eemt 5120 project

Improvement of Queuing in Cong Sao Dessert KONG Lingtao 20144929 KUANG Jiafei 20170435 BU Xuezhu 20170459 BAI Lu 20171051 PAN Xin 20145040

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  • Improvement of Queuing in Cong Sao Dessert

    KONG Lingtao 20144929 KUANG Jiafei 20170435

    BU Xuezhu 20170459 BAI Lu 20171051

    PAN Xin 20145040

  • Introduction

    Cong Sao Dessert Problem-Long Queue Queuing Model Selection

  • Cong Sao Dessert

    Cong Sao Dessert is a popular chain dessert shop in Hong Kong.

  • Capacity of Seats 68 Cooks 3 Waitress 5 Cashier 1 Salary of a Cook HK$15000 Per Month

    Salary of a Waitress HK$12000 Per Month Average time for dessert preparation 6 minutes Per Order No. of total orders in rush hour 25 Per Hour No. of take-out orders in rush hour 10 Per Hour

    Fast Facts of Cong Sao Dessert

  • Two-Week Daily Order Count

    Busiest days among a week: Friday, Saturday and Sunday Rush time each day: 9:30 PM to 11: 30PM

    Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1st week 118 107 108 123 166 239 273 2nd week 114 111 134 124 149 279 267

  • How to Solve the Problem!

  • M/M/3

    Equa&ons for mul&p le -channel queuing wai&ng model with Poisson arrival and exponen&al service Times (M/M/s) are complicated. Series of func&ons used by us are shown in right. Use the M/M/s Template in Excel to generate useful parameters for analysis.

  • M/M/s Template

  • Structure Of Dessert Shop

    Before After

  • Capacity of Seats 68 Cooks 3 Waitress 5 Cashier 1 Salary of a Cook HK$15000 Per Month

    Salary of a Waitress HD$12000 Per Month Average time for dessert preparation 6 minutes Per Order No. of total orders in rush hour 25 Per Hour No. of take-out orders in rush hour 10 Per Hour

    Fast Facts No Way to Increase

    Any More!!!

  • Three Recommendations

    More Cooks (Cong Sao)

    Delivery Service and Call & Pickup (Cong Sao)

    Cycle Time Reduction (Customers)

  • More Cooks

    Optimal Number of Cooks

    Trade-off between

    Cost of Service (SC) & Cost of Waiting (WC)

  • Total Expected Costs

    Number of Servers


    Cost of Service goes up as you pay for more servers.

    Costs of Wai/ng goes down as service increases.

    Total Cost

    Op&mal # of servers

    Note that the lowest cost system requires some customer wai/ng.

    Fewer servers oJen means longer wai&ng for customers.

    Many servers means liKle or no wai&ng, but higher service costs.

  • How to Measure the SC & WC

    SC Hourly Wages of a Cook and a Waitress (Cs)

    WC Hourly wages* of customers# lost in queuing (Ca) *Information from 2011 Hong Kong Population Census

    Average working time are 49 hours per week from Report of Policy Study on Standard Working Hours, published by Labour Department of Hong Kong SAR # Customers here mainly refer to people living in Hang Hau East, where the dessert shop locates.

  • Ca=14,000/(49*4.25) =HK$67.23 Estimation for customers hourly wage.

    Cs=(15,000+12,000)/(49*4.25)=HK$129.65 1 month = 4.25 weeks

  • More Cooks Input number of servers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in to the yellow cell.

  • The optimal number of

    Cooks is 4, which means Cong Sao should hire one more cook.

  • Delivery Service and Call & Pickup

    No need to wait outside for take-out food

    How to implement 1. Hire Part-time delivery person 2. Cross training is adopted.

    Detailed feasibility analysis

  • Delivery Service

    Customer calls in Order waits to be prepared Order is prepared Average time=6


    Order waits to be delivered

    Order is delivered Average time=20

    minutes(round trip)

    Flowchart for Delivery service (in rush time)

    Delivery Service for local community should be priced reasonably or free when orders are big enough.

  • Cooking process Deliver process

    Hire four part-time delivery persons, then the total time customer waits will be 37.01mins.

  • Call & Pickup

    Customers order by phone and pick up desserts by themselves.

    The accuracy of picking-up time estimation will be critical. Customers should be clearly informed when they can pick up their orders.

    Cong Sao can offer 85% to customers.

  • Cycle Time Reduction

    Pre-Order In Queue 1. Stick latest menus on external walls 2. make it easy for customer to check out 3. pre-order or offer self-order sheets 4. shorten the unnecessary order time

    Re-check Number of Customers Write down the number of seats required for a group of customers. They will be allowed in, when it goes to their turn and all of their members gather.

  • Cycle Time Reduction

    Background Music More arousing music leads individuals to carry out activities more quickly or spend less time on activities. Carefully select background music to make customers eat fast.

    Discount For Fast Eating Offer Customers 10% discount if they can finish their desserts within 15 minutes, in peak time.

  • Conclusion

    In this project, we describe a common queuing situation and present feasible mathematical models for analysis.

    Shorten queue length outside to improve the quality of queuing and offer more convenience to customers.

  • Thank you!!!