eid 1he cloud !o · wm tf a 4.. i-v?--1he red cloud chief."eternal vigilance is the price of...

m w tf a 4. . i - V ?- - 1HE Red Cloud Chief. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.50 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. :3 VOL RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY. NEB, FRIDAY, AUGUST ,7 1S85- - MO.4 BUY YOUR GOODS ! A.T TUTS OLD Reliable Furniture and Undertaking House Opposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, is the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the HICKS the RcpuDl can Vallev and my ' prices can not fail to please. R L TINKER. RED CLOUD CHIEF r.VKRY KUIIUV IJV A. C. HOSMER. m KTK3 F fiUIlSCKIIT.OS: copy, oncyoa . - 61 50 Doe copy. lx mop h. "5. 3d copy, four mo ith. ... jfl. iintered At the i oBtofflce in Jted Cloud as mat- - of thecond class. B M. Tirao Tablo. Arrhe. lava wr.vr No 3n 7 niam i.- -J a njiam R.V)p in 7! it i) oo i m caiHii fr- r.n 6 i- - uin 5 It 8 oopm ICAST 4 a in .in ji in M ii fWam l!H 40 A 10 05 pill 10 15 pill llii Oxford ami IlastiiiK expi ess awl Crete nmll make eonwetiun- - at Hastings ami Crete With Dener. hlt-an- through train. Mating ami O-l- trciin limjrs p .Sanger from Chicago to lH-i-- r e.pr-H- S. vV. J Wkm:ii. Ticket Aacn- .- fc-- C couxrr offiwrs. John P. Hayha, County Clerk. UIijih. Buschow, County Treasurer, loo. O. Yeisor, County Judge. C.W. Wnrrcn, SlierilK. Chiw. W. Springer, Superintendent ol Public Instruction. C. P. Itinker, County Surveyor. II. K. Shero.r. County Coroner, jfcicob L. Miller, 5 Tno. MoCiilluin County Com. I. B. Hampton, Business Directory. 1 JtO. B. STA SKU, A I CTIONEKR, NEBRASKA - - riKXKY ANDERSON, SURVEYOR, Orders left nt the A I'M met oflicc will receiVe prompt attention. .-E- CLOUD - - NEBRASKA j W.TULLEYS, M.D., HOMCKOPATIU PHYSICIAN, U. S. Examiniim Surgeon. Okkick Opposite Fiist National Bank Red Cloud. ' ...-- . J)R. L. II. BECK, 1 , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA Okfick Over Honry Cook's thug store. Professional calls attended d.y or night. Q E..McKEEBY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, m.K-w- st of Cook's drugstore, 4nrru'K.VFtrt t to 12 a. in., l ! 4. ami 7 to ', m. 3 Mocks, west of mint ouse. .trUlOlAJUIi. - - - XKHKASKA. o DAMERELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, lied Cloud, Nebraska. m frfica: Over the new po.toiDee. MLHAU & RICKAKDS, 3 ATTORNEYS. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Omen In Smith Bros, law oflico. 2 W. Ki.r.r. J. L. Kalky. Kaley Bros. A TTORNEYS AT LAW. RED CLOUD. NEB. Agents for the B. & M. R. K. Lands O. C. Cask. Jas. McNkny. r Case & McNeny, A TTORSEYS AND COUXSULORS AT LAW. r Will pnietiee m all courts ol this sa well us litiirAtcit luisiness eareful- - y k"-- 1 -- "Icientlv Attended U). Abstracts furnish-rdiift- p licatlon. (rtc-Ov- er First Xatlonal Rank. Red I'luuu. -- 'eb. D R. C. SOHESCK. PHYSCIAN AND SURGEON, Cowles. Nebraska. Professional calls piomptly attended. Office : At residence Cowles. $-5- 1 RJE. 3foore. Prea't J. I- - Mlner.Vp.wt. John Moore, Cajhisri- - First Nationaf Bank RED CLOUD. NEB' Capital, - 75,000. frasuct a eneral barcinc busing, bay and X sell Connty Trrnt. Alo County. Prc- - riact and School Dittrtct bond. Buy and cell rcisn Exchanse. UIKKCTOll: R. K. Toora. John .Voore, 3'W. Meeker. fT.K Ricbirdfoc. K. C. Uatcalt Nebaska Lumber Co, LFS AC. CLOUD IL.E11S LUMBER, RED DRY LUMBER A. SPECIALTY, THE BEST IX IE AKmKKT AND 0LI THE IiOWJEST mTMVES. MOSHERS MARKET &mm M mi) aus&ge, Bologna, Salt Moat, Fresh Fish, Oystors, Pork, Mutton, hickonB, OLD STAND, RE D CLOUD, NEB. BE m LATH, SUING SASH, DOORS. BLINDS AT W1LL:mQ3HER, Prop. NEBRASKA MEAT rXia I:KST ISlH mm m u j 4W&, O ka O W M HAB House and Sign Painter, Grainer and Glazier All kinds of Fancy and Plain wall Decora- tions Promptly and Neatly Done. Getniy terms before yon have yonr work done. Work guaranteed. CHAS. BUSCHOW, Prcsidont, E. F. "HIGHLAND, Vice-Preside- nt, Root V SHIREY, Treasurer. j NEBRASKA & KANSAS F ASM mAM m CAPITAL, $-10,00- 0. CLOUD, NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS: ... P.KTnnes. O.CCasc. R V.Shirey, Chas. Buschow, E. F. H inland, Geo. B. Holland, D.M.Piatt. Fulton MONEY LOANED on imprhved in Nebraska and Money furnished as soon ns the security is approved Principlo and into-o- st payable in Red Cloud. OFFICE IN IlEi CLOUD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. WILLIAM GATES, rRurniKTOu of RED CLOUD MEAT MARKET r;Irt lnt)r South 'l ytlt'r-t'rN:Hn- w ston. PBESH AND SAL MEATS, FISH ffOULTBY' Oysters, Snusocro, Bolonga, &c, &c. Alwaya on hand. Ctu Him sofi them whenovoryc a want tho best and tho meats. F alav.ladkv e& F ri-- M? i T&lMrJU x SV Rba TN -- ;.' 