdW-DF predict a weak binding.Nevertheless the binding originates from exchange in the LDA and from cor-relation in the vdW-DF. A similar weak interaction has also been found forNi, Co and Pd with the vdW-DF, while the LDA predicts stronger bindingand significant hybridization between graphene and metal d states. At thevdW-DF equilibrium distance, the bandstructure is practically unaffectedby the underlying metal surface. These results for Ni, Co and Pd appear to

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32 4. Graphene on Metals

2 3 4 5 6Vertical separation d (













to E


revPBE x-onlyLDA x-onlyPBE x-onlyrevPBE xcLDA xcPBE xc


2 3 4 5 6Vertical separation d (















to E


revPBE x-onlyLDA x-onlyPBE x-onlyrevPBE xcLDA xcPBE xc


Figure 4.5: Decomposition of the binding energy Eb into exchange-only contributions (dashed lines - only the correlation term is re-moved) and total binding energy (full lines) for different functionals.

be in conflict with experimental LEED and ARPES data, suggesting thatmore work is to be done in order to reconcile experiments and theory for thegraphene-metal interface. Experiments are currently focusing on obtaining adefect-free interface while theory is improving the description of the energet-ics, beyond standard DFT[63]. It is particularly crucial to take into accountthe effect of defects, such as adatoms or step edges, which are likely to playan important role in the binding due to their high reactivity[64].

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Chapter 5

Graphene Nanoribbons inGaseous Environments

This chapter is based on Paper III. The stability of graphene nanoribbons isinvestigated taking into account the adsorption of common gas molecules atthe edge of the ribbons. Specifically, H2, O2, N2, CO, CO2 and H2O moleculesare considered. The oxygen saturation of the zigzag edge is discussed in moredetail and it is compared to its hydrogen-saturated counterpart.

5.1 Introduction

Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) are stripes of graphene with a finite width.The standard GNRs are either zigzag or armchair, depending on the struc-ture of the two edges. Recent advances in experimental techniques havemade it possible to fabricate and characterize graphene-based nanostruc-tures. GNRs have attracted much interest due to their potential role incarbon-based nanoelectronics[12, 65]. The lateral confinement, due to thefinite width, opens a band gap, which is a major prerequisite for applicationsin many nanoelectronic devices such as transistors. Magnetic properties arealso very intriguing both from a fundamental perspective, since they involvecarbon-based magnetism and from the point of view of potential applications.For example, the zigzag GNR (ZGNR) is theoretically predicted to have amagnetic semiconducting ground state, with spin-polarized edges. This pre-dicted property has attracted great interest in the field of spintronics[66] (seeFig. 5.1).

In order to take advantage of these appealing features, the control overthe edge structure is crucial. Theory and experiments have indeed shownthat the electronic and transport properties of GNRs are strongly influenced


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34 5. Graphene Nanoribbons in Gaseous Environments

Figure 5.1: a) Schematic density of states for a ZGNR in absence ofapplied electric field. b) An external electric field can be used to turnthe ZGNR into a half-metal, for spintronics applications. Adaptedfrom [66].

by the details of the atomic configuration of the edges[67]. Since, contraryto bulk graphene, GNRs edges are very reactive, a detailed knowledge of thestability and properties of the different types of edges is important in orderto understand and possibly design GNRs with tailor-made properties.

Most of the previous theoretical work on GNRs concerns only the arm-chair and the zigzag edges, with or without hydrogen passivation. However,recent calculations have shown that other edge configurations can also ex-hibit high stability[68]. Non-standard edge configurations have also been re-cently observed in experiments[69], but they still remain largely unexplored.Besides hydrogen, it is also important to consider the effect of other gasmolecules on the edge stability, especially when ambient conditions are rele-vant. The adsorption of molecules can also be exploited in connection to thefunctionalization of GNRs[70] in order to manipulate their properties.

5.2 Computational Details

Five different edge configurations[68] were considered, and the unit cell alongthe periodic direction was chosen to be the smallest possible, see Fig. 5.2.The widths of the nanoribbons were in the range 20-23 A, wide enough toobtain fully converged results. Periodic boundary conditions were used, andGNRs in neighbouring cells were separated by 10 A in all directions. Allcalculations were spin-polarized, and the structures were relaxed until themaximum force was lower than 0.05 eV/A. A grid spacing of 0.18 A wasused, and a (1 × 1 × 10) Monkhorst-Pack k-point grid was employed tosample the Brillouin zone along the periodic direction of the ribbons.

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5.3. Stability 35

Figure 5.2: The standard and reconstructed edge geometries (andcorresponding abbreviations) considered. The figures show two unitcells of the nanoribbons with periodicity along the z-direction.

5.3 Stability

In the following, the stability of five different edge geometries in the presenceof H2, O2, N2, CO, CO2 and H2O is investigated. Only the edge carbonatoms were considered as adsorption sites, since these are by far the mostreactive sites in GNRs. For example, a H atom on the carbon atom next tothe edge atom does not bind, with respect to H2 gas phase.

5.3.1 Adsorption Energies

The adsorption energy of the different molecules for the five edge configura-tions in Fig. 5.2 were calculated as

Eads = Eribb+mol −NmolEmol − Eribb, (5.1)

where Eribb+mol is the total energy of the ribbon with the adsorbed gasmolecule, Nmol is the number of adsorbed molecules and Emol is the totalenergy of the molecule in the gas phase. Note that, in order to avoid theerroneous DFT description of the O2 molecule, the total energy of gas-phasewater and H2 were used as suggested in [35]. The adsorption energies aresummarized in Fig. 5.3. It can be seen that atomic oxygen has the highestbinding energy in all edge configurations.

Besides the standard zigzag, for which the high reactivity is well estab-lished,the ac(56) was also found to be very reactive. This is due, as for thezigzag case,to the (spin-polarized) peak in the density of states close to theFermi energy, as shown in Fig. 5.4. Being highly reactive, the pristine zz

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36 5. Graphene Nanoribbons in Gaseous Environments

H Odiss2

O2 Ndiss2









Figure 5.3: Adsorption energy per molecule, Eads, for the differentmolecular species on the different edge configurations in eV. In thecase of nitrogen and oxygen we have considered both the molecularand dissociated forms on the edge.

Figure 5.4: Spin-polarized density of states projected onto the edgecarbon atom for the ac(56) GNR. The peaks around the Fermi level,similarly to the zigzag case, are responsible for the high reactivity

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5.3. Stability 37

zz(57) ac ac(56) zz ac(677)300K 0K 300K 0K 300K 0K 300K 0K 300K 0K

pristine 0.92 0.96 1.30 1.16 1.04H 0.46 0.30 0.21 0.03 0.75 0.66 0.25 0.10 0.61 0.43O 0.00 -0.13 -0.03 -0.19 0.21 0.13 -0.22 -0.36 0.17 0.02N 0.98 0.93 1.24 1.17 1.13 1.06 1.28 1.17 1.21 1.14

CO 0.90 0.70 0.66 0.42 0.82 0.58 0.99 0.58 1.05 0.81N2 1.22 1.11 1.20 1.07 1.14 1.00 1.47 1.24 1.12 0.99O2 0.42 0.28 0.82 0.66 0.69 0.54 1.03 0.77 1.06 0.99

H2O 0.59 0.46 0.52 0.36 0.87 0.71 1.09 0.81 0.86 0.70CO2 0.89 0.75 0.93 0.76 1.42 1.25 1.71 1.42 1.36 1.19

Table 5.1: Edge formation free-energy at 0 K and 300 K for thedifferent nanoribbons and adsorbed species in eV/A. For pristinenanoribbons, i.e. with non-passivated edges, the zz(57) reconstruc-tion is the most stable. This is no longer the case when species areadsorbed at the edge. In this case oxygen and hydrogen passivatededges are lower in energy.

and ac(56) edges also have the highest formation energies, see Table 5.1.

5.3.2 Edge-formation Energies

The adsorption energies provide information on the strength of the interac-tion once a given edge configuration has been formed. In order to evaluatethe thermodynamic stability of an edge in the presence of gas molecules, theenergetic cost of forming the edge itself has to be taken into account. Theformation energy of the pristine edges is calculated as

Ef =1


(Eribb −NCE

bulk), (5.2)

where Eribb is the total energy of a ribbon consisting of NC carbon atoms inthe supercell and Ebulk is the total energy per atom in bulk graphene. Thecalculated energies are shown in the first line of Table 5.1, and are in verygood agreement with previous work[68]. Note that for pristine GNRs, thezz(57), also known as rec-zag in the literature, has the lowest edge energy.

The adsorption energy is then converted into free energy with the help ofthe chemical potential µgas of the gas phase

Gads =1

LEads − ρgasµgas, (5.3)

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38 5. Graphene Nanoribbons in Gaseous Environments

pristine H


2O 2


2N 2


H 2O

CO 2









Figure 5.5: Edge formation free energy of graphene nanoribbonswith different edge structures (different symbols) and different ad-sorbed molecules at the edge. The free energy is evaluated at 300K.The pressure for each structure with a given adsorbate is taken to bethe partial pressure of the gas-phase adsorbate at standard conditions.

where ρgas = Nmol/L is the (linear) density of adsorbed species. The chemicalpotential at temperature T and partial pressure P is given by

µ = H0(T )−H0(0)− TS0(T ) + kBT ln


P 0

), (5.4)

where H0 and S0 are enthalpies and entropies of the gas phase molecules atP 0 = 1 bar. The edge formation free energy is then evaluated as

Gf,ads = Ef +Gads. (5.5)

Fig. 5.5 summarizes the calculated edge formation free energies at 300 Kand atmospheric partial pressures for the gas species. The same results arealso reported in Table 5.1, where the formation free energies for 0 K are alsoshown. The edges saturated with oxygen are the most stable, in particularthe standard zz and ac, closely followed by the zz(57). Hydrogen saturatededges are also nearly as stable. In addition, the adsorption of CO and H2Ois also found to stabilize most edges. The dissociation of H2O is alwaysenergetically favored compared to the molecular adsorption. In particular, awater molecule dissociates into OH and H on ac, ac(56), zz(57) and ac(677).On the zz edge, instead, it spontaneously dissociates into oxygen adsorbedand two hydrogen atoms released in the gas phase.

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5.4. Oxygen-saturated Zigzag Edge 39

Figure 5.6: Band structure of a 22 A wide zigzag GNR saturatedwith O. The two insets show the states corresponding to the bandscrossing the Fermi level, marked with black circles.

5.4 Oxygen-saturated Zigzag Edge

Since zigzag edges saturated with oxygen atoms are found to be the moststable, in the following the ground state and vibrational properties are in-vestigated and compared to the well studied hydrogen-passivated edge.

5.4.1 Band Structure

The Kohn-Sham band structure for the oxygen saturated GNR is plotted inFig. 5.6. The ground state, differently from the hydrogen-saturated case,is spin paired and metallic. The two states at the Fermi level are localizedat the edges and have weight also on the p orbital of the oxygen atoms. Inparticular, one state decays into the GNR with weight only on one sublattice(left inset of Fig. 5.6), while the other is almost completely localized on theout of plane p oxygen orbital (right inset of Fig. 5.6). This is different fromthe hydrogen-saturated case, in which the edge states are localized on theedge carbon atoms only.

5.4.2 Vibrational Properties

It has recently become possible to study differences in the edge orientationof GNRs using Raman spectroscopy[71]. Since vibrational features can beused to determine structural details at the edge, the vibrational propertiesof the zigzag GNR passivated by oxygen have been calculated.

The phonon frequencies were obtained from the dynamical matrix in real

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40 5. Graphene Nanoribbons in Gaseous Environments

Figure 5.7: The total vibrational density of state of the 16 dimerwide (33A) hydrogen(red) and oxygen(blue) saturated zigzag nanorib-bon in comparison with graphene(black). In the top, the density ofstates weighted on the saturating atoms is shown for the hydrogen andoxygen saturated 16 dimer zigzag ribbon.

space, calculated by numerical differentiation of the DFT forces. Seven prim-itive unit cells were used in the supercell in order to obtain converged resultswith respect to the size of the cell.

The vibrational density of states (DOS) of a zigzag ribbon is shown inFig. 5.7. Overall, both the hydrogen and the oxygen saturated DOS are verysimilar to the results for bulk graphene. In order to compare the contributionsassociated with the edge, the edge localized states have been separated out,and are shown in the top of Fig. 5.7. For the hydrogen saturated ribbon,the two peaks are vibrational modes perpendicular to the C-H bond. Forthe oxygen saturated ribbon only the transverse C-O mode (182 meV) is atruly localized vibration, while the additional peaks in the acoustic part ofthe spectrum originates from individual normal modes in the longitudinaland out-of-plane series. The localized vibration for the oxygen saturatedGNR, being separated in energy from the peaks of the hydrogen saturatedGNR, might provide a way to discriminated between the types of saturationin experiments.

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5.5. Summary and Outlook 41

5.5 Summary and Outlook

The adsorption of common gas molecules at the edge of different types ofGNRs have been studied. In terms of edge formation free energy, the passi-vation by atomic oxygen is the most stable, closely followed by the hydrogen-passivated GNRs. As for the vibrational properties, the comparable massesof oxygen and carbon lead to a large degree of mixing between localized edgeand bulk modes. Only the stretching (transverse) mode of the C-O bondwas found to be completely localized at the edge, and decoupled from thenormal-mode series. Vibrational patterns might provide a way to distinguishdifferent edges in experiments. It should be noted that the edge formationfree energy is not the only quantity which is relevant in order to evaluate sta-bility and to compare to experiments. Energy barriers, for instance, are likelyto play a role in the dissociation of the gas molecules and in the structuralconfiguration of the edges.

From the experimental side, the investigation of graphene edges at theatomic lavel is far from trivial. The effect of the electron beam on the struc-ture is not well understood, and thus represents a major issue in the ap-proaches using transmission electron microscopes[72]. However, the experi-mental techniques are improving at a very fast pace and are close to achievingatomic resolution even for graphene edges. Interestingly, very recent experi-ments have been able to resolve edges of graphene on metal surfaces[73]. Thisrepresents an important step towards the understanding of the edge stabilityin the presence of interactions with substrates.

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Chapter 6

Mechanism of ChannelingBehaviour of SilverNanoparticles on SuspendedGraphene

This chapter is based on Paper IV. It presents a joint experimental andtheoretical effort to investigate the catalytic etching of silver nanoparticleson suspended graphene. Environmental transmission electron microscopeobservations of the channeling behavior of silver nanoparticles on grapheneare combined with DFT simulations in order to elucidate the mechanism.

6.1 Introduction

In order to fabricate graphene-based devices, new patterning techniques areneeded. Current approaches are in large part adapted from silicon technol-ogy which typically involves optical and electron beam lithographies com-bined with etching. Even though these processes are well developed, theyhave several limitations when applied to graphene nanostructures. The ori-entation of lithography with graphene symmetry directions is a major issue,together with the fundamental resolution limits of lithographic techniques.Contamination and impurities from resist treatments also strongly affect theresulting properties of graphene samples.

A potential solution is presented by the catalytic etching, by hydrogena-tion or oxidation, of graphene via metal nanoparticles[74, 75, 76, 77, 78,79, 80, 81]. This process, already observed in graphite[82, 83], results inchannels of micro-scale length. Most importantly, this etched channels show


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44 6. Graphene Etching by Silver Nanoparticles

a strong tendency to follow the crystal orientation of graphene, and theirwidth is determined by the nanoparticle size. In order to control the process,it is crucial that the phenomena are understood at the atomic level, as theatomic structure of the edges plays an important role in the resulting prop-erties and hence in the future design of nanodevices. The catalytic etchingcan thus be considered a candidate for precise patterning, besides being aninteresting phenomenon of nano-catalysis.

6.2 Observations

The catalytic oxidation of graphene by silver nanoparticles over a tempera-ture range of 600-850 K and with oxygen pressures up to 13 Pa, results inchannels parallel to the zigzag direction, as reported in previous work[74].The use of an environmental transmission electron microscope allowed thein-situ investigation of the dynamical phenomenon, in contrast to previousex-situ studies which are based on the comparison of “before” and “after”images. A schematic representation of the process is shown in Fig. 6.1(c).The gas-phase oxygen interacts with the silver nanoparticles and, after beingadsorbed, it may dissociate. The formed atomic oxygen diffuses on the sur-face of the particle, eventually reaching the silver-graphene interface whereit interacts with the carbon edge atoms. The carbon at the edge reacts withthe oxygen at the interface and is gasified as CO, leaving a void which thecatalyst particle moves to fill. The reaction takes place as

αCgraphene + βO2 → γCO + δCO2 (6.1)

where CO production is favored over CO2[84, 85]. An activation energy forthe global process is determined to be Ea = 0.557 ± 0.016 eV based on thedistribution of nanoparticle velocities.

In a number of cases it was possible to observe the structure of thegraphene interface (Fig. 6.1) when nanoparticles etching a bilayer graphenechange from removing two layers to just a single layer, or vice versa. Theleading edge of a channeling particle always presented two 120 degree sepa-rated leading facets, and a corresponding mark was left on graphene.

Bragg reflections from channeling particles were also observed, which sug-gests that the particles maintain their crystallinity at temperatures exceeding850 K. In contrast, Bragg reflections were never observed for particles whichare stationary at these temperatures, and these particles also show a morespherical shape.

When particles move from the graphene surface to the amorphous car-bon support film, they undergo a significant change on morphology and be-

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6.2. Observations 45

Figure 6.1: a-b) TEM images of the transition between monolayerand bilayer etching (and vice versa) within a single channel. Thesefootprints of the interface of the silver particles in the graphene aretriangular in shape with edges parallel to the zigzag direction of thegraphene lattice. Scale bars 5nm. c) A schematic representation ofthe catalytic etching process. (i) The oxygen molecules interact withthe silver nanoparticles. (ii) After being adsorbed, the oxygen maydissociate. The formed atomic oxygen diffuses on the surface of theparticle, reaching the silver-graphene interface where it interacts withthe carbon edge atoms. (iii) Carbon at the edge reacts with the oxygenat the interface and is gasified in the molecular form COx leaving avoid which the catalyst particle moves to fill. d-e) The triangularfront of etching particles is clearly visible in these images. Scale bars25 nm and 20 nm respectively.

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46 6. Graphene Etching by Silver Nanoparticles

haviour. The Bragg reflections and consistent morphology disappear and theparticles rapidly melt, showing a quasi-liquid behavior. The current interpre-tation is that the weaker and disorganized bonding in the amorphous carbonfacilitates the removal of carbon atoms and does not impose any crystallinestructure to the particle.

6.3 Computational Details

The graphene/nanoparticle interface was modeled as a Ag(211) stepped sur-face with a wide graphene nanoribbon (GNR) perpendicular to it, in contactwith the silver atoms at the step, see Fig. 6.2. A 4 × 4 × 1 Monkhorst-Pack grid of k-points was used and the structures were relaxed until theforces were lower than 0.05 eV/A. The wavefunctions were expanded ontothe LCAO basis of double-zeta plus polarization type.

For the calculations of the binding energy of a carbon adatom on a silversurface, the Ag(111) surface was chosen. It was modeled as a 3 × 3 slab ofsilver atoms with a thickness of 5 layers. A 8× 8× 1 Monkhorst-Pack grid ofk-points was used and the structures were relaxed until the forces were lowerthan 0.05 eV/A. The wavefunctions were discretized on a real space grid,with a grid spacing of 0.2 A. The fcc-hollow site was found to be the moststable adsorption site for a carbon adatom on the Ag(111) surface, with anadsorption energy of -3.26 eV.

For the calculations of the binding energy of edge carbon atoms for arm-chair and zigzag edges, wide (∼ 28 A) graphene nanoribbons in large super-cells (∼ 15 A in the periodic direction) were used in order for the vacancyto be considered isolated. A 4× 1× 1 Monkhorst-Pack grid of k-points wasused and the structures were relaxed until the forces were lower than 0.05eV/A. The wavefunctions were discretized on a real space grid, with a gridspacing of 0.2 A.

6.4 Results

The graphene-silver interface is modeled as a graphene nanoribbon of widthequal to 19.8 A with periodic boundary conditions along its length, placededge-on to a step in the (211) silver surface, as shown in Fig. 6.2. The calcu-lated carbon-silver equilibrium distance was around 2.25-2.35 A, dependingon the exact position of the carbon atom relative to the closest Ag atoms.In order to apply periodic boundary conditions, the lattice parameter of thegraphene or the silver was varied so to have an integer number of both lattice

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6.4. Results 47

Figure 6.2: a) A three dimensional representation of the structureused in the DFT calculation. b-c) Schematic 2D projections of thestructure shown in (a). In particular, in (b) the shape of the step isclear, while in (c) the position of the graphene flake with respect to thesilver edge is exemplified. d-e) Scale representations in the ZY planeof the actual DFT relaxed graphene-silver interfaces for the armchairand zigzag edges respectively. In (d) two unit cells are shown, withone in (e).

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48 6. Graphene Etching by Silver Nanoparticles

unit cells in the supercell. The lowest energy interface was found when thegraphene lattice has negligible stress or strain, see Fig. 6.3, thus suggestingthat the first layers of silver atoms are likely to adapt to the graphene C-Cbond.

Figure 6.3: Total energy of the unit cell as a function of the C-Cbond length for the case of zigzag edge. The C-C bond length hasbeen varied by changing the size of the unit cell in all three spatialdimensions.

As shown in Fig. 6.4, the complete cyclic oxidation of rows of interfaceatoms is considered for both zigzag and armchair edges, returning to anequivalent situation except for the gasified atoms. The zigzag and armchairinterfaces are different, since two rows of the zigzag interface have to beremoved in order to obtain a zigzag interface again. On the contrary, onlyone row of interface armchair atoms has to be gasified in order to recover anarmchair interface. The removal of zigzag atoms presents an energy barrierof 0.34 eV for the first two steps combined. For the armchair case, instead,the reaction path is downhill in energy. The removal of atoms along thearmchair edge is therefore more favorable with respect to the zigzag edge.This suggests that the removal of the zigzag atoms is thus the rate-limitingstep for the reaction. This leads to purely zigzag channels, in agreement withthe experimental findings. Note that the energy barrier is also in agreementto the experimentally determined barrier of Ea = 0.557 ± 0.016 eV, eventhough transition-state barriers between the intermediates have not beentaken into account in the calculations. Accounting for the transition statesis likely to result in additional barriers.

In literature, two incompatible theories can be used in order to describethe mechanism of carbon removal by catalytic oxidation and hydrogenationof graphite. The surface model, by Goethel et al.[86], proposes that the car-

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6.4. Results 49

Figure 6.4: Energetic path for the modeled etching process for botharmchair and zigzag edge. a) In case of the zigzag edge the carbonatoms at the interface are fully oxidized by (b) adding one oxygenatom per undercoordinated carbon atom. c) The newly formed C-O couples are then removed. To obtain the initial situation anotherline of carbon atoms has to be removed. d) Once these doubly under-coordinated atoms are fully oxidized in a similar manner to (b) andremoved (e), the initial state (a) has been recovered except for thegasification of two rows of atoms in graphene. g) For the armchairedge, only one oxidation step is necessary to obtain a complete cy-cle. h) The interface at the equilibrium is oxidized and then the C-Ospecies are removed, (i). In our calculations the structure is allowedto fully relax at each step, and the total energy is evaluated. (f) A plotof the energy of each of the states (a-e) and (g-i) per CO moleculegasified, i.e. per carbon atom removed at the interface. The reac-tion in the zigzag case goes uphill with a calculated energy barrier of0.34eV, while it goes downhill in the armchair case. Both paths endup at the same energy level, which corresponds to the gasification of a“bulk” carbon atom, independent of that atoms position in the lattice.

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50 6. Graphene Etching by Silver Nanoparticles

bon atoms at the graphene-catalyst interface first diffuse into the nanopar-ticle and then combine with oxygen on the surface, desorbing as CO. Theinterface model, first introduced by McKee[87], instead proposes that oxy-gen, adsorbed onto the catalyst surface, diffuses to the interface and herecombines with carbon and desorbes. The DFT calculations strongly supportthe interface model. The calculated binding energies for carbon atoms onthe zigzag and armchair edges are respectively 7.7 eV and 5.9 eV. These aremuch higher than both kBT and the adsorption energy of a carbon atomon the Ag(111) surface, which is 3.3 eV. This makes the presence of carbonadatoms on the catalyst surface unlikely.

6.5 Summary and Outlook

DFT calculations have been combined with experimental observations toexplain the orientation of the channels that are catalytically etched by silvernanoparticles in suspended graphene. The energy barrier determined in theexperiments is reproduced and corresponds to the removal of zigzag edgeatoms, which is the rate limiting step. This leads to zigzag edges, as observed.Furthermore, both observations and calculations support the interface model.In particular, a carbon atom binds much more strongly to the grapheneedge than to the Ag(111) surface. Knowing the energetics of this process iscrucial in order to gain full control of the particle motion in technologicalapplications. There are no available methods to date which can producesubnanometer smooth edges in a reliable way.

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Chapter 7

Electro-catalysis onPorphyrin-like FunctionalizedGraphene

This chapter is based on the preprint V. It represents the first step towardsa systematic theoretical investigation of functionalized graphene as catalystnanomaterial. Porphyrin-like functionalized graphene is investigated as cat-alyst for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 and comparisons are made totraditional transition metal based catalysts.

7.1 Introduction

Catalysis is of key importance to the modern society. Approximately 90% ofall products of the chemical industry involve catalytic processes at some stageof their production[88]. Catalysts are materials which increase the rate of achemical reaction without being consumed during the process. They providea means to modify the rates at which bonds are broken and formed and thusto control and optimize the yields of the different chemical products. Besidesthe traditional role in the chemical industry, catalysis now faces a numberof new challenges in connection to environmental protection and sustainableenergy. This challenge calls for new, improved catalysts, and several newnanosystems have recently been investigated beyond the more traditionaltransition metal surfaces[89, 90, 91].

Porphyrin-based catalysts are known to be active for a range of chemicalreactions. For this reason, combined with the versatility of graphene-basedsystems, porphyrin-like functionalized graphene, shown in Fig. 7.1, has beeninvestigated here. This type of systems has several potential advantages over


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52 7. Catalysis on Porphyrin-like Functionalized Graphene

Figure 7.1: Structure of the metal functionalized porphyrin-likegraphene, top-view. Grey, blue and pink balls represent carbon, nitro-gen and active atoms, respectively. The difference in the investigatedstructures lies in the different active atom considered.

metal catalysts. First, the nature of the active site is totally different. Inour material there is only one, isolated, active site, which is in stark contrastto traditional metal-based catalysts where usually several binding sites areavailable for the intermediate. This feature can be seen as a bridge betweena metal-based catalyst and a molecular catalyst and opens up possibilities interms of controlling and manipulating the active site (this prospect becomesespecially appealing when considering that the carbon-based chemistry iswell defined compared to that of metallic surfaces). Second, a carbon-basedmaterial has significant advantages in terms of price. Third, the limitationsimposed by scaling relationships[92, 93] in transition-metal-based catalysismight be less severe in this new type of material.

7.2 Computational Details

The unit cell consists of a 4 × 4 graphene cell, where two carbon atoms areremoved, the active atom is placed and its four neighbours are replaced bynitrogen atoms. This leads to a supercell where different active atoms areseparated by 9.9 A. At least 16 A of vacuum are present in the non-periodicdirection. The calculations were spin-polarized and used a Monkhorst Packk-point samplings of (8×8×1). All the structures were relaxed until residualforces were lower than 0.04 eV/A. The wavefunctions were represented onthe grid, with a grid spacing of 0.18 A. In order to evaluate free energies,the corrections for zero-point energies and entropies were taken from Ref.[94]. The gas-phase correction has been calculated with the same procedureof Ref. [94], although for both CO2 and CO.

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7.3. Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 53

7.3 Electrochemical Reduction of CO2

The electrochemical reduction of CO2 to chemical fuels has re-gained hugeinterest in recent years in connection with renewable energy[95, 96]. The in-termittency of renewable energy sources calls for an efficient energy storagesolution[95]. The storage of energy in chemical bonds represents an attractiveapproach, in particular if combined with CO2 capture. This makes the elec-trochemical reduction of CO2 a very attractive candidate for the productionof chemical fuels.

However, in order to have any major impact, the process must be cost-efficient and a key step in realizing that is to find efficient catalysts. Unfor-tunately, so far no material is known to catalyze this reaction efficiently andwith high selectivity. Copper is the only metal that has been experimentallyshown to produce significant quantities of hydrocarbons (CH4 and C2H4)from CO2, albeit at a huge voltage cost[97]. The origin of the overpotentialhas remained elusive until recently[94], when a complete reaction mecha-nism was elucidated by employing DFT calculations in conjunction with thecomputational hydrogen electrode (CHE) method[35]. This effort made itpossible, for the first time, to construct a free energy diagram for the entirereaction, including potential side reactions, and to identify the potential lim-iting step. Importantly, the obtained results were in qualitative agreementwith experimental data reported by Hori et al.[97], and furthermore they ex-plained why hydrocarbons and not methanol, which is commonly producedon copper in gas phase catalysis, are dominant products.

Taking the same approach as in Ref. [94], the free energy levels of the in-termediates involved in the electroreduction of CO2 have been calculated forthe porphyrin-like functionalized graphene for a number of different atomsas central sites in the porphyrin-like structure (Ag, Ru, Ir, Pt, Au, Pd, Co,Rh, Cu, Pd, Al, Ga, Fe, Os and Ni). By analyzing the energy differences ofthe intermediates the overpotentials required to either reduce CO2 partiallyto CO/HCOOH or completely to CH4 have been extracted. Additionally,the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) has also been considered due to thefact that H* competes with *COOH for the active metal site. In that regard,special attention has been devoted to address selectivity towards the differentreaction products. Finally, the scaling relations between different adsorptionintermediates have been investigated. This information can be used to pre-dict the potential or fundamental limitations of porphyrin-like functionalizedgraphene in catalyzing various complex reactions.

As a first issue, the stability of the porphyrin-like structures has beeninvestigated for all the considered active atoms. The stability has been eval-

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54 7. Catalysis on Porphyrin-like Functionalized Graphene

Figure 7.2: Stability of the different active sites embedded in theporphyrin-like graphene.

uated as

Estab = Eporph+atom − Eporph − Eatom, (7.1)

where Eporph+atom is the total energy of the porphyrin-like graphene with agiven active atom, Eporph is the total energy of the structure without theactive atom and Eatom is the total energy of the isolated atom. The resultsare shown in Fig. 7.2. It can be noticed that for most of the active atomsEstab is lower than the corresponding cohesive energy of the bulk phase.As an example, the cohesive energy of bulk gallium is -2.81 eV/atom whileEstab=-3.7 eV. This is an indication of the stability of the structures againstsintering.

The free energy diagrams for complete and partial CO2 reduction on Ga-porphyrin-like functionalized grahene are presented respectively in Fig. 7.3and Fig. 7.4, along with the free energy diagram for the HER. This systemhas been chosen since it is the best candidate, a mong the systems considered,for both the partial and complete CO2 reduction. In the case of the HER,there are much better catalysts than gallium, however the data for the samesystem is shown in order to stress the selectivity issue that will be addressedlater on. The full reaction path (cf. Fig, 7.3) is the following

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7.3. Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 55

Figure 7.3: Free energy diagram for the complete reduction of CO2

to CH4 on Ga-porphyrin-like functionalized graphene. Energy levelsin black are at 0 V, while the red levels correspond to the minimumpotential which makes each step downhill in energy.

CO2 + H∗ + e− → COOH∗

COOH∗ + H∗ + e− → CO∗ + H2O

CO∗ + H∗ + e− → HCO∗

HCO∗ + H∗ + e− → H2CO∗

H2CO∗ + H∗ + e− → H3CO∗

H3CO∗ + H∗ + e− → O∗ + CH4

O∗ + H∗ + e− → OH∗

OH∗ + H∗ + e− → H2O.


Typically, when applying the CHE method, the free energy diagram isillustrated at U = 0 with respect to the reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE)and at the lowest potential at which all steps are downhill in free energy, i.e.at the overpotential at which all reaction steps become exergonic (red levelsin the figures). Fortuitously, in the case of Ga, there are two such steps thatoccur at the same potential, U = -0.74 V, which, by chance, is equal to theonset potential for CH4 production on Cu(211)[94]. The first potential lim-iting step is the addition of a proton-electron pair to adsorbed CHO to formformaldehyde (H2CO), whereas the second one is protonation of OH to waterin the last electrochemical step. For comparison, on Cu(211) protonation ofthe *CO intermediate was found to be the potential determining step.

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56 7. Catalysis on Porphyrin-like Functionalized Graphene

Figure 7.4: Free energy diagram for the partial reduction of CO2

to HCOOH (a) and CO (c) on Ga-porphyrin-like functionalizedgraphene. The diagram for the HER is shown in (c) . Energy levelsin black are at 0 V, while the red levels correspond to the minimumpotential which makes each step downhill in energy.

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7.3. Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 57

In the case of CO evolution (cf. Fig. 7.4c), which is another reaction ofinterest, Ga-porphyrin-like graphene was also found to be the best catalyst,featuring somewhat lower overpotential, -0.68 V, than for the CO2 reduction.Note that in this case, in general one also has to take into account thethermodynamical barrier for CO desorption. There is little use of a catalystif products cannot be removed from the surface[98]. To make things worse,CO desorption is a potential independent step and thus little can be doneto promote it. This is not a problem for the Ga-porphyrin-like system, sincethe desorption from the site is energetically favorable. As far as the HERis concerned, the Ga-pophyrin-like structure is a very bad catalyst for thereaction, since almost -0.8 V voltage is needed to evolve hydrogen. The bestcatalyst should have H* binding energy around 0, and the Co-porphyrin-likehas been found in this study to be a very good candidate, having ∆H∗ =−0.07 eV.

The lowest possible overpotential is a necessary but not a sufficient con-dition to have a good CO2 reduction catalyst. This class of materials hasjust one catalytically active site per unit cell. This somewhat simplifies thesituation because no coverage effects need to be taken into account. On theother hand, the competition for the active sites, i.e. selectivity, enters as akey parameter that determines the overall performance of the catalyst. Inother words, if some of the intermediates that are not directly involved inthe CH4 production path bind stronger to the surface, they will poison theactive site and the reaction will instantly cease. From figures 7.3 and 7.4it is clear that all the reaction paths considered proceed through formationof *COOH intermediate except for the HER where H* formation is the key(only) intermediate step. Consequently, the competition between H* and*COOH binding will determine the final product of the reaction. Moreover,since both H* and *COOH formation steps involve transfer of one electronand proton pair, the ratio between the two will not be affected by the changeof voltage. This finding is contrary to the results obtained on metal surfaces,or more specifically on Cu(211), where the products’ yield was strongly in-fluenced by the potential. Particularly, the H2 yield changed drastically infavour of hydrocarbons as the potential was lowered, which was a clear in-dication of opening up of *CO formation path, the intermediate that wouldsubsequently repel hydrogen from the surface and enable CO2 reduction. Asimilar behaviour would never be observed for the catalysts investigated inthis work, since the site blocking by adsorbed hydrogen would never leavea space for CO formation. Hence the CO2 reduction would be essentiallydead. Unfortunately, the unfavourable ratio between COOH and H is notsolely restricted to Ga-porphyrin-like graphene, but as seen in Fig. 7.5, arather general rule that extends to all of the systems studied herein.

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58 7. Catalysis on Porphyrin-like Functionalized Graphene

Figure 7.5: Correlations between the binding energies of COOH vs.H (left) and of CO vs. H (right).

Seemingly, these materials are not good catalysts for CO2 reduction be-cause regardless of the metal atom in the active site, the HER will alwaysprevail against the evolution of the carbon containing gas molecules. How-ever, the reaction diagram in Fig. 7.3 suggests a way to overcome this prob-lem. Namely, if one would reduce CO instead of CO2 then the weak *COOHbinding would no longer present an obstacle for the reduction. The pathfor CO reduction is the same as for CO2 except for the missing first twosteps. A trade-off between CO and H would thus become a selectivity cri-terion. The scaling between the CO and H adsorption energy is plotted inFig. 7.5 (right). Unfortunately, Ga which was found to be the best candidatefor CO2 reduction is, apart from Al, the only material that does not fulfillthe selectivity criterion for CH4 evolution. With the new condition, Co, Rhand Cu also become promising candidates with overpotentials around -0.8V. Here, it is important to note, that the methane is the only hydrocarbonthat can be produced. Making larger hydrocarbon chains would require aLangmuir-Hinshelwood type of reaction, in which two adsorbed carbon con-taining intermediates join together to form a C-C bond. Since, by design ofthe catalyst, there is only one active site, this type of reaction can be ruledout.

