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  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    ECGridOS provides a 100% Web Services API into the ECGrid Interconnect Network.

    Unlike Value Added Networks (VANs), ECGridOS turns ECGrid into a 100% programmableelectronic commerce routing switch. EDI transport has never been more flexible nor morepowerful.

    Imagine no longer being bound to the web interface provided by the VAN, but having thetools to tailor the end user's experience to exactly their needs, easily, efficiently, reliably andsecurely.

    Conceived as an operating system, ECGridOS is a set of primitives that allow the developerto create the system as best suites their client. No longer limited by a few predefined,unmodifiable web pages provided by the VAN or Electronic Commerce Service Provider,ECGridOS unleashes the full power of the ECGrid.

    Loren Data Corp.The Electronic Commerce Evolution

    Founded in 1987, Loren Data Corp. has been at the forefront of electronic commerceevolution. ECGrid is the result of two decades of innovation and technology. Initially releasedin 2000, ECGrid bridges the gap between EDI technology and utility caliber infrastructure.


    A world economy empowered by automated, interbusiness communication.


    Loren Data will provide the leading, globally accessible, electronic commerce operatingsystem.

    As AT&T Long Distance defined telephone service and FedEx revolutionized trackable,overnight delivery, ECGrid seamlessly connects Value Added Networks, ASPs, ElectronicCommerce Service Providers (ECSP) and all their customers on a standardized EDI VANinterconnect infrastructure.


    The Missing Link

    ECGrid began in 1997 as a web-based VAN connected to the US Department of Defense

    EDI Network. Since 2001 ECGrid has been the preferred Interconnect Network for majorelectronic commerce service providers such as SPS Commerce, CovalentWorks, and others.

    ECGrid is the global infrastructure that enables organizations to transactbusiness seamlessly across all Electronic Commerce Service Providers.

    Conceived specifically to service the infrastructure needs of major service providers, ECGridfocuses primarily on network interconnects, routing and reporting. Value added end-user
  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    services such as translation, mapping and application integration are the domain of ECGrid'scustomers.

    Currently, ECGrid supports over 14,000 local trading partners and over 80 network andservice provider connections.

    By not competing for end-users, ECGrid has established itself as non-competitive provider ofhigh-quality interconnect services.

    ECGridOS v2.0

    Total Control

    ECGridOS turns the ECGrid Interconnect Network into a fully programmable EDI switch.With every aspect of the management and operation of ECGrid being exposed as a webservices API, services and systems connected to ECGrid can now deliver the most seamlessEDI transport available anywhere.

    With ECGridOS, the developer, consultant or system integrator can quickly and easily deliverthe exact product their customers need.

    Developers can integrate ECGridOS throughout their applications, allowingone click configuration of trading partners and interconnects as wellas complete interchange management.

    System integrators can use the power of web services to tightly integrateclient applications to the ECGrid Interconnect Network, eliminating the need totrain customers on multiple systems.

    Consultants can rapidly create and host custom web page that best servicetheir clients' needs in a secure, reliable environment.

    Where VANs require that all configuration, tracking and reporting be performed through aproprietary, out-of-band, web interface while data is routed through a completely differentchannel, ECGridOS delivers complete control of the entire process through an in-band, webservices API.

    End-users are no longer required to learn separate systems, or call IT for tasks as simple asadding a new vendor or tracking the status of an interchange. Through ECGridOS, seamlesscontrol is provided directly through the end-user application to the desktop, where itbelongs.

    ECGridOS allows developers and system integrators to tightly integrate end-userapplications, delivering complete control of the ECGrid Network directly to the end-userdesktop. End-users can now add trading partners, send and receive interchanges, and track

    the status of all ECGrid operations without ever leaving their primary environment.

    Getting Started

    The following documentation is designed to assist the developer, system integrator andconsultant implement ECGridOS in their own environments in a way that best serves theirclients.

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    ECGridOS User's Guide

    ECGridOS philosophies and methodologies outlined and explained.

    ECGridOS APIs

    Each API call explained in detail with example code.


    Object Classes

    Certain APIs return objects or collections of objects instead of discrete values or tabledata.


    To facilitate readable code and assure proper inputs, numerous input parameters use

    ENUMs in addition to arbitrary Short values.


    A listing of all parameter definitions used throughout ECGridOS.

    Return Values

    A listing of all Return Values used by ECGridOS APIs.

    SOAP Exceptions

    A guide to elegantly handling errors when using ECGridOS.

    Revision Updates

    The chronology of all system and documentation updates.

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.

    All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.

    ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    ECGridOS User's Guide

    The most current version of this documentation may be found on-line:

    HTML: (zipped)

    Documentation & Nomenclature

    Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the nomenclature used in the developmentof this documentation.

    Using Web Services

    An overview of how to use Web Services in a development environment.

    Networks & Mailboxes

    As a true electronic commerce infrastructure, ECGrid primarily routes documents between

    Electronic Commerce Service Provider (ECPS) Networks. Networks which are tightlyintegrated with ECGrid, may further route documents by Mailbox within the network.

    Users & Authorization Levels

    The ability to view and modify information throughout ECGridOS is regulated by the User'sassigned Authorization Level.


    Session State is maintained through HTTP Cookies or through SOAP Headers. Eachfunction call must be completed within a several second timeout period, or the sessionexpires.

    Trading Partners & ECGridIDs

    Each discrete, Trading Partner ID on ECGrid is assigned a unique ECGridID. TheseECGridIDs are used throughout ECGridOS to route and track documents.


    Interconnects are used to confirm that trading partners on two different Networks can reliablyexchange documents across the ECGrid infrastructure.

    Parcels, Interchanges & Mailbags

    Electronic Commerce traffic management. How to create, track and manage data onECGrid.

    Carbon Copies

    How to manage carbon copies of interchanges within the infrastructure. This transport levelvalue added service delivers copies of any interchange to any network attached to ECGrid.

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    Documentation & Nomenclature

    Our goal is to make this documentation usable above all other goals. If you have anysuggestions to improve this document, please forward them to [email protected].

    Data Types

    All parameters are required for each web service call. In some cases, default values may beused as indicated when a value itself is optional.

    All data types are listed in Visual Basic format for simplicity.


    Wherever necessary Strings are listed with their minimum and maximum lengths using thefollowing format:


    If this String is fixed length, it is listed as follows:



    The following table describes the integer types used throughout ECGridOS.

