electron-mediated relaxation following ultrafast pumping...

Electron-Mediated Relaxation Following Ultrafast Pumping of Strongly Correlated Materials: Model Evidence of a Correlation-Tuned Crossover between Thermal and Nonthermal States B. Moritz, 1,2,3, * A. F. Kemper, 1 M. Sentef, 1 T. P. Devereaux, 1 and J. K. Freericks 4 1 Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA 2 Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202, USA 3 Department of Physics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois 60115, USA 4 Department of Physics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057, USA (Received 4 July 2012; published 12 August 2013) We examine electron-electron mediated relaxation following ultrafast electric field pump excitation of the fermionic degrees of freedom in the Falicov-Kimball model for correlated electrons. The results reveal a dichotomy in the temporal evolution of the system as one tunes through the Mott metal-to-insulator transition: in the metallic regime relaxation can be characterized by evolution toward a steady state well described by Fermi-Dirac statistics with an increased effective temperature; however, in the insulating regime this quasithermal paradigm breaks down with relaxation toward a nonthermal state with a complicated electronic distribution as a function of momentum. We characterize the behavior by studying changes in the energy, photoemission response, and electronic distribution as functions of time. This relaxation may be observable qualitatively on short enough time scales that the electrons behave like an isolated system not in contact with additional degrees of freedom which would act as a thermal bath, especially when using strong driving fields and studying materials whose physics may manifest the effects of correlations. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.077401 PACS numbers: 78.47.J, 71.10.Fd, 79.60.i Optical reflectivity [15], photoemission spectroscopy [1,616], and resonant x-ray scattering [1719] are equi- librium methods which in the time domain are ideally suited to studying dynamics of novel ordered phases or collective excitations [26,810,1219]. On sufficiently short time scales, the initial recovery in these systems following an ultrafast pump pulse should be dominated by electron-electron scattering which on its own can drive the system into a new steady state. Conventional analysis has been based on a quasithermal paradigm (‘‘hot electron’’ or multitemperature models) [20,21]; however, there have been few tests of the validity of its underlying assumptions as a function of the strength of electronic correlations [22], in particular as one tunes between the two regimes of a metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) [23]. The MIT driven by electronic correlations usually is accompanied by a number of interesting ordering phe- nomena among the spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom in a material. An understanding of the key physics which leads to these emergent phases is often at the heart of pump-probe experiments in condensed matter systems, including high-T c cuprate superconductors [24], nickel- ates, manganites, ruthenates, vanadates [23], and even organic materials [2527]. A number of experimental pa- rameters can be used to tune across the MIT including doping and chemical substitution, pressure, and applied fields. What can be learned about the underlying physics leading to these phases as a function of these key parame- ters requires an understanding of the proper paradigm in which to ask the relevant questions and conduct analysis of experimental data. This is in addition to what can be learned by tuning the interaction parameters of model systems simulated in fermionic or bosonic cold atom mixtures and performing the experimental equivalent of time-resolved, pump-probe measurements [2830]. To avoid approximate treatments of either interactions or applied fields, in this Letter we discuss the evolution of a system described in equilibrium by the spinless Falicov- Kimball (FK) model [31,32] in the uniform phase, which possesses a MIT, whose effective Hamiltonian is given by H ¼ t 2 ffiffiffi d p X hiji ðc y i c j þ H:c:Þ " X i c y i c i þ U X i w i c y i c i : (1) This model describes itinerant conduction electrons hop- ping between lattice sites with an energy t and chemical potential " that experience electron-electron interaction with another species of localized electrons distributed according to an annealed statistical ensemble with an occupation w i 2f0; 1g on each site. The model can be tuned through the Mott MIT at half-filling (" ¼ U=2 and hw i 0:5) by adjusting the electron-electron interaction U with U MIT ¼ ffiffiffi 2 p t . We model the transient pump pulse as a spatially uniform, harmonic, electric field with a Gaussian envelope of the form EðtÞ¼ E max cosð! p tÞ exp½t 2 =' 2 p [see the temporal profile shown in Fig. 1(a)] incorporated via the Peierls’ substitution [33] in the Hamiltonian gauge. The temporal evolution is simulated using an exact, PRL 111, 077401 (2013) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending 16 AUGUST 2013 0031-9007= 13=111(7)=077401(5) 077401-1 Ó 2013 American Physical Society

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  • Electron-Mediated Relaxation Following Ultrafast Pumping of StronglyCorrelated Materials: Model Evidence of a Correlation-Tuned Crossover

    between Thermal and Nonthermal States

    B. Moritz,1,2,3,* A. F. Kemper,1 M. Sentef,1 T. P. Devereaux,1 and J. K. Freericks4

    1Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA2Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202, USA

