edumun 2015 position papers. learning targets 1.learn how to research relevant information and...

EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers

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Post on 17-Jan-2016




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Page 1: EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers. Learning Targets 1.Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources 2.Learn to organize ideas coherently 3.Learn


Position Papers

Page 2: EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers. Learning Targets 1.Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources 2.Learn to organize ideas coherently 3.Learn

Learning Targets

1. Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources

2. Learn to organize ideas coherently

3. Learn to write professionally and effectively

Page 3: EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers. Learning Targets 1.Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources 2.Learn to organize ideas coherently 3.Learn

Seminar Overview

1. What is a position paper?

2. Research 101

3. What is my country’s position?

4. How to organize a position paper

5. Solving the issue

6. Write professionally!

Be Sure to:• Take notes• Ask questions at the ends

of slides or during activities

Page 4: EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers. Learning Targets 1.Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources 2.Learn to organize ideas coherently 3.Learn

What is a position paper?

All of the important information• Background on the issue and

past UN action• Your country’s stance • Statistics, speeches and relevant

factsYour ideas and solutions• Conclusions you draw from

your research • Your analysis of the issue

from your country’s point of view

• Your solutions and courses of action

Use it at a conference!• Forms the basis for speeches

and statements • Your ultimate reference• Quick facts and sources to

back up points• Your solutions and original


Page 5: EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers. Learning Targets 1.Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources 2.Learn to organize ideas coherently 3.Learn

Research 101

Background information• Use your background

guide!• Look up past UN actions

and resolutions• Learn the history of your

issue and who’s involvedGet to know your country!• Learn your foreign policy• Learn your geopolitical

position• Find your allies and


Use it at a conference!• Strong knowledge base

means you can participate in any conversation

• Your speeches will carry weight if you are well researched

Page 6: EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers. Learning Targets 1.Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources 2.Learn to organize ideas coherently 3.Learn

What is my country’s position?Identify your stance • Look at your country’s

voting record and past actions

• Read speeches from government officials

• Look at internal actions on the issueVote with your bloc

• If your country isn’t involved, find out who your strongest allies are and support them

• Use your knowledge of your country’s greater values to find a position

Use it at a conference!• Connect with your allies!

Develop good relationships early

• Present your solutions and past successful actions

• Stay true to your foreign policy

Page 7: EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers. Learning Targets 1.Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources 2.Learn to organize ideas coherently 3.Learn

Solving the issue!

Learn from the past• Look at relevant past UN

action and identify what has been successful and why

• Look to other national or smaller scale actions to find successful ideas

Foreign policy• Make sure your solutions

are consistent with actions your country has taken or supported

Be creative• You should be

well researched on your issue by now, so don’t be afraid to propose your own solutions and original ideasBe thorough

• Address every aspect of your issue with your ideas

Page 8: EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers. Learning Targets 1.Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources 2.Learn to organize ideas coherently 3.Learn

How to organize a position paper

1 -Topic Background• Include important history of the

issue and projected future• Don’t make this too long

3 –Your Position• Your country’s stance on the

issue• Actions your country has taken

or supported (internal or international)

2 –Past UN Action• Find past plans and attempted

solutions to the issue• Don’t just list resolutions –

discuss their successes and failures

4 –Solutions/Conclusion• Present meaningful solutions

that haven’t been tried before • Stay consistent with your foreign

policy • Feel free to include your original

thinking and ideas

Page 9: EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers. Learning Targets 1.Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources 2.Learn to organize ideas coherently 3.Learn

Write professionally!

Tone and Flow• Your position paper should

come off as respectful and neutral

• The ideas should flow coherently

• Include transitions • Write conciselyWord choice• Speak in the third person• Vary word choice (don’t use

international 20 times) and sentence structure

• Use impressive words if they add to the paper

Pro tips• Create a works cited page

for your own reference and anyone who questions your information

• Statistics and quotes add a professional and practical element to your paper

• Write as though you are an actual UN delegate

Page 10: EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers. Learning Targets 1.Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources 2.Learn to organize ideas coherently 3.Learn

Position Paper Drill!

We’ll take 10 minutes to write quick papers on the topic: Chocolate or Vanilla?

Time: (15 minutes)

Activity Steps• Use the position paper format – Topic info, Past UN

action, (you’ll have to make it up) your stance, and your solution to this age old conflict

• Don’t worry, this should just be a fun way to get acquainted with the format

• We’ll briefly debate afterwards

Page 11: EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers. Learning Targets 1.Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources 2.Learn to organize ideas coherently 3.Learn

Reflection1. Learn how to research

relevant information• Learn your country,

foreign policy, and issue and how they all fit together

2. Learn to organize ideas coherently• An effective paper will

include topic background, UN action, your country’s position, and propose solutions

3. Learn to write professionally and effectively• You should be concise,

direct, neutral, and respectful

Page 12: EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers. Learning Targets 1.Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources 2.Learn to organize ideas coherently 3.Learn


Page 13: EDUMUN 2015 Position Papers. Learning Targets 1.Learn how to research relevant information and reliable sources 2.Learn to organize ideas coherently 3.Learn


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