effective math learning strategies/ accommodations for students with ld, adhd, tbi and wounded...

Effective Math Learning Strategies/ Accommodations for Students with LD, ADHD, TBI and Wounded Warriors Helping Students Navigate Academic Success Dr. Paul and Kimberly Nolting Academic Success Press, Inc. http://www.academicsuccess.com [email protected] (941) 951-8160 Copyright 2012

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Page 1: Effective Math Learning Strategies/ Accommodations for Students with LD, ADHD, TBI and Wounded Warriors Helping Students Navigate Academic Success Dr

Effective Math Learning Strategies/ Accommodations for Students with

LD, ADHD, TBI and Wounded Warriors

Helping Students NavigateAcademic Success

Dr. Paul and Kimberly Nolting

Academic Success Press, Inc.http://www.academicsuccess.com

[email protected](941) 951-8160Copyright 2012

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Informal Quiz

Processing Deficits and Their Effects on the Learning Process

Learning & Memory Processing Difference


Teaching/Tutoring Concerns – Best Practice

Learning Strategies to Help Students Process Math and Other Subjects

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Students with Disabilities

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An Informal Quiz

Brainstorm as many ideas as you can about learning disabilities, ADHD and, PTSD TBIs .

Wounded Warriors

Processing Deficits and vs. Learning Style

Separate the myths from the truths.

List learning strategies that you have used to help students with disabilities.

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The Myths and Truths

MythsDisabilities can go awayStudents with LD, ADHD, PTSD and TBI have low intelligence or are slow learnersIf they would just study harder or be exposed to more educational opportunities they would not be disabledStudents with disabilities have the same learning problems.Disabilities can be cured. Disabilities do not exist.

Truths• Disabilities do not disappear but

may range in expression and severity at different life stages

• By definition a student with LD has average to high intelligence.

• Disabilities are neurological in origin. They have a central nervous system basis. It doesn’t arise from lack of exposure to life experiences.

• There are many different disabilities that require different strategies. A student can have more than one disability type.

• Disabilities are permanent conditions.

• Disabilities do exist under ADA

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Definitions of Math and Other Disabilities

Acalculia – inability to read or write numbers in that individuals can not perform calculations or having impaired spatial organization

Dyscalculia – failure to develop math (arithmetic) competences that is not due to a brain injury or mental impairment

Dysalgebria – students with average to above average IQ can master calculations but can not master algebra (Nolting, 2000).

Dyslexia – is not a math learning disability but may cause math learning problems due to misreading or miscopying numbers and letters.

Dysgraphia – is not a math disability but may cause math learning problems due to poor hand writing and copying from the board.

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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder can occur following a life-threatening event like military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or violent personal assaults like rape

The traumatic events that lead to post-traumatic stress disorder are usually so overwhelming and frightening that they would upset anyone. Following a traumatic event, almost everyone experiences at least some of the symptoms of PTSD.

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Acute Stress DisorderWithin 30 days of traumatic event or exposure to trauma

or abuse.Symptoms must be present for longer than a month;

those with symptoms in the first month after a traumatic event may meet criteria for Acute Stress Disorder. Apart from symptoms specified in the diagnostic criteria, PTSD patients often have important associated symptoms such as shame, guilt and isolation.

. But if you have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the symptoms don’t decrease. You don’t feel a little better each day. In fact, you may start to feel worse.

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SHORT CIRCUITRYIn spite of the evolution/adaptation of the brain over the

eons, and the increasing awareness of the pre-frontal Cortex, when confronted by worries, stressful and traumatic events, the response skips back to more primitive times and jumps to the limbic system.

• Intrusive, upsetting memories of the event • Flashbacks (acting or feeling like the event is happening

again) • Nightmares (either of the event or of other frightening


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• Avoiding activities, places, thoughts, or feelings that remind you of the trauma

• Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma • Loss of interest in activities and life in general • Feeling detached from others and emotionally numb • Sense of a limited future (you don’t expect to live a

normal life span, get married, have a careerDifficulty falling or staying asleep

• Irritability or outbursts of anger • Difficulty concentrating • Hyper vigilance (on constant “red alert”) • Feeling jumpy and easily startled

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Approaches to help

Be patient and understanding. Try to anticipate and prepare for PTSD triggers.Don’t take the symptoms of PTSD personally. Don’t pressure someone into talking.

