
豚および野生イノシシにおけるSarcocystis感染 誌名 誌名 動物の原虫病 = Journal of animal protozoosis ISSN ISSN 09157506 著者 著者 斉藤, 守弘 萩原, 晶代 巻/号 巻/号 28巻1号 掲載ページ 掲載ページ p. 25-30 発行年月 発行年月 2013年12月 農林水産省 農林水産技術会議事務局筑波産学連携支援センター Tsukuba Business-Academia Cooperation Support Center, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat

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  • 豚および野生イノシシにおけるSarcocystis感染

    誌名誌名 動物の原虫病 = Journal of animal protozoosis

    ISSNISSN 09157506

    著者著者斉藤, 守弘萩原, 晶代

    巻/号巻/号 28巻1号

    掲載ページ掲載ページ p. 25-30

    発行年月発行年月 2013年12月

    農林水産省 農林水産技術会議事務局筑波産学連携支援センターTsukuba Business-Academia Cooperation Support Center, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research CouncilSecretariat

  • Journal of Animal Protozooses Vol. 28, No. 1 (2013)〔原著〕 25

    Sαrcocystis miescheriαnαinfection in pigs and wild boars in Japan

    Morihiro SAITO and Akiyo HAGIW ARA

    Meat Inspection Center of Saii抱机αPrefec;切符

    (Received 9 Jul., 2012)

    Abstract Of 50 fattened and 50 older culled breeding pigs slaughtered in Saitama Prefecture,

    Japan from November 2010 to March 2011, three (6%) culled pigs were positive for Sarcocystis

    miescheriana, whereas none of the fattened pigs were positive. Three of 48 (6.3%) wild boars (Sus

    sucroj包:) captured in Saitama Prefecture from November 2010 to March 2011 were positive for S.

    miescheriana. The S. miescheriana cysts had the thick and radially striated wall. Scanning electron

    microscopy revealed many villar protrusions 4-5 μm in len民hon也ecyst surface. A dog fed S.

    miescheriana infected meat excreted sporocysts in the feces after day 9.

    Key words : dogs, pigs, Sarcocystis, wild boars

    Journal of Animal Protozooses Vol. 28, No. 1: 25-3α2013


    Sarcocystis infections have been reported in domestic

    pigs and wild boars in various p紅白 ofthe world: Nor-

    way, Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, USSR,

    Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, USA, and Brazil12l. In

    Japan, there is little information on Sarcocystis infection

    of pig and wild boars.9J_

    Three species of Sarcocystis have been recorded

    from domestic pigs and wild boars : S. miescheriana, S.

    suihominis and S.ρore俳lisand their final hosts are

    dogs, humans, and cats, respectively2・5l_ In the present

    report the frequency of Sarcocystis infections was sur-

    veyed in pig and wild boars in Saitama prefecture,


    Materials and Methods

    Pigs : Fifty grams of car世acmuscle and diaphragm

    were individually obtained from 50 fattened and 50

    older culled breeding pigs slaughtered in Saitama

    Prefecture from November 2010 to March 2011.

    Wild boars : Fifty grams of cardiac muscle and

    diaphragm were individually obtained from 50 wild

    ・5-18-24Kamiochiai, Chuoku, Saitama, Saitama 338-0001, Japan

    boars captured in Saitama Prefecture from November

    2010 to March 2011.

    Muscle blocks were dissected into approximately 1

    ×2×0.5 cm in size and examined for cysts in a plane

    perpendicular to the long axis of the muscle fibers.

    Thereafter the cysts were directly removed from the

    blocks under a microscope7l.

    Twentyfive fresh cysts from the diaphragm muscles

    were measured with a micrometer and examined也e

    s甘uctureof the cyst wall. A part of fresh cysts were

    fixed wi也 10%formalin and post-fixed with 1 % osmic

    acid. Then they were dehydrated in a series of

    ethanol and dried at the critical point After platinum

    was deposited, the cyst samples were observed with

    scanning electron microscope (Nihon Denshi, JSM司35C)

    for the superficial structures such as villar protrusions.

    For histopathological examination, tissue samples

    were removed from infected muscles and fixed with

    10% formalin. The specimens were embedded in

    paraffin and sectioned. The sections were stained wi也

    hematoxylin and eosin and observed under a light

    microscope. Another part of the fixed material was

    post-fixed with 1 % osmic acid and embedded in epoxy

    resin. The resultant ultrathin sections were stained

    wi也 ur叩 ylacetate and lead ci甘ate,叩d由enobserved

  • 26 動物の原虫病 第28巻第l号 (2013)

    for the ultrastruture of the cyst wall with a transmis-

    sion electron microscope (lOOCX. Nihon Denshi, Japan).

