eat pray love

R.I.D. 3140 A Rotaract Club of H. R. College Publication ...Dawn of a New Era Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bombay

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~Pray to eat. Eat to Love. Love to Pray~


R.I.D. 3140

A Rotaract Club of H. R. College Publication...Dawn of a New Era

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bombay

A3 words, 8 letters.

Say it and I’m yours.

I got food.

A Rotaract Club Of H.R. College Publication

...Dawn Of A New EraSponsored by The Rotary Club of Bombay

For further details or any kind of feedback contact us at: [email protected]

The President’s TaleA new concept, something which I personally love, because I love the different cuisines and me being a

non-vegetarian, love the variety. Well, I enjoy food which has a perfect balance of everything! I prefer a

perfect balanced meal to just one dish. Also, all the hot spots in and around Bandra and in Churchgate! My

favorite hub being Baghdadi or Candies and I just relish the meat there. Well, I'm really glad that the

Editorial Team has come up with such a concept, and I'm awaiting this bulletin! That's all from the foodies

perspective folks! Happy Reading!

~Like the I.P.L.? How about an E.P.L.?~Yours - In - Rotaract,Rtr. Junaid Khan,President 2011-12,Rotaract Club of H.R.College.

The Enigmatic EditorsA total new concept, a different aspect, we as the Editorial Team wished to dedicate to the foodies!

Well, here's this one complete out of the box idea which has been completely formulated and executed by the Co-

ordinators. While talking on the phone, they thought of an idea, and this idea was just a dream until it became

reality! Well, you ought to know the different cuisines, cheapest dishes and the best hubs for food! Look out for the

Poem and the splendid articles inside the bulletin. None of us being foodies, had water in our mouths while reading

the articles... For all you non-foodies, know more about Food and its beauty, for all you hoggers, check out the best

places to have your meals.

Sit back, enjoy, relax and read...

~Like the I.P.L.? How about an E.P.L.?~Cheers Folks!Yours-in-Rotaract,Rtr. Dhwani Shah & Rtr. Nikunj Pherwani,Editors 2011-12,Rotaract Club of H.R. College.

StuD Talk

The idea of creating a Food Bulletin came to us when we both were pampering our taste buds by relishing the

amazingly fresh and soft pan pizzas at Pizza Hut! This just goes to show that anything and everything can inspire

you. We’re foodies who ‘live to EAT’ so this bulletin was on the top of our Priority List. Both of us may be

vegetarians but tust us, we don’t hold back on the spice . oOr Sweet. Waist sizes, calories and trans fat can be

damned, if it's tasty, we'll make sure we EAT it. Our mouths actually started watering after reading the articles in

EAT. What makes this bulletin even more special is the ‘EAT Poll’ for which most of you have voted on Facebook.

Happy EATing!

~Like the I.P.L.? How about an E.P.L.?~Yours-In-Rotaract,Rtr. Diksha Kataria and Rtr. Sanjana Gudka,Editorial Co-ordinators 2011-12,Rotaract Club of H.R. College.



The Meat Without

Onions and Garlic

Food. It's amazing how a single word can

invoke so many varied reactions. For an

obsessively figure conscious girl, it means

calories, for a lazy plump boy its equivalent

to happiness and for some it is merely a

means of staying alive. For me, food is

heaven. Several of my " Non-Jain" friends

keep asking how its heaven when all I eat is

grass (read: ghaas-poos). Well, jain food is

really not that bad. In fact it isn't bad at all.

Food isn't poisonous sans onion, potatoes

and garlic. Almost everywhere in India,

restaurants are willing to serve Jain food.

Even overseas we Jains don't face too much

trouble. I wasn't Jain until I turned 13 when

I chose the diet, honestly I don't feel like I'm

missing much. Yes, there are times when I

crave for a chip of Lays but that passes.

Plus considering necessity is the mother of

invention Jain people have invented Jain

versions of everything, so there's not much

one misses. Several times people ask me how

I can go through life being Jain, its quite

simple really. A non-vegetarian doesn't

understand how a vegetarian could live

without eating chicken, similarly a

vegetarian doesn't understand how Jains

survive. Eventually we're all doing good, so

it doesn't make that much of a difference.

At the end of the day whether I'm eating

chicken roll, Veg roll or Jain paneer roll, as

long as I'm enjoying it, it doesn't matter one


Rtr. Dhriti Jhaveri


Food is the best thing on earth,

It makes you feel like it’s the reason for your


The way it makes you feel,

Its satisfaction just seals the deal,

Having a mouthful of desert is like eternal


It is one pleasure you just CANNOT miss,

The amazing spices of India,

The yummy pastas of Italia,

What a chocolate’s craving can do,

Is known by more than a few,

Eating makes you feel so pleasant,

Even missing a single meal you resent,

The way your mouth waters at its sight,

It makes you work all day long just for a bite!

