ed burckhardt on customer reviews

LOGO How Online Customer Reviews Can Impact Your Local Business www.buyfamous.com By: Ed Burckhardt Phone: (800) 520-9498 [email protected]

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Post on 15-May-2015




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Yes, Customer Reviews can make or break your Auto Repair Shop Owning a business is no easy feat; mainly due to the fact that you have to constantly cater to the needs of your customers. Customer loyalty is one of the most important aspects of making a business successful because, without customers, businesses simply wouldn’t exist. Regardless of the type of local business you own, the most important thing you need is a positive reputation. There are a lot of businesses out there that gain and lose customers on a daily basis. The loss or the gain of customers largely depends upon the reputation a business has in many cases. The internet has allowed people to become vocal with their opinions about just about everything – including how they feel about companies they do business with. People leave online reviews for the whole world to see about businesses and the products and services they offer. This is why it is crucial that you stay on top of what is being said about your company online. When it comes to having a positive online presence, your company will reap the benefits no matter how large or small it is. In other words, every satisfied customer you have will bring you even more customers. On the flip side, if your online presence contains some negativity, your business could be critically challenged.


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How Online Customer Reviews Can Impact Your

Local Business


By: Ed BurckhardtPhone: (800) [email protected]

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Why Customer Reviews Are So Important

People go online first to search for local products and services

Consumers post negative and positive feedback about businesses online

Other consumers rely on this feedback from other customers to help them make purchasing decisions

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Why Customer Reviews Are So Important

An ample amount of reviews will help you get new customers

No reviews – or mostly “negative” reviews will hurt your ability to get new customers

Reviews can help your business flourish or become critically challenged

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Company name

Let’s Take a Look at Some Numbers

72% of Consumers Trust Reviews

52% are More Likely to Use aLocal Business with Positive


77% of Consumers Regularly Use Online Reviews to MakeDecisions about Businesses

WHY Your WHY Your Online Online

Reputation and Reputation and Customer Customer Reviews Reviews MATTERMATTER

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Encourage Your Customers to Leave Reviews

The more online reviews your business has, the better

Avoid “fake” reviews at all costs

Simply “ask” your satisfied customers to leave online reviews for your company

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ASK Your Customers for Reviews

Ask customers who come into your shop to go online to leave a review. An effective way, print postcards with the URL’s for your Google+ Local and Yelp pages.

Create a poster with the URL’s of your review sites, Yelp, Google+ Local, Facebook, etc.

Ask for reviews by hanging that poster on the wall of your waiting room, check out counter, etc.

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ASK Your Customers for Reviews

Ask for reviews in your email autoresponder messages that go out to your customer list

Ask for reviews in your direct mail materials

Ask for reviews on your social media profiles…

Just don’t be afraid to ASK!

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Make it EASY for Your Customers

Provide links to your review site profiles on your website

Give your customers tips about leaving online reviews

Provide great and top-notch service to make your customers WANT to leave a great review for your company

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Ask Them to Leave Reviews on Multiple Sites

Don’t overwhelm your customers by asking them to leave reviews on multiple sites.

Concentrate on the most important ones:

Review Sites: Google+ Local Yelp Yahoo Local Superpages Citysearch

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How Negative Reviews Can HURT

There will be “some” negative reviews, which is good as long as they’re not overpowering

Don’t ignore negative reviews; otherwise, you could come off as “uncaring”

Don’t argue with negative reviewers as it could enhance the negative impact

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How to Respond to Negative Reviews

Do not panic or over-react to negative reviews; it’s bound to happen

Assess the situations carefully and resolve any issues with unhappy customers

Do not “argue” with your unhappy customers

Post your responses publicly so your customers and potential customers see that you actually care

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How to Build and Maintain a Positive Image

Register your business on as many review sites as possible

Monitor all of your review site profiles regularly

Respond to all reviews, which allows you to engage with your customers as well as show that you care

Google your business name adding “reviews” to it and see what type of comments come up in the results

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How to Build and Maintain a Positive Image

Create a blog and post content related to your business consistently to create more “positive” content that will rank high in the search engines

Be consistent and post often for best results

This will help push down any negative reviews and comments

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If you would like more information about how to handle negative online customer reviews or

how to build a strong, positive online reputation, contact me today!

Ed Burckhardt(800) 520-9498