ecopreneurs for the climate 2.0: a global network of climate innovation labs


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Page 1: Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2.0: a global network of Climate Innovation Labs

Page 2: Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2.0: a global network of Climate Innovation Labs

1. Why? Challenges & objectives

2. Who & What? Concept

3. International benchmarking

4. Unique value proposition

5. Service catalog

6. How? Structure

7. Business model: revenue, resources,

parameters and diversity

8. Financial plan

9. Crowdfunding campaing

10. When? The Roadmap: 2016 → 2.0

11. Wrap-up: ECO4CLIM's added value

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Page 4: Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2.0: a global network of Climate Innovation Labs

Challenges to be addressed:

1. Climate change: high carbon & ecological footprint of

mainstream economy

2. Socio-economic inequalities: unemployment (youth

& vulnerable groups), unequal wealth distribution,

lack of opportunities

3. Other negative effects of globalization: cultural

heritage loss, forced migrations, urban centralization,

erosion of democracy, conflicts & violence

ECO4CLIM's objectives:

1. Promote, connect & empower climate-champion


2. Strengthen local green economy ecosystems

3. Boost sustainable business networks

4. Implement the Paris Agreement via an SME-centered

green & equitable economy

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Page 6: Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2.0: a global network of Climate Innovation Labs

ECO4CLIM we are a "glocal" community of climate practice, which via a global network of climate innovation labs, boosts

creation of cooperative, sustainable, and sound businesses that provide quality green jobs, empower communities, and help

them mitigate/adapt to climate change.

In these labs, local leaders (climate organizers) catalyze multi-stakeholder co-creation, engaging ecopreneurs, civil society

and other key actors in “climathons”, to design solutions to climate-realted challenges faced by cities, communities,

companies, and organizations. The collective-intelligence process continues over an animated and incentivized global

crowdsourcing platform.

The power of the network resides in its capacity to share best practices & models across all labs, and inspire ecopreneurs to

adapt and replicate them locally. Lastly, partnering incubators/accelerators shape & scale up resulting businesses.

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Climate Innovation Lab

Global Network

Incubators & accelerators





idea + team

Crowdsourcing platform



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• Climate Movement in general: all sorts of NGOs, business is left aside because of mutual mistrust

• and Climate Reality: empower climate leaders within civil society

• Climate Group and Climate Action: target is large companies and their contribution

• Traditional or sustainable business incubators/accelerators: one dimensional approach; focus on business development not idea

generation; no interaction with civil society

• Sustainability consulting firms: run hackathons for companies and cities, but without an online component or a global network

• Impact Hub network: global network of social innovation spaces & communities; no concrete programs to empower, support, and

promote climate ecopreneurs

• Climate CoLab (MIT): global online climate crowdsourcing platform (idea generation); contest-based with prizes, and global meeting of

winners; no physical multi-stakeholder co-creation; no network of local leaders animating communities of practice

• Climate-KIC and Climate Innovation Centers (CIC): EU-only or “developing” countries-only networks; mostly funded by EC or World Bank

(top-down approach); few local roots; fully business oriented; little to none interacion with civil society; focus fundamentally on business

development not idea generation; “hackathons” but only with their community of students, entrepreneurs and researchers, without

engaging NGOs or other actors; not so much exchange of best practices & models across their hubs

Page 9: Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2.0: a global network of Climate Innovation Labs

Global network of climate innovation labs, characterized by:

• Structure: distributed network that grows organically, and founded upon local governance and international cooperation

• Goals: identify climate-related challenges and outline green business opportunities to tackle them

• Outcome: business ideas that are cooperative, sustainable, community empowering, climate-proof, and sound + a complementary team

• Focus: business idea generation stage + team formation

• Positioning: intersection between green business world (ecopreneurs) and the climate movement (eco-activists)

• Methodology: multistakeholder co-creation combining offline “climathons” with incentivized global online crowdsourcing

• Local roots: network of climate leaders, animating their local communities and speaking both languages (business and civil society)

• Power of the network: exchange of best practices & models across all labs, and replication by local ecopreneurs

• Participants: civil society organizations, ecopreneurs & SMEs, large companies, public admin. & entities, investors & financial

institutions, media, universities & business schools ...