4. -- itlj rr in mjrj y .V "; J'Ji" .1 PjSiii-C- '4pr-- .!-- y TIIE yr . j- - AMUVV. NEB. ()- - 9 R. B. Geo. J. Warren. larms tcCJjfcRaa-'''MSRBaJtf- "tR JOHN B0ESCH,Ageat, K, Acme Pulverizer, Harrow. rio! Cnilier ami Lcveler, ?ubject5 the oil to the action of a Meel Cniher ami jzx- - cler. ami the cutting, litliiss. tuniius lner- - of itouble patrs of teeleonl- - ter. the jieculiar haje and ar-- rausiunentof v.iitchplTe Immense Cutting Power ! The thrers jlioii of crnluns lnnjp.leellns tlie, proimii. and thnruujihly pulverizing t lit- - ?oil are icrfonnett at the ame tlim. The entite alv yeaie of juke or irinc teeth avoid pnllinc up nibliih: it ticially adapted to Inserted xkIh and hanl clay, where other harrow utterlv fair. Satisfy jonrsclf ly pivins the ACME- - a tr iiL Sold in Rea Cloui by A. "A POPE. mW Stock Sale! 210 HEAD OF STOCK !o vBaaBaaaaaaBwaaa 1SJai HaaaaaBiBaa HBhBIb. avxA KVK ?F5i3ter Embracing Cattle, The undorsiimoa will eell at Public Auction at Ids residonco four mile? west of Rod Cloud und throo miloa cast of Inavalo, on Thursday Morning, .'Jug. J J, (if feu .. .If., 117 cattle, consisting of 60 milch cows, 31 giving milk, 10 yearling steers, 30 spring calves, 6 yearling heifers, 1 Hereford Bull; 6 four year-ol- d Work Horses, 3 two year old colts 1 Yearling Coif, 2 Spring Coifs, 1 Saddle Tony, 80 J lead of J logs, TERMS ,:1 credit of fierier monfhs will be Xiren, on. note and approved- - security, with ten per cent, interest from, date. 5 per cant, oj) for cash in, hand. D. II. KALEY. J. M' Warren , Auctioneer, ANY PARTIES WANTING WELLS. r $W- - - - -t- -" -- - I JAMES DILLINGHAM, OF 1UIJK 1811,1,, Is Lfw repsrei to put sows m mm wells : t Iholii" lutillUe e:rs 'xjwnfiin lie will inaki a llrt el.iss well tneliilTn' rTIliHiK eoiiij-lel- e no malti r wlmt ktnil ol -- oil li to lie iN'iieinitfil. inteKs:u'il ilo-- i not himler Price fcr a Well, Tnp and all. Ore Telia? per each ftot A reaMn:ill-.l.dnrHoi- i will lo tho-- o ulm li.ue :'.' "I'll to commence wiMi. IMn inlwr there Is u ll AKAMr.1. Klven for aCOOD Kl.I.or.NO l'A. Apply in perion or by letter to Can field JTill, M-b.- , Hardvare and Windmill Merchants. HO KEY SAVED AT FORRESTER'S Furniture and Fancy Notion Bazar, Parties wishing Fumituro will savo mono? by oxamining my goods boforo purchasing NEW '0DS AMID NmiDWB overy clay. In concoction with my furnitures I havo a largo supply cf all kinds of notions with Prices to the Buyer ! Such as Tinware, Soaps, Glassware, Towels, Handkorchiofa &c, and will bo eoldcneapor than at any piaco in Rod Cloud Dr J. S EMIGH DENTIST, RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. Fine Office Work a Specialty. Laiunin,: .n ahcr on liant. OfKce crrcr Clout allou.il lt.uik. Cheap Lumber FROM OMA HA. Joist, scantling and small5 timbor . I No. 1 fencing 4 and 6 inches No. 2 fencing 4 and 6 inchos No 1-- lst common boards rough or drees op - " 2-2- nd common boards rough or dreasoQ " 3-3- rd common boards rough or 12 inch No 1 boards dressed 12 inch " 2 boards dressed' No 1 shiplap plain or O G . 2 shiplap plain orOO . " 1 flooring 4 and 6 inches clear "2 6 inches "3 "6 inches " 1 siding clear . 2 ' 2nd clear 3 siding 3rd clear "Wide clear flnichihg dressed two sides . 