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Edgar A. Poe Unit Vocabulary Words “The Tell-Tale Heart” Sweiss, Literature, 2013 Word: Use of Word in Sentence: Picture Clue: Definition/Part of Speech/Synonym: 1. Acute Even though she is blind, she has an acute sense of smell and can tell you what you are cooking from a mile away. He is an acute observer of politicians; he can tell when they are being honest and when they are “stretching the truth.” Original Sentence: Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym: 2. Conceive The ideas she conceived brought forth great changes in our school. When his wife became pregnant, the couple decided to hold off on knowing the baby’s gender until she conceived. Original Sentence: Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym: 3. Foresight We like to hire people with foresight, people who can think about the future and work with the end goal in mind. You should have foresight to bring an umbrella with you on a cloudy morning, as it might rain. Original Sentence: Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym: 4. Dissimulation On Halloween, beware all the dissimulation, ranging from teens turned wolves to adults turned to vampires. Original Sentence: Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym: 5. Cunningly The thief cunningly stole the woman’s purse while talking to her in a suave manner. Watch out for the cunning fox. Original Sentence: Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

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Edgar A. Poe Unit Vocabulary Words “The Tell-Tale Heart” Sweiss, Literature, 2013

Word: Use of Word in Sentence: Picture Clue: Definition/Part of Speech/Synonym:

1. Acute

Even though she is blind, she has an acute sense of smell and can tell you what you are cooking from a mile away. He is an acute observer of politicians; he can tell when they are being honest and when they are “stretching the truth.” Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

2. Conceive

The ideas she conceived brought forth great changes in our school. When his wife became pregnant, the couple decided to hold off on knowing the baby’s gender until she conceived. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

3. Foresight

We like to hire people with foresight, people who can think about the future and work with the end goal in mind. You should have foresight to bring an umbrella with you on a cloudy morning, as it might rain. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

4. Dissimulation

On Halloween, beware all the dissimulation, ranging from teens turned wolves to adults turned to vampires. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

5. Cunningly

The thief cunningly stole the woman’s purse while talking to her in a suave manner. Watch out for the cunning fox. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

6. Vexed

Ms. Sweiss becomes vexed when students do not complete their homework. I became vexed after ten attempts at the math problem; I decided to capitulate and ask the teacher for help. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

7. Inquire

I was inquiring about the cost of private schools. If you inquire about how the world began, you are interested in knowing about its origins. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

8. Profound

His response to my question, “What is the purpose of life?” was so profound. The Teacher Strike left a profound effect on parents, students, and teachers alike. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

9. Sagacity/Sagacious

When I was in doubt about what college to attend, I met with my college counselor and her sagacity made my decision easier. Priests, social workers, teachers, and doctors are all sagacious people; I seek them for advice. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

10. Stifle

If you stifle someone with a pillow, they may die because of a lack of oxygen to the brain. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

11. Crevice

What caused the crevice in the Liberty Bell? I lost my lucky penny, but I will look in every crack and crevice until I find it. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

“The Cask of Amontillado” Sweiss, Literature, 2013

Word: Use of Word in Sentence: Picture Clue: Definition/Part of Speech/Synonym:

1. Impunity

If you see a police officer speeding on the streets, just know that they receive impunity and will most likely not get a ticket. Because they are government officials, they received impunity from searches at the airport. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

2. Immolation

In some cultures, the killing of a cow is an act of immolation. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

3. Retribution

If you seek retribution for the man that stole your purse, you may also go to jail. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

4. Connoisseur

Rachel Ray is quite the connoisseur in the art of making 30 minute-meals. He is a connoisseur of French paintings. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

5. Quack

I received “medical” advice from a man on the Internet who went by the name of “Medical Mike;” I soon learned that he was a complete quack, as he diagnosed me with zooalogoyiaphobiament. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

6. Motley

I love a motley assortment of jelly beans. They are a motley group of friends; some are on the football team, some play chess, and some are cheerleaders. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

7. Catacomb

In ancient Egypt, pharaohs were buried in the catacombs of the pyramids. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

8. Repose

The body reposed in the casket. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

9. Gesticulation/ Gesticulate

When my teacher lectures us, her hands move in rapid gesticulation; sometimes, I wonder if she drinks too much coffee in the morning. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

10. Trowel

We used a trowel to spread the concrete on the ground. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

11. Mason

My father is a mason and works for Mason’s Masonry. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech:

12. Colossal

The Sears Tower is a colossal building. I have a colossal amount of homework to complete tonight. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

13. Feeble

My grandmother is a feeble woman; if she should fall, she would most likely break a bone. Your attempts to learn math are feeble; you barely cracked a book open. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

6. Ignoramus

Some people thought that George Bush was an ignoramus. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