    Integer Size Values

    Byte 1 Byte 0-255

    Short 2 Bytes -32,768 through 32,767 (signed)

    Integer 4 Bytes -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647

    Long 8 Bytes -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 through 9,223,372,036,854,775,807


    Boolean true/false values are used within the system. Your system might interpret these asinteger zero (false) and non-zero (true) values or some other way.


    ECGridOS makes extensive use of Objects to return complex information, and to guaranteea consistent response format. Please familiarize yourself with the class structures usedthroughout ECGridOS.

    Uploading & Downloading Files

    When uploading and downloading files Byte Arrays are used: byte(). The .NET Frameworkautomatically converts this data type into BASE64 encoding for transport. A convenient website for on-line ASCII to BASE64 conversion is located at

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    ECGridOS Support


    Loren Data Corp. maintains a public ECGridOS Support Forum at This Forum is the primary support pathfor all users of ECGridOS.

    Beta Testing

    For participation in our Beta Testing program, please send you request [email protected] .

    ECGrid Networks

    Networks directly connected to ECGrid have additional support options including direct

    access to both the ECGrid Network and Technical Operations staffs.

    Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in directly connecting your systemto ECGrid.

    ECGridOS Developers' Program

    The ECGridOS Developers' Program provides full network access to ECGrid and ECGridOSwith certain trading partner and transaction limits. This is the perfect place to create and testnew ECGridOS enabled applications.

    Please contact [email protected] for more information.

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    Using Web Services

    ECGridOS is a Web Services API built on the Microsoft .NET Framework. It can beaccessed through any system capable of making Web Services calls.

    What is a Web Service?

    In a nutshell, Web Services are simply remote class library. It contains properties andmethods just like any other class. There are also a set of classes to define various returnObjects and ENUMs to assist in building function calls. It really is very simple.

    Attaching to the ECGridOS Web Services

    The ECGridOS v2.0 web services are located at:



    Given the confidential nature of electronic commerce, ECGridOS can only be accessedsecurely over HTTPS.

    While ECGridOS can be accessed through HTTP GET and POST methods, it is highlyrecommended that you use the SOAP v1.1 or v1.2 protocol as GET and POST may beremoved at a future date.

    If you open the above URL in a web browser, you will see the list of all the methodsdefined to ECGridOS v2.0. Each link describes in detail how requests and responses areformatted, along with the ability to make test calls right from the browser. You will need aLoginName and Password to access all methods except for NowUTC(), which can be usedas a quick test.

    Have no fear, a development tool that recognizes a WDSL file will automatically importeverything you need directly into your development environment. Using Visual Studio 2008,you use Website/Add Web Reference... to create a reference to ECGridOS using theabove URL.

    The default name will be net.ecgridos.ecgridosv0200. This can be given a shorter name ifyou desire.

    In the Microsoft development environment, you will see the following entry in the web.configfile:


    In order to access the ECGridOS web services, it must first be instantiated by declaring it asa new object.

    Visual Basic

    Private ecgridosAs New net.ecgridos.ECGridOSv0200

    All Object and Object Collection declarations require a similar reference to itsrespective web service class:

    Visual Basic

    Di m parcel()As net.ecgridos.ParcelIDInfo

    When calling an ECGridOS API, reference the method of your object:

    Visual Basic

    Di m SessionIDAs String = ecgridos.Login(LoginName, Password)

    Di m parcels()As net.ecgridos.ParcelIDInfo = _

    ecgridos.ParcelInBoxArchiveEx(NetworkID, _

    MailboxID, _

    BeginDate, _EndDate, _

    ECGridIDFrom, _
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    ECGridIDTo, _


    Programming Philosophy

    The basic philosophy of using ECGridOS is by discrete session. Which at the highest levelconsists of the following steps

    1. login()

    2. method-1()

    3. method-2()

    4. ...

    5. method-n()

    6. logout()

    A typical, complete session only last a few seconds. Sessions cannot be established andheld open, but shall be opened and closed as needed.

    Data returned from the APIs can be single values, datasets, objects or collections of objects.

    When returning datasets and collections of objects, keep in mind that the entire response isreturned at once, as no cursors are created as with a SQL server. Discretion should be usedto not create a request that generates excessively large responses as this will significantlyaffect performance and local memory requirements.

    See Also

    ENUMsObject ClassesSessionsSOAP Exceptions

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    Networks & Mailboxes

    ECGrid is the global infrastructure that enables organizations to transact businessseamlessly across all Electronic Commerce Service Providers.

    Directly attached to the infrastructure are Networks. Networks can be Value AddedNetworks (VAN) such as Sterling Commerce, Inovis, GXS, etc, or they can be serviceproviders such as SPS Commerce, CovalentWorks, Trubiquity, etc. They can even be otherinfrastructures such as the US Federal Government's GEX or Department ofDefense's DAASC Hub.

    Networks on ECGrid can be any electronic commerce system that supports one or more endusers. This is important: End Users do not connect to ECGrid as a Network.

    Within ECGrid each Network is identified by an Integer value called the NetworkID. Youcan use NetworkSearch to find the NetworkID by name and NetworkInfo to find the nameby NetworkID.

    A traditional Network, such as a VAN, provides its own routing and mailboxing services to itsend users. Many Electronic Commerce Service Providers (ECSPs) also provide their owninternal mailbox services. Prior to ECGridOS, the ECGrid Infrastructure only providedNetwork connections without Mailboxes.

    With this release of ECGridOS, a complete set of APIs allows the ECGrid attached Networkto create and maintain individual mailboxes within their Network connection.

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    Each Mailbox on ECGrid is assigned a unique MailboxID. The default Mailbox for eachNetwork is 0 (zero).

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    Value Added Networks

    Traditionally, EDI has been transported over Value Added Networks (VANs). Toaccommodate trading partners on different VANs, interconnects were created to route traffic

    between the different networks.

    First generation VANs built private mailbox networks, provided basic value added servicesand delivered numerous system integration services. The big players were the usual big ITcompanies such as IBM and GEIS.

    With the advent of the Internet, second generation (2G) VANs emerged that routed dataover the internet, and began providing a greater variety of web-based services and lesstraditional system integration. In order to be competitive, these 2G VANs required the sameinterconnects as the traditional VANs had.

    ECGrid was born out of this need, allowing 2G VANs to rapidly build their differentiatingvalue added services, while outsourcing their interconnect needs.

    ECGridOS brings ECGrid to full third generation (3G) level, allowing it to operate as a fullyprogrammable, interconnect routing infrastructure switch between 1G and 2G VANs.


    Once Interconnects were created between 1G VANs, it quickly became evident that therewas a need to track interchanges that went over the Interconnects. The ANSI ASC X12standards body developed a protocol known as the X12.56 Mailbag Protocol.

    Mailbagging created a structure and mechanism by which VANs can track delivery andcommunicate structural problems with interchanges automatically over the Interconnects.

    ECGrid is 100% X12.56 compatible and implements this protocol with any Network whichwill comply with the standard.

    ECGrid has also developed a powerful extension of this protocol which allows X12.56information to pass through from one ECGrid Network connection to another. Please contactECGrid NetOps if you are interested in implementing this feature.

    ECGrid Connected Networks

    As of the publication of this document, ECGrid provides full interconnect capability to thefollowing 1G and 2G Value Added Networks.

    Those listed in black maintain traditional 1G interconnects with ECGrid. Those listed in blueare maintaining 2G or 3G connectivity with ECGrid. Those in bold are using the X12.56Mailbag Protocol.

    NetworkID Name

    201 Advanced Communications Systems250 BCE Emergis (Bell Canada)

    243 Commport Communications

    430 CovalentWorks Corporation

    106 Department of VA - Financial Services

    257 Descartes (GLN)

    256 DINET UK[email protected]?Subject=X12.56%20Mailbag%20Passthrough
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    228 Easylink (AT&T)

    253 EC/EDI, Inc. (Promethean Software)

    231 EDS

    302 Energy Services Group

    246 Fountainhead Communications212 GXS - Global eXchange Services

    215 GXS (IBM Advantis)

    600 GXS (IBM DEBX)

    255 I-Connect

    214 Inovis (Peregrine/Harbinger)

    239 Internet Commerce Corporation

    305 Internet Operations Center/Netlink

    247 InterTrade Systems Corp.

    233 Kleinschmidt

    235 Nubridges (MCI/Worldcom)

    224 Softshare602 Sole Technology, Inc.

    401 SPS Commerce - CERTLD

    409 SPS Commerce - SPSCLD2

    403 SPS Commerce - SPSLDCAT

    406 SPS Commerce - SPSLDHRTH

    402 SPS Commerce - SPSLDHUB

    411 SPS Commerce - SPSLDNGI

    301 SPS Commerce - SPSLDSAC

    407 SPS Commerce - SPSLDVAN

    405 SPS Commerce - SPSLDVND

    237 Sterling Commerce225 Technology Management Programs

    251 Transentric

    440 Trubiquity (Trinary Systems)

    258 True Commerce, Inc.

    104 U.S. DoD DAASC Hub (DTDN)

    101 U.S. Federal GEX Ogden

    241 Vantree Systems Inc.

    490 Winrep Software

    249 York Worldwide - Foundation

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved. ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

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    Users & Authorization Levels


    All access to ECGridOS requires a User account. Logins and strong passwords help securethe system. All system access is monitored and logged to the UserID. Any problems ormalicious activity can be quickly identified and attributed to the specific account.

    There is an extensive list of User methods within the System Access APIs.


    By default, any one UserID may have 5 simultaneous sessions open. As sessions shouldonly be open for the length of a specific request, the does not substantially limit howsystems access ECGridOS.

    If you do not Logout after each login, the session will be held open for an indefinite periodof time, which can lead to lockouts. Be sure to allows Logout of each session. Ahousekeeping process will regularly clear out expired sessions, but this should not beconsidered a dependable process. You may also use the UserReset method to reset theopen session count.

    To see the number of currently open sessions, use the WhoAmI method.


    ECGridOS requires strong passwords of at least 8 characters. There must be at least oneUppercase, one Lowercase, one numeric digit and one special character. Password must beupdated at least once every 180 days.

    While this may seem cumbersome, ECGridOS is intended to be a machine interface, andsystems connecting can be designed to generate their own passwords and automate theirown updates.

    Email Addresses

    Maintaining valid Email addresses is very important in order to provide proactive messagingfrom ECGrid.

    Cell Phones

    ECGrid will be making extensive use of cell phone text messaging. Please be sure that anyUserIDs used to monitor critical functions of the infrastructure have valid cell phone numbersentered into their accounts.

    Authorization LevelDifferent Authorization Levels allow varied access to areas of ECGridOS. Please seeNetworks & Mailboxes for more information on ECGrid hierarchies.

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    Mailbox User

    Access is strictly restricted to the Session Network/Mailbox.

    Mailbox Administrator

    Access is strictly restricted to the Session Network/Mailbox. Also grantedauthority to manage other Mailbox Users assigned to the same Session

    Network/Mailbox .


    Network User

    Access is restricted to all Mailboxes with in the Session Network.

    Network Administrator

    Access is restricted to all Mailboxes with in the Session Network. Alsogranted the authority to manage other Network Users and MailboxAdministrators assigned to the same Session Network.



    Only available to Loren Data staff, allows access throughout the ECGrid toassist an manage all Networks and Mailboxes.

    See Also

    Networks & Mailboxes

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    Session Network/MailboxSystem Access APIs

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Sessions form an integral part of ECGridOS. They are essential to authentication andsecurity. Understanding them is key to creating robust, efficient ECGridOS applications.

    A typical session will last only a few seconds. Applications should only be logged into a

    session Integer enough to perform a specific task.


    The SessionID is a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) presented in string format:


    The SessionID along with the client IP address is used to authenticate a client through eachAPI call between Login() and Logout().

    Note: At this time, ECGridOS requires that the Client IP not change during a session. Giventhat a typical session is only a few seconds, this is not expected to present a significantproblem.

    After authenticating to ECGridOS with the Login() API, the system returns a SessionID bothas a value and as a cookie.

    Your programming environment might require that you explicitly create a container to holdthe cookie as this is not the default as it is with a web browser.

    Visual Basic

    Private CookiesAs System.Net.CookieContainer

    Private ecgridosAs New net.ecgridos.ECGridOSv0200

    If Cookies Is NothingThen

    Cookies = Ne w System.Net.CookieContainer()

    En dIf

    ecgridos.CookieContainer = Cookies

    BETA NOTE: It is the intention that the SessionID can be alternatively be passed as aSOAP Header. As of the first Beta release, this has not been tested.

    Session Network/Mailbox

    Every LoginName is assigned to a specific Network/Mailbox. When logged in, thatNetwork/Mailbox becomes the default Session Network/Mailbox.

    Based on its Authorization Level the user may be restricted to the SessionNetwork/Mailbox, may have access to all Mailboxes within the Session Network.

