egru @ goldschmidt 2016

NEWSLETTER Economic Geology Research Centre College of Science and Engineering James Cook University Townsville, Queensland Australia Issue: August 2016 IN THIS ISSUE: NE Qld Prospectivity Project FUTORES II Conference

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NEWSLETTEREconomic Geology Research CentreCollege of Science and EngineeringJames Cook UniversityTownsville, QueenslandAustralia

Issue: August 2016


NE Qld Prospectivity Project

FUTORES II Conference

EGRU News August 2016 3

EGRU 2016EGRU 2016

2 EGRU News August 2016

EGRU CHAIRMANTrevor ShawMount Isa Mines

DEPUTY CHAIR Kaylene CamutiLantana Exploration

DIRECTORA/Prof. Zhaoshan ChangCollege of Science and Engineering

Dan GoddardSouth 32

Roric SmithEvolution Mining

Jim MorrisonConsultant

Simon BeamsTerra Search Pty Ltd

Nick LisowiecCarpentaria Gold

Stewart ParkerConsultant

John NetheryNedex Pty Ltd

Ron FurnellRocsol Pty Ltd

Geoff PhillipsConsultant

Prof. Noel WhiteConsultantAdjunct JCU

Prof. Paul DirksProfessor of GeoscienceCollege of Science and Engineering

A/Prof. Eric RobertsHead of GeosciencesCollege of Science and Engineering

EGRU Board

Cover photo: Native copper from the Rocklands copper-magnetite-cobalt project, Cloncurry district, north Queensland. Specimen courtesy of A/Prof. Zhaoshan Chang; photography by Dr Cassian Pirard.

EGrU ContaCtsEGRU DIRECTORAssociate Professor Zhaoshan ChangTel: 61 7 4781 6434Email: [email protected]

EGRU MANAGERJudy BottingTel: 61 7 4781 4726Email: [email protected]

EGRU COMMUNICATIONKaylene CamutiTel: 61 7 4781 4726Email: [email protected]

WEB: Geology Research Centre (EGRU)College of Science and EngineeringJames Cook UniversityTownsville, QLD, 4814, Australia

Major Research ProjectsNE QLD Prospectivity ProjectAssociate Professor Zhaoshan ChangTel: 61 7 4781 6434Email: [email protected]

Geita Gold ProjectProfessor Paul DirksTel: 61 7 4781 5047Email: [email protected]

Adamantine Energy & Heritage Oil ProjectsAssociate Professor Eric Roberts Tel: 61 7 4781 6947Email: [email protected]

Rare Earths ProjectAssociate Professor Carl SpandlerTel: 61 7 4781 6911Email: [email protected]

Antamina ProjectAssociate Professor Zhaoshan ChangTel: 61 7 4781 6434Email: [email protected]


South 32

Evolution Mining

Mount Isa Mines




Carpentaria Gold

Chinova Resources Map to Mine Mineral Resources Authority PNG

Terra Search

LEVEL 4Gnomic Exploration ServicesLantana ExplorationMantle MiningSandfire Resources


Director’s Report 5

ResearchProspectivity of Intrusion-Related Hydrothermal Systems in NE Qld

Magma-related hydrothermal mineral systems of the northern Bowen Basin

Geology of the Mt Carlton high sulphidation epithermal deposit

Magma fertility related to Sn-W mineralisation north of Paluma

Magma fertility, petrogenesis and geodynamic setting Carboniferous and Permian magmatic complexes south of Paluma

Regional W and Sn metallogeny

Watershed tungsten deposit








TeachingThe Geology of Australia - third edition

Drill Core, Structure & Digital Technologies - AusIMM-AIG Short Course

Earth Resources, Exploration and Environment: EA2510 in the field




Courses & Conferences2016 EGRU Short Courses & Workshops

FUTORES II Conference

IOCG and Other Mineral Systems in the World-Class Cloncurry District

EGRU @ Goldschmidt 2016 and AESC 2016





PeopleAndy White Retires from EGRU MSc Course

New Students & Staff

Postgraduate Student Research Projects




2015 EGRU Annual Report 39

In thIs IssUE





EGRU News August 2016 5

Director’s ReportEGRU 2016

4 EGRU News August 2016

dIrECtor’s rEport

EGRU has been growing and we welcome Lantana Exploration, Sandfire Resources and Mantle Mining as new EGRU members this year.

During the last six months EGRU ran four short courses/ workshops for students and professional geologists. Jeff Hedenquist kindly came to EGRU in February and presented a short course entitled Understanding of and Exploration for Epithermal and Porphyry Deposits: Transitions and Variations. The course attracted both students and industry geologists, and all seats were filled. EGRU also ran two Masters short courses: Business and Financial Management by Andrew White and Nick Franey, and Integrated Spatial Analysis and Remote Sensing of Exploration Targets by Arianne Ford, Carsten Laukamp and Zhaoshan Chang. In March EGRU was also involved in a workshop on Drill Core, Structure and Digital Technologies presented at JCU by Dr Julian Vearncombe, and organised and funded by the AusIMM and the AIG.

Another important event was the Cloncurry Mineral Systems workshop in March. This year the workshop was even bigger than last year, with 77 participants from 15 companies, 4 universities, 2 government agencies and 5 services companies. The presentations, core inspections and field trips involved 14 deposits, thanks to the strong support from companies. Presenters included university staff, industry geologists, CSIRO scientists, and consultants. A significant amount of the research results reported were from projects sponsored by the Geological Survey of Queensland.

This year there was also an increase in the amount of course work in the Honours programs, with four short course subjects taught by EGRU staff. These courses will also be open to professional geologists from next year. There are also developments in undergraduate teaching, with the JCU geology group currently negotiating with the China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, about introducing a collaborative 2+2 program.

EGRU also benefited from visits and seminars from outstanding colleagues this year. In March, Murray Hitzman from the Colorado School of Mines, USA, delivered a Haddon Forrester King lecture and a SEG International Exchange Lecture. Dan Wood, past Managing Director of Newcrest, kindly shared his experience in successful exploration at EGRU in June.

Reaching out, Paul Dirks and Zhaoshan Chang visited Geoscience Australia in June to discuss potential collaborations. EGRU also joined the AMIRA project P1162A Unlocking Australia’s Hidden Mineral Potential (UNCOVER) Stage 2: Implementing the Roadmap Findings.

The team of postgraduate research students continues to grow, with eight new PhD and research Masters students starting in the first half of the year. During the same period six postgraduate students completed their degrees.

Currently EGRU has 23 PhD students and 5 research Master students, plus 18 Honours students.

The SEG student chapter has also been very active and is busy organizing a field trip to epithermal deposits in Argentina and Chile in late November - early December. Industry geologists are welcome to participate ([email protected]). The student chapter also has a field trip to the Mt Wright Au breccia deposit, near Ravenswood, organised for late September.

The research team working on the GSQ North East Queensland Prospectivity project (6 staff, 3 postdoctoral research fellows, 4 PhD students, 1 Masters student and 3 Honours students) submitted the second annual report on schedule in June. Presentations on the project were given at an AIG-GSA-GSQ one-day seminar: Geology and Exploration in North-East Queensland, and at the GSQ 2016 Digging Deeper seminar, in Brisbane in August. The presentations were well received.

EGRU is also expanding its research facilities, and is expecting delivery of a high resolution camera, with infra-red capacity, for fluid inclusion work on opaque minerals. Many thanks to the EGRU board for assisting with the purchase of this instrument. A new SEM instrument will also be purchased by the university and installed at the Advanced Analytical Centre. An ARC LIEF grant proposal was submitted last year for a new laser and ICP-MS; we thank the GSQ for its support of the bid.

The organisation of the FUTORES II conference is well underway and the First Circular has been released. Confirmed speakers include world experts on the major deposit types, fundamental processes, exploration techniques and management, tectonics and metallogeny, and basins and energy. Short courses and field trips will also be organized, and there will be exhibitors’ booths. Abstract submission is now open. We appreciate the support of the SEG and the SGA, and welcome other organisations wishing to support and sponsor the conference.

EGRU has been advancing in both research and education. We thank the university and the college, and the minerals industry - particularly our members - for the strong support. We will keep working hard to contribute to our industry and society.z

Associate Professor Zhaoshan Chang

EGrU rEsEarCh

ResearchersA/Prof. Zhaoshan ChangDr Jan Marten HuizengaDr Christa PlaczekA/Prof. Carl SpandlerDr Cassian PirardDr Yanbo ChengDr Isaac CorralAdjuncts Prof Antonio ArribasProf. Richard GoldfarbProf. Jeffrey HendenquistA/Prof. Doug KirwanProf. Lawrence MeinertProf. Noel WhiteDr Gavin Clarke

LocationsNorth East QueenslandMount Isa - Cloncurry, QldWA, SA, NT, NSWSW PacificChinaPeruPhilippinesIranTurkey

EGrU rEsEarCh thEMEs

Research Projects 2011-2016


ResearchersProf. Paul DirksA/Prof. Eric RobertsDr Ioan SanislavDr Rob HolmDr Arianne FordAdjunctsEmeritus Prof. Bob HendersonProf. Tom BlenkinsopProf. Nick OliverDr Mike RubenachDr John McLellan

LocationsNorth East QueenslandCloncurry District, QldTanzaniaZimbabweVanuatuNew ZealandPapua New GuineaSolomon Islands


EGRU News August 2016 7

NE Qld Prospectivity ProjectNE Qld Prospectivity Project

6 EGRU News August 2016

prospECtIvIty of IntrUsIon-rElatEd hydrothErMal MInErals systEMs In north East QUEEnslandIn June 2014 EGRU launched a three-year $1.8m collaborative research project aimed at characterising and assessing the prospectivity of intrusion-related hydrothermal mineral systems in north-east Queensland. The project is a collaboration between EGRU researchers, the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ), and industry geoscientists. The research project is funded by the GSQ (Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland) under the Future Resources Program, and by a generous cash contribution from Evolution Mining.

A summary of the first year’s work by EGRU researchers was included in the July 2015 EGRU Newsletter. This issue of the Newsletter provides an update based on the second year of work.

EGRU’s North-East Queensland Prospectivity project consists of seven subprojects:

� Magma-Related Hydrothermal Mineral Systems of the Northern Bowen Basin

� Geology of the Mt Carlton High-Sulphidation Epithermal Deposit

� Magma Fertility, Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Setting of Carboniferous and Permian Magmatic Complexes

� Metallogeny of Sn-W-Mo-Cu Mineral Systems

� Comprehensive Prospectivity Analysis

� Regional Alteration Mapping Using Remote Sensing Methods

� Geochemical Signatures of Intrusion-Related Mineral Systems

A related EGRU project, with separate funding, started earlier this year when PhD student, Peter Illig, began field work on his research project: Magma related hydrothermal gold and base metal deposits in the Chillagoe district, NE Queensland.

The preliminary findings so far include:

The mineralisation ages seems to have a north-east-ward younging trend (see figure on page 8).

Mineralisation ages are all older than 325 Ma (mostly >330 Ma) in the western‐most zone, 320‐290 Ma (mostly 315‐305 Ma) in the central zone, and <286 Ma in the eastern zone.

An exception to this north-east younging trend is the 339 Ma molybdenite Re‐Os age from Ollera.

At some locations the ages varies significantly. For example, in the Chillagoe district the mineralisation close to the Palmerville fault has been dated at 335 Ma (Mungana), 327 Ma (Red Dome) and 315 Ma (Red Dome), whereas the age of the Red Cap mineralisation, approximately 10 km to the east, is only ~299 Ma (Lehrmann, 2012).

Similarly, in the southern part of the belt, Pajingo was dated at 342‐330 Ma (Etminan et al., 1988; Perkins et al., 1995), whereas the Mt Leyshon deposit has a mineralisation age constrained at ~290 Ma (Allan et al., 2011). Such locations may be on or close to the zone boundary.

More dating is underway to further test the trend.

The geodynamic background causing such zonation is under investigation.

Age of Mineralisation

EGRU @ AIG-GSA North East Queensland One-Day Seminar &

GSQ 2016 Digging Deeper

On the 18th August several EGRU research staff and students presented updates on their projects at a north east Queensland seminar in Brisbane.

The one-day seminar was jointly organised by the Queensland branches of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) and the Geological

Society of Australia (GSA). It attracted a capacity crowd, with over 120 geoscientists from around Australia gathering to hear the latest results

from research in the north east.

On the following day, the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ) ran its annual one-day Digging Deeper seminar,

comprising updates on GSQ projects and collaborations.

References cited:Allan, M.M., Morrison, G.W., and Yardley, B.W.D., 2011, Physicochemical Evolution of a PorphyryBreccia System: A Laser Ablation ICP‐MS Study of Fluid Inclusions in the Mount Leyshon Au Deposit, Queensland, Australia: Economic Geology, v. 106, p. 413‐436. Etminan, H., Porter, R.G., Hoffmann, C.F., Sun, S.‐S., and Henley, R.W., 1988, Initial studies of hydrothermal alteration, fluid inclusions and stable isotopes at Pajingo gold deposit, north Queensland, in Goode, A. D. T., Smyth, E. L., Birch, W. D., and Bosma, L. I., eds., Bicentennial Gold 88, Extended Abstracts, Poster Programme, v. 2, Geological Society of Australia, Abstract Series no. 23, p. 434‐435. Lehrmann, B., 2012, Polymetallic mineralization in the Chillagoe district of north‐east Queensland – insights into base metal rich intrusion‐related gold systems: Unpub. PhD thesis, James Cook University. Perkins, C., Walshe, J.L., and Morrison, G.W., 1995, Metallogenic episodes of the Tasman fold belt system, eastern Australia: Economic Geology, v. 90, p. 1443‐1466.

EGRU Director, Associate Professor Zhaoshan Chang, was invited to provide a summary

on the EGRU’s north east Queensland project: Geology of Sn-W-Mo and Cu-

Au-Ag deposits in northeast Queensland: Insights from the latest JCU research.

The following pages include project summaries

from many of the researchers who presented at the AIG-GSA seminar.

Vladimir Lisitsin, GSQ

Peter Illig, EGRU

Yanbo Cheng, EGRU

Jaime Poblete, EGRU

Kairan Liu, EGRUScott Stephens, Wolfram Camp

Helge Behnsen, EGRU

Isaac Corrall, EGRU

Fredrik Sahlström, EGRU

EGRU News August 2016 9

NE Qld Prospectivity ProjectNE Qld Prospectivity Project

8 EGRU News August 2016


The Bowen Basin is an elongate, north‐south trending, asymmetrical basin extending from northern New South Wales through central Queensland, covering an area of approximately 200,000 km2. Epithermal, porphyry and mesothermal quartz vein deposits widely occur in the northern edge of the Bowen Basin, mostly associated with the Early Permian Lizzie Creek Volcanic group. During this second year of the subproject there have been field campaigns in districts and prospects near the northern edge of the Bowen Basin, including the:

Mt. Carlton DistrictCrush Creek ProspectsMarengo GoldfieldNormanby Goldfield Mt. Hector Goldfield.

Mt. Carlton DistrictThe Mt Carlton district is located along the northern margin of the Permian Bowen Basin. This district includes the currently operating gold mine of Mt. Carlton (see Sahlström et al., Subproject #2, this issue),

and other high‐ and low‐sulphidation epithermal and porphyry copper prospects. All of the district prospects, including the Mt. Carlton gold mine, are hosted by the Lizzie Creek Volcanic group that overlies the older granite basement (Urannah Batholith).In the Mt. Carlton district the stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Lizzie Creek Volcanic group is consistent with an evolving calc‐alkaline sequence with volcanic arc affinity. New U‐Pb zircon dating agrees with previous data for the district, however, some units must be geochronologically constrained.

Capsize ProspectThe alteration and mineralisation characteristics of the Capsize porphyry and lithocap prospects, within the Mt Carlton district, have been defined. These prospects show similar characteristics to porphyry systems, where high sulphidation and porphyry copper deposits are linked. This linkage is also supported by the new alunite Ar‐Ar age from the lithocap (~282 Ma) that overlaps with a previous molybdenite Re‐Os age from the Capsize porphyry (~286 Ma).