Food cannot be expressed in words,

Every bite feels like the melody of singing


The WOW of caramel in your mouth,

Leaves you spellbound without a doubt,

The melting cheese on your palate,

Along With a beautiful glass of french clairet,

Even the simplest and easiest dishes amaze


Beautiful yet simple like a baby leaflet with dew,

There is no end to the awesomeness of food,

It can turn around your sourest mood,

It feels so true and amazing that you live to


Eating your favourite food may make you skip

a heartbeat

Rtr. Aishwariya Agrawal



An empty wallet, an empty stomach and an empty kitchen: Not the most pleasurable situation for anyone to be in. But if your vicinity has this rugged stall which provides you with the amazing blend of mashed potatoes, Indian spices and a pav, then be rest assured, that there is nothing to worry about. The state of Maharashtra is, it must be said, not well known for its contributions to world cuisine. Austere, plain, simple are some of the more polite adjectives attached to food from the state. Plain, boring, dull are some of the less polite. For me, however, all is forgiven as the good people of the state’s capital saw fit to gift the world the Vada Pav, or Wada Pav, or Vada Pao – it doesn’t really matter how you spell it, all that really matters t hat i t ’s a s infu l indulgence of deep fried joy that would make any cardiologist crack in terror. According to legend, it was devised outside Dadar Railway Station in the early 1970s by a chap called Ashok Vaidya. Being a man with such profound contribution, I’m pretty sure there is no statue to the great man or any other form of recognition of his contribution to world cuisine. To say Mumbaikars live on Vada Pav would not be an overstatement. One is ought to find this fast food in every nook and corner of the city: outside colleges, bus stops, train stations and offices. And the best part about this humble food is that it is loved by the king and the kin alike. Now let me show you something I have personally experienced and believed in. I am a person who looks after his wallet before anything else and I usually settle for an 8 Rs. Vada Pav, which is cheap but definitely not for the faint hearted. The first week of a month and a lot of money made me try something different. I bought this street food from Jumbo King, a fast food chain modelled along the lines of McDonald’s. They dished out a mean Vada Pav all dressed up in foil and tissue. Two types of chutneys in ketchup-style sachets were on the side, and the buns had been nicely grilled. One bite, though, and I was left wanting. Something quite essential was missing. Was it lack of spiciness? Was it lack of butter bursting forth when I bit into it? I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Then, as I took my second bite, I realised what it was. It was the quintessential flavour of the street that made the Vada Pav so delicious.

Rtr. Shashank Jogani

Dear Diary,

Today I want to talk about one very special dish and an even more

very special person, my grandfather who is one if the best cooks I

have ever seen or know. A cook with immense sense of flavour

specially with spices of the warmer nature. The distinct use of pepper

and 'garam masala powder' was like a signature to anything he

made. The special dish that I’m talking about 'palak gosht' which

was mutton cooked with spinach. When ever he made it, there was a

default dinner at my grandparents’ house for which we all went

expectantly and were always left amazed. One day something rather

sad happened. My grandfather went for a medical check up after

quite a while and

the doctors told

h i m t h a t h i s

k i d n e y s w e r e

functioning at 20%

efficiency. This

meant that not

only would he be on

medication but it

also meant he had to follow a really strict diet. Being a man of

immense will power he managed this without too much fuss, however

granddad only cooks what he can eat himself. This meant that he

would only cook boiled vegetables. We were left heart broken cause

not only was he a big food lover but so were all of us. Family dinners

were no longer the same. Grandmom is also a great cook but she is not

even a shade of my grandfather. We enjoyed her food but we missed

that 'palak gosht' and nobody actually had the guts to ask him how

he made it. One fine day, the family had had enough, they decided

that somebody had to learn to make 'palak gosht' as well. So they

caught hold of my grandfathers eldest grandchild, which happened

to be me, and asked me to ask him to teach me. I was thrilled at the

idea. A date was fixed and I waited eagerly to learn. He taught me

the basics right from buying the meat to making it. My

grandfather, being a very organized man, he explained things really

well. Within the first few tries, I made it almost as well as him. I was

elated. Even now I make it occasionally, not as well as him but almost

as well. He still eats his boiled vegetable day in and day out. The

greatest cook of my family shall never cook again but I am happy he

invested his efforts in teaching me though.

Rtr. Junaid Khan



Home PleasuresYou might get the best of foods in the best of restaurants, in the best parts of the world, with the best ambiance but nothing matches the so called ‘Maa ke haath ka banaya hua khana.’ We all have experienced what it feels like to come back home after a long trip. Isn’t it the only thing we look forward to when we are away? Don’t we all just crave to have that one meal at home every day? We may crib about what is made at home, but somewhere deep down; we all crave for that food when we are away. There are times when I actually stay hungry the evening, only because I want to eat a proper meal when I go back home.Food isn’t just about Eating, it’s also abour a very fundamental and beautiful art called cooking. I personally love cooking. Cooking a meal for my family gives me immense pleasure. That feeling when you watch someone ’eat’ the food you have cooked is inexplicable. As weird as it may sound, my favorite pastime is cooking. I am happiest to cook my own food. Every time I don’t have any work to do, I wear my apron and I start making something or the other. Experimenting with different ingredients is the best thing to do. I love creating my own recipes and giving each a name of its own. Food is something we cannot live without. However tasty outside food may be, homemade food has a charm of its own. Happy eating!

