environment - part 4-  updates on raf bentwaters mystery - analysis problems in...

LOGIN LOGOUT HELP Printer Friendly Page Share: Digg Facebook StumbleUpon Part 4: Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery - Analysis Problems in Penniston's Telepathic Download of Binary Code © 2011 by Linda M oulton Howe Summary of 5 pages of Jim Penniston's December 1980 hand-written binary code after December 26th encounter with lights and triangular craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest near Capel Green farm field in Woodbridge. Translation by Dr. Horace R. Drew and Dr. Mike Reed on November 11, 2010. Return to Part 1 January 7, 2011 Timberlake, North Carolina - There are problems in trying to translate the stream of zeros and ones that former RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge Staff Sergeant James Penniston wrote down in his notebook after the traumatic encounter with lights and craft of unknown origin on December 26, 1980. First, are the stream of numbers translatable in 7-bit ASCII (pre-1986) or 8-bit ASCII (post- 1986)? Willing to take on the task were two retired scientists: - Horace R. Drew, Ph.D. from Caltech in 1981, and now Australia, and well-known for producing the first high-resolution x-ray structure of DNA, for discovering certain aspects of the genetic code used to curve DNA in chromosomes, and for serious studies of geometries and other embedded mathematical “language” in crop formations under the pseudonym “Red Collie.” - American retired astronomer Michael A. Reed, Ph.D., University of Arizona, and former astronomical instrumentation specialist, University of Arizona, now retired in Timberlake, North Carolina. ASCII Background American Standard Code for Information Interchange

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“I am firmly convinced that it (Bentwaters phenomena) was something beyond the realm of anything we know thatprobably comes from another place - or another dimension.Here was something too small for human habitation, that movesunder intelligent control, has the ability to change shape, and thenmultiple objects appear that have the ability to send down the equivalent of what I would say would be laser beams.”- Col. Charles I. Halt (Ret.), Dec. 1980 RAF Bentwaters Deputy Base Cmdr., 2009


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Part 4: Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery -Analysis Problems in Penniston's Telepathic Download of Binary Code

© 2011 by Linda Moulton Howe

Summary of 5 pages of Jim Penniston's December 1980hand-written binary code after December 26th encounter with lights

and triangular craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest nearCapel Green farm field in Woodbridge. Translation by Dr. Horace R. Drew

and Dr. Mike Reed on November 11, 2010.

Return to Part 1

January 7, 2011 Timberlake, North Carolina - There are problems in trying totranslate the stream of zeros and ones that former RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge StaffSergeant James Penniston wrote down in his notebook after the traumatic encounter withlights and craft of unknown origin on December 26, 1980.

First, are the stream of numbers translatable in 7-bit ASCII (pre-1986) or 8-bit ASCII(post- 1986)? Willing to take on the task were two retired scientists:

- Horace R. Drew, Ph.D. from Caltech in 1981, and now Australia, and well-known forproducing the first high-resolution x-ray structure of DNA, for discovering certain aspectsof the genetic code used to curve DNA in chromosomes, and for serious studies ofgeometries and other embedded mathematical “language” in crop formations under thepseudonym “Red Collie.”

- American retired astronomer Michael A. Reed, Ph.D., University of Arizona, and formerastronomical instrumentation specialist, University of Arizona, now retired in Timberlake,North Carolina.

ASCII BackgroundAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange

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Earthfiles, news category.

ASCII 8-Bit Code: Character to Binary used by Dr. Drew and Dr. Reed.

The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), is a character-encodingscheme based on the ordering of the English 26-letter alphabet. ASCII codes represent textin computers, communications equipment, and other devices that use text. Most moderncharacter-encoding schemes are based on ASCII, though they support many morecharacters than did the 7-bit ASCII typically used in 1980.

Historically, ASCII developed from telegraphic codes. Its first commercial use was as aseven-bit teleprinter code promoted by Bell data services. Work on ASCII formally beganon October 6, 1960, with the first meeting of the American Standards Association's X3.2subcommittee. The first edition of the standard was published during 1963. Then a majorrevision followed in 1967. The most recent update was an expansion from 7-bit to 8-bit in1986.

ASCII includes definitions for 128 characters: 33 are non-printing control characters (nowmostly obsolete) that affect how text and space is processed; 94 are printable charactersand the space is considered an invisible graphic. Today the most commonly used characterencoding on the World Wide Web is UTF-8.

At the time that lights, beams and craft of unknown origin interacted with the RAFBentwaters/Woodbridge AFB near Woodbridge, England in December 1980, standardASCII was 7-bit. Later in 1986, ASCII expanded to 8-bit. There was a revision to ASCIIcode in 1986, to allow for the extension from 7 bits to 8 bits, now UTF-8, a universalcode, that includes many characters for work in other languages such as Swedish andGerman.

