electric current notes

 Electric Circuits Video What Do You Think? If static electricity relates to the presence of an electric charge, what is current electricity ? What is needed to have an electric current?

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Electric Circuits Video

What Do You Think?

If static electricity relates to the presence of an

electric charge, what is current electricity?

What is needed to have an electric current?

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Current Electricity

•  An Electric Current is the flow of charge. Charge (or

electrons) flow due to a difference in electric potential.• Electrical Potential:

 – i!ilar to potential energy (lifting so!ething higher

against the force of gravity gives it greater potential to

do wor", increasing its potential energy.) – When given the opportunity, o#$ects will !ove fro!

higher potential energy to an area of lower potential


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Batteries - Electrochemistry%. Converts che!ical energy into electrical energy

&. Consists of two different !etals – the electrodes

'. lectrodes i!!ersed in a che!ical #ath* that conducts electricity

called the electrolyte

+. he part of the electrodes a#ove the electrolyte is the ter!inal and

used to connect the #attery to the circuit.

• here is a che!ical reaction #etween the electrodes and the electrolyte resulting in a#uildup of electrons on one of the ter!inals (it #eco!es the - ter!inal)

• he other ter!inal gives up its electrons and #eco!es the * ter!inal.• his difference sets up the electrical potential difference of the syste! or /oltage

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Dry Cell and Wet Cell

• Wet Cell – the electrolyte is a liquid (car attery!

 – In a car #attery, electrolyte is sulfuric acid the * ter!inal is lead o0ideand the - ter!inal is lead !etal

• Dry Cell – the electrolyte is not really dry" ut is a #aste

 – tandard AA, C, 1 type #atteries

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$olta%e• $olta%e2 Causes current to flow through an electrical circuit. he che!ical energy

of the #attery is transferred to the electron as it !oves through the #attery.

• $olt: 3nit of !easure to !easure this potential•  A $olta%e &ource (#attery or generator) is re4uired to !aintain the electrical

potential in a circuit.

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2 J of energy changed

into heat and heat and

light energy by each

coulomb of charge

4 J of energy givento each coulomb of


2 J of energy

changed into heat

and heat and light

energy by each

coulomb of charge

' $ ' $


) attery is

connected to t*o

identical li%htuls+

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Current is the rate at which charge is flowing in a circuit. It is the a!ount of charge that passes through any point of the circuit per unit ti!e.

Current is !easured in a!pere, A, where % A 5 % C6s.

Electric Current


I   =Q

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Electric Current

• cientist first thought that positive charges flow fro! thepositive ter!inal of a cell to the negative ter!inal. his is

called the con,entional current direction.

• 7owever, it was found that a current in a !etal wire is in

fact a flow of negatively-charged electrons in theopposite direction. 8evertheless, the conventional

current is still used.+  – 

electron flow



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Electric Current

• Water flowing thru a pipe depends on !ore than the angle

of the pipe. It also depends on the length of the pipe,dia!eter of the pipe and if the pipe is clogged or open.

•  A!ount of electrical current (a!ps) depends on !ore than

 $ust ,olta%e, it depends on the resistance found in the


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Eam#le .

 A hair dryer draws a current of ' A. If it is switched on for 9 !inutes,(a) how !uch charge, and(#) how !any electrons have passed through it?



(#) charge of % electron 5 %.: 0 %;-%< C

no. of electron 5 <;;C 6 (%.: 0 %;-%<) 5 9.:&9 0 %;&%


I = Qt 

3 A=   Q

5min( ) 60sec




⇒Q= 900C

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Electric Current

 A sim#le circuit contains the

!ini!u! things needed to have

a functioning electric circuit. Asi!ple circuit re4uires three

things2•  A source of electrical potential

difference or voltage. (typically a


• A conductive path which wouldallow for the !ove!ent of

charges. (typically !ade of wire)• An electrical resistance

(resistor) which is loosely

defined as any o#$ect that uses

electricity to do wor". (a light

#ul#, electric !otor, heating

ele!ent, spea"er, etc.)

he attery here is represented #y an escalator

which raises charges to a higher level of energy. As the charges !ove through the resistor  

(represented #y the paddle wheel) they do wor" on

the resistor and as a result, they lose energy.

=y the ti!e each charge !a"es it #ac" to the #attery,

it has lost all the energy given to it #y the #attery.

 As the charges !ove through a wire, they lose noenergy (assuming the wires are short and are a good


he potential drop ( - #otential di//erence) across

the resistor is the sa!e as the potential rise (

#otential di//erence) across the #attery. his

de!onstrates that a charge can only do as !uchwor" as was done on it #y the #attery.