8 and lO inch 2nd clear dressed two sides 8 and 10 inch 3rd clear dressed two sides extra shingles warranted standard shingles LathTlst quality 6-5 1 clear door-- j 1 I clesnloors 10x14 S Ihrht check rail windows . J2jc34 liht check mil wintlowrsi araSdr and TO Blue elsewhere. Arriving drossed, 19 OO 22 OO 19 OO 20 OO 18 50 16 OO 21 OO 19 SO 22 OO 20 OO 39 OO 32 OO 22 OO 23 50 21 50 17 OO 43 OO 40 OO 35 OO 3 20 3 OO 3 25 1 '2h 1 50 I 00 1 50 If yru fUh trbuiMalu nrtnrn vnlalitol what lnmtrjTOi'xiIIneJ to tiro or thr? of thetteUcrsattmiahaand jr.uiUget all tte mfunn-tio- u jnai tant. ALost $Ji worth of common liuuNr niako a car toad. Mnwof thelnniVr l!rr at OnaUa L as follows- - y. VC, C.rsj, f.v Losit Ktai:brti. Sral lajotarutllsatMt ?s Eicrra fctm- - I us: fcat tae !ua:brr viH cot UJ4 Iou. CorropcBdrace iHrrCtlTc crotni at:n.ii(M. licit POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE Irpii?5 by a jvhyilcian trtth xtA: rrrl loUaii. u Amf'y ZLt yf Jilutu. Ay-'JA- K .- - w.wv.vu kv : w.i s.'rs.Vv ""iJ KJ $' -- 0. "Tt. tylT mnl hrrrhy tmit for tf3?Vl-''t- i "sV1"-"i''- 'l ' culfcrta be conixilrtrd. SoA Onlcrei! the Iwanl f.'Ui i i ji .T -- . . ' "v "". ex'-ses- c . Catfnnc; for Makin? Crram of Tarur r OH PKIC'8 CRCAM BAKING FOWOCB. WBML I g' onacT lPWQ SPECIAL A. L-- Vi'i "I'l""" Grapi EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE 1'nnwt mnl tninvt'Ht N".iti:ml I'mll Kl.anr. VanllU. i"ranv. Aliwintl. hw, ,,,, tl ur ;u ilclicitt ly .uid natumUr as the (rult. PRICE BAKING POWDER CHICAGO. r. VOVIM. Xj ., Jlii.8 't 9 IIOKT1CU LIIUIST AM UKai I'll IN Nursery Slock! A I liml wm ejrrleiiee In thr Niirvr ItuilncNi. think 1 uui tnrnili omtocW to suit our cllnute Inmi Uomc Grown Nurseries! Ami uouM .llt a of the nwlf Commissioners" Proceed irifff. Kui Ci.oci), Nhu.. July '21, 1.VVJ. Hoard of commissioner met pursu- ant to adjournment. Troonl J. L Miller and Iviinli Ii. Hampton county commissioner., J. I. Hayha county clerk. T!ih following appointments wcru made: James V. Kobinson. (). II. K. I). No. ia; John I'olnicky. O. II. R. l. No. 7. OfTicial bonds nppTored its follow.' Fred 1. Heed, county juirveyor; W. H. ijiiIdon,Ju5tice of the l'uace 1'otsdam precinct. Report of E. O. Parker J. I. f Juido Hock precinct presented and approved ami claim attached allowed. The following clanna were audited and allowed and warranH to be drawn on the county general fund for the same when such warrants arc ordered to be drawn: Frank A. Swcezy. Icl fifvicca in Joe Cook cac $100; Irving W. Crary. poor bill L6.3.'i; J. H. Fi.ik. boaniinc pauper, Conrad Schwancr $16; Wni. Hnthaway. coal for poor 10. 2.5 to 'J.iS IIciTner & Durgin. meat for poor 15.30; G. E. McKecby, mcdiwil service t'23.00; Jos. W. Warren, boarling and waahing for D. Spearman and raeaLn for Juror 20.25; Chaa. Springer services county fCG".50 Tho following claim aoditod and allowed and warrant ordered tn be drawn on court hotrsc ftrnd: Walker M. Vischcr, painting court hotfse etc, el JO. The following claims were &ndite and allowed and warrants ordered to be drawn on the county bridge lund for to pay same: A. C. Hale, bridge ma- terial for Inavale bridge 273.44; G. W. Dox. bridge bolU $5.25; Rccd & Haw-Ic- y, bridge lirobcra S53..15. The following claim were sndited and duly rejected:, Cbas. H. Potter, hone rent for Mr. Bnrkhea4 $12; C. H. Potter, hoase real for John Moody $20; Archibald Thompson, boo rest cAanly attorney.' I EiD XIII. RED Horses Hogs. Parhes, Suit Tkcit.Cl5icaruLnmtr.aai 31 superintendent forJe5eCKneSU. ! Application tor tho Tucation of tho I alley In block frcnl?ti 17 Smith M ore's addition to Red Cloud, rrff rrrt! ; to county atiorncji for dccUiiA ?t j juriIittlon. Ordered by th board ibit an appnv priatiou of iio or much tbrreof a msv tw 3ccearY I hereby mJ for roid district No 25 for bnHdirij; brilg.