(Don’t pursue a distancer)

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Acquired brain injuryViolent hit to the headMay or may not lose consciousnessMovement of brain back and forth in skullSymptoms can be mild, moderate, severeSeveral MTBI is as bad as a TBICan change biochemistryMay or may not improve over timeSilent disability and growing

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Stages of Memory

• Sensory input is when an individual physically takes in the information. TBI, PTSD

• Sensory register is when the mind neurologically accepts the information. TBI, PTSD

• Short-term Memory is when the brain receives information and stores it for a brief time. TBI

Forgetting =

Information not input or registered.

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Stages of Memory

Working Memory is like RAM in a computer that can send or recall information and is part of executive function. TBI, PTSD

Long-term memory is a storehouse of material that is retained for long periods of time.

Abstract Reasoning uses recalled concepts to make new meaning and understanding without using language. TBI

Memory Output is recall learned facts and/or concepts. TBI, PTSD

Forgetting =

Information not Understood

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Definition: Students with auditory process problems have difficultysynthesizing words and understanding words in noisy classrooms. These students may misinterpret wordsor not “hear” the words. This is not a hearing problem or short term memory problem. It is a problem of misinterpretation of words spoken words.

Auditory Processing Disorder

Primary Affected Areas: sensory register, short term memory

Observable Behaviors: students misunderstanding math vocabulary; difficulty solving word problems; difficulty reading the text and understanding lectures

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Processing Speed Disorder

Definitions: Students with a visual speed processing disorder have great difficulty quickly recognizing numbers and conceptually similar visual objects. A student with visual speed processing disorder is able to visually process but very slowly.

Primary Affected Areas: sensory input & register; significantly related to math PTSD

Common Observable Behaviors: re-reading sentences & paragraphs; scanty notes or no notes at all; very slow in completing homework, very slow in doing on line homework, very slow in completing tests, having difficulty quickly recognizing variables and math symbols, problems with automoticity

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Short-term Memory Processing Disorder

Definition: Short-term memory disorder is categorized as auditory memory. It is the difficulty in keeping information in short term memory long enough to transfer it into working or long term memory. Also it is the automoticity of rearranging numbers in your head.

Primary Affected Areas: Subsequent effects on the long-term retrieval, working memory, long term memory, and abstract reasoning. Students who cannot hold information for more than a few seconds cannot use it to rehearse or recall from working memory. TBI

Observable Behaviors: Auditory: forget oral instructions; difficult to be group learner; ask questions about recent information; can’t hold on to steps long enough in mind to understand concept; difficulty in manipulating numbers in you head; difficulty in switching number in an equation presented verbally; some problems with abstract learning

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Visual-Spatial Thinking Processing Disorder

Definitions: A student with a visual- spatial processing disorder has great difficulty in recognizing and synthesizing visual information. The student also has difficulty remembering visual information and remembering it in the correct order.

Primary Affected Areas: sensory input & register; short term memory

Common Observable Behaviors: re-reading sentences & paragraphs; “chicken scratch” notes or no notes at all; problem solutions all over the page; numbers miss-aligned; copying down incorrectly; difficulty reading tutor/instructor handwriting; facial gestures while looking at something; misreading variables and numbers such as b for d or 9 as a 6 or + for x

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Long-Term Retrieval Processing Disorders

Definitions: Students with LTR disorders have minimal ability to input or retrieve information in active memory in order to understand concepts. The LTR process pertains to speed of putting information into/taking it out of long-term memory and abstract memory.

Primary Affected Areas: Abstract/fluid reasoning, Long-term memory; Memory output; Any learning task that involves using several pieces of information or concepts; tired after a short period of studying. TBI, PTSD

Observable Behavior: Confusion on multiple step assignments; Brain Traffic Jam; spaced out look; student understands step by step problem solving but can not put all the steps together to solve the next problem.

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Working Memory Processing Disorders

Definitions: Students with working memory disorders have minimal ability to retain a large amount of information in active memory in order to understand concepts. Students also have problems manipulating that information to solve problems. Low RAM

Primary Affected Areas: Abstract/fluid reasoning, Long-term memory; Memory output; Any learning task that involves using complex pieces of information or concepts; math problems that require using multiple concepts at the same time to solve; significantly related to math TBI, PTSD

Observable Behavior: Confusion on multiple step assignments; Student may understand each concept but can not organize the steps in order to solve the problem. tired and frustrated after a short period of studying

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Definition: Students with long-term memory problems have minimal abilityto store information for a long periodof time. The length of time for whichstudents can hold information may vary. For instance, a student may learn material during one monthly unit and not remember it during the next unit. On the other hand it could be thata student remembers how to work a math problem one day and then forget how to do it the next day.