7. Niche

Everyone has their own niche in life; mine is painting. There is a niche in the room where we placed a lamp. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

8. Palazzo

King Louis the Fourteenth lived a grand life in Versailles, a great palazzo. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

“The Black Cat”

Sweiss, Literature, 2013

Word: Use of Word in Sentence: Picture Clue: Definition/Part of Speech/Synonym:

1. succinct

I like succinct speeches at graduation; they are to the point. A text message should be succinct; it should take my no more than five seconds to read it. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

2. docile

His students are docile and eager to learn. Women in the early 1900’s were expected to be docile towards their husbands. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

3. sagacious

He wrote a sagacious report, identifying all the wrongs in society. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

4. indulge

Miss Sweiss loves to indulge in chocolate and coffee. When I am dieting, I try as hard as I can not to indulge in fatty foods. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

5. brute

Some fights can bring out the brute in you. Your verbal argument escalated into a physical altercation; you sure did act like a bunch of beastly brutes! Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

6. conspicuous

Your laugh is so conspicuous; I can recognize it from a mile away. Your grammatical errors are so conspicuous that it is hard to read your paper and just grade it on the content and not grammar. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

7. fidelity

Your fidelity to your country is admirable. You show so much patriotism. Partners in marriage show fidelity to each other. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

8. Disposition

Some people have a very calm disposition; while others have a very anxious disposition. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

9. Fiend

Miss Sweiss is a chocolate and coffee fiend. She can indulge in both! Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

10. Intemperance

Lindsey Lohan along with other celebrities are known for their intemperance, often times resulting in a DUI and a revoked license. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

11. maltreat

People who maltreat their pets should go to jail! Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

12. peevish

I would rather find the book on my own than deal with that peevish librarian. Peevish children need consequences. The peevish old man yelled at the neighbor kids for riding their bicycles on “his” sidewalk. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

13. Fury

The fury of the gods was unleashed and wreaked havoc on the world. The fury of Hurricane Katrina left many people homeless in New Orleans. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

14. Atrocity Atrocious

The atrocious crime committed against Casey Anthony’s daughter was all over the news in the summer of 2011. That child ate his food with his fingers, wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and picked his nose using his finger…his manners are atrocious! The students’ behavior was atrocious when the sub came. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

15. Remorse

The child showed remorse after his teacher reprimanded him. He head slowly sank to the ground, his shoulders slumped over, and he muttered an apology. When students don’t show remorse, I worry about them…it is a sign of apathy. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

16. Unfathomable

The behavior of the adults on The Jersey Shore is simply unfathomable; in what world is that behavior normal! At that time, the Holocaust was unfathomable to many Americans, and even today, the fact that something atrocious like that happened is beyond belief. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

17. Conflagration

A large conflagration destroyed the city of Chicago in 1871 when Ms. O’Leary’s cow overturned a lantern. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

18. Pestilence

The Black Death was a pestilence that killed millions of people in Europe. Not too long ago, swine flue became a pestilence and afflicted many people. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

19. Aversion

I have a strong aversion to broccoli; my taste buds will never enjoy the vitamin-rich green veggie. Teachers have an aversion to homework non-doers. The child’s aversion to using coloring within the lines resulted in him being disciplined by the teacher and redoing the assignment until it was done correctly. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

20. Gallows

In Medieval times, crimes were punishable by the gallows. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

Edgar A. Poe Unit Vocabulary Words “The Masque of the Red Death” Sweiss, Literature, 2013

Word: Use of Word in Sentence: Picture Clue: Definition/Part of Speech/Synonym:

1. Pestilence

The Bubonic Plague was a pestilence that killed millions of people in Europe. My little imp of a cousin is such a pestilence! Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

2. Avatar

You might know this word from video games, where you create an avatar to represent you on screen. In Hinduism the different gods can take many different forms, and when they took human forms, the human was their avatar. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

3.Terminate/ Termination

The NFL terminated his contract; he was no longer on the team. When the Weird Food Company announces plans to terminate production of its deep-fried chocolate-covered pickle line, it will be a sad day for lovers of strange snacks. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

4. Profuse

There was profuse bleeding; the bandage was not enough so we had them check into the emergency room. If you lavish profuse gifts on your pet, you might have too much money on your hands. When you give someone profuse praise, you're probably laying it on a little thick. After the three hour work out, he was sweating profusely. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

5. Seclusion

If a student acts up, sometimes the teacher will put that child in seclusion, perhaps in a study carrel. An island with no other islands around it or a cabin in the middle of a forest will offer you seclusion if you need to get away from other people. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

6. Eccentric

The Bubonic Plague was a pestilence that killed millions of people in Europe. My little imp of a cousin is such a pestilence! Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

