ecotourism australia—blueprint for a sustainable · sustainable tourism council and winner of the...

Importance of ecotourism to our regions Ecotourism is a major economic generator to rural and remote communiƟes, generaƟng greater community benet and resilience. Ecotourism provides sustainable employment opportuniƟes that can replace declining labour markets in agriculture and the resource sectors. Many ecotourism businesses are small to medium sized enterprises supporƟng regional economies and providing strong social outcomes through developing local pride, supporƟng fesƟvals and events. Ecotourism businesses acƟvely work toward conservaƟon of the natural areas central to their operaƟons. Value of ecocerƟcaƟon Ecotourism Australia has designed and manages a range of tourism cerƟcaƟon programs that are used by 500 tour operators around Australia. EcocerƟcaƟon provides a valuable product development tool, aclear customer choice and links to internaƟonal standards and recogniƟon. Consistent high industry standards, supported and communicated by transparent and evidencebased cerƟcaƟon are essenƟal to meet market expectaƟons. Many buyers of ecotourism products will preferenƟally purchase or only buy cerƟed products. InternaƟonally, accreditaƟon is being increasingly applied by governments and preferenƟally selected by wholesalers and package tourism. Delivers on the “Tourism 2020” Strategic Area— “Building Industry Resilience, ProducƟvity and Quality”. Importance of ecotourism to Australia Tourism contributes over $100 billion to the Australian economy (2014) and is expected to grow by 1.6% annually for the next ten years (TRA). Tourism supports nearly 1 million jobs throughout Australia (ABS) Growth in internaƟonal visitaƟon is the key driver for Australia’s tourism industry’s growth to achieve its 2020 goals. Australia's natural environment is the most important aƩracƟon for internaƟonal visitors in all our major source markets (TA) Recent research (DeloiƩes, CSIRO, TA) clearly shows that Australia’s Natural Advantage is, and will increasingly be, the major aƩractant for InternaƟonal visitors Maintaining Australia's brand and reputaƟon in these markets is vital to the future growth and success of the tourism industry with the ecotourism industry providing authenƟc, memorable and safe visitor experiences. Visitor and market interest in indigenous culture provides a signicant opportunity for employment and business development for indigenous Australians. ProtecƟng Australia's environmental and cultural assets is vital to underpin the diversity and quality of visitor experiences that Australia is well known for. Ecotourism is a large, and growing, sector of the broader tourism experience. Geotourism is a well established tourism form globally, and parƟcularly in China. The Geotourism Forum has been established within Ecotourism Australia to promote awareness and the growth of geotourism within Australia, as well as to build closer relaƟonships within dedicated land areas such as geoparks, naƟonal landscapes and protectEcocerƟcaƟon benets government by reducing risk and compliance costs whilst promoƟng high quality visitor experiences. Ecotourism Australia (EA) is Australia’s peak Industry body represenƟng over 500 ecotourism operators and members since 1991. EA’s product development tool ECO cerƟcaƟon is a worldrecognised program with a Memorandum of CooperaƟon with UNESCO World Heritage Centre, recogniƟon by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council and winner of the ‘Tourism for Tomorrow’ Award issued by the World Travel & Tourism Council. Ecotourism Australia has broad Membership in every state and Territory with our members represenƟng 25% of all 2014 naƟonal tourism award winners. EA is selffunded and managed by acƟve parƟcipants in the ecotourism industry whose 2014 membership’s annual turnover was $1.2B. Ecotourism Australia’s ‘EcocerƟcaƟon’ is recognised and incenƟvised by all Australian Protected Area Management agencies, reducing their risk and compliance costs whilst promoƟng high quality visitor experiences. Ecotourism Australia—Blueprint for a Sustainable Future Tourism’s impacts on Climate Change are signicant and Ecotourism Australia will conƟnue to work with Governments, operators and the broader community to miƟgate the impacts.

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Page 1: Ecotourism Australia—Blueprint for a Sustainable · Sustainable Tourism Council and winner of the ‘Tourism for Tomorrow’ Award issued by the World Travel & Tourism Council

Importance of ecotourism to our regions  Ecotourism  is a major economic generator to rural and remote communi‐

es,    genera ng greater community benefit and resilience.  Ecotourism  provides  sustainable  employment  opportuni es  that  can  re‐

place     declining labour markets in agriculture and the resource sectors.   Many ecotourism businesses are  small  to medium  sized enterprises  sup‐

por ng regional economies and providing strong social outcomes through developing local pride, suppor ng fes vals and events. 

Ecotourism  businesses  ac vely work  toward  conserva on  of  the  natural areas   central to their opera ons. 

Value of eco‐cer fica on  Ecotourism Australia has designed and manages a range of tourism cer fi‐

ca on programs that are used by 500 tour operators around Australia.   Eco‐cer fica on  provides  a  valuable  product  development  tool,  aclear  

customer choice and links to interna onal standards and recogni on.  Consistent  high  industry  standards,  supported  and  communicated  by 

transparent and evidence‐based cer fica on are essen al to meet market expecta ons.  Many buyers of ecotourism products will preferen ally pur‐chase or only buy cer fied products. 

Interna onally, accredita on is being increasingly applied by governments and preferen ally selected by wholesalers and package tourism. 

Delivers on the “Tourism 2020” Strategic Area— “Building  Industry Resili‐ence, Produc vity and Quality”. 