Rtr. Vidhi Jotwani




Despite the sudden mushrooming of American fast food jo ints across Indian metros, churning outtheir monotonous fare of burgers and French fries and insipid coffees, the grassroots level street foodand dhabas will always be there. At a point of time, street fo o d w a s g e n e ra l l y c h a a t s , v a d a p a vs ,and so on but today it ranges from the original chaat fare t h r o u g h C h i n e s e fo o d , i d l i s a n d d o s a s ,kababs and biryanis, frankies and rolls of all shapes and s i z e s a n d s w e e t s l i ke j a l e b i s a n d g u l a bjamuns. Even Tibetan momos served with steaming hot soup can be bought from a street food joint.Tea stalls will also dish up a spicy omelet for you while some believers in tradition will still stick to samosas, nimkis and batter fried pakoras and bhajiiyas. Beverages are no exception. Apart from the manufactured aerated drinks, you can have a glass of lassi, sugarcane juice or fruit juices. Apart from these, in summer, kulfis and golas also do give great relief.Everything that one would find in a hotel is found here- Right from appetizers to main course to thefinal desserts. Especially in a city like Mumbai where people hardly have time, street food real ly comeshandy as it is fast and there is no waiting as compared to restaurants. Also many people do prefer itbecause it’ s cheaper. But at times fast service and cheaper price can make you take wrong decisionslike once when I tried something called a ‘ Sev-puri Sandwich’ after which I always think twice beforeeven trying something new. But one shouldn’ t forget that they give the real taste of Indian tradition,as some call it “ The Mirch-Masala” of India is found in its streets.

Rtr. Saachi Mehta

Fine DiningSome people eat to live, but there are some hard core foodies like me who live to eat! A foodie's definition for me is a person who thinks about food for at least 50% of his or her time, a person who flips channels and settles at last at a channel which is showcasing any cookery show. I love food as a whole and can relish any cuisine but my absolute favourite cuisine is Chinese. Whether it’s Raju Chinese or Mainland China it’s all welcome into my tummy. Traditionally Chinese cuisine consists more of meat and seafood. And the authentic vegetarian Chinese food is supposed to be extremely bland. But we Indians have adapted it thoroughly to our masaledar taste buds. The Indian Chinese always has a little bit of spice and colour that is added to increase its mass appeal. But the fine dining experience is something to pile on that padding around your waist. Now a days, to give the customers an authentic experience the entrepreneurs are ready to go an extra mile. From decor to traditional appetizers like Kim Chi and Chinese tea to chopsticks everything is provided. Fine dining provides the ambience, the service and of course the delicious food. Most of us have read restaurant reviews in newspapers. I'm also a big fan of Mr. Vir Sanghvi’s weekly article in the HT Cafe Brunch. According to him it’s all about the feel that the food gives you. But he also says that before the food the ambience gives you the feel. That is only provided by a fine dining restaurant. We have quite a few in Mumbai. For a working couple to the upper middle class and the high society all fine dining options are available in Chinese cuisine. Though sometimes it may not be easy on the pocket it definitely is worth it. In fine dining restaurants you get best of the both worlds. You get the masaledar Indian taste as well as the authenticity intact in it.In an article that I read a long time ago, it was said that professional chefs in such restaurants are constantly researching and experimenting to bring authentic recipes to the Indian masses and yet adapt it to their taste buds. For me it doesn’t get any better than knowing that there are people working to improve my taste buds.

Smriti Vora




Dieting! Who, me??FOOD! The word says it all. It’s this one word which makes people do crazy things. It gives you the pleasures of life you might not experience otherwise. Well food is like an angel to all those who appreciate its value. But when there is ]an angel there is a devil, and here the devil is DIETING. This one word ruins the entire beauty of food. Food is meant to make you feel good to make your mouth feel pleasant after its presence but this dieting has ruined it. Due to this, now food comes with labels like fat-free, diet food, low calorie, etc. It just ruins the taste of good food. Chocolate, a calorie-filled comfort food, is now made with a dieting perspective which absolutely ruins the pleasure you get in every bite. Diet food also has many ill effects in the future. But if you are not one of the size-zero people and appreciate food for what it is, you are a person who has actually known food for what it is. Food brings joy to life and also improves and makes the mood at times. It is one thing many people cannot think survival without. It’s thus one thing I for sure cannot survive without. I cannot live without those beautiful tasty varied flavors visiting my palate often. One of the most memorable food days for me is the day I got into H.R. College. This day me and my friend went for a sleepover at her house but before that we had Raju Chinese (I don't need more words to express how good it felt) for lunch. Then we were treated with nachos and pasta at Relish for an evening snack which was WOW! After that we left for the "Achija Pao Bhaji" and the pav bhaji was splendid. Then we went to the all famous Khao Gali in Ghatkopar. We had the amazing sizzlers and corn Bhel at Blossoms, a small food stall. And we were in no mood to stop just yet. We went for frankie at Odeon frankie and had, I quote, ‘Cheese Amul Frankie’ which is mouth-watering. Well our day ended there but not our food journey. That's where my food fiesta ended (sadly enough).Thus, it’s good food which has changed the saying "Eat to live" to "Live to eat". Dieting is death. Proud to be a hogger.