7. Courtiers

You might know this word from video games, where you create an avatar to represent you on screen. In Hinduism the different gods can take many different forms, and when they took human forms, the human was their avatar. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

8. Defiance

The NFL terminated his contract; he was no longer on the team. When the Weird Food Company announces plans to terminate production of its deep-fried chocolate-covered pickle line, it will be a sad day for lovers of strange snacks. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

9. Candelabrum

Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

10. Ghastly/ Grotesque

Your mask for Halloween is ghastly/grotesque. You will definitely scare the children! Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

11. Countenance

If you're a great poker player, you probably have a calm countenance. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

12. Reverie

If you're relaxing on the beach, dreaming of how you will never have to get up and go back to work, you're engaged in a reverie. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

13. Pendulum

A grandfather clock might use for timekeeping a pendulum that swings back and forth. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

Edgar A. Poe Unit Vocabulary Words “The Pit and the Pendulum” Sweiss, Literature, 2013

Word: Use of Word in Sentence: Picture Clue: Definition/Part of Speech/Synonym:

1. Swoon

She swooned at the sight of blood. The teenage girls swooned when they saw Justin Bieber. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

2. Crevice

A crevice is a long, tight space often found on the face of a mountain or other geological formation. A crevice can be large or small, but because it is usually hard reach, it is a great hiding place for all things like reptiles, bugs, and lost climbers. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

3. Serge

We had to sit on a rough piece of serge during the camping trip. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

4. Toil

If you'd lived during the Great Depression, you might have toiled on roadwork and conservation projects. Your toils would have created roads in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, for example. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

5. Chasm

There is a giant chasm in an ice cap or the growing chasm between two friends who haven't spoken in a long time. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

6. Perish

The buildings perished beneath the debris after the tornado struck the village. "If I am not rescued soon by my valiant knight," she might say, "I shall perish if I'm left alone up here in this tower to starve." Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

7. Slumber

What I really need is a nice long slumber away from all the stresses. I’m having a slumber party and you are invited. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

8. Fiend

I am a chocolate fiend. The fiend tormented the little girl in her sleep. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

9. Scythe

While farmers use a scythe to cut plants, the grim reaper uses it to, well, scare you to death. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

10. Pendulum

Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

11. Specter

You can give yourself nightmares if you listen to too many stories about ghostly specters appearing in dark windows. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

12. Oppression

Frederick Douglass was a former slave who devoted his life to ending the oppression of black people at the hands of powerful white slave owners.This heat is oppressive. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

13. Lucid

My teacher’s explanation of the plutonic theory was so lucid that I didn’t have to crack a single book open to study. Looking across the horizon, the beach was as lucid as a clear, sparkling glass of water. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

14. Endeavor

He endeavored to keep his binder organized, but he just couldn’t maintain the organization. You must endeavor to succeed in all your classes; failure is not an option. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

15. Pervade

The scent of my mother’s delicious blueberry pancakes pervaded the rooms of the house. An atmosphere of respect pervaded the school after the terrible bullying incident. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

16. Aghast

We stood aghast at the sight of the plane crash. I became aghast when I saw the profuse bleeding. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech:


17. Abyss

The rope led into a bottomless abyss. After the loss of her husband, she entered an abyss of depression. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

18. Pungent

Onions have a rather pungent smell. The boy’s locker room is pungent; all that Ax Spray can’t cover up the lingering odors. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

Edgar A. Poe Unit Vocabulary Words “The Oblong Box” Sweiss, Literature, 2013

Word: Use of Word in Sentence: Picture Clue: Definition/Part of Speech/Synonym:

1. Enigma

Many philosophers have sought to answer the enigma of life, “What is the purpose of our existence?” You are an enigma to me; I just don’t understand why you talk to yourself. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

2. Preposterous

The story that you told me about why you didn’t do you homework…well, it’s simply preposterous! There’s no way that your homework was transported through time into another worldly dimension! Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

3. Amiable

Church is full of amiable people, who donate to the poor and are easy to converse with. The school picnic was an amiable gathering. My teachers are all so amiable; it makes going to school less stressful. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

4. Conjecture

1. The commentators made many conjectures about who they thought would win the next presidential campaign. In math, sometimes, you have to make an estimated “conjecture.” Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

5. Saunter

The children sauntered down the hallways of the school, mindless that they were going to be tardy. While sauntering the fields, we stopped to smell the roses and chat with the folks. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

6. Morose

After the death of his best friend, he became very morose and would seclude himself from everyone. When you start the job hunt, you may feel morose after being rejected one or more times. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

7. Gale

A mighty gale spread throughout the city, causing the debris to pervade the neighborhoods. Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym:

8. Oblong

2. My art box is an oblong shape, and big enough to hold all my supplies.

Original Sentence:

Definition: Part of Speech: Synonym: