· editor. trniur. dec. r.. ism.. . t;,.u r.onm for anything in w'e ber...

EDITOR. Trniur. dec. r.. ism. . . t;,.u r.onm for anything in W'e ber of our paper except the Pres- - C mcWse-- - Several letters and rricaticns were crowded out to l' I The rrcsldents's Message. ' - :,, rirer was ever looked for I ..Ccre 'anxiety than the preheat mes-- 3 f rodent Lincoln. We have "r a fr comments.. It is received Approbation ly nearly all classes. t iV.m niot radical Democrats iline or i - rii-hardro- n cf Illinois are dis- - i m cciu-r- e it, but oiLers, more f :;crUjve. tbotigh they may not en- - lcffl.ll it contains, console themselves ,Ye 1' litf lhat it not please till .e radical R'TU' 'icans- - The Prusident , T 'r.iri!v very decidrdly of the '. ,i iV,-- ' Vnion can he permanently " 3 n tn ui V. r- - ,,!''v '5" jmaiirHa,i',n' 1' aP r - ! - envii'ivrif-n- , to ca.t aidv :;:id unite in n.aking the sc-- , .. r. ,7 ; ff, ! 1 .5(.jj5((CM:iy W I l I 'HI. .V- - U JllJ j j ' c f:r..,.,ii nrvasirm. are m:ide .l n'lic'i earnesine?s and are evi- - r;u. 'ntlv Lt. irif elt, that they irannot fail v, have a tremendous influence upon the viid the people wherever it is read, bn the of slavery he concludes xs fuli.-u's-- : In jrivirz freedom to the slave we in-L.- :e la-(.- ; in to iLe fr;e. Honorable lake in w'hat pive and what we pre W :;i 11 iiclly save or maiily i.T$eil.e last leM hope of earth. Oilur iearin-r.- tucceed, thi cannot fail. The j.av U plain. ! a.-efu- generous and just ; iy uhich, if followed, the world will -- flai, atid God must forever bless." i' ! The News. j TLcre is a report in town this morn-- r r. said to have been received by tele graph, to the etlect that a great battle is hw racing at Fredericsburg. That city bid to be burned. I If the report proves true, we will pub-- Mi an account of the battle in an extra, i soon as we receive it. Also a more U account of the bailie at Fayetteville Arkansas. In another place we publ ish Gen. Tiuut's ofheial report of a battle at Crane ;I;lI,.m which he repulsed the enemy. He inainitintd his position at Crane Hill, i point About twenty miles southwest of fayeueville, Ark., until Saturday night, reinforcements under Gen. lerrnn. liy this ti e the enemy had fartialy effected a flank movement, and litem p ted to jrprist Gen. Herrou eu Tiiyetteville, and Crane Hill. But iy callant fjgting he held them iu check h il'BlJnt came up and attacked thcin nthe rear. The fight continued desper-:i- e till dark on Sunday night, when the i at try retre'ated. The loss on our side 1: aVuut six hundred, .while the enemy !jirovcr cne , timpani?. Few prisoners rere taken cn cither side. One batte-- 7 kl ijiziucr to the enemy was twice cap-.:rt- d, atid as often retaken. Therebe v.ere commanded by Hiniman, Frost, ihrson? and Rains, and consisted of the .:'.tvcr of the rebel trans-Missitsip- pi ar- - .y. Mo.-- t of the fighting on our iidt ? ly Herron's? soldiers, composed c'. c. u irum Visconsin, Illinois and Io- - h;a. !.n.e Nt rk Heralds Harper's .Terry Jipach says that Gru-r- al Geary. iih in antry. tvvt lve f.i-?ce- s o: ar- - tilery, and oOO hwudn dVavylry, mar bed 3D Wujiherter on the 3d, and 1 mandti' turrtnder, 'which whs complied with. pf ('pl,. exhibiting many signi of joy at ii ii arrival. ! II- - r. pons to Gen. Slocum, having Ferry on the 1st, met the tuy! cavalry uj)d-- r White, Hender and liaylor, at Charlestown, routing "Jftii : marched into Brryville ih faiiif vtuin ; aain met the enemy and drew him into a trap, and killed five and woun-JCc- i! X i eighteen. The tame night bivauacked J'irte miles beyond IVrryville. Our ! "cops captured one hundred horses and ' "iuis, and several wngou loads of flour ! ; If longing to the rebel army. At Win- - ' tester he took twenty-fiv- e rebels, who j were unuhle to escape. They were pa-polle- d. Seventy-fiv- e conscripts claimed IL'UL IIUU. UlilLU Mill IZiaUlCU. A JVC u ; our own prisoners were released- - Our iii.!v loss was one man tliuhtlv wounded. ! Grenada, Mississippi, has been taken j: yihe 1 ederals. uen. u rant now nas splendid army, and though no great Wde has been fdugi-t- , he is gaining fround every day. The're is reason to litve that both Jackson, "and Vicksburg, be abandoned before the first of Jan-t-ur- r. " Three cr four regiments' of soldiers f'oni Ohio wwre caprured in Middle Tea- - Itfsee last week. In Cui.tcc tKrrp lir.s rs vet "been but e--- '- J i,..V done. The bill for the admision Western Virginia, which passed the Ht2'.e Vi seion, is now before the i It j Jii-'- 1. Kt-wspap- corrcspcridents from 4 I IlO ry, .1 t . MM:... .1 - 'i 'braka as well as seven:! ether! rrjiorjf v:u 'tj admitted this wider. A till is before Congress to indemnify lke rretidi?a for arrests made during- - the i A 1:11 was introduced by Davis, of Ky., 10 provide for an amendnient cf tie Cod-n'tuti- on wiih regard to the electicnpf readenis. ' Extokcing City Ordinances. As the Mayor has decided u enforce the ordinance for the observance of the Sab-hat- h, would it not also he well to do something to prevent thoughtless boys from "breaking ihe peace," by disturb- ing private residences at night, breaking open doors, ringing doer-bell- s, and other mischief. There is of late considerable complaint made of one or two boys for misbehavior in this respect. , " Dispatch from lien. Elurit to Gen. Curtis. Headquarters cf Jirmyof the Frontier. Crane Hill, Ark., Dec, Q. The enemy, twenty five thousand strong, yesterday attempted a force my position, but their advance was driven back into the mountains. This morning they made an attack upon my outposts, upon two roads; on one of them driving in my pickets about three miles. Upon being reinforced they again drove the enemy back. It is my opinion that the demonstra tion this morning was designed to cover their retreat, as they were t Vllin? timber "h entire iiitjht, proatdy to ob- - truct the road and prevent my t.ruiljrv d cavalry following them. I hnve t.ft-- n l.'(ldni them in chrck tour tlrys, determined to hold my poaiiiou ull rvitiiurtemeiits could an;ve. Gen. Iirri.iii iiiivinrM ....... r:v;iir' .. .. n-:- l! runli Kupj ' ' I'll- -' UU.UU' , "111 I' MV u iiv. i l" and 1 exp-.t- t his whole cm- - manti tu reaca here uv ii.ltui. Signed, GEN BLUNT. Nrw York, D-- c. o, 1SG2. The ar- my correspondent t the Times, ssaysthe result of Burn?ide's interview with the President, is, that he will be let alone, and allowed to follow out his own'plans in his own lime and way, free from dic- tation from any bur'au at Washington, and confident that he will have from the government all the assistance -- that he asks for. The Tribune has the following from Washington : . Dr. 'Barney, a citizen of Baltimore, was Teeently taken by rebel pickets near Centerville, and forwarded to Richmond, lie has since stated that he went in the way for the express purpose of being captured. Whiie in Richmond, where he has numerous acquaintances, he had frt (lueut interviews with members of the Confederate Cabinet, and was admitted into many secrets of the rebel program- me. When the time arrived for his depar- ture North, he was sent ly J. P. Benja- min, who handed him letters addressed Governor Stymour of New York, Fer- nando and Bn Wood, Va'dandingham and Cox of Onio, aud Bayard of Dela- ware, Reverdy Johnson of Maryland, and a number of other noted Democrat- ic leaders in the North and border slave States. Iu the verbal instructions given to Bar- ney, ne terms were a?ktd for. Souther ners tdd him they wouid consent to no terms. If not admitted mto the Union again as equals they would not come in at all. What they a.k is the granting ut an amnesty to all the milhtary and civil b uders of the re! ell on, so that an elec.ion for members of Congress can be had during the coming winter, and thai body be called together at least as early as April. Gen S;g 1 has demand rd a court of in-qir- to investigate the charges and im- putations of Gen. Pope's letter to Hal-lec- k. The situation of the army is unchang- ed. The pickets for five miles above, along the rher, are very friendly. Yes- terday, three of the enemy's pickets be- longing to an Alabama regiment, came across the river and talked for an hour with ours. They endeavored to trade for tea and cofiee and overcoats. Two other rebel soldiers forded in si'ht of their pickets and gave themselves up as deserters. The lebl force across the nver is sup- posed to be ah ut 80,000. G' U. Scott, in the National Intelligen cer briefly and finally replies to B ionan- - m. saying that he han t any resentment o trauty. but to vtuwi a ie th ' jusiioe unu ruin oi nisu.ry is paramount. He insists and shows that Southern State received au undue proportion of arms. THE FLAG OF It IMOX. TUt Fevoriie M'ceLlj Mitcil.'aneuut Journal. DLSIGIiC FJii THZ HOUE CIRCLE. Tlii- - lone estal.ii-lie-- ! and well kn wn week v pper. rifr flieen yt'HTS iiiievinl I pr'-ieii- t? i.-- c ni? a li.i:i-elio:- d w,.r." frwlu Mai!! to lUnr. Tui.t, C ihe nrt.le 'f 'b ? ncU Mid in i u couu- - trv. ail over tiie wi.le ex fin tl.e VI i .i dS te It h.lld be a weekly v bi.orio every AuK-ricai- i -" jj" It is just men a psperas any t tber, broiter or fiH- - ti wouid introl n-- t tbe atui y ircie. H ib p i.uted ii be diiet f in Kitrtaced paper, kl ii new t;-e- , and iu a uat an.l boaiitiiu; 8 y le. 1; i oi 'be uirfiuiu 'Hi i'ie. ! ciat.u no ad. v-- r .euient in it- - ix.t :per-ro- yl pa. 2- - t io dev.ied t nei. ia e o':ua atones of tb k a dio,ivei ie . nticel w,t a i uuiur. 