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Page 1: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut


Page 2: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

WHAT IS VIDEO EDITING?Video editing is process in which raw footage is taken by a team of editors and it cut and annotated so that it is ready for the final product that will be show to the audience. Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut up film, but is now done on computers with digital editing software. Editing is part of the post production phase of filmmaking.

The purpose for editing is so the director can manipulate time around the characters in the media text greater sense of purpose and atmosphere to a scene. For example the editors might put emphasis on type of character they are

Page 3: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

THE PRINCIPLES OF EDITING. 1. Story Telling - the story line is the plot of the movie or film and how it is told can be. Things to consider when editing the story line is the narrative which is the order in which the events happen these can be arranged and rearranged to be in a chronological order or a non chronological order. The story line can also be edited to be an closed or open ended storyline. So films left with a cliffhanger to either be continued in a sequel or to make the audience think of the message in it. An example of an open ended story line is the final scene of shutter island (2010) when Leonardo dicaprio’s character walks away and the camera is cut to show the lighthouse. An example of a closed ended story is Disney's Tangled (2011) were Rapunzel is reunited with her parents and falls in love with Flynn the prince in the story and they live happily ever after, a common thing in Disney movies for them to be closed ended.

Page 4: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

2.Combination of Shots-This is used in editing to keep the attention of the audience. just like in a book a writer must keep the motion of the story going without letting it get stale and becoming boring, an editor must do the same by using a combination of shots in the film. For an action scene an editor would use different shots to mix things up and put you in the action. In the opening of trainspotting (1996) Euan McGregor is runaway from a security guard after just having stolen from a store, a mixture of shots is used to create the speed of the chase making it more interesting. Another example of a combination of shots is used in (1992) last of the Mohicans during one of the battle sequences when a tomahawk is thrown there are a combination of shots to show how it impacts the other man's back.

Page 5: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

3.Creating Pace-Pace can be created with a music score the cuts are linked to the beat and change according to it to help with setting the scene. In the lord of the ring the fellowship of the ring (2001) pace is created in the first scenes before Bilbo has his 111th birthday a slow song is played with a homily feel to help establish that Hobbiton is a slow peaceful place. Again in the fellowship of the ring pace is created towards the end of the fellowship when they are walking across mountains and fields in an epic few scenes with an upbeat song that speeds along their journey. This is done to speed up the time as the quest that they go on actually lasts about a year.

Page 6: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

4. The 180˚ Rule- This rule is about character placement on the screen to identify what side the character is on. This is done by keeping the camera on one side in relation to the actor and can only be broken by showing the camera move to the other side. This picture shows the 180˚ rule. The side in green is the side which the shot opens with and establishes that the man in orange is on the left and the man in blue is on the right. The red side of the picture is the opposite side from the opening shot, the shot can not be cut and put on this side as it will go against the establishing shot of the characters. An example of where the 180˚ is used is in the first episode of how I met your mother (2005) when ever they are having a conversation it is always filmed from the fourth wall which means the 180 rule can never be broken. An example where the 180˚ is broken in (1980) the shining bathroom scene. After the conversation changes to a much darker one the camera is flipped to put the audience on edge.

Page 7: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

EDITING TECHNIQUES.1.Continuity Editing-Small changes

can be noticed in a film from shot to shot because of filming at a different time. This can include a mug being in a person's hand to not being in their hand. This can look strange to people as it can put off the realism to the film. A continuity checker would go through to notice these faults in the film. And example of bad continuity can be found in harry potter and the chamber of secrets (2002) in one scene the man falls to the ground with the wand in his hand but the other shot it is flying through the air next to him. Another example where continuity is broken is in the first episode of friends (1994). In the first scene chandler raises his hand towards his face but in the next shot of his face the hand hasn't risen.

Page 8: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

2.Match on Action- Match on action is

when the camera cuts with the audience's point of focus in mind. A cut will take place from one scene where the audience's vision might be focused to for example a person's head and then have the same persons head in the same place in the next shot. During the fight scene in kill bill volume one (2003)when Uma Thurman's character jumps down with the bamboo stick onto the table, her position on the screen doesn't change from when she is in the air to when she is landing on the table. This is done as to keep the focus on the character and not confuse the audience. Match on action is also used in (2017) Logan when hugh jackman is driving backwards away from a convoy of vehicles

Page 9: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

3.Parallel Editing- This is a technique that shows two events happening at the same time and cuts between the two events. You know that they are at the same time because the are being cut between back and fourth. If parallel edits are not done correctly then you can lose the audience and they could become confused as to what is happening. In the movie snatch (2000) parallel editing is used flip between the black guy getting chased by a car and the hare outrunning the two dogs. This is done to show the idea of getting chased down. The difference being is that the hare gets away because its small and fast, where as the man doesn't because he's fat and slow.

Page 10: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

4.Match Cut- A match cut is when the scene is cut with one object is shown becoming another one this is done to move the story on making it seem effortless. In the film 2001 a space odyssey (1968) this trick is used to cut from the scene of the monkeys to the one of the spaceship in space. This is done to make a speedy transition and linking two non connected parts of the movie. Another example of a match cut is from (1983) The Meaning of Life by Monty Python. In one scene it shows on man put his hands up to his face and in the next shot is the same man in a different setting with his hands still raised up to his face. This is used to progress the story and

Page 11: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

5. Cut away-this is a large scene that has small events going on around and the camera cuts to the different events. This is done to show different view points of the people viewing the main event. Sports film are good at using cut away, an example of is used in forest Gump (1994) when he plays football in collage and it cuts to his coach and other team mates. This is used to let the audience know the other peoples feelings when watching it. Cut always are used in music videos. In (2001) System of a Downs music video for Chop Suey. The main subject is the Band on the stage but is cuts away to the band either interacting with the

Page 12: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

6.Shot Reverse Shot-This is two shots that go back and forth continuing from a master shot this is mainly in a conversation scene. This is used to help the audience get into the conversation showing the person talking from the perspective of the other person. This technique is used in almost every movie. An example when this is used is in twelve monkeys (1996) when James Cole is being interviewed after getting let out of prison. This is used with the strange camera angles as it lets the viewer know it’s a conversation in the dystopian future.

Page 13: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

7.Superimposition-this is a technique which shows a ghostly figure or object layered in front of the shot usually bigger and in slow motion to emphasise the event's importance. In rock 4 (1986) during his fight with the Russian fighter there is one shot where they are punching each other with a shot of the crowd. This effect is used to put emphasis on the setting and the atmosphere.

Page 14: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

8. slow motion- this is when the events of a scene are slowed down to create great emphasis to it or to make the audience aware of an event. It can be used for comedic value or something serious. Slow motion was used in blade runner (1982) to put emphasis on the death of one of the character. It is used to highlight to the audience that they have died. In (1999) the Matrix slow motion is used when neo encounters a smith agent. it is used to show how fast neo can move in the matrix making him the chosen one.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVZDyeTTsic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ0OUq_kDh8

Page 15: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

9.Fast Motion- Is the opposite to slow motion as it speeds up the scene, but unlike slow motion, fast motion can only really add humour to a scene. In the movie click (2006) fast motion is used contently as the main theme of the film. In this part Adam Sandler lets his dog out and hits the fast forward button on his control to speed up his dog. This is done in this film as it is a comedy and it funny to watch the dog speed walk around the garden.

Page 16: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

10.fade in/out-fade in is when the screen is black and it slowly comes into colour, fade out is when the screen goes from colour to black. This is used all the time in the halo reach (2010) cutscenes. Right from the start fade in is used to show the fall of reach. It is used with the game play to create story. When the player sees fade out from the game they know the there will be some story to follow

Page 17: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

11.wipe-this is a technique which looks like one frame is pushed out by the other. This is used constantly in the star wars a new hope (1977) and is seen as one of its main traits. sometimes a wipe will take place at the same time as an action in the pictures below Luke and obi-wan are lifting up C3-PO and when they do the screen follows them. This is done to make the transitioning of slides seem effortless and to not distract the viewer.

Page 18: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

THE HISTORY OF EDITING When film first started it was used as another art medium and was used because it was new and interactive. In 1895 The Lumiere brothers ,French filmmakers ,created the first projector to show films to a small number of people. These films had no real point as they only showed normal event with no story line. The movies were soundless and were all on one film reel meaning they were short in viewing length. George melies saw one of these films and decided to create films like it with more purpose than to just be watched. He took it a step further by introducing camera and editing tricks, such as putting himself in more than one place at once this would amaze the audience and intrigue them. Editing techniques to show a story really started when Edwin porter cut and paste between the frames to create a longer film that would be more enjoyable to watch. The first film to include techniques such as a long shot or a combination of shots was D.W.Griffith's in 1908. His film was noted for it use of storytelling and the discovery of the close up. Another one of Griffith's films that better shows the development of editing was the birth of a nation in 1915 which was about the KKK. It had panoramic long shots, still shots and parallel editing all techniques still used today.

Page 19: EDITING - adwyer.files.wordpress.com · Editing can take up to many days even months to get the film as the director wants. Editing used to be done physically using scissors to cut

In 1924 Iwan Serrurier invented the Movieola revolutionised editing. The machine allowed and editor to edit more effectively as it had a small screen on which the movie could be viewed whilst editing. As time moved on and movies started introducing sound the Movieola became obsolete. In 1953 the Steenbeck Flatbed editor came out, which allowed you to edit film and audio at the same time as well as having it on a slightly larger screen so as to allow more than one person to edit. In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s devices like the time based correctors and digital video effects units were used to help with the process of editing, it still used the analogue reel to reel and was able to digitally enhance the footage making it easier to edit. In the late 90’s video camera technology made it possible to make an entire film digitally with digital recording. Star Wars the phantom menace (1999) was the first film to use all digital editing processes. With the advances in phone technology and digital movie editing you can shoot an entire movie on your phone and edit it. Film directors tend not to use this method as they feel that it's unprofessional and that it's not always easy to convert it to a format that matches a computer, needed for uploading.