eee iv control systems [10es43] notes

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Notes for the control system


  • Control Systems 10ES43

    Department of EEE, SJBIT Page 1


    Subject Code:10ES43 IA Marks: 25

    No. of Lecture Hrs./Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03

    Total No. of Lecture Hrs.:52 Exam Marks : 100

    PART A

    UNIT 1:

    Modeling of Systems: Introduction to Control Systems, Types of control systems, Effect of

    feedback systems, Differential equations of physical systems Mechanical systems-

    Friction, Translational systems (Mechanical accelerometer, Levered systems excluded),

    Rotational systems, Gear trains. Electrical systems, Analogous systems. 6 Hours

    UNIT 2:

    Block diagrams and signal flow graphs: Transfer functions, Block diagrams, Signal Flow

    graphs (Statevariable formulation excluded). 7 Hours

    UNIT 3:

    Time Response of feed back control systems: Standard test signals, Unit step response of

    First and second order systems, Time response specifications, Time response specifications

    of second order systems, steady state errors and error constants. 7Hours

    UNIT 4:

    Stability analysis: Concepts of stability, Necessary conditions for Stability, Routh-Hurwitz

    stability criterion, Relative stability analysis; Special cases of RH criterion. 6 Hours

    PART B

    UNIT 5:

    Root Locus Techniques: Introduction, basic properties of root loci, Construction of root

    loci. 6 Hours

    UNIT 6:

    Stability analysis in frequency domain: Introduction, Mathematical preliminaries, Nyquist

    Stability criterion, (Inverse polar plots excluded), Assessment of relative stability using

    Nyquist criterion, (Systems with transportation lag excluded). 7Hours

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    UNIT 7:

    Frequency domain analysis: Correlation between time and frequency response, Bode plots,

    All pass and minimum phase systems, Experimental determination of transfer functions,

    Assessment of relative stability using Bode Plots. 7 Hours

    UNIT 8:

    Introduction to State variable analysis: Concepts of state, state variable and state models for

    electrical systems, Solution of state equations. 6 Hours


    1. Control Systems Engineering, I. J. Nagarath and M.Gopal, New Age International (P)

    Limited, 4 Edition 2005

    2 Modern Control Engineering, K. Ogata, PHI, 5th Edition, 2010.

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    Department of EEE, SJBIT Page 3

    Table of contents Sl .no Contents Page number


    UNIT 1:Modeling of Systems:

    Introduction to Control Systems

    5 to 12

    Types of control systems, Effect of feedback systems,

    Differential equations of physical systems Mechanical

    systems- Friction

    Translational systems (Mechanical accelerometer,

    Levered systems excluded)

    Rotational systems, Gear trains. Electrical systems,

    Analogous systems.


    UNIT 2: Block diagrams and signal flow graphs

    Transfer functions

    13 to 23 Block diagram

    Signal Flow graphs (Statevariable formulation excluded).


    UNIT 3: Time Response of feed back control systems:

    Standard test signals

    24 to 46

    Unit step response of First and second order systems,

    Time response specifications

    Time response specifications of second order systems,


    state errors and error constants.


    UNIT 4: Stability analysis:

    Concepts of stability

    47 to 65 Necessary conditions for Stability

    Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion

    Relative stability analysis

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    Special cases of RH criterion.


    UNIT 5: Root Locus Techniques:


    66 to 84 basic properties of root loci

    Construction of root loci.


    UNIT 6: Stability analysis in frequency domain:


    85 to 102

    Mathematical preliminaries

    Nyquist Stability criterion, (Inverse polar plots excluded)

    Assessment of relative stability using Nyquist criterion,


    UNIT 7: Frequency domain analysis:

    Correlation between time and frequency response

    103 to 118

    Bode plots

    All pass and minimum phase systems

    Experimental determination of transfer functions

    Assessment of relative stability using Bode Plots.


    UNIT 8: Introduction to State variable analysis:

    Concepts of state

    119 to 127 state variable and state models for electrical systems

    Solution of state equations

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    Modeling of Systems

    Introduction to control systems

    A system is an arrangement of or a combination of different physical components connected

    or related in such a manner so as to form an entire unit to attain a certain objective

    Control system is an arrangement of different physical elements connected in such a

    manner so as to regulate, director command itself to achieve a certain objective

    Requirements of good control system are accuracy, sensitivity, noise, stability, bandwidth,

    speed, oscillations

    Types of control systems

    A system in which the control action is totally independent of the output of the system is

    called as open loop system

    Example: Automatic hand driver, automatic washing machine, bread toaster, electric lift,

    traffic signals, coffee server, theatre lamp etc.