53" It i ca;efi'il ui. ed by H- B.iiiou wbo ta iv jea. of tsu u i ll :, e ieu e in M.-u- n. 53" I nn,aiui in u larne, we fiiieil aud deeply tu't(iiX ie ' ' ue ."K- w rd or liue. 53". ii' uii-ei'i- - aui-'i'- ii- - renilir cmti ib Uorii tbe I- k- "lile au.; If.u tie wruer- - i'i tbe cuiutry. 53" l.n iale!, wh.lo tbej abi b U.ereler, cnltirate a far all tbi ' tf J and b mill a I m h i n mr.y 53" It l acknowledged that tU c.iod mtlaeni of u. i. j l auer in ibe Home .ircie aiiui. iuvaloulao;e. 53" lis u;ellve pure provoke ;u ibe yj'i:2 aa iu-- qui i b Kpiiu. a' n U o ibeir "t re uf xntvits 'e. 53" l. c. iuiuii are fee t m p. li.ic.-- . aud all jarring l.p,.ns ii objec, i.emc to cuke b mie bappy. 53" It ii.ior tbee ret.u.. ttat i ba fr years been ao poi ular a IvuiUe tbrouybout tbe cvumry. Terms Invariably in Advance. 1 sribscriber, iue year, - - $2 0? 4 FUbscnbei'it, one year, - - 7 00 10 ibscriter, one jear, and one to tetter up of ciub, - - - - - 15 00 Publi.bod every Saturday by M. M. BALL )U, Ku. C- - Winter stnvet, iUion, Uu. GLEASOX S LITERARY C03IPAM0X. An L'ejant, floral, and Rfntd Zlucellancoiu JVoii.'y Ji urtuU, Pevoted to p.'M'.e Literal u-- e, "W'ii nnd ITnnnr. Proe and P.f fit i;enh. It jM'li!i'--i n. all ..ue-UL- r,ii u;ritti leu.ral, au3 tiiief jie euipuauca.;iy A PAPiili FOB TU3 LIILIilOI.T. Ami a WelcSme ViiUor to the Home Girth. It c n am tbe fo-ei- sn and domestic news ui tin day, t 8 c.ii' C.i-- e l as to pieeini ibe (tai.ct awoual J of UtiCillpCUwC. UTai'SVIXIILY, i printed on js- -e white ,.8;.ei. w;:h rew.-.r.- d beia-.ifu- l typo. c. t. u l uiiu ti i:.Ie ii.Uje.-i- , ua l a lai.-- p v.-- t ci'y p.ti.e.- - of mx en v An tit .ivai.ea f v.nsrin;t rs are nnrer re-- U' iai uiiu-e.n- e; f. ai.d ewty uepas tu.ent i,p:fS at: the movt fiuib.-- ptrKct teat u.Ht xT.edea:e c iu Terns Invariable in Advance. CO 1 snlcriiir. one yer, - - 3 (Ml 1 n:b-criie- r. two year, . e oa itcr, i!ie ;etr, " 4 sr.:i-- . ' . ..tin vcjr. 12 uj inu one srau to me f.'Cr-- u, . After a club of B " - hsvea cny uui. w-- v.-- hP'in with hi ciub at $.3 "men copie will be ,eut t any one that miahe. xfiUu. club, or see tLe paver belure -- wui- FOR FALL TRADE. JOHN C. DUESER, MAIN STREET, BROWXVILLE, X. T., ThVws pleaore in announcing that he has now on hand, a Urge ntl select stuck of every article in bis line, cook: stothss, Of all the improved patterns, viz : riymonth Rock, Charter jk, Valley Forge, Elevated Oveu, Kc, kc, Au:., HEATING STOVES, Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, ome of vliicb are entirely new denims, vlx ; Combined Cook and Parlor Slote. eoiiieiLiug very nice for small Uniilies. I CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION" OF FAIiMEIiS TO MY HEAVY SEEHT IRON, for Sugar Boilrrt, aid LiUCC C4ST IIIOX KETTLES. A VARIETY OF CHEAP LARD AND COAL OIL LALIP3 Brass, Copper, and sheot iron ware; Lanterns. Shoveie and Japanned Ware, &a., &c. SELF-SEALI- N3 FflOIT CA!s3! OF the latest and most improved Stjlcs, cheap f I am preparr-- to put up puuerintr and Fpontinp, and all nther work of my Un at the notice, and in a wn!kininnke manner, Tviiien 1 warrant to give haUs-faciio- n. Au-n- st 2.1S62. HELLO, STRANGEH! "WIIEUE DID YOU GET THOSE NE QOODSP AT J. BERRY & (XTS., THE VERV CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BEOWNVILLE. J. BERRY & CO., Have jnst received, and aT now openlne. at their stand on Alaia street, one of tbe laraeet stockn of DRY GOODS ' AND CSrSLO CBRISS ever ofl'cred ia this market. Remember the place, J. BERRY & COS., ZXTo. XX, TlZ.xul st root, BIIOWXVILLE, JT. T. May 29, 1S62. r.47-- tf "FAS T HORSES." CITY HflBY' STABLE PEED STORE, BROWKVILLE, NEBRASKA. BEXJ.OIIX ROERS, AKKOUXCKS to tbe public be bn piircbacel tbe entire id' ere.t in the Liver r and Slock formerly owned by K:er& He o now prepared to accoLjinudiue ibe public Ub Carriaffes, Sulkier SiiJdlr IIre, lc, A, Ac. THE THAYZLIXG PUBLIC Can fir.d at hi Stable amji'.e acci)uinKiation for horses, wuif! or cattle. BTXJAM1X ROGERS N. B. Tbe partnebip heref fose existing between iltujanim . Jvba H rert, is rii- - Ivrd. JOMITA it ULMAILIX KOGEES, May2ftb. 18G2. nn-'- f tL i mn. w- - V hai;u?agtuzi:;g coilFainY. I0 Tou vrT STEAJJ E(iLXES EOILEalS PATENT SUGAR CAN'E MILLS. PATKNT STEAM COIL KVAPOKA10H3, PATENT F1RK KVAPOlt ATOliS, pate:t stamp mills, kok PIKE'S PEAK OU l,4KE SHI'EUIOR SENI FOB OIKCFLARS. vTitb Cnt. ardPescTtntnn Pricw etc., etc. "SAW MILLS FLH RINi MUX. AND MACniEUT OF ALL DESCRIPTION. tnSEAD i UIt c:iK:i'laAILS.jei P. W. GATES, v. b. Agents wanted everywhere. Cbicatt It. H. I L UNAS AC'KXT, Ilrownvilie, brka, Of whom Circulars and dt tailed inlornuation caa had. March 20. 1563. r-- lyj v TJew Remedies fcr SPERM ATORRHCEA. II0WAKD ASSOCIATION iniTiADEi.rniA. A T.cnttolent Inlitvtifn rtehhhei 6y Trfa7 for if Rtl tf of th' Sick and Diitretied rf, Ctcd I'iwnt fifi C rvn.c I).nm and rv 'fcij.'!j Jut tht Curt of Discatcn of the Scxua 21DLCJLl ADTIC3 siren gratis, by tht Acting Va,tub Reports on rerina-Trrii':- !. tt.', ,u.rr i ..f tl. sexual Wert: and u UC. Kfc.i-h-.- p.r: empl,e,l in bf li.l'"' ' lel ieuu fUveiope.lV6e( charge. Two or uteeutupi c.p- - SCILUN HOFGIITOK. Howard n. A Uress VH J. Xj. S Kinlb . reet, PUiiadelyhia, Pa. UeccmLer 12, ISol. fJ3-l- y est;: ay rxY- - TVen iip bv the underS !rr,H. liviu? taree and a hair in Nemaha county .ebraka. rales wert ot Brown vi.le. , K A ... nf K, li. ie estray mare j - - - Wt tip. hloui in tUr ' ' f I ,r:. nirkiilJ. itti eye, tee:u u a. icIXIXCH. nia-3w-,l.- W s. SADDLERY I SADDLERY I HavitiK recently mada larje addition! to my stock, consisting of i SADDLES, HARNESS. URIDUS. COLTJIRS. LINES. WAGON WHIPS, BUGGY WHIPS, OI LASHES HORSE LASHES. STAGK LASHES, SURCINGLES. GUtTnS, STI2RCP3, LKATHEJiU, &.C., &x. I think I can accommodate all in quantity, quantity and prb-e- . 1 work none but best Oak Tanaed Leather, and getting It directly from tanneries iuObio, leeicon-llde- nt it will give taUkaction. Plasterer's Hair on Hand Cheap. CASH PAID TOE niDES. i W. ItlDDLETOIf. September 13, 1S62. n9-l- y CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CEEAFEST CLOTHIIIG Ever offered in this Market. XO DOIST AllCUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimore Cotliing Store, BROVXi ViiiLE, N. T. dayidYeigel. Announce to the public that he has opened out a stock of READY-MAD- E CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GEIsTLMEN'S UN- DERWEAR, &.C., &.C., &c. Unprecedented In quantity, quality aud prices. He i determined his price ba 1 corresijnd wii.h the times, and therefore ofler litire in be West, at just h lr,w rte as such P'kxIp can 'e pu. chased acywbere in tbe United Slates. As a aample of hia prices he will mention that he sells Coats from $lf25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from 1 to $5. Boot. Shoe, nat, Caps. Fancy and Wbite Shirts, Sns- - ders, Nerkties, Sjtta, Handkercbicts, tic, in the 6amc prcportiou. Tlie proprietor enibrace this Opportunity of Teturninjt thanks for past patronape. and promise to spare no ef forts in the futmeto give entire satisfaction. Call and aoo him. DAVID SEIGEL. Brownville. June 18, lS61.-l- y LETT, STEIGKLER & Co. STXiEET, BROWNVILLE. N. T, We are now receiving and opening n complete assort ment of, consisting OF DRY GOODS: Prints, Muslins, Drills, Osnaburg, Denims, Cottonades, Apron Check, Hickory, Jeans, Berages, Linen. Dress Goods, All Wool Delaines, Fancy and Plain Silk, Lawnes, aten Vestins, Broad Clo'hs, Cassimere, ' Hooped Skirts, OF GROCERIES: Coffee, Tea, Soap, Molasses, Candles, B. C. Soda, Saleratus, Vinegar White and Brown Swjrar. Sa'-k- , Barrel and Dairy Salt. Chewing and Smut trig Tobacco OF OAK.BWAKE: Axes, llatcht-s- . Butts, Screws, Locks, Latches, Nails, Tacks. Penknives, Kniv'? and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill Fils, &.c, ice, &.C., &lc, ik.c. Sic. OF QU EE A' & VA HE : Cups and Saucers, Plates and Piaiters, Dishes and Tumblers. Coal Oill Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Wicks, &,c, &.c. OF BOOTS & SHOES: Women's Shoes. Kip, Calf, Buff and Kid, Gaiters, Calf Shoes, Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes, Slippers, Men's Calf, Men's Brofjar.s, Copper Toe, Kip aud Course Boots, &,c.,&.c. OF HATS & CAPs : Panama, Leghorn, Planter's, Straw, Wool, Cassimere, Plantation, Shaker Hoods, &.c.,&.c.,&c. OI Farming" Utensils: Cradles. Rakes, Forks. Plows, Scythes, Snaths, Shovels. Spades, Hoes. &c, c, Sic. Sac. OF LUiUISER: Clear and 2nd rate Pine FiooritiT, Siding, Boards 1, 1 2 and 2 Inches Thick, Sash, Doors and Blinds. rine Lath, All Sizes Sash, All Sizs Doors, All Sizes Biini3, Ve call the attention cf the, pti slicto otsr stock, as our CAFJI TEBUo enable us to sell low. Thankful fur pal p,U'ronat.e, we aolicit a continuanee of the fcacje, LETT, STRICKLER & CO. BrowBTiil, July 3d, 1SC2. nM-- U. 1862. 