electrical syllabus 18-6-15

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  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15



  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    Courses/Credit Distribution of Electrical Engineering Department

    I Basic Science Courses BSC!

    Semester I

    Course code Course name L T " Credits

    CHN101 Applied Chemistry 3 0 3 4Semester II

    Course code Course name L T " Credits

    MAN103 Probability & Statistics 3 1 0 4

    PYN106 Electroma!etic "ield #heory 3 1$% %$% 4

    II Engineering Science Courses ESC!

    Semester II

    Course code Course name L T " Credits

    ESC%0 '!trod(ctio! to Electro!ics 3 1 0 4

    Semester III

    Course code Course name L T " Credits

    ESC103 '!trod(ctio! to Ma!()act(ri! % 0 4 4

    Semester I#ESC%0% '!)ormatio! #ech!oloy i! E!i!eeri! 3 0 % 4

    III Departmental Core Courses DCC!

    Course code Course name L T " Credits

    EEN101 '!trod(ctio! to Electrical E!i!eeri! % 0 0 %

    EEN10% Net*or+s A!d Systems 3 0 % 4

    EEN103 Electrical Meas(reme!ts a!d '!str(me!tatio! 3 0 % 4

    EEN%01 Mechatro!ics 3 0 % 4

    EEN%0% Electrical Po*er Systems 3 0 % 4

    EEN%03 Electrical Machi!es , ' 3 0 % 4

    EEN%04 A!alo a!d -iital Electro!ics 3 0 % 4

    EEN%0 #ech!ical Comm(!icatio! 0 0 3 %

    EEN%06 E!i!eeri! A!alysis a!d -esi! % 1 % 4EEN%0. Po*er Electro!ics 3 0 % 4

    EEN%0/ Microprocessors a!d '!ter)aci! 3 0 % 4

    EEN%0 Electrical Machi!es , '' 3 0 % 4

    EEN%10 Co!trol Systems 3 0 % 4

    EEN301 Comp(ter Aided Po*er System A!alysis 3 0 % 4

    EEN30% S*itchear a!d Protectio! 3 0 % 4

    EEN303 Electric -ries 3 1 %

    EEN304 CA- o) Po*er Apparat(s a!d Systems 3 0 % 4

    EEN30 Hih 2oltae E!i!eeri! 3 0 3

    I# Departmental Electi$e courses DEC!

    Group%I An& 'ne!

    Course code Course name L T " Credits

    EEN401 estr(ct(red a!d -ere(lated Po*er Systems 3 1 0 4

    EEN40% Smart 5rid #ech!oloies 3 1 0 4

    EEN403 Solar E!ery E!i!eeri! 3 1$% %$% 4

    EEN404 iomedical E!i!eeri! 3 1$% %$% 4

    Group%( An& T)o!

    Course code Course name L T " Credits

    EEN411 Ne(ral Net*or+s a!d "(77y Systems 3 1 0 4

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    EEN41% Ada!ced Co!trol Systems 3 1 0 4

    EEN413 Po*er System 8peratio! a!d Co!trol 3 1 0 4

    EEN414 9tili7atio! o) Electrical E!ery a!d 'll(mi!atio!


    3 10 4

    EEN41 Electrical System '!str(me!tatio! a!d Process Co!trol 3 1 0 4

    EEN416 e!e*able E!ery Systems 3 1 0 4

    EEN41. -iital Si!al Processi! 3 1 0 4

    # 'pen Electi$e

    Course code Course name L T " Credits

    EEN461 Ada!ced Co!trol Systems 3 1 0 4

    EEN46%9tili7atio! o) Electrical E!ery a!d 'll(mi!atio!


    3 10 4

    EEN463 Ne(ral Net*or+s & "(77y Systems 3 1 0 4

    #I Departmental *onors Courses D*C!

    Course code Course name L T " Credits

    EEN4%1 EH2 AC & H2-C #ra!smissio! Systems 3 1 0 4

    EEN4%% Ada!ced Po*er Electro!ics 3 1 0 4

    EEN4%3 "ast #ra!sie!ts i! Po*er Systems 3 1 0 4EEN4%4 Ada!ced -esi! #ech!i:(es i! Co!trol Systems 3 1 0 4

    EEN4% Static eactie Po*er Co!trol & "AC#S 3 1 0 4

    #II +inor Speciali,ation Courses +SC!

    Course code Course name L T " Credits

    EEN431 Electrical Machi!es 3 1 0 4

    EEN43% Po*er 5e!eratio!; #ra!smissio! a!d 9tili7atio! 3 1 0 4

    EEN416 e!e*able E!ery Systems 3 1 0 4

    EEN%0. Po*er Electro!ics 3 0 % 4

    EEN103 Electrical Meas(reme!ts a!d '!str(me!tatio! 3 0 % 4

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    Teac-ing Sc-eme for B.E. Electrical Engineering

    irst 0ear


    S.No Course


    Sub1ect Credits Categor&

    1 MAN101 Mathematics ' 4 SC

    % EEN101 '!trod(ctio! to Electrical E!i!eeri! % -CC

    3 CSN104$10 Comp(ter Prorammi!

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    T-ird 0ear

    Semester I

    S.No Course


    Sub1ect Credits Categor&

    1 EEN301 Comp(ter Aided Po*er System A!alysis 4 -CC

    % EEN30% S*itchear a!d Protectio! 4 -CC

    3 EEN303 Electric -ries 4 -CC4 EEN30 Hih 2oltae E!i!eeri! 4 -CC

    EEN30. CA- o) Electrical Machi!es 4 -CC

    6 EEN3%1 Mi!or Pro>ect 4 -CC

    #otal %4

    Semester II

    S.No Course


    Sub1ect Credits Categor&

    1 EEN331 S(mmer '!ter!ship? %0 -CC

    #otal %0

    ?'!ter!ship Semi!ar prese!tatio!s may be held a *ee+ be)ore the date o) eistratio! i! Semester , '; "o(rth Year@

    ourt- 0earSemester I

    S.No Course


    Sub1ect Credits Categor&

    1 8pe! Electie 4 5SEC$MEC

    % -epartme!tal Electie Co(rse ,' 4 -EC

    3 -epartme!tal Electie Co(rse ,'' 4 -EC

    4 EEN 441 Ma>or Pro>ect %? -CC

    EEN 4%1EEN 41

    Po*er 5e!eratio!; #ra!smissio! a!d -istrib(tio!$Ada!ce H2-C #ra!smissio! Systems

    4 MSC$-HC

    6 EEN 4%3

    EEN 41.

    Electrical Machi!es $

    Ada!ce Electric -ries

    4 MSC$


    #otal 14$%%

    Eal(atio! mar+s to be carried oer to !et semester@

    Semester II

    S.No Course


    Sub1ect Credits Categor&

    1 E!trepre!e(rship a!d pro>ect Ma!aeme!t 3 HSSMEC

    % -epartme!tal Electie Co(rse ,''' 4 -EC

    3 EEN 41 Ma>or Pro>ect 6 -CC

    4 EEN %04EEN 410

    Po*er Electro!ics$"ast #ra!sie!ts i! Po*er Systems

    4 MSC$-HC

    EEN 104EEN 41%

    Electrical Meas(reme!ts a!d '!str(me!tatio! $Ada!ced -esi! #ech!i:(es i! Co!trol System

    4 MSC$-HC

    6 EEN 416

    EEN 414

    Alter!ate E!ery Systems $

    Static eactie Po*er Co!trol a!d "AC#S

    4 MSC$

    -HC#otal 13$%

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    Course Name 2 Introduction to Electrical Engineering

    Course Code 2 EEN 343

    Credits 2 (

    L T " 2 ( 4 4

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able to ac:(ire basic +!o*lede o) )(!dame!tals o) Electrical

    E!i!eeri! alo! *ith e!ery reso(rces; e!eratio!; tra!smissio!; distrib(tio! a!d (tili7atio! o) electrical e!ery@

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures (6


    5e!eral i!trod(ctio! to the )ield o) Electrical E!i!eeri! a!d its s(b discipli!es@



    Co!e!tio!al a!d !o!co!e!tio!al e!ery reso(rcesB Aailability o) reso(rcesB Pri!ciple o) e!ery

    co!ersio! a!d its (tili7atio!B Natio!al a!d '!ter!atio!al e!ery tre!dsB 5lobal *armi! a!d

    ree!ho(se e))ects@



    5e!eratio! o) electrical po*er; sy!chro!o(s e!eratorB Co!e!tio!al po*er e!eratio! , Hydro;#hermal; N(clear a!d 5as Po*erB e!e*able e!ery e!eratio!B 5e!erated oltae *ae)orm;oltae a!d )re:(e!cy leelB 5oer!or a!d Ecitatio! System@



    P(rpose o) tra!smitti! po*er; AC tra!smissio! oltae leelsB Po*er tra!s)ormerB #ra!smissio!li!es; si!le li!e diaram o) po*er tra!smissio! !et*or+B Protectie E:(ipme!ts (sed i! the

    !et*or+B #ypes o) )a(ltsB #ra!smissio! s(bstatio!B H2-C #ra!smissio!@



    -istrib(tio! !et*or+ a!d s(bstatio!B si!le li!e diaram o) distrib(tio! !et*or+B -istrib(tio!

    tra!s)ormerB 8erhead li!es a!d (!derro(!d cablesB Protectie e:(ipme!t; ro(!di! a!d earthi!@



    #ra!s)ormers , pri!ciple; co!str(ctio! a!d operatio!B otati! Machi!estypes@


    . 8TILI;ATI'N

    #ypes o) load Heati!; motor; tractio!; lihti! a!d )a!sB oad characteristicsB Co!s(mer loadsBPo*er electro!ic e:(ipme!t@


    / +ETERING

    Actie a!d reactie po*er; appare!t po*er; oltae; c(rre!t a!d po*er meas(reme!tB E!ery




    eside!tial *iri! diaram; Symbols o) S*itches; "(se; rheostat; SP-#; -P-#; co!tacts;

    co!tactors; MC@ Sa)ety a!d Protectio!


    10 "'7ER

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    Suggested Boo5s2

    Sr.No. Name of t-e Boo5/Aut-or/"ublis-er0ear of "ublication/


    1 asic Electrical E!i!eeri! by -@ P@ Dothari ; '@ Narath; Mc5ra* Hill %00

    %eaty H@F@; "i!+ -@5@; GSta!dard Ha!dboo+ )or Electrical E!i!eers;Mc5ra* Hill 1thEditio!;


    3 Si!h; S@N@; GElectric Po*er 5e!eratio!; #ra!smissio! a!d-istrib(tio!; Pre!tice Hall o) '!dia; %!dEditio!;


    4M(lli! ay C@; GElectrical Firi! eside!tial; -elmar P(blishers '!c@;


    Electrical E!i!eeri! "(!dame!tals by 2i!ce!t -el #oro; PH'; % !d


    6-as Damalesh; GElectrical Po*er Systems )or '!d(strial Pla!ts; A'C8

    P(blishi! Ho(se;%011

    .elley N@; A!dre*s oh!; G E!ery Scie!ces , Pri!ciples; #ech!oloies;a!d 'mpacts; 8)ord 9!iersity Press;


    Course Name 2 Net)or5s and S&stems

    Course Code 2 EEN 34(

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    Credits 2 4:

    L T " 2 9% 4% (

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able to ac:(ire +!o*lede o) the )(!dame!tals o)

    !et*or+ a!alysis (si! matrices; t*oport a!d m(ltiport !et*or+s; a!d !et*or+ sy!thesis a!d )ilter


    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures


    Sinusoidal Stead& State Anal&sis

    Si!(soids; Phasors; 'mpeda!ce a!d admitta!ce; Dirchho))Is la* i! )re:(e!cy domai!;

    impeda!ce combi!atio!s; Steady State A!alysisJ Nodal a!d Mesh a!alysis; thee!i! a!d

    Norto! e:(iale!t@ AC Po*er A!alysisJ '!sta!ta!eo(s a!d aerae po*er; ma aerae

    po*er tra!s)er; MS al(e; appare!t po*er a!d po*er )actor; comple po*er;

    co!seratio! o) AC po*er@ #hree Phase Circ(itsJ types o) load a!d so(rce co!!ectio!s;

    po*er i! bala!ced three phase circ(its; star delta tra!s)ormatio!s@ Net*or+ #heoremsJ

    compe!satio!; s(perpositio!; reciprocity; millma! a!d tellee! theorem@



    Transient Net)or5 Anal&sis

    Co!ti!(o(s time a!d discrete time si!als; systems a!d their propertiesJ ca(sality; stability;time i!aria!ce; li!earity; i!ertibility; stability@ Comple )re:(e!cy a!d aplace

    tra!s)orms; circ(its a!alysis i! s domai!; poles; 7eros; tra!s)er "(!ctio!s a!d drii! poi!t

    impeda!ces a!d co!ol(tio!@ Step a!d imp(lse respo!se o) ; C; C; C circ(its;

    i!itial a!d )i!al co!ditio!s@ "o(rier a!alysis o) circ(its *ith !o!si!(soidal periodic




