eight pillars of total productive maintenance (tpm) and tpm at unilever operations management

8 PILLARS OF TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTAINANCE ( TPM ) and TPM AT UNILEVER Group 5 Navaneeth R (P16199) Nandan S Rajeev (P16198) Bonny V Pappachan(P16179) Bestin Syriac(P16178) Chikku Biby Pittappilly(P16180) Bavitha Babu(P16177)

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Group 5

Navaneeth R (P16199)

Nandan S Rajeev (P16198)

Bonny V Pappachan(P16179)

Bestin Syriac(P16178)

Chikku Biby Pittappilly(P16180)

Bavitha Babu(P16177)

About UNILEVER .. Consumer goods company

Founded in 1930

Headquartered in London

Owns over 400 brands

Divisions : Food , Refreshments , Home care & Personal care

Products : 190 countries

€52.7 billion turnover in 2016

57% business is in emerging markets

13 brands have sales of more than €1 billion a year

169,000 people work for Unilever

46% managers are women



TPM : Total Productive Maintenance

Improvement method

Increases productivity

Introduction and first two

pillars of TPMSubmitted by NANDAN S RAJEEV

What is TPM?

Total productive maintenance- Maintenance system which reduces down time.

Low division between maintenance and normal workers.

Just like Total quality management, in TPM everyone is responsible for machinery

used for production

All machines should be in top condition.

Historical Perspective

Nippodenso- A company which was a supplier of Toyota.

5S Foundation


Setting in order-

Shining- better visibility

Standardisation-recorded logs

Sustaining-scheduled maintenance

Pillar one- Autonomous maintenance

Routine work done by crew freeing maintenance workers

Pillar two- Planned maintenance

Schedules made on past observations and manufacturer replies.

Reduces down time as planned maintenaces are primitive in nature.

Unilever and TPM

Unilever follows WCM (World class manufacturing)

WCM= Six Sigma+TPM+Lean

Lean- Wastage

Pillar 3 & 4 : Focused Improvement

and quality maintenance

Submitted by,


Pillar III : OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency)

Focused Improvement


Maximizing the performance of equipment by minimizing losses

of equipment Problem Solving by GROUPS

Compare the ACTUAL operating time versus the OPTIMUM operating time

Highlight the causes of Productivity losses :

Availability, Performance and Quality losses

Improvement Steps

Define Losses

Quantify Losses

Analyze Causes

Generate Counter-measures

Implementation Follow up

Pillar IV : Quality Maintenance


To ensure that a plant is in a perfect condition – where 100 % quality goods are produced, zero defects

Ensuring high quality through equipment arrangements at each process


Establish conditions for “zero defects”

Prevent the occurrence of quality defects

by maintaining the conditions within

certain standards

Inspect and monitor such conditions in

time series

Predicting the possibility of quality defect

occurrence by reviewing changes in

measured values

Take countermeasures in advance

Result Oriented Approach

“after it has happened”

Cause Oriented Approach

“before it happens”

Pillar 5 : Early Equipment Maintenance

Uses the experience gathered from previous maintenance improvement activities

to ensure that new machinery reaches its optimal performance much early than


The company is able to hit the ground running with highly reliable and productive


It has a positive impact on profitability of the company .

Factors that should be considered when designing new equipment :

Ease of cleaning and inspection

Ease of lubrication

Accessibility of equipment parts

Improving operability of machines

Feedback mechanisms

Increased safety features


Filling the knowledge gap that exists in an organization.

Without proper training, tools such as TPM can be misunderstood by the staff.

TPM education and training does not leave out any employee cadre.

At lower level, operators’ skills are raised.

At middle level, technical staff’s skills are improved.

At higher level, helps managers to become competent mentors to their juniors.

Pillar 7: Health, Safety & Environment

Workers must be able to perform their functions in a safe environment without

health risks.

The health, safety and environment pillar of TPM ensures that all workers are

provided with an environment that is safe and that all conditions that are harmful

to their well-being are eliminated.

When workers are in a safe environment, their attitude towards work changes.

Pillar 8 : TPM in Office Functions

Easy for them to provide efficient service

Spread of the principles to administrative functions within an organization

Support functions understand the benefits of these improvements

Removes the silo mentality and encourages horizontal cooperation within the


Also be applied as stand-alone techniques