1862. DRY GD0D3 AND GROCERIES ! THEODORE HILL, Is receiving, and will continnt to receive during the summer, one of THE LARGEST 15S BEST STOCKS o r wm. TK O M New York, Philadelphia and St Louis. That has ever been exhibited in tht Western Conn try, embracing all the latest styles and novtltief. of the uaei. Ilia tioek? eqiurac Dry Goods Groceries Hardware, Cutlery, Cueenware, Hats uiid Caps, snakrrs, Hoots and Shoes, Door aud Sash, Glasmid Patty, l'iue I'uruitnrc, XcM 5c, ic. Among his Dry Good will ht found Prints Ginghams Tawns Harries, Xirowu ard ISIeached 33o!ius, Denie-s- . Striped Sheetiii. Cot-toiiB- ds Il!sry, GUve, The latest Style Hoop Skirts A'otious, He has much the Largest Stock of QUEETfSWAHE in the Upper Country. THEODORE HILL, Agent for the Hannibal & St. Joseph Eail Eaod Packet Line of Steamboats. May 22, 1862. D46-t- f. LIcCORMICS' Eeaper and Mower VAKUFACTUEiD AT Oliioag o, XIX This celebrated machine U bv all orldsth BEST GRAIN AND GRASS CUTTER I THE WORLD. N twithstandins he ini8repreentation of thomj inter- ested in other machines. C. II. HcCormick feBro. rnan-nfactn- ae at the rate of 8,000 per year, Xany chance have been affected during the past season, and lor lt2 the McCormick'-- " is presented with grea:er aUractioiio than ever before. As a reaper, THE ECO.03IY OF POWER IN THIS JtACHIXE. ITS Strength, Durability, and Simplicity, give it preference over all others New Improvements added, have materially lessened the direct draught, and so obviated the aide draught that many assure us that it does not now exist. The drnpht of tbe Reaper is so li(fht that in numerous instances the large lour, horte machine id worked with but two horses. FOR MOWING. The Machine of 1862 will stand any text that may be applied. Our Guard and Patent Cleaner effectually prevents choking, no matter wha: the condition of the ?ra8, whiie our new divider point separate baldly lodged and tack led clover or grass, where other ma- chines fail. There is also a jrreat advantage inonr serrated sickle ehce over the smooth, as it des not require sharpening so olten. tbtis savin!; time. Our sickle will frequently run through an entire harvest without once Rnndiue. wb.le tbe suiootn edse must be ground once eich day. if imt oriuer With a orhoth edge tbe Iraugtit increases as the knire becomes dull. Our draught is 'uniform, aud in the repeated trials during the season of lSbo 61 proved far lighter than single Mowers, cutting at the same time from twelve to eighteen inche wider. Our Mower can be used with or without the reel , this is important, aa without the reel it weighs hut about 670 pounds. In addition to the very liberal warrantee iven to all purchasers, we wouid say a heretofore, ibat farmers who may desire it, are at liberty to work our machine through the harvest vtiih any o'her, and kep aud pa; for the one preferred. Pamphlets with tu II description of improvements, testimonial, .c. can be had by application to THEO. HILL, Agent, 33rowixvillo, rJ". ,T May 15,1362. n45-- U NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT PRICES TO SUIT JOHN A. POKN Is now receivlDg cd openinj oat Lis Spring Stock of Goods, consU icg of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Iron and Is ails, Flour and Bacon. Queensware, Hardware, 9 Furniture, Sash and Doors, Window Glass, etc., et:., etc. Whicb I will eell cheap for CASH OS PEODUCH Call and examine my etotk l)cfcre pnrcittsii;; elsewbfrre. llrownville. ArrLI 24,l9o2. r42-Ca- i Iyer's Earsapariiia. ASSESSOR'S TVOTICC. Kotice is herebv given tb;itl, J. H. P.urit!k, sor, have divided thcdistrict of Sebrabk, into th fol- lowing Mib-divii.-,ns : Pistrirt No. l, Inrlndns a'tl of Dakota, Dlxoa, Cedar, L'Kau qui Court nd Hull c:iuntie. No. 2. All of WasMn-rrto- aud Eurt oi niiert. Ais-ta- nt Assessor, G. W. Jenkins j place of hua.itcss, grt Calhoun. ? o. 3. All of Sarpy and Douglas. No. 4. Allot Ifcxlge, Cummins, Sfaafr-n- , arH ccmntry went. Asxlstaxit Assessor, E. K. Juhnsou ; place of busimeK-- , Fremont. No 6. All of Piatt, Monroe, MertcS, HT!. Bufra'c. and tbe country west. Assistant Assessor, Jsha Eeck ; Columbus. No. 6. AU of Calhoun, Saunders, Botlar. Polk, an the north half of Cass. Assistant A Res so. If. 31. Por-rlnet- on ; Plattsmouth. No. 7. All of Lancaster, Se warn, south half f Cass, and Ihe country wet. No. 8. All of Otoe. Clay, Johnson and SaUae. As- sistant Assessor. Dr. P. Kcitner; Nehrnsia City. Xo. 9. All of Nmaha. Richardm nd Pawnee. No. 10. All or G.u-e- . Jor xi,t.l;i?, Kearney Bhorter. Afisistaut Assessor. J. C 'Western ; Bcasrtec. All persons, of whatever trade or occupation, are re- quired to take out licence to continue the iatu. Ap- plications must be made to the Assisting Asewrs, who are furnisted with bla"k forms for the puranse. Business dene w;theut application ix tntrury to uw. Owners of carriages. coache-s- , hackne'' coaches or other carnages, not exclutive'y empjoypj husbandry, or for the transportation of merchsnilise, are required to report the number and value ef the fr same. Owners of billiard tables, yatches. ind gold and sil- ver plate, must report the same, wi'.h the amount of plate owned. Manufacturers, where not specially exfropted. a-- e required to make returns to the Assistan Assessor with- in ten davs arter each and every month of the actual saies made by them during the preceedmg month. Auctioneers are required to make a monthly report of he gross amount of their a!e. The proprietors or managers of Railroads. St earr!:ats. Ferryboats and Tollbridge are required to nulfe a monthly report of the gross amount of their receipts. Butchers and others, whose business it Is slanhter for sale any cattle, sheep, hog, or c.iH'eit. thai' make a return at Hie end of ech and every mmh of Hi-- ? num ber respectively slaughtered. J. H. BCRBAXE. Assesur, for Collection District. Disirict iTeiiraika, October 15, nl5-- tf TO T5MOM IT MAY COSCERS. The heretofore exist! ug under the name and style of Lett. Strickier & Co., is tnis djy tfis solved by mutual c..n5.erit. The business of said firm will be sei'led by Brown &. Strickier, to whom all debts due th huti-- e nut ha paid. ' r.KNKY C LKTT. JACOB Str.ICCLER, EiCn ARK KROw'N. I) I ssoi,UTIO .(ir CO PA Ii T E i IS II I r. The copartnership heretofore existii.g nnder the name and style of Fliher & Hacker, is thy t.;iy dissolved by mutual eonent. The Advertitrr and Farmer win here-if- be pub lished by T. It. Kistier. Tue of tlm -- m will be settled by Mr., to wh ni a!!dpMdue the office mut be paid. T R FISHEP. TUiO. C. UACKER. BrownvilleNov. 8 b, 1S52. sti:avi:i on stolkv. A bay mare, three ye;irs ii3. short fourteen and a half Lam's high. b;s a blaze on tbe fare, bird foot white. Has a brand on lett shoulder, wnk-- ii difficult to describe. Ar.y returuins the niartj to the resi dence o the undersigned, neir Nein ha City, or riving informal ion that iil Ic id to her ie'i .very will he lii- - erally rewarded. JOUN SIRAIN. Oct.-be- ss.h. 1SC2 r.15 tf WATCHES AKD JEWELRY !! or THE Richest aud 3In.l ru-hiona- rattrns, OJFEIiEU AT Retail and WIioJcsuIc Irirc!!! T1IE IH'B'dAR!) EP.OS., X.s C3 c 6" Nassau MEIET Niwi Jia:iu:acturers ami I aiore:'S or ail tie LP.idui Ui li, and mot pi'uS:r Stvies of WATCHtS and JEWtUlY, heir' determined cpi.n in- - creuSinj: their bUMtie, to a:i tm!itui:ed exten, otfer the following ele?atit Oruamenis at the una urp.-- , fed Low Prices followni j: MAGIC TIME OSSERIE.I, beinci Ilnnttnj and open lace, or itdy't tientleiuau's Waith in ne . tlie prettiet and nio-- t c .nvcuieitt and cutape.l watch in the world, luiuaii iu eoul ; enVoied by a p.iten: pi-ces- s, which tenders the appearance of gold ported, whi'.e it di-e- s not cost one totrd mt cn. Price oniy $32 Petails at fr,.Ti otto hnndreil nuwarda. KnKlih manufacturo movement; capped aud fnll jeweled ; has sunk seconds, and tlie teatest lmp'ove- - merts. 11 eavy cased and pooo lnntatioa gold. Trice only $1S Retail at from ? 0 to $it" Hl'VriA'G COMPOSITION U iSED iK.Vf WATCH. Richly eimrved, jewded nd wurkn. Unsurpac.-e- d for Sut;e's. Traders, etc Price 15. Retails at fruui $4J to ftiOO. A great variety of otuer watcte. at low prices. Ladies' sets of Brich and Ear Drops to corrfcpond. Imitation Cluster i'l.imotif . ri-- b pitern.and ennre:ynew. price $1. Lorai ana Bf.ot ei;iwi:ifi. a verv neat aud pretty ornament, haud.n.iaeij mounted, $3,25 uentlemen's vet Chtins. .Pansien, an eie-'a- nt pattern, on:y $1. The lemotiiac, very beavr, . Rinus. Piaiu only 7c. bcmii, veiy pretty, ui. Chased, a neat pattern, $1. Seal luilta-lio-n Dianion'. S'2. Sleeve Buttons. Patent. CUed, or Enamelled, a new and very handsome pattern, $2,50. D UDle, chaAsd or with stones, $1 60. Bi.wm StuiJs. a variety of new and latunbie ce- - Bi?ns, per sot, $1 o . Bos au and S,;arf Pins T,eaf, with opal ana iraney tones $2. lmitatatiou Diaru :n.l, Jl.fco. Ijcfcets Double Glass, richly entfrsvwt, $3 Persons wi-hin- g any of the aoove, taveoniy to remit the price in a restored letter to c ur address, and tbe articles will be sent by return mail, free of expense. 