Rtr. Aishwarya Agrawal

Southern Spice

A cuisine is not just a type of food that one relishes, it is should be one which makes a lasting impact. The impact should conclude a make or break situations, such as a dinner with consulates from a diverse nation, a cuisine which impresses the invitees of a marriage, more- over the cuisine which the bride makes at her in-laws, and mostly for our age a cuisine which we choose for a candle light date. The world has countless and colourful cuisines. Most peopleand I myself fancy Italian, Mexican, Chinese, American and various others. But contradicting, greatly cherish South Indian food. South Indian food brings to our mind the tasty and hot Idlis, Dosas, Sambhar and Vada. Besides these there are numerous dishes such as Ut tappam, Rassam, Upma, Lemon Rice and many-many more. The food particularly in Tamil Nadu, dif fers from the frequent Punjabi eaten by most of us. Coconut is widely used in South Indian cooking as coconut is easily available. The south Indian curry recipes also make the gravy for curry with coconut. That gives them a special taste. A generous but at the same time a balanced use of spices is done in most of the vegetarian dishes of this region. Similarly in most of the dishes that are prepared the f inal tempering remains almost same, which includes a perfect mixture of oil, mustard seeds, curry leaves and red chillies, etc. In Mumbai a great variety of South Indian food is available. The joy of having a typical South Indian breakfast of piping hot Idlis, tangy yet sweet Sambar and ending with the trademark South India cof fee is boundless. A few great restaurants in Mumbai where you could feel and eat South Indian food are Cafe Madras, Matunga ; Swati Snacks, Tardeo ; Status Veg Restaurant, Nariman Point; Sukh Sagar, Chowpat ty and many more.

Rtr. Harshil Shah






Raju Chinese

Vada Pav

Dominos’ Garlic


Raju Sandwich’s

Pasta Cheese Rolls

Vihar’s Butter



What to EAT:

1) Penne Arabiatta Pasta at Celini or Pronto: If you’re feeling

rich. We’re always free for a treat, just by the way.

2) New York Baked Cheese Cake at Theobrom:. Literally ‘Food

of the Gods’. Run as soon as you get your pocket money!

3) Ice Cream Sandwich at Rustom’s in Churchgate: Easy on the

wallet and nostalgia galore.

4) Ayubs Rolls: 9pm or 2am, this place is bustling with food-lovers

at all times. If you forget to try the Mushroom Roll, trust us,

even God won’t forgive you!

5) Schezwan Crispy Vegetables at Raju Chinese: Enough said.

We can see your mouth watering already.

What Not to EAT:

1)Sev Puri Pizza at Pizza Hut. Gag!

2)Anything at Cream Centre with Junaid. The ‘ Veg’ will put

him off the ‘Edge’.

3)Baked Vada Pav: It’s a crime to eat this anywhere! An

insult to the original, also not worth the amount you’d pay

instead of the ‘fried potato heaven’ available at half the price.

4)Chilly Cheese Toast At 210:Toast with cheese is the best

combination but trust 210 to ruin it with the frozen toast and


5)Beatroot Sandwich: Eating this sandwich is a SURVIVOR





s’ P



What R.C.H.R. likes to EAT

Thank you Rtr. Aishwariya Agrawal, Rtr Dhriti Jhaveri, Rtr. Junaid Khan, Rtr.

Shashank Jogani, Rtr. Vidhi Jotwani, Rtr. Merryl Pinto, Rtr. Saachi Mehta, Smriti Vora and Rtr.

Harshil Shah for sending your articles on time writing such mindblowing articles.


For further details or queries please contact us at [email protected]

A Rotaract Club of H.R. College Publication...Dawn of a New Era

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of BombayR.I.D.3140


The President’s TaleAfter a spectacular and amusing EAT, the Editorial Co-ordinators are once again ready with

a bulletin which will surely make you ponder over the concept of praying to the Almighty.

We all have different reasons and ways of praying but have you ever thought WHY do we

PRAY? Well, this bulletin will answer most of those questions. Have a good read and wait

for the StuDs to make your Valentines Day even more special with final installation of Eat

Pray Love.

Yours - In - Rotaract,Rtr. Junaid Khan,President 2011-12,Rotaract Club of H. R. College.

The Enigmatic EditorsWe believe in presenting our readers something interesting and at the same time something

that they never expected to read. Living up to this tradition our amazing Co-ordinators have

come up with a bulletin on a concept that none of us had ever thought of before. We pray

because we know there is someone looking at us at all times and protecting us else we’d have

been victims of 26/11 or 7/11 or any such tragedy! When you read this bulletin you will be

suprised to read the varied reasons for which your very own General Body Members Pray.

Yours-in-Rotaract,Rtr. Dhwani Shah & Rtr. Nikunj Pherwani,Editors 2011-12,Rotaract Club of H.R. College.

StuD Talk

We’ve EATen the fruits of our hard work, it’s time to get acquainted with the next

quintessential activity of our lives, addressing the Lord with our entreaties or in simple

words, praying. There has been that one time in our lives when we have fervently prayed to

God for something that we strongly desired, but we must realise that it’s not the only reason

why we should pray to Him. It’s time we discovered our reasons and analyzed WHY we


Yours-In-Rotaract,Rtr. Diksha Kataria and Rtr. Sanjana Gudka,Editorial Co-ordinators 2011-12,




Faith Through The AgesSince the Stone Age, man has witnessed things beyond his understating, occurrences that could not be explained, experiences that were so unfathomable that they had to be attributed to a greater power, something bigger than themselves. Something they decided to call God.

As time went on and science cleared out several questions in their minds, the definition of God changed. God became a force that kept people disciplined. Fearing His wrath people would stay away from wrongdoings and would perform charitable actions hoping to receive rewards and attain heaven.

With a further evolution of both mankind and their projection of God, He became a saviour, the one to provide retribution.

Today, many look to God simply to fulfil their wishes and to channelize their complaints where they won't receive rude replies. We've become beggars who think God will answer our prayers in times of sorrow and when we don't get what we want there goes all our faith.

