ehma cyprus 2016 - "drivers & trends of luxury hospitality"

ETHOS The Ancient Principles for Augmenting Emotional Energy by John M. Kalogerakis - PATHOS - LOGOS

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John M. Kalogerakis


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‘Man is the measure of ALL things’ Protagoras

• Creative but also Commercial • Friendly but also Demanding • Classical but also Modern • Extreme but also Conservative • Patient but also Fast • Human but also Professional • Emotional but also Logical •

The ‘hotelling’ world is

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Technology is undoubtedly valuable for the guests

as it caters for greatly enhanced convenience and comfort

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If however hoteliers want to make guests truly happy they must also cater

for the emotional connection

This is achieved by having ALL employees understand

& practice how to create this


How to create the Emotional Energy

in the hotel

With what actions this energy can be

communicated to the guest



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Emotion drives


What ?

Why ?

Who ?

How ?

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• In Ancient Greece hospitality was considered an act of virtue

• Guests ( Xenos=foreigner or stranger ) were protected by Xenios Zeus and Athena the Xenia.

• There was a divine requirement to take care of guests while not treating them well was considered a sin. Hospitality was like a ceremony and was provided to every guest who irrespective of the class he belonged, could stay in a special room called the ‘guest room’

• At the time of Homer, in any home, a stranger could find hospitality

• Hospitality had an important social effect, as it could link people of any class, even ordinary citizens with kings .

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• A guest, upon his arrival, offered wishes to the hosting family and upon departure was offered gifts .

• The master of the house according to the ancient Greeks ‘The Hotelier’, would invite the guest to his house and would offer a meal in his honor .

• The invitation to a meal was called ‘call for hospitality’ • The stranger, after the standard bath, wearing luxurious

clothes offered by the host would sit on a throne of honor. • The meal lasted long with various discussions in which

the the lady of the house (hostess) would freely participate. The guest after the meal was expected to tell a a story or a joke .

• If for some reason the guest could not dine with the ‘hotelier’, food was sent to his room.

• Jupiter (Xenios Zeus) the God of Gods, was also the God of Hospitality, which indicated the importance of the institution

Hospitality was an essential element of everyday life

Jupiter (Xenios Zeus) the God of Gods, was also the God of Hospitality, which indicated the importance ancient Greeks gave to the institution of hospitality

‘The roots of Hospitality’

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‘The roots of Hospitality’

Going back to the spiritual and ancient roots of hospitality, one encounters the teachings of Aristotle.

“How to …”

Aristotle insisted that the purpose of ethics is "practical" rather than "theoretical" or "speculative"

The School of Athens, or Scuola di Atene in Italian, is one of the most famous frescoes by the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael. It was painted between 1509 and 1511 as a part of

Raphael's commission to decorate the rooms now known as the Stanze di Raffaello, in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican.

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Aristotle insisted that the purpose of ethics is "practical" rather than "theoretical" or "speculative"

The School of Athens, or Scuola di Atene in Italian, is one of the most famous frescoes by the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael. It was painted between 1509 and 1511 as a part of

Raphael's commission to decorate the rooms now known as the Stanze di Raffaello, in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican.

Devine Practical

ETHOS • Ethics • Morale • Trust

PATHOS • Passion • Emotion • Beliefs

LOGOS • Logic • Reason • Knowledge

Satisfy – Convince – Persuade – Sell

How the spiritual & ancient roots of Hospitality can help us today

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• to socialize

• to empathize

• to ‘cue off’ other people

We are all ‘made’

Emotion is contagious

• When others are sad, - we get sad

• When others laugh, - we want to laugh

• When others are depressed, - we get depressed

• When others are scared, - we tend to get concerned

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• Emotions can spread • from one employee to the next • and then to the customer

“Emotional contagion” is the tendency between two or more people to emotionally converge

The Social Values of the new decade ( 2020 ) for persuading others

Ethos Pathos Logos

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Emotional energy ( EQ ) Spiritual energy ( SQ ) Mental energy ( IQ & CQ ) Physical energy ( Pilates !!! )

Mental Energy



The High Performance Pyramid The Making of a Corporate Athlete By Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz

Emotional Energy

Physical Energy

The High Performance Pyramid The Making of a Corporate Athlete By Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz

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Φιλοξενία Is in our DNA

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it” (Heb. 13:2) “The Hospitality of Abraham”

Sense of purpose = ENERGY

Dining at the Captain’ s table !