53-Ord- ers to the amount' of twelve di 1 Urs and upwards will be sent by expres to any part: of tbe loyal Suto, with bill payable to the Express Cutupauy, when the goods are delive-e- d. Agents, Sutlers and Country .Merchants, tbroup&oBt the country, who wish to make money rapidly, will j well to obtain our mammoth catalogue ; we fnrnish the most saleable outfit at prices unsurpassed by any other concern! Address HCBHARD KP.OS. Nos 65 67 AVuau, far John Street, eeteer 05tk, 18o. al-- tt 3aa Kvw rrk City. A Tractical Guide to Ilca'.th and.Tisor, TEE NEW GYMI. ASTICS, FOB LIEU, WOLIEN &. CHILDREN. With a translation of Prof. Kloti's Dumb Bell In tlructor and I'ruf. Sctircbcr't 1'uRrj jmntuiikou. BY UiO LEWIS, 31. I)., Proprietor of the Street Gvmnasium, Bo-tc- n. With Turee Hundred lUwtratioiu. One Vol. VZma PRICE $1.00 No reef ni Matrazine-pap- er has ercltel more genera interest thm the article in tbe August Atlantic, on Tbf New U muastios." . fhe present work is a c ni- - p:ee ep"M ion of the sysieni of vhka that articlt pave a -- yi! s. The auiiior of this work has beii for many years en-pp- ed iu teariiit:t Gynmastics. The txok deribes aud illio.tra:es his New System of Physical Tra.uiujt. Thi'J system his had the test of loiu ar:d varied ue. It c inipiise with Dumb Leils. Km?, Wands, CI. ibs, etc., all of wtich are made rerfectl clear by fuil explanations, while niatiy are illustrated by pictorial repre-ut- ai 1 us of tho .aiiton of the y required to perronn tiiem. Tlie Dunib Bell ltiftructur, conn-t- l wifi tl Is work, is ot the bt?liesl interest and Imp 'fan-'- H ed fur home ui--e and ptves a a - it vai io!y of D i.iit Bell Exeiti i.uetber with a cjreru.iy-ofclejte- d pro gre-si- e series for eve"y-- d iy ;- - :i Tbe Pansyuiiia-t:ki- i Is a very si'uple, useful, ino cb?.i pirce of p.viuna-.ti- c appiriti w, h;hi which a. Rymnasiic exe' . iu.y be pe'forniiM an 1 wan-- cai le intrHiuced, ai sniail cott. ict itiy privjie - Il i fully and il ia ih's volume Tbe New ; n.nas'ics" sber d be read i eve y faw ily in the land where exercise is rained a a mentis of health Ladies, especially, will llnl in it a Kteat va- riety of Easy, Sicnpie and Invi? ;rt Evercuea, all of which may be prac:id iu the r own JC5"r"or sale by all book-eiier- s. or sen po tpat a te any address, ou of One f i ar, by the pubahera. TiCtNOIt FlhLDS, lij Wb4iiiiljLi Street. Boston. 100 (BniDlonmcnt. 1 TO SELL Jl T RED UCED PRICES. SIS EACH. Onr Machine Is perfect in its Mechanism. Tt U lea liable to jet out of order thn any other. Diploma! have been awarded it over tbe fir over At xtaiar and other high priced Machines. $15 EACH. Onr Machine ne a traicht need'a. and wi'.l WOTtS WITH ALL tlXDS OP TIIREAli, Silk or Linen, makin an e!a-;i- c seam ii .b.i.i:-.- to.break in wasfc-in- g axd is the iSi-s- T and CHEAPEST iiathiu ut ae. CI5 EACH. OnrMcL;ne wi.i BEM.'FKLL. STITCH. QTT.T ata. BIND. .1 will ifw f;ii aii kin.-l- of iroia the Caest bwtsa Muslin to tbe Coarsest W.i.r-n,w.-r k.i.i wf.h thr'T.jn ievTal i'i.Uir- -' o! Miicii V'" 'etl Cioih. ALL MACHINES ARE WARRANTED. &ir ill til. a n t? w w r nf f I i 1 i . . k t If JO'.I T'- Ti a C 1 .. .....i. w'.i v.. ' a., J'.Ii JA'i .'.r i. vji...t 10 : ff Hid f.Te !. 'i Vr ! 't I1 hy'-i- j , Aseii'.a. ir we! n ."TV I- - C IS Z: a7ld p .y ;. : C j J:e-- i . - J 1 Aa;. lC-l- i. 1.: ' TEL DAY THE DAT SCHOOL PrLL. Nw S.m-n- ? or Day Schools, alid :he Hat ScnoPL Ki.i.t u aaw Cidy. It coiitai is ao.--j- t 2'.)0 ie ol ci; Hum s. Hounds, CatciifM, D;.e . Trios, t; u trtets C um rose, many of ttiem written rxp' es.y for u.iitwrk elides 32 paes of fl.e Eien eiiinif iaa-i:- : Tjel!l ments are so ea-- y ar.l .Toare-sir- e th..t o. J.ftrr iJca-- . ers will find tbc:itetvi euine y succi-.sf- ul ih li'K evpn young to id.ia corrwily and tn ieTit;,-cali- y. bjie toe tutie a:ui wi nis enibri'-e- s sur h va:i eV ef lively, attractive, aid soul uirt;.e w re seuUnmnt that no tn.ub.e wj I te et Jerienced a indi siub all becinuerji,, r.)on with re..; in . In one of tbe most hi:Th-::-ii- .- -- o-r y i i r hapido.s jietdicsr, and omef pvo.'.i-.- -j tSB'(f, tcbwl life. In mpii:ity cf K:ft..en. i:. var.e'f and adaptation i f muc. ani li eTr. e.r.e n.a v .urt of its aotgs, riiinal, select!, aad Uv'-ed- . il ciouU by much to e.tcei ail eomptiurs. it ; b r..uni t be the best book ever issued AcarteT if. Mid Public hchoDls. A few mpie pan. of lua e tunes and onn are p ven t3a rirrD;ir; aDdpelone. It ia eou.piiei av liira: author of -- sabath Sch,ol Bel s." Xa 1 b) mho h have h i4 tne enormous sale .rf 606 1 01 cou s. PrKtiuo cuv?ra20cta., feld pr hutMrjd; ooa,i ji c..;,,, er but dred; i..tu bound. eniWsed RilHOeenu- - MI pertandred. 86o..pie fan hM1 at the i,c ? UaitaJ price. Hailed fret at the retui pri. notici-- s or Tiii: rnrss. The Day School Eell. Th frees a- - lirf ,Ba snch as nuy beea-ii- mastend by tbildren. Toe suirt or tbe gonf.s u auetceptioua&le and well adapt m u schoolroom. Ii istae cheast aal ar.i-.r.- s the t, T7aclZ tht't'1 UUle V1- - lor tAY-kStHO0- Btl-- 'a ki eminently a4tpt4 in our common schools. M e have a jreat cumber qf ,,! sorR b,vk, fort tne public, but many .,f theri lack mimical as wP;i at Kta-ra- ry taste, and a e really demoralirme in their influ- ence tipen the musical tale:it of the younR. Airs or a. f5;cel!ence. welded to words of tniu p - ry are thequilirie that oniht to be st npht with t!i reat-e- st care in the prepiraa.m 01 a act col sons U-- k. "'li bM,k seem to combine these two quUu. Per.r.i jU vavxa School Jourtil. Published by nORACE TVATEr.S, "'-'- J No. 131 Broj,iway, Mew Y. j -- Mm A Tr'pMflTT'l f ",'. ori v 0sv 01.V. 1 t. uu U1.1l Ui.'i K. F0?k SALE 221 an.l .l Souili Watar Stra. Chicago, liL Prices, V,d iJ. s!pl other sixeo id rtroixrtiiin. with fri Ut Ji4 fnm factorv in New York To .'I ici -- i. The advantage. of cooked over raw F.mhI ii aJmI ft d by all. The t!d wnvot'bciLa; in kettles, is botk qjw and expensive, so much ik Uhl tut t'vve moa d it. ftouicthinj more practical n ust be ha i. :ar seemes to le the only altcrn;iMT. The TitinUe Las retaind all the advj .ntd?--- s of tLe TortaUla Cl dnn for boiling, and di v isrd iueans of 'team suficient fix aii inii. It is simpla ami t ractical, ad jirovcsA J EiCFECT tiL'CCIlSS. VJ'. IX. ArSTI.V, Sole aent fy Init.bis nni N'Tth-TTtsr- C 221 & 2J3 S. Ytrr St.. O.i: a -- .. Where will tfNo be foutnl Downs & (Vs Uorp Well Pump, Fon? extern, (.'ham nnd Co mat on W'J Pumps, Thimble Skim hnl Snd Iron, sjwtll aj very van fy of lo-ds- . Ca?t In n C m- - Shelters, Feed MilU, llty and PlttTrra Staves, Ac. The above w;H to.Id rn account at tbe mauufseturers, at their re?ic cuvefaUfT rric add c? freight tj thi. 1 ljce. January IF?. f NOTICE. The public are hereby noiitit that the Indin .f nor resrecttve tribes are permiitet to ro bevoad th limits of their witant the tn pr- - niissiim of ihfir A?s- - n ! ail t ersm are cj r.uned a?aint harboring vtiant Inluns. line attention Vm this notice will Mah e is to dftnet tbe su'hors of de- - redrioti and preven: the recnience o? auaoT.uui iU whi-- h Ccm;iaui?H are froq le'iily m ine. (i. n IF I'll Ooiah A cent, J. P. R.KFr OtceApeiit. B K. LL'.StlUACUII, i'wiaee Afent November 22. l0l. r,l3-- J C00.00O AGENTS, ' HALS OR FZilALS, TO 1 ELL '. LLOYD'S XTVf STEEI. 7LATH COT-N-- TT COLCii MAP K TH r. UMTZD STATKS, CAN A LAS, AND KEW KUINSW1CI. From re etit surveys oon:ple1ed Ang. It). cost $20 (XlO to eugrave it and one ye ar'k time. Snperior to any $10 liup ever made by Co! ton ot Mitchell, tnd sells at tbe low pike of LTty lenta; 370, OUti names are emrraved i . It is not only a Court y il t t ut iL ia alsc a COUNTY AKD RAILKOAD MAP of the U&i'.ed S ates Ciina lasc-inilnr.P- d in one, fiflaj I KAlLuUail MAIIU and bt tweoii. Oaarsnlee any woman or mn $3 to tri per ani will take back all maps tliat cai.nt be ao.'J aiu letuud the money. Send for $1 worth to try. Printed Instructions Loir tocanvas wel! t furniaheai ali our aiitonts. anted Wholesale Aientsftr onr Mans In every S:ate. Calirornia, Canada, England, France and Cuba. fortune may be nnvte with a few hui'.d.ed dollar capital. A 0 competition. J. T. LL()Tl, So. lo4 "roadwiv. Sfw York. The War Department nps out M in f V:rTii i f . r,. and. raf Pennsylvania, Cost tk I tX) (XK. on which la maiked Jdiddietown. .Maryland Heights, "Williasspr Perry. Billbro.k ilills. N'olaud's Ford, and a'.l on tbe Pomac. .and evirry t tler plare In MaryiauJ. Yirjitiia, aLd PentiHjIvaii. or m iey refunJcd. PRICH "5 rilXTS From Tne Tribune A:tsnt5. "Lloyd's Mali of Yirj;i:iia Maryland, snd Pennvlva- - 111a. Ibis M.ip i very isrt'e: i JJ rtuti. and it the bett which ran be purchat'd. ai'i-f9-- CSLSIOS Buss Stoite UlLIS, (1 01k FAJIId A.iD ILLL r.Xi,) ' AND ANTi-rmcTio- :? HORSE POWERS. TOOK. TEN FIRST I'llEinuSIS at 7esteti3 StaTK Fait.o Ist i:ar. anlarejutiy considersA superior toeli ctiievs. The t ill unv be driven by hore, vuttrtox ftfoni jxtirer. doesi s ork a.j WfcU aa tbe fiat stone mi'.l it m;I .in and r(nirjs but oHv-ho- lf tht voter to drive tbe largest u i. Tt.ey are very e rr: p r!-- t!j iiple,an4, for farm ue will bisi TdULTV Y LAU, jd COaT XOTIU-N- e for rfjMiirj. I'Ricts- J- 1103. JHO. A $173. Flour Lolt for e rtullet t L'ili 50 extra. THE llOKSI! rOWEIi proved itself to be th !,?; ev.-- r invente-l- . The friction is reduced by lilON" "ALLS, aoarran in all the that tin wh.! wi-h- t rf thn fatii:ir rnoit nr n tbem. TCUFK rolJND.S DUAl CirT, at thi- - end of a ten feet levr. will keep the wer in motiim t Cbn Jrra:ttin the KNTiail TBENtiTH of the h ne To b uei on the machine to be driven. OveHoksR will do aj ciu h work this rvower. n. two on the ei Power. IT IS P0K.TA.P.I E, and miv e ae in the field aa well a-- m the hot. . A!ore tLaa TV.'E.N'TV-FIV- E FEU LENT f berse 3?h saved over aT OTHI now w vsr. It in Hitn;ile in ccnscructica, and not liable to jrt out i f o.d"r. Priaeo? power fr 1 l; 4 hore $135 Price of power I'rr 1 to 4 borw 175 The tl23 Power will drive any Threibfu jraebiae. Every ilcbine u gnaranfed to 2ive tiifatioa,or the BujiieT w!L b reiniiucd. TJ. F. Ginns, ilitlaitaa. Sis. rbi:Jel:-hia.Pean- Gents. TTlth two hri? en y ur Anti-frieti- a Pow jr. e drlTe your X-,- . 1 jEIi,.-itid:- n 13 BBH-fc- ii Ofic-ja- PKa L'.rs, aid cut 'i'- - H' of Lav at th ts t' ui-- . I a.'.ve nosr!.-- u a t'ant rui w;;h h l.:t'e i, w. n, a..d ciueqaiLlj Kith so h:Jd str..iu o:wO bo:-.- -. w.p. tooi'-r- i. E-'- ,t- U i I5.ii t. ittii. li. Ci. - -- tj.-. , rvr. u ru:r tir t:aa i.cre-- v ;, f: tt it lau.h. work.. oil.'!- -- I tl i. C ii .jt T .31. - " ' ' - r 1 v.! T',, . 'i.Z t.-.'-l, '..L .',.: i V'lLl. c. PiJI. rsiD io f'.icji. . c; .y vziizz ruur 0. L ? iLLl'iA.. ".-.- tl .ii .irji:.9 w:;-A- . r "t : - . : , , - - -