-ct- c . to be paid when b?Mp r coro-pletr- d. (rd'-ff- i by the boarvf of cottmU-ioni- n th.1 an appropnatlon of 25 or st much therctif a may be neceatary ii herebv made for rad diitrict No. 77 ; for 1 building bridge, etc.. to bo jialtf hen bridj: are complete f. u " u ln:-3- . ?ii nocc,Ar-- v l an1 to paid whn '- -' by that -- r, v.. I CO., was tram ferret! from the coutitr ninVinir funi! to the court homo fund ami ctiunty irvuMircr U ititructrd to make aW transfer. Hoanl unlered that connty warrant bo drawn by tho clerk at as early a d? a jMisiblrt for all ntnlited and nlloWrd account, allowed on general, bridge court hou.to fund now utitxtand for which warrant Were to bo' drawn, and the atnu. The followiuj; rejMtrl of J. I, liavha. county clhrk. was presented aad aftrr tine cnrcir.ation approved. Ked Cloud June 30th. UW3. To th board if cutntnhuon(ri bt W winter county most reiwctfully atob nut u report of feu collected by m a county ciork of Wftbiter cohnty. Neb., l.tr llicjiiarter ending Juno 30, UvHi. i IT ( !.Attrt Iu0rt44' Slo.1 ( tfn Ivtwr b!mluirfttton rc'rtt 171 Mritcngt-- ' .rfti:iiiiunt of Murtcao ill I'atrlitt Itrlnaaoj uf laortc'r " Iinon. etc, H ,,,n ' li.ire I h.ro t ! I I i " 11 ( ontmot A &cirmiiitt 2 Ior '.' liuisd for iliMKs 1 m.laU I H'-lon-e of liwito S CtrtlncnU ot puroho ti H M.liiUlio Urn " 6 Klriy notice 1 Notary ( oiii A Botiil ' I Uulcatp nircUnliie Urn " iArtk'r ineiriMirntUiu I Arit::iiiniiit Umd for lrt " 3 AckiuiwIfHlumrBti linlf W CorttflCAtr. t4 Altrfcct t Cettlflcalo to &rkia!cdcuint( 'J Inc tttil contiRct II Marcinnl Itrlraics I Copy mortem I I rrtiflw! ctpir rhftttl woTtfc 1 (Vftlncfttr u cpy Cllttl Mortcc 1 tvmnct to indit 5 iVftlflcBU ot chfcrctT it TranMrrlpti of Jmtfrtiirnla 11 riM homMit'-ni- l n ynt 31 Declaration f l..tnUon 1 Certifi! copy tranerlpt Julcnnt '1 Cortincat" tit aClilTttt DUtrlct court ! Vty term j ToUl ltHpt Iltlinco on tuuid March 31, l5 Total I til tnsri 13 5'V air I 13 ;i (o to I m a to V) 1W ",: WTi i -- n Uf tvf ze ir HUf )' 13 M 73 w tu Cntv. (V CW ttn tat 2! quarter cfcrtln Jon. :S 375 00 Deputy elk ff- - '.err lx tfm 17i OJ Kttra clara hlra fur Uitm tliuo aw W ? ltoJancoori bufl Jnn30.1M3 tlTOH' State of Nebraska. Wcbiter ronnlyr 1 hereby certify that the" foregoing ! a true nnd correct ncrount of ;hi ffr re- ceived and dliruried by tn a coonty' clerk and ex-oftlc- io clerk of thi dlr!ct court in and for naid counly and statu aforciaid for the quarter ending Juno' 30. 1H.S5, to the bent of rnr knowlrgfj' and btlief. J. P. 1atha. Clerk. Red CFooil. Neb.. July 10, l"Ji5. Subscribed and aworn VI bi3T turn thin 21th dny July. X! SAMt'Kf. West. JtMticr Paco. Board now adjourned loS-pt- . 1. 18M5 3. . Mit.i.r.K. J. P. TiAYriA. Chnirman. County Clerk. Farm for Sale A valt;awlc farm of 2 JO acre. Vnorf a.5 Maple Grove Farm," ercn milrr )outhwet of Rci Clond. 1 10 acrr iir a hih tate of cultivation, 1J5 acre of pasture with three wire fence. Goo! hrg lot and cctllft rtn! ehtff corral. Hmall orchard fenri'd Sfrrm o nfrtr failing water. feJby fotfr larger spring runs through farm. Pnty o titnbe? for fuel and burldin urpo: of liutiaingM att nc. comtiung oi iramw hou, 2Jix3Trf 1 rry, oonUins fotir roomi and cellar I WS). A goor well of water 30 fct dep ncXr t) tlmr.-Fram- e barn Krfx3. 11 fct ptf. ciq and granary; well 21 feet dC-'-p rfar by Chicken houe Itx'i-f- , ho? hed JOxiv hep or cattle pht4 CxCO Thw U one of the bit and richee? ntxk f trm in ou them Ncbnmka. Price f 17 per arre; part caih, part in two yr and artlrffonryear? at ter: per cent, in- terest Will pay tlOtfCMh tor anyone fornwning nri miter roon. Aa wrm of ICO cri in fcnnth connty, Kan.aj, ten mile oithwel of Red CUrd, Eighty acres in cnlura- - tJon, including 14 acr-- 9 artihcial tjfrt Road district settlement approreii a -- er 0 yaan ojd, con urns nearly 0X1 follows: M.S. Rallartf. O. 1L R. D. - ?,Lirr5lf,vu iL1 '' No. 3, dtre connty .2. 95. , . tezjfok frm and wHI h aold '. Via. Otnhwaite presented applica-- , 10J0 per acre; part ch. parvin two tion for relief from taae wrongfally x yearsi and LnUnc m (hree yerx. Will asiewed for tbe rear 12. on lota 4. 5 m afenymft frfc1g and 6. in block 3. LaDnc'j addition toj' j liar; tn, j ff Wol Rei Cloud aad for the year 18J on lot' Menso hcen for wl ataf iMWJpfc r 111. block 3. LaDnc's addition to Red ; time .For prticuUr call :m r n Qocd. Said application referred to the urnr "' 1 1 1tryi . Whr!r coont vt 30 tw' of the j - - ... . .... . .Hr-v - - -- - - -- - '-- - .- .'.-- -. . - - X&? ' v 5 I I f i - - " ir a ?i t I i ' r Jl,1-- ' llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll r MllHllllBBflllHHlllMaBBa- - m