Importance of ecotourism to Australia   Tourism contributes over $100 billion to the Australian economy (2014) and is expected 

to grow by 1.6% annually for the next ten years (TRA).  Tourism supports nearly 1 million jobs throughout Australia (ABS)  Growth in interna onal visita on is the key driver for Australia’s tourism industry’s 

growth to achieve its 2020 goals.   Australia's natural   environment is the most important a rac on for interna onal visitors in all our major 

source markets (TA)   Recent research (Deloi es, CSIRO, TA) clearly shows that Australia’s Natural Advantage 

is, and will increasingly be, the major a ractant for Interna onal visitors  Maintaining Australia's brand and reputa on in these markets is vital to the future 

growth and success of the tourism industry with the ecotourism industry  providing au‐then c, memorable and safe visitor experiences. 

Visitor and market interest in indigenous culture provides a significant opportunity for employment and business development for indigenous Australians.  

Protec ng Australia's environmental and cultural assets is vital to underpin the diversity and quality of visitor experiences that Australia is well known for. 

Ecotourism is a large, and growing, sector of the broader tourism experience.   Geotourism is a well established tourism form globally, and par cularly in China.   The Geotourism Forum has been established within Ecotourism Australia to promote 

awareness  and the growth of geotourism  within Australia, as well as to build closer rela‐onships within dedicated land areas such as geoparks, na onal landscapes and protect‐

Eco‐cer fica on benefits government by reducing risk and compli‐ance costs whilst promo ng high quality visitor experiences. 

Ecotourism Australia (EA)  is Australia’s peak Industry body represen ng over 500 ecotourism operators and members since 1991. EA’s product development tool ‐ ECO cer fica on ‐  is a world‐recognised program with a Memorandum of Co‐opera on with UNESCO World Heritage Centre, recogni on by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council and winner of the ‘Tourism for Tomorrow’ Award  issued by the World Travel & Tourism Council. Ecotourism Australia has broad Membership  in every state and Territory with our members represen ng 25% of all 2014 na onal tourism award winners. EA  is self‐funded and managed by ac ve par cipants in the ecotourism industry whose 2014 membership’s annual turnover was $1.2B. Ecotourism Australia’s ‘Eco‐cer fica on’ is recognised and incen vised by all Australian Protected Area Management agencies, reducing their risk and compliance costs whilst promo ng high quality visitor experiences. 

Ecotourism Australia—Blueprint for a Sustainable Future 

Tourism’s impacts on Climate Change are significant and Ecotourism Australia will con nue to work with Governments, operators and the broader community to mi gate the impacts. 

Page 2: Ecotourism Australia—Blueprint for a Sustainable · Sustainable Tourism Council and winner of the ‘Tourism for Tomorrow’ Award issued by the World Travel & Tourism Council

Ecotourism in Australia Building regions, crea ng jobs, inspiring visitors & protec ng the environment 

Protect our Parks 

Involve the Operators 

Invest in the Future 

Incen vise Quality 

1.  Consistent  and  increased  resourcing for  natural  and  cultural  heritage man‐agement. 

Na onal Parks and other protected  are‐as are the key ecotourism asset. For the industry to thrive, Governments need to invest   wisely and sustainably to protect and  enhance  the  Na onal  Parks,  and other  protected  areas’,  values  and  po‐ten al.  


2.  All  commercial  development  within protected  areas  should  meet  Na onal minimum standards.  

The  recent  trend  to  promote  tourism development  within  Parks  needs  to   ensure  the  values  are  protected  in  the long  term.  All  developments  should   follow  "Best Prac ce Guidelines for Eco-Opportuni es in Protected and Natural Areas", TAPAF 2012. 

3.  Major  development  applica ons  to include tour operator input.  

Major Resource, and other, development      proponents  with  proposals  that  impact on tourism assets and experiences should be required to : 

3.1.  Consult  and  engage  with  tour        operators in preparing their applica ons. 

3.2  Include  independently  prepared   tourism  impact  assessments  in  major  development applica ons. 

3.3  Acknowledge  the  Cultural  landscape  and des na on character in development decisions. 

4.  Embed  tourism  in  Na onal  Parks  Planning.  

Na onal  Parks  Agencies  to  create ‘tourism  reference  groups’  of  licensed tour  operators  and  industry  associa ons to  provide  estate  wide  input  to  park  planning and issue management.  

5. Support product development.  

Realign  the  current  policy  direc on  of many  levels  of  government  to  include and  strengthen  tourism  agencies’     product  and  des na on  development func ons/programs. 

5.1  Ini a ves  such  as  “Australia’s        Na onal  Landscapes”  and  “Indigenous Tourism  Champions”  are  valued  and  resourced  by  all  levels  of  government and strongly supported by industry. 

6. Develop Ecotourism Plans.  

Na onal,  State  and  Territory                governments  to  have  developed,        resourced and implemented Ecotourism/Nature based tourism plans. 

7. Boost Tourism Research.  

Tourism    Research  Australia  develops and reports on key  nature based tourism outcomes and indicators. 

8.  Reduce  risk  and  improve  visitor experience  by  incen vising  quality opera ons.  

Tour  operators  who  have  commi ed to  independently  audited  quality    as‐surance  programs  (IAQAP),  such  as Ecotourism  Australia’s  Eco‐cer fica on,  to  be  given  preferen al lis ngs and  treatment. 

8.1 Na onal and State Tourism organi‐sa on  provide  preferen al  marke ng  and  public  rela ons  opportuni es  to IAQAP operators 

8.2 Na onal and State Protected Area Managers  to  con nue  providing       incen ves to IAQAP operators 

8.3  State  and  Na onal  Ecotourism  or Nature Based Tourism Awards  require entrants  to  hold  IAQAP  ecotourism cer fica on.