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Post on 07-Aug-2020




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Page 1: · EDITOR. Trniur. dec. r.. ism.. . t;,.u r.onm for anything in W'e ber of our paper except the Pres--C mcWse--- Several letters and rricaticnsl' were crowded


Trniur. dec. r.. ism.

. . t;,.u r.onm for anything inW'e

ber of our paper except the Pres- -

C mcWse-- - Several letters and

rricaticns were crowded out to


The rrcsldents's Message.' - :,, rirer was ever looked for

I ..Ccre 'anxiety than the preheat mes-- 3

f rodent Lincoln. We have

"r a fr comments.. It is receivedApprobation ly nearly all classes.

t iV.m niot radical Democratsiline or

i - rii-hardro- n cf Illinois are dis- -

i m cciu-r-e it, but oiLers, moref :;crUjve. tbotigh they may not en- -

lcffl.ll it contains, console themselves

,Ye 1' litf lhat it not pleasetill

.e radical R'TU' 'icans- - The Prusident ,

T 'r.iri!v very decidrdly of the'. ,i iV,-- ' Vnion can he permanently

"3 n tn uiV. r- - ,,!''v '5" jmaiirHa,i',n' 1' aP

r - ! - envii'ivrif-n- , to ca.t aidv:;:id unite in n.aking the sc-- ,

.. r. ,7 ; ff, ! 1

.5(.jj5((CM:iy W I l I 'HI. .V-- U JllJ j

j '

c f:r..,.,ii nrvasirm. are m:ide

.l n'lic'i earnesine?s and are evi- -r;u.

'ntlv Lt. irif elt, that they irannot fail

v, have a tremendous influence upon the

viid the people wherever it is read,

bn the of slavery he concludes

xs fuli.-u's-- :

In jrivirz freedom to the slave we in-L.- :e

la-(.-; in to iLe fr;e. Honorablelake in w'hat pive and what we pre

W :;i 11 iiclly save or maiilyi.T$eil.e last leM hope of earth. Oiluriearin-r.- tucceed, thi cannot fail. Thej.av U plain. ! a.-efu- generous and just ;

iy uhich, if followed, the world will--flai, atid God must forever bless."

i'! The News.j TLcre is a report in town this morn-- r

r. said to have been received by telegraph, to the etlect that a great battle is

hw racing at Fredericsburg. That citybid to be burned.I If the report proves true, we will pub-- Mi

an account of the battle in an extra,i soon as we receive it. Also a more

U account of the bailie at FayettevilleArkansas.

In another place we publ ish Gen.Tiuut's ofheial report of a battle at Crane;I;lI,.m which he repulsed the enemy.He inainitintd his position at Crane Hill,i point About twenty miles southwest of

fayeueville, Ark., until Saturday night,reinforcements under Gen.

lerrnn. liy this ti e the enemy had

fartialy effected a flank movement, and

litem p ted to jrprist Gen. Herrou eu

Tiiyetteville, and Crane Hill. But

iy callant fjgting he held them iu check

h il'BlJnt came up and attacked thcin

nthe rear. The fight continued desper-:i- e

till dark on Sunday night, when thei at try retre'ated. The loss on our side1: aVuut six hundred, .while the enemy!jirovcr cne

,timpani?. Few prisoners

rere taken cn cither side. One batte-- 7

kl ijiziucr to the enemy was twice cap-.:rt- d,

atid as often retaken. Therebev.ere commanded by Hiniman, Frost,

ihrson? and Rains, and consisted of the.:'.tvcr of the rebel trans-Missitsip- pi ar- -

.y. Mo.--t of the fighting on our iidt? ly Herron's? soldiers, composed

c'. c. u irum Visconsin, Illinois and Io- -


!.n.e Nt rk Heralds Harper's.Terry Jipach says that Gru-r- al Geary.

iih in antry. tvvt lve f.i-?ce- s o: ar- -

tilery, and oOO hwudn dVavylry, mar bed3D Wujiherter on the 3d, and 1 mandti'

turrtnder, 'which whs complied with.

pf ('pl,. exhibiting many signi of joyat ii ii arrival.

! II- - r. pons to Gen. Slocum, having

Ferry on the 1st, met the

tuy! cavalry uj)d-- r White, Henderand liaylor, at Charlestown, routing

"Jftii : marched into Brryville ih faiiifvtuin ; aain met the enemy and drew

him into a trap, and killed five and woun-JCc- i!


i eighteen. The tame night bivauacked

J'irte miles beyond IVrryville. Our! "cops captured one hundred horses and' "iuis, and several wngou loads of flour!

;If longing to the rebel army. At Win- -

' tester he took twenty-fiv- e rebels, who

j were unuhle to escape. They were pa-polle- d.

Seventy-fiv- e conscripts claimed


; our own prisoners were released- - Ouriii.!v loss was one man tliuhtlv wounded.

! Grenada, Mississippi, has been taken

j: yihe 1 ederals. uen. u rant now nassplendid army, and though no great

Wde has been fdugi-t- , he is gainingfround every day. The're is reason to

litve that both Jackson, "and Vicksburg,be abandoned before the first of Jan-t-ur- r.


Three cr four regiments' of soldiersf'oni Ohio wwre caprured in Middle Tea- -

Itfsee last week.In Cui.tcc tKrrp lir.s rs vet "been but

e--- '- Ji,..V done. The bill for the admision

Western Virginia, which passed theHt2'.e Vi seion, is now before the

i Itj

Jii-'- 1. Kt-wspap- corrcspcridents from4 I IlO ry, .1 t . MM:...

.1 -'i 'braka as well as seven:! ether!rrjiorjf v:u 'tj admitted this wider.A till is before Congress to indemnify

lke rretidi?a for arrests made during- - thei

A 1:11 was introduced by Davis, of Ky.,10 provide for an amendnient cf tie Cod-n'tuti- on

wiih regard to the electicnpfreadenis. '

Extokcing City Ordinances. Asthe Mayor has decided u enforce theordinance for the observance of the Sab-hat-h,

would it not also he well to dosomething to prevent thoughtless boysfrom "breaking ihe peace," by disturb-ing private residences at night, breakingopen doors, ringing doer-bell- s, and othermischief. There is of late considerablecomplaint made of one or two boys formisbehavior in this respect. ,


Dispatch from lien. Elurit to Gen.Curtis.

Headquarters cf Jirmyof the Frontier.Crane Hill, Ark., Dec, Q.

The enemy, twenty five thousandstrong, yesterday attempted a force myposition, but their advance was drivenback into the mountains.

This morning they made an attack uponmy outposts, upon two roads; on one ofthem driving in my pickets about threemiles. Upon being reinforced theyagain drove the enemy back.

It is my opinion that the demonstration this morning was designed to covertheir retreat, as they were tVllin? timber

"h entire iiitjht, proatdy to ob- -

truct the road and prevent my t.ruiljrvd cavalry following them.I hnve t.ft-- n l.'(ldni them in chrck

tour tlrys, determined to hold my poaiiiouull rvitiiurtemeiits could an;ve. Gen.Iirri.iii iiiivinrM.......r:v;iir'.. . . n-:- l! runli Kupj' ' I'll- -' UU.UU' , "111 I' MV u iiv. i

l" and 1 exp-.t- t his whole cm- -

manti tu reaca here uv ii.ltui.Signed, GEN BLUNT.

Nrw York, D-- c. o, 1SG2. The ar-

my correspondent t the Times, ssaystheresult of Burn?ide's interview with thePresident, is, that he will be let alone,and allowed to follow out his own'plansin his own lime and way, free from dic-

tation from any bur'au at Washington,and confident that he will have from thegovernment all the assistance --that heasks for.

The Tribune has the following fromWashington :

. Dr. 'Barney, a citizen of Baltimore,was Teeently taken by rebel pickets nearCenterville, and forwarded to Richmond,lie has since stated that he went in theway for the express purpose of beingcaptured. Whiie in Richmond, wherehe has numerous acquaintances, he hadfrt (lueut interviews with members of theConfederate Cabinet, and was admittedinto many secrets of the rebel program-me.

When the time arrived for his depar-ture North, he was sent ly J. P. Benja-min, who handed him letters addressedGovernor Stymour of New York, Fer-

nando and B n Wood, Va'dandinghamand Cox of Onio, aud Bayard of Dela-

ware, Reverdy Johnson of Maryland,and a number of other noted Democrat-

ic leaders in the North and border slaveStates.

Iu the verbal instructions given to Bar-

ney, ne terms were a?ktd for. Southerners tdd him they wouid consent to noterms. If not admitted mto the Unionagain as equals they would not come inat all. What they a.k is the grantingut an amnesty to all the milhtary andcivil b uders of the re! ell on, so that anelec.ion for members of Congress canbe had during the coming winter, andthai body be called together at least asearly as April.

Gen S;g 1 has demand rd a court of in-qir-

to investigate the charges and im-

putations of Gen. Pope's letter to Hal-lec- k.

The situation of the army is unchang-ed. The pickets for five miles above,along the rher, are very friendly. Yes-

terday, three of the enemy's pickets be-

longing to an Alabama regiment, cameacross the river and talked for an hourwith ours.

They endeavored to trade for tea andcofiee and overcoats. Two other rebelsoldiers forded in si'ht of their picketsand gave themselves up as deserters.The lebl force across the nver is sup-

posed to be ah ut 80,000.G' U. Scott, in the National Intelligen

cer briefly and finally replies to B ionan- -

m. saying that he han t any resentmento trauty. but to vtuwi a ie th ' jusiioe unuruin oi nisu.ry is paramount. He insists

and shows that Southern Statereceived au undue proportion of arms.

THE FLAG OF It IMOX.TUt Fevoriie M'ceLlj Mitcil.'aneuut Journal.


Tlii- - lone estal.ii-lie-- ! and well kn wn week v pper.rifr flieen yt'HTS iiiievinl I pr'-ieii- t? i.-- c ni? a

li.i:i-elio:- d w,.r." frwlu Mai!! to lUnr. Tui.t, C

ihe nrt.le 'f 'b ? ncU Mid in i u couu--trv. ail over tiie wi.le ex fin tl.e VI i .i d S te Ith.lld be a weekly v bi.orio every AuK-ricai- i -"

jj" It is just men a psperas any t tber, broiter orfiH- - ti wouid introl n-- t tbe atui y ircie.

H ib p i.uted ii be diiet f in Kitrtaced paper,kl ii new t;-e-

, and iu a uat an.l boaiitiiu; 8 y le.1; i oi 'be uirfiuiu 'Hi i'ie. ! ciat.u no ad.

v-- r .euient in it- - ix.t :per-ro- yl pa.2-- t io dev.ied t nei. ia e o':ua atones of

tb k a dio,ivei ie . nticel w,t a i uuiur.53" It i ca;efi'il ui. ed by H- B.iiiou wbo ta

iv jea. of tsu u i ll :, e ieu e in M.-u- n.

53" I nn,aiui in u larne, we fiiieil aud deeplytu't(iiX ie ' ' ue ."K- w rd or liue.53". ii' uii-ei'i- - aui-'i'- ii- - renilir cmti ib Uorii tbe

I-k- "lile au.; If.u tie wruer- - i'i tbe cuiutry.53" l.n iale!, wh.lo tbej abi b U.ereler, cnltirate

a far all tbi ' tf J and b mill a I m h i n mr.y

53" It l acknowledged that tU c.iod mtlaeni ofu. i. j l auer in ibe Home .ircie aiiui. iuvaloulao;e.53" lis u;ellve pure provoke ;u ibe yj'i:2 aa iu--

qui i b Kpiiu. a' n U o ibeir "t re uf xntvits 'e.

53" l. c. iuiuii are fee t m p. li.ic.--. aud all jarringl.p,.ns ii objec, i.emc to cuke b mie bappy.

53" It ii.ior tbee ret.u.. ttat i ba fr years beenao poi ular a IvuiUe tbrouybout tbe cvumry.

Terms Invariably in Advance.1 sribscriber, iue year, - - $2 0?4 FUbscnbei'it, one year, - - 7 00

10 ibscriter, one jear, and one to tetter upof ciub, - - - - - 15 00

Publi.bod every Saturday by M. M. BALL )U,Ku. C- - Winter stnvet, iUion, Uu.


An L'ejant, floral, and Rfntd ZlucellancoiuJVoii.'y Ji urtuU,

Pevoted to p.'M'.e Literal u-- e, "W'ii nnd ITnnnr. Proeand P.f fit i;enh. It jM'li!i'--i n. all ..ue-UL- r,ii

u;ritti leu.ral, au3 tiiief jie euipuauca.;iy

A PAPiili FOB TU3 LIILIilOI.T.Ami a WelcSme ViiUor to the Home Girth.It c n am tbe fo-ei- sn and domestic news ui tin day, t

8 c.ii' C.i-- e l as to pieeini ibe (tai.ct awoual J

of UtiCillpCUwC.

UTai'SVIXIILY,i printed on js- -e white ,.8;.ei. w;:h rew.-.r.- d beia-.ifu- l

typo. c. t. u l uiiu ti i:.Ie ii.Uje.-i- , ua l alai.-- p v.-- t ci'y p.ti.e.-- of mx en v

An tit .ivai.ea f v.nsrin;t rs are nnrer re-- U'

iai uiiu-e.n- e; f. ai.d ewty uepas tu.ent i,p:fS at: themovt fiuib.-- ptrKct teat u.Ht xT.edea:e c iu

Terns Invariable in Advance.CO

1 snlcriiir. one yer, - -3 (Ml

1 n:b-criie- r. two year, . e oaitcr, i!ie ;etr, "4 sr.:i-- .

' . ..tin vcjr. 12 uj

inu one srau to me f.'Cr-- u, .

After a club of B " -hsvea cny uui. w-- v.--

hP'in with hi ciub at $.3

"men copie will be ,eut t any one that miahe.xfiUu. club, or see tLe paver belure -- wui-



ThVws pleaore in announcing that he has now on hand,a Urge ntl select stuck of every article in bis line,

cook: stothss,Of all the improved patterns, viz : riymonth Rock,

Charter jk, Valley Forge, Elevated Oveu,Kc, kc, Au:.,

HEATING STOVES,Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, ome of

vliicb are entirely new denims, vlx ; CombinedCook and Parlor Slote. eoiiieiLiug

very nice for small Uniilies.


HEAVY SEEHT IRON,for Sugar Boilrrt, aid




Brass, Copper, and sheot iron ware;Lanterns. Shoveie and Japanned

Ware, &a., &c.

SELF-SEALI- N3 FflOIT CA!s3!OF the latest and most improved Stjlcs, cheap


I am preparr-- to put up puuerintr and Fpontinp, andall nther work of my Un at the notice, and ina wn!kininnke manner, Tviiien 1 warrant to give haUs-faciio- n.

Au-n- st 2.1S62.







Have jnst received, and aT now openlne. at theirstand on Alaia street, one of tbe laraeet stockn of


CSrSLO CBRISSever ofl'cred ia this market. Remember the place,

J. BERRY & COS.,ZXTo. XX, TlZ.xul stroot,


May 29, 1S62. r.47-- tf




BEXJ.OIIX ROERS,AKKOUXCKS to tbe public be bn piircbacel tbe

entire id' ere.t in the Liver r and Slock formerlyowned by K:er& He o now prepared toaccoLjinudiue ibe public Ub


SulkierSiiJdlr IIre,lc, A, Ac.


Can fir.d at hi Stable amji'.e acci)uinKiation forhorses, wuif! or cattle.

BTXJAM1X ROGERSN. B. Tbe partnebip heref fose existing between

iltujanim . Jvba H rert, is rii- - Ivrd.JOMITA it ULMAILIX KOGEES,

May2ftb. 18G2. nn-'- f

tL i mn. w- - V

hai;u?agtuzi:;g coilFainY.



PATENT F1RK KVAPOlt ATOliS,pate:t stamp mills,


SENI FOB OIKCFLARS.vTitb Cnt. ardPescTtntnn Pricw etc., etc.


tnSEAD i UIt c:iK:i'laAILS.jeiP. W. GATES,

v. b. Agents wanted everywhere. CbicattIt. H. I L UNAS AC'KXT,

Ilrownvilie, brka,Of whom Circulars and dt tailed inlornuation caa

had.March 20. 1563. r-- lyj

v TJew Remedies fcr



A T.cnttolent Inlitvtifn rtehhhei 6y Trfa7for if Rtl tf of th' Sick and Diitretied

rf, Ctcd I'iwnt fifi C rvn.c I).nm andrv 'fcij.'!j Jut tht Curt of Discatcn of the Scxua

21DLCJLl ADTIC3 siren gratis, by tht Acting

Va,tub Reports on rerina-Trrii':-!. tt.', ,u.rr

i ..f tl. sexual Wert: and u UC. Kfc.i-h-.-

p.r: empl,e,l in bf li.l'"' ' lel ieuufUveiope.lV6e( charge. Two or uteeutupi c.p- -


A Uress VH J.Xj. S Kinlb . reet, PUiiadelyhia, Pa.

UeccmLer 12, ISol. fJ3-l- y

est;: ay rxY--TVen iip bv the underS !rr,H. liviu? taree and a hair

in Nemaha county .ebraka.rales wert ot Brown vi.le.,

K A ... nf K, li. ie estray marej - - - Wt tip. hloui in tUr

' ' f I ,r:. nirkiilJ.itti eye, tee:u u a. icIXIXCH.nia-3w-,l.- W



HavitiK recently mada larje addition! to my stock,consisting of i



STI2RCP3, LKATHEJiU, &.C., &x.

I think I can accommodate all in quantity, quantityand prb-e- . 1 work none but best Oak Tanaed Leather,and getting It directly from tanneries iuObio, leeicon-llde- nt

it will give taUkaction.

Plasterer's Hair on Hand Cheap.


i W. ItlDDLETOIf.September 13, 1S62. n9-l- y



Ever offered in this Market.



Batimore Cotliing Store,

BROVXi ViiiLE, N. T.

dayidYeigel.Announce to the public that he has opened out a




DERWEAR,&.C., &.C., &c.

Unprecedented In quantity, quality aud prices. Hei determined his price ba 1 corresijnd wii.h thetimes, and therefore ofler litire in be West, at just

h lr,w rte as such P'kxIp can 'e pu. chased acywberein tbe United Slates. As a aample of hia prices hewill mention that he sells

Coats from $lf25 up to $15,Pants from $1 to $7,

Vests from 1 to $5.Boot. Shoe, nat, Caps. Fancy and Wbite Shirts, Sns- -

ders, Nerkties, Sjtta, Handkercbicts, tic, in the 6amcprcportiou.

Tlie proprietor enibrace this Opportunity of Teturninjtthanks for past patronape. and promise to spare no efforts in the futmeto give entire satisfaction.

Calland aoo him.DAVID SEIGEL.

Brownville. June 18, lS61.-l- y


BROWNVILLE. N. T,We are now receiving and opening n complete assort

ment of, consisting

OF DRY GOODS:Prints, Muslins,

Drills, Osnaburg,Denims, Cottonades,

Apron Check, Hickory,Jeans, Berages, Linen.

Dress Goods,All Wool Delaines,

Fancy and Plain Silk,Lawnes, aten Vestins,

Broad Clo'hs,Cassimere, '

Hooped Skirts,


Soap, Molasses,Candles, B. C. Soda,

Saleratus, VinegarWhite and Brown Swjrar.

Sa'-k- , Barrel and Dairy Salt.Chewing and Smut trig Tobacco

OF OAK.BWAKE:Axes, llatcht-s- .

Butts, Screws,Locks, Latches,

Nails, Tacks.Penknives,

Kniv'? and Forks,Hand Saw and Mill Fils,

&.c, ice, &.C., &lc, ik.c. Sic.

OF QU EE A' & VA HE :Cups and Saucers,

Plates and Piaiters,Dishes and Tumblers.

Coal Oill Lamps,Lamp Chimneys,

Wicks, &,c, &.c.

OF BOOTS & SHOES:Women's Shoes.

Kip, Calf, Buff and Kid,Gaiters, Calf Shoes,

Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes,Slippers, Men's Calf,

Men's Brofjar.s, Copper Toe,Kip aud Course Boots, &,c.,&.c.

OF HATS & CAPs :Panama,


Straw, Wool,Cassimere,

Plantation,Shaker Hoods,


OI Farming" Utensils:Cradles. Rakes,

Forks. Plows,Scythes, Snaths,

Shovels. Spades,Hoes. &c, c, Sic. Sac.

OF LUiUISER:Clear and 2nd rate

Pine FiooritiT, Siding,Boards 1, 1 2 and

2 Inches Thick,Sash, Doors and Blinds.

rine Lath,All Sizes Sash,

All Sizs Doors,All Sizes Biini3,

Ve call the attention cf the, pti slicto otsr stock, asour CAFJI TEBUo enable us to sell low.

Thankful fur pal p,U'ronat.e, we aolicit a continuaneeof the fcacje,

LETT, STRICKLER & CO.BrowBTiil, July 3d, 1SC2. nM-- U.

1862. 1862.



Is receiving, and will continnt to receive during thesummer, one of




o r

wm.T K O M

New York, Philadelphia and St Louis.

That has ever been exhibited in tht Western Conntry, embracing all the latest styles and novtltief. of theuaei. Ilia tioek? eqiurac

Dry GoodsGroceries


Cueenware,Hats uiid Caps,

snakrrs,Hoots and Shoes,

Door aud Sash,Glasmid Patty,

l'iue I'uruitnrc,XcM 5c, ic.