God is simply a question of belief. There is a greater power that no science can explain. That which we call a coincidence or serendipity is not just luck. I believe that luck is God.

We know that rainbows are formed because of the refraction and dispersion of light but what decides that light should behave like that? I believe that power is God.

When feeling low and alone, it is a human need to find a tether, something to hold on to and give them hope that it's not that bad. I believe that tether is God.

Several instances have been recorded where people have done things beyond their capacity, run that extra mile, I believe that newfound energy in them is God.

Those sudden answers you get when you are stuck and realise it's been there all the time. I believe those signals are God.

God could be anything, anywhere, He isn't a person or idol, He is that intangible presence. That happy feeling you get or the sudden beauty you see in those common, everyday scenes.

God is whatever you want him to be, he could be a disciplinarian, a philanthropist, a non-entity or an all seeing eye.

In the end it only comes to what YOU believe.

-Rtr. Dhriti Jhaveri

I Believe. Do you?Many of us pray. Some of us don't. But it is something we do because we have faith. Well God is someone if you don't believe in, he doesn't exist. Scientifically things happen due to reasons but sometimes many impossible things happen because of the faith you have in the creator of the world. Well the world was formed due to "The Big Bang ". But we believe it was God who formed it. And the people who believe, pray. I am one of them. I pray when I need something or sometimes just because I got something I really wanted and thought I would never get it. Many pray only when they need something and forget God in their happy times. I believe you should pray not only when you are in trouble or when you need something but also when you have achieved what you wanted and when you feel happy. People often blame the Almighty when they are going through a rough time but when things are going smoothly people often forget His existence. Well this is wrong when you can pray during bad times you should thank

him in your good times.

People know him by different names like Allah, Krishna, Ram, Jesus, etc. but he is all one. We pray to Gods in different ways to please him but well I feel he'll be happy if you just remember him once a day. He doesn't ask much of you but just cares for you as you are all his own kids, a part of him. Thus pray to him for peace, happiness, and your wishes but also someday just pray to thank him for all he has done for you. He will never expect anything in return from you so just keep faith and pray. Believe in him for he believes in you.

-Rtr. Aishwarya Agrawal



The Almighty

I lost my consciousness and fell on the floor

When I regained it I was near a doorI said to myself “I wanna get outta

here”As I couldn't control my fear

People always say that I am a moonchild

That is why at times I go wildI had a fit that took me near the doorI wish I don't remember this any moreI feel that people who are dead are not

deadBut are living in my head

I feel their souls have possessed meI cry all night to set free

Surrounding this earth are witches and ghosts

They are the ones who I fear the mostBut To my rescue will come my God

After all I always say “praise the Lord”God is in the ocean and God is in the

seasGod is in the graveyards and the

cemeteriesGod is in my head and God is in our

prayerGod seems to be everywhereI saw God come to my garden

He said something, I replied “Beg your pardon”

I don't remember anything he hath spoken

For my heart, it wasn't open.-Rtr. Amit Jethwani


The term pray to most of us seems to be that time of the day when we take out a few minutes to remember God, thank him for the wonderful day and request him to give another beautiful day, apologize to him for all the crimes and mistakes you have committed during the day, and lastly pray to him for the well being of every single human on this earth. There are instances where you remember God in tense situations, when you need him the most and you also remember him when you're victorious.But who is God? Does he exist? Or is it just an assumed fact that God exists? If he exists, then where is he and what guarantee is there that he will fulfil and look after us all the time?Well, for me God is just a supernatural thing which exists as a person in our psychological mind. The feeling of someone backing you in your tense and grave situations automatically boosts your confidence and you can easily achieve anything you like.Well, that's the reason I believe in God and remember him in tense situations.When, I'm low or tensed all I do is remember God.I pray in a way not everybody might like but that's the way it is. For me God is a girl named LUCY. When I need to pray, all I do is look to the sky, picturise her face, point to her nose and all I do is sing a song. Something like this boosts my morale because now I know that I'm not alone any more. I have my God by my side.

-Rtr. Amit Jethwani

‘Baba’ In The True Sense of The WordWhy do we pray? What is religion? Why do we believe in superstitions? Have we ever thought why do we do so many rituals in Pooja? Is God really is impressed by all our fake practices? The Maharajas in temples are the so-called “servants” of God and they preach that we shouldn't steal, lie and involve ourselves in bad practices. Thus, they are successful in fooling the faithful followers of God, but do they really think that they can pocket the money that the followers put as donations into their pockets and expect to attain self-enlightenment? Are they, after their act of injustice, fit to preach and bless the followers of God? Are they fit to bless anyone?I am a Jain. Jains all over the world claim to be Jains. It took our Lord, Lord Mahavir, 12 years of penitence to attain self-enlightenment. After that He was called a Jin. So how can we claim to be a Jain in the true sense of it from birth? No doubt that Jainism is a path leading to self-enlightenment but for that, we shouldn't call ourselves something we are not.We pray to God. We are blessed by Him. But, the underlying fact, which is the most important fact is, that we should learn to not only respect our parents but also understand their true value as our True Gods. I guess we pray to lead a better life. And thus, we should pray to our parents and well, every night before going to bed, thank the Almighty for giving us such wonderful parents

-Rtr. Neel Kothari.



Friends Are My Angels on Earth

Why do I pray? Yes, this is one question that really

deserves a thought. Belief, hope and faith is what keeps

us all going! Belief for a better world, hope for the best

and faith for a better tomorrow. I pray for different

things like love, lust, heartbreak, friendship, etc.