• Key partners: space & community (Impact Hub...), outreach (media, universities & bus. schools...), business development

(incubators/accelerators, Climate-KIC, CIC ...)

• Business model: diversified reveneu streams ensuring self-sustainability and independence: municipalities, large companies &

organizations, international development funds....

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Distributed network Local governance International cooperation

Climate-related challenges Green business opportunities Green business idea + team

Ecopreneurs + Climate Activists Multi-stakeholder co-creation

Climathons + incentivized global online crowdsourcing

Local roots: leaders & communities

Power of the network: exchanges & replication

Key partners: space & community + outreach + business development

Diversified business model: self-sustainability & independence

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To deliver the value proposition, labs offer the following services:

1. Climathons: multi-stakeholder co-creation sessions (“hackathons”) aimed at addressing climate-related challenges faced by either

cities/communities (public funds) or companies/organizations (customers). Their duration and methodology can vary, ranging from

simple 2-3 days of intensive work (“startup weekend style”, or “climate-kend”) to several weeks with additional business development.

Participants include ecopreneurs, NGOs, representatives from the public admin., experts, media, advanced students, investors &

financial institutions... The output being a more or less developed green business idea tackling the challange given, and a team of

motivated ecopreneurs willing to implement it. The sessions are then complemented with an incentivized (contest style) global

crowdsourcing process via ECO4CLIM's online platform, where ecopreneurs and members of the whole network contribute with new

ideas, and improve the existing ones. The winners will actually join the team (international talent), all travel expenses covered.

2. Replication of best models across the network: besides climathons, the network's core asset resides in all its successful and high-

impact green SMEs helping communities address climate challenges via effective and sound business solutions. ECO4CLIM's

coordination team will tap into this vast potential and ensure these models are exchanged and replicated in those communities facing

similar challenges. Hence, the service provided by the network comprises the identification of success stories, their matching with

unresolved challenges and local ecopreneurs seeking opportunities, and the soft landing in the host communities for the international


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3. Consulting on sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation: all the knowdledge and experience generated both in each lab and the

global network will allow us to form complementary teams of consultants and bid for tenders, grants and calls for funding related to our

fields of expertise, namely eco-entrepreneurship, green economy and climate change broadly speaking; and any combination of those

with specific green sectors where we count with experts on, like energy, agriculture, tourism, water management ...

4. Climate innovation journeys: group trips for companies and organizations, of any size but particularly large, to visit the climate

innovation ecosystem of other cities and communities from the network. Such trips can vary a lot in length and prize depending on the

distance between the two cities; and can be customized as well to meet the group's goals. In general large companies want to see first-

hand the functioning of, and meet and interact with innovative gren SMEs and ecopreneurs; and thus trips comprise onsite visits as well

as workshops. Also, on top of that, sometimes large companies want to have the chance to network and do business with fellow

sustainability leaders (large companies from the host region).

5. Incubation/acceleration: green business ideas are shaped up and developed to a certain extent in the labs, as well as in the

crowdsourcing platform, althoug their main focus is idea generation. The co-creation sessions can therefore include a little bit of business

development (modelling, mentoring), but fundamentally that work is left for partnering incubators and accelerators. In some cases, the

lab can have its own incubator, when there is none in the community; but considering that its business model is a different story.

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Page 14: Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2.0: a global network of Climate Innovation Labs

Local governance + regional coordination + common resources + sharing & exchanging

• A network of non-profits in different regions of the world

• Allows to apply for development funds

• Do you want to set up and run one?