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Connected to a source of voltage, an electric la!p circuit loo"s

so!ething li"e this2

=ecause it ta"es energy to force electrons to flow against the opposition

of a resistance, there will #e a drop in voltage #etween any points in acircuit with resistance #etween the!. It is i!portant to note that although

the a!ount of current (the 4uantity of electrons !oving past a given

point every second) is unifor! in a si!ple circuit, the a!ount of voltage

(potential energy per unit charge) #etween different sets of points in a

single circuit !ay vary considera#ly.

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• 0esistance: he opposition to the flow of electricity

• >easured in 1hms – sy!#ol is the ree" letter @!ega -• lectricity will always ta"e the path of least resistance

• he greater the resistance, the less current there is for agiven voltage.

Electrical 0esistance

hm!s "aw

V = IR

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&eries Circuits• &eries Circuits2 rovides only one path for the electrons to follow

 –  A #rea" in the circuit stops the flow of electricity to all otherparts of the circuit

 – With !ultiple light #ul#s (!ore resistance) the current reduces

and the di!!er the lights #eco!e

 –  A!!eters (to !easure the current) !ust #e wired in series.

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&eries Circuits

Besistors are in series have e4ual currents through the! #ecause there

is only one path for the current to follow.

he voltage across each resistor in series will add to the total voltage of

the #attery.

 everal resistors in series can #e replaced #y a single resistor that will

have the sa!e current through it as the resistors it replaces. his is the

total resistance* of the co!#ination.






 R R R R


 I  I  I  I  IRV V V V V 





$% &

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Parallel Circuits• Parallel circuits: different parts of the circuit are on separate

#ranches – electrons must choose a path

• A #rea" (#urned out light #ul#) in the circuit does not stop the flow tothe re!aining devices

• >ultiple identical light #ul#s will re!ain the sa!e #rightness since

the resistance is not decreasing as it does in a series circuit.

• ach pathway can #e separately switched off w6out affecting the

others• 7ousehold circuits are wired in parallel, with a standard of %&; volts

• /olt!eters are wired in parallel to !easure the chan%e in volts

#etween two points in the circuit.

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Parallel Circuits

Besistors in parallel have the sa!e

voltage across the! #ecause the

current !uch choose a path to


everal resistors in parallel can #ereplaced #y a single resistor that will

have the sa!e voltage across it as

any of the resistors it replaced. his

is the total resistance of the


he total current will #e the su! of

the currents through the resistors it







 R R R R






 I  I  I  I 





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Parallel Circuits

• he more #aths to choose /rom the 2E&& the

resistance – Water e0a!ple again2 Added pipes co!ing fro! a

large tan" will allow !ore water to flow out than a

single pipe.

 – herefore as resistance decreases3 currentincreases" they are inversely proportional

& h ti Di

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&chematic Dia%rams•  All circuits need at least the All circuits need at least the


 – ower supply, wire, andower supply, wire, and


• here is a set of standard sy!#olshere is a set of standard sy!#ols

used to represent these ite!s in aused to represent these ite!s in a

diagra! of the circuitdiagra! of the circuit

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Electric Po*er 

lectric power – Be!e!#er that power is the rate at which

wor" is done and the unit of power is the Watt. owerapplies to electrical power as well as !echanical power.

P = IV ' ( )ower in *atts

& ( current in +m)eres

$( voltage in $olts

 IV V t q

t qV 

t W  P    ====

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5 / 0 I

5 : / 0 ;.9 A

5 ' Watts

 A potential difference of %&;/ is operating on a 9;;

Watt !icrowave oven. What is the current through the


5 / 0 I

9;; 5 %&; 0 I

I 5 +.& A


 A : /olt #attery produces a current of ;.9 A. What is the power in the circuit?

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Calculatin% Ener%y Cost

• aying for energy2 We are charged #y the electric

co!pany for the power we use. It is calculated and #illedto us #y the "ilowatt hour.

 – nergy 5 ower 0 i!e

 – ilowatt hours 5 ilowatts 0 7ours

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 A coffee pot operates on & a!peres of current on a %%; / circuit for ' hours. Calculate

the total "ilowatt hours used.

' , $ - &

' , ##0 - 2 , 220 *atts , 0.22 /*

nergy used in /ilowatt(hours0.22 /*( )  x 3 hours( ) =  0.66 /*hr