eeg lab bugs

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Post on 08-Dec-2015




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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%spectopoline 731 should be [compeegspecdB freqs] = spectcomp( newweights*data(:,:), frames, srate, epoch_subset, g);%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Signalstatline 421 should betopoplot(map,chan_locs,'electrodes','off','plotchans',1:length(map));%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%pop_readegilines 223 > should be out-commeted% if all(,1:10) == 0)% disp('Deleting empty data reference channel (reference channel location is retained)');%,:) = [];% EEG.nbchan = size(,1);% EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG);% end;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Remember to replace channel location files!!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%topoplotline 1374-1375 should be (to avoid nose and ears to disappear when plotting)set(gca, 'xlim', [-0.6 0.6]); set(plotax, 'xlim', [-0.6 0.6]);set(gca, 'ylim', [-0.6 0.6]); set(plotax, 'ylim', [-0.6 0.6]);%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%pop_loadbvline 287 (reading of markers) should be:MRK = readbvconf(path, [ hdrfile(1:end-5) '.vmrk']);line 152 (reading of Data) should be: [IN, message] = fopen(fullfile(path, ([hdrfile(1:end-5) '.dat'])));%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%readegilocs.mline 79 to 80 (which deletes the first 3 channels in locs structure) should be deleted.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%in topoplot.mline 1337: the following line, should not be out-commented%ringh= patch(headx,heady,ones(size(headx)),HEADCOLOR,'edgecolor',HEADCOLOR,'linewidth', HLINEWIDTH); hold on%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Fix contour function bug: %workaround conture function bug (Matlab R2014b) ind=isnan(ZiC); F=scatteredInterpolant(Xi(~ind),Yi(~ind),ZiC(~ind)); ZiC(ind)=F(Xi(ind),Yi(ind)); %workaround endSee : combine regions should befunction newregions = combineregions(regions)newregions = combine(combine(regions)); function newregions=combine(regions) [regions(:,1),ii]=sort(regions(:,1)); regions(:,2) = regions(ii,2); newindex = 0; regions = [regions(1,:); regions]; index = size(regions,1); while index >= 2 if regions(index-1,2) >= regions(index,1) indexEnd = index; while regions(index-1,2) >= regions(index,1) && index > 2 %find nested regions index = index - 1; end index = index - 1; disp('Warning: overlapping regions detected and fixed in eeg_eegrej'); newindex = newindex + 1; RegionEnd = max(regions(index+1:indexEnd,2)); newregions(newindex,:) = [regions(index+1,1) RegionEnd(1)]; else newindex = newindex + 1; newregions(newindex,:) = regions(index,:); index = index - 1; end end [newregions(:,1),ii]=sort(newregions(:,1)); newregions(:,2) = newregions(ii,2); endend