    Net)or5 Topolog&

    Co!cept o) Net*or+ 5raphs; tree; li!+; c(t set; !et*or+ matrices; !ode i!cide!ce matri;

    loop i!cide!ce matri; c(t set i!cide!ce matri; !et*or+ a!alysis (si! !et*or+ i!cide!ce




    T)o "ort Net)or5s and T-eir C-aracteri,ation8pe! circ(it; short circ(it; hybrid a!d tra!smissio! parameters; series parallel a!d ta!dem

    co!!ectio! o) t*o port !et*or+s; m(lti port !et*or+s; m(lti termi!al !et*or+s; i!de)i!ite

    admitta!ce matri a!d its properties@


    Net)or5 S&nt-esis

    Eleme!ts o) reali7ability theoryJ ca(sality a!d stability; h(r*it7 poly!omials; positie real

    )(!ctio!s; eleme!tary sy!thesis proced(re@ Sy!thesis o) o!e port !et*or+ *ith t*o +i!d o)

    eleme!tJ C -rii! poi!t 'mmita!ces; sy!thesis o) C "(!ctio!s@ Sy!thesis o)

    #ra!s)er "(!ctio!s J Properties o) tra!s)er )(!ctio!s; Keros o) tra!smissio!; sy!thesis o)

    Y%1a!d K%1*ith a 1L termi!atio!; sy!thesis o) co!sta!t resista!ce !et*or+s@



    Introduction to ilters

    Series a!d parallel reso!a!ce; si!le a!d do(ble t(!ed circ(its@ Passie )iltersJ lo*pass;

    hihpass; ba!dpass a!d ba!dstop )ilters@ -i))ere!ce bet*ee! act(al a!d ideal )re:(e!cy



    List of E>periments2 Number of Turns

    3 #o eri)y Dircho))Is c(rre!t la* a!d Dircho))Is oltae la* 01

    ( #o eri)y s(perpositio! theorem@ 01

    9 #o eri)y #hee!i!Is theorems 01

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    : #o eri)y Norto!Is theorems 01

    ? #o eri)y Maim(m po*er tra!s)er theorems@ 01

    @#o determi!e tra!sie!t respo!se o) c(rre!t i! a!d C circ(its *ith step

    oltae i!p(t a!d to do its sim(latio!@


    -etermi!atio! o) tra!sie!t respo!se o) c(rre!t i! C circ(it *ith step oltae

    i!p(t )or (!der damped; critically damped a!d oer damped cases a!d to do itssim(latio!@


    6 #o st(dy reso!a!ce i! series C circ(it a!d to do its sim(latio!@ 01

    #o st(dy parallel C circ(its a!d plot ario(s respo!ses a!d to do its




    #o eri)y the li!e oltae a!d phase oltae ; a!d li!e c(rre!t a!d phase c(rre!t

    relatio!ship i! a star a!d delta three phase bala!ced circ(it a!d to do its



    33#o )i!d ario(s t*o port !et*or+ parameters

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    #o be able to +!o*lede o) pri!ciples o) meas(reme!t o) electrical :(a!tities; co!str(ctio! a!d operati!

    pri!ciples o) electrical i!str(me!ts; their static a!d dy!amic characteristics; a!d errors i! meas(reme!t

    a!d apply +!o*lede o) meas(ri! i!str(me!ts to other areas o) electrical e!i!eeri!@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures



    "(!ctio!al eleme!ts o) a! i!str(me!t; static a!d dy!amic characteristics; errors i!

    meas(reme!t; statistical eal(atio! o) meas(reme!t data; sta!dard a!d calibratio!@

    Meas(reme!t o) Error; Acc(racy a!d Precisio!; si!i)ica!t )i(res; types o) error;

    Statistical a!alysis o) data; probability o) errors; limiti! errors@



    Analog Instruments

    Electromecha!ical i!str(me!ts , moi!; coil; moi! iro!; electrostatic i!str(me!ts;

    c(rre!t; oltae a!d po*er meas(reme!ts; i!d(ctio! type e!ery meter; )re:(e!cy meter;

    po*er )actor meter; meer; ma!etic meas(reme!ts; i!str(me!t tra!s)ormers@



    Sensors as Transducers

    Classi)icatio! o) #ra!sd(cers; selectio! o) tra!sd(cersJ resistie; capacitie a!d i!d(ctietra!sd(cers; pie7o electric #ra!sd(cers; optical a!d diital tra!sd(cers; tra!sd(cers )or

    meas(reme!t o) displaceme!t; temperat(re; leel; )lo*s; press(re; elocity a!d




    Bridge +easurements

    Fheatsto!e ride; Deli! ride; ac@ bride a!d their applicatio! )or the meas(reme!t o)

    sel)i!d(cta!ce a!d m(t(al i!d(cta!ce; Fa!er 5ro(!d co!!ectio!; meas(reme!t o)

    capacita!ce; Meas(reme!t o) lo* a!d hih resista!ce@


    Analog Electronic Instrumentation

    A!alo electro!ic oltmeters; t(!ed a!d sampli! oltmeters; A!alo electro!ic *attmeter

    a!d e!ery meter@


    6Signal Generators and Anal&,ers'!trod(ctio! to si!al e!erators; characteristics o) si!al e!erators; m(ltiibrators;

    C8; harmo!ic distortio! a!d spectr(m a!aly7er@



    Digital Electronic +easurement

    -iital co(!tertimer a!d )re:(e!cy meter; time sta!dards; diital oltmeter a!d

    m(ltimeter; acc(racy a!d resol(tio! co!sideratio!s; compariso! *ith a!alo electro!ic



    List of E>periments2 Number of Turns

    3 #o calibrate dc@ oltmeter by direct readi! dc@ pote!tiometer@ 01

    (#o meas(re actie a!d reactie po*er i! a si!le phase circ(it by o!e

    Fattmeter method@


    9#o meas(re actie a!d reactie po*er i! a threephase circ(it by t*o Fattmeter


    :#o meas(re po*er a!d po*er )actor by t*o *attmeter method i!corporati!

    i!str(me!t tra!s)ormers@01

    ? #o calibrate a si!le phase e!ery meter *ith the help o) a Fattmeter@ 01

    @ #o meas(re oltae; c(rre!t a!d impeda!ce by oscilloscope@ 01

    #o meas(re )re:(e!cy a!d phase di))ere!ce o) a si!(soidal ac oltae (si! 01

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15



    6#o st(dy a strai! a(e a!d plot its respo!se to a! applicatio! (si! Fheatsto!e


    #o plot the characteristics o) a thermistor a!d calibrate it )or temperat(re


    34 #o meas(re i!s(latio! resista!ce (si! meer@ 0133

    #o meas(re se!sitiity o) Fheatsto!e bride i! hal) bride a!d )(ll bride

    mode (si! strai!(ae@01

    3(#o plot '$8 characteristics o) ario(s i!d(ctie; capacitie a!d optical


    Course 'utcomes2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    1@ D!o*lede o) pri!ciples o) meas(reme!t o) electrical :(a!tities; co!str(ctio! a!d operati!

    pri!ciples o) electrical i!str(me!ts; their static a!d dy!amic characteristics; a!d errors i!

    meas(reme!t@%@ -esi! a!d co!d(ct eperime!ts; as *ell as to a!aly7e a!d i!terpret data@

    3@ Apply +!o*lede o) meas(ri! i!str(me!ts to other areas o) electrical e!i!eeri!@

    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3-oebeli!; E@8@; Meas(reme!t Systems , Applicatio! a!d -esi!; Mc5ra*

    Hill P(blishi! Comp!ay@


    (Mooris@ A@S@; Pri!ciple o) Meas(reme!t a!d '!str(me!tatio!; Pre!tice Hall

    o) '!dia


    9-alley; @F@; iley; F@"@ a!d Meco!!el; D@5@; '!str(me!tatio! )or

    E!i!eeri! Meas(reme!t; oh! Filey & So!s


    :A@D@Sa*h!ey; A co(rse i! Electrical a!d Electro!ics Meas(reme!ts a!d

    '!str(me!ts; -ha!patai& Co@

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    i!terdiscipli!ary applicatio!s i@e@ i!teratio! o) Mecha!ical e!i!eeri! *ith Electrical& Electro!ics

    E!i!eeri! a!d Comp(ter #ech!oloy@ He sho(ld be able to desi! a!d co!d(ct eperime!ts as *ell as

    to a!aly7e a!d i!terpret data@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures

    3 Introduction to +ec-atronics

    '!trod(ctio! to Mechatro!ics System; #re!ds i! Mechatro!ics

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    @#o meas(re the strai! o) the metal strip (si! strai! a(e trai!er +it &

    compare *ith ideal characteristics@


    #o meas(re the a!(lar displaceme!t o) resistie & capacitie tra!sd(cer (si!

    a!(lar displaceme!t trai!er +it & compare *ith ideal characteristics@


    6#o obtai! the characteristics o) #-; #hermistor; thermoco(ple *ith hot a!dcold >(!ctio! thermal trai!er +it & compare *ith ideal characteristics@


    #o st(dy di))ere!t types o) Act(ators@ 0%

    34 #o eperime!tally st(dy PC i!ter)aci! o) '$8 a!d '$8 addressi!@ 01

    33 #o per)orm a!y basic se:(e!ce prorammi! (si! PC@ 01

    Course 'utcomes2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    1@ St(de!ts *ere able to hae basic +!o*lede o) mechatro!ics a!d its i!terdiscipli!ary applicatio!si@e@ i!teratio! o) Mecha!ical e!i!eeri! *ith Electro!ics; Electrical a!d Comp(ter #ech!oloy

    & Co!trol E!i!eeri!@

    %@ St(de!ts *ere able to desi! a!d co!d(ct eperime!ts; as *ell as to a!aly7e a!d i!terpret data@

    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3 Mechatro!ics; )o(rth editio!; by F olto!@ 'SN .//131.3%33 %013

    (-a! Necs(lesc( Mechatro!ics p(blished by Pearso! Ed(catio! ; -elhi '!dia@


    9oo+ by H M # imited; Mechatro!ics #ata Mc5ra* Hill P(blishi!

    Compa!y imited; Ne* -elhi@


    :Mechatro!ics Pri!ciples; Co!cepts & Applicatio!s by Nitaio(r P Mahali+

    p(blished by #MH


    Course Name 2 ELECTRICAL "'7ER S0STE+S

    Course Code 2 EEN(4(

    Credits 2 :

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    L T " 2 9 4 (

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse the st(de!t sho(ld be able to hae +!o*lede o) electric po*er e!eratio!

    system; tra!smissio! a!d distrib(tio! system@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures


    Generation S&stems

    Pri!ciples o) hydro; thermal; !(clear a!d re!e*able e!eratio!@ co!!ected load; maim(m

    dema!d; dema!d )actor; diersity )actor; types o) load; chro!oloical load c(re; load

    d(ratio! c(re; mass c(re; load )actor; capacity )actor; pla!t (tili7atio! )actorB base; pea+

    a!d sta!dby statio!s; selectio! o) !(mber a!d si7e o) (!its@



    Transmission S&stems

    8erhead a!d (!derro(!d tra!smissio!; tra!smissio! oltaes@ '!trod(ctio! to H2-C

    tra!smissio!@ Co!d(ctor materials; solid stra!ded; ACS; hollo* a!d b(!dle co!d(ctors@

    -i))ere!t types a!d s(pporti! str(ct(res a!d to*ers )or oerhead li!es@ Parameters o)

    tra!smissio! li!esJ calc(latio! o) resista!ce; i!d(cta!ce a!d capacita!ce )or di))ere!tco!)i(ratio! o) oerhead tra!smissio! li!es@ Eleme!tary idea abo(t tra!smissio! li!es

    co!str(ctio! a!d Erectio!@ Coro!a a!d its e))ect@


    Distribution S&stem

    adial; ri! mai! !et*or+ distrib(tio! systems@ -istrib(tio! 2oltae; Choice o) co!d(ctor

    si7e )or distrib(tors@ #ype a!d locatio! o) distrib(tio! s(bstatio!s@ Mai! e:(ipme!t i!

    distrib(tio! s(bstatio!; s(pporti! str(ct(res )or distrib(tio! li!e co!d(ctors@ -istrib(tio!