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Post on 03-Feb-2021




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    Reliable Furniture and Undertaking HouseOpposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, is

    the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the


    the RcpuDl can Vallev and my'prices can not fail to please.




    copy, oncyoa . - 61 50Doe copy. lx mop h. "5.3d copy, four mo ith. ... jfl.

    iintered At the i oBtofflce in Jted Cloud as mat- -of thecond class.

    B M. Tirao Tablo.

    Arrhe. lavawr.vr

    No 3n 7 niami.--J a njiam R.V)p in7! it i) oo i m caiHii

    fr- r.n 6 i- - uin5 It 8 oopm

    ICAST4 a in .in ji in

    M ii fWam l!H40 A 10 05 pill 10 15 pill

    llii Oxford ami IlastiiiK expi ess awl Cretenmll make eonwetiun- - at Hastings ami CreteWith Dener. hlt-an- through train.

    Mating ami O-l- trciin limjrs p .Sangerfrom Chicago to lH-i-- r e.pr-H- S.

    vV. J Wkm:ii. Ticket Aacn-.-

    fc-- C

    couxrr offiwrs.John P. Hayha, County Clerk.UIijih. Buschow, County Treasurer,loo. O. Yeisor, County Judge.

    C.W. Wnrrcn, SlierilK.Chiw. W. Springer, Superintendent ol

    Public Instruction.C. P. Itinker, County Surveyor.II. K. Shero.r. County Coroner,jfcicob L. Miller, 5Tno. MoCiilluin County Com.I. B. Hampton,

    Business Directory.

    1 JtO. B. STA SKU,




    SURVEYOR,Orders left nt the A I'M met oflicc will

    receiVe prompt attention.



    U. S. Examiniim Surgeon.Okkick Opposite Fiist National

    Bank Red Cloud.' ...-- .


    RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKAOkfick Over Honry Cook's thug

    store. Professional calls attended d.yor night.


    m.K-w- st of Cook's drugstore,4nrru'K.VFtrt t to 12 a. in., l ! 4. ami 7 to

    ', m. 3 Mocks, west of mint ouse..trUlOlAJUIi. - - - XKHKASKA.


    lied Cloud, Nebraska.

    m frfica: Over the new po.toiDee.


    ATTORNEYS.Red Cloud, Nebraska.

    Omen In Smith Bros, law oflico.

    2 W. Ki.r.r. J. L. Kalky.Kaley Bros.


    RED CLOUD. NEB.Agents for the B. & M. R. K. Lands

    O. C. Cask. Jas. McNkny.

    r Case & McNeny,A TTORSEYS AND COUXSULORS AT LAW.r Will pnietiee m all courts ol this sa

    well us litiirAtcit luisiness eareful- -y k"-- 1 -- "Icientlv Attended U). Abstracts furnish-rdiift- p

    licatlon.(rtc-Ov- er First Xatlonal Rank. Red

    I'luuu. -- 'eb.


    Cowles. Nebraska.Professional calls piomptly attended.Office : At residence Cowles. $-5- 1

    RJE. 3foore. Prea't J. I-- Mlner.Vp.wt.John Moore, Cajhisri- -

    First Nationaf BankRED CLOUD. NEB'

    Capital, - 75,000.frasuct a eneral barcinc busing, bay andX sell Connty Trrnt. Alo County. Prc- -riact and School Dittrtct bond. Buy and cell

    rcisn Exchanse.UIKKCTOll:

    R. K. Toora. John .Voore,3'W. Meeker.

    fT.K Ricbirdfoc.K. C. Uatcalt

    Nebaska Lumber Co,

    LFS AC.









    mi)aus&ge, Bologna,

    Salt Moat,Fresh Fish,






    W1LL:mQ3HER, Prop.



    rXia I:KST ISlHmm m u j

    4W&, O ka O W MHAB

    House and Sign Painter,Grainer and Glazier

    All kinds of Fancy and Plain wall Decora-tions Promptly and Neatly Done.

    Getniy terms before yon have yonr workdone. Work guaranteed.

    CHAS. BUSCHOW, Prcsidont, E. F. "HIGHLAND, Vice-Preside- nt,

    Root V SHIREY, Treasurer. j


    FASM mAM mCAPITAL, $-10,00- 0.


    ... P.KTnnes. O.CCasc. R V.Shirey, Chas. Buschow,E. F. H inland, Geo. B. Holland, D.M.Piatt.


    MONEY LOANEDon imprhved in Nebraska and Money furnished as soon ns the

    security is approved Principlo and into-o- st payable in Red Cloud.