Priviledge !

Honor !

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Emotion drives


Sence of purpose



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Everything in our body works because it is based on energy.

Thinking is energy

Positive thinking is energy

Negative thinking is energy

and affects our psychology

Unhappy customers

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The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed in 1983 by Howard Gardner as a model of intelligence that differentiates intelligence into various, rather than seeing it as dominated by a single general ability.

Howard Gardner

Peter Salovey & his colleague Jack Mayer defined & tested the concept of EQ in the early 1990s that launched the international scientific EQ movement. ( Dr. Salovey is Dean of Yale College )

Peter Salovey

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Daniel Goleman

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The Greek Philosophy of Influence

ETHOS > Model trustworthiness PATHOS > Seek first to understand LOGOS > Then to be understood

The Greek Philosophy of Influence • ETHOS is our ethical nature. • What is expected from us • What we have promised • Our personal credibility • Our personal trustworthiness



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The Greek Philosophy of Influence • PATHOS is our empathy • It is an inside feeling • It is understanding how another feels • What others need • How others see things • What they are trying to say



The Greek Philosophy of Influence • LOGOS is our logic • It has to do with the power &

persuasion of our own ideas • Our particular thinking • Our logical proposals • It also incudes our creativity &

imagination of our proposals




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The sequence is supremely important ! To move to LOGOS before people feel understood, is futile !

To try to create understanding when there is no faith in your character is likewise futile !

The hotelier of today needs ( more than ever )

Ethos - Pathos - Logos SQ - EQ - CQ

Everything has already been said ! But since many were not listening, we have to start all over again !

What Stephen

Covey said

to me

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The hotelier of today needs ( more than ever )

Ethos - Pathos - Logos SQ - EQ - CQ

But we also discussed

something else

It is an internalized inclination to do good, with a strong sense of social responsibility.

Filotimo or Philotimo Etymologically ( lit.) it means "love of honor” ( philos + timi )

The honor referred to is not merely external, or for "show" purposes, but a psychologically internalized yardstick of goodness.

Is is a complex array of virtues, that encompasses honor, dignity & pride.

It is noble, honorable actions & behaviours, hospitality & responsibilities with each other

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We all need love and to hear the voice of empathy. We all want to feel the soft and gentle energy of loving kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care,

which are the pillars of genuine hospitality.

“The Future of the Guest Experience” By Peter McAlpine

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Develop the hotel staff continuously with Anthropocentric Training on the basic core values

Creating the much needed Emotional Energy in the Hotel

Develop hotel leadership behaviours so that they support the heart-based hospitality & guest experience 1











bull market ends

bear market ends






Liz Ann



Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

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Currently, most hotels are :



We can find

good managers

But its not easy to

find Good


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Great Team-Work is always Inspired by the Team-Leader

Seminar : “Hotel Team LEADER-ment’

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Seminar : “Hotel Team LEADER-ment’

People believe in the leader, then the vision & then ACT !

I will follow you if …

• you inspire me with your vision • you treat me with respect • you teach me new things • you do what you preach • you tell me the truth • you listen to me

Pericles on Leadership

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Try catching them doing something WRONG !

Try catching them doing something RIGHT !

• Aha ! Gotcha ! • Wrong ! Mistake ! • Caught in the act eh ?

• Well-done ! • BRAVO ! • Thank you ! Good Job !

This is a brush. But in 1968 Joe Saltzer, a cleaner working for NASA saw it differently. When asked by a visitor what he did, he replied,

This level of commitment can’t be bought. But it can be developed !

“I’m helping to put a man on the moon.”

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In every hotel manager, In every hotel employee, there are …

Death Valley Flowers Panorama (3.15.2005)

seeds of potential… waiting for the right climate to flourish !