    system oltae re(latio!@



    Insulators 2

    '!s(lati! materials; #ypes o) i!s(lators; oltae distrib(tio! oer a! i!s(lator stri!@

    Stri! e))icie!cy; E:(ali7i! oltae drops across i!s(lators o) a stri!@


    Cables'!s(lati! materials; #ypes o) 2 a!d H2 cables; #hree core solid; oil )illed a!d 5as

    press(re cables; E))ectie co!d(ctor resista!ce; i!d(ctie reacta!ce a!d capacita!ce o)

    cables; radi! o) cables; Sheath a!d dielectric loss i! cables; Eleme!tary ideas abo(t cable




    "erformance And +odeling 'f Transmission Lines

    Short tra!smissio! li!es; oltae drop; re(latio! a!d e))icie!cy calc(latio!s; Medi(m

    tra!smissio! li!es@ Normal # a!d P'; sol(tio! )or oltae drop; re(latio! a!d e))icie!cy@

    o! #ra!smissio! li!es; c(rre!t a!d oltae relatio!s; AC- co!sta!ts; circle diarams;

    chari! c(rre!t a!d "erra!ti e))ect@

    List of E>periments2 Number of Turns

    3#o desi! distrib(tio! !et*or+ a!d meas(reme!t o) oltae a!d c(rre!t

    distrib(tio! i! distrib(tors


    (#o meas(re Pote!tial distrib(tio! across di))ere!t (!its o) a stri! o) i!s(lators

    *ith a!d *itho(t (ard ri!@


    9#o st(dy o) di))ere!t parts o) a po*er cable a!d meas(reme!t o) i!s(latio!

    resista!ce o) a cable@


    : #o plot e:(ipote!tial c(re a!d oltae radie!t i! 4(

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    a= #*o$three core cable

    b= Si!lecore cable@

    ?#o obtai! 2oltae e(latio! o) a lo! tra!smissio! li!e *ith resistie

    i!d(ctie a!d capacitie loads@



    #o obtai! 2oltae Pro)ile o) a lo! tra!smissio! li!e *he!J

    a@ 8pe! circ(itedb@ 9si! sh(!t$series capacitie compe!satio!

    c@ 9si! sh(!t i!d(ctie compe!satio!@


    #o desi! tra!smissio! & distrib(tio! !et*or+ o) a city (si! so)t*are@ 43

    6 #o meas(re core to core & core to sheath capacita!ce o) a three phase cable@ 43

    #o sim(late a small Hydro Pla!t (si! sim(latio! so)t*are 4(

    34#o plot 2oltae$C(rre!t characteristics o) a solar cell a!d determi!atio! o) its



    33#o st(dy di))ere!t types o) i!e i!s(lators a!d obtai! brea+do*! characteristics

    o) a!y o!e type o) i!s(lator


    Course 'utcomes2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    1@ Ac:(ire basic +!o*lede o) electric po*er e!eratio!; tra!smissio! a!d distrib(tio! systems@

    %@ Model a!d represe!t the tra!smissio! li!es i! po*er system@

    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3 Electrical Po*er Systems by C@@ Fadh*a; Ne* Ae '!ter!atio!al td %010

    ( Moder! Po*er System a!alysis by '@@Narath&-@P@Dothari; #ata Mc5ra*Hill


    9 Po*er System A!alysis & -esi! by 5(pta; S Cha!d & Co %001

    :Electrical Po*er 5e!eratio!; #ra!smissio! a!d distrib(tio! by S N Si!h;

    PH' P(blicatio!


    ? Po*er System A!alysis by oh! 5rai!er &F - Stee!so!; Mc5ra* Hill 14

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    Course Name 2 Electrical +ac-ines % I

    Course Code 2 EEN (49

    Credits 2 :

    L T " 2 9%4%(

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse the st(de!t sho(ld be able to hae +!o*lede o) co!str(ctio!al )eat(res;

    pri!ciple o) operatio! o) ario(s types o) tra!s)ormers a!d -C machi!es; a!aly7e ma!etic circ(its a!d

    eal(ate the per)orma!ce o) tra!s)ormers a!d -C machi!es@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures


    +agnetic Circuits

    Ma!etic Circ(it properties; Ma!etic materials; ma!etic circ(it calc(latio!; tra!s)ormer

    ma!etic circ(it; machi!e ma!etic circ(it@



    Single "-ase Static Transformers

    '!trod(ctio! to tra!s)ormers types; core; *i!di!; i!s(latio!; i!d(ced oltae; tra!s)ormer

    o! ope! circ(it; ideal tra!s)ormer; dot co!e!tio!; e:(iale!t circ(it o) practical

    tra!s)ormer; re(latio! a!d e))icie!cy )rom approimate e:(iale!t circ(it@ osses i! a

    tra!s)ormerJ calc(latio! o) eddy c(rre!t a!d hysteresis losses; ope! circ(it a!d short circ(it

    tests@ Parallel operatio! o) si!le phase tra!s)ormers@ A(totra!s)ormer@



    "ol&p-ase Transformers

    #*o phase tra!s)ormatio!s; three phase tra!s)ormatio!s; tra!s)ormer co!!ectio! )or three

    phase circ(its (si! three ide!tical tra!s)ormers; detailed a!alysis a!d operatio!al be!e)its

    o) di))ere!t types o) three phase tra!s)ormers JYY; Y; Y; @ 8pe! delta a!d teetee

    co!!ectio! o) tra!s)ormers; three phase co!!ectio! )or (!bala!ced loadi!@


    :. Dc Generators 34

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    5e!erali7ed si!ly a!d do(bly ecited electromecha!ical co!ersio! system@

    -C machi!es pri!ciples a!d co!str(ctio!J e!erator actio!; motor actio!; comm(tator;

    comm(tatio!;i!terpolar a!d compe!sati! *i!di!s; br(shes; armat(re core@ Armat(re

    *i!di!s types; coil pitch; comm(tator pitch; armat(re *ith more seme!ts tha! slots;

    d(mmy eleme!ts i! *ae *i!di!s; parallel paths@ Armat(re reactio!J ma!eti7i! actio!

    o) armat(re c(rre!ts; armat(re reactio! a!d )l( distrib(tio! c(re; dema!eti7i! a!d

    cross ma!eti7i! ampere t(r!s@-C e!eratorJ bac+ tor:(e; ma!eti7atio! characteristics; e))ect o) speed (po! oltae;

    lea+ae )l(; separately a!d sel) ecited e!erators; oltae b(ild(p; eter!al

    characteristics o) series; sh(!t a!d compo(!d e!erators; oltae re(latio!@


    DC +otors

    -C motorJ J bac+ em); ariatio! o) bac+ em); tor:(e; po*er deeloped ; armat(re c(rre!t

    *ith speed )or sh(!t series a!d compo(!d motors; e))ect o) sat(ratio!; speed re(latio!;

    starters; speed co!trol o) -C motors; bra+i! o) -C motors@ (!iersal motor@

    List of E>periments2 Number of Turns

    3#o st(dy ario(s compo!e!ts o) -C machi!e a!d plot 8pe! Circ(itCharacteristics


    ( #o obtai! per)orma!ce characteristics o) a -@C@ Sh(!t motor@ 01

    9 #o obtai! eter!al characteristics o) a -@C@ sh(!t e!erator 01

    : #o obtai! eter!al characteristics o) a -@C@ series e!erator@ 01

    ? #o obtai! eter!al characteristics o) -C compo(!d e!erator@ 01

    @Speed co!trol o) a dc sh(!t motor by aryi! armat(re circ(it a!d )ield circ(it



    #o per)orm ope! a!d short circ(it test o! a 1phase tra!s)ormer a!d determi!e

    a=e:(iale!t circ(it b= e))icie!cy


    6#o determi!e e))icie!cy a!d oltae re(latio! o) si!le phase tra!s)ormer by

    direct loadi!@


    Parallel 8peratio! o) t*o si!lephase tra!s)ormers@ 01

    34 #hree phase to #*o phase tra!s)ormatio! (si! Scott Co!!ectio!@ 01

    33#o eri)y oltae a!d c(rre!t relatio!ships )or di))ere!t types o) three phase

    tra!s)ormer co!!ectio!s@


    3( #o obtai! per)orma!ce characteristics o) (!iersal motor@ 01

    Course 'utcomes2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    1@ A!aly7e the eal(ate ma!etic circ(its

    %@ St(de!ts *ill be able to (!dersta!d; a!aly7e a!d eal(ate ario(s tra!s)ormer co!)i(ratio!s@

    3@ St(de!ts *ill be able to (!dersta!d; a!aly7e a!d eal(ate ario(s types o) -c machi!es@

    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3 Alter!ati! C(rre!t Machi!es by M@5 Say; Pitma! p(blishi! td 1.6

    ( Electric Machi!ery by A@E@ "it7erald; Charles Di!sley; r@ a!d Stephe! -@ %013

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    9ma!s; #ata Mc5ra*Hill

    9#he Per)orma!ce a!d -esi! o) -irect C(rre!t Machi!es by Albert E

    Clayto! & N N Ha!coc+; CS p(blishers a!d distrib(tors@


    :-irect C(rre!t Machi!ery by Charles S Sis+i!d; Mc5ra* Hill boo+




    Electric Machi!ery a!d #ra!s)ormers by ha S 5(r( &H(seyi!

    Hi7irol(; 8)ord 9!iersity Press


    @Pri!ciples o) Electric Machi!es A!d Po*er Electro!ics by P C Se!; Filey



    Electric Machi!es by - P Dothari a!d ' Narath; #ata Mcra* Hill

    Ed(catio! Priate imited


    6 Electrical Machi!es by P S himbhra; Dha!!a P(blishers %011


    Course Code 2 EEN%(4:

    Credits 2 :

    L T " 2 9 4 (

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able to i!)er tra!sistors a!d its biasi! a!d ho* comple deices

    s(ch as # are modelled a!d the (se o) the mathematical models i! the desi! a!d a!alysis o) ario(s circ(its s(chas ampli)iers; oscillators a!d po*er ampli)iers@ Also the ob>ectie te!ds to )(l)il mi!imi7atio! a!d desi!i! o)

    ario(s combi!atio!al a!d se:(e!tial circ(its a!d pri!ciples o) A!alo a!d -iital co!erters@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures :(

    3 Transistor and its Biasing

    eie* o) diode a!d #; oad li!e a!d 8perati! poi!t; ias stability; ario(s biasi! circ(its;

    #ra!sistor h,parameters; co!ersio! )orm(las; remodel; a!d a!alysis o) tra!sistor ampli)iers (si! h


  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    ( BT reuenc& Response

    "re:(e!cy espo!se o) si!le stae CE ampli)ier; M(ltistae ampli)iers; -irect co(pled; C

    co(pled a!d #ra!s)ormer co(pled; )re:(e!cy respo!se o) m(ltistae ampli)iers

    9 ield Effect Transistors

    '!trod(ctio!; "E# Co!str(ctio!; types o) "E#; Characteristics o) "E#s; M8S"E#J types a!d

    *or+i! pri!ciple; "E# biasi!; "E# small si!al model; "E# applicatio!s@


    : "o)er AmplifiersClassi)icatio! o) ampli)iers; Si!le t(!ed a!d do(ble t(!ed ampli)iers; a!alysis o) class A; ; C a!dA ampli)iers; p(sh p(ll ampli)ier; amplit(de distortio! i! ampli)iers; harmo!ics; po*er distortio!;


    ? 'scillator

    Pri!ciple o) si!(soidal oscillator; C phase shi)t a!d Fei! ride oscillator; Collpits a!d Hartleyoscillator; Crystal 8scillator


    @ +inimi,ation Tec-niues

    S(m o) Prod(cts a!d Prod(cts o) S(m )orms; Mi!terms&Materms; Dar!a(h Map )or t*o; three;)o(r )ie a!d si ariables; (i!eMcCl(s+ey method


    Combinational Circuit Design

    Hal) adder; )(ll adder; s(btractor; C- adder; comparator; code co!erter; e!coder decoder;

    m(ltipleer; dem(ltipleer; parity detector a!d e!erator


    6 +ulti$ibrators

    1bit memory cell; cloc+ed a!d (!cloc+ed )lip )lops; S "lip )lop; - )lip )lop; D "lip )lop; # )lip

    )lop; ede triered )lip )lop; race aro(!d co!ditio! ; Master slae )lip )lop; co!ersio! o) )lip )lops@