    See Also

    System Access APIs

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    Trading Partners & ECGridIDs

    ECGrid moves business documents between Trading Partners. ECGridIDs represent adiscrete address within the ECGrid Infrastructure which may be on a Value Added Networkor other Electronic Commerce Service Provider (ECSP) which are represented by Network& Mailboxes.

    Internally, all traffic within ECGrid is routed by the ECGridID, represented by a Integervalue. Each ECGridID is assigned to a specific Network/Mailbox and has an associatedNetworkID and MailboxID value.

    Each Trading Partner on ECGrid will have one or more ECGridIDs associated with them.For X12 data, the ECGridID is associated with a Qualifier/ID (QID) pair and for EDIFACTdata with an ID and optional Qualifier.

    The system requires that a Qualifier/ID pair be unique across the infrastructure at any onetime. TPMove and TPMoveEx allows a QID to be moved from on Network/Mailbox to

    another at a specific date and time in the future.

    Non-EDI data can be routed strictly by ECGridID throughout the infrastructure.

    To find an ECGridID for a specific QID use TPSearch. To see the information for a specificECGridID, use TPInfo.

    ECGridIDs conform to normal ECGridOS Status Levels.

    Auto Routes

    AutoRoutes occur when a Parcel is sent through ECGrid from an Unknown Sender QID.The ECGrid infrastructure will automatically create an ECGridID for this QID and assign it to

    the Network/Mailbox where the parcel originated. In this way, any return parcels will beproperly routed to the sender.

    It is up to the owner of the QID to update the ECGridID entry and change the status toActive.

    See Also

    Trading Partner Management

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Traditionally, EDI transactions are seen to be of two types: 1) on the VAN or 2) betweenVANs. The latter have been called Interconnects.

    While Interconnects have been much maligned, the fact is Interconnects are the cornerstoneof network-based EDI. Imagine telephone service without long distance, cities withouthighways between them or economies without shipping. In short, Interconnects makeelectronic commerce possible.


    From its inception, ECGrid has been conceived as an Interconnect Infrastructure. Byfocusing on the connection between systems, and making it a highly reliable and highlyaccountable system, traditional VANs and other Electronic Commerce Service Providers(ECSPs) can focus on the "Value Added" side of the equation and transfer skilled resourcesfrom the "Network" side.

    ECGrid provides complete end-to-end tracking of all traffic between networks.

    Trading Partner Directory?

    There is one fundamental flaw in how Trading Partners are managed throughout EDI: Thereis no central directory of Trading Partners and their Qualifier/IDs (QIDs).

    No VAN or any other ECSP has any way to lookup on which system any specific TradingPartner is located. Each tries to maintain its own internal database. Tens of thousands oftransactions are lost everyday because of this.

    Loren Data has offered up access to its directory to be a central depository of thisinformation for the industry. Through ECGridOS, every network can automate themaintenance of its own customers, and automate lookups for all Interconnect traffic.

    Value Added Networks

    One of the biggest issues is in creating the Interconnect in the first place. Different VANshave different routing philosophies. The three major ones are as follows:

    1. Routes globally based on the Receiver QID. Will route even if the Sender QID isunknown.

    2. Routes globally based on the Receiver QID. Will block incoming interchanges fromunknown Sender QIDs.

    3. Routes based on Sender/Receiver pair. Will block all interchanges unless a TradingPartner Relationship has been created.

    ECGrid's expert system understands the requirements of each network and properlyconfigures each Interconnect Request and efficiently follows each request to its completion.

    See Also

    Interconnect Management APIs

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.

    All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.

    ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    Parcels, Interchanges & Mailbags

    ECGrid is a system to move electronic business documents from one organization to anotherin a reliable, efficient and trackable manner. So, when everything else it put aside: It'sall about the data.

    Using the physical world as a model, all these business documents are wrapped inenvelopes. The lowest level that ECGrid penetrates is the Interchange. In X12 this isrepresented by the ISA envelope and in EDIFACT it is the UNB envelope.

    It is our philosophy and policy that nothing within this envelope is within our domain. Thisarea is left to the VANs and ECSPs. This clearly delineates ECGrid from the networks thatconnect to it. It also allows us to clearly concentrate on our mission.


    This is the level of enveloping where Sender and Receivers are defined. All data is routed

    on ECGrid and all Interconnects at this level.

    ECGrid natively routes X12 and EDIFACT envelopes. Through the ParcelUploadEx() andParcelDownloadInner() ECGrid can route any data types within an X12 ISA envelope.


    Mailbags are a convention for moving Interchanges between networks. In order to get ahandle on Interchanges over Interconnects, many VANs use the X12.56 Mailbag Protocol.

    X12.56 allows for VANs to track Mailbags over Interconnects. While Mailbags may containmultiple Interchanges, ECGrid only sends one Interchange per Mailbag as the protocolrequires that an entire Mailbag be rejected if even a single Interchange is corrupt.


    Whether wrapped in an X12.56 Mailbag or by itself, all files and uploaded to anddownloaded from ECGrid are considered Parcels.

    Within EDI itself, data is considered a stream and is not tied to the concept of a file. For thisreason, ECGrid uses the term Parcel to describe EDI data turned into a file-based format.


    All Parcels, Mailbags & Interchanges are kept on-line for a minimum of 90 days, after whichthey are moved off-line to archives. To recover data from Archive, please contact ECGridNetOps.

    See Also

    Parcel Management

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

    http://var/folders/vr/vrwN1Gr+GGq6C+58SUxrhE+++TM/-Tmp-//Chimp/ECGridOS/ParcelManagement.htmmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://var/folders/vr/vrwN1Gr+GGq6C+58SUxrhE+++TM/-Tmp-//Chimp/ECGridOS/ParcelManagement.htmmailto:[email protected]://var/folders/vr/vrwN1Gr+GGq6C+58SUxrhE+++TM/-Tmp-//Chimp/ECGridOS/ParcelDownloadInner.htmhttp://var/folders/vr/vrwN1Gr+GGq6C+58SUxrhE+++TM/-Tmp-//Chimp/ECGridOS/ParcelUploadEx.htm
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    Carbon Copies

    More and more, EDI is being called upon to replicate functions in the real world. Where weused to fill out forms in triplicate with carbon paper, Carbon Copy requests are on the rise.

    While Carbon Copies can definitely be called a Value Added service, and outside thedomain of ECGrid, it is provided on the infrastructure for two reasons:

    1. The current level of front-end software is mostly inadequate in this area.

    2. It is a function at the envelope level, and does not require ECGrid to go any furtherinto the Interchange.

    The Carbon Copy process is quite simple. A database is kept of Original Sender/Receiverpairs. Whenever a match is made a copy of the interchange is made and the OriginalSender/Receiver pair is replaced with the Carbon Copy Sender/Receiver pair.

    Interconnect Requests

    Before the Carbon Copy Interchange can be routed, you will need to make sure that anInterconnect Request has been made and confirmed for the Carbon Copy Sender/Receiverpair.

    Note that this only has to be done once for each Carbon Copy Sender/Receiver pair, notmatter how many Carbon Copies it appears in.


    In order to make sure that data is not copied without proper authorization, either the OriginalSender or Original Receiver must be on the Network/Mailbox making the request.

    Since it is possible that a legitimate requester may be the Carbon Copy Receiver, NetOpscan override this limitation when authorization has been obtained from either the OriginalSender or Original Receiver.


    Given that some Value Added Networks route based strictly on Sender/Receiver pairs orblock Senders that appear to be coming from the wrong Network, and adjustment issometimes needed to the Carbon Copy Receiver in order for the Carbon Copy to gothrough.

    For this purpose, you might want to make a generic Carbon Copy ECGridID (e.g.ZZ*MYCC). Of course, it will need to be unique across the infrastructure. You can alwayssafely use this as your Carbon Copy Sender QID. Remember that you will need to create anInterconnect Request for your Carbon Copy Sender/Receiver pair.

    See Also

    Carbon Copy Management

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    ECGridOS API Calls

    System Access & User Management

    This control set of APIs provides login/logout and other basic system access functionality.

    Network/Mailbox Management

    APIs to create and maintain Networks and Mailboxes

    Trading Partner ID Management

    Use this set of APIs to add, edit, delete and manage all aspects of Trading Partnersassigned to a specific Network/Mailbox.

    Interconnect Management

    These functions are used to create and manage Interconnects between IDs throughout the

    ECGrid Network.

    Carbon Copy Management

    APIs to manage Carbon Copy interchanges for Trading Partner pairs.

    Parcel Management

    A complete set of APIs to send and receive mailbags, interchanges and other payloads overthe ECGrid Network.


    Various system reports.

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.

    All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.

    ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    System Access APIsLoginRequired first call in order to establish a session.

    LogoutRequired final call to close a session.

    NowUTCCurrent UTC Date/Time. Does not require login().

    ChangePasswordUse to change password of current User Account.

    WhoAmIReturns current session information.

    UserAddCreate a User for the Session Network and a specified Mailbox.

    UserAddExCreate a User for a specified Network/Mailbox.

    UserInfoDetail for a specified User.

    UserUpdateUpdate a User account.

    UserPasswordUpdate a User's security information.


    Activate a suspended User.

    UserSuspendSuspend a User.

    UserTerminateTerminate a User.

    UserResetReset a User's GraceLogins and OpenSessions count.

    UserListGet a list of Users for the Session Network/Mailbox.

    UserListExGet a list of Users for a specified Network/Mailbox.

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Required first call in order to establish a session.

    Public Function Login(ByVal LoginNameAs String, _

    ByVal PasswordAs String) _

    As String



    A user's login name.Required.


    The LoginName password value.Required.


    SessionID stringThis is a GUID returned in string format. This is also passed back as a cookie.Optionally, this value may be returned in a the SoapHeader:SessionID. SeeSessions.


    Sessions will time out when the timeout value between API calls is exceeded. The defaulttimeout value is 60 seconds.


    Visual Basic

    Imports System.XmlImports System.Web.Services.Protocols

    Class ErrorInfo

    Public ErrorCodeAs Short

    Public ErrorStringAs String Public ErrorItemAs String

    Public ErrorMessageAs String

    End Class

    Partial Class _Default

    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Private ecgridosAs New net.ecgridos.ECGridOSv0200

    Private CookiesAs System.Net.CookieContainer

    Protected Sub TradingPartners_Click(ByVal senderAs Object, _

    ByVal eAs System.EventArgs) _Handles TradingPartners.Click

    If StartSession() Then

    GridView1.DataSource = _


    GridView1.DataBind() EndSession()

    End If

    End Sub

    Private Function StartSession()As Boolean

    DimSessionIDAs String DimErrorInfoAs ErrorInfo

    If Cookies Is Nothing Then

    Cookies = New System.Net.CookieContainer()

    End If ecgridos.CookieContainer = Cookies


    SessionID = ecgridos.Login(LoginName.Text, Password.Text)

    Return True

    Catch exAs SoapException 'Note that the default is Exception

    ErrorInfo = CatchException(ex)

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    Return False

    End Try End Function

    PrivateFunction EndSession()

    DimSessionTimeAs Integer

    EndSession = ecgridos.Logout()

    End Function

    PrivateFunction CatchException(ByVal ex As SoapException)As ErrorInfo

    Di mdo c As Ne w XmlDocument

    Di mNode As XmlNode

    CatchException = Ne w ErrorInfo


    Node = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ErrorInfo")

    If Node Is NothingThen

    'This picks up Framework generated SOAP Exceptions

    With CatchException

    .ErrorCode = -1

    .ErrorString = ex.Message

    .ErrorItem = ""

    .ErrorMessage = ""

    En dWith


    'This picks up ECGridOS generated SOAP Exceptions

    With CatchException

    .ErrorCode = CInt(Node.SelectSingleNode("ErrorCode").InnerText)

    .ErrorString = Node.SelectSingleNode("ErrorString").InnerText

    .ErrorItem = Node.SelectSingleNode("ErrorItem").InnerText

    .ErrorMessage = Node.SelectSingleNode("ErrorMessage").InnerText

    En dWith

    En dIf

    En dFunction

    End Class

    EventID: 1001

    See Also

    Logout()ErrorInfo ClassSessionsSOAP Exceptions

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Required final call to close a session.

    Public Function Logout()As Integer




    SessionTime IntegerLength of session in milliseconds.


    Be sure to always Logout() of sessions. Each account has a limited number of allowedsimultaneous sessions. If the Logout() function is not called, the session will not be properlyclosed.

    Sessions will time out when the timeout value between API calls is exceeded. The defaulttimeout value is 60 seconds.

    ExampleVisual Basic

    Imports System.Xml

    Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols

    Class ErrorInfo Public ErrorCodeAs Short

    Public ErrorStringAs String

    Public ErrorItemAs String

    Public ErrorMessageAs String

    End Class

    Partial Class _Default

    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Private ecgridosAs New net.ecgridos.ECGridOSv0200

    Private CookiesAs System.Net.CookieContainer

    Protected Sub TradingPartners_Click(ByVal senderAs Object, _

    ByVal eAs System.EventArgs) _Handles TradingPartners.Click

    If StartSession() Then GridView1.DataSource = _




    End If

    End Sub

    Private Function StartSession()As Boolean

    DimSessionIDAs String

    DimErrorInfoAs ErrorInfo

    If Cookies Is Nothing Then Cookies = New System.Net.CookieContainer()

    End If

    ecgridos.CookieContainer = Cookies


    SessionID = ecgridos.Login(LoginName.Text, Password.Text)

    Return True Catch exAs SoapException 'Note that the default is Exception

    ErrorInfo = CatchException(ex)

    Return False

    End Try End Function

    PrivateFunction EndSession()

    DimSessionTimeAs Integer

    EndSession = ecgridos.Logout() End Function

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    PrivateFunction CatchException(ByVal ex As SoapException)As ErrorInfo

    Di mdo c As Ne w XmlDocument

    Di mNode As XmlNode

    CatchException = Ne w ErrorInfo


    Node = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ErrorInfo")

    If Node Is NothingThen

    'This picks up Framework generated SOAP Exceptions

    With CatchException .ErrorCode = -1

    .ErrorString = ex.Message

    .ErrorItem = ""

    .ErrorMessage = ""

    En dWith


    'This picks up ECGridOS generated SOAP Exceptions

    With CatchException

    .ErrorCode = CInt(Node.SelectSingleNode("ErrorCode").InnerText)

    .ErrorString = Node.SelectSingleNode("ErrorString").InnerText

    .ErrorItem = Node.SelectSingleNode("ErrorItem").InnerText

    .ErrorMessage = Node.SelectSingleNode("ErrorMessage").InnerText

    En dWith

    En dIf

    En dFunction

    End Class

    EventID: 1002

    See AlsoLogin()SOAP Exceptions

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Current UTC Date/Time

    Public Function NowUTC()As Date





    Current ECGridOS system time expressed in Universal Coordinate Time (UTC)


    NowUTC() does not require logging into the system. This API allows the developer to testconnectivity and easily obtain UTC time.


    Visual Basic

    DimecgridosAs New net.ecgridos.ECGridOSv0200


    tm = ecgridos.NowUTC()

    EventID: [none]

    See Also

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Use to change password of current User Account.

    Public Function ChangePassword(ByVal OldPasswordAs String, _

    ByVal NewPasswordAs String) _

    As Boolean




    Must match current session password.


    String(8,32)A "strong" password with a minimum length of 8 and maximum length of 32.



    True if successful, false on failure.


    Loren Data requires strong passwords that include at least one uppercase, one lowercase,one number and one special character. For example This1IsGood!


    Visual Basic

    Imports System.Xml

    Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols

    Class ErrorInfo

    Public ErrorCode As ShortPublic ErrorString As String

    Public ErrorItem As String

    Public ErrorMessage As String

    End Class

    Partial Class _Default

    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Private ec As New ecgrid.ECGridOSv20

    Private Cookies As System.Net.CookieContainer

    Protected Sub ChangePassword_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _

    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

    Handles ChangePassword.Click

    If StartSession() Then

    if ec.ChangePassword(Password.text, NewPassword.text) thenPassword.text = NewPassword.text


    NewPassword.text = "[Invalid]"

    End If

    EndSession()End If

    End Sub

    Private Function StartSession() As Boolean

    Dim SessionID As String

    Dim ErrorInfo As ErrorInfoIf Cookies Is Nothing Then

    Cookies = New System.Net.CookieContainer()

    End If

    ec.CookieContainer = Cookies

    TrySessionID = ec.Login(LoginName.Text, Password.Text)

    _SessionID.Text = SessionID

    Return True

    Catch ex As SoapException

    ErrorInfo = ShowException(ex)Return False

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    End Try

    End Function

    Private Function EndSession()

    Dim SessionTime As Integer

    EndSession = ec.Logout()

    End Function

    Private Function ShowException(ByVal ex As SoapException) As ErrorInfo

    Dim doc As New XmlDocument

    Dim Node As XmlNode

    ShowException = New ErrorInfodoc.LoadXml(ex.Detail.OuterXml)

    Node = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ErrorInfo")

    ShowException.ErrorCode = _


    ShowException.ErrorString = _Node.SelectSingleNode("ErrorString").InnerText

    ShowException.ErrorItem = _


    ShowException.ErrorMessage = _

    Node.SelectSingleNode("ErrorMessage").InnerTextEnd Function

    End Class

    EventID: 1003

    See Also


    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Returns current session information.

    Public Function WhoAmI()As SessionInfo




    SessionInfo Object

    SessionIDString - GUID

    The current session's GUID in string format.


    A numeric value used to represent a specific user on the system.


    A user's login name.


    A user's first name.


    A user's last name.


    A company name.


    A valid Email address.


    A phone number.

    AuthLevelShort -AuthLevel ENUM

    The Authority Level for system access.


    The last date/time this User logged in.


    The number of current open session for this User.


    The maximum number of seconds between calls in a session before it automaticallytimes out.


    The NetworkID assigned to Network on ECGrid.


    The MailboxID assigned to a Mailbox within a Network on ECGrid.


    The IP address for the current session.


    This is purely an informational call and can be used to verify system functionality.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Visual Basic

    [insert code sample]

    EventID: 1004See Also

    AuthorizationLevelSessionsSessionInfo Object

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Create a User for the Session Network and a specified Mailbox.

    PublicFunction UserAdd(ByVal MailboxIDAs Integer, _

    ByVal LoginNameAs String, _

    ByVal PasswordAs String, _ByVal RecoveryQuestionAs String, _

    ByVal RecoveryAnswerAs String, _

    ByVal FirstNameAs String, _

    ByVal LastNameAs String, _

    ByVal CompanyAs String, _

    ByVal EmailAs String, _

    ByVal PhoneAs String, _

    ByVal CellPhoneAs String, _

    ByVal CellCarrierAs CellCarrier, _

    ByVal AuthLevelAs AuthLevel) _

    As Integer


    MailboxIDIntegerThe ECGrid MailboxID assigned to the ID on the specified network.


    A user's login name.


    A "strong" password with a minimum length of 8 and maximum length of 32.

    RecoveryQuestionString(0,50)A user defined question used to restore lost password or to activate an account withtoo many failed logins.

    RecoveryAnswerString(0,50)A user defined answer to the RecoveryQuestion, used to restore lost password or toactivate an account with too many failed logins.

    FirstNameString(1,50)A user's first name.

    LastNameString(1,50)A user's last name.


    A company name.

    EmailString(1,50)A valid Email address.

    PhoneString(0,20)A phone number.


    A Cell Phone number.


    Short - CellCarrier ENUMA value to indicate the cell phone carrier in order to send SMS text messages.

    AuthLevelShort -AuthLevel ENUMThe Authority Level for system access.


    UserIDIntegerA numeric value used to represent a specific user on the system.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    This will add a new user to the Session Network/Mailbox. The maximum AuthorizationLevel is that of the current Session UserID.

    To add users to other Network/Mailboxes use UserAddEx().


    Visual Basic

    [insert code sample]

    EventID: 1005

    See Also

    UserAddEx()Authorization LevelSession Network/Mailbox

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Create a User for a specified Network/Mailbox.

    PublicFunction UserAddEx(ByVal NetworkIDAsInteger, _ByVal MailboxIDAs Integer, _

    ByVal LoginNameAs String, _ByVal PasswordAs String, _

    ByVal RecoveryQuestionAs String, _

    ByVal RecoveryAnswerAs String, _

    ByVal FirstNameAs String, _

    ByVal LastNameAs String, _

    ByVal CompanyAs String, _

    ByVal EmailAs String, _

    ByVal PhoneAs String, _

    ByVal CellPhoneAs String, _

    ByVal CellCarrierAs CellCarrier, _

    ByVal AuthLevelAs AuthLevel) _

    As Integer



    The ECGrid NetworkID assigned to the network.


    IntegerThe ECGrid MailboxID assigned to the ID on the specified network.

    LoginNameString(8,16)A user's login name.


    A "strong" password with a minimum length of 8 and maximum length of 32.

    RecoveryQuestionString(0,50)A user defined question used to restore lost password or to activate an account withtoo many failed logins.

    RecoveryAnswerString(0,50)A user defined answer to the RecoveryQuestion, used to restore lost password or toactivate an account with too many failed logins.

    FirstNameString(1,50)A user's first name.


    A user's last name.


    A company name.

    EmailString(1,50)A valid Email address.

    PhoneString(0,20)A phone number.

    CellPhoneString(0,20)A Cell Phone number.

    CellCarrierShort - CellCarrier ENUM

    A value to indicate the cell phone carrier in order to send SMS text messages.

    AuthLevelShort -AuthLevel ENUMThe Authority Level for system access.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook




    A numeric value used to represent a specific user on the system.


    This will add a new user to a specified Network/Mailbox. The maximum Authorization Levelis that of the current Session UserID.


    Visual Basic

    [insert code sample]

    EventID: 1006

    See Also

    UserAdd()Authorization Level

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Detail for a specified User.

    PublicFunction UserInfo(ByVal UserIDAs Integer) _

    As UserIDInfo


    UserIDIntegerA numeric value used to represent a specific user on the system.


    UserIDInfo Object

    UserIDIntegerA numeric value used to represent a specific user on the system.


    A user's login name.

    RecoveryQuestionString(0,50)A user defined question used to restore lost password or to activate an account withtoo many failed logins.

    RecoveryAnswerString(0,50)A user defined answer to the RecoveryQuestion, used to restore lost password or toactivate an account with too many failed logins.

    FirstNameString(1,50)A user's first name.

    LastNameString(1,50)A user's last name.


    A company name.

    EmailString(1,50)A valid Email address.

    PhoneString(0,20)A phone number.


    A Cell Phone number.

    CellCarrierShort - CellCarrier ENUM

    A value to indicate the cell phone carrier in order to send SMS text messages.

    NetworkIDIntegerThe NetworkID assigned to Network on ECGrid.


    The MailboxID assigned to a Mailbox within a Network on ECGrid.

    AuthLevelShort -AuthLevel ENUM

    The Authority Level for system access.

    CreatedDateThe date/time (UTC) the record was created.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    ModifiedDateThe date/time (UTC) the record was last modified.

    LastLoginDateThe last date/time this User logged in.

    StatusShort - ECGridOSv0200.Status ENUM

    A numeric value representing the entry's status.


    Access to a User's info is based on the current Session Authorization Level.


    Visual Basic

    [insert code sample]

    EventID: 1007

    See Also

    UserIDInfo Object

    Authorization Level

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Update a User account.

    PublicFunction UserUpdate( ByVal UserID As Integer, _

    ByVal FirstName As String, _

    ByVal LastName As String, _

    ByVal CompanyAs String, _ByVal EmailAsString, _

    ByVal PhoneAsString, _

    ByVal CellPhone As String, _

    ByVal CellCarrier As CellCarrier, _

    ByVal AuthLevel As AuthLevel) _

    As Boolean



    A numeric value used to represent a specific user on the system.


    A user's first name.


    A user's last name.


    String(0,50)A company name.


    A valid Email address.


    A phone number.


    A Cell Phone number.

    CellCarrierShort - CellCarrier ENUM

    A value to indicate the cell phone carrier in order to send SMS text messages.

    AuthLevelShort -AuthLevel ENUM

    The Authority Level for system access.


    BooleanTrue if successful, false on failure.


    To keep current values, use the string "[Default]" for the string values. The ENUMshave NoUpdate values for the same purpose.

    The AuthLevel cannot be set higher than the current session Authorization Level.


    Visual Basic

    [insert code sample]

    EventID: 1008

    See Also

    Users & Authorization Level

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Update a User's security information.

    PublicFunction UserPassword(ByVal UserID As Integer, _

    ByVal CurrentRecoveryAnswer As String, _

    ByVal Password AsString, _ByVal RecoveryQuestionAs String, _

    ByVal RecoveryAnswerAs String) _

    As Boolean


    UserIDIntegerA numeric value used to represent a specific user on the system.


    The current RecoveryAnswer, required to match in order to process Passwordchange.


    A "strong" password with a minimum length of 8 and maximum length of 32.

    RecoveryQuestionString(0,50)A user defined question used to restore lost password or to activate an account withtoo many failed logins.

    RecoveryAnswerString(0,50)A user defined answer to the RecoveryQuestion, used to restore lost password or toactivate an account with too many failed logins.


    BooleanTrue if successful, false on failure.


    By default, passwords expire every 180 days. This counter is reset whenever the passwordis changed.

    If CurrentRecoveryAnswer does not match the one in they system, the method will fail.

    Loren Data requires strong passwords that include at least one uppercase, one lowercase,one number and one special character. For example This1IsGood!


    Visual Basic

    [insert code sample]

    EventID: 1015

    See Also

    Users & Authorization LevelsChangePassword()

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Activate a suspended User.

    PublicFunction UserActivate(ByVal UserID As Integer) _

    As Boolean



    IntegerA numeric value used to represent a specific user on the system.



    True if successful, false on failure.


    Once a User has been Suspended, it can be reactivated through this method. TerminatedUsers may not be reactivated.


    Visual Basic

    [insert code sample]

    EventID: 1009

    See Also


    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Suspend a User.

    PublicFunction UserSuspend(ByVal UserID As Integer) _

    As Boolean



    IntegerA numeric value used to represent a specific user on the system.



    True if successful, false on failure.


    An Active User may be temporarily Suspended. When Suspended, the User cannot log intothe system until Activated; however, if the UserID is used for notices, it will continue toreceive notices.

    To permanently remove a User from the system, use UserTerminate() .


    Visual Basic

    [insert code sample]

    EventID: 1010

    See Also


    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Terminate a User.

    PublicFunction UserTerminate(ByVal UserID AsInteger) _

    As Boolean



    IntegerA numeric value used to represent a specific user on the system.



    True if successful, false on failure.


    Termination completely ends the life of a UserID on ECGrid. It cannot be activated onceterminated. Use UserSuspend() to temporarily suspend a UserID.


    Visual Basic

    [insert code sample]

    EventID: 1011

    See Also


    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Reset a User's GraceLogins and OpenSessions count.

    PublicFunction UserReset(ByVal UserIDAs Integer) _

    As Boolean



    IntegerA numeric value used to represent a specific user on the system.



    True if successful, false on failure.


    There are two parameters that can cause a User to be unable to log into the system. Thefirst is too many bad logins (wrong password), the second is too many Open Sessions. Thisfunction resets both parameters.

    You can use the RecoveryQuestion and RecoveryAnswer fields to automate validating a

    user prior to resetting the account.

    Too many Open Sessions can be caused by there being that many simultaneous sessions,in which case you can request that the limit be raised.

    The other problem can be too many incomplete Sessions, where the Logout() method hasnot been used. Be sure to trap all SOAP Exceptions and Logout() after all Sessions,whether successful or not.


    Visual Basic

    [insert code sample]

    EventID: 1012

    See Also

    Logout()SOAP Exceptions

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Get a list of Users for the Session Network/Mailbox.

    PublicFunction UserList(ByVal NameAs String) _

    As List(Of UserIDInfo)


    NameString(0,40)A generic variable that is used to match any type of Name field (e.g. FirstName,LastName, LoginName, etc.).


    UserIDInfo Collection

    UserIDIntegerA numeric value used to represent a specific user on the system.


    A user's login name.


    A user defined question used to restore lost password or to activate an account withtoo many failed logins.


    A user's first name.

    LastNameString(1,50)A user's last name.

    CompanyString(0,50)A company name.


    A valid Email address.

    PhoneString(0,20)A phone number.

    CellPhoneString(0,20)A Cell Phone number.

    CellCarrierShort - CellCarrier ENUM

    A value to indicate the cell phone carrier in order to send SMS text messages.

    NetworkIDIntegerThe NetworkID assigned to Network on ECGrid.

    MailboxIDIntegerThe MailboxID assigned to a Mailbox within a Network on ECGrid.

    AuthLevelShort -AuthLevel ENUM

    The Authority Level for system access.


    The date/time (UTC) the record was created.

    ModifiedDateThe date/time (UTC) the record was last modified.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    LastLoginDateThe last date/time this User logged in.

    StatusShort - ECGridOSv0200.Status ENUMA numeric value representing the entry's status.


    The Name parameter is treated as a wildcard and will match all or part of a name in theLoginName, FirstName and LastName fields. If a empty string ( "") is passed, it will returnall records in the Session Network/Mailbox.

    If the Session Mailbox is 0, then all users within the Network will be returned.

    Use UserListEx() to list users in other Network/Mailboxes.


    Visual Basic

    [insert code sample]

    EventID: 1013

    See AlsoUserListEx()Session Network/Mailbox

    2008-2009, Loren Data Corp.All rights reserved.

    ECGrid is a registered service mark of Loren Data Corp.ECGridOS is a service mark of Loren Data Corp.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook



    Get a list of Users for a specified Network/Mailbox.

    PublicFunction UserListEx(ByVal NetworkID AsInteger, _

    ByVal MailboxID AsInteger, _

    ByVal Name As String) _ As List(Of UserIDInfo)



    The ECGrid NetworkID assigned to the network.


    The ECGrid MailboxID assigned to the ID on the specified network. A value ofzero (0) lists all Mailboxes for the specified NetworkID, contingent on AuthorizationLevel.


    A generic variable that is used to match any type of Name field (e.g. Network Name,FirstName, LastName, LoginName, etc.).


    UserIDInfo Collection

    UserIDIntegerA numeric value used to represent a specific user on the system.

    LoginNameString(8,16)A user's login name.


    A user defined question used to restore lost password or to activate an account withtoo many failed logins.


    A user's first name.

    LastNameString(1,50)A user's last name.

    CompanyString(0,50)A company name.


    A valid Email address.

    PhoneString(0,20)A phone number.

    CellPhoneString(0,20)A Cell Phone number.

    CellCarrierShort - CellCarrier ENUM

    A value to indicate the cell phone carrier in order to send SMS text messages.


    The NetworkID assigned to Network on ECGrid.

    MailboxIDIntegerThe MailboxID assigned to a Mailbox within a Network on ECGrid.

  • 8/14/2019 ECGridOS API Documentation ebook


    AuthLevelShort -AuthLevel ENUMThe Authority Level for system access.

    CreatedDateThe date/time (UTC) the record was created.


    The date/time (UTC) the record was last modified.


    The last date/time this User logged in.

    StatusShort - ECGridOSv0200.Status ENUMA numeric value representing the entry's status.


    The Name parameter is treated as a wildcard and will match all or part of a name in theLoginName, FirstName and LastName fields. If a empty string ( "") is passed, it will returnall records in the specified Network/Mailbox.

    If the specified Mailbox is 0, then all users within the specified Network will be