Subproject #1

Magma-Related Hydrothermal Mineral Systems of the Northern Bowen BasinIsaac Corral, Zhoshan Chang, Paul Dirks, Robert Henderson, Fredrik Sahlström

Three rhyolite porphyry intrusive rocks have been identified at Capsize: P1, P2 and P3. Crosscutting relationships indicate that P3 intrudes P2, and P2 intrudes P1. P1 is pre/syn-mineralisation and P2-P3 are late mineralisation.The Capsize porphyry is hosted by the granite basement and the basalt/andesite basal unit of the Lizzie Creek Volcanic group. It is characterised by a pervasive hematite‐chlorite‐sericite alteration zone overprinted by local fracture‐ and breccia‐associated sericite alteration. Porphyry mineralisation consists of several stages:1) quartz and/or magnetite veins, cut by 2) lavender to grey quartz ± hematite veins, and 3) sulphide‐rich veins and breccia (pyrite-chalcopyrite

with minor molybdenite and trace galena) cutting Stage 2 veins. In the early porphyry (P1), and surrounding host rocks, there are abundant quartz and quartz-magnetite veins where the highest Cu grades are found. The later porphyries, P2 and P3, contain only minor sulphide veins. The Capsize lithocap is mainly hosted by rhyolites and andesites of the Lizzie Creek Volcanic group. Lithocap mineralisation consists of:1) disseminated pyrite, cut by 2) millimetre scale pyrite‐enargite veinlets, and 3) later quartz‐pyrite‐enargite cemented and pyrite‐dickite cemented hydrothermal breccias that cut stages 1) and 2.

Geology map of the northern Bowen Basin showing the location of the ore deposits and mineral occurrences inspected during the second year of the subproject.

Modified from Donchak et al. (2013).

cont’d page 11

EGRU News August 2016 11

NE Qld Prospectivity ProjectNE Qld Prospectivity Project

10 EGRU News August 2016

Hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation observed in the Capsize lithocap prospect. A: Propylitic altered andesite of the lower basalt/andesite unit. Note the presence of chlorite (dark green), epidote (light green) and zeolites (replacing feldspars). B: Argillic alteration developed on a volcanic breccia of the rhyolite unit. Note the feldspar replacement by kaolinite (white). C: Advanced argillic altered (quartz‐alunite; pink) rhyolite (massive), cut by a quartz‐pyrite-enargite cemented hydrothermal breccia. D: Cross polarized light picture of diaspore (colourful) replacing feldspar(?) in a quartz‐alunite-pyrite altered groundmass. E: Advanced argillic (quartz‐alunite‐dickite) altered quartz‐feldspar-hornblende (?) phyric rhyolite cut by a quartz‐pyrite‐enargite cemented hydrothermal breccia.

Hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation observed in the Capsize porphyry prospect.

A: Hematite‐sericite‐chlorite altered rhyolite porphyry (P1) cut by quartz and/or magnetite veins. Later pyrite veins are also observed.

B: Feldspar‐hornblende phyric andesite showing overprinting of the hematite‐sericite‐chlorite alteration by sericite alteration.

C: Sericite halo associated with Stage 3 sulfide‐rich veins.

D: Quartz‐magnetite vein/breccia producing red (potassic) alteration halo in P1.

E: Mineralisation consisting of quartz‐magnetite veins cut by Stage 3 pyrite veins developing a white alteration halo in the hematite‐sericite‐chlorite altered rhyolite porphyry (P1).

Northern Bowen Basin Subproject cont’d cont’d Northern Bowen Basin Subproject

Regional Geology map of the Mt. Carlton district showing the locations of prospects and surface samples. Modified from Evolution Mining (2014).

Lithocap alteration consists of an inner core of advanced argillic alteration (vuggy quartz-quartz-alunite‐pyrophyl l ite‐dickite‐diaspore) grading outwards to argillic alteration (quartz-kaolinite‐dickite with local illite‐montmorillonite) and to propylitic alteration (chlorite-epidote‐montmorillonite with local zeolite).

Whole rock geochemistry, microprobe mineral chemistry and SWIR measurements of the Capsize advanced argillic altered rocks provide consistent exploration vectoring within the Capsize lithocap. These exploration vectors point towards a specific area in the lithocap where the alunite is Ca‐ and Na-rich, has the longest wavelength alunite SWIR absorption feature (1487 nm), and occurs with abundant aluminium-phosphate-sulphate (APS) minerals. The work of Chang et al. (2011) at Lepanto demonstrated that the alunite absorption peak around 1480 nm moves to longer wavelengths towards the fluid source.

Boundary and Mt. Herbert East Low Sulphidation ProspectsNew adularia Ar/Ar dates from low sulphidation prospects in the Mt. Carlton district indicate these deposits formed up to 30 Ma after the porphyry system (Boundary ~250 Ma; Mt Herbert East ~260 Ma), suggesting they may be produced by a different tectono‐magmatic event.

Crush Creek ProspectsThe Crush Creek area is located within the Lizzie Creek Volcanics and comprises several low sulphidation epithermal deposits. The deposits are characterised by illite‐sericite alteration associated with quartz/quartz-adularia crustiform/colloform textured veins. Locally, these quartz veins are brecciated and develop very fine grained pyrite (± gold) banding with adularia in the bands.Surface samples and drill chip logging data have been collected to characterise alteration and mineral assemblages, and to determine geological relationships. This work is ongoing.

Other GoldfieldsOther prospect areas have been sampled for geochemistry, geochronology and fluid inclusion studies, and the work is ongoing. Results from these areas will contribute to the understanding of the metallogeny of the northern Bowen Basin.

References cited:Chang, Z., Hedenquist, J. W., White, N. C., Cooke, D. R., Roach, M., Deyell, C. L., Garcia, J., Gemmell, J. B., McKnight, S., and Cuison, A. L., 2011, Exploration tools for linked porphyry and epithermal deposits: Example from the mankayan intrusion‐centered Cu‐Au district, Luzon, Philippines: Economic Geology, v. 106, p. 1365‐1398.Donchak, P.J.T., Purdy, D.J., Withnall, I.W., Blake, P.R., and Jell, P.A., 2013, Chapter 5: New England orogen: in Jell, P.A. (ed.) Geology of Queensland. Geological Survey of Queensland, Brisbane, p. 305‐427.z

EGRU News August 2016 13

NE Qld Prospectivity ProjectNE Qld Prospectivity Project

12 EGRU News August 2016

Subproject #2

Mt. Carlton Deposit: #2A Geology of the Mt Carlton high sulphidation epithermal depositFredrik Sahlström, Zhaoshan Chang, Isaac Corral, Paul Dirks, Antonio Arribas, Mark Stokes

The Mt Carlton high‐sulphidation deposit is currently the most significant mineral occurrence in the northern Bowen Basin (NE Queensland, Australia). Open pit mining has been ongoing since 2013, with production from the silver‐rich “A39” pit in the SW (largely exhausted), and the gold‐rich “V2” pit in the north east.In addition to the currently mined high‐sulphidation ore, the Mt Carlton area is highly prospective for linked porphyry‐style mineralisation. This project studies the geology, genesis and zonation of the Mt Carlton deposit, with the aim of providing exploration vectors for additional mineralisation in the area. Progress this year includes an improved understanding of the structural control of the deposit, as well as new data from mineral chemistry, S‐O‐H stable isotopes and Ar‐Ar geochronology. Mineralisation and hydrothermal alteration at Mt Carlton is controlled by NE‐SW trending, subvertical structures, and the feeder zone is located in the NE parts of the ore body. The core of the hydrothermal system shows silicic alteration, with variable amounts of alunite (disseminated‐ and vein‐type), anhydrite, pyrite, aluminium-phosphate-sulphate (APS) minerals, pyrophyllite and dickite‐kaolinite. Outwards, the silicic zone progressively grades into an envelope of quartz‐alunite ± pyrite‐dickite‐kaolinite‐rutile quartz‐dickite‐kaolinite ± pyrite illite‐montmorillonite ± pyrite illite‐chlorite ± pyrite alteration. Along strike from the NE to the SW, the currently known ore body (c. 800 m) shows a metal zonation of Cu‐Au Cu+Zn+Pb+Ag Ag+Pb+Cu Ag.

Three distinct ore stages have been identified. All three stages carry gold and silver, occurring both in independent minerals (e.g. electrum, argyrodite) and as trace elements (e.g. in pyrite, galena, tennantite)Stage A: High‐sulphidation Au‐Ag‐(Cu‐Ge) assemblage dominated by enargite. Subordinate minerals include luzonite, pyrite, barite, electrum, fahlores (tennantite‐tetrahedrite‐goldfieldite), argyrodite, pearceite‐polybasite group minerals, a yet not fully characterized analogue to aguilarite and cerveilleite (Ag4TeSe), chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite, covellite, sphalerite and galena. Stage A mineralisation is associated with silicic alteration (massive silica and colloidal silica gels). Stage B: Intermediate‐sulphidation Zn‐Pb‐Au‐(Ga‐In‐Ge‐Ag‐Cu) assemblage dominated by sphalerite, with subordinate minerals including galena, pyrite, electrum, barite, fahlores, chalcopyrite and bornite. Stage C: Intermediate‐sulphidation Cu‐Ag‐Au assemblage dominated by tennantite, with subordinate minerals including luzonite, chalcopyrite, galena, electrum, hessite‐petzite and barite. The high‐sulphidation ore contains significant enrichment in germanium (in argyrodite and up to 0.15 wt% in enargite), which is spatially associated with the distal silver‐zone. Intermediate‐sulphidation ore in turn contains sphalerite highly enriched in indium, gallium and germanium (locally up to 27.7 wt% In, 1.48 wt% Ga and 0.12 wt% Ge)Both disseminated alunite and alunite veins show Na‐poor compositions, suggesting low temperatures. A slight zonation towards higher Na‐contents in the NE was observed.

Sulphur isotope signatures in disseminated alunite and pyrite suggest a SO4‐dominated fluid, which became increasingly oxidized away from the feeder zone. Sulphur isotope trends in vein alunite shows partial equilibration with H2S, which suggests long transport times from the causative intrusion to the lithocap. Furthermore, modelling of the O‐H isotope composition of hydrothermal fluids in equilibrium with alunite indicate a significant meteoric component to the fluid. Three alunite samples have been dated so far using the Ar‐Ar technique. Two alunite vein samples show similar ages around 284 Ma. One disseminated alunite, which texturally predates the alunite veins, gave an age

of c. 277 Ma. This age might represent resetting due to later magmatic events, which will be confirmed by additional dating. Ongoing work includes: - refining alunite dates; - alunite fluid inclusion studies to provide

information on the temperature and salinity of fluids during hydrothermal alteration; and

- thermochronology on apatites and zircons to determine when the Mt Carlton deposit was exhumed after initial burial, and provide information about possible depths to the causative intrusion and porphyry mineralisation.z

Geological map of the Mt Carlton area, showing the V2 and A39 open pits. Map courtesy of Evolution Mining.

Paragenesis table of mineralisation assemblages at Mt Carlton. Moving to the right is the temporal change in mineral assemblages.

A high‐grade vein from Mt Carlton. The vein shows evidence of multiple stages of re‐opening: alunite (hydrothermal alteration stage) is followed by enargite‐luzonite‐pyrite (Stage A ore)

and sphalerite‐galena‐pyrite (Stage B ore).

EGRU News August 2016 15

NE Qld Prospectivity ProjectNE Qld Prospectivity Project

14 EGRU News August 2016

Subproject #3

Magma Fertility #3A: Magma fertility related to Sn-W mineralisation north of PalumaYanbo Cheng, Zhaoshan Chang, Carl Spandler, Bob Henderson, Gavin Clarke

In this subproject, we examine both volcanic rocks and granites from the Herberton Sn‐W‐Mo mineral field, aiming to explore magma fertility parameters more broadly with respect of magmatic activity. The results will be used to test the magma fertility of other Sn‐W‐Mo associated volcanic rocks in northern Queensland.

BackgroundMagma fertility relates to the geodynamic setting, crustal architecture, oxidation state, volatile components, volatile exsolution and interactions between magmas, hydrothermal fluids and country rocks (Cooke et al., 2005). In addition, metal and associated element concentrations, and the fractionation and water content of causative intrusions also are significant controls on generating mineral resources. Substantial progress on magma fertility in relation to porphyry Cu±Au mineralisation has been made in recent years. The new insights have been efficiently used as exploration tools and promoted understanding of mineralisation processes. The approach has found wide application both in industry and among researchers. It has been recognized that porphyry Cu±Au deposits are most commonly formed by hydrothermal fluids exsolved from water‐rich oxidized calc‐alkaline magmas in arc settings (Sillitoe, 1972, 2010; Hedenquist and Lowenstern, 1994; Cooke et al., 2005; Richards, 2009; Wilkinson, 2013). Through comparing geochemical data for a very large sample of subduction associated igneous rocks hosting Cu and Au ores in the circum‐Pacific belt, Loucks (2014) recognized linkages between magma geochemical characteristics and ore generation. Compared to porphyry Cu±Au deposits, research on magma fertility of the Sn±W mineralisation associated granites has an even longer history, and a series of pronounced characteristics have been recognized. Sn±W associated granites are: - rich in SiO2 and alkali (normally K2O > Na2O); - rich in B, F, Cl, Li, Rb, Nb, Ta, Ga, Cs, U, Th, REE; - poor in Fe2O3, MgO, TiO2, CaO, Ni, Cr, Co, V, Sr,

Ba and Eu; - relatively reduced; - highly fractionated;

(Stemprok, 1963; Hosking, 1967; Hesp and Rigby, 1975; Tischendorf, 1977; Taylor, 1978; Plimer and Elliott, 1979; Lehmann and Mahawatt, 1989; Blevin and Chappell, 1992; Blevin et al., 1996).

However, in contrast to much new progress in the Cu±Au relationship to magma geochemistry, there has been little progress in recent years with respect to Sn±W. The slump of the international Sn and W markets since early 1990s has not encouraged interest. Links between the geochemistry of volcanics and porphyry Cu±Au mineralisation have been demonstrated as potential fertile indicators to some extent, such as for the HS epithermal Au‐Cu mineralisation associated arc volcanic rocks in south Ecuador (Schutte et al., 2010), and the porphyry Cu–Mo deposits associated high‐K calc‐alkaline to shoshonitic volcanic rocks in the western and eastern Gangdese belt of Tibet (Wang et al., 2015). With respect to Sn±W magma fertility, it is obvious that majority of the previous studies are focused on ore associated with granite. However, geochemical signals of fertility from volcanic rocks associated with W‐Sn mineralisation are unexplored.

Volcanic Rocks in the Herberton AreaThe results from field and laboratory studies, along with the compilation of previous data, have indicated the following: - Volcanic rocks from the Herberton area have

distinctive textures, ranging from fine grained and equigranular to porphyritic with large K‐feldspar phenocrysts. Some have clear flow bandings. - Compilation of age data indicates that the granites

and rhyolites in the Herberton area formed in the 346‐279 Ma interval. However, given the complexity of the dating results to hand, more effort is needed to refine ages of this plutonic‐volcanic igneous rocks association; this will be done in the next phase of the project. - Whole rock geochemistry of the volcanic rocks from

the Herberton area indicate they are mainly rhyolite, with lesser dacite and local andesite. Most belong to the high K calc‐alkaline series and are of peraluminous affinity. - Volcanic rocks from the Herberton area demonstrate

a clear linear trend in Harker diagrams (plots of element oxides against SiO2) consistent with pre-emplacement crystal fractionation in the parent magmas. - Normalized trace element spider diagrams and REE

patterns of the volcanic rocks demonstrate strong similarities between the element assemblages This indicates the volcanic rocks were derived from the same

or similar sources, with magmas experiencing only slight differences in their evolution. - The Slaughteryard Creek Rhyolite contains elevated

concentrations of Sn, Cu and In, and a relatively high concentration of Mo, compared to volcanic rocks from other locations in the study area. - The Slaughteryard Creek Rhyolite is the most

fractionated rock in the sample set. - The volcanic rocks are mostly distributed along the

boundary of the ilmenite‐series granites and magnetite‐series granites, and show geochemical affinity with Sn‐bearing granites and Mo‐bearing porphyries and granites in SiO2 vs Fe2O3/FeO plots. - Comparison of the volcanic rocks from Herberton

area with Sn‐W associated igneous rocks from eastern Australia (Blevin, 1992) shows them to have affinity with Sn and Mo associated granitic rocks (see figure below). In detail, most of the samples from the Old Featherbeds and Young Featherbeds are geochemically similar to the tin‐barren granites, whereas data for Slaughteryard Creek rhyolite places it in the range of tin‐bearing granites.