Among his Dry Good will ht found

Prints Ginghams Tawns Harries,Xirowu ard ISIeached 33o!ius,

Denie-s- . Striped Sheetiii. Cot-toiiB- ds

Il!sry, GUve,The latest Style Hoop

Skirts A'otious,

He has much the Largest Stockof QUEETfSWAHE in the UpperCountry.


Agent for the Hannibal & St. Joseph EailEaod Packet Line of Steamboats.

May 22, 1862. D46-t- f.


Eeaper and MowerVAKUFACTUEiD ATOliioag o, XIX

This celebrated machine U bv all orldsth BESTGRAIN AND GRASS CUTTER I THE WORLD.N twithstandins he ini8repreentation of thomj inter-ested in other machines. C. II. HcCormick feBro. rnan-nfactn- ae

at the rate of 8,000 per year, Xany chancehave been affected during the past season, and lor lt2the McCormick'-- " is presented with grea:er aUractioiiothan ever before. As a reaper,


Strength, Durability, andSimplicity,

give it preference over all others New Improvementsadded, have materially lessened the direct draught,and so obviated the aide draught that many assure usthat it does not now exist. The drnpht of tbe Reaperis so li(fht that in numerous instances the large lour,horte machine id worked with but two horses.

FOR MOWING.The Machine of 1862 will stand any text that may be

applied. Our Guard and Patent Cleaner effectuallyprevents choking, no matter wha: the condition of the?ra8, whiie our new divider point separate baldlylodged and tack led clover or grass, where other ma-chines fail.

There is also a jrreat advantage inonr serrated sickleehce over the smooth, as it des not require sharpeningso olten. tbtis savin!; time. Our sickle will frequentlyrun through an entire harvest without once Rnndiue.wb.le tbe suiootn edse must be ground once eich day.if imt oriuer With a orhoth edge tbe Iraugtit increasesas the knire becomes dull. Our draught is 'uniform,aud in the repeated trials during the season of lSbo 61proved far lighter than single Mowers, cutting at thesame time from twelve to eighteen inche wider.

Our Mower can be used with or without the reel , thisis important, aa without the reel it weighs hut about670 pounds.

In addition to the very liberal warrantee iven toall purchasers, we wouid say a heretofore, ibat farmerswho may desire it, are at liberty to work our machinethrough the harvest vtiih any o'her, and kep aud pa;for the one preferred.

Pamphlets with tu II description of improvements,testimonial, .c. can be had by application to

THEO. HILL, Agent,33rowixvillo, rJ". ,T

May 15,1362. n45--U





Is now receivlDg cd openinj oat Lis SpringStock of Goods, consU icg of

Dry Goods,Groceries,

Hats and Caps,Boots and Shoes,

Iron and Is ails,Flour and Bacon.


9 Furniture,Sash and Doors,

Window Glass,etc., et:., etc.

Whicb I will eell cheap for


Call and examine my etotk l)cfcre pnrcittsii;;elsewbfrre.

llrownville. ArrLI 24,l9o2. r42-Ca- i

Iyer's Earsapariiia.

ASSESSOR'S TVOTICC.Kotice is herebv given tb;itl, J. H. P.urit!k,

sor, have divided thcdistrict of Sebrabk, into th fol-lowing Mib-divii.-,ns :

Pistrirt No. l, Inrlndns a'tl of Dakota, Dlxoa, Cedar,L'Kau qui Court nd Hull c:iuntie.

No. 2. All of WasMn-rrto- aud Eurt oi niiert. Ais-ta- nt

Assessor, G. W. Jenkins j place of hua.itcss, grtCalhoun.

? o. 3. All of Sarpy and Douglas.No. 4. Allot Ifcxlge, Cummins, Sfaafr-n- , arH

ccmntry went. Asxlstaxit Assessor, E. K. Juhnsou ;place of busimeK-- , Fremont.

No 6. All of Piatt, Monroe, MertcS, HT!. Bufra'c.and tbe country west. Assistant Assessor, Jsha Eeck ;Columbus.

No. 6. AU of Calhoun, Saunders, Botlar. Polk, anthe north half of Cass. Assistant A Res so. If. 31. Por-rlnet- on

; Plattsmouth.No. 7. All of Lancaster, Se warn, south half f Cass,

and Ihe country wet.No. 8. All of Otoe. Clay, Johnson and SaUae. As-

sistant Assessor. Dr. P. Kcitner; Nehrnsia City.Xo. 9. All of Nmaha. Richardm nd Pawnee.No. 10. All or G.u-e- . Jor xi,t.l;i?, Kearney

Bhorter. Afisistaut Assessor. J. C 'Western ; Bcasrtec.All persons, of whatever trade or occupation, are re-

quired to take out licence to continue the iatu. Ap-plications must be made to the Assisting Asewrs,who are furnisted with bla"k forms for the puranse.Business dene w;theut application ix tntrury to uw.

Owners of carriages. coache-s- , hackne'' coachesor other carnages, not exclutive'y empjoypj

husbandry, or for the transportation of merchsnilise,are required to report the number and value ef the

fr same.Owners of billiard tables, yatches. ind gold and sil-

ver plate, must report the same, wi'.h the amount ofplate owned.

Manufacturers, where not specially exfropted. a-- e

required to make returns to the Assistan Assessor with-in ten davs arter each and every month of the actualsaies made by them during the preceedmg month.

Auctioneers are required to make a monthly reportof he gross amount of their a!e.

The proprietors or managers of Railroads. St earr!:ats.Ferryboats and Tollbridge are required to nulfe amonthly report of the gross amount of their receipts.

Butchers and others, whose business it Is slanhterfor sale any cattle, sheep, hog, or c.iH'eit. thai' make areturn at Hie end of ech and every mmh of Hi-- ? number respectively slaughtered.

J. H. BCRBAXE. Assesur,for Collection District. Disirict iTeiiraika,

October 15, nl5-- tf

TO T5MOM IT MAY COSCERS.The heretofore exist! ug under the

name and style of Lett. Strickier & Co., is tnis djy tfissolved by mutual c..n5.erit.

The business of said firm will be sei'led by Brown &.

Strickier, to whom all debts due th huti-- e nut hapaid. ' r.KNKY C LKTT.


I) I ssoi,UTIO .(ir CO PA Ii T E i IS II I r.The copartnership heretofore existii.g nnder the name

and style of Fliher & Hacker, is thy t.;iy dissolved bymutual eonent.

The Advertitrr and Farmer win here-if- be published by T. It. Kistier. Tue of tlm -- m willbe settled by Mr., to wh ni a!!dpMdue theoffice mut be paid. T R FISHEP.

TUiO. C. UACKER.BrownvilleNov. 8 b, 1S52.

sti:avi:i on stolkv.A bay mare, three ye;irs ii3. short fourteen and a

half Lam's high. b;s a blaze on tbe fare, bird footwhite. Has a brand on lett shoulder, wnk-- ii difficultto describe. Ar.y returuins the niartj to the residence o the undersigned, neir Nein ha City, or rivinginformal ion that iil Ic id to her ie'i .very will he lii- -erally rewarded. JOUN SIRAIN.

Oct.-be- ss.h. 1SC2 r.15 tf


Richest aud 3In.l ru-hiona- rattrns,OJFEIiEU AT

Retail and WIioJcsuIc Irirc!!!T1IE IH'B'dAR!) EP.OS., X.s C3 c 6" Nassau

MEIET Niwi Jia:iu:acturers ami I aiore:'S orail tie LP.idui Ui li, and mot pi'uS:r Stvies ofWATCHtS and JEWtUlY, heir' determined cpi.n in- -creuSinj: their bUMtie, to a:i tm!itui:ed exten, otferthe following ele?atit Oruamenis at the una urp.-- , fed

Low Prices followni j:

MAGIC TIME OSSERIE.I, beinci Ilnnttnj andopen lace, or itdy't tientleiuau's Waith in ne . tlieprettiet and nio-- t c .nvcuieitt and cutape.l watch inthe world, luiuaii iu eoul ; enVoied by a p.iten: pi-ces- s,

which tenders the appearance of gold ported,whi'.e it di-e- s not cost one totrd mt cn. Price oniy$32 Petails at fr,.Ti otto hnndreil nuwarda.

KnKlih manufacturo movement; capped aud fnlljeweled ; has sunk seconds, and tlie teatest lmp'ove- -

merts. 11 eavy cased and pooo lnntatioa gold. Triceonly $1S Retail at from ? 0 to $it"

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Retails at fruui $4J to ftiOO.A great variety of otuer watcte. at low prices.Ladies' sets of Brich and Ear Drops to corrfcpond.

Imitation Cluster i'l.imotif . ri-- b pitern.andennre:ynew. price $1. Lorai ana Bf.ot ei;iwi:ifi. averv neat aud pretty ornament, haud.n.iaeij mounted,$3,25

uentlemen's vet Chtins. .Pansien, an eie-'a- nt

pattern, on:y $1. The lemotiiac, very beavr, .

Rinus. Piaiu only 7c. bcmii, veiy pretty, ui.Chased, a neat pattern, $1. Seal luilta-lio-n

Dianion'. S'2.Sleeve Buttons. Patent. CUed, or Enamelled, a

new and very handsome pattern, $2,50. D UDle, chaAsdor with stones, $1 60.

Bi.wm StuiJs. a variety of new and latunbie ce- -Bi?ns, per sot, $1 o .

Bos au and S,;arf Pins T,eaf, with opal ana iraneytones $2. lmitatatiou Diaru :n.l, Jl.fco.Ijcfcets Double Glass, richly entfrsvwt, $3Persons wi-hin- g any of the aoove, taveoniy to remit

the price in a restored letter to c ur address, and tbearticles will be sent by return mail, free of expense.53-Ord-

ers to the amount' of twelve di 1 Urs and upwardswill be sent by expres to any part: of tbe loyal Suto,with bill payable to the Express Cutupauy, when thegoods are delive-e- d.

Agents, Sutlers and Country .Merchants, tbroup&oBtthe country, who wish to make money rapidly, will j

well to obtain our mammoth catalogue ; we fnrnish themost saleable outfit at prices unsurpassed by any otherconcern! Address HCBHARD KP.OS.

Nos 65 67 AVuau, far John Street,eeteer 05tk, 18o. al-- tt 3aa Kvw rrk City.

A Tractical Guide to Ilca'.th and.Tisor,


LIEU, WOLIEN &. CHILDREN.With a translation of Prof. Kloti's Dumb Bell In

tlructor and I'ruf. Sctircbcr't 1'uRrj jmntuiikou.BY UiO LEWIS, 31. I).,

Proprietor of the Street Gvmnasium, Bo-tc- n.

With Turee Hundred lUwtratioiu. One Vol. VZma

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No reef ni Matrazine-pap- er has ercltel more generainterest thm the article in tbe August Atlantic, on

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The auiiior of this work has beii for many years en-pp- ed

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required to perronn tiiem.Tlie Dunib Bell ltiftructur, conn-t- l wifi tl Is work,

is ot the bt?liesl interest and Imp 'fan-'- H ed

fur home ui--e and ptves a a - it vai io!y of D i.iitBell Exeiti i.uetber with a cjreru.iy-ofclejte- d progre-si- e series for eve"y-- d iy ;- - :i

Tbe Pansyuiiia-t:ki- i Is a very si'uple, useful, inocb?.i pirce of p.viuna-.ti- c appiriti w, h;hi which a.Rymnasiic exe' . iu.y be pe'forniiM an 1 wan-- caile intrHiuced, ai sniail cott. ict itiy privjie -Il i fully and il ia ih's volume

Tbe New ; n.nas'ics" sber d be read i eve y fawily in the land where exercise is rained a a mentis ofhealth Ladies, especially, will llnl in it a Kteat va-

riety of Easy, Sicnpie and Invi? ;rt Evercuea, all ofwhich may be prac:id iu the r own

JC5"r"or sale by all book-eiier- s. or sen po tpat a teany address, ou of One f i ar, by the pubahera.