    RED CLOUD MEAT MARKETr;Irt lnt)r South 'l ytlt'r-t'rN:Hn- w

    ston.PBESH AND SAL




    &c, &c.Alwaya on hand.Ctu Him sofi themwhenovoryc a wanttho best and tho



    alav.ladkv e& F

    ri-- M? i T&lMrJU x SV



    --;.' 4. -- itlj rr in mjrjy .V "; J'Ji" .1 PjSiii-C-

    '4pr-- .!-- y


    yr . j--


    ()- -


    R. B.Geo. J. Warren.




    JOHN B0ESCH,Ageat,


    Acme Pulverizer,Harrow. rio! Cnilier ami Lcveler, ?ubject5 the

    oil to the action of a Meel Cniher ami jzx- -cler. ami the cutting, litliiss. tuniius

    lner- - of itouble patrs of teeleonl- -ter. the jieculiar haje and ar--rausiunentof v.iitchplTe

    Immense Cutting Power !The thrers jlioii of crnluns lnnjp.leellnstlie, proimii. and thnruujihly pulverizing t lit- - ?oilare icrfonnett at the ame tlim. The entite alvyeaie of juke or irinc teeth avoid pnllinc upnibliih: it ticially adapted to Inserted xkIhand hanl clay, where other harrow utterlv fair.Satisfy jonrsclf ly pivins the ACME- - a triiL

    Sold in Rea Cloui by A. "A POPE.


    Stock Sale!210 HEAD OF STOCK !ovBaaBaaaaaaBwaaa 1SJaiHaaaaaBiBaa HBhBIb.

    avxA KVK?F5i3ter

    Embracing Cattle,

    The undorsiimoa will eell at Public Auction at Ids residonco four mile?west of Rod Cloud und throo miloa cast of Inavalo, on

    Thursday Morning, .'Jug. JJ, (if feu .. .If.,117 cattle, consisting of 60 milch cows, 31

    giving milk, 10 yearling steers, 30 springcalves, 6 yearling heifers, 1 Hereford

    Bull; 6 four year-ol- d WorkHorses, 3 two year old colts

    1 Yearling Coif, 2 Spring Coifs, 1 Saddle Tony,80 Jlead of Jlogs,

    TERMS ,:1 credit of fierier monfhs will beXiren, on. note and approved- - security, with ten percent, interest from, date. 5 per cant, oj) for cashin, hand.

    D. II. KALEY.J. M' Warren , Auctioneer,





    - --t- -" -- - I


    Is Lfw repsrei to

    put sows m mm wells :t Iholii" lutillUe e:rs 'xjwnfiin lie will inaki a llrt el.iss well

    tneliilTn' rTIliHiK eoiiij-lel- e no malti r wlmt ktnil ol -- oil lito lie iN'iieinitfil. inteKs:u'il ilo-- i not himler

    Price fcr a Well, Tnp and all. Ore Telia? per each ftotA reaMn:ill-.l.dnrHoi- i will lo tho-- o ulm li.ue :'.' "I'llto commence wiMi. IMn inlwr there Is u ll AKAMr.1.

    Klven for aCOOD Kl.I.or.NO l'A.Apply in perion or by letter to

    Can field JTill, M-b.-,

    Hardvare and Windmill Merchants.


    Furniture and Fancy Notion Bazar,Parties wishing Fumituro will savo mono? by oxamining my goods

    boforo purchasing

    NEW '0DS AMID NmiDWBovery clay. In concoction with my furnitures I havo a largo

    supply cf all kinds of notions with

    Prices to the Buyer !Such as Tinware, Soaps, Glassware, Towels, Handkorchiofa &c, and

    will bo eoldcneapor than at any piaco in Rod Cloud



    Fine Office Work a Specialty.Laiunin,: .n ahcr on liant. OfKce crrcrClout allou.il lt.uik.

    Cheap LumberFROM OMA HA.Joist, scantling and small5 timbor . INo. 1 fencing 4 and 6 inchesNo. 2 fencing 4 and 6 inchosNo 1-- lst common boards rough or drees op -" 2-2- nd common boards rough or dreasoQ" 3-3- rd common boards rough or

    12 inch No 1 boards dressed12 inch " 2 boards dressed'No 1 shiplap plain or O G .

    2 shiplap plain orOO ." 1 flooring 4 and 6 inches clear"2 6 inches"3 "6 inches" 1 siding clear .

    2 ' 2nd clear3 siding 3rd clear

    "Wide clear flnichihg dressed two sides .8 and lO inch 2nd clear dressed two sides8 and 10 inch 3rd clear dressed two sides

    extra shingles warrantedstandard shingles

    LathTlst quality6-5 1 clear door-- j

    1 I clesnloors10x14 S Ihrht check rail windows .J2jc34 liht check mil wintlowrsi







    19 OO22 OO19 OO20 OO18 5016 OO21 OO19 SO22 OO20 OO39 OO32 OO22 OO23 5021 5017 OO43 OO40 OO35 OO

    3 203 OO3 25

    1 '2h1 50I 001 50

    If yru fUh trbuiMalu nrtnrn vnlalitol what lnmtrjTOi'xiIIneJ to tiro or thr?of thetteUcrsattmiahaand jr.uiUget all tte mfunn-tio- u jnai tant. ALost $Ji worth ofcommon liuuNr niako a car toad.