    400 g of infected cardiac muscles. All the ingested

    dogs were daily examined for sporocysts passed in the

    total amount of feces by the flotation method with Two male mongrel dogs, 5-months old, were fed

    Fig. 1. Fresh cyst of Sarcocystis miescheriana from diaphragm muscle of a pig (left) and

    that of a wild boar (right).×100

    Fig. 2. Cross section of a thick-walled cyst of S. misecheriana in diaphragm muscle of a pig (left) and

    that of a wild boar. HE stain ×100

  • Sarcocystis miescheriana infection in pigs and wild boars in Japan 27

    satulated NaCl solution. Fifty sporocysts excreted in

    the feces of the animals were observed and measured

    with a micrometer under a light microscope.


    Three of 50 (6%) culled pigs were positive for

    sarcocysts, whereas none of the fattened pigs were

    positive. Three of 48 (6.3%) wild boars (Sus sucrofa)

    were positive for sarcocysts.

    Fresh cysts were 1,080-2,700×78-90 μm in size. All

    S訂 cocystshad the radially striated wall, whose thick-

    ness ranged from 4 to 5 μm (Fig. 1). These structural

    Fig. 3. Transmission electron micrograph of S. miescheri (upper left) and出atof a wild boar (upper right).×10,000 Scanning electron micrograph

    of S. miescheriana cyst in diaphragm muscle of a pig : Note palisade-like villar protrusions on cyst wall (lower left) and也atof a wild boar (lower right)×2,000

  • 28 動物の原虫病 第28巻第1号 (2013)


    ‘・。. .

    . ,

    Fig. 4. A sporocyst of S. miesche1叩naexcreted in feces of dog, which were fed a Sarcocystis

    infected raw pork. ×400

    feature were also confirmed on histopathological exam-

    ination (Fig. 2). Transmission and scanning electron

    microscopy showed palisaid-like villar protrusions 4-5

    ×0.7-lμm in size, on the cyst wall (Fig. 3).

    The dogs fed infected meat passed sporocysts in the

    9 days after ingestion. Sporocysts were ellipsoidal and

    measured 12-13×9.5-10 μm in size (Fig. 4).


    The incidence rat of Sarcocystis infection is known

    to increase with the age of host animals. Boch et al.1)

    d巴tectedS. miescheriana cysts in 25.5% of older pigs

    and in 9.7% of fattened ones in southern Germany.

    Seneviratana et al.10) reported that 12.7% of 55 older

    than one year were positive but none of 48 pigs less

    than one year old were positive for Sarcocystis sp.,

    which was not identified the species but seem to be S.

    miescheriana because the sporocysts were recoverd

    from dogs fed the infection meat. On the other hand,

    it is reported that the infected rate of S. miescheriana

    in the pig and the wild boar were both 7% in the latter

    half of the 20th century in Japans.9l. Since then, there

    is no report until the present study出atrevealed the

    infection rate equivalent to past data.

    Three species of Sarcocystis have been reported in

    pigs : S. miescheriana, S. suihominis, and丘ρore俳Lis,

    which utilize dogs, humans, and cats as final hosts,

    respctively. These Sarcocystis species can be identified

    by the morphological features of cysts, especially the

    thickness and structure of their wall. in addition to the

    specificity to final hosts and the prepatent period.

    Cysts of distinct species have characteristic shapes,

    maximal sizes, and surface feature. Most of Sarcocystis

    cyst has surface projections, whose size, shape and

    arrangement in mature cysts have a constant feature

    of species11l Cysts of丘 miescherianaare as large as

    1.500 μm long and 200 μm wide. Their walls are 3 to

    6 μm thick and appears radially striated. The villar

    protrusions on the Sarcocystis wall are up to 5μm long

    and l.Oμm wide7l. The cysts isolated in the present

    study had the wall structure identical with出oseof S.


    The prepatent period of S. miescheriana reported to

    be 9 to 12 days by Erber3l and 9 to 10 days by Rommel

    et al.6) Sporocysts of S. miescheriana were reported to

    be 12.6×9.6μm, 12.7×10.lμm, and 11.2×8.3 μmin size.

    Like these literatures, the dogs fed infected meat

    passed sporocysts, 12-13×9.5-10 μmin size, in 9 days

    after ingestion.

    Consequently,出巴 presentspecies was identical to S.

  • Sarcocystis miescheriana infection in pigs and wild boars in Japan 29

    miescherians based on the morphological characteristics

    of cysts and sporocysts as well as the final host species.