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SIS EACH.Onr Machine Is perfect in its Mechanism. Tt U lea

liable to jet out of order thn any other. Diploma!have been awarded it over tbe fir over At xtaiar and otherhigh priced Machines.

$15 EACH.Onr Machine ne a traicht need'a. and wi'.l WOTtS

WITH ALL tlXDS OP TIIREAli, Silk or Linen, makinan e!a-;i- c seam ii .b.i.i:-.- to.break in wasfc-in- g

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OnrMcL;ne wi.i BEM.'FKLL. STITCH. QTT.T ata.BIND. .1 will ifw f;ii aii kin.-l- of iroia the Caestbwtsa Muslin to tbe Coarsest W.i.r-n,w.-r k.i.i wf.hthr'T.jn ievTal i'i.Uir- -' o! Miicii V'" 'etl Cioih.ALL MACHINES ARE WARRANTED.

&ir ill til.a n t? w w r nf f

I i 1 i . . k t

If JO'.I T'- Ti a C

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J'.Ii JA'i .'.r i. vji...t 10 :

ff Hid f.Te !. 'i Vr ! 't I 1 hy'-i- j

, Aseii'.a. ir we!n ."TV I- - C IS Z:a7ld p .y ;. : C

j J:e-- i . - J1 Aa;. lC-l-

i. 1.: '


or Day Schools, alid :he Hat ScnoPL Ki.i.t u aawCidy. It coiitai is ao.--j- t 2'.)0 ie ol ci; Hums. Hounds, CatciifM, D;.e . Trios, t; u trtets C um

rose, many of ttiem written rxp' es.y for u.iitwrkelides 32 paes of fl.e Eien eiiinif iaa-i:- : Tjel!l

ments are so ea-- y ar.l .Toare-sir- e th..t o. J.ftrr iJca--.ers will find tbc:itetvi euine y succi-.sf- ul ih il.ti.clli'K evpn young to id.ia corrwily and tn ieTit;,-cali- y.

bjie toe tutie a:ui wi nis enibri'-e- s sur h va:ieV ef lively, attractive, aid soul uirt;.e w re

seuUnmnt that no tn.ub.e wj I te et Jerienced a indisiub all becinuerji,, r.)on with re..; in .In one of tbe most hi:Th-::-ii- .- -- o-ry i i rhapido.s jietdicsr, and omef pvo.'.i-.- -j tSB'(f,tcbwl life. In mpii:ity cf K:ft..en. i:. var.e'fand adaptation i f muc. ani li eTr. e.r.e n.a v .urtof its aotgs, riiinal, select!, aad Uv'-ed- . il ciouUby much to e.tcei ail eomptiurs. it ; b r..uni tbe the best book ever issued AcarteT if.Mid Public hchoDls. A few mpie pan. of lua e

tunes and onn are p ven t3a rirrD;ir;aDdpelone. It ia eou.piiei av liira: authorof --sabath Sch,ol Bel s." X a 1 b) mho h have h i4tne enormous sale .rf 606 1 01 cou s. PrKtiuocuv?ra20cta., feld pr hutMrjd; ooa,i ji c..;,,,er but dred; i..tu bound. eniWsed RilHOeenu- - MIpertandred. 86o..pie fan hM1 at the i,c ? UaitaJprice. Hailed fret at the retui pri.notici--s or Tiii: rnrss.

The Day School Eell. Th frees a-- lirf ,Basnch as nuy beea-ii- mastend by tbildren. Toe suirtor tbe gonf.s u auetceptioua&le and well adapt m uschoolroom. Ii istae cheast aal ar.i-.r.- s the t,T7aclZ tht't'1 UUle V1- - lortAY-kStHO0- Btl-- 'a ki eminently a4tpt4in our common schools.

M e have a jreat cumber qf ,,! sorR b,vk, forttne public, but many .,f theri lack mimical as wP;i at Kta-ra- ry

taste, and a e really demoralirme in their influ-ence tipen the musical tale:it of the younR. Airs or a.f5;cel!ence. welded to words of tniu p - ryare thequilirie that oniht to be st npht with t!i reat-e- stcare in the prepiraa.m 01 a act col sons U-- k. "'libM,k seem to combine these two quUu. Per.r.ijUvavxa School Jourtil.Published by nORACE TVATEr.S,"'-'- J No. 131 Broj,iway, Mew Y.


A Tr'pMflTT'l f ",'. ori v 0sv01.V. 1 t. uu U1.1l Ui.'i K.

F0?k SALE 221 an.l .l Souili Watar Stra.Chicago, liL Prices, V,d iJ. s!pl

other sixeo id rtroixrtiiin. with fri Ut Ji4fnm factorv in New York To .'I ici -- i.The advantage. of cooked over raw F.mhI ii aJmI

ft d by all. The t!d wnvot'bciLa; in kettles, is botkqjw and expensive, so much ik Uhl tut t'vve moa dit. ftouicthinj more practical n ust be ha i. :arseemes to le the only altcrn;iMT. The TitinUeLas retaind all the advj .ntd?--- s of tLe TortaUla Cldnn for boiling, and di v isrd iueans of'team suficient fix aii inii. It is simpla amit ractical, ad jirovcsA J EiCFECT tiL'CCIlSS.

VJ'. IX. ArSTI.V,Sole aent fy Init.bis nni N'Tth-TTtsr- C

221 & 2J3 S. Ytrr St.. O.i: a -- ..Where will tfNo be foutnl Downs & (Vs Uorp WellPump, Fon? extern, (.'ham nnd Co mat on W'JPumps, Thimble Skim hnl Snd Iron, sjwtll ajvery van fy of lo-ds- . Ca?t In n C m- -

Shelters, Feed MilU, llty and PlttTrraStaves, Ac. The above w;H to.Id rn account attbe mauufseturers, at their re?ic cuvefaUfT rricadd c? freight tj thi. 1 ljce.

January IF?. f

NOTICE.The public are hereby noiitit that the Indin .f nor

resrecttve tribes are permiitet to ro bevoad thlimits of their witant the tn pr- -niissiim of ihfir A?s- - n ! ail t ersm are cj r.uneda?aint harboring vtiant Inluns. line attention Vm

this notice will Mah e is to dftnet tbe su'hors of de- -redrioti and preven: the recnience o? auaoT.uui iUwhi-- h Ccm;iaui?H are froq le'iily m ine.

(i. n IF I'll Ooiah A cent,J. P. R.KFr OtceApeiit.B K. LL'.StlUACUII, i'wiaee Afent

November 22. l0l. r,l3-- J


TO 1 ELL '.



From re etit surveys oon:ple1ed Ang. It). cost$20 (XlO to eugrave it and one ye ar'k time.

Snperior to any $10 liup ever made by Co! ton otMitchell, tnd sells at tbe low pike of LTty lenta; 370,OUti names are emrraved i .

It is not only a Court y il t t ut iL ia alsc aCOUNTY AKD RAILKOAD MAP

of the U&i'.ed S ates Ciina lasc-inilnr.P-d in one, I KAlLuUail MAIIU

and bt tweoii.Oaarsnlee any woman or mn $3 to tri per ani

will take back all maps tliat cai.nt be ao.'J aiu letuudthe money.

Send for $1 worth to try.Printed Instructions Loir tocanvas wel! t furniaheai

ali our aiitonts.anted Wholesale Aientsftr onr Mans In every

S:ate. Calirornia, Canada, England, France and Cuba.fortune may be nnvte with a few hui'.d.ed dollar

capital. A 0 competition. J. T. LL()Tl,So. lo4 "roadwiv. Sfw York.

The War Department nps out M in f V:rTii i f . r,.and. raf Pennsylvania, Cost tk I tX) (XK. on which la

maiked Jdiddietown. .Maryland Heights, "WilliassprPerry. Billbro.k ilills. N'olaud's Ford, and a'.l oi.hron tbe Pomac. .and evirry t tler plare In MaryiauJ.Yirjitiia, aLd PentiHjIvaii. or m iey refunJcd.

PRICH "5 rilXTSFrom Tne Tribune A:tsnt5.

"Lloyd's Mali of Yirj;i:iia Maryland, snd Pennvlva- -111a. Ibis M.ip i very isrt'e: i JJ rtuti.and it the bett which ran be purchat'd. ai'i-f9--


(1 01k FAJIId A.iD ILLL r.Xi,) '

ANDANTi-rmcTio- :?


StaTK Fait.o Ist i:ar. anlarejutiy considersAsuperior toeli ctiievs. The t ill unv be driven byhore, vuttrtox ftfoni jxtirer. doesi s ork a.j WfcU aatbe fiat stone mi'.l it m;I .in andr(nirjs but oHv-ho- lf tht voter to drive tbe largestu i. Tt.ey are very e rr: p r!-- t!j iiple,an4,for farm ue will bisi TdULTV Y LAU, jd COaTXOTIU-N- e for rfjMiirj.

I'Ricts- J- 1103. JHO. A $173.Flour Lolt for e rtullet t L'ili 50 extra.

THE llOKSI! rOWEIiproved itself to be th !,?; ev.-- r invente-l- .

The friction is reduced by lilON" "ALLS, aoarranin all the that tin wh.! wi-h- t rf thnfatii:ir rnoit nr n tbem. TCUFK rolJND.SDUAl CirT, at thi- - end of a ten feet levr. will keepthe wer in motiim t Cbn Jrra:ttin the KNTiailTBENtiTH of the h ne To b uei on the machine to

be driven. OveHoksR will do aj ciu h workthis rvower. n. two on the ei Power. ITIS P0K.TA.P.I E, and miv e ae in the field aawell a-- m the hot. . A!ore tLaa TV.'E.N'TV-FIV- E

FEU LENT f berse 3?h saved over aT OTHInow w vsr. It in Hitn;ile in ccnscructica, and notliable to jrt out i f o.d"r.

Priaeo? power f r 1 l; 4 hore $135Price of power I'rr 1 to 4 borw 175

The tl23 Power will drive any Threibfu jraebiae.Every ilcbine u gnaranfed to 2ive tiifatioa,or

the BujiieT w!L b reiniiucd.

TJ. F. Ginns, ilitlaitaa. Sis.rbi:Jel:-hia.Pean-

Gents. TTlth two hri? en y ur Anti-frieti- a

Pow jr. e drlTe your X-,- . 1 jEIi,.-itid:- n 13 BBH-fc- ii

Ofic-ja- PKa L'.rs, aid cut 'i'- - H' ofLav at th ts t' ui-- . I a.'.ve nosr!.--u at'ant rui w;;h h l.:t'e i, w. n, a..d ciueqaiLljKith so h:Jd str..iu o:wO bo:-.- -.

w.p. tooi'-r- i.

E-'- ,t- U i I5.ii t. ittii. li. Ci.

- -- tj.-. , rvr. u ru:r tir t:aa

i.cre-- v ;, f: tt it lau.h. work..

oil.'!- -- I tl i. C ii .jt T .31.- " ' ' - r 1 v.! T',,

. 'i.Z t.-.'-l, '..L .',.: i V'lLl. c. PiJI.rsiD io f'.icji. . c; .y vziizz ruur

0. L ? iLLl'iA..".-.-tl .ii .irji:.9 w:;-A- .

r "t : - . :

, ,- - -