So the issue of taking any binary stream and decoding it, assuming you are going to stickwith something like ASCII and see if it produces normal letters and numbers is: Do you

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try 7-bits or 8-bits?


Michael A. Reed, Ph.D., Astronomy, University of Arizona, and formerastronomical instrumentation specialist, University of Arizona, now retired inTimberlake, North Carolina: “In the first binary stream of the Jim Penniston scannedpages of zeros and ones, Dr. Drew assumed to try 8-bits first from the start and thatworked as we got down through EXPLORATION OF HUMANITY.

Scan of Page 1 binary code written down by former USAF S/Sgt. James Pennistonon what he thinks was the morning of December 27, 1980, after his encounter with

the black, glassy, triangular craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest nearthe Capel Green farm field. Image and analysis by Dr. Horace R. Drew and Dr. Mike Reed.

Then Dr. Drew reached confusing, repetitive 7-bit code, 0011011, that repeated threetimes. He thought perhaps it was a mistake, maybe 333 or 666 from 7-bit ASCII codewhere six is 0110110 and three is 0110011.

But also in 7-bit ASCII, 0011011 is an Escape Key character you find on a computerkeyboard.


Yes, there are three repeated patterns of 7 bits, each equal to the Escape Key:0011011 0011011 0011011

Then Dr. Drew jumped back to 8-bits to get the next numbers that are: 8100.


Normally if you are doing an ASCII sequence, you would not switch gears in the middleand go from an 8-bit code to a 7-bit code. To go to a 7-bit code right in the middle of 8-bitcode is very strange.

But Penniston’s zeros and ones definitely have 8-bit ASCII English alphabet letters at thebeginning of the binary stream. Dr. Drew tried to make sense of it after the three identical7-bit Escape Keys – the “break” – and decided he didn’t know what to do with the

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number 8100.

Otherwise, you could read this as 8100520942, all strung together. There is no indicator inthe number stream from Penniston that 8100 is separate. But Dr. Drew and I figured thatsince 52 was the latitude of England, when 52 showed up right after the 8100, it might bepart of a latitude and longitude.


You’d be way up in the Arctic! 81 degrees North, you’re 9 degrees from the North Pole.But how to relate that to the rest of the numbers we’re now using as Latitude North andLongitude East or West? Dr. Drew decided to set the 8100 apart and try to translate therest of the numbers in whatever latitude and longitude was there beginning with the520942, since England is 52 degrees latitude.

The Latitude and Longitude Issue

After the 7-bit repeating code, we went back to 8-bit for the latitude and longitudeinformation. Given the number of digits translated, if there had been any interspersing of7-bits, the thing would be completely out of sync. A 7-bit there would produce garbage.So those are definitely 8-bit codes oddly mixed with 7-bit in the middle, but most of themessage seems to decode as 8-bit until you get to the very end and the word:CONTINUOUS.

Then there is something that looks like “CEPR?” The code for the “C” is 8-bit. At thecode for the “E,” Dr. Drew included 9-bits, perhaps by mistake, which would have thrownthe next pattern out. When you’re doing it by hand, it’s very easy to get out of sync. It’sclear now that we need to do it on a computer that can show us every possible decodeusing 7-bit and then 8-bit. There could be layers of code that we haven’t discovered.

Scan of Page 2 binary code.

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Scan of Page 3 binary code.

Scan of Page 4 binary code.

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Scan of Page 5 binary code.

Summary of 5 pages of Jim Penniston's December 1980hand-written binary code after December 26th encounter with lights

and triangular craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest nearCapel Green farm field in Woodbridge. Translation by Dr. Horace R. Drew

and Dr. Mike Reed on November 11, 2010.

Where Should Decimal Point Be in Lat. and Long.?


Right. In the bits we are interpreting as latitude, there is first a total of 9 digits [520942532] and then the letter N. Then in the longitude, there is a total of 8 digits andpossibly the letter W. But there is some question about the letter W because one of thebits has a 0 with a 1 in it. So, we really don’t know which it is. If it's a 0, it translates asW, a longitude. If it’s a 1, that is an underscore character ( _ ) without any meaning to us.

Three Latitude Options

However, there is no specification for a decimal point for longitude or latitude. So there arethree options in latitude:

0.5209 N. Or it can be 5.209 N. Or it can be 52.09 N.

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Eight Longitude Options

In longitude, you can start at 0.1313 W. Or 1.313 W. Or 13.13 W. Or 131.3 W.

Now given that the West character is not clear, we have to consider the East as well:

0.1313 E. Or 1.313 E. Or 13.13 E. Or 131.3 E.

[ Editor's Note: The ASCII binary code for a period is: 0101110.

So there could have been this code in the Penniston binary stream that wouldhave indicated where to place the decimal point. Wherever it was placed, itwould be a definite decimal point in the latitude and longitude numbersequence. But there was no such code there, so we have to consider all 24possible latitude and longitude locations. ]

Table of 24 Lat./Long. Location Options from Binary Code

Far left vertical column: possibilit ies of latitudes North, depending upon placementof the decimal point. Top, extending left to right , are the possible West Longitudes.

Those latitude and longitude combinations produce 12 possible options. Then the samelatitudes North are placed with the left to right East Longitude possibilit ies. Those latitude

and longitude combinations produce another 12 possible optionsfor a total of 24 latitude and longitude options.

If you go to Google Earth and drop in each of the possible 24 coordinates, some are in theocean off the Gulf of Guinea or the Ghana coast. For the ones with the latitude at 52.09 Non the West Longitudes,

if you go to .1313 W, that’s an open field north of Guilden Morden, England, which

is not even a town – more like a few buildings southeast of Cambridge.

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If you go too 1.313 W, you’re in an open field northeast of Banbury, England, north

of Oxford.

At 13.13 W, you’re in the ocean off the southwest coast of Ireland, with no

apparent undersea features on Google – it’s just kind of sea bottom there.

At 131.3 W, it’s in the ocean right off the edge of Kungkit Island west of British

Columbia, Canada.

Then if you go East and do the same thing, the southerly locations are either in the oceanor the jungle in Africa somewhere, except if the decimal point is placed at 52.09 N latitude.

At 52.09 N latitude and 0.1313 E longitude, you end up at an airport runway in

Doxford, England, southeast of Edinburgh on the coast.

Then at 1.313 East, you’re in the town of Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, and that’s

the one that Dr. Drew – when he was trying both east and west longitude directions-

thought it was significant because it came out right in the middle of the Woodbridge

town near RAF Woodbridge and Rendlesham Forest.

If you go further to 13.13 East, you’re on the west side of the little town of

Luckewalde, Germany.

Then if you go to 131.3 East, you’re out in a mountain wilderness area in the middle

of China.

So of all the 24 possible latitude and longitude sites, the one that stands out is the town ofWoodbridge in the east direction. In the west direction, you are either in the ocean or in anopen field. Because there is that one zero that has a 1 drawn in the zero, it means we haveto look at the East longitude, too, and that is the one that includes Woodbridge, England.After we checked all of the 24 options, Dr. Drew decided the Woodbridge site seemed tohave the most relevance to the RAF Bentwaters mystery with Jim Penniston and JohnBurroughs.


Yes, it seems like a glaring oversight if you are trying to transmit coordinates that a humancan understand.


Yes, Dr. Drew and I took it as decimal-based. Whoever wrote the binary code, or put it inJim Penniston’s mind, understood the basics of ASCII, and certainly most of the messageseems to be 8-bit. But we haven’t translated the whole thing in 7-bit and we haven’tmoved an 8-bit filter and a 7-bit filter through each potential start point to see if themessage changes. If you move what we have now over 1 bit, all the letters and numbers goaway and you might end up with nothing but control characters or some other letter andnumber combination.

7-bit and 8-bit Computer Code Filters Are Needed

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We really need someone who is skilled in software programming who can take the originalPenniston binary stream of zeros and ones and go into it analyzing all the way through in8-bit and then 7-bit with no variations in each run – apply 8-bit all the way through andsee what that produces. Then apply 7-bit all the way through, see what that produces andcompare with the 8-bit translation.

After those runs, we need to move over one bit and do it all over again in 8-bits and 7-bits.Then move over one more bit and keep repeating the analysis process – putting the extranumbers from the front at the end – and keep moving through Penniston’s binary streamnumber-by-number with an 8-bit filter and a 7-bit filter to see how each translates.

With the combination of those translations, we might be able to put together a morecoherent message.”

If any Earthfiles viewer has professional knowledge or knows a skilled binary stream

analyst who could help us apply 7-bit and 8-bit code “filter combs” to Penniston's zerosand ones, please email: [email protected].

Return to Part 1

More Information:

For further reports about the RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge December 1980 phenomena,

please see my book Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness in theEarthfiles Shop. There are also dozens of other reports in the Earthfiles Archive.