- Comparison of the redox state and fractionation degrees of the volcanic rocks from Herberton Sn‐W‐Mo ore field, with Sn‐W associated igneous rocks in eastern Australia (compiled from Blevin, 1995, 1996), leads to a similar conclusion as above - that the geochemical features of these volcanic rocks show affinity with the Sn and Mo granites of eastern Australia, but are distinct from Cu‐Au associated intrusions.

Further work on this subproject will include: - Continuing evaluation of new data. - Additional precise dating to establish the link

between magmatic activities and mineralisation (data from zircon, mica and cassiterite).

- SWIR analysis to characterize alteration. - The use the tested parameters on more samples from

the region, to generate a regional magma fertility map. - More detailed comparison of magma fertility

parameters between W‐Sn associated and Cu‐Au associated igneous rocks.

References cited:Blevin, P.L., and Chappell, B.W., 1992, The role of magma sources, oxidation states and fractionation in determining the granite metallogeny of eastern Australia: Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences, v. 83, p. 305‐316. Blevin, P. L., Chappell, B. W., 1995, Chemistry, origin and evolution of mineralised granitoids in the Lachlan Fold Belt, Australia; the metallogeny of I‐ and S‐type granitoids. Econ. Geol., v. 90, p. 1604– 1619. Blevin, P.L., Chappell, B.W., and Allen, C.M., 1996, Intrusive metallogenic provinces in eastern Australia based on granite source and composition, in Brown, M., et al., eds., The Third Hutton Symposium on the origin of granites and related rocks, Trans Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences, v. 87, and Geological Society of America Special Paper 315, p. 281‐290. Cooke, D.R., Hollings, P., and Walshe, J.L., 2005, Giant porphyry deposits: Characteristics, distribution, and tectonic controls: Economic Geology, v. 100, p. 801–818.Hedenquist, J.W., and Lowenstern, J.B., 1994, The role of magmas in the formation of hydrothermal ore deposits: Nature, v. 370, p. 519–527.Hesp, W. R., Rigby, D., 1975, Some Geochemical Aspects of Tin Mineralization in the Tasman Geosyncline: Mineralium Deposita, v. 9, p. 49–60.Hosking K.F.G., 1967. The relationship between primary deposits and granitic rocks, in Fox W (Eds). Technical conference on tin. 1st in London. v. 1, p. 267–311.Lehmann, B., Mahawat, C., 1989, Metallogeny of tin in central Thailand: a genetic concept: Geology, v. 17, p. 426–429.Loucks, R.R., 2014, Distinctive composition of copper‐ore‐forming arcmagmas: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 61, p. 5‐16.Plimer, I.R., Elliott, S.M., 1979. The use of Rb/Sr ratios as a guide to mineralization. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 12, p. 21–34.Richards, J. P., 2009, Postsubduction porphyry Cu‐Au and epithermal Au deposits: Products of remelting of subduction‐modified lithosphere: Geology, v. 37, p. 247‐250.Schütte, P., Chiaradia, M., Beate, B., 2010, Petrogenetic Evolution of Arc Magmatism Associated with Late Oligocene to Late Miocene Porphyry-Related Ore Deposits in Ecuador: Economic Geology, v. 105, p. 1243–1270Stemprok, M., 1963, Genetic features of the deposits of tin, tungsten and molybdenum formation. Symposium: Problems of postmagmatic ore deposition, Prague, v. 2, p. 472–481 Taylor R.G., 1978. Geology of tin deposits. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, p. 1–530.Tischendorf G., 1977. Geochemical and petrographic characteristics of silicic magmatic rocks associated with rare-element mineralization. In M. Stemprok et al. (Eds). Metallization associated with acid magmatism, v. 2, p. 4–96Wilkinson, J.J., 2013, Triggers for the formation of porphyry ore deposits in magmatic arcs: Nature Geoscience, v. 6, p. 915–925Sillitoe, R.H., 1972, A plate tectonic model for the origin of porphyry copper deposits: Economic Geology, v. 67, p. 184−197.Wang, R., Richards, J.P., Hou, Z.Q., Yang, Z.M., Gou, Z.B., DuFrane, S.A., 2014. Increasing magmatic oxidation state from Paleocene to Miocene in the eastern Tibetan Gangdese belt: implication for collision‐related porphyry Cu–Mo ± Au mineralization. Econ. Geol. 109, 1943–1965.z

EGRU News August 2016 17

NE Qld Prospectivity ProjectNE Qld Prospectivity Project

16 EGRU News August 2016

Subproject #3

Magma Fertility #3B: Magma fertility, petrogenesis and geodynamic setting of Carboniferous and Permian magmatic complexes south of PalumaHelge Behnsen, Isaac Corral, Carl Spandler, Zhaoshan Chang, Robert Henderson

BackgroundMany hydrothermal deposits associated with Permo‐Carboniferous igneous rocks have been found in northeast Queensland, mostly of small to medium size. The potential for large porphyry deposits, however, might have been underestimated. Compared to relatively young magmatic arcs and related porphyries of the Circum‐Pacific region, the igneous associations of Queensland are old and the large scale exposure of plutons indicate a fair extent of erosion. However, volcanic units of similar ages are commonly present and preserved, potentially covering and protecting exisiting mineralisation. Advances in the understanding of magma‐related hydrothermal mineral systems in recent years has shown that high‐ and intermediate‐sulphidation epithermal deposits can be linked to porphyry deposits at depth (e.g. Hedenquist et al., 1998; Sillitoe, 2010; Chang et al., 2011). Thus the surface occurrences of high‐ and intermediate‐sulphidation mineralisation in northeast Queensland’s Permo‐Carboniferous igneous rocks could cover major porphyry deposits. This potential needs to be re‐evaluated. The application of geochemical proxies derived from whole‐rock analyses to evaluate the fertility of magmas extends back to the work of Blevin et al. (1996), who introduced the Fe2O3/FeO vs. Rb/Sr diagram to distinguish the fertility of different granite types based on the oxidation state of the magma and degree of fractionation. A recently proposed magma fertility scheme for Cu‐Au ore prospective arc magmas by Loucks (2014) introduces a new approach. This concept involves consideration of the influence of magmatic water content on Cu‐Au‐ore productive magmas to distinguish between fertile and barren or prospective and unprospective magmas. The fertility scheme uses the Sr/Y and V/Sc ratio as indicators for changes in the mineral crystallisation sequence during fractional crystallisation due to high dissolved H2O‐concentrations resulting from repeating replenishment – mixing – crystallisation cycles within the magma chamber. Favorable magmatic rocks for Cu‐ore formation are defined to have Sr/Y > 35 and for V/Sc plot above a line defined by the comparison of global Cu‐Au‐ore productive and unproductive suites. A different concept for Au fertility proposed by Loucks

(2012) utilises Ba/Zr and Nb/Y ratios to distinguish between Au‐ore productive and unproductive suites. However, these ratios are linked to different processes and sources than the Cu-Au fertility parameters (rifting related re‐melting of fertile subcontinental lithospheric mantle, e.g. Richards, 2011b).

Lizzie Creek Volcanics, Northern Bowen BasinThe Lizzie Creek Volcanic Group (LCV) is part of the Connors‐Auburn Subprovince. The group comprises a suite of Late Carboniferous to Early Permian bimodal, subaerially deposited volcanic rocks and interbedded sediments (sandstones, siltstone and minor coal seams). Mineral occurrencees hosted by the LCV include low, intermediate and high‐sulphidation epithermal mineralisation and porphyry style mineralisation, and include the Mt Carlton high sulphidation deposit currently in production.The tectonic history of the study area is highly complex and the major controlling processes on geochemistry (e.g. arc magmatism vs. state of rifting at the time of mineralisation) and source are subject to upcoming investigations. We previously demonstrated that Sr/Y and V/Sc ratios utilised as magma fertility indicators display differences when applied to a coherent suite of volcanic rocks proximal and distal to known mineralisation. (Behnsen et al., 2016). More recent work has provided further detailed insights into geochemical differences between the sampled areas, and has provided new U‐Pb zircon ages and Hf isotope compositions. The recent work has indicated the following: - The new U‐Pb zircon ages from the Mt. Carlton

district are in agreement with the timing of alteration/mineralisation as determined from Re-Os dating in the Capsize porphyry and Ar-Ar dating of alunite in the Mt Carlton and Capsize lithocaps. - Hafnium isotope compositions of zircons from the

LCV at Mt. Carlton are relatively consistent and exclude extensive involvement of unradiogenic sources (old continental crust) in the magma. - The lack of variation and relatively high values in Hf isotope

compositions support the concept that the compositional range of the magma suite is related to fractionation. - Major differences in the behaviour of Ti, P and MREE

to HREE were identified between samples proximal and

distal to mineralisation; these differences are possibly linked to “cryptic” amphibole fractionation for Mt. Carlton samples. - The differences referred to above might directly relate

to magma fertility and thus the behaviour of element ratios applied in magma fertility concepts. - The proposed Cu‐Au fertility concepts (Sr/Y, V/Sc)

of Loucks (2014) seem to work for the extrusive rocks of intermediate compositions (55‐65 wt.‐% SiO2) close to mineralisation. However, we emphasise that Sr is variable and easily mobilised during feldspar alteration/weathering, potentially obscuring these observations with regards to volcanic rocks.

- The proposed Au fertility concepts (Nb/Y, Ba/Zr) by Loucks (2012) indicate that both sample suites (close and distal to mineralisation) would be prospective for Au; in the case of the LCV the ratios cannot distinguish Cu fertile and barren rocks. The Nb/Y ratios, in particular, show slightly different trends between the proximal and distal sample suites. The dividing line defined by Loucks (2012) is based on global data and might need to be redefined for the volcanic rocks of North Queensland. - The proposed Au fertility indicators of Loucks (2012)

evolve around rifting, crustal thinning and a different source compared to Cu‐ore productive magmas. The importance of rifting tectonics in the Mt. Carlton area was recently demonstrated by Dirks (2016) and has to be taken into consideration when considering source, magma evolution and controls of our samples. We emphasise the differences in rare earth element behaviour observed between samples proximal to (Mt. Carlton) and distal to mineralisation (Collinsville area). Determining if these differences are related to continuous fractionation of the same/similar source or related to a different source, will be the subject of further work.

References cited:Behnsen, H., Spandler, C., Corral, I., Chang, Z., Dirks, P.H.G.M., 2016. Fertility of arc volcanic suites for Cu-Au mineralisation: A case study from NE Queensland, Australia. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts.Blevin, P. L., Chappell, B. W., and Allen, C. M., 1996, Intrusive metallogenic provinces in eastern Australia based on granite source and composition: Geological Society of America Special Papers, v. 315, p. 281‐290. Special Papers, v. 315, p. 281‐290.Chang, Z. S., Hedenquist, J. W., White, N. C., Cooke, D. R., Roach, M., Deyell, C. L., Garcia, J., Gemmell, J. B., McKnight, S., and Cuison, A. L., 2011, Exploration Tools for Linked Porphyry and Epithermal Deposits: Example from the Mankayan Intrusion‐Centered Cu‐Au District, Luzon, Philippines: Economic Geology, v. 106, p. 1365‐1398. Dirks, P. H. G. M., 2016, Structural mapping of the V2 pit at the Mt. Carlton mine.Hedenquist, J. W., Arribas, A., and Reynolds, T. J., 1998, Evolution of an intrusion‐centered hydrothermal system; Far Southeast‐Lepanto porphyry and epithermal Cu‐Au deposits, Philippines: Economic Geology, v. 93, p. 373‐404. Loucks, R. R., 2012, Chemical characteristics, geodynamic setting and petrogenesis of gold‐oreforming arc magmas: Centre for Exploration Targeting Quarterly Newsletter 19. Loucks, R. R., 2014, Distinctive composition of copper‐ore‐forming arcmagmas: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 61, p. 5‐16. Richards, J. P., 2011b, Magmatic to hydrothermal metal fluxes in convergent and collided margins: Ore Geology Reviews, v. 40, p. 1‐26.Sillitoe, R. H., 2010, Porphyry copper systems: Economic Geology, v. 105, p. 3‐41.z

Sr/Y and V/Sc versus SiO2. Prospective/productive and unprospective/unproductive fields are based on the global dataset produced by Loucks (2014). Permo‐Carboniferous

Igneous Reference Units are extracted from a database kindly provided by Dave Champion from GA.

EGRU News August 2016 19

NE Qld Prospectivity ProjectNE Qld Prospectivity Project

18 EGRU News August 2016

Subproject #7

Sn-W-Mo-Base Metal Deposits North of Paluma #7A: Regional W and Sn metallogenyYanbo Cheng, Kairan Liu, Zhaoshan Chang, Robert Henderson, Gavin Clarke

The project study area is located in northeast Queensland. Tungsten and tin mineral occurrences occur mainly in the north between Herberton and Cooktown, but also in the south, in the Kangaroo Hill district (~75 km northwest of Townsville). There are several active mines in the Herberton Sn‐W‐Mo field, and in the Mt Carbine‐Watershed W field, which located to the west of Port Douglas. Work is ongoing and the aims of the subproject are to:1) Review and compile existing data; 2) Characterise the geochemical, geochronological and intrusive associations in relation to mineralisation and alteration; 3) Characterise the mineralogy and geochemistry of mineralisation and alteration, and determine paragenetic and zoning relationships;4) Generate regional and prospect‐scale prospectivity maps that incorporate geochronological, geochemical and mineralisation data;5) Update regional to district scale metallogenic maps.

Mt Carbine Wolframite-Scheelite DepositThe Mt Carbine quartz‐wolframite‐scheelite sheeted vein deposit is located ~80 km NW of Cairns in northern Queensland. It was the largest vein type W deposit in Australia and accounted for 43% of Australia’s annual W production in 1986, prior to closure because of an international Sn‐W market crash. The hard rock resources at Mt Carbine at last review include indicated resources of 18 Mt at 0.14% WO3 and inferred resource of 29.3 Mt at 0.12% WO3 (Carbine Tungsten Limited Annual Report, 2014).The vein system in Mt Carbine is hosted in Silurian to Devonian Hodgkinson Formation metasedimentary rocks, which include turbiditic meta‐sediments composed mainly of greywacke, siltstone‐shale, slate, basalt, conglomerate and chert. There are at least three types of felsic igneous rocks in the mining district, including porphyritic biotite granite, equigranular coarsegrained biotite granite and a fine‐grained felsic dyke that cuts across the ore body. There is no observable contact between granite and the W veins, thus their relationship is unclear. Mineralised quartz veins and chlorite alteration occur in the porphyritic biotite granite, whereas there are no quartz veins and alteration in the fine‐grained felsic dyke, indicating that the porphyritic biotite granite was

earlier than mineralisation, and the felsic dyke later than mineralisation. The timing relationships observed between mineralisation and intrusions are consistent with the latest dating results: the LA‐ICP‐MS zircon U/Pb age of the porphyritic biotite granite is ~298 Ma and the felsic dyke ~261 Ma, whereas the molybdenite Re‐Os age from the mineralised quartz vein is ~284 Ma. Two Ar-Ar ages have been identified in alteration muscovite: ~282 Ma and ~277 Ma; the two ages may indicate post‐mineralisation tectono‐thermal resetting. Based on field and microscope observations a five stage mineralisation paragenetic sequence has been established, from the pre‐mineralisation stage (stage I) to the very late low temperature stage (stage IV). The five stages are summarised in the table below.

Sulphur isotope values for pyrite, chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite are within the range of metamorphic fluids.

Wolfram Camp W-Mo MineWolfram Camp W‐Mo mine (WCM) is located in North Queensland, Australia, 55km WSW of Cairns.The Wolfram Camp deposit occurs within the Hodgkinson Formation, which consists of multiply deformed Devonian flysch. The Formation is extensively intruded by Carboniferous to Permian granitic plutons and locally overlain by little disturbed Carboniferous to Triassic cover sequences, including the Carboniferous Featherbed Volcanics (de Keyser and Wolff, 1964; Henderson et al., 2011). The deposit area of WCM is dominated by the intrusion of the James Creek body of the Elizabeth Creek Granite, with related greisen alteration and mineralisation. Greisen is commonly developed in the contact zone; alteration affected the granite up to 100 m away from the contact with the meta‐sediments and volcanics and can be traced along strike for approximately 3km. No mineralisation has been located in the metasediments, although some hornfels formed by low grade contact metamorphism occurs within the Hodgkinson Formation within a few metres along the contact with altered granite. Mineralisation occurs mainly in quartz pipes and quartz sheets within the alteration zone, and the greisen also contains some lower grade mineralisation. The pattern of mineralisation has resulted from post‐intrusion hydrothermal fluids channelled along the cooling joints and tension fractures within the granite close to the contact. The resulting quartz pipes and sheets are variable in shape and size, and large crystals and aggregates of wolframite and molybdenite which grew into open space are common. The Featherbed Volcanics within the area are mainly acid ignimbrites and are of a similar composition to the James Creek Granite. Wolframite, molybdenite, bismuth, scheelite and other sulphides are concentrated in the quartz pipes and also occur in adjacent parts of the alteration zone. Only a trace amount of molybdenite and wolframite has been found in altered granite, and no ore minerals have been identified in the Hodgkinson Formation. Wolframite and molybdenite are the most common ore minerals. They can be found in all rock types of igneous‐hydrothermal parentage within 300m from contact. Bismuth is much less common and has been found only in the pipes. Scheelite occurs mostly within or in contact with wolframite, and is observed crosscutting wolframite (example in image on the right under UV light).

Example of Stage II mineralisation overprinting Stage I.Left: Back scattered electron image of scheelite and

wolframite in a quartz vein.Right: Cathode luminescence image showing the

scheelite replacing the wolframite.

Oxygen, hydrogen and sulphur isotopes indicate groundwater or metamorphic water may have a significant involvement in the formation the W mineralisation in the Mt Carbine deposit.

Other sulphide minerals, including arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and minor chalcopyrite, occur in alteration zones. Sulphide minerals locally replace wolframite and occur as fracture infill associated with brecciated granite and greisen alteration. Geochronological results from alteration muscovite (Ar‐Ar) and molybdenite (Re‐Os)indicate that hydrothermal alteration and molybdenite mineralisation occurred from 308‐303 Ma.

Hf Isotopes and Geodynamic SettingThe regional geodynamic setting of the regions with Sn‐W‐Mo mineralisation in North Queensland has been studied employing Hf isotope datasets for the Herberton Sn fields, Mt Garnet Sn‐Cu‐Zn‐FeF field, Wolfram Camp‐Banford Hill W‐Mo field, and Mt Carbine‐Watershed W field. Hafnium isotope data from igneous rocks in the Chillagoe Cu‐Au field, and other non‐mineralised rocks of the Kennedy Igneous Association in this region, have also been collected.The 600 Hf isotopic data points presently available indicate the following: - A range of magma sources/compositions is indicated - The variation of epsilon Hf has a quite clear

relationship with time, as distinct from a spatial relationship.

- There are three groups of epsilon Hf values with three different ages.

- The ranges of the epsilon Hf values of the above three groups have significant overlap, which indicates a continuity of process, which is meaningful as spatially they are in the same region.

- All of the Sn‐W‐Mo mineralisation occurred during this continuity of process.

References cited:De Keyser, F., Wolff, K. W., 1964. Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, The geology and mineral resources of the Chillagoe area, Queensland.Henderson, R., Innes, B., Fergusson, C., Crawford, A., Withnall, I., 2011. Collisional accretion of a Late Ordovician oceanic island arc, northern Tasman Orogenic Zone, Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 58 (1), 1–19.z

Mineral assemblage Vein occurrence WMineralization

Stage 0 QuartzCurvy and

discontinuous (deformed)

No mineralization

Stage I Quartz ± wolframite ± feldsparStraight and continuous

(undeformed) Wolframite

Stage II Quartz ± chlorite ± biotite ± scheelite± muscovite ± cassiterite

Straight and continuous

(undeformed) Scheelite

Stage III

Quartz ± chlorite ± muscovite ±molybdenite ± arsenopyrite ±

chalcopyrite ± pyrrhotite ± sphalerite ±biotite ± tourmailine ± apatite

Straight and continuous


No mineralization

Stage IV Quartz ± calcite ± fluorite ± chloriteStraight and continuous


No mineralization

Paragenesis Sequence

EGRU News August 2016 21

Geology of AustraliaNE Qld Prospectivity Project

20 EGRU News August 2016

Subproject #7

Sn-W-Mo-Base Metal Deposits North of Paluma #7B: Watershed tungsten depositJaime Poblete, Zhaoshan Chang, Yanbo Cheng

The main aims of this PhD project on the Watershed deposit are to help exploration by identifying zoning patterns, far field signals, and through improved understanding of the ore genesis and controlling factors on the mineralisation. In addition, the project will feed information and exploration vectors to the regional prospectivity analysis (Subproject #9). The project also aims to understand the evolution of mineralising fluids, the genesis, mobility and precipitation mechanisms of tungsten, and the genesis of the alteration mineral assemblages, to further contribute knowledge and understanding on how Watershed was formed.The Watershed deposit is located in far north Queensland, about 100 km northwest of Cairns. It has a combined JORC resource of 49.32 Mt @ 0.14% WO3 totalling 70,400 tonnes of WO3. Watershed lies within the Mossman Orogen, which comprises a folded sequence of Ordovician‐Devonian metasediments intruded by Carboniferous‐Permian granites of the Kennedy Province. Mineralisation is hosted by a sequence of folded slates and, locally, calcareous psammites of the Hodgkinson Formation. Multiple felsic dykes, previously assigned to the Permian S‐type Whypalla Supersuite granites, cut the metasediments. At Watershed, scheelite mineralisation occurs within, and in centimetric halos of, quartz – feldspar – scheelite – pyrrhotite and minor arsenopyrite sheeted‐veins. This vein set, with <50 cm wide, sinuous to planar, E‐W striking veins, is generally south dipping and mostly cuts green and red skarn altered psammite breccia, minor quartzite and granitic dykes. Minor scheelite also occurs disseminated in skarn altered psammite and coarse‐grained in granitic dykes.Based on field sampling, petrography and EPMA analysis, the alteration and mineralisation is shown to have occurred in at least seven stages. These stages are: - A pre‐skarn event with grossular (Grs40‐75) and quartz; - A prograde skarn event characterized by grossular

(Grs66‐87), clinopyroxene and minor titanite. Garnets from Watershed have similar compositions to those from strongly reduced tungsten skarns from western North America (Newberry, 1983) and Japan (Shimazaki, 1977).Minerals formed during the prograde stage have been

totally or partially replaced by hydrous retrograde assemblages. Four retrograde stages have been recognised in veins and host‐rock:

- Retrograde 1: characterized by microcline (Or93-

94), feldspar (An15‐55), and quartz in veins and quartz, clinozoisite, and feldspar (An29) in host‐rock. \

- Retrograde 2: quartz and feldspar (An3‐33) in veins while amphibole (such as actinolite and Na‐rich amphiboles) and feldspar (An25) is characteristic in host‐rock. Scheelite is widespread in Retrograde 2 stage, in both veins and vein halos

- Retrograde 3: muscovite (40Ar/39Ar age of ~252.9 Ma), biotite, and calcite in veins; phlogopite, chlorite, muscovite, calcite and minor fluorite in host‐rock.

Retrograde 4: laumontite and prehnite stringers in veins and aerinite in host‐rock. Scheelite mineralisation is coincident with a Na enrichment in the system. During scheelite deposition in Retrograde 2 the mineralising system shows albitization in vein feldspar and Na-rich amphibole after clinozoisite in host-rock.The latest event at Watershed occurs as pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite and minor chalcopyrite fracture filling in veins and host rock. Pyrrhotite is ubiquitous in the slate and slate breccia and marks a shift from the previous oxidized conditions to reduced conditions.A new pre‐mineral dyke age of ~300 Ma (LAICP‐MS zircon U‐Pb) in the eastern margin of Watershed has been established. This new date is approximately 35 Ma older than reported ages for intrusions of the Whypalla Supersuite and may be a pre-Whypalla Supersuite unrecorded magmatic event. Further work on this project will include: - Refining the alteration and mineralisation

mineralogy and paragenesis. - Dating to constrain the age of mineralisation. - Fluid inclusion studies. - O-H-S isotope studies. - Analysis of the structural setting of the deposit.

References cited:Newberry, R.N., 1983, The formation of subcalcic garnet in scheelite‐bearing skarns: Canadian Mineralogist, v. 21, p. 529‐544. Shimazaki, H., 1977, Grossular‐spessartine‐almandine garnets from some Japanese scheelite skarns: Canadian Mineralogist, v. 15, p.74‐80.z


Third Edition

GEOLOGYof Australia


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Third Edition

GEOLOGYof Australia


9781107432413CvrRghs.indd 2 5/01/2016 3:00 pm

JCU Emeritus Professor Bob Henderson, who has retired but is as busy as ever, has been beavering away for a couple of years revising the 2nd edition of this book produced by David Johnson and first published in 2009. The new edition, to be published by Cambridge University Press, is expected in September.The book retains the same general organization as the second edition and also much of its previous content, but has been comprehensively revised and updated. Two heads are always better than one, and it is surprising the extent to which new and valuable information has been generated in the passage of just seven years. Overall the book content has grown by 40 or so pages with close to a hundred new illustrations, including both line diagrams and photographs. Adella Edwards, formerly the cartographer in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, worked her magic in getting the new line diagrams publication-ready and revising a number that have been recycled. Many friends and colleagues, and also Geoscience Australia, were generous in making illustrations available for inclusion. A more expansive index will help readers to find specific topics more readily.Two new chapters have been added, in exchange for two (climate change; cosmology and impacts) that were somewhat peripheral to a book on the national geology. One of the additions deals with geological time, a seminal concept and organizational structure underpinning the discipline. Stock-in-trade for most of us, in our daily work. The second deals with the Paleozoic orogenic systems of eastern Australia, a complicated topic, with good measure of contention. Constructing a coherent, and hopefully easy to read and understand, thumbnail in 20 or so book pages covering the Delamerian, Lachlan, Thomson, Mossman and New England systems proved to be quite a challenge. A personal research involvement with three of the five, providing a good measure of firsthand knowledge, came in handy. The final chapter summing up in a global context of how Australia evolved has

been completely rewritten and is also new. In keeping with previous editions, the third edition is written for a general readership and assumes no prior knowledge of the Earth Sciences by readers, concisely explaining concepts unique to the discipline and minimising the burden of unfamiliar terminology. Its target readership is the public at large as well as students of the discipline. Hopefully it will be a vehicle of general education in the Earth Sciences for Australians.The journey of Australia through time is the main theme of the book. It relates how the Australian cratons developed through the assembly of continental fragments, culminating in the formation of the supercontinent of Rodinia. The ongoing evolution of Australia with the development of orogenic belts and sedimentary basins following the breakup of Rodinia, and then continuing reorganization of continental crust as the supercontinents of Gondwana, then Pangea, is explained. The journey continued with subsequent supercontinent fragmentation which brought Australia to its present setting and resulted in development of substantial continental shelves as part of the national estate. The features of Australian geology that shine in an international sense are highlighted, including the Pilbara banded iron formations, the Australian record of Precambrian life, the Neoproterozoic and Carboniferous-Permian glacial records, coal deposits of the Sydney-Bowen basin, the Great Artesian Basin and its relationship to the early Cretaceous drowning of most of the continent, and the spectacular late Cenozoic record of marsupials. Although the book is not expansive on Earth resources, Australia’s main mineral deposits, and those of coal and petroleum are placed in the context of how the Australian crust was shaped over time and the Earth processes involved. Surface processes affecting the present Earth surface with consequences for Australia, such as tsumanis, cyclones, threats to coral reefs and land degradation are also covered.z

The Geology of Australia will be launched on Monday 26th September at the Townsville Museum.

EGRU News August 2016 23

Teaching Teaching

22 EGRU News August 2016

Drill Core, Structure & Digital Technologies

An AusIMM -AIG sponsored short course presented by Dr Julian VearncombeOriented drill core provided by Mantle Mining.

Earth Resources, Exploration and Environment: EA2510 in the field

In April around 25 second year students, including six engineering students, had the chance to visit an operating gold mine, take a close look at drill core, and gain hands-on experience with surface geochemical sampling techniques.

The students were taking part in the field work component of JCU geology subject EA2510, Earth Resources, Exploration and Environment. This subject aims to provide students with an understanding: � of the mechanisms by which mineral resources form; � of basic exploration techniques for mineral deposits; � of the nature, challenges and ways of evaluating

and exploiting mineral resources, and related environmental issues;

� and informed perspective of global natural resources, Australia’s and Queensland’s resource based economics and the socio-economic impacts.

This year EA2510 students visited Resolute Mining’s Carpentaria Gold operations at Ravenswood, around 95 kilometres south-west of Townsville. The current underground mining operation at Ravenswood is centred on the +million ounce Mt Wright intrusion-related breccia deposit.

The mine visit and field work were made possible through the efforts of Dr Nick Lisowiec, from Carpentaria Gold. Nick gave the students a presentation on the resource cycle - from exploration to rehabilitation, took them on a tour of an open pit, arranged a core display, and demonstrated sampling procedures. The sampling equipment for the field work was generously provided by Terra Search

EA2510 is coordinated by Dr Christa Placzek, with assistance from Dr Ioan Sanislav and A/Prof. Zhaoshan Chang.z

Nick Lisowiec examining drill core and demonstrating stream sediment sampling to EA2510 students.

EA2510 students soil sampling in the field.

On the 9th March 18 JCU honours and postgraduate students, along with research staff and local industry geologists, attended a drill core short course given by Dr Julian Vearncombe. During the one-day workshop Julian covered several topics, including: � Lodes and how to drill them � Structure data collection � Structural geology in terrains lacking outcrop � Value from legacy data � Effective communication and best practice

In the afternoon a hands-on session with oriented drill core gave all course participants the chance to select suitable oriented drill core and collect structural data.

At end of the day Julian asked students the question: “What have you learned from the day’s workshop?”. Responses included: � Data quality is more important than data quantity. � Use computer technology as a tool rather than for

its own sake. � Collect data with a purpose. � Interpret in real time as you collect data. � Build pictures from your data. � Be consistent with logging and data collection. � Apply fractal concepts. � Drill across structures. � Drill angled holes. � Use structural geology as a tool.

Thank you to the AusIMM and AIG for their sponsorship of the workshop, to Geoff Phillips from the North Qld AusIMM branch for facilitating the workshop, and to Mantle Mining for providing the oriented drill core for the practical session.z

EGRU HonoURs scHolaRsHips

Each year EGRU offers scholarships of A$5000 to two Honours students who areenrolled full-time at JCU and are working on projects related to mineral or energy resources.

For further information go to:

W.c. lacy scHolaRsHip In honour of Bill Lacy - the Foundation Professor of Geology at JCU.

This scholarship of A$5000 is offered on a competitive basis to students who are undertaking or have been accepted into the JCU PhD program in Earth Sciences,

and have been awarded or offered a competitive postgraduate scholarship.For further information go to:

Julian Vearncombe at JCU demonstrating the collection of structural data from oriented drill core to

students, staff, and industry geologists.

EGRU News August 2016 25

EGRU 2016

EGRU News August 2016 25

Courses & Conferences

24 EGRU News August 2016

2016 EGrU short CoUrsEs & Workshops

8th - 19th February 2016Course Leaders: Dr Andrew White, Dr Nick FraneyDelegates: 14

Business and Financial Management for the Minerals Industry

16th - 18th March 2016Course Convenors: A/Prof Zhaoshan Chang, Dr Richard LillyDelegates: 77Workshop report included over the page.

IOCG and other Mineral Systems in the World-Class Cloncurry District

Undertanding of, and Exploration for, Epithermal and Porphyry Deposits: Transitions and Variations

25th - 26th February 2016Course Leader: Professor Jeffrey HedenquistDelegates: 25

18th - 29th April 2016Course Leaders: A/Prof Zhaoshan Chang, Dr Arianne Ford, Dr Carsten LaukampDelegates: 12

Integrated Spatial Analysis and Remote Sensing of Exploration Targets

Future Understanding of Tectonics, Ores, Resources, Environment and Sustainability

4 - 7 June 2017

Townsville, Queensland, Australia

▪ David Groves Symposium: New Insights in Mineral Deposit Understanding

▪ New Technologies and Approaches in Mineral Exploration

▪ Tectonics and Metallogenesis

▪ Basins and Energy

▪ Future Trends in the Minerals Industry

Conference Themes

Richard SillitoeDavid GrovesLarry MeinertNoel WhiteDavid LeachDavid CookeBruce GemmellCornel de RondeJingwen Mao

Jeremy RichardsAntonio ArribasYasushi WatanabeSteve CoxSteven MicklethwaiteJoel BruggerAllan CollinsAnnette GeorgeRoric Smith

Doug KirwinRichard GoldfarbRichard LillyJeremy CookSimon RichardsSteffen HagemannCarsten LaukampVladimir Lisitsin

Confirmed Speakers

FUTORES II is supported by:

Visiting TownsvilleTownsville is located in the dry tropics of northern Queensland, Australia. It has a mild winter climate, with daily temperatures that ranging 15-25ºC.

For those wishing to stay longer in Townsville, there is a range of activities available in the Townsville Region.

AbstractsAbstract submissions via the FUTORES web site from 1st September 2016.Enquiries: [email protected]

PresentationsOral and Poster

RegistrationRegistration opens: January 2017Early bird registration until: 31st March 2017

Workshops and Field Trips The conference committee invites proposals for short courses and workshops. Enquiries: [email protected]

SponsorsThe conference committee invites companies and organisations to support the meeting. Enquiries: [email protected]

ExhibitorsThe conference committee invites companies and organisations to take part as exhibitors. Enquiries: [email protected]

Conference HostEGRU (Economic Geology Research Centre)James Cook UniversityTownsville QLD 4811 Australia

Conference Organising CommitteeZhaoshan ChangJudy BottingKaylene CamutiArianne FordJan Marten Huizenga Christa PlaczekEric RobertsTrevor ShawCarl SpandlerNoel White

Conference VenueThe Ville Resort - Casino Sir Leslie Theiss Drive, Townsville

General Expressions of [email protected]

AccommodationThe Ville Resort-Casino is the venue for the conference and accommodation bookings can be made on the venue website or by contacting the resort directly.

There are many choices for accommodation in Townsville and delegates may find the Townsville North Queensland website useful.

EGRU News August 2016 27


26 EGRU News August 2016

FUTORES II 2017 Conference ThemesFUTORES II (Future Understanding of Tectonics, Ores, Resources, Environment and Sustainability) will be held in tropical Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 4-7 June 2017. The conference will address issues related to new understanding in mineral deposits, tectonics, basins, and metallogenesis, new technologies and approaches in mineral and energy resources exploration, including the challenge of exploration in areas with cover, and future trends in the resources industry. The FUTORES II conference will have a similar format to the inaugural and highly successful FUTORES conference held in 2013. The Economic Geology Research Centre (EGRU) at James Cook University is proud to host this event and we welcome academic colleagues, industry and government geologists, and students to this inspiring and exciting conference.

Plenary Speaker Richard Sillitoe: Exploration in and under lithocaps

David Groves Symposium: New Insights in Mineral Deposit UnderstandingCoordinator: Zhaoshan ChangWith the increasing world population and living standards the demand for mineral and energy resources continues to grow. Further exploration will need to target resources at increasing depths and in areas with cover. Such challenges require improved understanding of mineral systems and better exploration methods. This symposium, in honour of Professor David Groves, will highlight recent developments in the understanding of major types of mineral deposits, and their physical and chemical controls.

New Technologies and Approaches in Mineral ExplorationCoordinator: Kaylene CamutiTechnological and conceptual developments in the mid 20th century offered explorers a new framework for exploration. Affordable geochemistry and airborne geophysical techniques, combined with regional geological maps, provided tools for large scale regional surveys and led to major discoveries. Recent decades have seen continuing advances in exploration technology and new concepts applied in exploration programs, and to the challenge of exploring under cover. Developments in geophysical, geochemical, biogeochemical and drilling-related technologies, along with advances in data management and processing, offer explorers an expanding range of tools. This symposium welcomes contributions on new exploration technologies and concepts, and on modern applications of tried and true technologies and geological techniques.

Tectonics and Metallogenesis Coordinators: Paul Dirks and Carl SpandlerFuture delineation and extraction of mineral wealth will rely on a holistic geoscience approach - from deposit to continent scale - that considers lithospheric-scale geological architecture, 4D tectonic evolution and metallogenic processes. The success of future mineral exploration will hinge on our ability to unlock new target areas by exploring under cover or along the ocean floor, and by applying new concepts, many driven by advancements in technology. We invite contributions covering all fields of geology, geophysics and geochemistry with relevance to tectonics and regional metallogenesis.

Tectonics and Metallogenesis of Queensland session Convenor: Paul Donchak

Basins and Energy Coordinators: Eric Roberts and Maree CorkeronThis symposium will address the relationship between tectonics, basins and energy resources. The symposium will span a range of topics that include coal, conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations, as well as studies focused on basic sedimentology, stratigraphy, palaeontology and structural geology. Emphasis will be placed on Australasian basins, however case studies from around the globe are welcome. In addition, new applications and techniques for basin analysis involving geochronology, geochemistry and other fields will be highlighted.

Future Trends in the Minerals IndustryCoordinator: Trevor ShawThis symposium will include contributions on trends in the minerals industry that will affect the future of exploration, discovery, and the utilisation of resources. Topics could include, but are not limited to: commodities for the future, sovereign risk, education and training, trends in research management and application, and developments in project management.

(FUTORES Photographs courtesy of: Rob Holm; Zhaoshan Chang; Auctus Minerals; Tourism and Events, Qld)

Courses & Conferences

28 EGRU News August 2016


IOCG and Other Mineral Systems in the World-Class Cloncurry District:New Advances in Exploration and Deposit Understanding16-18th March 2016, Cloncurry, Queensland

This year’s EGRU field workshop in Cloncurry continued a theme of the previous year’s workshop course: what are the genetic relationships between various major deposits in the Cloncurry region and why have we failed to find another in the past two decades? Although the primary focus of the conference was “IOCG” there were also talks on sedex and skarn deposits.The day before the workshop Ernest Henry Mine hosted an introduction to their mine geology and allowed viewing of core from their ore body. Attendees were able to view the open pit and discuss at length the genesis of the sulphide-bearing breccias which host the ore. On the morning of the 16th Dr. Zhaoshan Chang (JCU EGRU Director) opened the workshop. He was followed by Nick Oliver (HCOV Global) and Mike Rubenach (JCU) who provided the attendees with a detailed description of the Cloncurry region geology and a synthesis of the current understanding of minerals systems contained within. The first day’s program consisted of deposit scale geology talks including Cannington, Dugald River, Rocklands, Elaine, Mt Watson, Mt Cuthbert, Kalman and Overlander. These presentations highlighted the variety of ore deposit types (IOCG, sedex, skarn) and the successful modern exploration and development history which defined the Cloncurry region. Of notable interest was the talk on CuDECO’s Rocklands project which is now in operation. Michael Hawtin, geologist with CuDECO, described the chalcopyrite, magnetite and amphibole-bearing ore of the Rocklands project and provided the attendees with an update on infrastructure and mining progress. He also explained that the genesis and age of the deposit remain unknown and that CuDECO would be available for further work to help constrain these major questions. Wrapping up the day were two talks: one by Dr. Zhaoshan Chang on distinguishing hydrothermal from sedimentary magnetite in the Cloncurry district, and

its significance in identifying mineral systems. The final talk of the day was by Richard Lilly’s (MIM/Univ Adelaide) on “IOCG” mineral systems within the Cloncurry district. Richard provided an abundance of data which d e m o n s t r a t e d that the IOCG model, if applied to Cloncurry, has many flavours and variations, with no single genetic model broad enough to cover the district’s variation in metallogeny or host rock characteristics. After the first day of talks the group met for BBQ, beer,

core viewing and cricket at the MIM barracks in Cloncurry. On table was beautiful core from Cannington, Eloise and seven other deposits. The core provided the geologists (especially those who are new to the region, like me) with a better understanding of the metamorphic host rocks of the region and an idea of the

ore controlling features.

On the 17th talks continued with the direction changing from mine and prospect geology to broader scale geology, exploration under cover, and an end of workshop wrap-up. CSIRO made preliminary presentations on their Cloncurry based geophysical, geochemical and structural research funded by the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ). This includes work on interpreting magnetic remanence in the Cloncurry district and how this applies to mineral exploration and exploring for magnetic targets under cover. Dr. John Walshe (CSIRO) gave a talk on redox gradients in mineral systems, including Archean gold systems in Western Australia, mid-Proterozoic mineral systems of varying metallogeny in Queensland and Southern Australia, and how to use these gradients as vectors to mineralisation. Dr. Walshe stated that what Cloncurry is missing is a synthesized geochemical understanding of metal accumulation and deposition. Dr. James Austin finished the CSIRO talks with presentation on quantifying structural controls on mineralisation. Ernest Henry, Monakoff, E1, Canteen,

Peter IlligPhD Candidate, EGRU

“Following a global trend in exploration focus the workshop delegates asked: How can explorers

in the Conclurry district progress from finding the ‘easy’ deposits to those under cover?

Does the challenge lie with a lack of data and/or a misunderstanding of deposit genesis?”

EGRU News August 2016 29

Courses & Conferences

Maronan, Cameron River, Swan, Starra, Kulthor and Osborne were used as case studies. The CSIRO work is due to be reported for public dissemination this year. The remaining talks covered a variety of topics such as Dr. Zhaoshan Chang’s research on the genesis of the enigmatic Corella breccias, which appear visually similar to deposit hosts in the region. Emma Beattie, with FMR Investments, gave an energetic talk on the history of the previous 20 years of production at the Eloise copper-gold deposit. Dr. Richard Lilly finished the day with a talk about his GSQ funded work on exploring through cover and gave insight into new techniques that could be used to find deposits not exposed at surface. The workshop ended with a discussion about what explorers in the Cloncurry region can do moving into the future. Glen Little, from Minotaur Exploration, pointed out that no major economic deposits had been found in the Cloncurry region for over 20 years. There was a lack of consensus amongst workshop delegates as to whether a misunderstanding of ore deposit genesis of the region was misdirecting exploration efforts or whether it was a lack of data that prevented efficient exploration under cover. Many deposits in the region were first detected due to their magnetic signatures (e.g. Cannington by BHP) and others had surface outcrop. The IOCG model followed these discoveries in an attempt to understand their genesis and allow for future

major discoveries. Ever since the easy deposits (exposed at surface and magnetite bearing deposits) were drilled no major discoveries have occurred. The IOCG model has not been credited with aiding the discovery of any new mines in the Cloncurry region. Major questions were raised but remained unresolved, including: ■ What geophysical datasets would best aid exploration

under cover? ■ Should the broad IOCG model be abandoned?

Exploring under cover is a challenge presenting itself in mature mineral districts globally. Although no broad consensus was found on pathways forward, the EGRU IOCG workshop served as a forum for industry and research geoscientists from around the region to convene and begin working on these challenges. On the day after the workshop presentations many attendees visited the Rocklands and Dugald River mines. Dugald River was a brief but welcome departure from IOCG and provided another window into the base metal geological story in the Cloncurry region. We would like to thank all attendees, including the many industry participants, geoscientists from GSQ and CSIRO and academia. We would also like to thank Dr. Zhaoshan Chang and Dr. Richard Lilly and the other support staff required to make this meeting a reality.z

Courses & Conferences

30 EGRU News August 2016

Goldschmidt 2016 - A Postgraduate’s ExperiencePaul SlezakPhD Candidate, EGRU

The 2016 Goldschmidt conference, held in Yokohama, Japan from June 26th -July 1st, covered topics ranging from cosmochemistry to mantle geochemistry. I attended the conference as a student delegate and presented a talk entitled, “Yangibana LREE deposit and associated ferrocarbonatites, Gascoyne Province, Western Australia” in the presentation theme, “REE/HFSE Deposits: Characteristics, Ore Genesis and Exploration”. The conference was an excellent place to catch up on the latest geochemical research, present my own project, and to meet current and future colleagues.

Goldschmidt Mentoring Program

This year, the Goldschmidt conference created a mentor program for students and early career researchers. The premise is that a more experienced academic researcher who has previously attended a Goldschmidt conference would provide advice to a mentee. My mentor was Dr. Katsuhiko (Katz) Suzuki from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). Katz was an excellent mentor making himself easily reachable at all times. We met at the regularly scheduled lunches established by Goldschmidt to talk about our research and the conference. In addition, Katz invited me on a tour of the JAMSTEC facilities where I was able to see their new isotope lab facilities, clean lab, and deep-sea exploration vehicles.

Short Course: High Pressure Geochemistry

Nu Instruments Japan and JAMSTEC sponsored student short courses at the Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences. I participated in the “High Pressure Geochemistry” course taught by Marc Hirschmann from the University of Minnesota. The course discussed H2O and CO2 flux in the Earth’s mantle. It was an excellent introduction to how H2O and CO2 are stored in the mantle; how they are brought to surface; and the geochemical evidence scientists have for the presence of these compounds in the different parts of the mantle. The course also opened up many questions such as the residence time and initial sources for H2O and CO2 in the mantle.z

Paul Slezak (second from the left) and colleagues at the JAMSTEC research facility and docks in Yokosuka, Japan.

Paul’s mentor, Katz Suzuki, is second from the right.

JAMSTEC underwater research station circa 1960s. The station was used to study the effects of water pressure on

the human body to depths of 300 m.

EGRU News August 2016 31

Courses & Conferences

26 June - 1 July, Yokohama, JapanA number of EGRU staff and students attended and presented at this year’s Goldschmidt conference, held in Yokohama Japan, from the 26th June to 1st July. The Goldschmidt conference is the world’s premier geochemistry conference and this year was attended by more than 3700 delegates from across the globe. EGRU had a strong showing in the “Mineral Resources” theme, with Isaac Corral and Frederik Sahlström giving talks in the “Hydrothermal Systems: Geochemistry of Porphyry and Epithermal Deposits” session, and Helge Behnsen presenting in the “Geochemical Mineral Exploration” session. Paul Slezak, Carl Spandler and Teimoor Nazari-Dehkordi all presented in the “REE/HFSE deposits: Characteristics, Ore genesis and Exploration” session. Carl also gave a keynote talk in the “Slab Processes and Slab mantle interaction” session and participated in a BBC World Service radio edition of “The Forum” on geological hazards and plate tectonics, which can be heard at: JCU honours student John Wardell also attended and worked as an official Student Helper for the duration of the conference.

EGrU @ GoldsChMIdt 2016

Photo at left: EGRU staff and students at Goldschmidt 2016 in Yokohama. From LtoR: Helge Behnsen, Teimoor Nazari Dehkordi, Isaac Corrall, Carl Spandler, John Wardell, Paul Slezak

EGRU presentations at Goldschmidt 2016:

Spandler, Carl. Trace element and Nd isotope evolution of subducted sediments; insights from HP and UHP rocks. (Keynote)Corral, Isaac; Chang, Zhaoshan; Behnsen, Helge; Sahlström, Fredrik; Spandler, Carl; Pocock, Michael; Hewitt, David. The Capsize porphyry prospect, NE Queensland, Australia: A Paleozoic linked porphyry-lithocap system.Nazari Dehkordi, Teimoor. The unique wolverine HREE deposit, Browns Range area, Western Australia.Sadeghi, Benhnam; Carranza, John; Wang, Haicheng; Yilmaz, Huseyin; Ford, Arianne. Weight bulk leaach extractable gold data with catchment area. Sahlström F, Corral I, Chang Z, Arribas A, Dirks P & Stokes M. Hydrothermal Alteration and Mineralisation at the Mt Carlton High-Sulphidation Au-Ag-Cu Epithermal Deposit (NE Queensland, Australia)Slezak, Paul; Spandler, Carl. Age and origin of the Yangibana LREE deposit and associated ferrocarbonatites, Gascoyne Province, Western Australia.Spandler, Carl. Geology and genesis of the Toongi rare metal (Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Y REE) deposit, New South Wales, Australia.

The Goldschmidt Conference™ is named in honour of Victor Goldschmidt (1888-1947), a Norwegian mineralogist considered to be the founder of modern geochemistry. The annual conferences are organised by the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry, in collaboration with other learned mineralogical and geochemical societies.

EGrU @ aEsC 2016

Cheng, Yanbo; Chang, Zhaoshan; Poblete, Jaime. Geology and Mineralization of the Mt Carbine Deposit, Northern QLD, Australia.Poblete, Jaime; Chang, Zhaoshan; Cheng, Yambo. The Watershed tungsten deposit (NE Qld, Australia): Scheelite vein mineralization, alteration and mineral chemistry.

26 - 30 June, Adelaide, AustraliaHenderson, Bob; Fergusson, Chris. Tabberabberan extended: Middle to Late Devonian contraction in the eastern Tasmanides.

Todd, Christopher; Roberts, Eric; Spandler, Carl. Reconstructing the tectonic history and palaeodrainage evolution of Mesozoic NE Australia.

EGRU presentations at AESC 2016:


32 EGRU News August 2016

Andy White has been a long-serving member of the EGRU team and, when he hung up powerpoint slides to move on to other things early this year, it marked the end of an era for the JCU-EGRU Masters course.Andy has taught that Business and Financial Management postgraduate course at EGRU for nearly two decades. This year’s course in February was his final JCU course, but he ensured its continuation by jointly presenting the course with Nick Franey, prior to handing it over to Nick for future years. Andy’s long and successful career, which is still continuing, encompasses a wide range of commodities and extensive management experience. To mark his retirement from teaching at EGRU he looked back over his career and noted the highlights, the turning points, and the roles of family, colleagues, and mentors. Andy grew up in Sydney and majored in economic geology at Sydney University. He worked as a driller’s offsider and then as a (very unskilled) diamond driller in and around Sydney until a PhD scholarship sent him off to study at UNE under the supervision of Allan Voisey. While at UNE he met and married Elizabeth, his wife, companion and mother of their two children. Andy is the first to say that being mentored, and then having the opportunity to mentor, are of prime importance in any professional’s career. Andy says he got lucky as his first mentor was the legendary Ken Glasson, who Andy describes as the worst lecturer but the best geological mentor and friend any young geo could wish to have. The second was Allan Voisey, whose gifts were enthusiasm, patience, kindness, and an ability to surround himself with a stellar cast of academic staff. The peer group of PhD and Masters students at the time included Max Richards, Barrie McKelvey, Stirling Shaw, Dick Flood, John Lindsay, Alan Pedder and John Jackson, a group whose friendship in many cases persisted for a lifetime.His PhD studies gave Andy a chance to become a clastic sedimentologist with a balanced view of structural geology. Later on there were opportunities to add carbonate and evaporite sedimentology to his soft-rock skills, which Andy regards as a fundamental skill set to understanding and interpreting any sedimentary or metamorphic terrain. After submitting his PhD in 1965 Andy’s most urgent task was to find a job. Geology jobs were scarce (not unusual) but an ad for “management trainees” from Shell, seeking petroleum depot managers, turned into an interview with Shell Development Australia Ltd in Melbourne. Armed with his thesis and a few

publications, Andy explained to the General Manager what he’d been doing for the last four years. At the end of the interview, the GM said, “well, we don’t do any of that, can you start next Monday?”. This meant a move to Melbourne with wife, 8 month old son and a few belongings. Enter the next mentor, John Jennings, who was later to become MD of the Shell Transport and Trading Company (ie, the CEO of the global Shell company). Shell was a fabulous training ground, with inspiring people and exploration challenges. The five Shell years included target generation, onshore and offshore well site geology, well sitting, and 10 months training in Holland. Andy was one of a team of four responsible for target generation, drill hole supervision and reporting in early tests of the Otway Basin, including the pioneering first offshore holes. There was enormous financial responsibility on the team, and 12 months fly out - fly back offshore drilling was tough on Andy’s family. When offered a position with Shell International, Andy decided that glamorous and well paid as the International job undoubtedly was, a job offer from Comalco, then setting up an exploration group, offered more stable conditions for a young family and he jumped ship to become a minerals explorer.After a year based in Melbourne and commuting to Cape York, Andy and crew moved to Cairns - the start of a seven year interlude in paradise - looking after exploration in north east Queensland for bauxite, fluorine, tin and associated base metals. The discovery successes during that period included the “Wafer” tin deposit at the Pinnacles near Mt Garnet, and a low-iron bauxite at the Escape River. All good things come to an end and in 1978 Andy transferred to Adelaide, in charge of looking for alkali raw materials for Comalco. By 1980 Andy was Exploration Manager and also responsible for dealing with Aboriginal issues outside of Weipa. An offer to become marketing manager, bauxite, led Andy to reconsider and in 1983 he quit Comalco to stay with geology and exploration and hung up his shingle as Andrew White & Associates. Enter the next mentors, Bruce Webb, then MD of Poseidon Ltd, and Tim Hopwood, consultant.

andy WhItE rEtIrEs froM EGrU MsC CoUrsE

EGRU News August 2016 33


Lunch with Tim one day led to the discovery of the Skardon River kaolin deposit. Further consulting work led to the position of Manager, Minerals for Poseidon. In the Poseidon years, Andy became involved in the Kalgoorlie JV between Homestake, WMC and Poseidon. During one of his Kalgoorlie trips, Bill Hill, a leading WMC mine geo, took him aside and put the proposition that instead of remnant mining narrow veins underground, the consortium should consider developing a very large, nay, super pit and process the lot. After juggling some numbers based on Bill’s estimate of a grade of 2.2 g/t gold, Andy promoted the idea to the Poseidon Board. Soon after, Rob de Crespigny took over Poseidon to form Normandy Mining Ltd and, after some corporate wheeling and dealing, the Super Pit became a reality, with a grade a bit north of 2.2g/t. Although working for Rob was exhilarating, Andy had other goals and headed back to Queensland with the family.

A year after returning to Queensland, Andy was cajoled into taking the job as foundation director of the WH Bryan Mining Geology Research Center at the University of Queensland, with the goal of getting Geology and Mining Engineering back to a close working relationship. He says this job was the second toughest he ever had, but working with Alban Lynch, Head of Mining Engineering and Director of the Julius Kruttschnitt Mining Research Center for the five years at UQ was a joy, a challenge and a privilege.

In 2006 John Bishop, Andy and Steve Bartrop worked together to float Icon Resources Ltd (now Carbine Tungsten Ltd) and learn the trials, tribulations and occasional triumphs of directing a junior company. This was hands-on learning that Andy could feed straight into his course. In 2011, by default, Andy became CEO of Carbine Tungsten Ltd for a couple of months at a very difficult time for the Company: this was the toughest job.

The Management Course

A week after being appointed Exploration Manager for Comalco in 1980, Andy attended the Exploration Management course conducted by Professor Rex Davis of London University College at the Australian Mineral Foundation (AMF). At the end of the course participants were asked to come up with proposals for other courses at the AMF. Andy suggested that rather than wait for a geologist to become an exploration manager, it would good to have an intermediate course for senior geologists who might one day be exploration managers. Dean Crowe, AMF director, asked Andy if he knew anyone

who could run the course and Andy suggested Bill Lacy, Professor of Economic Geology at JCU, would be ideal. Bill was talked into it and ran three courses before illness and overwork led him to declare the AMF course was something he had to give up. Dean came to see Andy with this news and popped the question: would Andy do it? After getting over the initial surprise Andy agreed and, while in Cape York exploring for kaolin, wrote the first set of course notes. Liz, the ever loyal wife and partner in life, typed out the hand written notes in camp on her portable typewriter, and so it began.

Andy says he cannot remember much about the first course, probably because of the nerves and worry of getting it right, but it must have gone well because some of the participants still keep in touch. Except in severe downturns, the course was held each year at the AMF, and occasionally at overseas locations. In 1997 the expanded course notes were published by the AMF as “Management of Mineral Exploration”.

The Brisbane years (28 to date) have involved management courses about annually, firstly at CODES then at JCU, a series of management training programmes for BHP Discovery based around the course, and consulting to China National Nonferrous Corporation on their process of privatisation.

The second edition of the book was published in 2008 as EGRU Contribution 66. There are very few editing errors, some layout styles could be tidied up, but Andy and EGRU were happy with the result (this really is a collector’s item, so get your copy now).

Heading into his 75th year, Andy figured that it was time to ease back a bit. As luck would have it, in correspondence with Nick Franey who is writing his own book, he determined that here was a geologist who could take over the course. Nick and Andy jointly conducted the 2016 course and, satisfied that he had found the right person to continue the work, Andy has hung up his powerpoints and gone back to some prospecting, some consulting, and company direction. He leaves with very fond memories of the people at EGRU, starting with that legendary duo, Bill Lacy and Roger Taylor, but including all those at EGRU who took an interest since, especially the post grads. He is particularly grateful to Judy Botting for all the administrative support she gave him during the “EGRU years”. He hopes that EGRU is a lastingly successful institution and is very glad to have had the chance to contribute, and wishes all those who grace its corridors from time to time have fulfilling lives, and he urges those who can to mentor those who need it.z


34 EGRU News August 2016

nEW stUdEnts & staff

Robbie ColemanRobert is a Far North Queensland local, born in Cairns. He was awarded his BGeol. at James Cook University where he received the academic medal and Laing exploration mapping prize. After

a short hiatus he returned to JCU to conduct honours research. His thesis was titled “Magnetite geochemistry and its implication on the genesis of magnetite in laminated rocks in the E1 Group deposits, Cloncurry District, Queensland, Australia”. This research focused on the development of analytical methods for magnetite trace element analysis. This method was subsequently applied to magnetite from the E1 Group Deposits to better understand local magnetite genesis.Robert joined EGRU as an M.Phil student in late February 2016. He is conducting research on the evolution of the Tommy Creek Block (Mount Isa Inlier) and associated rare earth element (REE) mineralisation with Carl Spandler. This project will aim to improve the understanding of the Tommy Creek Block’s Precambrian evolution through geophysical interpretation, field work, and geochronology. Multiple REE mineral occurrences in the block will also be investigated in order to better understand timing of mineralisation and any correlations with the local geologic evolution.

Hannah Hilbert-WolfHannah Wolf recently finished her PhD at JCU, during which she studied the geodynamics of the East African Rift System in Tanzania via sedimentologic, geochronologic, and paleoseismic investigations under the supervision of Dr. Eric Roberts and Prof. Paul Dirks. Hannah is now a Postdoctoral Researcher at JCU studying the geologic context of the new hominin species recently discovered in South Africa, Homo naledi. In collaboration with a multidisciplinary team from around the world, which includes other researchers from JCU as well, she is helping to accurately date the assemblage containing Homo naledi and generally better understand cave formation and depositional processes in caves in the Cradle of Humankind in South Africa. Hannah will also be assisting with the sedimentology courses in the second semester of this year.

Kelly HeilbronKelly completed undergraduate studies in 2015 at JCU with a Bachelor of Geology (Honours). For her honours project, Kelly generated a 3D model of the Gulf of Papua in Leapfrog and used GPlates to test out

various opening scenarios of the Queensland Trough and the Pocklington Sea, an ancient ocean that once existed north of the Coral Sea.Kelly returned in February 2016 to undertake a MPhil under the supervision of Rob Holm, Eric Roberts and Carl Spandler. Kelly will investigate sedimentary and volcanic rocks from IODP core from the Queensland Plateau and Lord Howe Rise. Outcomes from the analysis of the IODP samples will assist in modelling the lithosphere dynamics offshore of eastern Australia. This research will contribute towards closing the gap in the understanding the evolution of the eastern Australian continent during the Jurassic and Cretaceous.

Alexander ParkerAlexander graduated in 2006 with a BSc in Mathematics and Statistics from Newcastle University (UK). Following his graduation, he worked within the IT industry, servicing the UK and European financial markets. Following this, he ventured back home to Australia in 2009 and continued working in IT, delivering Risk Management systems. In 2012, Alexander sought change from the hum-drum 9 to 5 by returning to university at JCU to study a Bachelor of Geology; a far cry from the IT dungeons he was used to! Alexander continued to honours, supervised by Dr. Jan Marten Huizenga, with research focused on granulites in the Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo complex in South Africa. Alexander joined EGRU in February 2016 as a PhD student of Dr. Jan Marten Huizenga. So far, Alexander has been able to couple his IT knowledge with geology by implementing innovative data manipulation techniques which he hopes to develop as part of his PhD process. He is currently working on fluid conditions in the lower crust, focusing on high-temperature and ultrahigh-temperature granulites. His current research direction questions whether CO2 rich and high-salinity (brine) fluids are present in granulites and what effect the fluids have on peak metamorphic temperature conditions, and fluid flow mechanisms (pervasive vs channelized) in the lower crust. Typical samples from three classic granulite terranes (Limpopo Complex in South Africa, the Bakhuis complex in Surinam, and the quartz-graphite veins hosted in Sri Lanka granulites) will be investigated in this project.

EGRU News August 2016 35


Christopher ToddChristopher started his PhD under Eric Roberts in the beginning of 2015. His project focuses on the sedimentology of Porcupine Gorge in central Queensland, and the reconstruction of the tectonic

history of north-eastern Australia during the Jurassic and Cretaceous. It is hoped that his thesis will be able to test competing hypotheses regarding the provenance of volcanogenic sediments in the Great Artesian Basin system.In 2014 he completed a Bachelor of Geology with Class I Honours degree at James Cook University, which was a determination of the sedimentology and stratigraphic history of the Blantyre Sandstone in Porcupine Gorge. Christopher is a native of Cairns, in the shadows of the Great Dividing Range, and grew up around creeks and river systems, which is where he developed an interest in sedimentary rocks.

stUdEnt aWards

Behnam SadeghiInternational Association

for Mathematical Sciences: Travel Grant Award

Michael CalderSEG Student Research Grant:

Hugh McKinstry Fund US$4,500

Ashish Mishra 1st Prize: College of Science, Technology and Engineering

Seminar Day Poster

nEW stUdEnts & staff

Jelle WiersmaJelle began his PhD studies at JCU in May, 2016, under the supervision of A/Prof. Eric Roberts and Prof. Paul Dirks. His project involves the sedimentological history of the Rising Star Cave system in the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa, and includes the lithological characteristics and facies associations of specific chambers in the cave system, in addition to detrital zircon-based provenance studies, geochronologic and geochemical analyses. This extraordinary cave system has recently enjoyed a lot of scientific and media attention due to the 2013 discovery of the largest concentration of hominid fossils ever recorded in a single location in Africa, belonging to the new species Homo naledi. Prior to moving to Australia, Jelle completed a MSc. in geology at the University of Utah, USA. For this project, he described two new armored (ankylosaurid) dinosaur taxa from the Late Cretaceous Kaiparowits Formation of southern Utah. Subsequently, he revised the evolutionary relationships for the clade Ankylosauridae by implementing both new taxa, and modeled the timing of Late Cretaceous biogeographic dispersal from Asia to western North America for ankylosaurid dinosaurs.Jelle has been taking part in dinosaur palaeontology excavations for nearly 14 years, including hotspot localities such as the Kaiparowits Formation of Utah, and historical localities in the USA, including Dinosaur National Monument, Utah; the Ghost Ranch quarries in New Mexico; Bridger Basin, and Bone Cabin Quarry, Wyoming, and the Mygatt Moore Quarry in Colorado. His research interests include, but are not limited to: sedimentology, stratigraphy, cave geology, geochemistry, hydrology, vertebrate palaeontology and taphonomy, palaeobiogeography, taxonomy, and cladistics.

Jess RobbinsJess began her geology studies at Victoria University in Wellington, and her honours research focused on the Wellington Fault. Following graduation, Jess went on to study paleomagnetism at the University

of Otago in NZ. Her masters project involved analysis of paleomagnetic records in marine sediments from the Waiaoa Basin. Jess spent the subsequent seven years working as an exploration geologist, initially with epithermal gold deposits in remote parts of Suriname, and later copper in Zambia. She also worked for the National Oil Company in Suriname, where her role focused on seismic interpretation of plays in the offshore blocks. Jess joined EGRU in February 2016 as a student of Eric Roberts, Paul Dirks and Chris Wurster. She is working on the speleothems within the Rising Star cave system and conducting both paleomagnetic and stable isotope analyses. A primary objective is to obtain a record of paleoclimate and vegetation that potentially spans the period of time represented by the hominin fossils. discovered here. The record of magnetic excursions preserved in the speleothems will be matched against the Geomagnetic Instability Timescale (GITS), providing chronology that is complimentary to U/Th dating.


36 EGRU News August 2016

Helge Behnsen (PhD) Magma fertility related to Au-Cu mineralization in north Queensland, Australia - evaluating the potential for linked porphyry Cu±Au (±Mo) deposits at depths..

