effective consideration for beginners of content writing

Effective consideration for beginners of Content writing There are countless websites these days and if you notice them, they are not blank. They have something written in the form of content. From where does such colossal amount of content comes in this world full of issues like plagiarism to tackle. It shows that these countless website needs a lesser countless number of skilled people to write a completely unique content for a website. Websites these days are growing like anything else in a world brimming with internet or online marketing. Now jeans, mobile, flat, car etc are bought from internet using online marketing. Online marketing websites again need content writers for their tasks. Hence there is a huge need of content writers. But content writer is a bit different form a skilled content writer because the skilled one possesses some extra qualities. Proper use of keywords so that the result is shown at top position in the search result is the primary characteristics of a good content writer. There should be optimum use of keyword in the article because it is these keywords for which a company pays to a search engine to be hit upon by its surfers and in lieu pay the search engine back for redirecting the customers to his website. While writing for SEO purposes on should follow the follow Performa.

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Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Effective consideration for beginners of content writing

Effective consideration for beginners of Content writing

There are countless websites these days and if you notice them, they are not blank. They have something written in the form of content. From where does such colossal amount of content comes in this world full of issues like plagiarism to tackle. It shows that these countless website needs a lesser countless number of skilled people to write a completely unique content for a website. Websites these days are growing like anything else in a world brimming with internet or online marketing. Now jeans, mobile, flat, car etc are bought from internet using online marketing. Online marketing websites again need content writers for their tasks. Hence there is a huge need of content writers. But content writer is a bit different form a skilled content writer because the skilled one possesses some extra qualities.

Proper use of keywords so that the result is shown at top position in the search result is the primary characteristics of a good content writer. There should be optimum use of keyword in the article because it is these keywords for which a company pays to a search engine to be hit upon by its surfers and in lieu pay the search engine back for redirecting the customers to his website.

While writing for SEO purposes on should follow the follow Performa.

Introduction of about 100 words A paragraph emphasizing the need, cost of product Features of the product Advantages of using the product Disadvantages of using the product Conclusion

In writing the article the keyword should be used 3-4 times. The first time in the first paragraph, the second time in the features or advantages paragraph and lastly in the conclusion paragraph.

The use of language should not include excessive words searched with the help of thesaurus, because the more you make your reader understand the thing, the more he sticks to your page. He is the least interested in knowing

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you vocabulary when he is searching for something of his need. So, try to make use of simple and interactive language.

The length of a paragraph should not be more than 100 words because it may cause the reader to get bored of the same paragraph and he jumps off to the next one. Instead of giving him the opportunity of jumping to the next paragraph the writer should himself change the paragraph when the word count exceeds beyond 100 words

The first and last paragraph of the article should be the most beautifully written, because that is the place most reader find themselves upon. When a reader starts reading about the product he reads the first paragraph and get bored and jumps to find out what is written in the last paragraph. The first paragraph should be flooded with the features and qualities of the product, so that the reader gets impressed at the first sight. As a proverb says “First impression is the last impression”, same is the matter in case of an effective content writing

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