ela's testimonals

Testimonials Transformational Breathing Sessions with Ela Rezmer

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T r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l B r e a t h i n g S e s s i o n s w i t h

Ela Rezme r

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I had five breathing sessions with Ela this summer. It wasn’t my first experience with transformational breathing,

but first of this kind. I have had some practice before with conscious connective breathing and cathartic


My first session with Ela was probably the most amazing. My memories from previous cathartic breathing

sessions were not very pleasant; I would often go into the state of terror and panic and either abandon my body

for extended periods of time or physically escape the room. With Ela I felt completely safe, trusting and relaxed.

If a moment of panic or anxiety arrived I would tone through it and it would past very fast. I had no idea that the

session lasted so long; it felt like a few minutes. At the end I felt totally in love with myself, the world, my own

body. I felt that my body was breathing for me; it was completely effortless and natural. I could just sit there and

observe my own body doing something on it’s own, with no involvement of my mind. My body was so light that I

was certain that if I only tried; I would have been able to fly. I was happy just being and breathing; I didn’t need

anything else.

This feeling lasted for a couple of hours. The next day and days after I could still feel the lightness of my own

body and my own power. Yes, I felt powerful. I do not even know why.

The second session was different. At first disappointing: I didn’t fly afterwards, my body didn’t breathe for me. I

have had however a long lasting feeling of peace and balance. I can still access it; I can feel it whenever I want


On the third session we focused on my throat chakra. It brought a lot of anxiety and sadness to me and again I

was able to tone through it and return to peace and balance.

The next two sessions were more or less the same as my second one.

My breathing pattern definitely changed since the sessions. I am more aware of my own breath; I do not stop

breathing as often as before. I catch myself breathing fully and relaxing into my breath in time of stress, rather

that holding my breath. My breath is deeper and easier. It’s not a chore anymore; it is a joy. I know I can return

to peace whenever I want to; it is just a breath away. Hmm, maybe this is why I feel so powerful?

Ela, your energy is beautiful. You radiate joy, love and acceptance. I could relax in trust knowing that you were

there for me with your amazing smile and serenity. Thank you.

Eva Sadowska RPC, RN, MFA

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Some of the most profound experiences of my life have been through breathing. In Costa Rica underneath a tin

roof, a type of breath work related to what Ela practices uprooted a huge part of my relationship with my

childhood and showed me how to come to peace with it. During my first tentative steps of self-exploration

breath work moved me through my preoccupation with trying to think my way through an experience and into

deeply feeling it. Breath work has been a keystone of my personal growth for years.

Recently there has been a need for this same kind of transformation in my life, and transformational breathing has

been a keystone of that process. In a small handful of breathing sessions with Ela I have felt my entire personal

process change for the better – my romantic relationship, my friendships, my professional relationships, in all of

them I have been more in touch with what is honest and true for me and more steady speaking my truth. I credit

the profound and ineffable experiences I’ve had while breathing. I have never had an experience of breath work

as profound as I’ve had while doing transformational breathing with Ela – each time I’ve felt contact with a deep

part of myself; each time that part stays with me after the breath. The permission for that honest expression of

self has guided me back to school, into a career that I love, and into a stronger and more profound relationship

with the people I love.

I encourage anyone who has never done transformational breathing to try it. I doubly encourage anyone who’s

tried Holotropic breath or “fire breathing” to try it with Ela. She brings her absolutely unique presence and energy

to the process and transforms it into something much more than breath.

Jonathan Bean

Working with Ela has been so beautiful for my goal of expanding awareness, clearing undigested emotions and

feeling more at one with life.

My family has made a very pleasing adjustment as an echo effect to my work.   I have had a rich mystical

experience and been remembering more my dreams.  Already I am much more articulate in communication

have greater clarity about what I want.

Ela is very compassionate, clear and angelic as she has worked  with me to unlock breathing bad habits

increasing my insight to knowing myself. 

This is the work I have been looking for, for deep and lasting results. So grateful that our paths have crossed to

turn up the light within, making more room for happiness and joy!

Annie Lindquist

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I was introduced to the transformational breathing by Ela Rezmer in first week of June 2011. I have done a little

bit of pranayama in my yoga practice previously, but nothing as deep and involved as the transformational

breathing. She first mentioned to me about this on the phone and I was instantaneously intrigued...as her

delivery and the explanation has been very knowledgeable and I felt that she knows quite well what she is talking


On the day of our first breathing session I had a very good morning meditation with my mentor, so when I arrived

to see Ela I was feeling fairly sensitive to the energies. In her presence, I felt relaxed and in full confidence that

whatever experience and journey we will go through together, I will be fully looked after by her. I believe the

session has lasted for over an hour, and it was simply profound. In the process I have gone through fear as these

new powerful surges of energy has been emerging and flowing through me. But I have gone through those fear,

as I listened to Ela's gentle and kind voice telling me to 'let it go', breathe, 'let it go'...Just knowing that she

keeps a constant watch and guides me at the time when I am most vulnerable has been a huge help in breaking

through those fears. I felt as many subconscious blocks have started to chip away, how my body was

responding with joy to these new portals of energy. I felt at most peace within myself. I knew, I had to do this


In our consequent sessions, Ela has been slowly incorporating new things, helping me to climb the breath

ladder. We added kundalini dance, aroma therapy, and secret geometry - all to help us in setting the intention for

the session and in helping my body to continue to chip away at those tight blocks. With each session I would

feel more and more open, it would take me faster to 'get connected', or to enter the 'altered state' of

connectedness with the breath and by body. Though my arms and hands would still get numb, with each

session it happened less and less, as I learn through Ela's voice how to direct the breath in the right flow. It is

also simply amazing how well she is able to watch and read my body...as if I have a monitor on my forehead

where she can read what I am experiencing and needing in the moment. If I need to 'tone' and shake, or change

the speed of the breath etc.