7.4 Scaling Relations

For multi-electron-transfer reactions it is usually difficult to find a good cat-alyst that can perform the overall reaction at a small overpotential. One ofthe main reasons for this is that, at least on transition metals, the bindingenergies of the various reaction intermediates scale with the d-band center

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7.4. Scaling Relations 59

Figure 7.6: Density of states projected onto the d orbitals ofa FCC(111) Pt surface (red lower) and of the Pt-porphyrin-likegraphene (blue higher) . The calculate d-band center is -2.9 eV and-1.4 eV for the fcc(111) and Pt-porphyrin-like respectively.

of the surface and therefore they also scale with respect to each other. Thismeans that it is virtually impossible to change the binding energy of oneintermediate without also affecting the binding of the other intermediates ina similar fashion. Scaling relations are readily observed on transition met-als and alloys for the same class of adsorbates i.e. for the adsorbates thatbind to the surface through a same type of atom[92]. The linearity in bind-ing energies on transition metals is usually rationalized through the d-bandmodel[99] and the position of the d-band centre.

The structures studied in this work differ from transition metal surfaces inthis respect, as the energy levels are more of atomic character. The differencebetween the two cases is best seen in Fig. 7.6, where the densities of stateshave been projected onto the d orbitals of the active atom in the porphyrin-like graphene and onto the d orbitals of a Pt(111) surface. The systems havemore sharp peaks compared to the broad features of the d-band for metalsurfaces.

The scaling relations are not only confined to metal surfaces, but as ithas been recently shown also hold on porphyrin functionalized graphene[100].The linearity observed in Fig. 7.5 (left) is striking with Au being the onlyoutlier which is explained by the fact that COOH does not bind on Au. Onthe other hand, there is a much larger scatter in Fig. 7.5 (right). At firstglance, the scatter in the two scaling relations seems peculiar. COOH andCO bind trough the same atom and therefore one would expect them to scalemuch better than COOH and H, whereas the opposite is observed. A possibleexplanation may be found in terms of the orbitals through which COOH, CO

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60 7. Catalysis on Porphyrin-like Functionalized Graphene

Figure 7.7: HOMO (a-c) and LUMO (b-d) orbitals for CO (top) andCOOH (bottom). Note the s-type HOMO around the carbon atom ofCOOH. The HOMO(LUMO) eigenvalue for CO is -9.1 eV(-2.1 eV).The HOMO(LUMO) eigenvalue for COOH is -5 eV(-1.4 eV).

and H bind to the metal atom. In Fig. 7.7, the HOMO and LUMO orbitals ofgas-phase CO and COOH are illustrated. With respect to the vacuum level,the HOMO and LUMO eigenvalues for CO are at -9.1 eV and -2.1 eV, whilethe HOMO and LUMO for COOH are at -5 eV and -1.4 eV. The Fermi levelof the porphyrin-like strucures ranges from -0.5 eV to -1.8 eV, depending onwhich active atom is considered. Being the HOMO level of COOH unpairedand closer to the Fermi level of the surface site, it may contribute more tothe binding compared to the HOMO of CO which is much lower in energy.Since the HOMO orbital of COOH is of s-character locally around the carbonatom, the coupling to the active site is similar to the H case, which is of pures-character. This is only given as a possible explanation, since a more in-depth investigation is needed for a full understanding of the scaling relationsin these systems.

7.5 Summary and Outlook

The catalytic activity of the functionalized porphyrin-like structures for theelectrochemical reduction of CO2 has been investigated. The results havebeen carefully compared to the recent findings for the Cu(211) surface, es-pecially in terms of the differences in the active site and its significance forselectivity among reaction products. Gallium functionalized pophyrine-likegraphene was found to be the best candidate for CO2 reduction, althoughthe major obstacle was established to be hydrogen poisoning of the activesite. Moreover, this turned out to be a general problem regardless of which

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7.5. Summary and Outlook 61

metal comprised the active site. The only way to avoid it is to reduce COrather than CO2 because the first intermediate in the CO reduction path hashigher binding energy than hydrogen, whereas in the case of CO2 reduction,COOH binds ca 1 eV more weakly than hydrogen.

This investigation is the first step towards the systematic computationalstudy of functionalized graphene for catalytic applications. Since there hasbeen only little theoretical work has on these systems[101, 102, 103], this isan extremely interesting area to investigate, especially in connection withrenewable energy sources. As far as experiments are concerned, modifiedgraphene is being investigated both as support to active nanoparticles[104]and as stand-alone catalyst. In particular, an iron-porphyrin-like functional-ized carbon nanotube has recently been synthesized[105] and tested as cata-lyst for the oxygen reduction reaction.

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Appendix A

Van der Waals Interactions inDFT

Dispersive interactions, despite being weak when compared to ionic and co-valent bonds, play a very important role in many phenomena in chemistry,biology and materials science. The attractive character comes from the is-tantaneous dipoles (and possibly higher multipoles) due to the fluctuation ofthe electron cloud. They are the dominant interaction in regions where thereis little or no overlap of electronic densities. This is the basic reason whyDFT with local and semi-local functionals cannot describe the van der Waalsinteraction, which is a long-range correlation effect. Since DFT has becomea widely used method in a number of disciplines, there is great interest indescribing the van der Waals interaction within the DFT framework.

Several approaches have been devised in order to take into account theseinteractions. They can be divided into three main groups. The first group ofapproaches tries to explicitly evaluate the correlation energy within relevantapproximations, as for example the Langreth-Lundqvist functional[30] (vdW-DF) which has been employed in the present thesis. The second group ofapproaches adds a pair-wise correction of the form C6/R

6 to the total energyexpression. The third group uses semi-local, hybrid or meta functionals thatare fitted to large databases which also include van der Waals systems. Fora comparison of the accuracies of different methods, see [106, 107].

The vdW-DF functional, which belongs to the first group, is fully ab-initio. No empirical parameters are used, and the term containing the vander Waals interaction Enl

c is non local, and is derived from the plasmon-pole approximation for the dielectric function. The exchange and correlationenergy is given by

Evdw−DFxc = EGGA

x + ELDAc + Enl

c . (A.1)


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64 A. Van der Waals Interactions in DFT

The first (2004) version of the functional used the revPBE exchange for theEGGA

x term. This particular flavour was chosen because it best reproducedthe exact exchange results for noble gas dimers and purely van der Waalssystems. The overall performance of this functional is good, significantly im-proving the results over standard functionals. However, it has shown a con-sistent tendency to overestimate the binding distances[51]. The new (2010)version[108] uses the PW86 exchange and a slightly different form for thenon-local correction Enl

c . This significantly improves the binding distanceand the shape of the binding curve for the S22 set of molecules. Severalvariations have been proposed, which mostly differ in the exchange term.

The first and still widely used method of the second group has beenproposed by Grimme[109]. The energy Edisp to be added to the total energy(obtained from other functionals) is

Edisp = −∑j>i

fdamp(Rij, Roij)C6ijR

−6ij (A.2)

where C6ij is the dispersion coefficient for the ij pair of atoms, Rij is theinteratomic distance, R0

ij is the sum of van der Waals radii and fdamp is adamping function. In the original formulation both C6ij and R0

ij were empiri-cal parameters. This approach has been modified and developed extensively,and several flavours exist. In the recent Tkatchenko-Sheffler method[110](TS-vdW), both parameters C6ij and R0

ij are functionals of the density (theyaccount for the atomic volumes using the Hirshfeld partitioning scheme).Only the range of the damping, which enters in fdamp is left to be empirical.

The third group consists of a variety of empirical functional fitted todifferent databases. A recent and prominent example is the M06 suite of fourmeta-GGA functionals[111] (“the Minnesota functionals”) which are trainedon a very broad set of benchmarks, including thermochemistry, kinetics, non-covalent interactions, excited states and more. Even though they performremarkably well on a number of systems, these functional are still missingthe long-range part of the van der Waals interaction. Their results can be infact improved by adding the TS-vdW correction[107].

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[111] Y. Zhao and D. G. Truhlar. The m06 suite of density functionals formain group thermochemistry, thermochemical kinetics, noncovalent in-teractions, excited states, and transition elements: two new functionalsand systematic testing of four m06-class functionals and 12 other func-tionals. Theor. Chem. Acc., 120:215, 2008.

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Included Papers


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Paper I

Localized atomic basis set in the projector augmented wave methodA. H. Larsen, M. Vanin, J. J. Mortensen, K. S. Thygesen, and K. W. JacobsenPhysical Review B, 80, 195112, (2009)


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Localized atomic basis set in the projector augmented wave method

A. H. Larsen, M. Vanin, J. J. Mortensen, K. S. Thygesen, and K. W. JacobsenCenter for Atomic-Scale Materials Design, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

�Received 4 September 2009; revised manuscript received 9 October 2009; published 18 November 2009�

We present an implementation of localized atomic-orbital basis sets in the projector augmented wave �PAW�formalism within the density-functional theory. The implementation in the real-space GPAW code provides acomplementary basis set to the accurate but computationally more demanding grid representation. The possi-bility to switch seamlessly between the two representations implies that simulations employing the local basiscan be fine tuned at the end of the calculation by switching to the grid, thereby combining the strength of thetwo representations for optimal performance. The implementation is tested by calculating atomization energiesand equilibrium bulk properties of a variety of molecules and solids, comparing to the grid results. Finally, itis demonstrated how a grid-quality structure optimization can be performed with significantly reduced com-putational effort by switching between the grid and basis representations.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.195112 PACS number�s�: 71.15.Ap, 71.15.Dx, 71.15.Nc


Density-functional theory �DFT� with the single-particleKohn-Sham scheme is presently the most widely usedmethod for electronic-structure calculations in both solid-state physics and quantum chemistry.1–3 Its success is mainlydue to a unique balance between accuracy and efficiencywhich makes it possible to handle systems containing hun-dreds of atoms on a single CPU with almost chemical accu-racy.

At the fundamental level the only approximation of DFTis the exchange-correlation functional which contains thenontrivial parts of the kinetic and electron-electron interac-tion energies. However, given an exchange-correlation func-tional one is still left with the nontrivial numerical task ofsolving the Kohn-Sham equations. The main challengecomes from the very rapid oscillations of the valence elec-trons in the vicinity of the atom cores that makes it verycostly to represent this part of the wave functions numeri-cally. In most modern DFT codes the problem is circum-vented by the use of pseudopotentials.4–6 The pseudopoten-tial approximation is, in principle, uncontrolled and is, ingeneral, subject to transferability errors. An alternativemethod is the projector augmented wave �PAW� method in-vented by Blöchl.7 An appealing feature of the PAW methodis that it becomes exact if sufficiently many projector func-tions are used. In another limit the PAW method becomesequivalent to the ultrasoft pseudopotentials introduced byVanderbilt.5

The representation of the Kohn-Sham wave functions is acentral aspect of the numerics of DFT. High accuracy isachieved by using system-independent basis sets such asplane waves,7–9 wavelets,10,11 or real-space grids,12,13 whichcan be systematically expanded to achieve convergence. Lessaccurate but computationally more manageable methods ex-pand the wave function in terms of a system-dependent lo-calized basis consisting of, e.g., Gaussians14 or numericalatomic orbitals.15,16 Such basis sets cannot be systematicallyenlarged in a simple way and consequently any calculatedquantity will be subject to basis-set errors. For this reason theformer methods are often used to obtain binding energieswhere accuracy is crucial while the latter are useful for struc-tural properties which are typically less sensitive to the qual-ity of the wave functions.

In this paper we discuss the implementation of a localizedatomic basis set in the PAW formalism and present results formolecular atomization energies, bulk properties, and struc-tural relaxations. The localized basis set, which we shall re-fer to as the linear combination of atomic orbitals �LCAO�basis, is similar to that of the well-known SIESTA pseudopo-tential code16 but here it is implemented in our recently de-veloped multigrid PAW code GPAW.13 A unique feature of theresulting scheme is the possibility of using two different butcomplementary basis sets. On the one hand wave functionscan be represented on a real-space grid which, in principle,facilitates an exact representation and on the other hand thewave functions can be represented in the efficient LCAObasis. This allows the user to switch seamlessly between thetwo representations at any point of a calculation. As a par-ticularly powerful application of this “double-basis” feature,we demonstrate how accurate structural relaxations can beperformed by first relaxing with the atomic basis set and thenswitching to the grid for the last part. Also adsorption ener-gies, which are typically not very good in LCAO, can beobtained on the grid at the end of a relaxation.

While LCAO pseudopotential codes as well as plane-wave/grid PAW codes already exist and have been discussedextensively in the literature,7,15,16 the combination of LCAOand PAW is different. Compared to the popular SIESTA

method, which is based on norm-conserving pseudopoten-tials, the advantage of the present scheme �apart from thedouble-basis feature� is that PAW works with coarser grids torepresent the density and effective potentials. As an example,Fig. 1 shows the atomic orbitals of iron calculated with thenorm-conserving Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter �HGH�pseudopotentials6 as well as with PAW. Clearly the d wavefunction is much smoother in PAW. This is essential forlarger systems where operations on the grid, i.e., solving thePoisson equation, evaluating the density, and calculating thepotential matrix elements become computationally demand-ing.


In this section we give a brief review of the PAW formal-ism. For simplicity we restrict the equations to the case of

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spin-paired finite systems but the generalizations to magneticand periodic systems are straightforward. For a more com-prehensive presentation we refer to Ref. 7.

A. PAW transformation operator

The PAW method is based on a linear transformation Twhich maps some computationally convenient “pseudo” or

“smooth” wave functions ��n� to the physically relevant “all-electron” wave functions ��n�,

��n� = T ��n� , �1�

where n is a quantum state label, consisting of a band indexand possibly a spin and k-vector index.

The transformation is chosen as T=1+�aT a, i.e., theidentity operator plus an additive contribution centeredaround each atom, which differs based on the species ofatom. The atomic contribution for atom a is determined bychoosing a set of smooth functions �i

a�r�, called pseudopar-tial waves and requiring the transformation to map thoseonto the atomic valence orbitals �i

a�r� of that atom, calledall-electron partial waves. This effectively allows the all-electron behavior to be incorporated by the smooth pseudo-wave functions. Since the all-electron wave functions aresmooth sufficiently far from the atoms, we may require thepseudopartial waves to match the all-electron ones outside acertain cutoff radius, such that �i

a�r�=�ia�r� for r�rc. This

localizes the atomic contribution Ta to the augmentationsphere r�rc. Finally a set of localized projectors pi

a�r� ischosen as a dual basis to the pseudopartial waves. We furtherwant the partial-wave-projector basis to be complete withinthe augmentation sphere, in the sense that any pseudowavefunction should be expressible in terms of pseudopartialwaves and therefore require



a� = 1, ��ia�pj

a� = �ij . �2�

The transformation T is then defined by

T = 1 + �a


���ia� − ��i

a���pia� , �3�

which allows the all-electron Kohn-Sham wave function

�n�r�= �r ��n� to be recovered from a pseudowave functionthrough

�n�r� = �n�r� + �a


��ia�r� − �i

a�r���pia��n� . �4�

We emphasize that the all-electron wave functions are neverevaluated explicitly but all-electron values of observables arecalculated through manipulations which rely only on coarsegrids or one-dimensional radial grids. Using Eqs. �1� and �3�,the all-electron expectation value for any semilocal operatorO due to the valence states can be written as

�O� = �n

fn��n�O��n� + �naij


a�O�� ja��pj


− �naij


a�O�� ja��pj

a��n� . �5�

Inside the augmentation spheres the partial-wave expansionis ideally complete, so the first and third terms will canceland leave only the all-electron contribution. Outside the aug-mentation spheres the pseudopartial waves are identical tothe all-electron ones, so the two atomic terms cancel. Theatomic matrix elements of O in the second and third termscan be pre-evaluated for the isolated atom on high-resolutionradial grids, so operations on smooth quantities, such as

��n�O��n� and �pia � �n�, are the only ones performed during

actual calculations.It is convenient to define the atomic density matrices

Dija = �



a� �6�

since these completely describe the dependence of theatomic terms in Eq. �5� on the pseudowave functions. Theexpectation value can then be written as

�O� = �n

fn��n�O��n� + �aij

Djia ���i

a�O�� ja� − ��i

a�O�� ja�� . �7�

Although the PAW method is an exact implementation ofdensity-functional theory, some approximations are neededfor realistic calculations. The frozen-core approximation as-sumes that the core states are localized within the augmen-tation spheres and that they are not modified by the chemicalenvironment and hence taken from atomic reference calcula-tions. The noncompleteness of the basis, or equivalently thefinite grid spacing, will introduce an error in the evaluation

of the PS contribution �n in Eq. �5�. Finally, the number ofpartial waves and projector functions is obviously finite. Thismeans that the completeness conditions of Eq. �2� we haverequired are not strictly fulfilled. This approximation can becontrolled directly by increasing the number of partial wavesand projectors.

B. Density

The electron density n�r� is the expectation value of thereal-space projection operator and, by Eq. �7�, takes the form

0 1 2 3 4 5

r [ B o h r ]


H G H 4 s

H G H 3 d

P A W 4 s

P A W 3 d

FIG. 1. �Color online� The pseudovalence states of iron calcu-lated with PAW and the norm-conserving HGH pseudopotentials.Both methods produce smooth wave functions for the delocalized4s state but the lack of norm conservation allows the short-ranged3d state in PAW to be accurately sampled on a much coarser grid.

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n�r� = n�r� + �a

�na�r − Ra� − na�r − Ra�� , �8�


n�r� = �n

fn��n�r��2 + �a

nca��r − Ra�� , �9�

na�r� = �ij

Djia �i

a�r�� ja�r� + nc

a�r� , �10�

na�r� = �ij

Djia �i

a�r�� ja�r� + nc

a�r� . �11�

Here we have separated out the all-electron core densitync

a�r� and the pseudocore density nca�r�, where the latter can

be chosen as any smooth continuation of nca�r� inside the

augmentation spheres since it will cancel out in Eq. �8�. Weomit conjugation of the partial waves since these can be cho-sen as real functions without loss of generality.