Generally I pray for my parents and friends. But

sometimes a special prayer goes out for a few special

people who have made my day worth living! Every day I

miss a lot of things from my past which I pray for! I

want to re-live the past, fall in love, be happy and make

a million new friends as amazing as the ones I currently

have! Praying gives me this sense of confidence to keep

moving on and living life as it comes because every fall

comes with a prayer, a prayer to make everything

alright. If we don't keep hanging to that last bit of hope

then the whole purpose of living is lost. I pray because I

believe in God and believe that there is something and

someone planned only for me. There are a few days

when everything is wrong and nothing goes right...

Then I remember God and ask for a guiding light. I pray

because I love the people around me and I hope that I

remember and keep in touch with each of them for as

long as I live! If there is one thing I'm scared of then that

would be- being lonely. So I pray for my friends and

that we keep in touch for as long as I exist! Pray for a

better tomorrow because life is happier after the


-Alifya Chitalwala

Dear Diary...

When I was a child, I used to ask my dad, “Daddy, why do we pray?”

He used to look at me tell me one day you'll get your answer yourself. Though I never really understood what he meant, I always was curious to know!One day I had gone with My Grandmother to the hospital to visit a relative who was severely sick. I hated hospitals, and still do. The atmosphere and people there depress me. But I had no option. My relative had been admitted in the OPD section and I wasn't keen on going at all, so I waited outside while my Grandmother went inside. I was just fidgeting with my phone when I saw this crowd of people pushing a stretcher with a small girl bleeding on it, her father c r y i n g a n d m o a n i n g b e h i n d !She had fallen off from the edge of the window. The father feeling so helpless and miserable was in no condition to speak. While he sat outside, and the operation went on inside, I noticed him do just one thing!

He had a Hanuman Chalisa in his hands and with his eyes brimming with tears, he kept chanting God's name. His tears gradually stopped but his chanting continued. Within 20 minutes the doctor was out and the girl was absolutely safe and out of danger.This gave me my answer! Praying can make miracles happen this is why I pray! Because I know someone's always there who's ruling


-Rtr. Krushmi Gandhi



Knock Knock, who’s up there?

For me, prayer is a communication or confession or a request between me and an external force, something I like

to call “Faith”. Something which assures me that everything is being watched upon, something which gives me a

reason to live and to believe, something which gives everyone energy. “God” is something which is non-existent

for me because till date no one has made me believe something like that exists. But mind you, neither am I, an

atheist. In correct terminology, I would like to call myself an agnostic – a person who is sceptical about the

existence of God but does not profess true atheism. Now let me make myself clear in a few points, which probably

will help you understand what's making me such atrocious things:

1. God, angels, demons, miracles, etc. CANNOT be scientifically proven

This is possibly the most common argument that one comes across. We live in the 21st century: the age of science.

Our world is being shaped by new technologies and developments, and all thanks to the advancement and

innovations of science. Science itself states that for something to be true, it must be proven. The scientific method

requires scientists to draw conclusions based on evidence, from controlled experiments.

Bottom line: if we can't see, hear, smell, or touch God, then he's not real.

2. Religion is just a scam

For me, religion is nothing more than an organisation that brainwashes people into

believing what they believe, so they can be 'assimilated' and become 'one of them'.

Religion is just a hoax intended to make millions just by brainwashing innocent

people. Why else are the people asked to donate money for their local church?

Religion can never reform mankind because religion is slavery.

Here I would like to make small reference to this movie called “Zeitgeist”. Watch

this movie and I can assure you this movie will make you change your thinking and

outlook. The first 30 minutes of this intense documentary will show you how

hundreds of Gods across the world, including Christ, Krishna, Horus, have a lot of

things in common: Born on 25th December to a virgin, followed by 3 kings, had 12 disciples, performed miracles,

were crucified and after 3 days were resurrected. And interestingly, the movie shows how each of these things are

related to celestial bodies, the sun and the study of astronomy. All of these religions only try to take the place of

the Sun as the ultimate source of energy on the earth. Most of the religions, in the end, are nothing but astrological

literal hybrids and the movie will show you just that.

3. People do stupid things in the name of God

You name it: Crusades, suicide bombings, mass murder, etc.

These were a few small things I could think of while writing this article. By no means, through this article do I

want to hurt anyone's feelings or mock or offend anyone's beliefs. The only point is to be academically true. All of

us have a brain to think with, then why blindly follow some people whose ultimate aim is just control and money.

Follow what you think is right.

-Rtr. Shashank Jogani

A huge Thank You to all our writers- Alifya Chitalwala, Rtr. Krushmi Gandhi, Rtr. Dhriti Jhaveri, Rtr. Neel Kothari, Rtr. Amit Jethwani, Rtr. Aishwarya Agrawal and Rtr. Shashank Jogani. Our prayers are with you.


For further details or queries please contact us at [email protected]

A Rotaract Club of H.R. College Publication...Dawn of a New Era

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bombay

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Love is all around you.

It will grow with you.

show it, tell it.

feel it, share it.

make it a part of you!

The President’s Tale

When most people ask me about love, I question, cross-question and confuse everyone to such an extent that they

give up in fumes. However, on this joyous occasion of Valentine's Day, I myself am saying that there is nothing as

wonderful as being in love. I have the most wonderful and beautiful girl who I can share all my joy with. I have the

opportunity of being a part of an amazing person's life as she is an irreplaceable part of mine.