Supervisors: A/Prof. Carl Spandler, Prof. Paul Dirks

Michael Calder (PhD) Zonation, paragenesis and fluid evolution from the root to top of the Far Southeast Lepanto porphyry epithermal system, Mankayan district, Philippines.Supervisors: A/Prof. Zhaoshan Chang, A/Prof. Carl Spandler, Dr Jeffrey Hendenquist, Dr Antonio Arribas

George Case (PhD) Ore genesis and alteration paragenesis of the E1 group and Monakoff IOCG deposits, Cloncurry region, north west Queensland.Supervisors: Prof. Tom Blenkinsop, A/Prof. Zhaoshan Chang, Dr Jan Martin Huizenga

Robert Coleman (MPhil) Geology and REE mineralisation of the Tommy Creek Block, Mount isa inlier.Supervisors: A/Prof. Carl Spandler, A/Prof. Zhaoshan Chang

Vicky Darlington (PhD) Lawn Hill impact structureSupervisors: Prof. Paul Dirks, Dr David Holmes

Kelly Heilbron (PhD) Establishing a tectonic framework for the eastern margin of Australia during the Jurassic.Supervisors: Dr Rob Holm, A/Prof. Eric Roberts

Peter Illig (PhD) Magma related hydrothermal gold and base metal deposits in the Chillagoe district, NE Queensland, Australia: relationships, transitions and controls.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Zhaoshan Chang, A/Prof Carl Spandler, Dr Jeffrey Hedenquist, Dr Antonio Arribas

Quaid Jadoon (PhD) Kinematics of tectonic fracture development during regional folding in sandstones of the Kamlil formation, Khushalgarh northern Pakistan.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Eric Roberts, Prof. Paul Dirks, Dr Raphael Wust

Shimba Kwelwa (PhD) Gold Mineralization in the Kukuluma Domain in Geita Greenstone Belt.

Supervisors: Prof. Paul Dirks, Prof. Tom Blenkinsop, Dr Yvonne Cook, Dr Ioan Sanislav

Xuan Truong Le (PhD) Geological setting and mineralisation characteristics of the Pac lang Au-W deposits, Bac Kan Province, north eastern Vietnam.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Zhaoshan Chang, Dr Jan Martin Huizenga

Karian Liu (MPhil) Geochronology and formation conditions of the Wolfram Camp W-Mo-Bi deposit, Queensland.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Zhaoshan Chang, Dr Yanbo Cheng

Asish Mishra (PhD)Rates of Erosion and Weathering in the Tropics.

Supervisor: Dr Christa Placzek, Prof. Michael Bird

Stephanie Mrozek (PhD) Uplift History, Intrusive Sequence, and Skarn Mineralisation at the Giant Antamina Deposit, Peru.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Zhaoshan Chang, A/Prof. Carl Spandler, Prof. Lawrence Meinert

Cassy Mtelela (PhD) Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene Lake Beds succession, Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania: Implications for hydrocarbon prospectivity.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Eric Roberts, Prof. Paul Dirks

postGradUatE stUdEnt

rEsEarCh projECts

EGRU News August 2016 37


postGradUatE stUdEnt

rEsEarCh projECtsTeimoor Nazari Dehkordi (PhD) Rare earths unearthed: Resolving the mystery of how rare earth elements are mobilized and concentrated in continental crust.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Carl Spandler, Prof. Paul Dirks

Michael Nugus (PhD) Mechanisms of mineralization in Amphibolite Facies, BIF-hosted gold deposits, using the example of the Golden Pig deposit, SXGB.

Supervisors: Prof. Tom Blenkinsop, Prof. Paul Dirks

Prince Owusu Agymang (PhD)Mesozoic detrital zircon provenance of Central Africa: implications for Jurassic-Cretaceous tectonics, paleogeography and landscape evolution.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Eric Roberts, A/Prof. Carl Spandler, Dr Rob Holm

Alexander Parker (MPhil) Fluids in the lower crust: storage and mobilization

Supervisors: Dr Jan Martin Huizenga, Dr Ioan Sanislav

Jaime Poblete Alvarado (PhD) Geological Characteristics and Origin of the Watershed W Deposit, North Queensland, Australia.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Zhaoshan Chang, Prof. Paul Dirks, Dr Jan Martin Huizenga

Jessie Robbins (PhD)Understanding the genesis and patterns of cave fill across the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa

Supervisors: A/Prof. Eric Roberts, Prof. Paul Dirks

Behnam Sadeghi (PhD)Delineation of mineral exploration targets through integration of informative layers, with multi-fractal modelling and multivariate data analysis in 3D block models.

Supervisors: Dr Arianne Ford, Dr Jan Marten Huizenga, Dr John Carranza

Fredrik Sahlström (PhD) Mt Carlton high-sulphidation epithermal deposit, Queensland Australia: Geological character, genesis and implications for exploration.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Zhaoshan Chang, Prof. Paul Dirks

Paul Slezak (PhD) Understanding the hydrothermal mobility of rare earth elements in the continental crust.

Supervisor: A/Prof. Carl Spandler

Mark Stokes (MPhil)Structural characteristics and evolution of Mt Carlton high-sulphidation epithermal deposit, and the implications for exploration.

Prof. Paul Dirks, A/Prof. Zhaoshan Chang

Erin Stormont (MPhil) Hydrothermal Breccia Zones in the Proterozoic Cloncurry District (Mt Isa Inlier, Australia): Implications for Fe-Oxide-Cu-Au Mineralisation.

Supervisor: Dr Jan Marten Huizenga

Christopher Todd (PhD) Sedimentary History of the Porcupine Gorge National Park and Application of U Pb Detrital Zircon Geochronology for Correlation of Cretaceous and Jurassic Strata in Northern Queensland.

Supervisor: A/Prof. Eric Roberts, A/Prof. Carl Spandler

Jella Wiersma (PhD) Cave sedimentation processes, geochronology, and the distribution of hominins at Rising Star Cave, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa

Supervisors: A/Prof. Eric Roberts, Prof. Paul Dirks

Matthew Van Ryt (PhD) Geochemical characterisation of gold mineralisation in Geita Hill (Geita Greenstone Belt,Tanzania).Supervisors: Dr Ioan Sanislav, Dr Jan Martin Huizenga

EGrU faCIlItIEs/EQUIpMEnt 9 ICP-MS: 2 quadrupole ICP-MS units.

9 LA (Laser Ablation): GeoLas 200 Excimer Laser Ablation System (193nm)

9 MC-ICP-MS (Multi-collector-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer):

9 Clean Lab: class 350 clean lab

9 Microprobe: Jeol JXA8200 “Superprobe” – 5WDS, EDS, BSE, SE, CL

9 SEM: with cathodoluminescence imaging capacity: Jeol JSM5410LV

9 XRD: Siemens D5000 Diffractometer (XRD)

9 ICP-AES: Varian Liberty Series II

9 SWIR spectral instrument PIMA-SP

9 SWIR spectral instrument specTERRA

9 Fluid inclusion stage: Linkam MDS600 freezing/heating stage

9 Melt inclusion / fluid inclusion stage: Linkam TS1500 heating stag

9 Lapidary/Mineral Separation Laboratory Equipment available includes - RockLabs crusher and splitter, Temer and Disc mills, Franz magnetic separator, Wilfley table, and dental drill for micro-sampling. Magnetometer: GeoMetrics G 816/826A

9 Photomicrography set 1: Leica DM2500P microscope + Leica DFC420 C Camera

9 Photomicrography set 2: Leica DM RXP microscope + Leica DC 300 v2.0 Camera

9 Magnetic susceptibility meter: Fugro GMS-2 (Serial No: 1942)

9 Microscopes: Transmitted light + reflected light optical microscopes, including a Nikon Eclipse E400 POL, a Nikon Labophot2 POL, and ~45 Leica microscopes

9 Gigapan robotic camera 9 3D visualisation laboratory

EGrU analytICal CapaBIlItIEs

9 SWIR (Short Wavelength Infra-Red) spectral analysis

9 Thermometric measurements of fluid inclusions and melt inclusions

9 Composition of individual fluid/melt inclusions

9 Mineral major element compositions by EDS and/or WDS on a Jeol ‘Superprobe’ electron microprobe

9 Cathodoluminescence (CL), Back-Scattered Electron (BSE) and Secondary Electron (SE) imaging, using SEM and electron microprobe

9 Full CL wavelength spectra analysis by electron microprobe equipped with a CL spectrometer (XCLent)

9 Mineral trace element composition

9 Mineral elemental mapping

9 Stable C & O isotope analysis

9 Geochronology (U-Pb on zircon, titanite, monazite, xenotime)

9 Radiogenic isotope analysis

9 In situ Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotope analyses

9 High pressure / temperature experiments

For information on EGRU analytical services contact A/Prof. Carl Spandler: [email protected]

EGRU 2016

38 EGRU News August 2016 EGRU News August 2016 39

2015 Annual Report

2015 EGrUannUal rEport

EGRU Membership 2015Level 1Evolution MiningMount Isa Mines (Formerly Glencore Xstrata)South 32, Cannington (BHP Billiton)Level 2MMG Newmont Asia PacificLevel 3Anglo AmericanCarpentaria Gold Pty LtdChinova ResourcesFMR Investments Pty Ltd (Eloise Copper Mine)Map to Mine Pty LtdMinerals Resources Authority PNGTerra Search Pty LtdLevel 4CSA Global Gnomic Exploration ServicesTeck Australia Pty LtdLevel 515 Individual members

Staffing UpdateArrivalsIoan Sanislav - lecturer

AwardsEric Roberts: JCU Award for Research Excellence Christa Placzek: winner JCU My Research in 3 MinutesIsaac Corral: High Distinction Doctoral Degree – Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Conferences/Meetings attended by staff and studentsPacRim, Hong Kong Zhaoshan ChangCarl SpandlerRob HolmStephanie MrozekFredrik SahlstromIOCG: The Cloncurry ExperienceZhaoshan ChangIsaac CorralMichael CalderGeorge Case Michael Fuss

Emma Beattie Robbie ColemanRoss ChristieMark Ayres

SEG Conference Hobart, TasmaniaZhaoshan ChangPaul DirksYanbo ChengIsaac CorralFredrik SahlstromJaime PobleteMichael CalderGeorge CaseJoao BaboQueensland Exploration Council - New Initiatives in ExplorationZhaoshan Chang, Paul DirksUniversity of Wollongong Guest SpeakerChrista PlaczekState-of-the-arc, Australian National University/Bristol UniversityCarl Spandler

Industry & Academic LiaisonChinese University of Geosciences: three person delegation - Introduction to JCU and EGRU

Visiting SpeakersProf. Neil Williams: SEG Thayer Lindsley Lecture TourJohn Walshe: Chief Geoscientist CSIRO PerthDoug Kirwin: special guest SEG Student ChapterProf. Suzanne Miller: CEO Qld Museums Andy Tomkins: AusIMM Julius Kruttschnitt Lecture SeriesAntonio Arribas: AusIMM Julius Kruttschnitt Technical SessionDavid Champion: Geoscience AustraliaDavid Huston: Geoscience AustraliaDavid Green: Qld Geological Survey Coal Geoscience ManagerAndreas Audetat: SEG International Exchange LecturerCornel De Ronde: AusIMM Distinguished LecturerJake Klein: Evolution Mining - Nth QLD AusIMM George Fisher Lecture

Visiting ScholarsAntonio Arribas Guoxiong Zhong: PhD candidate, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology (HFUT)Haicheng Wang: PhD candidate of Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration, China University of GeosciencesSida Niu: China University of GeosciencesYouqiang Qi: Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesHongrui Zhang: Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesPablo Ferreyra: IAEA supported short term trainingYouqiang Qi: Institute of Geochemistry, Guiyang, China Academy of Science

AlumniDoug Kirwin: 2015 JCU Outstanding AlumnusAlumni Event: SEG 2015 Conference, Hobart, Tasmania

EGRU Short Courses/Workshops/Seminars: held at JCUSkarn short course – Anglo American: Zhaoshan ChangOre Textures and Breccias in Mineralised Systems - Porphyry Deposits and Skarns: Gavin Clarke, Zhaoshan Chang Advanced Techniques in Mining and Exploration Geology: John Carranza, Zhaoshan Chang, John McLellan, Arianne Ford, George CaseIntrusion Related Mineral Systems and Exploration in North East Queensland - one day seminar: EGRU staff and students

EGRU Short Courses/Workshops: off-campusIOCG Deposits - The Cloncurry Experience (Cloncurry): coordinator Zhaoshan ChangAdvanced Field Training - Cloncurry field workshop: Tom BlenkinsopSkarn Deposits short course– AusIMM PacRim Conference, Hong Kong: Zhaoshan Chang

2015 Annual Report

40 EGRU News August 2016

Skarn Deposits short course– SEG Conference, Hobart: Zhaoshan ChangOre Deposits Models and Exploration short course - SEG-SGA - C hang’an University, China: Zhaoshan ChangQuaternary Dating Methods - Cairns: Christa Placzek

Short Courses/Workshops by external organisations held at JCULeapfrog training for post graduate studentsCore logging using Hylogger data

Research GrantsContinuing GrantsGrantee: Paul Dirks, Tom Blenkinsop, Ioan SanislavSource: AngloGold Ashanti Geita Gold Mine Ltd, Contract ResearchTitle: Geological Services Geita Gold MineCommencing year: 2011Completing Year: 2016Amount: $1,818,729.00Grantee: Carl SpandlerSource: Australian Research Council: Discovery – Future FellowshipsTitle: Rare earths unearthed: resolving the mystery of how rare earth elements are mobilised and concentrated in continental crustCommencing year: 2012Completing Year: 2016Amount: $711,098.00Grantee: Eric RobertsSource: Heritage Oil Rukwa (TZ) LtdTitle: Research grant for PhDCommencing year: 2012Completing Year: 2015Amount: $220,847.00Grantee: Nathan EnglishSource: Australian Research Council: Discovery Early Career Researcher AwardTitle: Trees Of Knowledge: Developing Multi-Century Tree-Ring and Isotope Chronologies From Tropical AustraliaCommencing year: 2013Completing Year: 2015Amount: $373,679.00Grantee: Zhaoshan ChangSource: Compania Minera Antamina S.A.Title: Uplift History, Intrusive Sequence, and Skarn Mineralisation at the Giant Antamina Deposit, PeruCommencing year: 2013Completing Year: 2016Amount: $200,250.00

Grantee: Zhaoshan Chang, Paul Dirks, Carl Spandler, John Carranza, Jan Huizenga, Bob HendersonSource: Qld Dept of Natural Resources and Mines, Future Resources ProgramTitle: Characterising and assessing prospectivity of intrusion-related hydrothermal mineral systems in north-east QueenslandCommencing year: 2014Completing Year: 2017Amount: $1,779,736.00

Grantee: Paul Dirks, Eric Roberts, Carl Spandler, Tom BlenkinsopSource: Australian Research Council – Discovery Projects GrantTitle: Life and death of Australopithicus sediba: how a potential ancestor ended up dead in a cave in world heritage site in South AfricaCommencing year: 2014Completing Year: 2017Amount: $256,000.00

Grantee: Jan Marten Huizenga, Paul DirksSource: Stichting Dr Schurmannfonds - Research GrantTitle: Hydrothermal breccia zones in the Proterozoic Cloncurry District (Mt Isa Inlier, Australia): implications for Fe-oxide-Au-Cu mineralisationCommencing year: 2014Completing Year: 2015Amount: $13,321.00

Grantee: Zhaoshan Chang, Paul Dirks, Christa PlaczekSource: Evolution Mining Contract ResearchTitle: Geological Characteristics and Genesis of Mt Carlton High-Sulfidation Epithermal Deposit, and the Implications for ExplorationCommencing year: 2014Completing Year: 2017Amount: $150,000.00

Grantee: James DaniellSource: Australian Research Council - Linkage - Infrastructure (L-IEF)Title: Membership of the IODPCommencing year: 2014Completing Year: 2015Amount: $3,600,000.00

New GrantsGrantee: Eric Roberts, Carl Spandler, Robert HolmSource: Australia-New Zealand International Ocean Discovery Program Consortium

Title: Combined U-Pb zircon geochronology & Lu-Hf analysis of Jurassic-Cretaceous volcanics and sandstones from the Lord Howe Rise and Queensland Plateau, AustraliaCommencing year: 2015Completing Year: 2015Amount: $10,000.00