C. Compensation charges

In order to avoid dealing with the cumbersome nuclearpoint charges and to compensate for the lack of norm con-servation, we introduce smooth localized compensation

charges Za�r� on each atom, which are added to n�r� andna�r�, thus keeping the total charge neutral. This yields atotal charge density that can be expressed as

��r� = ��r� + �a

��a�r − Ra� − �a�r − Ra�� �12�

in terms of the neutral charge densities

��r� = n�r� + Z�r� = n�r� + �a

Za�r − Ra� , �13�

�a�r� = na�r� + Za��r� , �14�

�a�r� = na�r� + Za�r� , �15�

where Za��r� is the central nuclear point charge. The com-pensation charges are chosen to be localized functionsaround each atom of the form

Za�r� = �L


a�r� = �lm

Qlma rlgl

a�r�Ylm�r� , �16�

where gla�r� are fixed Gaussians and Ylm�r� are spherical har-

monics. We use L= l ,m as a composite index for angular andmagnetic quantum numbers. The expansion coefficients QL


are determined in terms of Dija by requiring the compensation

charges to cancel all the multipole moments of each augmen-tation region up to some order, generally lmax=2. Thecharges will therefore dynamically adapt to the surroundingsof the atom. For more details we refer to the original work byBlöchl.7

D. Total energy

The total energy can also be separated into smooth andatom-centered contributions

E = E + �a

�Ea − Ea� , �17�


E = �n

fn��n� −1

2�2���n + �

a n�r�va��r − Ra��dr


2 ��r���r��

�r − r��drdr� + Exc�n� , �18�

Ea = �ij

Djia ��i

a� −1

2�2�� j

a� + Tcorea +


2 �a�r��a�r��

�r − r��drdr�

+ Exc�na� , �19�

Ea = �ij

Djia ��i

a� −1

2�2�� j

a� + Tcorea + na�r�va�r�dr


2 �a�r��a�r��

�r − r��drdr� + Exc�na� . �20�

The terms Tcorea and Tcore

a are the kinetic-energy contributionsfrom the frozen-core states while va�r� is an arbitrary poten-tial, vanishing for r�rc

a. This potential is generally chosen tomake the atomic potential smooth while its contribution tothe total energy vanishes if the partial-wave expansion iscomplete.13

Exc is the exchange-correlation functional, which must belocal or semilocal as per Eq. �7� for the above expressions tobe correct. While the functional is nonlinear, it remains truethat

Exc�n� = Exc�n� + �a

�Exc�na� − Exc�na�� �21�

because of the functional’s semilocality: the energy contribu-tion from n�r� around every point inside the augmentationsphere is exactly canceled by that of na�r� since n�r� andna�r� are exactly identical here, leaving only the contributionExc�na�. Outside the augmentation region, a similar argumentapplies to na�r� and n�r�, leaving only the energy contribu-tion from n�r� which is here equal to the all-electron density.

E. Hamiltonian and orthogonality

In generic operator form, the Hamiltonian correspondingto the total energy from Eq. �17� is

H = −1

2�2 + v + �



a �pja� , �22�

where v= vHa���+ v+vxc�n� is the local effective potential,containing the Hartree, the arbitrary localized and the xc po-tentials, and where

�Hija =


�Djia �23�

are the atomic Hamiltonians containing the atom-centeredcontributions from the augmentation spheres. Since the all-



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electron wave functions �n must be orthonormal, the pseudo-

wave functions �n must obey

�nm = ��n��m� = ��n�T†T��m� = ��n�S��m� , �24�

where we have defined the overlap operator

S = T†T = 1 + �aij


a �pja� . �25�

The atomic contributions

�Sija = ��i

a�� ja� − ��i

a�� ja� �26�

are constant for a given element.Given the Hamiltonian and orthogonality condition, a

variational problem can be derived for the pseudowave func-tions. This problem is equivalent to the generalized Kohn-Sham eigenvalue problem

H��n� = S��n��n, �27�

which can then be solved self-consistently with availabletechniques.


We now introduce a set of basis functions �� which arefixed, strictly localized atomic-orbital-like functions repre-sented numerically, following the approach by Sankey andNiklewski.15 We furthermore consider the pseudowave func-

tions ��n� to be linear combinations of the basis functions

��n� = �

cn�� , �28�

where the coefficients cn are variational parameters. Itproves useful to define the density matrix

�� = �n

cnfnc�n� . �29�

The pseudodensity can be evaluated from the density matrixthrough

n�r� = ��

� �r���r��� + �


nca�r� . �30�

Ahead of a calculation, we evaluate the matrices

T� = �� −1

2�2��� , �31�

Pia = �pi

a�� , �32�

�� = ���� , �33�

which are used to evaluate most of the quantities of the pre-vious sections in matrix form. The atomic density matricesfrom Eq. �6� become

Dija = �

Pia ��Pj�

a� �34�

and the kinetic-energy contribution in the first term of Eq.�18� is


fn��n� −1

2�2��n� = �

T���. �35�

We can then define the Hamiltonian matrix elements by tak-ing the derivative of the total energy E with respect to thedensity-matrix elements, which eventually results in the dis-cretized Hamiltonian

H� �E


= T� + V� + �aij


a Pj�a , �36�


V� = � �r�v�r���r�dr . �37�

The overlap operator of Eq. �25� has the matrix representa-tion

S� = ��S��� = �� + �aij


a Pj�a , �38�

so orthogonality of the wave functions is now expressed by


cm� S�c�n = �mn. �39�

This is incorporated by defining a quantity to be variation-ally minimized with respect to the coefficients, specifically

= E − �mn�

�nm�cm� S�c�n − �mn� . �40�

Setting the derivative of with respect to cn equal to 0, oneobtains the generalized eigenvalue equation


H�c�n = ��

S�c�n�n, �41�

which can be solved for the coefficients cn and energies �nwhen the Hamiltonian H� and the overlap matrix S� areknown.

A. Basis functions generation

The basis functions �� in Eq. �28� are atom-centeredorbitals written as products of numerical radial functions andspherical harmonics,

nlm�r� = �nl�r�Ylm�r� . �42�

In order to make the Hamiltonian and overlap matricessparse in the basis-set representation, we use strictly local-ized radial functions, i.e., orbitals that are identically zerobeyond a given radius, as proposed by Sankey andNiklewski15 and successfully implemented in the SIESTA


The first �single-zeta� basis orbitals �nlAE�r� are obtained

for each valence state by solving the radial all-electronKohn-Sham equations for the isolated atom in the presenceof a confining potential with a certain cutoff. If the confiningpotential is chosen to be smooth, the basis functions simi-larly become smooth. We use the same confining potential asproposed in Ref. 17. The smooth basis functions are then

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obtained using �nl�r�=T−1�nlAE�r�. The result of the procedure

is illustrated in Fig. 2.The cutoff radius is selected in a systematic way by speci-

fying the energy shift �E of the confined orbital compared tothe free-atom orbital. In this approach small values of �Ewill correspond to long-ranged basis orbitals.16

To improve the radial flexibility, extra basis functionswith the same angular momentum l �multiple zeta� are con-structed for each valence state using the split-valencetechnique.16 The extra function is constructed by matching apolynomial to the tail of the atomic orbital, where the match-ing radius is determined by requiring the norm of the part ofthe atomic orbital outside that radius to have a certain value.

Finally, polarization functions �basis functions with lquantum number corresponding to the lowest unoccupied an-gular momentum� can be added in order to improve the an-gular flexibility of the basis. There are several approaches togenerate these orbitals, such as perturbing the occupiedeigenstate with the highest l quantum number with an elec-tric field using first-order perturbation theory �like in Ref.16� or using the appropriate unoccupied orbitals. As a firstimplementation we use a Gaussian-type function of the formrl exp�−�r2� for the radial part, where l corresponds to thelowest unoccupied angular momentum. This produces rea-sonable polarization functions as demonstrated by the resultspresented in a following section.

A generator program is included in the GPAW code and itcan produce basis sets for virtually any elements in the peri-odic table. Through our experiences with generating and us-ing different basis sets, we have reached the following set ofdefault parameters: we usually work with a double zeta po-larized �DZP� basis. The energy shift for the atomic orbital istaken as 0.1 eV and the tail norm is 0.16 �in agreement withSIESTA �Ref. 16�. The width of the Gaussian used for thepolarization function is 1/4 of the cutoff radius of the firstzeta basis function. Further information can be found in thedocumentation for the basis-set generator. At this point wehave not yet systematically optimized the basis-set param-eters, although we expect to do so by means of an automaticprocedure.

B. Atomic forces

The force on some atom a is defined as the negative de-rivative of the total energy of the system with respect to theposition of that atom,

Fa = −�E

�Ra . �43�

The derivative is to be taken with the constraints that self-consistency and orthonormality according to Eq. �39� mustbe obeyed. This implies that the calculated force will corre-spond to the small-displacement limit of the finite-differenceenergy gradient one would obtain by performing two sepa-rate energy calculations, where atom a is slightly displacedin one of them.

The expression for the force is obtained by using thechain rule on the total energy of Eq. �17�. The primary com-plication compared to the grid-based PAW force formula, Eq.�50� from Ref. 13, is that the basis functions move with theatoms, introducing extra terms in the derivative.

The complete formula for the force on atom a is

Fa = − 2R ��a;�


dRa �� + 2R ��a;�


dRa E�

− 2R �b;�a;�

Z�b E� + 2R�

Z�a E�

+ 2R �b;�a;�

A�b �� − 2R�

A�a ��

− 2R ��a;�

� d� �r�

dRa v�r���r�dr���

− v�r�dnc

a��r − Ra��dRa dr − n�r�

dva��r − Ra��dRa dr

− vH�r��L

QLa dgL

a�r − Ra�dRa dr , �44�


A�b = �



dRb �Hijb Pj�

b , �45�

Z�b = �



dRb �Sijb Pj�

b , �46�

E� = ���

S�−1 H�����. �47�

The notation �a denotes that summation should be per-formed only over those basis functions that reside on atom a.

Equation �44� is derived in Appendix. The last three termsare basis set independent and inherited from the grid-basedimplementation.


The LCAO code is implemented in GPAW, a real-spacePAW code. For the details of the real-space implementation

0 1 2 3 4

r [ B o h r ]


r c o n fr c u t

A E , f r e e

A E , c o n f i n e d

P S , c o n f i n e d

FIG. 2. �Color online� Basis function generation for the nitrogen2s state: the all-electron orbital of the free atom, the confined all-electron orbital, and the corresponding pseudowave function afterapplying the inverse PAW transformation. The augmentation sphereand basis function cutoffs are indicated.



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we refer to the original paper.13 In this code the density,effective potential, and wave functions are evaluated on real-space grids.

In LCAO the matrix elements of the kinetic and overlapoperators T�, ��, and Pi

a in Eqs. �31�–�33� are efficientlycalculated in Fourier space based on analytical expressions.15

For each pair of different basis orbitals �i.e., independently ofthe atomic positions�, the overlap can be represented in theform of radial functions and spherical harmonics. Thesefunctions are stored as splines which can in turn be evaluatedfor a multitude of different atomic separations.

The two-center integrals are thus calculated once for agiven atomic configuration ahead of the self-consistencyloop. This is equivalent to the SIESTA approach.16 The matrixelements of the effective potential V� are still calculatednumerically on the three-dimensional �3D� real-space gridsince the density is also evaluated on this grid.13

Because of the reduced degrees of freedom of a basiscalculation compared to a grid-based calculation, the Hamil-tonian from Eq. �36� is directly diagonalized in the space ofthe basis functions according to Eq. �41�. This considerablylowers the number of required iterations to reach self-consistency, compared to the iterative minimization schemesused in grid-based calculations.

For each step in the self-consistency loop, the Hartreepotential vHa�r� is calculated by solving the Poisson equation�2vHa�r�=−4���r� in real space using existing multigridmethods, such as the Gauss-Seidel and Jacobi methods. Asolver based on the fast Fourier transform is also available inthe GPAW code.

The calculations are parallelized over k points, spins, andreal-space domains such as in the grid-based case.13 We fur-ther distribute the orbital-by-orbital matrices such as H� andS�, and use SCALAPACK for operations on these, notably thediagonalization of Eq. �41�.

Localized functions on the grid

Quantities such as the density n�r� and effective potentialv�r� are still stored on 3D grids. Matrix elements such as V�

in Eq. �37� and the pseudodensity given by Eq. �30� cantherefore be calculated by loops over grid points.

Since each basis function is nonzero only in a small partof space, we only store the values of a given function withinits bounding sphere. Each function value inside the boundingsphere is calculated as the product of radial and angularparts, viz., Eq. �42�, where the radial part is represented by aspline and the spherical harmonic evaluated in Cartesianform, i.e., as a polynomial. The same method is used toevaluate derivatives in force calculations, although this in-volves the derivatives of these quantities aside from just theirfunction values.

We initially compile a data structure to keep track ofwhich functions are nonzero for each grid point. When loop-ing over the grid, we maintain a list of indices µ for thecurrently nonzero basis functions by adding or removing, asappropriate, those functions whose bounding spheres we in-tersect. The locations of these bounding spheres are likewiseprecompiled into lists for efficient processing. The memory

overhead due to this method is still much smaller than thestorage requirements for the actual function values.


In this section we calculate common quantities using thelocalized basis set on different systems. The results are com-pared to the complete basis-set limit, i.e., a well-convergedgrid calculation. Note that this comparison can be done in avery systematic way since the calculations on the grid sharethe same approximations and mostly the same implementa-tion as the calculations performed with the localized basis.All the results presented in this section have been obtainedusing PAW setups from the extensive GPAW library, freelyavailable online.18

A. Molecules

In order to assess the accuracy of the LCAO implemen-tation for small molecules, the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof�PBE� �Ref. 19� atomization energies for the G2-1 data set20

are considered. The atomic coordinates are taken fromMP2�full�/6-31G�d� optimized geometries. The error with re-spect to the grid results is shown in Fig. 3 for different basissets. This error is defined as

�ELCAO − �Egrid = EmolLCAO − �



− Emolgrid − �


grid � . �48�

The reference grid results are well-converged calculations invery good agreement with the VASP �Ref. 8� and Gaussian14

codes. The figure shows that enlarging the basis set, i.e.,including more orbitals per valence electron, systematicallyimproves the results toward the grid energies.

It must be noted that some differences with respect to thegrid atomization energies still remain, even in the case oflarge basis sets. This is mainly due to the two followingreasons. First, the basis functions are generated from spin-paired calculations and hence they do not explicitly accountfor possible spin-polarized orbitals. This is in practice ac-counted for by using larger basis sets in order to includemore degrees of freedom in the shape of the wave functions.Second, isolated atoms are difficult to treat because of theirlong-ranged orbitals. Actual basis functions are, in fact, ob-tained from atomic calculations with an artificial confiningpotential thus resulting in more confined orbitals.

B. Solids

The equilibrium bulk properties have been calculated forseveral crystals featuring different electronic structures:simple metals �Li, Na, and Al�, semiconductors �AlP, Si, andSiC�, ionic solids �NaCl, LiF, and MgO� transition metals�Fe, Cu, and Pt� as well as one insulator �C�. The results areshown in Fig. 4. For comparison with grid-based calcula-tions, the bar plots show the deviations from grid-based re-sults for each basis set while the precise numbers are shownin each of the corresponding tables. All the calculations were

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performed with the solids in their lowest energy crystalstructure, using the PBE functional for exchange andcorrelation.19 The quantities were computed using the re-laxed structures obtained with the default, unoptimized basissets. The calculations were generally spin paired, i.e., non-magnetic, with the exception of Fe and the atomic calcula-tions used to get cohesive energies.

The overall agreement with the real-space grid is excel-lent: about 0.5% mean absolute error in the computation oflattice constants, 4% in cohesive energies, and 5–8 % forbulk moduli using double zeta polarized �DZP� basis sets.Notice that in many cases remarkably good results can beobtained even with a small single zeta polarized �SZP� basis,particularly for lattice constants. This shows that structureoptimizations with the LCAO code are likely to yield veryaccurate geometries. This is probably due to the fact thatcalculations of equilibrium structures only involve energydifferences between very similar structures, i.e., not with re-spect to isolated atoms, thus leading to larger error cancella-tions.

With DZP the primary source of error in cohesive energycomes from the free-atom calculation, where the confine-ment of each orbital raises the energy levels by around 0.1

eV. Thus, atomic energies are systematically overestimated,leading to stronger binding. This error can be controlled byusing larger basis-set cutoffs, i.e., choosing smaller orbitalenergy shifts during basis generation.

C. Structure optimizations

LCAO calculations tend to reproduce geometries of grid-based calculations very accurately. In structure optimiza-tions, the LCAO code can therefore be used to provide ahigh-quality initial guess for a grid-based structure optimiza-tion.

While it is trivial to reuse a geometry obtained in onecode for a more accurate optimization in another, our ap-proach is practical because the two representations share theexact same framework. Thus the procedure is seamless aswell as numerically consistent, in the sense that most of theoperations are carried out using the same approximations,finite-difference stencils, and so on. With quasi-Newtonmethods, the estimate of the Hessian matrix generated duringthe LCAO optimization can be reused as well. For most non-trivial systems, an LCAO calculation is between 25 and 30

FIG. 3. �Color online� PBE atomization energies from the G2-1 data set, relative to the grid values. The corresponding mean absoluteerrors with respect to the grid values are: 1.71 eV �20.4%� for DZ; 0.36 eV �4.45%� for DZP; 0.25 eV �3.02%� for triple zeta polarized; and0.20 eV �2.44%� for triple zeta double polarized.



Page 100: Electronic and chemical properties of graphene-based ... Vanin.pdfsociate Professor Kristian S. Thygesen and Professor Karsten W. Jacobsen. Financial support was provided by DTU. First

times faster than a grid calculation, making the cost of theLCAO optimization negligible.

Figure 5 shows a performance comparison when reusingthe positions and Hessian from a LCAO-based structure op-timization for a grid-based one, using the default basis set.The system is a 38-atom truncated octahedral gold clusterwith CO adsorbed, with the initial and final geometriesshown in the inset.

A purely grid-based optimization takes 223 CPU hourswhile a purely LCAO-based one, requiring roughly the samenumber of steps, takes 8.4 CPU hours. A further grid-basedoptimization takes 45 CPU hours, for a total speedup factor




FIG. 4. �Color online� Deviations in lattice parameter �a�, cohe-sive energy �b�, and relative bulk modulus �c� from the convergedresults. The largest bars have been truncated and are shown withdotted edges. See Table I for the precise values.

TABLE I. Lattice parameter �top�, cohesive energy �middle�,and bulk modulus �bottom� calculated using different basis sets.

a ��


LiF 4.08 4.08 4.02 4.10 4.06

C 3.61 3.58 3.59 3.58 3.57

Na 4.18 4.19 4.26 4.24 4.19

MgO 4.26 4.28 4.27 4.27 4.26

Al 4.24 4.07 4.08 4.07 4.04

NaCl 5.52 5.62 5.61 5.67 5.69

Li 3.68 3.47 3.70 3.43 3.43

SiC 4.50 4.42 4.46 4.41 4.39

Si 5.60 5.52 5.58 5.49 5.48

AlP 5.62 5.55 5.56 5.53 5.51

Fe 2.80 2.77 2.78 2.83 2.84

Cu 3.80 3.59 3.58 3.64 3.65

Pt 4.02 3.99 3.95 3.98 3.98

MAE 0.097 0.034 0.068 0.019

MAE % 2.33 0.84 1.70 0.45

Ec �eV�


LiF 3.49 4.48 4.99 4.52 4.24

C 7.29 7.51 7.70 7.89 7.72

Na 0.97 1.02 1.07 1.07 1.09

MgO 2.81 4.01 4.94 4.97 4.95

Al 3.07 3.51 3.38 3.54 3.43

NaCl 2.94 3.14 3.24 3.26 3.10

Li 1.13 1.58 1.31 1.63 1.62

SiC 5.80 6.31 6.08 6.48 6.38

Si 4.14 4.52 4.34 4.71 4.55

AlP 3.77 4.09 3.92 4.21 4.08

Fe 1.34 3.83 4.77 5.07 4.85

Cu 2.38 3.97 3.75 4.14 3.51

Pt 4.54 5.33 5.57 5.69 5.35

MAE 0.86 0.25 0.19 0.18

MAE % 20.70 5.86 5.51 4.40

B �GPa�


LiF 87 84 91 70 80

C 394 408 411 422 433

Na 8.9 9.1 8.3 7.9 7.9

MgO 156 184 209 173 154

Al 53 74 73 79 77

NaCl 35 32 34 26 24

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of 4. The value of an initial LCAO optimization is of coursehigher if the initial guess is worse. For systems where a largefraction of the time is spent close to the converged geometry,the speedup may not be as significant.

The energy reference corresponds to the separate clusterand molecule at optimized geometries—the total-energy dif-ference between an LCAO and a grid calculation is other-wise around 30 eV. It is therefore important to choose anoptimization algorithm which will handle such a shift well.The present plots use the L-BFGS algorithm22,23 �limitedmemory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno� from theAtomic Simulation Environment.21


We have described the implementation of a localized ba-sis in the grid-based PAW code GPAW and tested the methodon a variety of molecules and solids. The results for atomi-

zation energies, cohesive energies, lattice parameters, andbulk moduli were shown to converge toward the grid resultsas the size of the LCAO basis was increased. Structural prop-erties were found to be particularly accurate with the LCAObasis. It has been demonstrated how the LCAO basis can beused to produce accurate initial guesses �both for the electronwave functions, atomic structure, and Hessian matrix� forsubsequent grid-based calculations to increase efficiency ofhigh-accuracy grid calculations.

The combination of the grid-based and LCAO methods inone code provides a flexible, simple, and smooth way toswitch between the two representations. Furthermore thePAW formalism itself presents significant advantages: it is anall-electron method, which eliminates pseudopotential errorsand it allows the use of coarser grids than norm-conservingpseudopotentials, which increases efficiency.

Finally, the LCAO method enables GPAW to perform cal-culations involving Green’s function, which intrinsicallyneed a basis set with finite support. Current developmentsalong these lines include electron-transport calculations,electron-phonon coupling, and scanning tunnel microscopesimulations.


The authors acknowledge support from the Danish Centerfor Scientific Computing through Grant No. HDW-1103-06.The Center for Atomic-scale Materials Design is sponsoredby the Lundbeck Foundation.


The force on atom a is found by taking the derivative ofthe total energy with respect to the atomic position Ra. Weshall use the chain rule on Eq. �17�, taking ��, Dij

a , n�r�,��r�, T�, and v�r� to be separate variables for the purposesof partial derivatives,


�Ra = ��




�Ra + �bij




�Ra + �E

�n�r�� n�r��Ra dr

+ �E

���r�� ��r��Ra dr + �





+ �E

�v�r�� v�r��Ra dr , �A1�

where v�r�=�ava��r−Ra��. The remaining quantities in theenergy expression pertain to isolated atoms and thus do notdepend on atomic positions. The first term of Eq. �A1� is





�Ra = 2R��n




= 2R��n


�Ra S�c�n�nfn, �A2�

where we have used Eqs. �29� and �36� in the first step andEq. �41� in the second. When the atoms are displaced �infini-tesimally�, the coefficients must change to accommodate the

TABLE I. �Continued.�

Li 10.8 15.2 10.7 16.3 14.2

SiC 178 196 221 202 211

Si 70 81 77 86 88

AlP 69 77 76 81 82

Fe 248 379 297 231 198

Cu 88 181 166 143 141

Pt 224 266 309 263 266

MAE 22.9 24.8 23.2 7.4

MAE % 20.4 18.2 18.8 6.3

0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0

i t e r a t i o n s

− 1 . 5

− 1 . 0

− 0 . 5

0 . 0

0 . 5

1 . 0

1 . 5



0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0

C P U t i m e [ h ]

− 1 . 5

− 1 . 0

− 0 . 5

0 . 0

0 . 5

1 . 0

1 . 5



G r i d o n l y


G r i d , c o n t i n u e d

I n i t i a l F i n a l

FIG. 5. �Color online� The energy as a function of iterationcount �top� as well as CPU time �bottom� in structure optimizations.Shows a grid-based optimization and an LCAO-based structure op-timization plus the continuation of the LCAO optimization afterswitching to the grid representation.



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orthogonality criterion. This can be incorporated by requiringthe derivatives of each side of Eq. �39� to be equal, implyingthe relationship

− ��

cn� �S�

�Ra c�n = 2R��


�Ra S�c�n. �A3�

Inserting this into Eq. �A2� yields





�Ra = − ��n


�Ra c�n�nfncn� = − �


�Ra E�,


where we have introduced the matrix

E� = �n

c�n�nfncn� = �


S��−1H����. �A5�

The equivalence of these forms follows from Eq. �41�. Theoverlap matrix elements S� depend on Ra through the two-center integrals �� and Pi

b . The derivative of a two-centerintegral can be nonzero only if exactly one of the two in-volved atoms is a and for nonzero derivatives, the signchanges if the indices are swapped. Taking these issues intoaccount, Eq. �A4� is split into those three terms in Eq. �44�which contain E�.

In the second term in Eq. �A1�, we take the Dijb -dependent

derivative for fixed ��, which by Eq. �23� evaluates to





�Ra = 2R �bij�


b �Pj�b

�Ra ��. �A6�

Again most of the two-center integral derivatives are zero. Acomplete reduction yields the two terms in Eq. �44� whichdepend on the A�

b vectors.Using Eq. �30�, the third term of Eq. �A1� is


�n�r�� n�r��Ra dr = v�r�

� n�r��Ra dr

= 2R��� �

� �r��Ra v�r���r����

+ v�r�� nc

a��r − Ra���Ra dr . �A7�

The sum over can be restricted to �a.Consider the fourth term of Eq. �A1�. Aside from n�r� and

Dijb , which are considered fixed as per the chain rule, the

pseudocharge density ��r� depends only on the locations ofthe compensation charge expansion functions gL

a�r� whichmove rigidly with the atom, so


���r�� ��r��Ra dr = vH�r�




b�r�� gL

b�r��Ra dr

= vH�r��L

QLa � gL

a�r��Ra dr . �A8�

The kinetic term from Eq. �A1� is





�Ra = ��


�Ra �� �A9�

and can also be restricted to �a. Finally, the contributionfrom the local potential va�r� is simply


�v�r�� v�r��Ra dr = n�r�

� va�r − Ra��Ra dr . �A10�

By now we have considered all position-dependent variablesin the energy expression and have obtained expressions forall terms present in Eq. �44�.

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Paper II

Graphene on metals: A van der Waals density functional studyM. Vanin, J. J. Mortensen, A. K. Kelkkanen, J. M. Garcia-Lastra, K. S.Thygesen, and K. W. JacobsenPhysical Review B, 81, 081408, (2010)


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Graphene on metals: A van der Waals density functional study

M. Vanin, J. J. Mortensen, A. K. Kelkkanen, J. M. Garcia-Lastra, K. S. Thygesen, and K. W. JacobsenCenter for Atomic-Scale Materials Design, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark,

DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark�Received 15 December 2009; revised manuscript received 1 February 2010; published 23 February 2010�

We use density functional theory �DFT� with a recently developed van der Waals density functional �vdW-DF� to study the adsorption of graphene on Co, Ni, Pd, Ag, Au, Cu, Pt, and Al�111� surfaces. In contrast to thelocal-density approximation �LDA� which predicts relatively strong binding for Ni,Co, and Pd, the vdW-DFpredicts weak binding for all metals and metal-graphene distances in the range 3.40–3.72 Å. At these dis-tances the graphene band structure as calculated with DFT and the many-body G0W0 method is basicallyunaffected by the substrate, in particular there is no opening of a band gap at the K point.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.081408 PACS number�s�: 73.20.Hb, 71.15.Mb, 71.15.Nc

The recently reported synthesis of graphene,1 a singlelayer of graphite, on top of a SiO2 substrate has renewed theinterest for this unique material. The uniqueness of this two-dimensional �2D� crystal is mainly due to its very peculiarband structure, with the � and �� bands showing linear dis-persion around the Fermi level where they touch in a singlepoint. The great variety of physics and chemistry which de-rives from this electronic structure makes graphene very at-tractive for a range of applications. In particular, its highstability and good conductivity under ambient conditionsmakes it an interesting candidate for future nanoscaleelectronics.2 In this perspective, the interaction of graphenewith metallic contacts plays a fundamental role. Moreover,catalytic growth of graphene on transition metal surfacesfrom carbon containing gases has become a standard way toobtain high quality graphene samples.3–6 Nevertheless thenature of the metal-graphene chemical bond is still not wellunderstood.3

The widely used density functional theory �DFT� withlocal and semilocal functionals for exchange and correlationusually provides an accurate description of covalent andionic chemical bonds. On the other hand it fails to reproducenonlocal dispersive forces, in particular van der Waalsforces, which are important in weakly bonded materials suchas graphite, molecular crystals, and many organiccompounds.7–9 It is also well known that the local-densityapproximation �LDA� tends to overbind systems where vander Waals interactions are important, while the generalizedgradient approximations �GGAs� usually tend to underesti-mate the binding in these systems. In the case of graphene onmetals many GGAs, contrary to experiments, predict nobinding at all, and therefore most theoretical work ongraphene-metal interfaces has relied on the LDA. In view ofthe fact that LDA in general cannot be considered a reliableapproximation in nonhomogeneous systems such as surfacesand molecules, the graphene-metal interface clearly calls fornew and improved functionals.

The interaction of graphene with the �111� surfaces of Co,Ni, Pd, Ag, Au, Cu, Pt, and Al was studied in Ref. 10 usingthe LDA approximation. The LDA results divide the metalsinto two classes: Co, Ni, and Pd which bind graphenestrongly and Ag, Au, Cu, Pt, and Al which bind grapheneweakly. In contrast the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof �PBE� ap-proximation �Ref. 11� gives no binding of graphene at room

temperature.12 This remarkable disagreement between thetwo most commonly used approximations of DFT might berelated to the incorrect description of dispersion interactionsin both of the functionals.

In this Rapid Communication we use the recently devel-oped van der Waals density functional �vdW-DF� �Refs. 13and 14� to investigate the nature of the bonding at the metal-graphene interface. The functional is explicitly constructed toinclude nonlocal dispersion interactions and has proved suc-cessful in several cases where standard functionals fail, suchas rare gases,13 benzene dimers,15,16 graphite,17 polymers,18

DNA,19 and organic molecules on surfaces.20–22 Within thevdW-DF approximation, the exchange-correlation energy is

ExcvdW-DF = Ex

revPBE + EcLDA + Ec

nl, �1�

where ExrevPBE is the revPBE �Ref. 23� exchange energy, Ec


is the LDA correlation energy, and Ecnl is the nonlocal cor-

rection given by

Ecnl =


2� � n�r1�n�r2���q1,q2,r12�dr1dr2, �2�

where r12= �r1−r2� and q1 and q2 are values of a universalfunction q0�n�r� , ��n�r���. Equation �2� is efficiently evalu-ated by factorizing the integration kernel � and by using fastFourier transform to compute the self-consistent potential asproposed in Ref. 24 and implemented in the real-space pro-jector augmented wave GPAW code.25

In this Rapid Communication we consider graphene onCo, Ni, Pd, Ag, Au, Cu, Pt, and Al metal �111� surfaces. Wefix the atoms in the metal slabs at their experimental latticeparameters and relax the graphene sheet using the vdW-DFHellmann-Feynman forces. We observe that the vdW-DF re-sults do not change significantly if we fix the graphene latticeparameter to its optimized value and adjust the metals corre-spondingly. We use a �6,6,1� and �4,4,1� Monkhorst Packk-point sampling, respectively, for the smaller �Co, Ni, andCu� and the larger �Pd, Ag, Au, Pt, and Al� orthorhombic unitcells. The two different unit cells are needed in order toobtain commensurate structures without significant strain, asdiscussed in Ref. 10. The metal slabs are modeled with fouratomic layers and a vacuum of 14 Å in the direction normalto the surface; the grid spacing is 0.16 Å. The calculations

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1098-0121/2010/81�8�/081408�4� ©2010 The American Physical Society081408-1

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for Ni and Co surfaces are spin polarized: notice howeverthat the nonlocal correlation �last term in Eq. �1�� is indepen-dent of spin. The calculated binding energies and distancesfor the relaxed structures are listed in Table I. The vdW-DFresults show that the metal-graphene interaction is relativelysimilar across the different metals. This is in contrast withthe LDA prediction of two separate classes of metal-graphene interfaces, as found in very good agreement withRef. 10. Note that in the LDA calculations the graphene lat-tice parameter was fixed to its optimized LDA value. We alsorepeated the same calculations using the revPBE functional,and we obtained no binding for all the metals. Interestingly,for the systems that LDA finds to be weakly bonded �Ag, Au,Cu, Pt, and Al�, the binding energies obtained with thevdW-DF are very similar to the LDA ones. Nevertheless thebinding distances are systematically slightly larger in thevdW-DF case. In fact it has been reported that the vdW-DFfunctional usually produces equilibrium distances somewhatlarger than experiments.20 In the case of Co, Ni, and Pd, onthe other hand, the relatively strong binding predicted byLDA is not found by the vdW-DF functional.

In order to analyze these results, we now focus on theinteraction between graphene and Ni�111�. Figure 1 showsthe binding curves for graphene on the Ni�111� surface cal-culated with the LDA, revPBE, and vdW-DF functionals.The revPBE curve is positive at all distances, while the LDAcurve shows a relatively deep minimum at �2 Å consistentwith previous LDA calculations. The vdW-DF result lies inbetween, following the revPBE curve at small separationsand the LDA curve at larger separations, and it predicts ashallow minimum at 3.5 Å. Note that a metastable plateau isfound by the revPBE functional around 2.5 Å.

In Fig. 2 we show the calculated band structure ofgraphene on Ni�111�. The size of the dots indicate the weightof the corresponding Bloch eigenstate on the carbon pz or-bitals with darker meaning larger weight. In free graphene,the carbon pz orbitals placed at A sites �pz

A� are decoupledfrom the pz orbitals at B sites �pz

B� at the Dirac point, thus

producing two degenerate states �see inset in Fig. 1 for thestructure�. Since the A sites are located directly on top of Niatoms at a close distance in the LDA calculation �2.08 �, astrong hybridization between pz

A orbitals and Ni3z−r is ob-served, which gives rise to an unoccupied antibonding state�� and two occupied bonding states �1 and �2. The LDAgaps for ��−�1 and ��−�2 are 2 and 4 eV, respectively. Onthe other hand, the pz

B orbitals �occupied in the spin-up chan-nel and unoccupied in the spin-down one� hardly interactwith Ni d states and therefore remain unmodified. ThevdW-DF band structures �evaluated at the vdW-DF relaxeddistance of 3.50 �, on the other hand, resemble the freegraphene, preserving the Dirac point and only shifting it upby 0.13 eV. A very similar behavior is found for Co and Pd.For the remaining interfaces both the LDA and vdW-DFband structures resemble that of free-standing graphene withthe Dirac point shifted with respect to the metal Fermi level.The Fermi level shifts and calculated charge transfer betweenthe metal and graphene are summarized in Table I.

TABLE I. Binding energies �Eb� per carbon atom and binding distances �d� of graphene on metal �111� surfaces. Fermi level shift �EF

and charge transfer �Q at the vdW-DF equilibrium separation. Negative �positive� �EF indicates n �p�-type doping. Negative �positive� �Qindicates electron transfer to �from� the graphene layer. The charge transfer has been evaluated using the Bader scheme �Ref. 26�. TherevPBE functional yields no binding for all metals.

Co Ni Pd Ag Au Cu Pt Al

vdW-DF d �� 3.40 3.50 3.50 3.55 3.57 3.58 3.67 3.72

Eb �meV� 30 37 39 33 38 38 43 35

�EF �eV� −0.20 0.13 0.65 −0.40 0.21 −0.43 0.66 −0.51

�Q�10−3e� −5.0 −3.0 +5.0 −5.0 +0.4 −4.0 +5.0 −8.0

LDA d �� 2.08 2.08 2.33 3.32 3.35 3.21 3.25 3.46

Eb �meV� 175 123 79 45 31 35 33 25

Expt. d �Å� 1.5–2.2a 2.1b 5c 3.3d

Hybridization strong a strong e strong f weak g weak c weak g weak d

aRef. 27bRef. 28cRef. 29dRef. 30

eRef. 31fRef. 32gRef. 33

FIG. 1. �Color online� Binding energy �Eb� per carbon atom ofgraphene on the Ni�111� surface calculated with LDA, revPBE, andvdW-DF functionals. The graphene is adsorbed in the top-fcc con-figuration �see inset�.

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Since LDA is known to underestimate band gaps signifi-cantly we have also performed G0W0 calculations for thegraphene-Ni structures corresponding to the LDA andvdW-DF distances.34 In both cases we find no noteworthydifference between the G0W0 and DFT Kohn-Sham bandstructures close to the K point.

Recent experimental work on the Ni/graphene interface isbased on angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy�ARPES�. The ARPES band structures reveal a band gap at

the graphene K point thus suggesting some hybridization be-tween the graphene and Ni orbitals.31,35 Earlier low-energyelectron diffraction �LEED� measurements found a Ni-graphene bond distance of 2.1 Å.28 We note that both ofthese results are in line with the LDA calculations. On theother hand LDA is not expected to work well for highlyinhomogeneous systems such as the interface structures in-vestigated here. Similar experimental conclusions27 arefound for the Co/graphene interface, using scanning tunnel-ing spectroscopy �STS� techniques. These results might indi-cate a difficulty for the present vdW-DF in describing sys-tems with mixed bonding character, in line with theconclusions of Ref. 22. Moreover, results involving the ap-plication of the vdW-DF functional to metallic systemsshould be taken with care due to the choice of the responsefunction employed in the construction of the vdW-DF.36 Itshould also be noted that the present calculations are re-stricted to two specific interface configurations and hence donot take into account the variety of Moiré superstructuresobserved in experiments. Recent ARPES and LEED data isalso available for the Pt/graphene interface30 which providesclear evidence of weak interaction between graphene and thesubstrate, with an estimated separation of 3.3 Å, in fairagreement with both LDA and our vdW-DF results. STSmeasurements for graphene on Pd �Ref. 32� show a band-gapopening of �0.3 eV, in contrast with both LDA andvdW-DF predictions. STS experiments on the Au/grapheneinterface,29 particularly relevant since most electronic con-tacts employ gold, demonstrate a weak interaction betweenAu and graphene, and a p-type doping in good agreementwith both LDA and our vdW-DF results. We have summa-rized the available recent experimental data in the last tworows of Table I.

Figure 3 shows the total �full lines� and the exchange-only�dashed lines� binding energy curves for revPBE, PBE, andLDA in the case of graphene on Cu�111� �left panel� and onNi�111� �right panel�. The exchange-only energies are calcu-lated without including the correlation energy term in theexchange-correlation functional and have been evaluatednon-self-consistently. Clearly, the bonding for the phys-isorbed graphene on Ag, Au, Cu, Pt, and Al originates par-tially from the exchange term in the LDA xc-functional, as

Γ K MW a v e v e c t o r

1 0









L D A u p

Γ K MW a v e v e c t o r

1 0









v d W - D F u p



FIG. 2. LDA �top� and vdW-DF �bottom� band structures forgraphene on Ni�111� in the top-fcc configuration. Larger dots rep-resent larger weight of the carbon pz orbitals. Only one spin channelis shown, the other being almost identical.

2 3 4 5 6

V e r t i c a l s e p a r a t i o n d (◦

A )

- 0 . 1

0 . 0

0 . 1

0 . 2

0 . 3

0 . 4

0 . 5

0 . 6



r e v P B E x - o n l y

L D A x - o n l y

P B E x - o n l y

r e v P B E x cL D A x cP B E x c

g r a p h e n e @ C u ( 1 1 1 )

2 3 4 5 6

V e r t i c a l s e p a r a t i o n d (◦

A )

- 0 . 2

- 0 . 1

0 . 0

0 . 1

0 . 2

0 . 3

0 . 4

0 . 5

0 . 6

0 . 7



r e v P B E x - o n l y

L D A x - o n l y

P B E x - o n l y

r e v P B E x cL D A x cP B E x c

g r a p h e n e @ N i ( 1 1 1 )


FIG. 3. �Color online� Decomposition of the binding energy Eb into exchange-only contributions �dashed lines—only the correlation termis removed� and total binding energy �full lines� for different functionals.




Page 108: Electronic and chemical properties of graphene-based ... Vanin.pdfsociate Professor Kristian S. Thygesen and Professor Karsten W. Jacobsen. Financial support was provided by DTU. First

shown for Cu as an example in the left panel of Fig. 3. Thisis in principle incorrect since the van der Waals interaction isa purely nonlocal correlation effect. The weak bonding pre-dicted by the vdW-DF functional, similar in magnitude to theLDA results, is produced by the correlation term instead,which is physically correct. Interestingly, this applies to theNi/graphene system as well, as shown in the right panel ofFig. 3. The LDA exchange-only curve shows a broad andweak attractive contribution between 2 and 5 Å with twolocal minima. We note that in a genuine covalent bond theexchange contribution to the binding energy is generally sig-nificantly larger than in this case. The revPBE and PBEexchange-only curves are repulsive at all separations for bothsystems. This is the typical behavior which is observed invan der Waals bonded dimers or organic molecules onsurfaces.13,21

In conclusion we have performed DFT calculations ofgraphene adsorbed on different metal surfaces using the re-

cently developed vdW-DF functional which explicitly in-cludes nonlocal correlations. For Ag, Au, Cu, Pt, and Al bothLDA and vdW-DF consistently predicts a weak binding.Similar weak binding is found for Ni, Co and Pd with thevdW-DF where LDA on the other hand predicts strongerbinding and significant hybridization between graphene andmetal d states. At the vdW-DF binding distances graphene’sband structure was shown to be essentially unaffected by thesubstrate. This appears to be in conflict with LEED andARPES measurements for graphene on Ni, Co, and Pd indi-cating that more work is needed in order to reconcile experi-ments and theory for the graphene-metal interface.

We thank Jens Nørskov and Bengt Lundqvist for usefuldiscussions. The authors acknowledge support from the Dan-ish Center for Scientific Computing through Grant No.HDW-1103-06. The Center for Atomic-scale Materials De-sign is sponsored by the Lundbeck Foundation.

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Paper III

First-principles calculations of graphene nanoribbons in gaseousenvironments: Structural and electronic propertiesM. Vanin, J. Gath, K. S. Thygesen, and K. W. JacobsenPhysical Review B, 82, 195411, (2010)


Page 111: Electronic and chemical properties of graphene-based ... Vanin.pdfsociate Professor Kristian S. Thygesen and Professor Karsten W. Jacobsen. Financial support was provided by DTU. First

First-principles calculations of graphene nanoribbons in gaseous environments:Structural and electronic properties

M. Vanin, J. Gath, K. S. Thygesen, and K. W. JacobsenCenter for Atomic-scale Materials Design, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark,

DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark�Received 27 August 2010; published 5 November 2010�

The stability of graphene nanoribbons in the presence of typical atmospheric molecules is systematicallyinvestigated by means of density-functional theory. We calculate the edge formation free energy of fivedifferent edge configurations passivated by H, H2, O, O2, N2, CO, CO2, and H2O, respectively. In addition tothe well known hydrogen passivated armchair and zigzag edges, we find the edges saturated by oxygen atomsto be particularly stable under atmospheric conditions. Saturation of the zigzag edge by oxygen leads to theformation of metallic states strictly localized on the oxygen atoms. Finally, the vibrational spectrum of thehydrogen- and oxygen-passivated ribbons are calculated and compared.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.195411 PACS number�s�: 73.20.At, 73.22.Pr, 71.15.Mb


Graphene, a single atomic carbon layer, has attracted ex-tensive research interests in the last few years.1–4 Recent ad-vances in experimental techniques have lead to the fabrica-tion of several graphene-based structures for bothfundamental physics investigations and promising applica-tions. Graphene nanoribbons �GNRs�, in particular, have re-ceived considerable attention due to their possible role infuture carbon-based nanoelectronics.5,6 GNRs are graphenestrips of finite width, in which lateral confinement opens anelectronic gap as opposed to the vanishing gap in infinitegraphene sheets.

Theoretical calculations and experiments have shown thatthe electronic and transport properties of GNRs are stronglyinfluenced by the actual atomic configuration of the edges7

which, contrary to bulk graphene, are very reactive. A de-tailed knowledge of the stability and electronic properties ofthe different types of edges is therefore required in order tounderstand and ultimately design GNRs with specific prop-erties.

Most theoretical calculations on GNRs have consideredthe armchair and zigzag edges with or without hydrogen pas-sivation. However, recent calculations have shown that otheredge configurations can also show high stability.8 Since mo-lecular hydrogen is one of the most common contaminantseven in ultrahigh vacuum experiments, it is certainly relevantto consider its influence at the edges.9 On the other hand,especially at room temperature and under ambient condi-tions, the effect of other gas molecules on the edge stabilityshould also be considered. This is also relevant from theperspective of chemical functionalization.10,11

In this paper, we study the stability of five different edgegeometries in the presence of H2, O2, N2, CO, CO2, and H2Ousing first-principles calculations. The different edge geom-etries for the pristine ribbons with the corresponding abbre-viations are shown in Fig. 1. We find that the edges passi-vated by atomic oxygen are the most stable underatmospheric conditions closely followed by the zigzag andarmchair edges with hydrogen adsorbed. The oxygen passi-vated zigzag GNR is found to be metallic with the states at

the Fermi level strictly localized on the oxygen p orbitals.The vibrational spectrum of the hydrogen- and oxygen-passivated GNRs are calculated and discussed. Throughoutthe paper we focus on free-standing graphene and thus ne-glect any effect related to the substrate. Whether this is areasonable assumption clearly depends on the strength of thesubstrate-graphene interaction. This is likely to make theedges less reactive toward gas species since the edges wouldbe already stabilized by the chemical bond to the substrate.For metallic substrates the nature of the substrate-grapheneinteraction is still unclear but DFT calculations indicate thatit can vary considerably depending on the metal.12,13


Density-functional-theory �DFT� calculations are per-formed with the GPAW code14,15 which is a real-space imple-mentation of the projector augmented wave method.16 Thewidths of the nanoribbons are in the range 20–23 Å, corre-sponding to 10–12 carbon dimers, which is needed in orderto get fully converged results with respect to the width. Notethat this size is also relevant to modern experiments, wheresub-10-nm-wide GNRs are now achieved.5,6 The GNRs areseparated by 10 Å in all directions. All calculations are spinpolarized and use the revised Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof�RPBE�17 exchange-correlation functional. A grid spacing of0.18 Å is used, and a �1�1�10� Monkhorst-Pack k-pointgrid is employed to sample the Brillouin zone along the pe-riodic direction of the nanoribbons. We relax all the struc-tures until the maximum force is lower than 0.05 eV /Å.


A. Adsorption energies

For each of the five edge configurations we calculate theadsorption energy of the different molecules according to

Eads = Eribb+mol − NmolEmol − Eribb, �1�

where Eribb+mol is the total energy of the ribbon with theadsorbed gas molecule, Nmol is the number of adsorbed mol-

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ecules, Emol is the total energy of the molecule in the gasphase, and Eribb is the total energy of the pristine ribbon. Inorder to avoid the erroneous DFT description of the O2 gas-phase triplet ground state, we use H2O and H2 as suggestedin Ref. 18. The adsorption energies are summarized in Fig. 2and shown in Table I.

It can be seen that saturation by oxygen is the most favor-able for all edge configurations. We note that this is in agree-ment to Ref. 19 in which the authors conclude that zigzagnanoribbons are more likely to be oxidized than hydrogen-ated.

While the high reactivity of the zigzag edge is wellestablished,20 we also find the ac�56� to be very reactive; infact for several species this is the most reactive edge con-figuration. As for the zigzag edge, the origin of the highreactivity of the ac�56� edge is a �spin-polarized� peak in thedensity of states close to the Fermi energy. Consistent withtheir high reactivities, the pristine zz and ac�56� edges alsohave the highest edge formation energies �see Table II�, i.e.,they are the least stable edges in the absence of moleculargas species.

Finally, we note that all the reported results are for ad-sorption at the edge carbon atoms since these are by far themost reactive sites. For example, we find that H adsorptionon a carbon atom located next to the edge is already unfa-vorable compared to H2 in the gas phase.

B. Edge-formation energies

The adsorption energies discussed in the previous sectionare relevant once a given edge configuration has beenformed. More generally, to thermodynamic stability of anedge in the presence of gas molecules should also take theenergetic cost of forming the edge into account. To calculatethe edge-formation free energy we first calculate the forma-tion energy of the pristine edges

Ef =1

2L�Eribb − NCEbulk� , �2�

where Eribb is the total energy of a ribbon with NC carbonatoms in the supercell and Ebulk is the total energy per atomin bulk graphene. Our calculated energies shown in Table IIare in very good agreement with Ref. 8. We remark, that forpristine GNRs the zz�57� reconstruction has the lowest edgeenergy.

The adsorption energy Eads is used to obtain a free energyby taking into account the chemical potential, �gas, of the gasat a given temperature and pressure

Gads =1

LEads − �gas�gas, �3�

where �gas=Nmol /L is the density of adsorbed species. Thechemical potential at temperature T and partial pressure P isgiven by

� = H0�T� − H0�0� − TS0�T� + kBT ln� P

P0� , �4�

where H0 and S0 are enthalpies and entropies of the gasphase molecules at P0=1 bar.

Finally, the edge formation free energy in the presence ofadsorbates is obtained as

Gf,ads = Ef + Gads. �5�

The vibrational contributions to Gf,ads are not included sincethey are expected to be insignificant.21

Figure 3 summarizes the calculated edge formation freeenergies at 300 K and atmospheric partial pressures for thedifferent gas species. The qualitative picture does not changeif the temperature and pressure ranges are varied within ex-perimentally accessible ranges. The results are also reportedin Table II together with the edge formation energies calcu-lated at 0 K. It is immediately apparent that edges saturatedby atomic oxygen are the most stable. In particular, the low-

TABLE I. Numerical values of the adsorption energies, Eads, corresponding to Fig. 2. All values are ineV.

H O2diss O2 N2

diss N2 CO H2O CO2

ac�677� −2.59 −4.33 −0.45 0.86 −0.22 −0.97 −1.46 0.66

ac�56� −5.36 −9.88 −3.22 −1.95 −1.25 −3.03 −2.49 −0.20

zz�57� −2.99 −5.13 −3.09 0.14 0.96 −1.05 −2.24 −0.82

ac −3.99 −4.90 −1.29 1.73 0.44 −2.31 −2.56 −0.86

zz −5.19 −7.44 −0.96 0.05 0.20 −1.42 −0.85 0.65

FIG. 1. The standard and reconstructed edge geometries �andcorresponding abbreviations� considered in this study. The figuresshow two unit cells of the nanoribbons with periodicity along the zdirection.

VANIN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 195411 �2010�


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est energy configurations are the standard zigzag and arm-chair, followed by the reconstructed zz�57�; the other recon-structed edges are generally less stable. This agrees with Ref.9 where hydrogen passivation was considered. The armchairand zigzag edges saturated by hydrogen are also quite stablethus making H and O saturations the most stable ones. Forthis reason we will focus, in particular, on the oxygen satu-rated GNR, i.e., the most stable one, in the rest of the paper.Note that the negative formation free energies for some ofthe oxygen saturated edges mean that a graphene sheet willspontaneously break in order to generate edges and lower itsenergy. However one needs to be careful in analyzing theseresults since significant energy barriers may be involved inthe process and they are not included in our study. Further-more, once the oxygen molecule has dissociated, atomicoxygen is also reactive on the planar graphene sheet �3.23 eVcompared to atomic oxygen22�, thus making the dynamics ofthe dissociated oxygen potentially very complicated. Oxygensaturated edges were also found to be the most stable inanother study,23 where the authors also consider edge con-figurations beyond saturation by a single atom.

In addition to H and O, the adsorption of H2O and CO isalso found to stabilize most edges. In the case of H2O, thedissociation of the water molecule is always energeticallyfavored compared to the molecular adsorption. In particular,

it dissociates into OH and H on ac, ac�56�, zz�57�, andac�677�. On the zz edge, instead, H2O spontaneously disso-ciates into an adsorbed oxygen at the edge and releasing thetwo hydrogen atoms in the gas phase. Nitrogen species andCO2 bind rather weakly or not at all on all edge configura-tions.

These calculated data can furthermore be used in order toconstruct phase diagrams as a function of the chemical po-tential of a given gas species. This might be relevant forguiding experimental investigations in which GNRs are stud-ied in the presence of a given gas species. An example isshown in Fig. 4 for the case of dissociated oxygen at theedges. This shows that for any experimentally accessiblepressure of O2, the most stable edge configuration is thestandard zigzag, saturated by oxygen.


In the previous section we found that the zigzag GNRsaturated by atomic oxygen is the most stable thermody-namically. For this reason, we investigate in this section theground state and vibrational properties of the oxygen passi-vated zigzag GNR and compare it to the well studiedhydrogen-passivated case.

A. Band structure

Figure 5 shows the Kohn-Sham band structure for theoxygen saturated GNR calculated with the RPBE functional.Contrary to the hydrogen-saturated case, its ground state isspin paired and metallic. The states at the Fermi level arelocalized at the edges and they have weight on the p orbitalsof the oxygen atom. One state has pz symmetry and it decaysinto the GNR away from the edge with weight on only onecarbon sublattice �left inset of Fig. 5�. The other state isalmost completely localized on the out of plane p oxygenorbital �right inset of Fig. 5�. This is also in contrast to thehydrogen saturated case, where the edge states are entirelylocalized on the edge carbon atoms.

TABLE II. Edge formation free energy at 0 and 300 K for the different nanoribbons and adsorbed species. All energies are in eV /Å.

zz�57� ac ac�56� zz ac�677�

300 K 0 K 300 K 0 K 300 K 0 K 300 K 0 K 300 K 0 K

Pristine 0.92 0.96 1.30 1.16 1.04

H 0.46 0.30 0.21 0.03 0.75 0.66 0.25 0.10 0.61 0.43

O 0.00 −0.13 −0.03 −0.19 0.21 0.13 −0.22 −0.36 0.17 0.02

N 0.98 0.93 1.24 1.17 1.13 1.06 1.28 1.17 1.21 1.14

CO 0.90 0.70 0.66 0.42 0.82 0.58 0.99 0.58 1.05 0.81

N2 1.22 1.11 1.20 1.07 1.14 1.00 1.47 1.24 1.12 0.99

O2 0.42 0.28 0.82 0.66 0.69 0.54 1.03 0.77 1.06 0.99

H2O 0.59 0.46 0.52 0.36 0.87 0.71 1.09 0.81 0.86 0.70

CO2 0.89 0.75 0.93 0.76 1.42 1.25 1.71 1.42 1.36 1.19

H Od i s s


2 Nd i s s


2 C O H2O C O


z z

a c

z z ( 5 7 )

a c ( 5 6 )

c ( 6 7 7 )

− 9 . 0

− 7 . 5

− 6 . 0

− 4 . 5

− 3 . 0

− 1 . 5

0 . 0

1 . 5

FIG. 2. �Color online� Adsorption energy, Eads, for the differentmolecular species on the different edge configurations in eV. In thecase of nitrogen and oxygen we have considered both the molecularand dissociated forms on the edge. In all cases the adsorption en-ergy is given per molecule.



Page 114: Electronic and chemical properties of graphene-based ... Vanin.pdfsociate Professor Kristian S. Thygesen and Professor Karsten W. Jacobsen. Financial support was provided by DTU. First

B. Vibrational properties

Low-energy spectroscopies probing the vibrational excita-tions have traditionally been a powerful tool for structuredetermination in molecules. It has recently become possibleto study differences in the edge orientation of GNRs usingRaman spectroscopy.24,25 In view of this we have calculatedthe vibrational spectrum of the zigzag GNRs passivated byhydrogen and oxygen in order to identify features specific tothese types of edges.

1. Computational details

To obtain the phonon frequencies we first compute thedynamical matrix in real space. The latter is obtained bynumerical differentiation of the forces. A careful procedureto obtain the equilibrium configuration is found essential inorder to obtain an accurate description of the phonon fre-quencies. Thus, for a single unit of the zzGNR, we used agrid spacing of 0.1 Å and a k-point sampling of �1�1�10�. The relaxation of the equilibrium structure is contin-ued until the maximal residual forces are less than0.02 eV /Å.

The dynamical matrix is evaluated in a supercell contain-ing seven primitive cells of the GNR. All atoms in one of theprimitive cells are displaced by �0.02 Å in the x, y, and zdirections �a total of 6�N calculations� and the forces on allremaining atoms within a truncation radius of 7 Å of thedisplaced atom are stored. This requires a total of 6�N cal-culations, where N is the number of atoms in a primitive cell.For these calculations we use a grid spacing of 0.18 Å and a1�1�3 k-point sampling. We have verified that our resultshave converged with respect to these parameters and thetruncation radius. The real-space dynamical matrix is ob-tained from a finite difference of the forces, and the

eigenvectors and frequencies are obtained after Fourier trans-formation.

2. Results

The GNRs are finite in their width direction and thus theyare subject to boundary conditions similar to that of a stringwith free ends. The edges therefore only allow standingwaves perpendicular to the ribbon axis and the phonon wavevector for a GNR consisting of N carbon dimers will bequantized as q�,n=�n /w, where w is the width of the dimersand n=0, . . . ,N−1 each corresponding to a normal mode.The dispersion relations therefore consist of six fundamentalmodes each with �N−1� overtones. A study of the �-pointspectrum according to this classification has been done in aprevious study26 for hydrogen-saturated nanoribbons withpurely zigzag and armchair edges. The modes can be sepa-rated into the three categories according to their longitudinal,

p ri st i ne H

Od is s

2O 2

Nd is s

2N 2


H 2O

CO 2

− 0 . 5

0 . 0

0 . 5

1 . 0

1 . 5

2 . 0


◦ A]

z z 5 7

a c 5 6

z z

a c 6 7 7

a c

FIG. 3. �Color online� Edge-formation free energy of graphenenanoribbons with different edge structures �different symbols� anddifferent adsorbed molecules at the edge. The free energy is evalu-ated at 300 K. The pressure for each structure with a given adsor-bate is taken to be the partial pressure of the gas-phase adsorbate atatmospheric conditions.

− 4 − 2 0 2 4

µ O [ e V ]

− 1 . 5

− 1 . 0

− 0 . 5

0 . 0

0 . 5

1 . 0

1 . 5


◦ A]

z z 5 7 O

z z 5 7

a c O

a c

a c 5 6 O

a c 5 6

z z O

z z

a c 6 7 7 O

a c 6 7 7

1 0 − 6 0 1 0 − 4 0 1 0 − 2 0 1 0 0

P 3 0 0 K [ b a r ]

− 1 . 5

− 1 . 0

− 0 . 5

0 . 0

0 . 5

1 . 0

1 . 5

FIG. 4. �Color online� Edge-formation free-energy for the dif-ferent edge configurations of a graphene nanoribbon in a back-ground of O2 gas.

FIG. 5. �Color online� Band structure of a 22 Å wide zigzagGNR saturated with O. The two insets show the states correspond-ing to the bands crossing the Fermi level, marked with black circles.

VANIN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 195411 �2010�


Page 115: Electronic and chemical properties of graphene-based ... Vanin.pdfsociate Professor Kristian S. Thygesen and Professor Karsten W. Jacobsen. Financial support was provided by DTU. First

transverse, and out-of-plane nature. It is straightforward toidentify which category a particular mode belongs to byweighting each of the three different spatial entries in thepolarization vector relative to its total norm. Each of thespatial categories can be separated into acoustical and opticalparts giving rise to six series. The �-point spectrum is foundto be similar to hydrogen-saturated ribbons where a splittinginto optical �160–200� meV and acoustical modes �0–160�meV is observed, as shown in Fig. 6. The transverse acous-tical modes are seen to follow a near perfect 1 /�w behaviorwhich is understood in terms of the ribbon acting as a springperpendicular to its axis with fixed spring constant.

A separation of modes associated with the saturation at-oms is not as simple in the case of oxygen as it is for hydro-gen. Contrary to the hydrogen passivated ribbons wherethree degenerate pairs of edge localized modes are found at380, 150, and 125 meV, only one localized degenerate pair ofcarbon-oxygen modes shows up, namely, the degeneratedstretching modes �transverse direction�. Similarly to thehydrogen-passivated case, this pair is found to be indepen-dent of the ribbon width and is located around 182 meV,except for the very narrow ribbons �N�4� where it isslightly higher. The last four modes are not separated fromthe remaining modes as for the case of hydrogen. In fact, theoxygen atoms participate as a continuation of the carbonsystem and enter in the bulk vibrational modes giving rise totwo additional acoustical modes in the longitudinal seriesand the out-of-plane series. This coupling to the acousticalmodes is understood in terms of the comparable masses ofthe two species. Also, for the transverse series one finds thatan optical mode has been converted into an additional acous-tical one. The optical modes of the longitudinal and out-of-plane series on the contrary remains similar to what is found

for the hydrogen-saturated ribbons, that is, the series are con-stituted of normal modes only coming from the carbon at-oms.

The total vibrational density of states of the 16 dimerwide zigzag ribbon is obtained by integration in the �KMdirection and is shown in Fig. 7. Note that it represents thewhole spectrum of states and not just the � phonons. Exceptfor some distinct peaks the total density of states for thehydrogen- and oxygen-saturated ribbons represents that ofgraphene fairly well. In order to compare the deviations inthe density of states associated with the edge, the states lo-calized on the edges have been separated out for each of thesaturating species. The peaks present in the edge contributionare to a large degree recognizable in the corresponding totaldensity of states spectrum. For the hydrogen-saturated rib-bon, the two peaks observed are the vibrational mode per-pendicular to the carbon-hydrogen bond and out-of-planemode. For the oxygen-saturated ribbon only the transversecarbon-oxygen has a truly edge-localized vibrational patternwhile the peaks observed in the acoustical part of the spec-trum originates from individual normal modes in the longi-tudinal and out-of-plane series.


As a general reminder, it should be noted that the resultsin this study do not consider the effects of the substrates. Inmost experiments, GNRs are grown or deposited on a sub-strate, which might affect the energetics at the edges. Theinteraction of the substrate with graphene edges is likely tobe much stronger than the interaction with the bulkgraphene.12,13

In conclusion we have studied the adsorption of commongas molecules at the edge of several types of GNRs usingdensity-functional theory. We have calculated the edge-

FIG. 6. The longitudinal �left� and transverse �right� �-pointspectrum of the oxygen saturated zigzag nanoribbon as function ofthe number of carbon dimers. The fundamental mode of the acous-tical series is zero for all widths and is not shown.

FIG. 7. �Color online� The total vibrational density of state ofthe 16 dimer wide �33 � hydrogen- �red�, and oxygen- �blue�saturated zigzag nanoribbon in comparison with graphene�black�.The density of states weighted on the saturating atoms shown forthe hydrogen and oxygen saturated 16 dimer zigzag ribbon,respectively.



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formation free energy in the presence of the adsorbates at thedifferent edges and shown that passivation by atomic oxygenis the most stable closely followed by the hydrogen-passivated GNRs. In contrast to the hydrogen-saturated zig-zag edge, passivation by oxygen leads to a nonmagnetic andmetallic ground state.

For the vibrational properties, the comparable masses ofoxygen and carbon lead to a larger degree of mixing betweenlocalized edge and bulk modes. In particular, it is found thatthe oxygen atoms act as a continuation of the carbon systemand participates actively in the longitudinal and out-of-planeseries. Only the stretching �transverse� mode of the carbon-oxygen bond is found to be completely localized at the edgeand separated from the normal-mode series.

Since O2 and H2 are almost always present under realisticconditions, our results suggest that it might be very difficultto functionalize the edge atoms with different species. Wesuggest that the substitutional route, for example, via elec-trothermal reactions as demonstrated in �Ref. 27�, might turnout to be an easier approach for doping GNRs.


The authors acknowledge support from the Danish Centerfor Scientific Computing. The Center for Atomic-scale Ma-terials Design is sponsored by the Lundbeck Foundation.

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Paper IV

Mechanism of channelling behaviour of silver nanoparticles on sus-pended grapheneF. Pizzocchero, M. Vanin, T. Booth , K. W. Jacobsen, P. BøggildSubmitted to Nano Letters


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Mechanism of channelling behaviour of silver nanoparticles on

suspended graphene

Filippo Pizzocchero, Marco Vanin, Tim Booth , Karsten W. Jacobsen, Peter


The increasing availability of wafer-scale quantities of high quality graphene layers has highlighted a

pressing need for a patterning technique which preserves the crystal quality and orientation of the

edges of graphene. The structure and smoothness of the edges are determinant factors for the

device behaviour and performance of a wide range of devices [1], along with substrate-induced

effects and surface contaminants [2]. Catalytic oxidation or reduction is currently the only technique

which produces crystallographically-oriented graphene edges with roughness of less than 1 nm on a

large scale, but for control of the phenomenon it is critical that the atomistic processes are better

understood. In this work, we compare density functional theory calculations to in-situ transmission

electron microscopy experiments of silver nanoparticles channelling on single and bilayer graphene;

successfully obtaining a model for the mechanism of zigzag edge formation, an explanation of the

rate-limiting step and excellent agreement between the DFT-predicted and experimentally obtained

activation energies.

The current toolbox for graphene patterning is in large part adapted from silicon microfabrication,

typically involving the use of optical and electron beam lithographies, in combination with

physical/chemical etching to define device geometry [3]. While these processes are versatile and

based on mature technology, issues arise with (1) precise orientation of lithography with graphene

symmetry directions, (2) imperfect edges from mask-based physical/chemical etching, (3)

fundamental limits on the resolution achievable with lithographic techniques, and (4) impurities

introduced by resist spinning, development, stripping and so on, which can have a serious effect on a

system where every atom is directly exposed to the environment.

A possible solution is presented by the catalytic hydrogenation or oxidation of graphene via metal

nanoparticles at elevated temperature [4-11]. This process has been studied in graphite for over 60

years [12-21]. When applied to graphene the hydrogenation or oxidation results in channels of

microscale length in the topmost graphene layers. These channels present two unique features: a

strong tendency to follow the crystal orientations of graphene and a width determined by the

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diameter of the nanoparticle [11], which has been demonstrated from the nanometer to the

submicrometer scale.

Here we combine in-situ observation of the channelling behaviour of silver nanoparticles on

suspended mono- to few layer graphene (Figure 1) in the controlled atmosphere inside an

environmental transmission electron microscope (ETEM) with density functional theory (DFT)

simulations with the ultimate aim to understand and gain a degree of control over the channeling

process. We are able to explain the alignment of the channels and our work supports the hypothesis

that the reaction occurs at the interface of the graphene/silver as opposed to carbon atoms from the

graphene edge being first dissolved in the silver and later removed from the surface of the silver

particle, as has been proposed in literature [17].

A previous report [11] describes the catalytic oxidation of graphene by silver nanoparticles over the

temperature range of 600-850 K and with oxygen pressures up to 13 Pa, with all channels aligned

parallel to the <100> (zigzag) direction in graphene. The reaction proceeds as:

where the production of CO is favoured over CO2 (γ»δ) *22-24].

In addition to the discrete dynamics of the particles and the calculation of the activation energy

reported previously, we show here a number of other observations and calculations which elucidate

the atomistic processes involved. In a small number of cases (< 5%) we are able to observe the

structure of the graphene interface when nanoparticles channelling in bilayer graphene change from

simultaneously removing two layers to just a single layer (Figure 2), or vice versa. We find that the

leading edge of a particle which is channelling always presents two 120°-separated facets to the

graphene, leaving graphene edges consisting of <100> edges except for rounding at corners (Figure


Moreover, we observe Bragg reflections from channelling particles (Figure 1)., which shows that the

particles maintain their crystallinity whilst channeling at temperatures exceeding 850 K. This is

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expected from the liquid drop model for the thermodynamic behaviour of silver nanoparticles [25],

which predicts a maximum suppression of the bulk melting point from 1234 K to 1000 K for spherical

5 nm nanoparticles, the degree of suppression decreasing with increasing particle diameter. We

observe that particles which are stationary at these temperatures have a markedly more spherical

shape. This suggests that the edge of the graphene lattice has a strong influence on the morphology

of the particles which are channelling, since comparably sized and situated particles on the surface

lack facets and Bragg reflections.

We model the graphene/silver interface via Density Functional Theory simulation based on GPAW

[26] as a graphene nanoribbon of width equal to 19.8 Å with periodic boundary conditions along its

length, placed edge-on to a step in the (211) surface of silver with the graphene interacting with the

bottom of the step, as shown in Figure 3. Full details on the calculations can be found in the

Supporting Information. We find a DFT-calculated carbon/silver equilibrium distance of 2.3 Å and

2.25 Å respectively for the armchair and zigzag edge. In order to maintain periodic boundary

conditions we vary the lattice parameter of the graphene or the silver so as to have an integer

number of both lattice unit cells in our simulation unit cell. For both zigzag and armchair

nanoribbons the lowest energy interface occurs when the graphene lattice has negligible stress or

strain (Supporting Information). We see this as evidence that the strong C-C bond is likely to alter

the lattice parameter of the first few layers of atoms in the silver particle closest to the graphene


In our simulations we consider the complete cyclic oxidation of rows of interface atoms for both

zigzag and armchair edges, returning to an equivalent situation except for the gasified carbon atoms

(Figure 4). The zigzag and armchair interfaces differ fundamentally in this respect, since the removal

of a row of interface atoms in an armchair ribbon immediately results in another exposed row of

armchair-like atoms, but the removal of a row of zigzag interface atoms exposes a row of doubly

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under-coordinated carbon atoms which must also be removed for the initial zigzag graphene/silver

interface to be recovered (Figure 4). At each stage we allow the structure to fully relax.

Plotting the energy change per carbon monoxide molecule produced at the interface for each cycle

we note that the removal of zigzag atoms presents an energy barrier of 0.34 eV for the first two

steps of the reaction, whereas the removal of armchair interface atoms is downhill in energy (Figure

4). The same ΔEtot between initial and final states is found irrespective of whether the edge is zigzag

or armchair. It corresponds to the energy balance of the reaction

and energetically [27]

The removal of atoms along the armchair edge is therefore more favourable with respect to the

zigzag edge. In this picture, the channelling proceeds by removing armchair-like edge atoms more

readily than zigzag edge atoms. The removal of zigzag atoms is then the limiting step for the reaction

and results in purely zigzag edged channels, which is in agreement with our experimental findings.

We note that the calculated barrier for the removal of zigzag atoms, 0.34 eV, compares favourably

with the experimentally obtained activation energy of 0.557 eV in literature [11], despite the fact

that transition-state barriers between metastable intermediates are not considered in our


Two incompatible theories suggested in literature describe the mechanism of carbon removal by

catalytic oxidation and hydrogenation of graphite. Goethel et al. [17] propose that the carbon atoms

at the graphene/catalyst interface diffuse into the nanoparticle, and combine with oxygen on the

surface, desorbing as molecular COx. This we will refer to as the surface model. The second theory,

first introduced by McKee [13], proposes that oxygen is adsorbed onto the catalyst surface and

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diffuses to the interface, here combining with carbon before desorption, which we term the

interface model.

Strong evidence for the interface model and a lack of adsorbed carbon is provided by the DFT

calculated binding energies of 7.7 eV and 5.9 eV for carbon atoms on the zigzag and armchair edges

respectively. These values are much higher than both kBT and the binding energy of a carbon atom

on the Ag (111) surface, which is 3.3 eV. This makes the presence of carbon adatoms on the catalyst

surface unlikely. Additionally, the surface model would result in a correlation between the particle

surface area and channelling velocity [17]; an effect we are unable to detect in our measurements

over a range of temperatures and pressures [11].

Particles which move from the graphene surface to the amorphous carbon support film show a

marked change in morphology and behaviour (Figure 5). While in contact with graphene, the

particle shows Bragg reflections and a consistent morphology, but when the amorphous carbon is

reached the particle rapidly melts and flows over the surface in a quasi-liquid state. Our

interpretation is that the weaker and disorganised bonding in the amorphous carbon leads to a

much faster dissociation of carbon atoms and a lack of imposed structure. The solubility of graphitic

carbon in silver is known to be less than 10-7 at. % at these temperatures [28], so the formation of

some kind of eutectic or carbide is most likely excluded. Recent observations of cobalt nanoparticles

on amorphous carbon film which catalytically produce graphene layers have shown strong evidence

of crystallinity despite an apparently fluid leading edge [29-30]. Our interpretation is that the

substrate/nanoparticle surface interaction has a dominant role in determining the morphology and

structure of the nanoparticle – when touching graphite or graphene the metal nanoparticles exhibit

crystal structure, with liquid-like characteristics when in contact with amorphous carbon.

In this work, silver was deposited on the graphene flake by sputtering, which is well known to induce

defects [31] which are highly likely to affect the dynamics of the channeling. There are several

gentler ways of depositing particles that do not lead to damage of the sp2 carbon bonds, such as

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metal solution evaporation or size selected deposition [32], as well as methods to deposit the

particles in selected areas, for instance through nanostencil lithography [33], which would limit both

the particle and defect initiation site to a small and well defined area. As microcleaved graphene

and more recently CVD graphene can have a very low defect level [34] , the possibility of making well

localised, crystallographically oriented and long nanochannels seems realistic.