    Seuential Logic Design and S-ift Registers

    ipple co(!ter; desi! o) ModN ripple co(!ter; desi! o) sy!chro!o(s se:(e!tial circ(its; State

    machi!es; sy!chro!o(s co(!ter; decade co(!ter; ri! co(!ter; oh!so! co(!ter; serial i! serial o(t

    shi)t reister; serial i! parallel o(t shi)t reister; parallel i! serial o(t shi)t reister a!d parallel i!

    parallel o(t shi)t reister; bidirectio!al shi)t reister; (!iersal shi)t reister@


    34 A/D and D/A Con$erters

    Feihted resistor -$A co!erter; i!ary ladder -$A co!erter@ A$- Co!erters )lash type;s(ccessie approimatio!; co(!ter ramp type; d(al slope type; characteristics o) A-C a!d -AC@


    List of E>periments No. of turns

    3 #o st(dy the characteristics o) # a!d "E#@ %

    ( #o sim(late a!d eri)y the operatio! o) # as a! ampli)ier a!d dra* the )re:(e!cyrespo!se@


    9 #o desi!; sim(late a!d impleme!t Adder a!d S(btractor circ(its@ 1

    : #o desi!; sim(late a!d impleme!t code co!erters@ %

    ? #o desi!; sim(late a!d impleme!t Combi!atio!al circ(its (si! M(ltipleers@ 1

    @ #o sim(late a!d impleme!t "lip)lops (si! NAN- a!d N8 5ates@ 1

    #o st(dy the operatio! o) ario(s types o) shi)t reisters@ %

    6 #o desi!; sim(late a!d impleme!t the sy!chro!o(s se:(e!tial circ(its@ %

    Course 'utcomes2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able to1@ A!aly7e the per)orma!ce o) # (si! small si!al a!alysis@

    %@ -esi!i! o) ario(s types o) oscillators@3@ A!aly7e a!d desi!i! o) se:(e!tial a!d combi!atio!al circ(its@

    4@ -esi! ario(s types o) A$- a!d -$A co!erters@

    Suggested Boo5s


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3 '!terated Electro!ics;Millma!&Hal+ias; #MH@ %00/

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    ( Electro!ics -eices & Circ(it #heory; oylestead& Nashels+y; PH' %00

    9 Microelectro!ic Circ(its; AS Sedra& DC Smith; 8O"8- %010

    : Electro!ics Circ(it A!alysis a!d -esi!; -o!ald A@ Neame!; #ata Mc5ra* Hill %00/

    ? -iital -esi!; Morris Ma!o; PH'; theditio! %013

    @ Moder! -iital Electro!ics; P ai!; #ata Mc5ra* HillP(blicatio!;4thEditio! %010

    Course Name 2 Engineering Anal&sis F Design

    Course Code 2 EEN (4@

    Credits 2 4:

    L T " 2 (%3%(

    Course 'b1ecti$es2At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld hae +!o*lede o) )(!dame!tals o) desi! a!d sim(latio!

    (si! so)t*are pac+aes@

    Total No. of Lectures = (6

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures


    +odel of "-&sical S&stems

    '!trod(ctio! to physical systems; Massspri!damper system; accelerometer; rotatio!al


  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    mecha!ical system; ear trai!s; li:(id leel systems; circ(it models; ; C; C; C

    series a!d parallel circ(its *ith si!(soidal a!d !o!si!(soidal ecitatio!s; diode recti)ier@


    Numerical +et-ods for Solution of Euations

    Errors; Systems o) li!ear e:(atio!s; homoe!eo(s a!d !o!homoe!eo(s li!ear e:(atio!s;

    poly!omial e:(atio!s; least s:(ares )it; ordi!ary di))ere!tial e:(atio!s; E(lerIs method;

    (!eD(tta method; Ne*to!aphso! method; Predictor corrector methods; !(mericali!teratio!; )or*ard a!d bac+*ard i!teratio! r(les@ #rape7oidal r(le; Simpso!Is r(le;

    Errors o) i!teratio!@



    Simulation Tec-niues2

    Co!ti!(o(s state sim(latio!; circ(it leel sim(lators; discreteee!t sim(latio!; "ied time

    step; ariable time step; respo!se a!alysis o) circ(its; -C a!alysis; AC a!alysis; tra!sie!t




    "rogramming in +ATLAB

    Prorammi! a )(!ctio!; repetitie a!d co!ditio!al co!trol str(ct(res; 'teratie sol(tio! o)

    e:(atio!s; poly!omial i!terpolatio!; plotti! a!d a!alysis; t*odime!sio!al a!d three

    dime!sio!al plots; Historams; Polar plots; )(!ctio! eal(atio!; ha!dli! eter!al )iles;

    sai! a!d loadi! data@


    "S"ICE Circuit Simulator

    '!trod(ctio!; circ(it descriptio!s; i!p(t )iles; !odes; circ(it eleme!ts eleme!t al(es;

    so(rces; o(tp(t ariables; a!alysis; -C s*eep; tra!sie!t a!d AC a!alysis; PSP'CE models@



    Design Case Stud&

    -C Motor speed co!trol@ 03

    List of E>periments2 Number of Turns

    3 #o sim(late -C tra!sie!ts i! ; C a!d C circ(it 0%

    (#o sim(late AC tra!sie!ts i! l; C a!d C circ(it a!d st(dy e))ect o)

    s*itchi! i!sta!t@0%

    9 #o sim(late a -C motor 01

    : #o sim(late a -C motor *ith starter 01

    ? #o desi! a!d sim(late a tra!s)ormer 0%

    @ #o sim(late a -C 5e!erator 01

    #o desi! a!d sim(latea! aircore i!d(ctor 0%

    6 #o sim(late a si!le core cable 01

    #o sim(late*ae propaatio! o! tra!smissio! li!e 01

    Course 'utcomes2

    At the e!d o) the co(rse; the st(de!ts *ill be able to

    1@ Model a ie! physical system

    %@ Apply !(merical methods )or sol(tio! o) li!ear system o) e:(atio!s

    3@ Apply !(merical methods )or sol(tio! o) di))ere!tial e:(atio!s

    4@ Apply !(merical methods )or sol(tio! o) '!teral e:(atio!s

    @ A!alyse -@C circ(its (si! sim(latio! tech!i:(es

    6@ A!alyse A@C circ(its i! steady state a!d tra!sie!t state (si! sim(latio! tech!i:(es

    .@ Hae basic +!o*lede o) MA#A a!d PSP'CE so)t*are

    /@ -esi! a speed co!troller )or -C Sh(!t Motor

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3 A! '!trod(ctio! to N(merical A!alysis; At+i!so!; oh! Filey 1/(

    MAA )or E!i!eers; ira! A@ a!d rei!er M@; %!deditio!; Addiso!



    9SP'CE )or Po*er Electro!ics a!d Electric Po*er; ashid M@H@ a!d ashid

    H@M@; %!deditio!; #aylor & "ra!cis@


    :'!trod(ctio! to MA#A )or E!i!eers Filliam @P@; 3rdeditio!; Mc5ra*



    Course Name 2 "o)er Electronics

    Course Code 2 EEN (4

    Credits 2 4:L T " 2 9%4%(

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!ts sho(ld be able to hae +!o*lede o) ario(s po*er electro!ic

    deices; s*itchi! tra!sie!ts a!d s!(bber circ(its a!d a!aly7e ario(s types o) AC-C; -C-C; -CAC;

    ACAC co!ersio! (si! po*er electro!ic co!erters@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures

    3 "o)er Electronic De$ices

    '!trod(ctio! to po*er s*itchi! deices; basic str(ct(re a!d physics o) deice operatio!;

    s*itchi! a!d '2 characteristics

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    @ Ac #oltage Controllers

    asic Pri!ciple; A!alysis o) 1Q operatio! *ith a!d oad; oad a!d S(pply C(rre!t

    Characteristics@ 3Q "(lly a!d Hal) co!trolled e(latorJ A!alysis o) operatio! )or a!d


  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    (@@Pelly; G#hyristor Phase Co!trolled Co!erters a!d Cycloco!erters;

    oh! Filey a!d so!s


    9 5y(yi a!d @@Pelly; GStatic Po*er "re:(e!cy Cha!ers; oh! Filey

    a!d So!s;


    :-oebeli!; E@8@;J Meas(reme!t Systems Applicatio! a!d -esi!; Mc5ra*

    Hill P(blishi! Compa!y


    ?@S@amsha*; GPo*er Electro!ic Semico!d(ctor s*itches; Chapma! a!d



    @@F@Eric+so! a!d -raa! Ma+simoic; G"(!dame!tals o) Po*er

    Electro!ics; D9FE Academic P(blishers;


    M H ashid; GPo*er Electro!icsJ Circ(its; -eices a!d Applicatio!s; 3rd

    Editio!; Pre!tice Hall o) '!dia Pt td;


    6N Moha!; #@M@ 9!dela!d a!d F@P@obbi!s; GPo*er Electro!icsJ Co!erters

    applicatio!s a!d desi!; oh! Filey a!d so!s


    Maria! D Da7imierc7(+; GP(lse*idth Mod(lated -C,-C Po*er

    Co!erters; oh! Filey a!d So!s


    Course Name 2 +icroprocessors and "erip-eral De$ices

    Course Code 2 EEN (46

    Credits 2 :

    L T " 2 9%4%(

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) the co(rse; the st(de!ts sho(ld be able to

    3. Eplai! the architect(re o) /0/6 microprocessor

    (. E!ha!ce the prorammi! tech!i:(es

    9. -emo!strate ario(s i!ter)aci! tech!i:(es@

    :. -esi! a microprocessor based applicatio!

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures

    1 +icroprocessor 646@

    '!trod(ctio! to Microprocessors a!d Microcomp(ters; /0/6 Microprocessor

    architect(re; Pi! co!)i(ratio!; eister ora!isatio! o) /0/6; physical memory

    ora!isatio!; 5e!eral b(s operatio!; Special processor actiities; Mi!im(m Mode /0/6

    System a!d #imi!s; Maim(m Mode /0/6 System a!d #imi!s@

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    Basic "erip-erals And T-eir Intrfacing 7it- 646@

    Memory interfacing, Programmable Interval Timer !"#$/!"#%&,

    Programmable Interrupt 'ontroller !"#(&, )eyboard/Display

    'ontroller !"*(&,, DMA 'ontroller !"$*/!"#*&+

    '!ter)aci! '$8 Ports; P'8 /% ects based o! i!ter)aci!@

    3 E!ha!ce the prorammi! s+ills@

    4 'de!ti)y the importa!ce o) Assembler -irecties a!d 8perators

    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    1 Ada!ced Microprocessors & peripherals by A D ay & D M

    h(rcha!di; #MH P(blicatio!@


    % '!tel Microprocessors by erry @rey; Pri!ta!ce Hall@ %00

    3 Microprocessor & '!ter)aci! by -o(las 2 Hall; #MH P(blicatio! %006

    4 . Microcomputer -ystems !0!1/!0!! 2amily Architecture,

    Design and Programming, 'hen 3iu and 4lenn A 4ibson, Pearson

    5ducation 3imited+


    Course Name 2 Electrical +ac-ines % II

    Course Code 2 EEN (4

    Credits 2 4:

    L T " 2 9%4%(

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able to hae +!o*lede o) co!str(ctio!al )eat(res;

    pri!ciple o) operatio! o) ario(s types o) rotati! AC machi!es a!d eal(ate their per)orma!ce i!

    motori! a!d e!erati! mode@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures


    T-ree "-ase Induction +ac-ines

    5e!eral co!str(ctio! )eat(res; rotati! )ield theory; per phase & approimate e:(iale!t

    circ(it; prod(ctio! o) tor:(e; slip; tor:(e speed characteristics; ma po*er a!d ma tor:(e

    criterio!; maim(m e))icie!cy criterio!; !o load a!d bloc+ed rotor test to determi!e

    per)orma!ce parameters; circle diaram@ Starti!J rotor rheostat starter; red(ced oltae

    starti!; star delta starti!@ -eep bar a!d do(ble cae rotor@ Speed co!trolJ pole cha!i!;

    li!e oltae co!trol; li!e )re:(e!cy co!trol; co!sta!t slip )re:(e!cy operatio!; co!sta!t )l(

    operatio!; rotor resista!ce co!trol; slip e!ery recoery; i!>ectio! o) em) i! the rotor

    circ(it@ ra+i!J ee!eratie; pl(i!; dy!amic bra+i!@ Physical phe!ome!o!J #imea!d space harmo!ics; coi!; cra*li!; loc+i!; !oise; oltae ripples@ '!d(ctio!




    S&nc-ronous Generators

    Co!str(ctio! )eat(res; armat(re *i!di!s; pitch a!d distrib(tio! )actor; *i!di!

    co!!ectio!s; i!d(ced em) e:(atio!; e:(iale!t circ(it; sy!chro!o(s a!d lea+ae reacta!ce;

    cyli!drical rotor machi!e per)orma!ce *ith co!sta!t sy!chro!o(s reacta!ce; armat(re

    reactio!; ector diaram; e!erator eter!al characteristics a!d oltae re(latio!;

    e!erator ecitatio! )or co!sta!t oltae; direct a!d :(adrat(re ais sy!chro!o(s reacta!ce;

    ector diaram; (!sat(rated a!d sat(rated sy!chro!o(s reacta!ce; ope! circ(it a!d short

    circ(it characteristics; potier tria!le; calc(latio! o) sat(rated sy!chro!o(s reacta!ce )rom

    ope! circ(it sat(ratio! c(re; determi!atio! o) direct a!d :(adrat(re ais sy!chro!o(s

    reacta!ce@ E))icie!cy; losses i! sy!chro!o(s e!erator; po*er a!le; tra!sie!t a!ds(btra!sie!t reacta!ce; determi!atio! o) tra!sie!t; s(btra!sie!t reacta!ce; parallel

    operatio! o) sy!chro!o(s e!erators; sy!chro!i7i! po*er; !eatie a!d 7ero se:(e!ceimpeda!ces o) sy!chro!o(s e!erator


    3. S&nc-ronous +otors

    Co!str(ctio! a!d operatio! o) sy!chro!o(s motor; 2 c(res a!d i!erted 2 C(res; e))ects

    o) armat(re reactio!; ector diarams; e))ect o) cha!e i! load a!d )ield ecitatio!; ector

    diaram )or salie!t pole sy!chro!o(s motor; calc(latio! o) )ield c(rre!t a!d e))icie!cy;


  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    relatio! bet*ee! po*er deeloped a!d po*er a!le; electroma!etic po*er i! salie!t a!d

    cyli!drical rotor motor; co!ditio! )or maim(m po*er; maim(m po*er ers(s po*er

    a!le; )ield ecitatio! ers(s po*er a!le; h(!ti!; dampi!; methods o) starti! o)

    sy!chro!o(s motor; po*er )actor correctio! (si! sy!chro!o(s co!de!sers; h(!ti!@


    Single "-ase Induction +otors

    -o(ble reoli! )ield theory; a!alysis o) si!le phase i!d(ctio! motor; e:(iale!t circ(itdiaram; tor:(e speed characteristics; types o) si!le phase i!d(ctio! machi!es; shaded

    pole motors@


    List of E>periments2 Number of Turns

    3#o per)orm ope! circ(it test a!d bloc+ rotor test o! a 3 phase 'M to dra*

    e:(iale!t circ(it@


    (-etermi!atio! o) the per)orma!ce characteristics o) a threephase i!d(ctio!

    motor by load test@



    #o obtai! a circle diaram o) the ie! threephase i!d(ctio! motor by

    co!d(cti! !o load a!d bloc+ed motor test a!d to determi!e the maim(m

    tor:(e; maim(m po*er o(tp(t@


    :#o per)orm Speed co!trol o) three phase '!d(ctio! Motor (si! ario(s



    ? #o sy!chro!i7e a! alter!ator to a! i!)i!ite b(s@ 01

    @2ariatio! i! the actie a!d reactie po*er o) a! alter!ator co!!ected to a!

    i!)i!ite b(s by

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    Mc5ra* Hill boo+ compa!y@

    :Electric Machi!ery a!d #ra!s)ormers by ha S 5(r( & H(seyi!

    Hi7irol(; 8)ord 9!iersity Press;


    ?Pri!ciples o) Electric Machi!es A!d Po*er Electro!ics by P C Se!; Filey



    @ #he per)orma!ce a!d desi! o) alter!ati! c(rre!t machi!es by M 5 Say;CS p(blishers@


    Electric Machi!es by - P Dothari a!d ' Narath; #ata Mcra* Hill

    Ed(catio! Priate imited@


    6 Electrical Machi!es by P S himbra; Dha!!a P(blishers@ %011

    Course Name 2 Control S&stem

    Course Code 2 EEN (34

    Credits 2 4:

    L T " 2 9%4%(

    Course 'b1ecti$es2At the e!d o) the co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able to model; a!aly7e a!d desi! co!trol systems (si!

    di))ere!t methods@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures



    8pe! loop a!d closed loop co!trol systems; )eedbac+; e))ects o) )eedbac+; li!ear a!d !o!

    li!ear co!trol systems; bloc+ diarams; some eamples@




    Modeli! o) physical systems e@@ electrical; mecha!ical; tra!slatio!al; ratio!al; thermal

    systems; electrical; mecha!ical a!aloies@ aplace tra!s)orm; tra!s)er )(!ctio!; bloc+diaram alebra; si!al )lo* raphs; characteristic e:(atio! ; co!trol system compo!e!ts;

    error detectors pote!tiometer; sy!chros; stepper motor; ac a!d dc tachoe!e!rators@



    Time Domain Anal&sis

    'mporta!ce o) time respo!se i! tra!sie!t a!d steady state a!alysis; typical test i!p(t

    si!als; tra!sie!t respo!se o) the )irst order; seco!d order system; #ime respo!se

    speci)icatio!s; a!d domi!a!t closed loop poles o) hiher order systems; steady state error

    a!d error coe))icie!ts@


    : Stabilit&

    Co!cepts o) absol(te a!d relatie stability; pole 7ero locatio!; o(th H(r*it7 criteria@



    Root Locus Tec-niue

    '!trod(ctio!; root loc(s co!cept; co!str(ctio! root loci; stability a!alysis@



    reuenc& Response

    '!trod(ctio! a!d importa!ce o) )re:(e!cy respo!se; ode diaram; polar plots; lo

    ma!it(de s@ phase plot; Ny:(ist stability criterio!; stability a!alysis; relatie stability;

    ai! mari! & phase mari!; closed loop )re:(e!cy respo!se@


    Introduction to Design

    Necessity o) compe!satio!; la a!d lead compe!satio!; P'- Co!troller@


    6 State Space Anal&sis 0

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    Co!cept o) State; state ariable a!d state ector; state tra!sitio! matri; co!trollability a!d

    obserability; sol(tio! o) state e:(atio!@

    List of E>periments2 Number of Turns

    3#o sim(late time respo!se o) )irst order a!d seco!d order systems )or step



    ( #o sim(late P; P' a!d P- co!troller )or )irst a!d seco!d order system 0%

    9 #o sim(late P'- Co!troller )or )irst a!d seco!d order system@ 01

    : #o desi! la; lead a!d lalead compe!sators (si! ode plot@ 01

    ? #o st(dy -C motor positio! co!trol system@ 0%

    @#o st(dy sy!chrotra!smitter a!d receier a!d obtai! o(tp(t ers(s i!p(t


    -esi! o) lalead compe!sators@ 01

    6 #o obtai! time respo!ses o) )irst a!d seco!d order system )or step i!p(t@ 01

    #o dra* Ny:(ist plot o) ope! loop tra!s)er )(!ctio!s a!d eami!e the stability

    o) the closed loop system@0%

    34 #o obtai! the )re:(e!cy respo!se )or )irst a!d seco!d order system@ 01

    Course 'utcomes2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    1@ ac:(ire +!o*lede o) co!trol systems@

    %@ model a!d a!aly7e physical systems )or co!trolli! their respo!ses@

    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3'ontrol -ystems 5ngineering,I+6+7agrath and M+4opal, 8iley5astern


    ( Modre! Co!trol E!i!eeri!; D@ oata ; PH' %009 A(tomatic Co!trol systems; @C D(o %00

    Course Name 2 C'+"8TER AIDED "'7ER S0STE+ ANAL0SIS

    Course Code 2 EEN 943

    Credits 2 4:

    L T " 2 9%4%(

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) the co(rse the st(de!t sho(ld be able toJ

    Model a!d a!aly7e the po*er systems (!der steady state a!d ab!ormal co!ditio!s@ Apply !(merical

    methods to sole the po*er )lo* problem@ Model a!d a!aly7e the tra!sie!t behaior o) po*er system

    *he! it is s(b>ected to a )a(lt@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures



    Si!le li!e diaram o) po*er system; modeli! o) sy!chro!o(s machi!es; tra!s)ormer

    loads; tra!smissio! li!e etc@; per (!it represe!tatio! o) po*er system@


  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15



    "o)er lo) Studies

    "ormatio! o) Kb(s & Yb(s matrices; po*er )lo* problem; po*er )lo* sol(tio! by 5a(ss

    Siedel; Ne*to! aphso! a!d )ast deco(pled methods; alorithm a!d )lo*chart;

    Compariso! o) the three methods@ oad )re:(e!cy co!trol@ Eco!omic operatio! o)

    e!erators@ Po*er )lo* st(dies (si! so)t*are@



    S-ort Circuit StudiesSymmetrical

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15



    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    Po*er System A!alysisby @@ 5rai!er a!d F@-@ Stee!so!; Mc5ra* Hill

    '!t@ St(de!t Ed@


    (Moder! Po*er System A!alysisby '@@Naarath& Dothari; Mc5ra* Hill '!t@

    St(de!t Ed@


    9Po*er System A!alysis by #@D@Naasar+ar a!d M@S@ S(+hi>a 8)ord

    9!iersity Press; %00.@


    : Comp(ter Methods i! Po*er Systems by 5 F Sta@ %010

    ? Po*er System A!alysis by Hadi Saadat@ %013

    Course Name 2 S7ITC*GEAR AND "R'TECTI'NCourse Code 2 EEN 94(

    Credits 2 4:

    L T " 2 9%4%(

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse the st(de!t sho(ld be able toJ

    Hae +!o*lede o) the co!cept a!d !ecessity o) protectio! i! e!eratio! a!d tra!smissio! a!d

    applicatio!s o) s*itchears i!cl(di! i!ter!al operatio! o) di))ere!t types o) circ(it brea+ers@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures


    Bus Bar Arrangements Isolating S)itc-es

    "(!ctio!; types; operatio! a!d rati!; Mai! e:(ipme!t i! s(bstatio!B s(bstatio! layo(t;

    -i))ere!t (s bar schemes




    #ypes; rati!s; theory a!d characteristics; co!str(ctio!; characteristics a!d applicatio!s o)

    HC )(ses@



    "rinciples 'f Circuit Interruption

    Pri!ciples o) arc s(ppressio! i! d@c@ a!d a@c@ circ(its@ ecoery a!d est isi! 2oltae

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    di))ere!t types o) !e(tral earthi!; calc(latio! o) !e(tral shi)t; Earthi! o) s(bstatio!


    "rotection of eeders

    #ime raded oer c(rre!t protectio! )or radial; parallel & ri! )eedersB circ(lati! c(rre!t

    a!d bala!ced oltae protectie schemesB -ista!ce protectio! o) )eeders , Applicatio! o)

    impeda!ce; reacta!ce a!d mho relay; eleme!tary ideas abo(t carrier; c(rre!t protectio! o)tra!smissio! li!es; N(meric relays@



    Generator "rotection

    #ypes o) )a(lts o! stator a!d rotorB stator & rotor protectio!B !eatie se:(e!ce protectio!B

    loss o) ecitatio! & oerload protectio!@


    Transformer "rotection

    Po*er tra!s)ormer protectio!J -i))ere!tial protectio! a!d ma!etic bala!ce protectio!;

    estricted earth )a(lt protectio!; (chhol7 relay; Protectio! o) combi!ed alter!ator a!d




    "rotection Against '$er$oltages

    5ro(!d *ire; shieldi! a!le rod ap; hor! ap; imp(lse ap; ale type a!d !o!li!ear

    arresters s(re absorbers@



    '$er $oltage "-enomenon "rotection F Insulation Co%ordination

    #heory o) physics o) liht!i! )lashes & stro+es@ '!s(latio! coordi!atio!; 2olttime a!d

    circ(it time characteristics@ Hor! ap; Si!le dierters; 5ro(!d *ires; S(re absorbers


    3(+icroprocessor Based "rotection

    '!trod(ctio! to microprocessor based relays & diital relays@


    List of E>periments2 Number of Turns

    3 #o meas(re Symmetrical )a(lt leel meas(reme!t o! a dc !et*or+ a!aly7er 3

    (#o meas(re 9!symmetrical )a(lt leel meas(reme!t o! a dc !et*or+ a!aly7er

    )or ario(s types o) )a(lts


    9 #o meas(re ro(!d resistiity a!d resista!ce o) a ro(!d electrode 3

    :#o plot i!erse de)i!ite mi!im(m time characteristics o) !(merical oer c(rre!t


    ?#o plot i!erse de)i!ite mi!im(m time characteristics o) !(merical Earth )a(lt

    oer c(rre!t relay@3

    @#o st(dy a!d a!aly7e tra!s)ormer protectio! (si! di))ere!tial relay )or i! 7o!e

    trip )a(lts@3

    #o plot characteristics o) perce!tae bias di))ere!tial relay@ 3

    6 #o st(dy a!d a!aly7e the per)orma!ce o) dista!ce protectio! 3

    #o per)orm pic+ (p test )or di))ere!tial relay@ 3

    34#o st(dy a!d a!aly7e the per)orma!ce o) Mer7price protectio! )or a three

    phase alter!ator@ (

    33#o plot i!erse de)i!ite mi!im(m time characteristics o) directio!al oer

    c(rre!t relay@3

    Course 'utcomes2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    1@ -esi! the relea!t protectio! systems )or the mai! eleme!ts o) a po*er system@

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    %@ A!aly7e oer c(rre!t; di))ere!tial; radial protectio! deices a!d their applicatio! i! a coordi!ated

    protectio! scheme@

    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3M@@ So!i; P@2@ 5(pta; 2@S@ hat!aar; A@ Cha+rabarti; RA #et oo+ o! Po*er

    System E!i!eeri!I; -ha!patai& Co@%00

    ( Po*er Systems A!alysis by C Fadh*a; Filey '!dia td@ %00

    9 S@S@ ao; S*itchear a!d Protectio!; Dha!!a P(blishers; -elhi %00/


    Protectie elayi!J Pri!ciples &Applicatio!sby lac+b(r! a!d -omi! # ;;

    CC Press %010

    Course Name 2 ELECTRIC DRI#ESCourse Code 2 EEN 949

    Credits 2 4?

    L T " 2 9%3%(

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) the co(rse the st(de!t sho(ld be able to model AC a!d -C machi!e i! e!erali7ed

    )rame*or+ a!d (se it to co!trol the machi!e (si! po*er electro!ic co!erter@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures


    +odeling of DC mac-ine

    Dro!Is Primitie Machi!e Model

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    List of E>periments2 Number of Turns

    3.#o obtai! the speed co!trol o) -C machi!e (si! )(ll *ae )(lly co!trolled thyristori7edco!erter@


    (. #o obtai! the speed co!trol o) -C machi!e (si! )irst :(adra!t chopper@ 3

    9. #o obtai! )o(r :(adra!t operatio! o) -C motor (si! '5# based -C chopper@ 3

    :. #o obtai! speed co!trol per)orma!ce o) i!d(ctio! motor (si! $) co!trol@ 3?. #o obtai! speed co!trol o) i!d(ctio! motor (si! ector co!trol@ (

    #o sim(late the speed co!trol o) -C machi!e (si! )(ll *ae )(lly co!trolled a!d semi

    co!trolled thyristori7ed co!erter a!d compare ario(s AC a!d -C side per)orma!ce



    6#o sim(late the speed co!trol o) -C machi!e (si! )irst :(adra!t chopper a!d eal(ate

    the per)orma!ce (si! di))ere!t choppi! )re:(e!cies@3

    #o sim(late speed co!trol o) i!d(ctio! motor (si! $) co!trol a!d obtai! dy!amic

    behaior o) the machi!e *he! cha!i! )rom o!e )re:(e!cy to a!other@(

    34#o sim(late speed co!trol o) i!d(ctio! motor (si! ector co!trol a!d obtai! dy!amic

    behaior o) the machi!e@ Also compare the dy!amic per)orma!ce *ith $) co!trol@(

    Course 'utcomes2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    1@ A!aly7e mathematical model o) AC a!d -C machi!es@

    %@ A!aly7e ario(s po*er electro!ic co!trollers )or AC a!d -C dries@

    3@ A!aly7e a!d compare ario(s closed loop co!trol strateies )or AC a!d -C machi!es@

    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3 Fer!er eo!hard; GCo!trol o) Electrical -ries; 3rd

    editio!; Spri!er; %001(

    Po*er Electro!icsJ Co!erters applicatio!s a!d desi! by N Moha!; #@M@

    9!dela!d a!d F@P@obbi!s; oh! Filey a!d so!s %006;


    9 P C Se!; G#hyristor -C -ries; *ileyi!terscie!ce p(blicatio!; 1/1

    : Ned Moha!; G"irst Co(rse o! po*er electro!ics a!d dries; MNPEE %011

    ? PiotrFach; G-y!amics a!d Co!trol o) Electrical -ries; Spri!er; %011

    Course Name 2 CAD ' Electrical +ac-ines

    Course Code 2 EEN 94:

    Credits 2 4:

    L T " 2 9% 4%(Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able to desi! a!d eal(ate the per)orma!ce o) rotati!

    machi!es a!d tra!s)ormers @

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15




    asic pri!ciples o) electrical machi!e desi!; @Ma!etic circ(it calc(latio!s; Calc(latio! o)

    lea+ae reacta!ce parameters; losses; temperat(re rise @ 6


    Design of transformers

    -esi! o) si!lephase a!d threephase tra!s)ormersCore desi!; Fi!di!s desi!;cooli!o) tra!s)ormers @8perati! characteristics@



    Design of rotating mac-ines

    5e!eral co!cepts a!d co!strai!ts o) desi! o) rotati! machi!es@

    -esi! o) s:(irrelcae a!d *o(!d rotor type o) three Phase i!d(ctio! motor@

    Stator a!d its *i!di!s; slot a!d its i!s(latio!; s:(irrel cae a!d slipri! rotor desi!;

    8perati! characteristics



    Computer aided design of Transformer and Rotating +ac-ines

    Comp(ter aided desi!; philosophy a!d eco!omics; selectio! o) i!p(t data a!d desi!

    ariables; )lo* chart )or desi! o) tra!s)ormer a!d rotati! machi!es; Applicatio! o)

    so)t*are )or desi! impleme!tatio!@


    'ptimi,ation Tec-niues Re$ie)8b>ecties a!d co!strai!t )(!ctio!s; co!strai!ed a!d (!co!strai!ed mi!imi7atio!; )lo*

    chart deelopme!t )or desi! optimi7atio! o) electrical machi!es@4

    List of E>periments2 Number of Turns

    3 Fi!di! desi! a!d dra*i! o) d@c machi!e@ 0%

    ( Fi!di! desi! a!d dra*i! o) a@c machi!e 0%

    9 Comp(ter aided desi! o) a o) si!le phase a!d three phase tra!s)ormer 03

    : Comp(ter aided desi! o) i!d(ctio! machi!e 0%

    ? Comp(ter aided desi! o) dc machi!e 0%

    @ Comp(ter aided desi! o)sy!chro!o(s machi!e@ 0%

    Course 'utcomes2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    1@ -esi! tra!s)ormers a!d rotati! machi!e a!d choose ario(s parameters based (po! per)orma!ce


    %@ -esi! tra!s)ormer a!d rotati! machi!es (si! so)t*are @

    3@ Apply optimi7atio! tech!i:(es )or comp(ter aided desi! o) electrical apparat(s@

    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of"ublication/


    3 A@D@Sa*h!ey; A co(rse i! Electrical Machi!e -esi! ; -ha!patai& So!s %00

    (Say M@5; G#he per)orma!ce a!d desi! o) AC machi!es; CS p(blishers

    a!d distrib(tors@


    9 2ei!ott C@5; GComp(ter aided desi! o) electrical machi!ery; M'# Press@ 1/.

    : Se! S@D; GPri!ciple o) electrical machi!e desi! *ith comp(ter prorams; %001

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    8)ord a!d 'H compa!y Pt td@

    ?amamoorthy M; GComp(ter aided desi! o) Electrical E:(ipme!t; East

    Fest Press@


    Course Name 2 *IG* #'LTAGE ENGINEERINGCourse Code 2 EEN94?

    Credits 2 9

    L T " 2 9%4%4

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able to ac:(ire +!o*lede o) dischare phe!ome!a i!

    solid; li:(id a!d ases a!d hih oltae testi! a!d meas(reme!t@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures

    3 Disc-arges In Gases

    5e!eral characteristics o) aseo(s i!s(latio!; asic processes o) io!isatio! i! a asJ-ischares i! (!i)orm a!d !o!(!i)orm )ieldsB #o*!se!d Mecha!ism; #o*!se!d )irst

    a!d seco!d io!i7atio! coe))icie!ts; Pasche!Is a*B Coro!a dischares d(e to direct a!d

    alter!ati! oltae@ 2ac((m brea+do*! mecha!isms@ Practical methods o) calc(lati!

    Coro!a oss o! tra!smissio! li!es@ Commo!ly (sed ases )or i!s(latio! a!d their



    ( Brea5do)n of Solids and Liuids

    asics o) solid i!s(lati! materials; #ypes o) i!s(lati! materials; temperat(re

    classi)icatio!; )actors a))ecti! dielectric stre!th; -i))ere!t mecha!isms o) brea+do*!

    o) solidsB i!tri!sic brea+do*!B #heories o) i!tri!sic brea+do*!B -i))ere!t theories o)

    brea+do*! i! li:(idsB commo!ly (sed solid a!d li:(id i!s(latio! materials a!d their



    9 Lig-tning "-enomenon

    Cha!e acc(m(latio! i! clo(dsJ )ormatio! o) liht!i! stro+eB characteristics o) liht!i!

    stro+eB C(rre!t a!d 2oltae ma!it(desB


    : Generation of AC/DC/Impulses

    -e)i!itio! o) imp(lse *ae; 5e!eratio! o) hih -C; AC imp(lse oltaes a!d imp(lse

    c(rre!tsB si!le stae a!d m(lti stae imp(lse e!erators a!d e:(iale!t circ(its


    ? *ig- #oltage +easurements

    Meas(reme!ts o) A@C@; -@C@ a!d 'mp(lse 2oltaeB Sphere ap; resista!ce a!d capacita!ce

    pote!tial diiders; Sta!dard capacitorsJ Hih 2oltae meas(reme!ts by meas(ri!

    recti)ied c(rre!t o) a sta!dard capacitorsJ Crest 2oltmeter; Electrostatic oltmeter@

    'mp(lse oltae meas(reme!t by Cathode ay 8scilloraph@


    @ *ig- #oltage Testing Euipment

    Po*er )re:(e!cy hih oltae testi! tra!s)ormer; Cascade co!!ectio! o) tra!s)ormers@

    5e!eratio! o) hih direct oltae by oltae do(bler circ(it a!d coc+rort Falto!

    Circ(it@'!trod(ctio! to !a!o materials )or hih oltae e!i!eeri!@


    Non%Destructi$e *ig- #oltage Testing

    H@2@ testi! o) Cables a!d tra!s)ormers@ #esti! o) tra!s)ormer oil )or electric stre!th@


  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    5e!eral idea abo(t dielectric co!sta!t a!d loss )actor@ Applicatio! o) H@2@ Scheri!

    ride )or tests@

    Course 'utcomes2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    1@ Ac:(ire +!o*lede o) the )(!dame!tals o) dischare phe!ome!a i! solid; li:(id a!d ases@

    %@ Ac:(ire +!o*lede o) hih oltae testi! a!d meas(reme!t@

    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3C@@ Fadh*a; Hih 2oltae E!i!eeri!; %!deditio!;Ne* Ae '!ter!atio!al




    M@S@Naid( a!d 2@Damara>(; Hih 2oltae E!i!eeri!; Mc5ra*Hill; 3 rd



    9 -ie -ieter Di!d; D(rt "eser; %!deditio!;Hih 2oltae #est #ech!i:(e %001

    :E@D())el a!d F@S@Kae!l ; Hih 2oltae E!i!eeri! "(!dame!tals;

    Ne*!ess; %!deditio!;


    ? Cha(rasia M P; Hih 2oltae E!i!eeri!; Dha!!a P(blishers 1.6


    Course code 2 EEN :43

    Credits 2 :

    L T " 2 9%3%4Total No. of Lectures%:(

    Course 'b1ecti$e2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able to ac:(ire +!o*lede o) eco!omic iss(es i! po*er

    sector; po*er system dere(latio!; restr(ct(ri!; mar+et re)orms; tra!smissio! pla!!i! a!d prici!


    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures


    Eol(tio! o) i!terated; mo!opoly; state electricity boards

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    Priceecties; di))ere!t methods o) tra!smissio! prici!; Short r(! a!d lo! r(! mari!al

    tra!smissio! price str(ct(re; deelopme!t i! i!ter!atio!al tra!smissio! prici!; reactie

    po*er prici! str(ct(re; a!d its calc(latio! )or e!eratorIs reactie s(pport; !(merical

    eamples; impact o) "AC#S deices o! tra!smissio! prici!@


    A$ailable transfer capabilit& determination

    -e)i!itio!s; pri!ciples o) A#C determi!atio!; )actors a))ecti! A#C; static a!d dy!amic

    A#C; static A#C determi!atio! (si! -C po*er tra!s)er distrib(tio! )actors; AC po*er

    tra!s)er distrib(tio! )actors; A#C *ith li!e o(tae co!ti!e!cies; 8-"s *ith -C a!d

    AC; dy!amic A#C a!d its determi!atio!; A#C e!ha!ceme!t *ith "AC#S co!trollers;

    !(merical eamples@


    6 Transmission congestion management

    #ra!smissio! co!estio!; impact o) tra!smissio! co!estio!; di))ere!t methods o)

    co!estio! ma!aeme!t; )i!a!cial tra!smissio! riht; )lo* ate rihts; mar+et po*er a!d

    co!estio! iss(es; !(merical eamples; i!ter!atio!al eperie!ces o) tra!smissio!

    co!estio! ma!aeme!t; sec(rity ma!aeme!tJ spi!!i! reseres; i!terr(ptible load



    Course outcome2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    3. Ac:(ire +!o*lede o) eco!omic iss(es i! po*er sector; po*er system dere(latio!; restr(ct(ri!;

    mar+et re)orms; tra!smissio! pla!!i! a!d prici! iss(es@

    Suggested Boo5s2

    Sr. No. Name of Boo5/Aut-ors/"ublis-er 0ear of


    1. aiio ee; Po*er System restr(ct(ri! a!d dere(latio!@ oh! Filey a!d

    So!s; 9D


    2. hattacharyaD; olle! MH# a!d -oolderC; 8peratio! o) estr(ct(red

    Po*er Systems; Dl(*er Academic P(blishers; 9SA


    3. Shahidehpo(rM et al@; Mar+et 8peratio!s i! Electric Po*er Systems; oh!

    Filey a!d So!s


  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    4. 'licM; Po*er Systems estr(ct(ri!E!i!eeri! a!d Eco!omics; Dl(*er

    '!t@ Series


    5. Philipso!orri!; FillisH ee;9!dersta!di! electric (tilities a!d de

    re(latio!; Marcel -e++er P(b


    Course Name 2 S+ART GRID TEC*N'L'GIES

    Course code 2 EEN :4(

    Credits 2 :

    L T " 2 9%3%4Total No. of Lectures%:(

    Course 'b1ecti$e2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able to describe the )(!dame!tals o) smart rid

    tech!oloies s(ch as smart meas(reme!ts; smart tech!oloy )or smart s(bstatio!s; micro rid a!d

    distrib(ted e!ery so(rces; po*er :(ality ma!aeme!t i! smart rid; i!)ormatio! a!d comm(!icatio!

    tech!oloy )or smart rid@

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of


    1 Introduction to Smart Grid

    Eol(tio! o) Electric 5rid; Co!cept o) Smart 5rid; -e)i!itio!s; Need o) Smart

    5rid; "(!ctio!s o) Smart 5rid; 8pport(!ities & arriers o) Smart 5rid; -i))ere!ce

    bet*ee! co!e!tio!al & smart rid; Co!cept o) esilie!t & Sel)Heali! 5rid;

    Prese!t deelopme!t & '!ter!atio!al policies i! Smart 5rid@ Case st(dy o) Smart

    5rid @ C-M


    % Smart Grid Tec-nologies2 "art 3

    '!trod(ctio! to Smart Meters; eal #ime$-y!amic Prici! i!cl(di! #o-

    prici!; A(tomatic Meter eadi!

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    e!erators; )(el cells; micro t(rbi!es; Captie po*er pla!ts; '!teratio! o)

    re!e*able e!ery so(rces; -ema!d Side Ma!aeme!t thro(h E!ery

    E))icie!t$EE ated applia!ces a!d A(tomated -ema!d espo!se; oad research;

    E!ery a(dit tools to sae *astae@


  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    @ Peter S@ "oPe!!er; GSmart Po*erJ Climate Cha!e; the Smart 5rid;

    a!d the "(t(re o) Electric 9tilities


    A+ihi+o Yo+oyama;G Smart 5ridJ #ech!oloy a!d Applicatio!s;




    Course Code 2 EEN :49

    Credits 2 :

    L T " 2 9%3/(%(/(

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    A)ter the e!d o) the co(rse the st(de!t sho(ld be able to hae the +!o*lede o) characteristic o) solar radiatio!; itslobal distrib(tio! a!d co!ersio! methods o) solar e!ery to heat a!d po*er; solar e!ery storae a!d so)t*are

    tools )or solar system optimi7atio!@

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures


    Introduction to Solar Energ& Sources

    Forld e!ery reso(rces; '!dia! e!ery sce!ario; E!iro!me!tal aspects o) e!ery (tili7atio!@

    e!e*able e!ery reso(rces a!d their importa!ce; lobal solar reso(rces@ Solar spectr(m;electroma!etic spectr(m; basic la*s o) radiatio!@ Physics o) the S(!; e!ery bala!ce o) the earth;

    e!ery )l(; solar co!sta!t )or earth; ree! ho(se e))ect@


    Solar Radiation and +easurement

    Solar radiatio! o! the earth s(r)ace; etraterrestrial radiatio! characteristics; terrestrial radiatio!; solar

    isolatio!; spectral e!ery distrib(tio! o) solar radiatio!@ -epletio! o) solar radiatio!; absorptio!;

    scatteri!@ eam radiatio!; di))(se a!d lobal radiatio!@ Meas(reme!t o) solar radiatio!; pyra!ometer;

    pyrheliometer; s(!shi!e recorder@ Solar time; local appare!t time periments Number

    of Turns

    3 #o estimate solar irradiatio! at a locatio! %

    ( #o determi!e po*er o) sta!dalo!e P2 system o) -C load a!d battery 1

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    9 #o eal(ate the e))ect o) ariatio! i! tilt a!le o! P2 mod(le Po*er 1

    : #o sim(late a sta!dalo!e P2 Solar P2 System 1

    ? #o do tech!oeco!omic a!alysis o) sta!dalo!e Solar P2 system (si! so)t*are %

    Course 'utcomes2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse the st(de!t *ill be able to ai! +!o*lede a!d apply

    1@ Characteristics a!d *orld distrib(tio! o) solar radiatio!

    %@ solar radiatio! a!d meas(reme!t tech!i:(es

    3@ )(!dame!tals o) thermal a!d direct co!ersio! o) solar e!ery to po*er@4@ so)t*are tools to sole )or e!ery system optimi7atio!@

    Suggested Boo5s2

    Sr.No. Name of Boo5/Aut-or/"ublis-er 0ear of "ublication/Reprint

    1 "oster @5hassemi M@; Cota A@; GSolar E!ery; CC Press@ %010

    % 5ar H@P@; Pra+ash @; GSolar E!ery "(!dame!tals a!d

    Applicatio!; #ata Mc5ra* Hill@


    3 S@P@S(+hatme; GSolar E!ery #ata Mc5ra* Hill P(blishers 1.

    4 Daloiro( S@A@; GSolar E!ery E!i!eeri! Processes a!d

    Systems; Academic Press@


    Yoi 5os*ami -@; "ra!+ Dreith; a! "@Dreider; GPri!ciples o)

    Solar E!i!eeri!; #aylor & "ra!cis


  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    ? Biomedical Recorders

    Electrocardioraph; electroe!cephaloraph; electromyoraph io)eedbac+



    @ "atient +onitoring S&stem

    System co!cepts; cardiac mo!itor; bedside patie!t mo!itori! system; meas(reme!t o)

    heart rate; p(lse rate; blood press(re meas(reme!t; temperat(re; respiratory rate;catheteri7atio! o) laboratory i!str(me!t@


    +et-ods of *eating Tissues

    Physioloical e))ect o) heat; short *ae diatherapy; i!)rared radiatio!; micro*ae

    diathermy; s(rical diathermy@


    6 Biomedical Telemetr& And Telemedicine

    '!trod(ctio! a!d applicatio! to iomedical E!i!eeri!@


    +odern Imaging S&stem

    Comp(ted tomoraphy; ma!etic reso!a!ce imai! system; thermal camera based o!

    ' se!sors; 'mae eco!str(ctio! tech!i:(es@



    T-erapeutic Euipments

    Pacema+ers; cardiac de)ibrillators; pai! relie) thro(h electricalstim(latio!;Haemodialysis machi!e; electro!ics i! a!aerhetic machi!e


    Course outcome2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    1@ Ac:(ire +!o*lede o) biomedical i!str(me!ts; a!alysis o) di))ere!t si!al; #elemetry a!d #elemedici!e@

    Suggested Boo5s2

    Sr. No. Name of Boo5/Aut-ors/"ublis-er 0ear of



    3 oh! 5@ Febster; ioi!str(me!tatio!; oh! Filey & So!s %004

    ( eslie Crom*ell; "red @ Feibell & Erich A P)ei))or; iomedical

    '!str(me!tatio! a!d Meas(reme!ts; %!deditio!; PH'


    9 )handpur, 9andboo: of Biomedical Instrumentation, "ndedition,TM9 %003

    List of E>periments

    Number of Turns

    3 #o st(dy the EC5 machi!e; pic+ (p EC5 si!al; display it o! C8 a!d to )i!d

    thed(ratio! o) P; a!d # Fae@%

    ( #o plot eperime!tally the relatio!ship b$* the s(r)ace EM5 a!d m(sc(lar

    )orce@ 1

    9 #o pic+ (p EE5 si!als a!d st(dy their patter!s@ %

    : #o st(dy a! M' system aailable i! the )ield@ 1

    ? #o st(dy the )re:(e!cy spectr(m o) EM5 o! a display deices (si! a moeable

    ba!d pass )ilter@1

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    Course Name 2 NE8RAL NET7'RS AND 8;;0 S0STE+S

    Course Code 2 EEN :33

    Credits 2 4:

    L T " 2 9%3%4

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able to ac:(ire +!o*lede o) !e(ral !et*or+s a!d )(77y

    systems; di))ere!t str(ct(re o) !e(ral !et*or+s; deelopme!t a!d impleme!tatio! o) alorithm; a!d their

    applicatio!s@ -esi! !e(ral !et*or+s a!d )(77y systems )or di))ere!t applicatio!s@Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures

    3 Introduction

    ioloical !e(ro!; Models o) Arti)icial Ne(ral Net*or+s

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15



    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3"(!dame!tal o) Ne(ral Net*or+sArchitect(res; Alorithm a!d Applicatio!s

    by a(re!e "a(sett; Pearso!;@


    ( Ne(ral Net*or+s A comprehe!sie )o(!datio! bySimo! Hay+i!;Macmilla! P(blishi! Compa!y; Ne* Yor+;@ 14

    9Ne(ral Net*or+sA classroom approach by Satish D(mar; #he Mc5ra*Hill



    :"(77y oic *ith E!i!eeri! Applicatio!s by #imothy @ oss Filey

    St(de!t Editio!;@


    ?'!trod(ctio! to Ne(ral Net*or+s (si! MA#A by S@N@Sia!a!dam; S@

    S(mati a!d S@N@-eepa; #ata Mc5ra* Hill;@


    @'!trod(ctio! to "(77y oic (si! MA#A by S@N@Sia!a!dam; S@ S(mati

    a!d S@N@-eepa; Spri!er;@


    Course Name 2 AD#ANCED C'NTR'L S0STE+S

    Course Code 2 EEN :3(

    Credits 2 4:

    L T " 2 9%3%4

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able to ac:(ire +!o*lede o) state ariable a!alysis a!d

    desi!; diital a!d optimal co!trol; !e(ral !et*or+ o) )(77y systems@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures

    1@ State #ariable Anal&sis and Design

    '!trod(ctio!; Co!cepts o) State; State 2ariables a!d State Model; State Models )or i!earCo!ti!(o(s#ime Systems; state ariables a!d li!ear discrete time systems;

    diao!ali7atio!; Sol(tio! o) State E:(atio!s; Co!cepts o) Co!trollability a!d

    8bserability; Pole Placeme!t by State "eedbac+; 8bserer Systems@


    %@ Introduction of Digital Control

    -iital co!trol systemsJ ada!taes a!d disada!taes o) diital co!trol; represe!tatio! o)

    sampled process; the 7tra!s)orm; the 7tra!s)er )(!ctio!@ the i!erse; tra!s)orm a!d

    respo!se o) li!ear discrete systems; the 7tra!s)orm a!alysis o) sampleddata co!trol

    systems; the 7a!d sdomai! relatio!ship; stability a!alysis@


    3@ 'ptimal Control S&stems

    '!trod(ctio!; parameter optimi7atio!J seromecha!isms; optimalco!trol problemsJ state

    ariable approach; the state re(lator problem; the i!)i!itetime re(lator problem; the

    o(tp(t re(lator a!d the trac+i! problems@


    4@ Neural Net)or5s and u,,& S&stems

    '!trod(ctio! to !e(ral !et*or+s a!d )(77y systems; i!tellie!t co!trol; models o) !e(ral