    Mnwof thelnniVr l!rr at OnaUa L as follows- - y. VC, C.rsj,f.v Losit Ktai:brti. Sral lajotarutllsatMt ?s Eicrra fctm- -I us: fcat tae !ua:brr viH cot UJ4 Iou. CorropcBdrace iHrrCtlTc crotni at:n.ii(M.


    POWDERMOST PERFECT MADEIrpii?5 by a jvhyilcian trtth xtA: rrrlloUaii. u Amf'y ZLt yf Jilutu.

    Ay-'JA- K .- - w.wv.vu kv : w.is.'rs.Vv ""iJKJ $' --0. "Tt. tylT mnl hrrrhy tmit fortf3?Vl-''t- i "sV1"-"i''-'l

    ' culfcrta be conixilrtrd.SoA Onlcrei! the Iwanl f.'Uii iji .T --. . ' "v "".ex'-ses-

    c .

    Catfnnc; for Makin? Crram of Tarurr OH PKIC'8 CRCAM BAKING FOWOCB.

    WBML I

    g' onacT


    A.L-- Vi'i "I'l"""


    EXTRACTSMOST PERFECT MADE1'nnwt mnl tninvt'Ht N".iti:ml I'mll Kl.anr.

    VanllU. i"ranv. Aliwintl. hw, ,,,,tl ur ;u ilclicitt ly .uid natumUr as the (rult.


    Xj ., Jlii.8 't 9IIOKT1CU LIIUIST

    AM UKai I'll IN

    Nursery Slock!A I liml wm ejrrleiiee In thr NiirvrItuilncNi. think 1 uui tnrnili omtocW to suit

    our cllnute Inmi

    Uomc Grown Nurseries!Ami uouM .llt a of the nwlf

    Commissioners" Proceed irifff.Kui Ci.oci), Nhu.. July '21, 1.VVJ.

    Hoard of commissioner met pursu-ant to adjournment. Troonl J. LMiller and Iviinli Ii. Hampton countycommissioner., J. I. Hayha countyclerk.

    T!ih following appointments wcrumade: James V. Kobinson. (). II. K.I). No. ia; John I'olnicky. O. II. R. l.No. 7.

    OfTicial bonds nppTored its follow.'Fred 1. Heed, county juirveyor; W. H.ijiiIdon,Ju5tice of the l'uace 1'otsdamprecinct.

    Report of E. O. Parker J. I. f JuidoHock precinct presented and approvedami claim attached allowed.

    The following clanna were auditedand allowed and warranH to be drawnon the county general fund for thesame when such warrants arc orderedto be drawn:

    Frank A. Swcezy. Icl fifvicca inJoe Cook cac $100; Irving W. Crary.poor bill L6.3.'i; J. H. Fi.ik. boaniincpauper, Conrad Schwancr $16; Wni.Hnthaway. coal for poor 10. 2.5 to 'J.iSIIciTner & Durgin. meat for poor 15.30;G. E. McKecby, mcdiwil service t'23.00;Jos. W. Warren, boarling and waahingfor D. Spearman and raeaLn for Juror

    20.25; Chaa. Springer services countyfCG".50

    Tho following claim aoditod andallowed and warrant ordered tn bedrawn on court hotrsc ftrnd: WalkerM. Vischcr, painting court hotfse etc,el JO.

    The following claims were &nditeand allowed and warrants ordered tobe drawn on the county bridge lund forto pay same: A. C. Hale, bridge ma-terial for Inavale bridge 273.44; G. W.Dox. bridge bolU $5.25; Rccd & Haw-Ic- y,

    bridge lirobcra S53..15.The following claim were sndited

    and duly rejected:, Cbas. H. Potter,hone rent for Mr. Bnrkhea4 $12; C.H. Potter, hoase real for John Moody$20; Archibald Thompson, boo rest

    cAanly attorney.' I




    Horses Hogs.







    ! Application tor tho Tucation of thoI alley In block frcnl?ti 17 Smith

    M ore's addition to Red Cloud, rrff rrrt!; to county atiorncji for dccUiiA ?tj juriIittlon.

    Ordered by th board ibit an appnvpriatiou of iio or much tbrreof amsv tw 3ccearY I hereby mJ forroid district No 25 for bnHdirij; brilg.-ct- c

    . to be paid when b?Mp r coro-pletr- d.

    (rd'-ff- i by the boarvf of cottmU-ioni- nth.1 an appropnatlon of 25 or

    st much therctif a may be neceataryii herebv made for rad diitrict No. 77

    ; for


    building bridge, etc.. to bo jialtfhen bridj: are complete f.

    u " uln:-3- .

    ?ii nocc,Ar-- v l

    an1 to paid whn'-

    -'by that

    --r, v..




    tram ferret! from the coutitr ninVinirfuni! to the court homo fund ami ctiuntyirvuMircr U ititructrd to make aWtransfer.

    Hoanl unlered that connty warrantbo drawn by tho clerk at as early a d?a jMisiblrt for all ntnlited and nlloWrdaccount, allowed on general, bridge

    court hou.to fund now utitxtandfor which warrant Were to bo'

    drawn, and the atnu.The followiuj; rejMtrl of J. I, liavha.

    county clhrk. was presented aad aftrrtine cnrcir.ation approved.