In summary, we have combined DFT and experimental observations to explain the orientation of the

channels in suspended graphene made by catalytic silver nanoparticles. DFT calculations reproduce

the experimentally obtained activation energy for the rate limiting step, which is the removal of

zigzag edge atoms. The silver-oxygen system is working at a relatively low temperature, several

hundred of degrees lower than other investigated systems [4-5,7-10], which may simplify both

characterization and development of such novel lithographic techniques. We believe that

investigations of the energetics of the system are crucial for any future attempt of achieving low- or

zero-disorder edges, of gaining full control of the particle motion including suppression of unwanted

changes in particle velocity. Our simulations and observed lack of particle size dependence on

channeling rate support the interface model for the removal of carbon atoms from graphene.

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Fig.1 a) Optical image of the holey carbon film of the TEM grid. Scale bar 3 μm. (will be changed) b)

TEM image of a suspended bi-layer graphene with silver nanoparticles (black spots) that are etching

channels. Scale bar 300 nm. c) TEM image of a single particle from (b). The particle is etching one of

the two layers of the suspended bilayer graphene flake. Scale bar 20 nm. d) TEM image of several

silver particles etching a multi-layer graphene flake. Bragg reflections are indicated by arrows. Scale

bar 35 nm. e) TEM image of silver particles etching various numbers of layers of a few-layer

graphene flake. Channelling particles are indicated by arrows, and display a more elliptical cross-

section than the static particles. Scale bar 50 nm.

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Fig.2 a-b) TEM images of the transition between monolayer and bilayer etching (and vice versa)

within a single channel. These footprints of the interface of the silver particles in the graphene are

triangular in shape with <100> orientated edges, parallel to the zigzag direction of the graphene

lattice. Scale bars 5nm. c) A schematic representation of the catalytic etching process. (i) The oxygen

molecules interact with the silver nanoparticles. (ii) After being adsorbed, the oxygen may

dissociate. The atomic oxygen formed diffuses on the surface of the particle, possibly reaching the

silver-graphene interface where it interacts with the carbon edge atoms. (iii) Carbon at the edge

reacts with the oxygen at the interface and is gasified in the molecular form COx leaving a void which

the catalyst particle moves to fill. d-e) The triangular front of etching particles is clearly visible in

these images. Scale bars 25 nm and 20 nm respectively.

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Fig.3 – a) A three dimensional representation of the structure used in the DFT calculation. b-c)

Schematic 2D projections of the structure shown in (a). In particular, in (b) the shape of the step is

clear, while in (c) the position of the graphene flake with respect to the silver edge is exemplified. d-

e) Scale representations in the ZY plane of the actual DFT relaxed graphene-silver interfaces for the

armchair and zigzag edges respectively. In (d) two unit cells are shown, with one in (e).

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Fig.4. Energetic path for the modelled etching process for both armchair and zigzag edge. a) In case

of the zigzag edge the carbon atoms at the interface are fully oxidized by (b) adding one oxygen

atom per undercoordinated carbon atom. c) The newly formed C-O couples are then removed. To

obtain the initial situation another line of carbon atoms has to be removed. d) Once these doubly

under-coordinated atoms are fully oxidized in a similar manner to (b) and removed (e), the initial

state (a) has been recovered except for the gasification of two rows of atoms in graphene. g) For the

armchair edge, only one oxidation step is necessary to obtain a complete cycle. h) The interface at

the equilibrium is oxidized and then the C-O species are removed, (i). In our calculations the

structure is allowed to fully relax at each step, and the total energy is evaluated. (f) A plot of the

energy of each of the states (a-e) and (g-i) per CO molecule gasified, i.e. per carbon atom removed

at the interface. The reaction in the zigzag case goes uphill with a calculated energy barrier of

0.34eV, while it goes downhill in the armchair case. Both paths end up at the same energy level,

which corresponds to the gasification of a “bulk” carbon atom, independent of that atoms position

in the lattice.

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Fig.5 a-f) Sequential TEM images of a particle that changes from channelling graphene to the

amorphous carbon of the grid, taken at elevated temperature in oxygen atmosphere (600-800 K, 4-

13 Pa). When the particle is etching graphene a Bragg reflection spot is distinguishable (black arrow).

Scale bar 25nm. b) As soon as the particle lands in the amorphous carbon layer, the spot is not

visible anymore. At this point the shape of the particle becomes increasingly irregular. g-h) Two

further examples of deformed particles etching in the amorphous carbon layer. The yellow lines are

a guide for the eye to help distinguish the border of the particles. Scale bars 25 nm and 50 nm


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Paper V

Functionalized graphene as catalyst for CO2 electrochemical re-ductionM. Vanin, V. Tripkovic, M. E. Bjorketun, K.S. Thygesen, K.W. Jacobsenand Jan RossmeislIn preparation


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Functionalized graphene as catalyst for CO2 electrochemical reduction

M. Vanin, V. Tripkovic, M.Bjorketun, K.S. Thygesen, K.W. Jakobsen, and J. RossmeislCenter for Atomic-scale Materials Design, Department of Physics

Technical University of Denmark, DK - 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark(Dated: August 31, 2011)

In this work, we have investigated catalytic properties of a metal-porphyrin-like graphene towardsCO2 reduction to a spectrum of chemicals which can be used to e.g. generate electricity in Fuel Cellpowered devices (formic acid, methanol) or as building units in polymer industries (formaldehyde).We have observed a clear distinction compared to extended metal surfaces, and it turns out thatmost differences are associated with the nature of the active site. Specifically, selectivity becomesmuch more of an issue, due to site blocking induced by adsorbed hydrogen species. In connectionwith that, we have devised a selectivity criterion that ought to be satisfied in order to get appreciableCO2 reduction currents. However, this criterion is not been met by any of the systems studied, thusrendering this type of material highly inefficient for CO2 reduction. The problem can be resolvedby reducing CO instead of CO2, owing to the higher binding energy of CO compared to COOH.Additionally, we have also considered the hydrogen evolution reaction, the competing reaction toCO2 reduction, and we have identified several catalysts with favourable H* binding energies.

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The electrochemical reduction of CO2 to chemical fuelshas re-gained huge interest in recent years in connectionwith renewable energy1,2. The intermittency of renew-able energy sources calls for an efficient energy storagesolution1. The iiistorage of energy in the form of chemi-cal bonds represents an attractive approach, in particularif combined with CO2 capture. This makes the electro-chemical reduction of CO2 a very attractive candidatefor the production of chemical fuels.

However, in order to have any major impact the pro-cess must be cost-efficient and a key step in realizing thatis finding efficient catalysts. Unfortunately, so far no ma-terial is known to catalyze this reaction efficiently andwith high selectivity. Copper is the only metal that hasbeen experimentally shown to produce significant quan-tities of hydrocarbons (CH4 and C2H4) from CO2, albeitat a huge voltage cost3. The origin of the overpoten-tial has remained elusive until recently, when a completereaction mechanism was elucidated by employing DFTcalculations in conjunction with the computational hy-drogen electrode (CHE) method4. This ambitious en-deavour made it possible, for the first time, to construct afree energy diagram for the entire reaction, including po-tential side reactions, and identify the potential limitingstep. Importantly, the obtained results were in qualita-tive agreement with experimental data reported by Horiet al.3, and furthermore they explained why hydrocar-bons and not methanol, which is commonly produced oncopper in gas phase catalysis, are dominant products.

The lack of efficient metallic catalysts for the electro-chemical reduction of CO2 to chemical fuels calls for theinvestigation of other types of materials. Some molecu-lar catalyst, in particular porphyrin-based catalysts, areknown to be active for the electroreduction of CO2

7–9.This fact, combined with the versatility of graphene-

FIG. 1: Structure of the porphyrin-like functionalizedgraphene (top-view). The difference in the structures con-sidered in this work consists in the central atom, bound tofour nitrogen atoms.

based systems, has prompted us to investigate metal-porphyrine-like functionalized graphene (a schematic pic-ture of its structure is shown in Fig. 1) as potential cat-alysts for CO2 reduction. With respect to CO2 reduc-tion this graphene-based material has several potentialadvantages over most metal catalysts. First, the natureof the active site is totally different. In our materialthere is only one, isolated, active site, which is in starkcontrast to traditional metal-based catalysts where usu-ally several binding sites are available for the interme-diate. This feature can be seen as a bridge between ametal-based catalyst and a molecular catalyst and opensup possibilities in terms of controlling and manipulatingthe active site (this prospect becomes especially appeal-ing when considering that the carbon-based chemistry iswell defined compared to that of metallic surfaces). Sec-ond, a carbon-based material has significant advantagesin terms of price. Third, the limitations imposed by scal-ing relationships5,6 (we will return to this issue later) intransition-metal-based catalysis might be less severe inthis new type of material.

In the present study, taking the same approach as in

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ref.4, we have calculated free energy levels of all pos-sible intermediates involved in the electroreduction ofCO2 over metal-porphyrine-like functionalized graphene.By analyzing the energy differences of the intermedi-ates we have extracted the overpotentials required to ei-ther reduce CO2 partially to CO/HCOOH or completelyto CH4. Additionally, the hydrogen evolution reaction(HER) has also been considered due to the fact thatH* competes with *COOH for the active metal site. Inthat regard, special attention has been devoted to ad-dress selectivity towards the different reaction products.Finally, we have looked at scaling relations between dif-ferent adsorption intermediates. This information can beused to predict the potential or fundamental limitationsof porphyrine-like functionalized graphene in catalyzingvarious complex reactions.


The free energy diagrams for complete and partial CO2

reduction on Ga-porphyrin-like functionalized graheneare presented in Figure 2, along with the free energy di-agram for the HER. This system has been chosen sinceit is the best candidate, among the systems considered,for both the partial and complete CO2 reduction. In thecase of the HER, there are much better catalysts, how-ever we chose to show the data for the same system tostress the selectivity issue that will be addressed lateron. The free energy values of each step and the reactionoverpotentials for all the other systems are compiled inthe supplementary information.

Commonly, whenever applying the CHE method, thefree energy diagram is illustrated at U = 0 with respectto the reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) and at thelowest potential at which all steps are downhill in free en-ergy, i.e. at the overpotential at which all reaction stepsbecome exergonic. Fortuitously, in the case of Ga, thereare two such steps that occur at the same potential, U= -0.74 V, which, by chance, is equal to the onset poten-tial for CH4 production on Cu(211)4. The first potentiallimiting step is the addition of a proton-electron pair toadsorbed CHO to form formaldehyde (H2CO), whereasthe second one is protonation of OH to water in the lastelectrochemical step. For comparison, on Cu(211) pro-tonation of the *CO intermediate was found to be thepotential determining step.

In the case of CO evolution (cf. Fig 2 c), which is an-other reaction of interest, Ga-porphyrine-like graphenewas also found to be the best catalyst, featuring some-what lower overpotential, -0.68 V, than for the CO2 re-duction. Note that in this case, in general one also hasto take into account the thermodynamical barrier for COdesorption. There is little use of a catalyst if productscannot be removed from the surface12. To make thingsworse, CO desorption is a potential independent step andthus little can be done to promote it. This is not a prob-lem for the Ga-porphyrin-like system, since the desorp-

tion from the site is energetically favorable. As far asthe HER is concerned, the Ga-pophyrin-like structure isa very bad catalyst for the reaction, since almost -0.8V voltage is needed to evolve hydrogen. The best cat-alyst should have H* binding energy around 0, and theCo-porphyrin-like has been found to be a very good can-didate, having ∆H∗ = −0.07 eV.

Here, we will turn back to the CO2 reduction path,since we have previously omitted to address one moreimportant issue. The lowest possible overpotential is anecessary but not a sufficient condition to have a goodCO2 reduction catalyst. This class of material has justone catalytically active site per unit cell. This somewhatsimplifies the situation because no coverage effects needto be taken into account. On the other hand, the com-petition for the active sites, i.e. selectivity, enters as akey parameter that determines the overall performanceof the catalyst. In other words, if some of the inter-mediates that are not directly involved in the CH4 pro-duction path bind stronger to the surface, they will poi-son the active site and the reaction will instantly cease.From Fig. 2 it is clear that all the reaction paths con-sidered proceed through formation of *COOH interme-diate except for the HER where H* formation is the key(only) intermediate step. Consequently, the competitionbetween H* and *COOH binding will determine the finalproduct of the reaction. Moreover, since both H* and*COOH formation steps involve transfer of one electronand proton pair, the ratio between the two will not beaffected by the change of voltage. This finding is con-trary to the results obtained on metal surfaces, or morespecifically on Cu(211), where the products’ yield wasstrongly influenced by the potential. Particularly, theH2 yield changed drastically in favour of hydrocarbonsas the potential was lowered, which was a clear indica-tion of opening up of *CO formation path, the interme-diate that would subsequently repel hydrogen from thesurface and enable CO2 reduction. A similar behaviourwould never be observed for the catalysts investigated inthis work, since the site blocking by adsorbed hydrogenwould never leave a space for CO formation. Hence theCO2 reduction would be essentially dead. Unfortunately,the unfavourable ratio between COOH and H is not solelyrestricted to Ga-porphyrine-like graphene, but as seen inFig. 3, a rather general rule that extends to all of thesystems studied herein. Seemingly, these materials arenot good catalysts for CO2 reduction because regardlessof the metal atom in the active site, the HER will al-ways prevail against the carbon containing gas molecule’s evolution. However, the reaction diagram in Fig. 2suggests a way to overcome this problem. Namely, if onewould reduce CO instead of CO2 then the weak *COOHbinding would no longer present an obstacle for the re-duction. The path for CO reduction is the same as forCO2 except for the missing first two steps. A trade-offbetween CO and H would thus become a selectivity cri-terion. The scaling between the CO and H adsorptionenergy is plotted in Fig. 3 (bottom). Unfortunately, Ga

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FIG. 2: Free energy diagrams for a) CH4 b) HCOOH, c) CO and d) H2 evolution on Ga-porphyrine functionalized graphene.In each diagram, the black and red lines denote the free energy levels at 0 V and the potential at which all the reaction stepsare downhill in free energy. The potential scale is given vs. RHE in accordance with the CHE model.

which was found to be the best candidate for CO2 reduc-tion is, apart from Al, the only material that does notfulfil the selectivity criterion for CH4 evolution. Withthe new condition, Co, Rh and Cu also become promis-ing candidates with overpotentials around -0.8 V. Here, itis important to note, that the methane is the only hydro-carbon that can be produced. Making larger hydrocar-bon chains would require a Langmuir-Hinshelwood typeof reaction, in which two adsorbed carbon containing in-termediates join together to form a C-C bond. Since, bydesign of the catalyst, there is only one active site, thistype of reaction can be automatically ruled out.


For multi-electron-transfer reactions it is usually diffi-cult to find a good catalyst that can perform the over-all reaction at a small overpotential. One of the mainreasons for this is that, at least on transition metals,the binding energies of the various reaction intermedi-ates scale, i.e. it is virtually impossible to change thebinding energy of one intermediate (without using a dif-ferent catalyst) without also affecting the binding of theother intermediates in a similar, proportional, manner.Scaling relations are readily observed on transition met-als and alloys for the same class of adsorbates i.e. forthe adsorbates that bind to the surface through a same

type of atom5. The linearity in binding energies on tran-sition metals is usually rationalized through the d-bandmodel11 and the position of the d-band centre.

The structures studied in this work differ from transi-tion metal surfaces in this respect, as the energy levelswill be more of atomic character. The difference betweenthe two cases is best seen in Fig. 4, where the densi-ties of states have been projected onto the d orbitals ofporphyrin-like graphene. The systems have more sharppeaks compared to the broad features of the d-band formetal surfaces.

The scaling relations are not only confined to metalsurfaces, but as it has been recently shown also hold onporphyrine functionalized graphene10. The linearity ob-served in Fig. 3 (top) is striking with Au being the onlyoutlier which is explained by the fact that COOH doesnot bind on Au. On the other hand, there is a much largerscatter in Fig. 3 (bottom). At first glance, the scatterin the two scaling relations seems a bit peculiar. COOHand CO bind trough the same atom and therefore onewould expect that their scale much better than COOHand H, whereas opposite is observed. A possible expla-nation may be found in terms of the orbitals throughwhich COOH, CO and H bind to the metal atom. InFig. 5, the HOMO and LUMO orbitals of gas-phase COand COOH are illustrated. With respect to the vacuumlevel, the HOMO and LUMO eigenvalues for CO are at-9.1 eV and -2.1 eV, while the HOMO and LUMO for

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FIG. 3: Correlations between COOH vs. H and CO vs. Hbinding energies.

COOH are at -5 eV and -1.4 eV. The Fermi level of theporphyrin-like strucures ranges from -0.5 eV to -1.8 eV,depending on which active atom is considered. Being theHOMO level of COOH unpaired and closer to the Fermilevel of the surface site, it may contribute more to thebinding compared to the HOMO of CO which is muchlower in energy. Since the HOMO orbital of COOH is ofs-character locally around the carbon atom, the couplingto the active site is similar to the H case, which is of pures-character. This is only given as a possible explanation,since a more in-depth investigation is needed for a fullunderstanding of the scaling relations in these systems.


In summary, we have assessed the catalytic activityof the metal functionalized porphyrine-like structures forthe electrochemical reduction of CO2. This study hasbeen prompted by recent findings on Cu(211). We havecarefully compared the results of our study to theirs, es-pecially in terms of the differences in the active site andits significance for selectivity among reaction products.Ga functionalized pophyrine-like graphene was found tobe the best candidate for CO2 reduction, although the

FIG. 4: Density of states projected onto the d orbitals ofa FCC(111) Pt surface (red lower) and of the Pt-porphyrin-like graphene (blue higher). The calculate d-band center is-2.9 eV and -1.4 eV for the FCC(111) and Pt-porphyrin-likerespectively.

FIG. 5: HOMO and LUMO orbitals (left and right) for COand COOH (top and bottom).

major obstacle was established to be hydrogen poison-ing of the active site. Moreover, this turned out to bea general problem regardless of which metal comprisedthe active site. The only way to avoid it is to reduce COrather than CO2 because the first intermediate in the COreduction path has higher binding energy than hydrogen,whereas in the case of CO2 reduction, COOH binds ca 1eV more weakly than hydrogen.


CAMD is funded by the Lundbeck foundation. TheCatalysis for Sustainable Energy initiative is funded bythe Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innova-tion. Support from the Danish Center for Scientific Com-puting, the Danish Council for Technology and Innova-tion’s FTP program and the Strategic ElectrochemistryResearch Center is gratefully acknowledged.

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