    3Department of Physics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois 60115, USA4Department of Physics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057, USA

    (Received 4 July 2012; published 12 August 2013)

    We examine electron-electron mediated relaxation following ultrafast electric field pump excitation of the

    fermionic degrees of freedom in the Falicov-Kimball model for correlated electrons. The results reveal a

    dichotomy in the temporal evolution of the system as one tunes through theMottmetal-to-insulator transition:

    in the metallic regime relaxation can be characterized by evolution toward a steady state well described by

    Fermi-Dirac statistics with an increased effective temperature; however, in the insulating regime this

    quasithermal paradigm breaks down with relaxation toward a nonthermal state with a complicated electronic

    distribution as a function of momentum. We characterize the behavior by studying changes in the energy,

    photoemission response, and electronic distribution as functions of time. This relaxation may be observable

    qualitatively on short enough time scales that the electrons behave like an isolated system not in contact with

    additional degrees of freedom which would act as a thermal bath, especially when using strong driving fields

    and studying materials whose physics may manifest the effects of correlations.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.077401 PACS numbers: 78.47.J�, 71.10.Fd, 79.60.�i

    Optical reflectivity [1–5], photoemission spectroscopy[1,6–16], and resonant x-ray scattering [17–19] are equi-librium methods which in the time domain are ideallysuited to studying dynamics of novel ordered phases orcollective excitations [2–6,8–10,12–19]. On sufficientlyshort time scales, the initial recovery in these systemsfollowing an ultrafast pump pulse should be dominatedby electron-electron scattering which on its own can drivethe system into a new steady state. Conventional analysishas been based on a quasithermal paradigm (‘‘hot electron’’or multitemperature models) [20,21]; however, there havebeen few tests of the validity of its underlyingassumptions as a function of the strength of electroniccorrelations [22], in particular as one tunes between thetwo regimes of a metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) [23].

    The MIT driven by electronic correlations usually isaccompanied by a number of interesting ordering phe-nomena among the spin, charge, and orbital degrees offreedom in a material. An understanding of the key physicswhich leads to these emergent phases is often at the heartof pump-probe experiments in condensed matter systems,including high-Tc cuprate superconductors [24], nickel-ates, manganites, ruthenates, vanadates [23], and evenorganic materials [25–27]. A number of experimental pa-rameters can be used to tune across the MIT includingdoping and chemical substitution, pressure, and appliedfields. What can be learned about the underlying physicsleading to these phases as a function of these key parame-ters requires an understanding of the proper paradigm inwhich to ask the relevant questions and conduct analysis

    of experimental data. This is in addition to what canbe learned by tuning the interaction parameters of modelsystems simulated in fermionic or bosonic cold atommixtures and performing the experimental equivalent oftime-resolved, pump-probe measurements [28–30].To avoid approximate treatments of either interactions

    or applied fields, in this Letter we discuss the evolution of asystem described in equilibrium by the spinless Falicov-Kimball (FK) model [31,32] in the uniform phase, whichpossesses a MIT, whose effective Hamiltonian is given by

    H ¼ � t�


    dp X

    hijiðcyi cj þ H:c:Þ ��



    cyi ci þUX


    wicyi ci:


    This model describes itinerant conduction electrons hop-ping between lattice sites with an energy t� and chemicalpotential � that experience electron-electron interactionwith another species of localized electrons distributedaccording to an annealed statistical ensemble with anoccupation wi 2 f0; 1g on each site. The model can betuned through the Mott MIT at half-filling (� ¼ U=2 andhwii ¼ 0:5) by adjusting the electron-electron interactionU with UMIT ¼



    t�.We model the transient pump pulse as a spatially

    uniform, harmonic, electric field with a Gaussian envelopeof the form EðtÞ ¼ Emax cosð!ptÞ exp½�t2=�2p� [see thetemporal profile shown in Fig. 1(a)] incorporated viathe Peierls’ substitution [33] in the Hamiltonian gauge.The temporal evolution is simulated using an exact,

    PRL 111, 077401 (2013) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T E R Sweek ending

    16 AUGUST 2013

    0031-9007=13=111(7)=077401(5) 077401-1 � 2013 American Physical Society


  • nonequilibrium formulation of dynamical mean-fieldtheory [34–38] with the system initially started in thermalequilibrium at temperature T ¼ 0:1t� prior to arrival of thepump pulse with an assumed polarization along the hyper-cubic body diagonal. Following standard convention, theenergy unit is taken to be t� throughout this Letter and thestandard unit for time is 1=t�. Conversion to physical units,the effective electric field scale, denoted E0, and detailsabout the evaluation of the photoemission response, as wellas an effective quasithermal response, can be found in theSupplemental Material [39].

    Here we wish to understand, in general terms, howelectron dynamics are affected by both strong fields andcorrelations; therefore, our exact treatment for this model isof more general interest than using a materials-specificHamiltonian that may require a number of approximationsto affect a full solution in the time domain. However, as asimplified model for correlated electrons, the FK modelpossesses an infinite set of constants of motion or constraintsthat vary with changes in the interaction strength U andtemperature T. An important question concerns whether ornot this simple model should thermalize at long times giventhese constraints. In this Letter, the applied pump pulsewhich drives the system out of equilibrium decays andleaves the Hamiltonian unchanged with respect to equilib-rium. Hence, the system may be more amenable to thermal-ization than the case of a quantum quench [37] where theHamiltonian changes discontinuously at time zero. The keyissue of the present study is any sharp contrast which canbe drawn in the thermalization of the itinerant degrees offreedom as a function of interaction strength.

    Figures 1(b) and 1(c) show the characteristic photoemis-sion response [40–44] as a function of time delay for

    representative metallic and insulating systems excited bythe pump pulse shown in Fig. 1(a). The width of thephotoemission probe pulse influences both the temporalresolution and energy resolution of the resulting spectrum,chosen here to strike a balance between the two.For metallic correlations [Fig. 1(b), U ¼ 0:5t�] the

    pump pulse narrows and shifts the response toward theequilibrium Fermi level (! ¼ 0t�). Following the pumppulse, we observe a rapid relaxation toward a significantlybroader spectral distribution characteristic of a new steadystate. For stronger correlations on the insulating side of theMott MIT [Fig. 1(c), U ¼ 2t�] the pump pulse narrows theresponse below the equilibrium Fermi level and transfersspectral weight across the insulating Mott gap (centered atthe Fermi level). Similar to the behavior observed for weakcorrelations, we find a broader spectral distribution follow-ing the transient pump, although in this case a significantremnant spectral weight transfer across the gap persists,even in the long-time steady state. This rapid evolutionfollowing the decay of the pump pulse can be attributed torelaxation mediated by electron-electron scattering.An increase in the effective temperature would naturally

    lead to broader features and a redistribution of weightacross the insulating Mott gap, as the spectral functionin equilibrium is temperature independent for this model.The long-time (bottom, red) traces in Fig. 1 can be usedto assess whether the steady state is representative of thesystem in equilibrium at an elevated, effective temperature.However, as we now will show, our results highlight adistinct dichotomy in the temporal evolution as one tunesacross the MIT. In the metallic regime the quasithermalpicture remains valid with electron-electron mediated re-laxation characterized by evolution toward an effectivelythermal steady state. However, tuning correlations acrossthe MIT causes a breakdown in the quasithermal paradigmin the insulating regime with clearly nonthermal relaxationeven at long times.We first determine the appropriate temperature based on

    the change in total energy of the system [45]. Figure 2shows the power delivered to the system by the pump pulseas well as the time-dependent total energy for the systemsdiscussed in Fig. 1. Figures 2(c) and 2(d) show a compari-son between the total energy and the change in total energydetermined by integrating the instantaneous power. As onecan see, the simulation properly accounts for the energydelivered by the pump pulse with small deviations neartime 0=t� (near the center of the pulse) where the power(and instantaneous current) changes rapidly. This rapidvariation in energy can be traced back to Bloch oscillations[46], like those observed for dc fields [36], although theoscillations are now ‘‘chirped’’ due to the time-varyingfield strength. The offset between the integrated powerand total energy simply reflects the initial energy in equi-librium. Converting the total energy at long times to aneffective temperature (assuming validity of the ‘‘hot elec-tron’’ model), we find an increase of �8� for the weaklycorrelated, metallic system and �43� for the strongly

    FIG. 1 (color online). (a) The electric field pump pulse thatleads to the temporal evolution shown in panels (b) and (c) has amaximum intensity Emax ¼ 24E0 (normalized in the panel),modulation frequency !p¼0:5t�, and characteristic width �p¼5=t�. (b),(c) Time-resolved pump-probe photoemission responsefor (b) metallic (U¼0:5t�) and (c) insulating (U¼2t�) systemsdetermined for a probe pulse with characteristic width �b ¼2=t�. See the Supplemental Material [39] for a discussion of theevaluation of the photoemission cross section and the definitionof the Gaussian probe pulse.

    PRL 111, 077401 (2013) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T E R Sweek ending

    16 AUGUST 2013


  • correlated, insulating system for identical driving fieldsfrom the initial T ¼ 0:1t�.

    Figure 3 shows the result of quasithermal fits to thephotoemission response in both [3(a), U ¼ 0:5t�] the me-tallic and [3(b), U ¼ 2:0t�] insulating regimes. In eachcase the characteristic probe width is fixed as in Fig. 1.In the weakly correlated metal the simulated responseclosely matches that derived from the quasithermal fitswith only small differences which grow upon increasingthe pump strength and frequency as would befit simpleexpectations (see the Supplemental Material [39]). In thiscase the ‘‘best fit’’ also has been determined from a simpleleast-squares fit, but with a similar conclusion.

    In contrast, the steady-state response in the insulatingregime shows significant deviation from a quasithermalbest fit, determined using either method, clearly indicatinga breakdown in the ‘‘hot-electron’’ model. Issues associ-ated with convergence of our self-consistent method re-strict our studies to relatively strong driving fields;however, we can infer that similar observations shouldhold as the strength of the transient field is reduced,although the deviation from the quasithermal paradigm islikely to be noticeable only in the tail of the spectral functionacross the Fermi level, or, equivalently, the extracted, effec-tive Fermi-Dirac distribution. Observations of nonthermalbehavior already have been made experimentally forcomparatively weaker driving fields [19].

    We also examine the instantaneous electronic distribu-tion providing a snapshot of the response to the applied

    electric field and subsequent relaxation due to electron-electron scattering. Consider a simple noninteracting bandmetal. The initial distribution follows usual Fermi-Diracstatistics fð"k ��Þ with preferential occupation of thelower-energy states according to temperature. When drivenby an electric field, an electron initially at momentum kshifts to k� eAðtÞ (the standard Peierls’ substitution).This behavior can be extracted directly from the gauge-invariant lesser Green’s function for the system.Consider the results shown in Fig. 4. Plotted versus the

    band energy "k and the normalized electron velocity vk ¼vk � Ê, the line dividing the occupied and empty statesrotates at a rate given by�@AðtÞ=@t � Ê ¼ EðtÞ � Ê, simplythe magnitude of the electric field as a function of time.One may remove this rotation by going over to an instan-taneous frame which corresponds to examining the distri-bution functions in a particular gauge where one observes astatic Fermi-Dirac distribution with no temporal dynamics.While the underlying physics remains unchanged, visual-izing the results depends on whether one works with thegauged or gauge-invariant functions. We choose the latter(gauge-invariant formulation) as illustrated for a simplehalf-filled one-dimensional noninteracting band metal inFigs. 4(a)–4(d) and used to display the instantaneous elec-tronic distribution functions for the metallic and insulatingregimes shown in Figs. 4(e) and 4(f), respectively.Incorporating the influence of interactions has a number

    of effects on the temporal behavior. First, the initial distri-bution broadens due to the electron-electron interactions,but remains independent ofvk andmonotonically decreasesas a function of "k. The applied field drives particles via thePeierls’ substitution, but now electron-electron scatteringrandomizes the distribution and eventually quenches Bloch

    FIG. 3 (color online). Quasithermal fits of the steady-statephotoemission response (characteristic probe width �b ¼ 2=t�)for (a) metallic (U ¼ 0:5t�) and (b) insulating (U ¼ 2t�) sys-tems, respectively, with the effective temperature shown inparenthesis. The fits (solid black) are determined by extractingthe temperature from the total energy, while the best-fitquasithermal response (dashed red) has been determined bythe least-squares method (LSQ).








    Int. PTot. EDiff.



    -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25Time (1/t*)





    Int. PTot. EDiff.




    -2 20.2





    er (

    t*2 )










    FIG. 2 (color online). Instantaneous power delivered to(a) metallic (U ¼ 0:5t�) and (b) insulating (U ¼ 2t�) systemsdiscussed in Fig. 1. (c),(d) As a closed system, the change in totalenergy may be determined by integrating the instantaneouspower [upper oscillating, black 2(c) or red 2(d) curves] or bydirect calculation from the time derivative of the local propa-gator (lower oscillating, green curves). The constant offset(relatively flat, bottom, blue lines) represents the initial, equilib-rium value in each case. The insets highlight times near thecenter of the pump pulse between �2:5=t� and 2:5=t� that showrapid variation in each quantity.

    PRL 111, 077401 (2013) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T E R Sweek ending

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  • oscillations initially observable in the distribution function.After the pump pulse decays, electron-electron scatteringdrives the distribution toward a more-or-less static, steady-state, pattern. If the distribution depends on vk or, as pri-marily observed in these simulations, no longer decreasesmonotonically as a function of "k, one must question thevalidity of the quasithermal paradigm.

    Figures 4(e) and 4(f) show the equal-time distributionfunction for a sequence of times in the metallic and insu-lating regimes, respectively. In Fig. 4(e) weak correlationsallow the electric field pulse to easily shift the distributionfunction, similar to the expected behavior for a simpleband metal. The system maintains a well-defined ‘‘Fermiedge,’’ as observed in equilibrium, for all but those timeswith the strongest electric field near the center of the pulse

    (0=t�). The edge reforms as the pump pulse decays and atthe longest simulation times a significantly wider edgeappears which agrees well with a simple Fermi-Dirac fitover a broad momentum range (see Supplemental Material[39]) indicative of the higher effective temperatures used todescribe the observed photoemission response in Fig. 3.In Fig. 4(f), electronic correlations on the insulating side

    of the Mott MIT produce an equilibrium distribution alsowith a well-defined ‘‘Fermi edge.’’ These correlations pro-vide an initial resistance to the influence of the appliedpump pulse at short times and significantly scramble theelectron redistribution at long times. Relaxation throughelectron-electron scattering induces a partial reformationof the edge at the longest simulation times; however, thesystem retains a nonthermal distribution of weight charac-terized primarily by a significant nonmonotonic depen-dence on "k. A sequence of snapshots for both caseswith finer time resolution and snapshots for the observedbehavior with an alternative pump pulse can be found inthe Supplemental Material [39].These results reveal a dichotomy in the evolution of

    transiently excited electrons as one tunes across the MottMIT in the FK model. The quasithermal picture, which hasserved to underpin much of the analysis for pump-probeexperiments, remains essentially valid in the metallic regimewhere relaxation can be characterized by evolution towardan effectively thermal steady state. Tuning correlations tothe insulating regime, across theMIT, causes a breakdown inthis paradigm as one clearly observes relaxation toward anonthermal state. In previous work on the Hubbard model incold atom experiments [47], one observes an exponentialincrease in the effective relaxation time as a function of theinteraction strength for a system prepared out of equilibriumwith an excess number of double occupancies. For the shorttime scales considered here, this behavior in the Hubbardmodel is essentially consistent with our own observations.On short time scales where additional degrees of freedom,such as the lattice which provides new relaxation pathways,are less relevant, one should carefully consider the implica-tions of this dichotomy. Interaction with these new degreesof freedom should dominate the much longer time recoverywhere the system must naturally return to its original equi-librium through coupling to the crystal lattice (electron-phonon coupling) and eventually ballistic and diffusivetransport of the delivered pump energy to the material’sbulk and subsequently the environment.The authors would like to thankA. Cavalleri, M. Eckstein,

    P. S. Kirchmann, M. Kollar, H.R. Krishnamurthy, A.Lindenberg, D. Reis, M. Rigol, F. Schmitt, and M. Wolf forvaluable discussions. B.M., A. F.K., M. S., and T. P.D. weresupported by the U.S. DOE, BES, MSED under ContractNo. DE-AC02-76SF00515. J. K. F. was supported by theU.S. DOE, BES, MSED under Grant No. DE-FG02-08ER46542 and by the McDevitt bequest at GeorgetownUniversity. The collaboration was supported by the U.S.DOE, BES through the CMCSN program under GrantNo. DE-SC0007091. This work benefited from an

    FIG. 4 (color online). (a)–(d) A simple cartoon depicting theinfluence of an applied electric field on a noninteracting one-dimensional band metal at half-filling. (a),(c) The band energy("k, red highlight) and normalized band velocity (vk, bluehighlight) distributions in equilibrium and under the influenceof an applied electric field, respectively. In one dimension eachband energy is associated with two band velocities [right (þ)and left (�)]. In higher dimensions a distribution of velocities isassociated with each band energy. (b),(d) The equivalent distri-bution shown in a two-dimensional band energy-velocity spacewith the axes labels annotated in each panel. The gray shading isa guide to the eye. (e),(f) Equal-time band energy-velocitydistribution functions for the metallic (U ¼ 0:5t�) and insulating(U ¼ 2t�) regimes of Figs. 1(b) and 1(c), respectively, forvarious times (units of 1=t�). The band energy-velocity spacespans a radius of 3:9t� with the center of each plot at the origin(0t�, 0t�) as indicated by the band energy-velocity axes in the toppanels. A time-lapse sequence of images for both cases with finerresolution can be found in the Supplemental Material [39].

    PRL 111, 077401 (2013) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T E R Sweek ending

    16 AUGUST 2013


  • INCITE grant administered by the U.S. DOE, ASCR utiliz-ing the resources of NERSC supported by the U.S. DOE,Office of Science, under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.

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