• Coordinated via a second-level organization (association, federation...) Ex: Impact Hub

• An advisory board: renown international, well-connected experts

• Annual gatherings

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1. Climathons

2. Replication of best models across the network

3. Consulting on sustainable entrepreneurship & innovation

4. Climate innovation journeys

Streams Customers/funding


Large companies/organizations

Internat. development funds: UN, World Bank, regional dev. banks, EU ... See

5. Incubation/acceleration

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Local resources (each lab):

• Manager -climate organizer- (.5/1 person): relations with partners & customers, coordination

• Communications (.5/1 person): comm. management, media relations, STK engagement

• Partners: space partner (like Impact Hub), outreach, business development

Common resources (global network):

• Staff: coordination, communications, fundraising (intern. develop. funds), measuring & reporting impact, managing relations with global partners and advisory board

• Online platform: events ( + challenge-based crowdsourcing (Ideas4all) + wiki (OSCE Days)

• Global partners: international like-minded organizations (media, sponsors ...)

• Advisory board: renown international, well-connected experts

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Streams Beneficiaries

Local lab Space partner Network

1. Climathons 80% 12% 8%

2. Replication of best models across the network

12% 8% 80%

3. Consulting on sustainable entrepreneurship & innovation

10-50% 5-15% 10-50%

4. Climate innovation journeys 40% (host) 10% 40% (guests)

5. Incubation/acceleration 80% 12% 8%

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1. Climathons

2. Replication

3. Consulting

4. Climate innovation journeys

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Streams Variability factors Price range Viability(# sales/projects per year per lab)

1. Climathons # & magnitude of challenges, duration, incubation/bus. develop...

8 - 100 K $ 2-4

2. Replication of best models across the network similar to climathons + type of “soft landing” & replication (team, cooper., soc. franchise..)

20 - 100 K $ 1-2

3. Consulting on sustainable entrepreneurship & innovation

Large diversity of calls. See

3 K - 4 M $ 0-2

4. Climate innovation journeys Duration, # workshops, # companies visited, additional activities, travel expenses ...

.5 - 4 K $ per company


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• Goals: promote the event, build a community, engage partners & customers, find members

for advisory board, raise seed funds, and sell climathons (pre-selling)!

• Rewards/incentives: volunteering for ECO4CLIM16 winners, discounted tickets for 1st

climathon (early 2017), advisory board fee

• Platform: for non-profits, multi-site with personal pages (organizers) →

• Period: Sept. 20 - Oct. 21. 1 month, right before the event!

• Communication campaign: embeded in ECO4CLIM16 (riding the big wave!)

• More info: campaign draft, instructions to set up personal page, and webinar next week

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Page 22: Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2.0: a global network of Climate Innovation Labs

1. ECO4CLIM16 (Oct 24-30): build a community & ecosystem of partners, engage customers

for 1st climathon (municipality and/or large companies/orgs)

2. Crowdfunding + communication campaign (Sept - Nov): outreach partners, personal

crowdfunding page + videos

3. Close deal for 1st climathon (Oct - Nov)

4. Network development (Oct - March): legal structure (network of non-profits), global

online platform, fundraising (internat. development funds, advisory board and sponsors)

5. Round-the-world trip (Dec - May): co-facilitating the 1st climathon with you, bringing best

practices from all over the network/world, multiplying reach and impact

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Page 24: Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2.0: a global network of Climate Innovation Labs

• Local labs: their main differentiating factor is the multi-stakeholder approach, with strong emphasis on the ecopreneurs/climate

activists interaction. Also, the climate change focus, and the local roots in the community nurtured by the climate organizer.

• Global network & shared resources: local labs by themselves can have “competitors”, being the global network (a “glocal” community

of climate practice) what really creates unique and high-impact value:

• Common vision achieved through a distributed network, founded upon local governance and international cooperation

• Online, incentivized crowdsourcing: adds a new layer of word-class innovation on top of the emerging local business ideas, and

attracts international talent to join and complement the local team of ecopreneurs via attractive and participative contests.

• Multi-purpose platform: events ( + challenge-based crowdsourcing (Ideas4all) + wiki (OSCE Days)

• New revenue streams around international cooperation: replication of best models across the network, consulting on sustainable

entrepreneurship and innovation, climate innovation journeys

• Dedicated staff: coordination, communications, fundraising (intern. develop. funds), measuring & reporting impact, managing

relations with global partners and advisory board

• Global partners: international like-minded organizations (media, sponsors ...)

• Advisory board: renown international, well-connected experts

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Page 26: Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2.0: a global network of Climate Innovation Labs