    !et*or+s a!d )(77y systems@


    Course 'utcomes2

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    1@ Ac:(ire +!o*lede o) state ariable a!alysis a!d desi!@

    %@ Ac:(ire +!o*lede o) diital a!d optimal co!trol systems@

    3@ Ac:(ire +!o*lede o) !e(ral !et*or+ a!d )(77y systems@

    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3 M@5opal; Moder! Co!trol System #heory; Ne* Ae '!tl@ Pt@ td@ 13

    ( M@5opal; -iital Co!trol State ariable methods; #MH@ %003

    9 D@ 8ata; Moder! Co!trol E!i!eeri!; PH' %010

    : D@8ata; -iscrete #ime Co!trol Systems; PH' 1

    Course Name 2 "'7ER S0STE+ '"ERATI'N AND C'NTR'L

    Course Code 2 EEN :39

    Credits 2 4:

    L T " 2 9%3%4

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able to ac:(ire +!o*lede o) the eco!omic load dispatch;

    (!it commitme!t; po*er system operatio!al sec(rity a!d dispatch@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures

    1 Economic Dispatc-

    Eco!omic dispatch o) hydro; thermal; hydrothermal e!erati! (!its; dispatch problem

    sol(tio! methods

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    6 "o)er S&stems 'perational Securit& and Dispatc-

    eie* o) sec(rity co!cept a!d state o) operatio!; co!ti!e!cy a!alysisB e!eratio!

    dispatchB dy!amic sec(rityB po*er system state estimatio!B maim(m li+elihood *eihted

    leasts:(ares estimatio!B a!d meas(reme!tsB !et*or+ obserabilities a!d pse(do

    meas(reme!tsB applicatio!s i! system co!trol@


    Course 'utcomes2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    1@ Ac:(ire +!o*lede o) the Eco!omic load dispatch a!d )re:(e!cy co!trol@

    %@ Ac:(ire +!o*lede o) the i!terco!!ected system operatio!; e!ery ma!aeme!t a!d po*er

    system operatio!al sec(rity@

    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3Food a!d Folle!ber GPo*er 5e!eratio! 8peratio! a!d Co!trol; oh!



    ( 8' Elerd GElectric E!ery Systems; #heory; Mc5ra* Hill 1/3

    9 Mahala!abis et al@; GComp(teraided po*er system a!alysis #ata Mc5ra*@ 1//

    :A!derso! & "o(a!d GPo*er system co!trol a!d stability o*a State

    9!iersity Press@


    ?G"(!dame!tals o) s(perisory systems 'EEE #(torial Co(rse #et;



    Course Name 2 8tili,ation of Electrical Energ& and Illumination Engineering

    Course Code 2 EEN :3:

    Credits 2 4:

    L T " 2 9%3/( (/(

    Course 'b1ecti$es2

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able toac:(ire +!o*lede o) di))ere!t *ays o) electric

    e!ery (tili7atio!; (!dersta!d mecha!isms o) e!ery co!ersio!; desi! ill(mi!atio! systems a!d

    mai!te!a!ce o) ill(mi!atio! deices $systems@

    Total No. of Lectures = :(

    Lecture )ise brea5up No. of Lectures3 Electric Energ& As +ec-anical "o)er

    Electric -riesJ Ada!taes o) electric dries; Characteristics o) di))ere!t mecha!ical

    loads; #ypes o) motors (sed i! electric drie , #etile -ries; Steel rolli! mills;-@C@ &

    A@C@ tractio! motors; their characteristics; #ractio! Motor Co!trolJ Starti! a!d speed

    co!trol o) -@C@ series motors; sh(!t tra!sitio!; bride tra!sitio!; dr(m co!troller

    employi! sh(!t tra!sitio!; e!ery sai! *ith series parallel starti!; m(ltiple (!it


  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    co!trol; bra+i! o) tractio! motors;#ractio! ail*ay electri)icatio! , de)i!itio! a!d

    a!alysis o) tractio! e))ort , speed , time c(re , tractio! motors battery drie! ehicles

    e!ery e))icie!cy dries , ada!ced speed co!trol meas(res rece!t tre!d i! electric



    Electric Energ& As T-ermal Energ&2

    Electric Heati!J Ada!taes o) electrical heati!; Heati! methodsJ esista!ce heati! ,direct a!d i!direct resista!ce heati!@ '!d(ctio! heati!; Electric arc heati!; direct a!d

    i!direct arc heati!; -ielectric heati!; '!)rared heati!; Micro*ae heati!@ Electric

    Feldi!J Ada!taes o) electric *eldi!; Feldi! method@ Pri!ciples o) resista!ce

    *eldi!; types , spot; pro>ectio! seam a!d b(tt *eldi!@ Pri!ciple o) arc prod(ctio!;

    electric arc *eldi!; characteristics o) arc@



    Electric Energ& As C-emical Energ&

    Electrolytic ProcessesJ Need o) electrodepositio!; a*s o) electrolysis; process o) electro

    depositio!; "actors a))ecti! electrodepositio!; Pri!ciple o) ala!i7i! a!d its

    applicatio!s@ Pri!ciples o) a!odi7i! a!d its applicatio!s; Electroplati! o! !o!co!d(cti!

    materials; Ma!()act(re o) chemicals by electrolytic process a!d by electrolysis process



    Electric Energ& As Lig-t Energ&'!trod(ctio!J Nat(re o) liht; c(re o) relatie se!sitiity o) h(ma! eye; ill(mi!atio!

    termi!oloy; ill(mi!atio!; a*s o) ill(mi!atio!; l(mi!o(s e))icie!cy; lare; Color;

    co!trast; shado*@

    So(rcesJ -i))ere!t type o) electric liht so(rces , their operati! characteristics@

    (mi!aire re:(ired )or )ilame!t lamp; merc(ry apo(r lamp; )l(oresce!t lamp; metal

    halide lamp; !eo! lamp;Compact "l(oresce!t amps; E-s@ 5e!eral 'll(mi!atio! -esi!J

    Calc(latio! o) !(mber o) liht poi!ts )or i!terior ill(mi!atio!; depreciatio! )actor; room

    i!de a!d (tili7atio! )actor; mai!te!a!ce )actor; space to heiht ratio; re)lectio! )actor;

    calc(latio! o) ill(mi!atio! at di))ere!t poi!ts; Selectio! o) e:(ipme!t; E:(ipme!t

    e))icie!cy@ -esi! o) e!eral ill(mi!atio! schemes@ Coe lihti! a!d; lo(er desi!@

    5e!eral lihti! l(mi!aire characteristics etc@Area ihti! iht Co!trol2Materials (sed

    )or liht co!trol; iht ,beam co!trol; S(r)ace a!d Media co!trol; (mi!aires )or liht

    co!trol; '!stallatio! o) the l(mi!aires; Mai!te!a!ce a!d Eco!omicsJ Mai!te!a!ce o)

    l(mi!aire; (mi!aire depreciatio! e!iro!me!t; E))icie!t liht prod(ctio! methods;

    lihti! eco!omics@



    Electric Energ& for Refrigeration F Air Conditioning

    Co!trol o) temperat(re basic *iri! diaram simple heat load a!d motor calc(latio!s@

    Airco!ditio!i! )(!ctio! o) complete air co!ditio!i! system type o) compressor

    motor a!d )a! motor*iri! diaram )or a typical air co!ditio!i! (!it@


    List of e>periments No. of Turns

    3To plot the candlepo;er, po;er consumed, current dra;n v/svoltage characteristic curve of an Incandescent lamp and compare;ith the theoretical curves+


    ( To determine luminous e'urves of Indoor 3uminaire in atleast t;oplanes+


    ? #o plot the ca!dlepo*er; po*er co!s(med; c(rre!t dra*! $s oltae 1

  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    characteristic c(re o) a )lood lihti! l(mi!aire a!d compare *ith the

    theoretical c(res

    @ #o calc(late 5lare i!de o) a l(mi!aire@ 1

    Course 'utcomes2

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ

    1@ 'de!ti)y a!d a!aly7e di))ere!t *ays o) electric e!ery (tili7atio!@

    %@ Ac:(ire +!o*lede o) the mecha!isms o) e!ery co!ersio!@

    3@ A!aly7e a!d desi! ario(s ill(mi!atio! systems@

    Suggested Boo5s2


    No.Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er

    0ear of



    3H Partap; GArt a!d Scie!ce o) 9tili7atio! o) Electrical E!ery

    -ha!patai& So!s; -elhi


    ( F@@M@2a!ommel; Goad ihti!; Dl(*er #ech!ischeoe+e!;Macmilla!


    99tili7atio! o) Electrical E!ery by 5(pta; Dataria P(blicatio!s;



    : 8pe! Sha* #aylor; G9tili7atio! o) Electrical E!ery; Pitma! P(blicatio!s 16%


    C@@ Fadh*a; G5e!eratio!; -istrib(tio! a!d 9tili7atio! o) Electrical

    Po*er; Filey

    Easter! td@; Ne* -elhi@


    @ Prasad M; e)rieratio! & Air Co!ditio!i!; FileyEaster! td@; Ne* -elhi@ %00.



    Course Code EEN:3?

    Credits :

    LT" 9%3%4

    Course ob1ecti$es

    At the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t sho(ld be able to hae +!o*lede o) ario(s types o) co!trol strateies a!d

    compo!e!ts (sed i! process co!trol@

    Total no. of lectures%:(

    Lecture )ise brea5 up No. of Lectures


    Re$ie) of Concepts of S&stem Response

    espo!se o) )irst order systems i!cl(di! tra!s)er )(!ctio! a!d tra!sie!t respo!se to

    di))ere!t )orci! )(!ctio!sB espo!se o) )irst order systems i! series i!cl(di! !o!

    i!teracti! a!d i!teracti! systems@


    % Sensors and Transducers

    asic co!cepts a!d *or+i! pri!ciples o) se!sors a!d tra!sd(cers )or meas(ri! process

    ariables li+e press(re; temperat(re; leel a!d )lo*B electromecha!ical; capacitie;


  • 7/25/2019 Electrical Syllabus 18-6-15


    i!d(ctie; resistie a!d photoelectric type proimity se!sors@


    Controller "rinciples

    Process characteristicsB Co!trol system parametersB -isco!ti!(o(s co!troller modesB

    Co!ti!(o(s co!troller modesB Composite co!trol modes@

    4Analog Controllers

    5e!eral )eat(resB Electro!ic co!trollersB P!e(matic co!trollersB -esi! co!sideratio!s@

    Digital Controllers

    -iital sim(latio! o) co!trol systemsB Sim(latio! so)t*areB Comp(ter so)t*are )or process

    co!trolB Microprocessor based co!troller@



    Control Loop C-aracteristics

    Co!trol system co!)i(ratio!B M(ltiariable co!trol systemB Co!trol system :(ality a!d

    stabilityB Process loop t(!i!@


    Control Euipment and inal Control Elements

    -etails o) co!trollers i!cl(di! meas(reme!t (!it; comparator; act(ator a!d )i!al co!trol

    eleme!tsB P!e(matic; hydra(lic a!d electric act(atorsBCo!trol ale characteristicsB

    P!e(matic to electric a!d electric to p!e(matic co!erters; hydra(lic a!d p!e(matic po*er

    s(pply system@


    /"rogrammable Logic Controllers

    elay co!trollers a!d ladder diaramsB elay se:(e!cesB PC operatio! a!d prorammi!@4

    Course outcomes

    y the e!d o) this co(rse; the st(de!t *ill be able toJ1@ 9!dersta!d the basic desi! tech!i:(es i! Process Co!trol@(. 9!dersta!d -i))ere!t types o) co!trollers (sed i! Process Co!trol@

    Suggested Boo5s



    Name of Boo5/ Aut-ors/ "ublis-er0ear of "ublication/


    Co(ha!o*r -@ @; GProcess Systems A!alysis a!d Co!trol; %!dEd@;

    Mc5ra*Hill '!ter!atio!al oo+ Compa!y%00/

    (oh!so! C@ -@; GProcess Co!trol '!str(me!tatio! #ech!oloy; / thEd@;

    Pre!tice Hall o) '!dia Priate imited%00/

    9Harriott Peter; GP