• Listen to my opinions & ideas • Never lie to me – tell me the truth

• Respect me • ‘Walk the talk’ – do as you preach

• Let’s have some fun • Teach me new stuff - but do not heart my ego

• Challenge me – or I’ll find someone else who will

• Inspire me with your vision – I am looking for a role model

• Be flexible – I have many other parts to my life that I need to fit in

What the young people want from their managers:

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The new ( enhanced ) role of the Hotel Manager :

1. Inspire staff ( from the receptionist to the housekeeping lady ! )

2. Manage relationships – NOT people 3. Create a climate of ‘SELF-MOTIVATION’

4. Hotel


Social Psychology drives human behavior.

Economics is simply the score !


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P R Reference Person

We are NOT in the coffee business serving people

We are in the people business serving coffee !

Howard Schultz

Chairman & CEO of Starbucks

YOU are in the people business making them happy, stressless & relaxed

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“ …. with our actions, we physically modify our brain to become better at it.”

“Έξις δευτέρα φύσις”


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Attitude ! ( Frame of mind )

If you ask any employee of any Disney park : What time does the park closes ?

They will answer you :

‘The park stays open until 8 o’clock in the evening’ !


Maitre d’ Hotel


Executive Chef

Διευθυντής Διαμονής

Rooms Division


Υποδιευθυντ. Επισιτιστικών

Assist. F & B


Διευθυντής Ρεσεψιόν

Front Office


Διευθύντρια Δημ. Σχέσ.


Relations Manager

Διευθύντρια Πωλήσεων

Sales Manager

Γενικός Διευθυντής



Διευθυντής Εκδηλώσεων



Διευθυντής Επισιτιστικών

Food & Bever.


Διευθύντρια Πελατειακών


Guest Relations


Διευθύντρια Κρατήσεων



Οικονομικός Διευθυντής

Financial Manager

Διευθύντρια Καθαρισμού



Διευθυντής Προσωπικού

Personnel Manager

Διευθυντής Συντήρησης



The organization chart of the Management Team

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The people of the Management Team


Dimitra Agne Costas Dimitri

George Dimitra Christina Vaggelis Nick Harry

Sotiris Manolis Fofo John Sakis

Order taking or Order making

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Social media is NOT just :

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Click & post !!

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Emotional energy felt by our children

Emotional energy felt by our children

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Anthropocentric Coaching & Mentoring

Performance & Development Review ( PDR : Performance Appraisal with Developmental emphasis )

Anthropocentric Training & Development, to cultivate the various Quotients (EQ, SQ, CQ etc)

My proposal is

to use :




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A small thing can make a huge difference

Everyone you meet

is fighting a battle

you know

nothing about

Be kind

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Virtual Concierge Human Concierge

Good morning Sir, how may I help you ?

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Technological advances : of course we need them !

But there is a great danger : loosing focus !

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‘Too much’ technology ?

‘Too much’ technology ?

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‘Too much’ technology ?

‘Too much’ technology ?

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Glasses take a picture ! Glasses open my e-mails !

Maps, TV, YouTube, Mobile phone, Music, Video

Glasses take a picture ! Glasses open my e-mails !

Maps, TV, YouTube, Mobile phone, Music, Video

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We live in PEOPLE’s TIME

Build the EMOTIONAL connection !!

Built this connection amongst yourselves & your customers !

Dinosaurs will be extinct !

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The path to happiness Is to do what you love

The path to success Is to love what you do !

GET passionate about • Your Hotel • Your services • Your people • YOU !!

If you want to succeed in the hotel

business, NOW is the

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If not YOU, then who ? If not NOW, then when ?

SUCCESS is a matter of


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HAPPINESS is a matter of



We can all use





Augment the

Emotional Energy

in our hotels

John M. Kalogerakis


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When you


you find ways.

When you

don’t want,

you find

excuses !

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LOVE never goes out of style !

Janine’s last letter written on paper towel. It is addressed to one of the daughters – there was no time to write to the other daughter …

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“All you need is love” John Lennon & Paul McCartney

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Thank you VERY MUCH for your time & attention

[email protected]