• 01/02/2011 — Part 3: Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery - IR Anomaliesand Telepathic Download of Binary Code• 01/02/2011 — Part 2: Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery - IR Anomaliesand Telepathic Download of Binary Code• 01/01/2011 — Part 1: Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery - IR Anomaliesand Telepathic Download of Binary Code• 08/06/2010 — WWII UFO and RAF Plane Encounter Covered Up by Churchilland Eisenhower, MoD Documents Reveal• 07/30/2010 — Part 1: 1980 RAF Bentwaters Disaster Preparedness Tech S/Sgt.Monroe Nevels Describes “Top Secret” Investigation• 07/30/2010 — Part 2: 1980 RAF Bentwaters Disaster Preparedness Tech S/Sgt.Monroe Nevels Describes “Top Secret” Investigation• 04/30/2010 — Part 5: Update - Bentwaters 1980, Telepathic Lights?• 04/28/2010 — Final Part 11: RAF Bentwaters - 1986 Interview with FormerAirman Larry Warren• 04/27/2010 — Part 4: Update - Bentwaters 1980, Telepathic Lights?• 04/21/2010 — Part 3: Update - Bentwaters 1980: Telepathic Lights?• 04/17/2010 — Part 2: Update - Bentwaters 1980: Telepathic Lights?• 04/16/2010 — Part 1: Update - Bentwaters 1980, Telepathic Lights?• 04/15/2010 — Part 10: RAF Bentwaters - 1986 Interview with Former AirmanLarry Warren• 04/01/2010 — Part 9: RAF Bentwaters - 1986 Interview with Former AirmanLarry Warren• 03/23/2010 — Part 8: RAF Bentwaters - 1986 Interview with Former AirmanLarry Warren• 03/11/2010 — Part 7: RAF Bentwaters - 1986 Interview with Former AirmanLarry Warren• 03/01/2010 — Part 5: RAF Bentwaters - 1983 Hypnosis with Former AirmanLarry Warren• 03/01/2010 — Part 6: RAF Bentwaters - 1983 Hypnosis with Former Airman

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Larry Warren• 02/23/2010 — Part 4: RAF Bentwaters - 1986 Interview with Former AirmanLarry Warren• 02/08/2010 — Part 3: RAF Bentwaters - 1986 Interview with Former AirmanLarry Warren• 02/02/2010 — Part 3: Highest Strangeness - Body Containers• 02/01/2010 — Part 2: RAF Bentwaters - 1986 Interview with Former AirmanLarry Warren• 01/26/2010 — Part 1: RAF Bentwaters - 1986 Interview with Former AirmanLarry Warren• 12/20/2009 — Why Has U. K. Ministry of Defence Shut Down UFO Office?• 09/24/2009 — Former RAF Bentwaters Staff Sgt. James Penniston RecallsBlack, Glassy, Triangular Craft, Symbols and Missing T ime• 09/24/2009 — Former RAF Bentwaters Airman John Burroughs - Was HeTaken Into A Craft?• 09/15/2009 — Part 2: RAF Bentwaters Feedback, Another Military EyewitnessSpeaks for First T ime• 09/03/2009 — Part 1: RAF Bentwaters Feedback from Viewers and Listeners• 08/30/2009 — Part 7: UFOs and the National Security State with HistorianRichard M. Dolan• 08/27/2009 — Part 4: 1980 Bentwaters Lights - Were They T ime Travelers?• 08/27/2009 — Part 5: USAF Col. Charles I. Halt (Ret.) Says 1980 RAFBentwaters Lights and Craft Were “Extraterrestrial In Origin”• 08/27/2009 — Part 6: Is T ime Travel Past and Future Possible?• 08/23/2009 — Part 8: Non-Human Entities (NHEs): One View from AllegedGovernment Insiders• 08/14/2009 — Part 7: Non-Human Entities (NHEs): One View from AllegedGovernment Insiders• 07/22/2009 — Part 3: 1980 RAF Bentwaters Lights and Craft Were“Extraterrestrial In Origin”• 07/20/2009 — Part 6: Non-Human Entities (NHEs): One View from AllegedGovernment Insiders• 07/19/2009 — Part 2: 1980 RAF Bentwaters Lights and Craft Were“Extraterrestrial In Origin”• 07/17/2009 — Part 1: 1980 RAF Bentwaters Lights and Craft Were“Extraterrestrial In Origin”


Justice for Bentwaters 81st Security Police, 1980 Rendlesham Forest:

RAF Bentwaters History:

AN-PDR-27 RADIACmeter:

U. K. Ministry of Defence August 2009 UFO File Release:

RAF Bentwaters History:

You Can't Tell the People © 2000 by Georgina Bruni:

Left At East Gate © 1997 by Larry Warren and Peter Robbins; updated 2005 editionpublished by Cosimo Press, N.Y.:

December 29, 1980 Cash-Landrum UFO Encounter, Texas:

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1967 Malmstrom AFB UFOs Over Minuteman Missile Sites:

1968 Minot AFB UFOs Over Minuteman Missile Sites:

Majestic 12 Documents:


American Presidents:

Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D.:

Coalition for Freedom of Information:

UFO Evidence:

UFO Casebook:

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