el desierto - plantas

Plants To live in the desert animals and plants have had to adapt in different ways to weather. Plants that live in the desert are very different from those grown elsewhere. In this ecosystem there are the annuals and perennials. Perennials are those that are evergreen, among them are cacti, trees and shrubs.

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Post on 26-Sep-2015




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To live in the desert animals and plants have had to adapt in different ways to weather.

Plants that live in the desert are very different from those grown elsewhere. In this ecosystem there are the annuals and perennials.

Perennials are those that are evergreen, among them are cacti, trees and shrubs.


The cactus, as the saguaro , cactus wood, senita , pitahaya , barrel cactus and cactus have very extensive and near-surface to absorb as much water as possible roots.

The cactus stored in your body all the water they drink. The stored water makes these plants to swell, so it seems they are very too fats.

Trees and shrubs

In the desert there are trees and shrubs, like as ironwood, mesquite and torote.

The ironwood and mesquite live near streams. Its roots are very deep and they can drink water when there near the surface.