Comprehension-Knowledge (LTM) Processing Disorders

Primary Affected Areas: working memory, abstract reasoning and long term retrieval; significantly related to math

Observable Behaviors: holes in the foundation of concepts needed for further learning --- have to relearn information but remembers bits and pieces

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Fluid /Abstract Reasoning Processing Disorder

Definition: Abstract reasoning disorders keep students from being able to form concepts and solve abstract problems that include novel situations and extrapolating information. It is also the inability to identify relationships with unfamiliar concepts and making inferences.

Primary Affected Areas: working memory, long term memory, memory output, all dependent on the level of critical thinking required highly significantly related to math- TBI

Covalent bonding compared to ionic means...

Covalence Atomic structure


Observable Behaviors: need for repeated instruction as if information was never learned; repeated blank looks; ability to mimic processes but not apply them, not making inferential leaps; can’t generate alternate problem solving strategies

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Additional COG Useful Clusters

• Verbal Ability: The student’s ability for language development that includes the comprehension of individual words and the comprehension word relationships.

• Thinking Ability: The student’s ability to process non language based information that is placed into short-term memory but needs additional processing to be understood. TBI

• Cognitive Efficiency: The student’s ability to cognitively process information accurately and automatically. For example, student’s visual/auditory speed in processing numbers (frees up working memory). TBI, PTSD

• Cognitive Fluency: The student’s ease and speed in performing cognitive tasks of recalling information. Faster fluency means more working memory can be use to solve math problems. TBI, PTSD

• Broad Attention: The student’s ability to input and process auditory information for a short period of time. Students with low scores may have a memory input deficit.

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Memory Bypasses/Accommodations

Teaching• Vocabulary lists• Formula sheets/cards• Mental cheat sheets• Three column note taking• Lectures with immediate practice to

break up the inputting time with rehearsal time.

• Structured, step by step process for reading the textbook

• Overhead on during class for individual reference use during lecture (post on website)

• Class recitation• Review and review

Tutoring1. Tape-record sequential steps or

questions that the student and tutor have created

2. Place same information on note cards

3. Put information cues to music or rhythmic recitation

4. Mental cheat sheets5. Construct tutoring session to include

constant student verbal and/or visual feedback. Over and over

6. Draw pictures for cueing7. Review and review

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Visual Clarity/AccommodationsMathematics

1. Graph paper

2. Color assignment to different numerical functions and symbols

3. Problem on left side of paper and extra math calculations on the right with line dividing down the middle

4. Use of capital letters instead of small letters

5. Lots of white space

6. Students use whiteboard

7. Test format with larger fonts and more white space

8. Pictures/graphs for word problems

Writing and Reading1. Computer programs with visual


2. Color coding parts of sentences, paragraphs

3. Physically cut and paste

4. Lots of white space

5. Typing with large simple font

6. Note cards for organization of paper and sentence structures

7. Tests and readings with larger fonts and more white space.

8. Pictures for organization of ideas

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Teaching and Tutoring Concerns

Students will remember information correctly when they go to study on their own.Students must learn math study skillsStudents will reduce anxietyStudents will learn how to self-regulate.Students will persist when studying gets tough.

How can we help them mature into independent learners? Can we?

We must focus as much on how to learn the discipline content as learning the content.

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Alternative Math Course Sequence

• Elementary Algebra Statistics

• Elementary Algebra Liberal Arts Math

• Elementary Algebra Topics in Math

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Significant CHC Factors & Clinical Clusters for Course Substitution

Working Memory Not Enough RAM

Long-Term Memory Not Enough Facts

Abstract Reasoning Not Enough Logic

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Course Substitutions

• Introduction to Computers

• Accounting I

• Macro-economics• Philosophy

• Environmental Science

• Business math

• Astronomy

• Oceanography• Logic

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Developing a Course Accommodation and Substitution Policy

• What are you now using to process course substitutions?

• What are you now using to process course accommodations?

• Guidelines for developing these policiesHow do students find out about making a request?Who determines student eligibility to make the request?Who informs the student about documentation for the request? Who helps the student prepare the request?Who receives the students request?Who is on the committee? Faculty, counselor, DRC, chairs, expert?Who receives the recommendation for approval or non approval?

Who receives the appeal for due process?How does the institution record the decision?How is the student notified about the decision? How can you be consistent in the decisions?

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Mathematics Learning, Instruction and Tutoring Concerns

What are your concerns?

What can you do about it?

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Each student with disabilities is unique; therefore, it is important to continue learning about the processing deficits and how they affect learning in specific disciplines. As a result, an instructor or tutor can take the suggested strategies and adapt them to meet an individual’s special learning challenges.

Let’s continue the conversation. Email us at [email protected] whenever you have questions or when you have success stories!