elearning opportunities for lifelong learning

Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development 2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy) IS Applications & Issues III eLearning opportunities for lifelong learning Eleonora Pantò Chairperson eLearning WG CSP – ICT Innovation

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This presentation was prepared for the Intensive Course of the IANIS+ project to introduce the concept of learning 2.0 and personal knowledge management


Page 1: eLearning opportunities for lifelong learning

Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

IS Applications & Issues III

eLearning opportunities for lifelong learning

Eleonora PantòChairperson eLearning WG

CSP – ICT Innovation

Page 2: eLearning opportunities for lifelong learning

Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)


Education + Technology

Page 3: eLearning opportunities for lifelong learning

Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

Learning (and e-learning) are moving from a

structured, formal, hierarchical....

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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

... to a more unstructured, informal, flat approach.

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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

TECHNOLOGY- the WEB is changing

Source: O'Reilly

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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

A new technology: WEB 2.0

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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)



Peer Production,


Towards a news learning metaphora

based on


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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

IIstruction is currently largely housed in courses and other artificial constructs of information organization and presentation. [...]

Blogs, wikis, and other open, collaborative platforms are

reshaping learning as a two-way process. Instead of presenting

content/information/knowledge in a linear sequential manner,

learners can be provided with a rich array of tools and

information sources to use in creating their own learning


George Siemens (*)



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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

TECHNOLOGY: the elearning changes

Source: Jeff Weinberger and Amar Dhaliwal, Learning 2.0

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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

According to Peter Senge (1990: 3)

“…organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together.”

– Everyone contributing with contents– Peer-to Peer networks of information– Making Knowledge searchable/ Enabling Knowledge

exchange– Introducing new technologies: blogs, podcast,

wikis, folksonomies, etc.


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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)




● Collaboration is based on sharing and declaration of internal competences● Knowledge becomes explicite as long as people describe their own activities. ● The professional biography allows to make clear the relationships between projects, competences and structures.

Elearning 2.0: tools and model for learning organization

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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

•Create professional autobiography•Easy transfers•Collect the different points of view inside the

organization•Discover discomfort elements•Share good practices•Collect and save documents• Increase and promote internal knowledge • Increase efficiency

Expected effects of introducing elearning 2.0

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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

Components of Personal Knowledge Management


• Professional authobiography • Knowledge Harvesting • Personal Content Management • Personal Productivity Improvement

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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

To Summarize:

• Promoting lifelong learning means to set processes and tools by wich people can evaluate what they know in a given situation, and then seek out ways to fill the gaps when needed.

• The elearning/web 2.0 is effecting the way people manage information and knowledge

• Introducing PKM systems in organization will encourage cognitive diversity, promote free exchanges away from a centralized policed knowledge repository

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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

Three questions

• In which ways individuals can be supported in the continuous cycle of the learning process ?

• What are the best methods and tools for capturing and facilitating knowledge that is shared or created in informal exchanges?

• What is it necessary in order help our people embrace learning simply as the way they work?

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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

Useful links

• Kairoshttp://kairosnews.org/

Kairosnews is an open community of members interested in the intersections of rhetoric and pedagogy with technology. Visitors should register and join in the many discussions by posting comments or creating a blog entry.

• INFEDhttp://www.infed.org/extras/index.htm

infed (the informal education homepage) was established in 1995, and has developed into a website that is accessed around 4 million times a year.

• ELearning guildhttp://www.elearningguild.com/

The eLearning GuildTM is a Community of Practice for designers, developers, and managers of e-Learning. Through this member driven community, we provide high-quality learning opportunities, networking services, resources, and publications

• Learning Circuitshttp://www.learningcircuits.org/

ASTD launched Learning Circuits in January 2000. Its goal was to promote and aid the use of e-learning, creating a body of knowledge about how to use technology efficiently and effectively for learning. It delivers a fully interactive Website with discussions, demos and resources, and articles on a weekly basis. A bi-weekly opt-in email newsletter, LC Express, sends news, teasers, and links to subscribers. There are nearly 500 articles currently on the Website.

• /•

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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

Useful links

• Elearningeuropehttp://www.elearningeuropa.info

elearningeuropa.info is a portal established by the European Commission to promote the use of multimedia technologies and Internet at the service of education and training. The site offers specific information, services and resources for four basic areas: schools, higher education, the world of employment and lifelong learning. The section on How to Use elearningeuropa.info provides practical information about the site's navigation possibilities.

• Learnativityhttp://www.learnativity.com/

We focus on how learning and curiosity influence everything you do in life, no matter your age, education, or occupation.

• Learning objects or not?http://www.learningspaces.org/n/papers/objections.html

This is a draft version of a paper published in: McGreal, R. (Ed.). 2004. Online Education Using Learning Objects. London: Routledge. Pp. 59-70.

• MIT Opencoursewarehttp://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Global/AboutOCW/about-ocw.htm

MIT OCW is a large-scale, Web-based electronic publishing initiative funded jointly by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation , MIT, and generous support of the Ab Initio software company.

• http://www.elearnmag.org/• http://www.downes.ca/• Personal Learning Environments - • http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4152559760003745761•

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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

Reading list

• Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Agehttp://www.elearnspace.org/Articles/connectivism.htm

• How People Learn (and What Technology Might Have To Do with It). ERIC Digest.http://www.ericdigests.org/2003-3/learn.htm

• Learning objects or not?http://www.learningspaces.org/n/papers/objections.html

This is a draft version of a paper published in: McGreal, R. (Ed.). 2004. Online Education Using Learning Objects. London: Routledge. Pp. 59-70.

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Intensive Course in Regional Information Society Development

2-6 October 2006 – Torino (Italy)

Thank you for your attention!


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