When I was a coordinator, a bulletin on love was started and we released it a day after Valentine's Day. That time

Sonam and I were great friends. Incidentally, it was the first bulletin of Deep (my co-coordinator) and mine in

which she had written an article. It was actually really well written and it was about a gay relationship. Of course, at

that point I thought maybe she was gay but now, as you walk down the memory lane, the nostalgia is phenomenal.

So, I wish the editorial co-ordinators the best of luck in their latest endeavour, I am really grateful to them for taking

all the grief I give them (of course they have Parth and Dhruv to share it with).Finally, this is a GB that is greatly in love; with all the couples and all. I am sure you would enjoy to reading about it

as well.

Yours - In - Rotaract,Rtr. Junaid Khan,President 2011-12,Rotaract Club of H. R. College.

The Enigmatic Editors

Ah, Love. The funny part is both of us have so much to love. Well, while one of us has been in relationships and

had our share, the other is still waiting for his ‘Little Bad Girl’ that’ll take his breath away. What we’re both

sure of is that we love our co-ordinators!Love may not necessarily mean dating relationships and Valentines, it does have a wider horizon, from family

to society! With Valentine’s Day staring at us in the face, love is in the air. But what matters most is whether

love is in the heart...

Yours-in-Rotaract,Rtr. Dhwani Shah & Rtr. Nikunj Pherwani,Editors 2011-12,Rotaract Club of H.R. College.

StuD Talk

One of us was super excited about making this bulletin the most beautiful, the cutest, something that would get

more 'Aww's than a pink flying bunny that saved the world. For the other it was about laughing at the corny-

ness and yet secretly feeling her heart melt. One of us is in love and the other vehemently believes in love. We

hope you can guess which is which! During the making of this bulletin, the writers have laid their heart open

and trust us, we couldn't be more delighted. Every article is filled with compassion and honesty. We can take

the liberty of saying that yes, we have fallen in love with 'Love'.Here's to new-found love and love that will last through the ages.

Yours-In-Rotaract,Rtr. Diksha Kataria and Rtr. Sanjana Gudka,Editorial Co-ordinators 2011-12,Rotaract Club of H.R. College.


There is no “‘Happily Ever After’ ”

Rtr. Aashna Jogani

Love a word which has different meaning for different people. Love is a very over-the-top hyped feeling. It is said that in love, everything seems to be good. The world seems at its best, everyone around you is a saint, even the worst of situations don't affect you. And with the help of cinema the feeling of love is more exaggerated like the moon seeming more beautiful, happily-ever-after endings, the guy and girl running across a field to finally accept their love, etc. All girls feel that they are "Simran" waiting for their "Raj" to come and sweep them off their feet. All this is utter nonsense and love may exist, maybe there is a feeling such as love but it definitely does not happen at first sight or after knowing each other for a few weeks, this feeling of first sight love or there is only one person perfect for you on this earth is just as absurd as the possibility of me getting an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Everyone thinks that the guy/girl they just met and found likable is their "forever and a day after"! Please wake up and think! Is it really love that you’re feeling? Is it possible to have found love at such a tender age? Love is just a feeling hyped amongst youngsters to give them something to think about and spend their youth, with a purpose to "FIND TRUE LOVE". And the sad part about it is that many people do believe in it and actually waste time searching for so called heaven on earth "LOVE".

-Rtr. Aishwarya Agrawal


-Rtr. Ami Shah

Love - a word which has a million different

definitions. We all must have experienced that

feeling when we see that one special person that you

just cannot get your eyes off. Once he is out of your

sight, you start wondering where he’s gone, every

time he smiles your heart skips a beat, every small

special thing he does for you, you feel like you’re the

queen of the world. Most of us take this to be love'

but according to me that is not true love. True love is

something completely different. If you' re really in

love, it doesn’t need to be the ’cheesy holding hands'

way’ all the time. When you’re really in love, even

after being apart for months you’re still the same!

True love is, when the whole world’s against you but

you know you’ve got him by your side. True love is ,

when you can talk your heart out to him without the

fear of being judged, when you can get what he’s

feeling without him saying anything,, when inspite

of those several fights, what you feel about him

doesn’t change a bit. when feelings don’t change

within months but last on forever, when after that

one pathetic day his sight lights up your face, and

most importantly, when he’s your best friend first..

I strongly believe that friendship is the first step to

love. When you' re really in love, you don’t have to

explain yourself or your actions to him, he just

understands. You don’t have to keep waiting to know

if you’re in love or to find out if that someone loves

you, you’ll just know.: )


Pranay Sanan: Love... This 4 letter word has over 4 million definitions! For some it's friendship, for some their girlfriend, for some their family and for some just mere physical intimacy with the opposite or same sex! For me it's bigger than anything else in the world! People say you fall in love only once in your lifetime. I think I've fallen in love every single moment of my life, for which I've even been called names like playboy or casanova but it wasn't always with a girl, it could be my studies or xbox or even Harshil. It always doesn't have to be right does it? I think I love everything I do and the point is that at the end of the day what matters is the happiness and nothing else!I still remember the day my dad had to leave us and go to Kashmir because of terrorist infiltration, that was the first time I had experienced so many different forms of love in a single second. Love, be it for the country or for the family or for my daddy... I think it was simply love which gave my father the courage to leave his family to protect a million others!

Dhriti Jhaveri:

Over-hyped, over-used missing meaning, highly

misunderstood. That's what my head puts together when

someone says love in this century.

What is true love? We read about it, watch movies about it,

talk about it too but does it really exist?

When it comes to love I'm a bit of a cynic. The love we

hear about, everlasting, life changing, well I have a hard

time believing that it exists today.

You love as long as you don't get bored, as long as you get

what you want and as long as the amount you give isn't more

than the amount you get. That isn't love, that's being selfish.

Love is something unconditional, limitless and powerful.

When you love someone, there's no reason, you would give it

all in a blink of an eye just to make them happy, you'd help them

learn but forgive them no matter what. When you truly love,

"I" stops mattering. When was the last time we as people

loved? When did we do something selflessly out of our own

will without any expectations simply to make someone happy?

If you can recollect such a instance, you can safely say that

in that moment, you were in a state of love. Before you sleep

tonight, think it over just for a minute, have you really loved, in

the true meaning of the word?

Conclusion: Well a million heads, a million different interpretations. Everyone sees things their own way. This was just how we see it, Clearly poles apart, but that's just the beauty of it.

Different Views... One Heart.


Hey! Soul SisterI Love


For some love is friendship set on fire, for others love

may be luck. But for me love was first experienced when I

realized that I cared for someone more than I cared

about anything else including myself. My sister. She is

the closest person to me in the entire world. She means a

lot to me. Why would I define her as love is a question

still unanswered.

It may be because whenever I think of her, it always gets

a smile on my face. No matter what happens to me in my

life, may that be liking someone or may that be having a

fight I know I will get the advice I need from her.

Maybe because whenever she saw me sitting alone she

realized what had happened without me saying a word. I

could never see a tear roll down her cheek because when

that happened I would start crying too.

The bond that I share with her is the closest I share

with anyone. She is a sister, a mother, a best friend.

Everything that I would ever ask for in my life. I feel

blessed to have someone like her in my life. I realized

most of this when I realised she was going to get

married and go away one day. I just wish that even then

she would have time for my silly questions.

-Rtr. Divya Jhaveri




There was more Chemistry than Physics when scientists

first claimed that 'opposites attract'. He and I are as

opposite as a couple can get.

I love dancing and he has two left feet...

He is a voracious reader and I have barely read any

books. I love socializing and am an extrovert and he is

quite the reserved kind of guy. He likes Bob Dylan and

I can't stand that man’s music. I like watching any and

every movie and he is pretty selective about his taste

in movies.

The differences are endless and yet I find myself

extremely attracted to him. It is funny how two

people can like each other so much that the

differences don't matter and end up complimenting

each other. It wasn't love at first sight for either of

us, he isn't how I imagined my ideal boyfriend to be,

and in fact I never thought I would date him, but here

we are, dating and it is the best feeling ever. Even

with our busy schedules, he always manages to

remove time for me. May it be early morning drives or

late night coffees. He is an extremely affectionate,

romantic and smart person and I enjoy spending time

with him and look forward to his company always. He

makes me feel like the most special person ever and

that's what I adore about him.

-Rtr. Sonam Varma

Rtr. Shimoni Khatanhar:

Love, they say, is one emotion that cannot be

understood or explained till you experience it

yourself. Just like everyone else, we too had no clue

about how it is and what it was to be in love, till we

met each other. It sometimes takes forever to

realize that you're in love and sometimes just a

few conversations. A few conversations and we too

knew that there was something we both were

feeling, something that couldn't be explained,

something which made our hearts race when we

saw the other one, something that we had never

felt before.

Rtr. Aniket Jotwani:

I'm a firm believer of Love at first sight. I think it’s

at that first moment, where your heart melts. The

moment when you want to get to know that is she

the right person. Have you heard the song You're

Beautiful By James Blunt? That song is one song that

reflects Shimoni and my relation for now. Yes, she

was dating when we met. And if I had the guts, I

would have gone up to her and said, “Hey you, I have

fallen for you”. But no, that wasn't the case. I think

everyone has that feeling of love at first sight;

we just have different ways of accepting it.

Shimoni, just a question here, I still remember what

you wore on the day you came to secure your

admission, Do you?

P.S. - It was a hoodie.

P.P.S. - And no, we aren't dating yet.


5 Love FactsSometimes love makes me wonder

Is it really for her?

And I only keep dreaming

To spend with you the little time remaining

I lie cold on the floor like winter snow flakes

Apologizing for all those mistakes

But you seem so far away

in the brightest darkness of the day

You put me on the line and hung me out to dry

I broke down and all I could do is cry

You never told me where I was going wrong

And now the distance between us seems long

This shall be my final chance

I ask you for one last dance

Whatever I say, whatever I do

Baby you know, that I love you.

Rtr. Amit Jethwani

Thankyou and Loads of love to our adorable writers Rtr. Aashna Jogani, Rtr. Aishwariya Agrawal, Rtr. Parth Damani, Rtr. Divya Jhaveri, Rtr.

Dhriti Jhaveri, Pranay Sanan, Rtr. Sonam Varma, Rtr. Shimoni Khatanhar, Rtr. Aniket Jotwani, Rtr. Ami Shah, Rtr. Krushmi Gandhi and Rtr. Amit Jethwani.

Last Chance