In less than 10 sessions I feel I have climbed the mountain (though I still have many to go). With Ela we worked

on opening up my throat chakra, as there has been a fair bit of resistance, connect and clear my third eye,

worked on aligning my body and to develop muscle memory to allow for a continuous wave of breath.

Right now, we are taking a short brake from our sessions, as I am going out of the country, but I am very happy

to be taking the knowledge and experience of transformational breathing with me. I have been doing mild solo

sessions 2-3 times a week. My breath has definitely changed. I use it as a remedy whenever I feel my body is

feeling low, or depressed. I think of Ela's words, to inhale deep from the root and channel the breath up and

out...to connect and to let go. wow. It is such a powerful tool and I cant be thankful enough to have this

knowledge up my sleeve and most importantly for Ela's gentle heart in leading me on this path with integrity and

honesty. And I am very looking forward to resuming our sessions with Ela when I am back.

In Ela I found a natural healer, a person that caries authentic care towards people and true desire to help and to


Maryna Brij Bundyuk

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My last breathing session with Ela was phenomenal!  She took me on a nice summer's day to the middle of the

woods and we found a very calm spot near a stream where water usually runs but this time it had dried out.  On

top of me as I lay on the ground was a canopy of long green trees which made me feel very safe and protected. 

This is also how I feel whenever I am in one of Ela's breathing sessions, very safe and protected.  As usual, I felt

a lot of love and genuine concern for me throughout the session.  Coming into the session, I was not feeling that

good as many things were going on at home.

I really like the fact that I don't have to go through all those yucky emotions that are still inside me, rather I can

get them processed mostly thru breath and toning if needed.  Ela is very gentle and knows exactly which areas

to go to where there is pain and "stuff" that is stuck.  She uses her intuition to stop whenever she needs to.  I

always look forward to the integration part after wards which make up for all the work that I do before that. 

In the integration, I feel very supported and loved and I feel divine presence (God and angels and other good

beings) especially more so in this phase even though I know it's there right from the beginning as I feel very

good when she begins the session with a prayer.  After, I always wish I can just go to sleep right there and then! 

Having had 5 or 6 sessions with Ela now, I feel my life has changed a lot and become more positive.  I can now

actually believe and say with confidence that I love life!  Before, I used to cringe and wait for all the bad things to

go away or more bad things to be happening in the future.  Now, even though bad things may happen, I feel

strong enough inside me to be able to handle them without even seeing them as bad anymore. 

I always look forward to more sessions with Ela. 


Nusri Hassam

Learning Consultant and Teacher

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Semi-private SessionsTestimonial

Two weeks ago I had the immense pleasure of experiencing my first Transformational Breathing session with Ela.  

Her gentle, strong and encouraging energy and skill supported me in having an experience that I can only

describe as surprising and deeply nourishing.   I experienced her presence as graceful and loving and with her

grounded, open, dynamic facilitation style she supported me to fully explore, be and move with what came up for

me; with her support, I felt completely safe and accepted to do so. Also, I had the pleasure of Breathing in the

company of a male friend of mine.  We did not know each other very well before our session, so I was a but

nervous and curious about how this experience would be for me, but I found myself feeling very comfortable

during the session; safe to express genuinely and cared for in how Ela flowed between the two of us, She

seemed to work with both of our energies in a way that facilitated support between us as well.   I am deeply

grateful for my session with her and look forward to the next one.


Katherine Betts

Available for two individuals who would like to breathe together

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Breathing was a real eye opener. It brought to my attention all the important things in my life. At first I was a little

bit skeptical about the whole thing but Ela was so calm and nurturing during the process so I felt very safe.

Whilst breathing I fell into an unconscious state, while unconscious I became enlightened to all the things

important to me. I saw old friends, new friends, family, sports, and all the things I love. It was a great experience

and I look forward to doing it again.

Jacob, age 16

Before my experience with breathing, I was quiet unwilling to give it a try. Soon after, I was convinced that I had

made the right decision by trying it. It was unlike anything I’ve experienced before. Having previously

experimented with different types of drugs such as marijuana, I can honestly say it equaled all other experiences

and exceeded expectations. I really look forwards to my next session with Ela.

Josh, age 17

Breathing really changed my perspective on life. It showed me that I could share great experiences with my

friends without the use of drugs, for example marijuana. It was a totally new experience and I can wait for my

next breathing session with Ela.

Eli, age 16