Grantee: Carl SpandlerSource: Australian Research Council - Linkage - Infrastructure (LIEF)Title: Laser ablation multiple split streamingCommencing year: 2015Completing Year: 2015Amount: $860,000.00

Postgraduate and Honours CoursesMGM Postgraduate CoursesEA5027 Advanced Field Training: Tom BlenkinsopEA5028 Advanced Techniques in Mining and Exploration Geology: John Carranza, Zhaoshan Chang, John McLellan, Arianne Ford, George Case

MTEC Honours CoursesOre Textures and Breccias in Mineralised systems: Porphyry Deposits and Skarn Deposits: Roger Taylor, Zhaoshan Chang

Student Awards

PhD CandidatesMichael Calder: SEG – Student Research Grant - Newmont Mining Corp Fund Stephanie Mrozek: SEG Student Research Grant – Hugo Dummett Mineral Discovery FundFredrik Sahlstrom: SEG Student Research Grant – McKinstry FundJohannes Hammerli: JCU Deans Award for research higher Degree Excellence

Honours CandidatesRoss Christie: EGRU Honours ScholarshipEmma Beattie: GSA AU Medal Cheng Pang: Davis-AIG Geoscience Honours BursaryNatalie McIver: AIG Geoscience Honours Bursary

Student Field TripsSEG Student Chapter – North Island New Zealand

EGRU News August 2016 41

2015 Annual Report

New PhD Students Benham SadeghiAshish MishraJaime Poblete AlvaradoPaul SlezakChristopher Todd

PhD CompletionsJulie Graham RuzickaClement Fay

Honours CompletionsTodd KaneEmma BeattieRoss ChristieRobert ColemanMichael Doube

Tylah DrochmanKelly HeilbronnMathew HorsfallCheng PangAlexander ParkerMichal Wenderlich

Professional Development Training - Industry Enrolments

2015 2014

Business & Financial Management N/A 0

Advanced Field Training 5 N/A

Advanced Techniques in Mining & Exploration Geology 1 N/A

Integrated Spatial Analysis & Remote Sensing of Exploration Targets

N/A 7

Ore Textures & Breccias in Mineralised Systems 0 7

IOCG Deposits: The Cloncurry Experience 57 N/A

MTEC Honours & Minerals Geoscience Masters Courses - Student Enrolments

2015 2014

EA5024 Business & Financial Management N/A 0

EA5027 Advanced Field Training 9 NA

EA5028 Advanced Techniques in Mining & Exploration Geology

9 N/A

EA5029 Integrated Spatial Analysis & Remote Sensing of Exploration Targets

N/A 5

Ore Textures & Breccias in Mineralised Systems 42 42

Professional Development Training, Honours & Masters Courses

Undergraduate Courses

Student Enrolments 2015 2014

EA1110 Evolution of the Earth 221 275

EA2006 Hydrology 67 79

EA2007 Applied Soil Science 30 35

EA2010 Introductory Geology 3 1

EA2110 Introduction to Sedimentology 48 49

EA2220 Minerals & Magmas 70 64

EA2300 Introductory Structural and Metamorphic Geology 61 60

EA2404 From Icehouse to Greenhouse 21 35

EV2502 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 203 278

EA2510 Earth Resources, Exploration & Environment 52 55

EA2900 Intro. Field Geology 53 51

EA3005 Mine Site Rehabilitation 14 15

EA3007 Field Studies in Tropical Water & Soil Science 25 33

Student Enrolments 2015 2014

EA 3008 Advanced Hydrology 23 37

EA3100 Igneous Petrology and Processes 40 56

EA3200 Advanced Structural and Metamorphic Geology 37 49

EA3400 Ore Genesis 41 39

EA3502 Advanced Geographic Information Systems

42 43

EV3506 Remote Sensing 7 29

EA3510 Geological Mapping 34 47

EA3511 Field Techniques in Geology 32 49

EA3640 Advanced Environmental & Marine Geoscience Technologies & Applications

21 28

EA3650 Sedimentary Environments & Energy Resources 41 46

EA3800 Earth & Environmental Geochemistry 47 67

EA5016 Hydrology 5 10

EA5017 Applied Soil Science 1 7

Opening Balance January 2015 $338,668.00

INCOME $ GST Exclusive

Membership 78,609.05

Publications 3,016.14

Short Course/ Workshop 70,052.68

Consultancy 0.00

Contracts 60,000.00

Management Fees 3,765.00

Conference 0.00

Other Professional Services 618.18

Equipment Rental 0.00

Miscellaneous 1,454.55

Miscellaneous- Income Other Entities 203.47

Sponsorship Student 4,249.00

TOTAL INCOME $221,968.34


Salaries 73,601.59

Member Benefits 10,526.35

Publications 52.84

Short Course 27,395.11

Marketing / Communication 20,927.71

Administration 4,349.73

Other Professional Services 774.71

Equipment 4,115.26

Conference 0.00

Miscellaneous 3,449.01

Miscellaneous - Expenses Other Entities 101.84

EGRU Honours Scholarship 10,000.00

Sponsorship 1,000.00

Sponsorship Student 3,523.61

TOTAL EXPENSES $228,388.48

Closing Balance December 2015 $332,247.86

2015 Annual Report

42 EGRU News August 2016

EGrU fInanCIal sUMMary

janUary - dECEMBEr 2015

EGRU News August 2016 43

2015 Annual Report

Student Enrolments 2015 2014

EA5018 Field Studies in Tropical Water & Soil Science 6 7

EA5041 Igneous Petrology & Processes 4 1

EA5042 Advanced Structural & Metamorphic Geology 2 2

EA5043 Ore Genesis 1 1

EA5044 Geological Mapping 1 3

EA5045 Advanced Geological Mapping 1 3

EA5046 Earth & Environmental Geochemistry 2 4

EA5048 Minerals & Magmas 0 1

EA5049 Introductory Structural & Metamorphic Geology 0 0

Student Enrolments 2015 2014

EA5090 Advanced Hydrology 4 9

EA5320 Earth Resources, Exploration & Environment 3 3

EA5330 Field Techniques 2 3

EA5340 Disturbed Site Repair 1 4

EA5404 From Icehouse to Greenhouse 4 8

EV5502 Advanced Geographic Information Systems 30 22

EV5505 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 43 56

EA5640 Adv. Marine Geoscience Technologies & Applications 2 5

EA5650 Sedimentary Environments & Energy Resources 0 1

Undergraduate Courses (cont’d)

2015 PublicationsBlenkinsop

Blenkinsop, Tom, Doyle, Mark, and Nugus, Michael (2015) A unified approach to measuring structures in orientated drill core. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 421. pp. 1-10.Carranza

Wang, Changming, Deng, Jun, Santosh, M., Yu, Longjun, McCuaig, T. Campbell, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Wang, Qingfei (2015) Age and origin of the Bulangshan and Mengsong granitoids and their significance for post-collisional tectonics in the Changning–Menglian Paleo-Tethys Orogen. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113 (Part 2). pp. 656-676. Wang, Gongwen, Li, Ruixi, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Zhang, Shouting, Yan, Changhai, Zhu, Yanyan, Qu, Jianan, Hong, Dongming, Song, Yaowu, Han, Jiangwei, Ma, Zhenbo, Zhang, Hao, and Yang, Fan (2015) 3D geological modeling for prediction of subsurface Mo targets in the Luanchuan district, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 71. pp. 592-610. Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Laborte, Alice G. (2015) Data-driven predictive mapping of gold prospectivity, Baguio district, Philippines: application

of random forests algorithm. Ore Geology Reviews, 71. pp. 777-787. Zuo, Renguang, Zhang, Zhenjie, Zhang, Daojun, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Wang, Haicheng (2015) Evaluation of uncertainty in mineral prospectivity mapping due to missing evidence: a case study with skarn-type Fe deposits in Southwestern Fujian Province, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 71. pp. 502-515. Wang, Wenlei, Zhao, Jie, Cheng, Qiuming, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) GIS-based mineral potential modeling by advanced spatial analytical methods in the southeastern Yunnan mineral district, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 71. pp. 735-748. Porwal, Alok, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Introduction to the Special Issue: GIS-based mineral potential modelling and geological data analyses for mineral exploration. Ore Geology Reviews, 71. pp. 477-483. Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Sadeghi, Martiya, and Billay, Alazar (2015) Predictive mapping of prospectivity for orogenic gold, Giyani greenstone belt (South Africa). Ore Geology Reviews, 71. pp. 703-718. Andrada de Palomera, Pablo, Van Ruitenbeek, Frank J.A., and Carranza,

Emmanuel John M. (2015) Prospectivity for epithermal gold–silver deposits in the Deseado Massif, Argentina. Ore Geology Reviews, 71. pp. 484-501. Wang, Jianping, Liu, Jiajun, Carranza, Emmanueal John M., Liu, Zhenjian, Liu, Chonghao, Liu, Bizheng, Wang, Kexin, Zeng, Xiangtao, and Wang, Huan (2015) A possible genetic model of the Shuangwang hydrothermal breccia gold deposit, Shaanxi Province, central China: evidence from fluid inclusion and stable isotope. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 111. pp. 840-852. Yilmaz, Huseyin, Sonmez, Fatma Nuran, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Discovery of Au–Ag mineralization by stream sediment and soil geochemical exploration in metamorphic terrain in western Turkey. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 158. pp. 55-73. Gorum, T., and Carranza, E.J.M. (2015) Control of style-of-faulting on spatial pattern of earthquake-triggered landslides. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 12 (10). pp. 3189-3212. Yousefi, Mahyar, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Geometric average of spatial evidence data

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layers: a GIS-based multi-criteria decision making approach to mineral prospectivity mapping. Computers & Geosciences, 83. pp. 72-79. Gonbadi, Arman Mohammadi, Tabatabaei, Seyed Hasan, and Carranza, John M. (2015) Supervised geochemical anomaly detection by pattern recognition. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 157. pp. 81-91. Xia, Rui, Wang, Changming, Qing, Min, Li, Wenliang, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Guo, Xiaodong, Ge, Liangsheng, and Zeng, Guangzhong (2015) Zircon U–Pb dating, geochemistry and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf–O isotopes for the Nan’getan granodiorites and mafic microgranular enclaves in the East Kunlun Orogen: record of closure of the Paleo-Tethys. Lithos, 234-235. pp. 47-60. Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Data-driven evidential belief modeling of mineral potential using few prospects and evidence with missing values. Natural Resources Research, 24 (3). pp. 291-304. Sadeghi, Martiya, Billay, Alazar, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Analysis and mapping of soil geochemical anomalies: implications for bedrock mapping and gold exploration in Giyani area, South Africa. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 154. pp. 180-193. Yousefi, Mahyar, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Prediction–area (P–A) plot and C–A fractal analysis to classify and evaluate evidential maps for mineral prospectivity modeling. Computers & Geosciences, 79. pp. 69-81. Liu, Jiajun, Liu, Chonghao, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Li, Yujie, Mao, Zhihao, Wang, Jianping, Wang, Yinhong, Zhang, Jing, Zhai, Degao, Zhang, Huafeng, Shan, Liang, Zhu, Laimin, and Lu, Rukui (2015) Geological characteristics and ore-forming process of the gold deposits in the western Qinling region, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 103. pp. 40-69. Xia, Rui, Wang, Changming, Qing, Min, Deng, Jun, Carranza, Emmanuel

John M., Li, Wenliang, Guo, Xiaodong, Ge, Liangsheng, and Yu, Wanqiang (2015) Molybdenite Re–Os, zircon U–Pb dating and Hf isotopic analysis of the Shuangqing Fe–Pb–Zn–Cu skarn deposit, East Kunlun Mountains, Qinghai Province, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 66. pp. 114-131. Wang, Changming, Deng, Jun, Santosh, M., Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Gong, Qingjie, Guo, Chunying, Xia, Rui, and Lai, Xiangru (2015) Timing, tectonic implications and genesis of gold mineralization in the Xincheng gold deposit, China: C–H–O isotopes, pyrite Rb–Sr and zircon fission track thermochronometry. Ore Geology Reviews, 65 (3). pp. 659-673. Yousefi, Mahyar, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Fuzzification of continuous-value spatial evidence for mineral prospectivity mapping. Computers & Geosciences, 74. pp. 97-109. Granian, Hamid, Tabatabaei, Seyed Hassan, Asadi, Hooshang H., and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Multivariate regression analysis of lithogeochemical data to model subsurface mineralization: a case study from the Sari Gunay epithermal gold deposit, NW Iran. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 148. pp. 249-258. Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Laborte, Alice G. (2015) Random forest predictive modeling of mineral prospectivity with small number of prospects and data with missing values in Abra (Philippines). Computers Deng, Jun, Wang, Changming, Bagas, Leon, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Lu, Yongjun (2015) Cretaceous–Cenozoic tectonic history of the Jiaojia Fault and gold mineralization in the Jiaodong Peninsula, China: constraints from zircon U–Pb, illite K–Ar, and apatite fission track thermochronometry. Mineralium Deposita, 50 (8). pp. 987-1005. Yousefi, Mahyar, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Data-driven index overlay and Boolean logic mineral prospectivity modeling in greenfields

exploration.Natural Resources Research, 25 (1). pp. 3-18.Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Laborte, Alice G. (2015) Data-driven predictive modeling of mineral prospectivity using random forests: a case study in Catanduanes Island (Philippines). Natural Resources Research, 25 (1). pp. 35-50.Case

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R. A. F. Penrose Gold Medal for 2013 citation of Noel C. White. Economic Geology, 110 (2). pp. 579-580.Kouhestani, Hossein, Ghaderi, Majid, Chang, Zhaoshan, and Zaw, Khin (2015) Constraints on the ore fluids in the Chah Zard breccia-hosted epithermal Au–Ag deposit, Iran: fluid inclusions and stable isotope studies. Ore Geology Reviews, 65 (2). pp. 512-521.Sha, P., Spandler, C., and Chang, Z. (2015) Elaine Dorothy Cu-Au (REE-U) skarn deposit. In: Proceedings of PACRIM 2015, pp. 445-449. From: PACRIM 2015 Congress, 18-21 March 2015, Hong Kong, China.Zhong, G.X., Zhou, T.F., and Chang, Z.S. (2015) Geology, chronology and isotope geochemistry of the Yaojialing zinc-gold deposit, Tongling ore district, Anhui Province, China. In: Proceedings of PACRIM 2015, pp. 457-462. From: PACRIM 2015 Congress, 18-21 March 2015, Hong Kong, China.Yang, Zhi-Ming, Lu, Yonh-Jun, Hou, Zeng-Qian, and Chang, ZhaoShan (2015) High-Mg diorite from Qulong in Southern Tibet: implications for the genesis of adakite-like intrusions and associated porphyry Cu deposits in collisional orogens. Journal of Petrology, 56 (2). pp. 227-25.Yang, Zhi-Ming, Chang, Zhaoshan, Paquette, Jeanne, White, Noel C., Hou, Zengqian, and Ge, Liangsheng (2015) Magmatic Au mineralization at the Bilihe Au deposit, China. Economic Geology, 110 (7). pp. 1661-1668.Wilkinson, Jamie J., Chang, Zhaoshan, Cooke, David, Baker, Michael J., Wilkinson, Clara C., Inglis, Shaun, Chen, Huayong, and Gemmell, J. Bruce (2015) The chlorite proximitor: a new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 152. pp. 10-26.Daniell

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Hammerli, Johannes, Spandler, Carl, Oliver, Nicholas H.S., Sossi, Paolo, and Dipple, Gregory M. (2015) Zn and Pb mobility during metamorphism of sedimentary rocks and potential implications for some base metal deposits. Mineralium Deposita, 50 (6). pp. 657-664Henderson

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Holm, R.J., Richards, S.W., Rosenbaum, G., and Spandler, C. (2015) Disparate tectonic settings for mineralisation in an active arc, Eastern Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. In: Proceedings of PACRIM 2015, pp. 165-170. From: PACRIM 2015 Congress, 18-21 March 2015, Hong Kong, China.Holm, Robert J., Spandler, Carl, and Richards, Simon W. (2015) Continental collision, orogenesis and arc magmatism of the Miocene Maramuni arc, Papua New Guinea. Gondwana Research, 28 (3). pp. 1117-1136.Mrozek

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