    It is known that human is the final host for S.

    suihominis and infected by eating undercooked cyst-

    laden meat from pigs and wild boars as an intermediate


    In the present study, none of pigs and wild boars

    were infected with S. suihominis. Because of the im-

    portant issue in the view of meat hygiene, continuous

    the investigation of Sarcocystis infection in pigs and

    wild boars may be needed.


    1) Boch, J., Mannewitz, U., Erber, M. (1978)

    Sarkospridien bei Schlachtschweinen in

    Suddeutschland. Berl Muench Tieraerztl

    Wochenschr. 91, 106-111.

    2) Dubey, J.P. (1976) A review of Sarcocystis of do-

    mestic animals and of other coccidian of cats and

    dogs. J. Am. Vet Med. Assoc. 169, 1061-1078.

    3) Erber, M. (1977) Moglichkeiten des Nachweises

    und Differenzierung vor zwei Sarcocystis Arten des

    Schweines. Berl Muench. Tieraerztl. W ochenschr.

    90, 480-482.

    4) Heydorn, A.O. (1977) Beitrage zum Lebenszklus der

    Sarkosporidien. 9. Entwicklungszyklus von

    Sarcocystis suihominis n. spec. Berl. Muench.

    Tieraerztl. W ochenschr. 90, 218-224.

    5) Ito, S. (1985) Life cycle of Isosporan coccidian. In :

    Progress in Veterinary Science 1985,. Kindai

    Shupan. Tokyo. 71-105 pp.

    6) Rommel, M., Heydorn, A.O., Fischle, B. and Gestrich,

    R. (1974) Beitrage zum Lebenszyklus der

    Sarkosporidien. 5. Weitere Endwirte der

    Sarkosporidien von Rind, Schaf, und Schwein und

    die Bedeutung des Zwishenwirtes fur die

    Verbreitung dieser Parasitose. Berl. Muench.

    Tieraerztl. Wochenschr. 87, 392-396.

    7) Saito, M., Hachisu, K., Iwasaki, K., Nakajima, T.,

    Watanabe, A., Moriya, H. and Itagaki, H. (1984) A

    new simple method for detection of bovine Sarcocystis

    cysts. J. Jpn Vet Med. Assoc. 37, 158-162.

    8) Saito, M., Nakajima, T., Watanabe, A. and Itagaki,

    H. (1986) Sarcocystis miescheriana infection and its

    仕equencyin pigs in Jpn. J. Vet Sci. 48, 1083-1090.

    9) Saito, M., Shibata, Y., Kubo, M. and Itagaki, H.

    (1998) Sarcocysti miescheriana infection in wild

    bo紅 s.J. Jpn. Vet Med. Assoc. 51, 679-682.

    10) Seneviratana, P., Edward, A.G., DeGiusti, D.L. (1975)

    Frequency of Sarcocystis spp. in Detroit, Metro-

    politan area, Michigan. Am. J. Vet. Res. 36, 337-


    11) Tadros, W., Larrman, J.J. (1976) Sarcocystis and

    related coccidian parasites : A brief general reviw

    together with a discussion on some biological

    aspects of their life cycles and a new proposal for

    their classification. Acta Leiden. 44, 1-107.

    12) Tadros, W., Larrman, J.J. (1982) Current concepts

    on the biology,evolution and taxonomy of tissue

    cyst-forming Eimeriid coccidian. In : Advances in

    Parasitology. vol. 20. Academic Press, London. 293-

    468 pp.

  • 30 動物の原虫病 第28巻 第1号(2013)

    豚および野生イノシシにおける Sαrcocystis感染



    (2012. 7. 9受付)


    2010年11月から 2011年3月までに埼玉県でと殺された肥育豚および繁殖豚,それぞれ50頭について,

    住肉胞子虫の感染状況を調べた.繁殖豚50頭中3頭(6%)に Sarcocystismiescherianaの感染がみら

    れたが,肥育豚には観察されなかった 2010年11月から 2011年3月までに埼玉県で捕獲された野生

    のイノシシ 48頭中 3頭(6.3%)に S.miescherianaの感染がみられた.S. miescherianaシストはシス

    ト壁が厚く柵状構造を呈していた走査電顕では,シスト表面に長さ 4-5μmの柵状のvillarprotrusion

    が観察された.S. miescheriana感染肉を犬に投与したところ 投与後9日目以降の糞便内にスポロシ


    動物の原虫病 Vol.28, No. 1 : 25-30, 2013

    Key words : dogs, pigs, Sarcocystis, wild boars