    Ked Cloud June 30th. UW3.To th board if cutntnhuon(ri bt

    W winter county most reiwctfully atobnut u report of feu collected by m acounty ciork of Wftbiter cohnty. Neb.,l.tr llicjiiarter ending Juno 30, UvHi.

    iIT ( !.Attrt Iu0rt44' Slo.1

    ( tfn Ivtwr b!mluirfttton rc'rtt171 Mritcngt-- '

    .rfti:iiiiunt of Murtcaoill

    I'atrlittItrlnaaoj uf laortc'r "

    Iinon. etc, H ,,,n '


    h.ro t






    11 ( ontmot A &cirmiiitt2 Ior'.' liuisd for iliMKs1 m.laUI H'-lon-e of liwitoS CtrtlncnU ot puroho ti

    H M.liiUlio Urn "6 Klriy notice1 Notary ( oiii A Botiil 'I Uulcatp nircUnliie Urn "iArtk'r ineiriMirntUiuI Arit::iiiniiit Umd for lrt "3 AckiuiwIfHlumrBti linlfW CorttflCAtr. t4 Altrfcctt Cettlflcalo to &rkia!cdcuint('J Inc tttil contiRctII Marcinnl ItrlraicsI Copy mortemI I rrtiflw! ctpir rhftttl woTtfc1 (Vftlncfttr u cpy Cllttl Mortcc1 tvmnct to indit5 iVftlflcBU ot chfcrctTit TranMrrlpti of Jmtfrtiirnla11 riM homMit'-ni- l n ynt31 Declaration f l..tnUon1 Certifi! copy tranerlpt Julcnnt'1 Cortincat" tit aClilTtttDUtrlct court ! Vty term j

    ToUl ltHptIltlinco on tuuid March 31, l5


    I tiltnsri

    13 5'V

    airI 13



    I ma to




    i --n




    )'13 M




    (V CW ttn tat 2! quarter cfcrtlnJon. :S 375 00

    Deputy elk ff- - '.err lx tfm 17i OJKttra clara hlra fur Uitm tliuo aw W ?ltoJancoori bufl Jnn30.1M3 tlTOH'

    State of Nebraska. Wcbiter ronnlyr1 hereby certify that the" foregoing ! atrue nnd correct ncrount of ;hi ffr re-ceived and dliruried by tn a coonty'clerk and ex-oftlc- io clerk of thi dlr!ctcourt in and for naid counly and statuaforciaid for the quarter ending Juno'30. 1H.S5, to the bent of rnr knowlrgfj'and btlief. J. P. 1atha. Clerk.

    Red CFooil. Neb.. July 10, l"Ji5.Subscribed and aworn VI bi3T turn

    thin 21th dny July. X!SAMt'Kf. West. JtMticr Paco.

    Board now adjourned loS-pt- . 1. 18M53. . Mit.i.r.K.

    J. P. TiAYriA. Chnirman.County Clerk.

    Farm for Sale

    A valt;awlc farm of 2 JO acre. Vnorfa.5 Maple Grove Farm," ercn milrr)outhwet of Rci Clond. 1 10 acrr iira hih tate of cultivation, 1J5 acre ofpasture with three wire fence. Goo!hrg lot and cctllft rtn! ehtff corral.Hmall orchard fenri'd Sfrrm o nfrtrfailing water. feJby fotfr larger springruns through farm. Pnty otitnbe? for fuel and burldin urpo: ofliutiaingM att nc. comtiung oi iramwhou, 2Jix3Trf 1 rry, oonUins fotirroomi and cellar I WS). A goor wellof water 30 fct dep ncXr t) tlmr.-Fram- e

    barn Krfx3. 11 fct ptf. ciqand granary; well 21 feet dC-'-p rfar byChicken houe Itx'i-f- , ho? hed JOxivhep or cattle pht4 CxCO Thw U

    one of the bit and richee? ntxk f trmin ou them Ncbnmka. Price f 17 perarre; part caih, part in two yr and

    artlrffonryear? at ter: per cent, in-terest Will pay tlOtfCMh tor anyonefornwning nri miter roon.Aa wrm of ICO cri in fcnnthconnty, Kan.aj, ten mile oithwel of

    Red CUrd, Eighty acres in cnlura- -tJon, including 14 acr-- 9 artihcial tjfrt

    Road district settlement approreii a --er 0 yaan ojd, con urns nearly 0X1follows: M.S. Rallartf. O. 1L R. D. - ?,Lirr5lf,vu iL1 ''No. 3, dtre connty .2. 95. , . tezjfok frm and wHI h aold '.

    Via. Otnhwaite presented applica-- , 10J0 per acre; part ch. parvin twotion for relief from taae wrongfally x yearsi and LnUnc m (hree yerx. Willasiewed for tbe rear 12. on lota 4. 5 m afenymft frfc1gand 6. in block 3. LaDnc'j addition toj' j liar; tn, j ffWolRei Cloud aad for the year 18J on lot' Menso hcen for wl ataf iMWJpfc r

    111. block 3. LaDnc's addition to Red ; time .For prticuUr call :m r nQocd. Said application referred to the urnr "'

    1 11tryi . Whr!r coontvt





    j- - ... . .... . .Hr-v - - -- - - -- - '-- - .- .'.-- -. . - - X&? 'v5 II fi - -" ir a ?it I i ' r Jl,1--'

    llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll r MllHllllBBflllHHlllMaBBa- -