    A system in which the control action is somehow dependent on the output is called as

    closed loop system

    The elements of closed loop system are command, reference input, error detector, control

    element controlled system and feedback element

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    Department of EEE, SJBIT Page 6

    Elements of closed loop system are:

    1. Command : The command is the externally produced input and independent of the

    feedback control system.

    2. Reference Input Element: It is used to produce the standard signals proportional to the


    3. Error Detector : The error detector receives the measured signal and compare it with

    reference input. The difference of two signals produces error signal.

    4. Control Element : This regulates the output according to the signal obtained from error


    5. Controlled System : This represents what we are controlling by feedback loop.

    6. Feedback Element : This element feedback the output to the error detector for

    comparison with the reference input.

    Example: Automatic electric iron, servo voltage stabilizer, sun-seeker solar system, water

    level controller, human perspiration system.

    Feedback system is that in which part of output is feeded back to input

    In feedback system corrective action starts only after the output has been affected

    Advantages of closed loop system:

    1. Accuracy is very high as any error arising is corrected.

    2. It senses changes -in output due to environmental or parametric change, internal

    disturbance etc. and corrects the same.

    3. Reduce effect of non-linearities.

    4. High bandwidth.

    5. Facilitates automation.


    1. Complicated in design and maintenance costlier.

    2. System may become unstable.

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    Advantages of open loop system:

    1. They are simple in construction and design.

    2. They are economic.

    3. Easy for maintenance.

    4. Not much problem of stability.

    5. Convenient to use when output is difficult to measure.

    Disadvantages of open loop system

    1. Inaccurate and unreliable because accuracy is dependent on accuracy of calibration.

    2. Inaccurate results are obtained with parameter variations, internal disturbances.

    3. To maintain quality and accuracy, recalibration of controller is necessary from time to


    Feed forward system is that in which the corrective action is initiated without waiting for

    the effect of disturbance to show up in the output

    System having multiple inputs and multiple outputs is known as multiple output (MIMO)

    control system

    A servomechanism is a power amplifying feedback control system in which the controlled

    variable is mechanical position or its time derivative such as velocity, acceleration

    A regulator or regulating control system is a feedback control system in which the

    reference input remains constant for long periods/entire intervals of operation

    An adaptive control system is one that continuously and automatically measures the

    dynamic characteristics of the plant.

    The system which follows the principle of superposition and proportionality is called a

    linear system.

    The motion take place along a straight line is known as translational motion.

    Rotational motion of a body is the motion about a fixed axis.

    The elements of rotational system are inertia (J), damping coefficient (B) and torsional

    stiffness (K).

    Mechanical system

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    Department of EEE, SJBIT Page 8

    For every mechanical system, there is analogous electrical system.

    forces resisting motion in any given direction is zero.

    For mechanical network, analogous electrical network can be obtained by using f-v and f-i


    Force-voltage analogy: In this method force is analogous to voltage.

    Similarly, displacement n charge q.

    Force-current analogy: In this method force is analogous to current.

    Mechanical rotational system:

    (a) Force-voltage analogy:

    (b) Force-current analogy :

    Mechanical coupling:

    Laplace transform of signal x (t) is denoted by X (s)

    Example problems:

    Q 1. Draw the f-1 analogous mechanical system for the electrical circuit of fig. below:

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    Ans. f (t) is analogous to e (t)

    f (t) is analogous to R.

    f (t) frictional force f is analogous to r.

    Spring constant K is analogous to reciprocal

    Mass M is analogous to inductance L

    Q. 2. Draw the mathematical model of the following

    system and obtain the transfer function.

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    Department of EEE, SJBIT Page 10

    Ans. Using torque-voltage analogy, we have

    The equation is

    Q. 3. Write force-current analogous quantities.

    Ans. Force analogous to current

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    Q. 4. Draw the mathematical model of the following

    system and obtain the transfer function.

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    Ans. Writting nodal equation

    At node x

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    Block diagrams and signal flow graphs

    Transfer function

    The ratio of laplace transform of the output to the laplace transform of input under the

    assumption of zero initial conditions is defined as the transfer function Of system. It is

    denoted by G(s).

    Importance : Transfer function is highly important because of following reasons

    1. It is used to give the gain of given blocksystem.

    2. The system poles/zeros can be found from transfer function.

    3. Stability can be determined from characteristic equation.

    4. The system differential equation can be obtained from transfer function by replacing.

    s-variable with linear differential operator

    Significance of Transfer Function

    Where C(s) is laplace transform of output

    R(s) is laplace transform of input.

    Transfer function gives the gain of the given block system.

    Properties of Transfer Function

    1. The transfer function is independent of the inputs to the system.

    2. The transfer function of a system is the laplace transform of its impulse response for zero

    initial conditions.

    3. The system poles/zeros can be found out from transfer function.

    4. The transfer function is defined only for linear invariant systems. It is not defined for

    non-linear systems.

    Limitations of transfer function are listed below

    1 Transfer function is valid only for linear time invariant system.

    2 It does not take into account the initial conditions initial conditions loose its significance.

    3 It does not give any idea about how the present output is progressing.

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    Department of EEE, SJBIT Page 14

    Poles are the v

    make the transfer function value as infinity

    make the transfer function value as zero

    The characteristic equation can be obtained by equating the denominator polynomial of the

    transfer function to zero

    The number of poles at the origin defines the type of system

    Block diagram algebra

    Block diagram gives a pictorial representation of a control system by way of short handing

    the transfer function Signal flow graph further shortens the representation of a control

    system by eliminating summing symbol take-off point and block This elimination is

    A pictorial representation of the relationship between input and output of a system is termed

    as block diagram.

    The direction of flow of signal from one block to other is indicated by an arrow.

    The point in a block diagram at which signal can be added or subtracted is termed as

    summing point.

    Gain is the ratio of laplace transform of output to laplace transform of input .

    Blocks in series are algebraically combined by multiplication.

    The lines drawn between the blocks to indicate the connections between the blocks are

    termed as branches.

    The point from which a signal is taken for the feedback purpose is called as take-off point.

    The order of summing point can be changed if two or more summing points are in series.

    Signal Flow Graphs

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    Department of EEE, SJBIT Page 15

    A signal flow grow is a pictorial representation of a system and it displays graphically, the

    transmission of signal in system

    Node: It is a point from where branches originate or terminate or pass through.

    Branch : It is connecting link between two nodes.

    Path : The time traced by connecting two or more node is called path.

    Loop : It is a path that originates and terminates on same node and along which node other

    node is traversed more than once.

    Mason s gain formula is used to find the gain of signal flow graph

    where i = Number of forward path

    = Gain of ith forward path

    = System determinant

    = 1 (sum of all individual loops) + (sum of all gain products of two non-

    touching loops) - (sum of all gain product of three non-

    The gain associated with each branch is called branch transmittance

    The independent and dependent variable of a control system are represented by small

    circles as nodes.

    The relationship between nodes is represented by drawing a line between two nodes Such

    Example problems:

    Q. 1. Find out the for the system shown in the following block diagram. Dec/Jan


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    Department of EEE, SJBIT Page 16

    Ans. First draw the signal flow graph.

    Step I Obtain total number of forward paths

    There is only one forward path

    Step II. Total number of single loop

    There are two loops. Thus

    Step III. Value of

    As there is one forward path which touch all the loops

    Step IV. Obtain transfer function

    Q. 2. The transfer function of a system is .

    Calculate the phase shift at


    Hence here is phase shift of zero corresponding to

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    Department of EEE, SJBIT Page 17

    Q. 3. Laplace transform of a function f (t) is given by

    Find out the initial and final values of f (t).


    Applying final value theorem

    Q. 4. Find out the inverse Laplace transform of the function .


    The term can be factorized as, (s + 2) (s + 3)

    Using partial fraction expansion

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    Q. 5. Represent the following set of equations by a signal June/July


    flow graph and determine the overall gain relating .

    Ans. Given equations are :

    required signal flow graph is

    Step I. Obtain the total number of forward paths

    Step II. Obtain the number of single loops

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    Department of EEE, SJBIT Page 19

    Step lll. Obtain the number of two non-touching loop

    Step IV. Number of three non-touching loops


    Step V. Find the value of

    Overall transform function

    Q. 6. Simplify the block diagram in fig and obtain the transfer June/July


    function relating C(s) and R(s).


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    Department of EEE, SJBIT Page 20

    There are no loops.

    Q. 21. From the block diagram shown in the figure below draw the corresponding

    signal flow graph and evaluate close loop transfer function relating

    Dec/Jan 2006

    the output and input.

    Ans. Required signal flow graph is:

    s gain formula:

    Individual loop,

    Non-touching loops = 0

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    Department of EEE, SJBIT Page 21

    Q. 7. The transfer function of a system is given by

    Determine the state model in canonical form using parallel decomposition method.


    Using partial fractions

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    State diagram representation in diagonal canonical form by parallel decomposition

    Q. 8. Determine the transfer function of the system given in fig.


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