earth rover

Crearea robotilor pentru explorare comandati la distanta Towards Remote Exploration Robots Earth-Rover 2011 Concurs international de proiectare in robotica International Robotics Design Competition Rev 20 Feb 2011 Pregătit de: Dan Milici, Victor Ababii, David Lewis Anderson 1 Technical University Of Moldova University of Suceava World Genesis Foundation Anderson Multinational LLC

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Page 1: Earth Rover

Crearea robotilor pentru explorare comandati la distantaTowards Remote Exploration Robots

Earth-Rover 2011Concurs international de proiectare in robotica

International Robotics Design CompetitionRev 20 Feb 2011

Pregătit de:

Dan Milici, Victor Ababii, David Lewis Anderson


www.Earth-Rover.comTechnical University

Of MoldovaUniversityof Suceava

World GenesisFoundation

AndersonMultinational LLC

Page 2: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Conţinut - ContentsConţinut Contents

Prezentare Generală / Overview1

Program si Reguli / Schedule and Rules2

Specificaţii / Specifications3

Project Communications4 2

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 3: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Descriere - DescriptionDescriere Description

Concurs international de proiectare i b ti

International Robotics Design C titiin robotica

Tema - Roboti pentru explorare comandati la distanta

Competition Theme of Remote Exploration

Robots Locul - Desfasurat in universitati din

Europa Centrala si de Est Data desfasurarii - februarie -

Multiple University Teams in Eastern Europe

Operating from February to decembrie 2011

Concursuri va avea loc la Suceava şi Chişinău în luna iulie.

December 2011 Competitions to be held in

Suceava and Chisinau in Julyş ş Etapa finală va avea loc în

septembrie la Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei din Chişinău.

y Final competition to be held in

September at the Technical University of Moldova in Chisinauş y

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 4: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Obiective - ObjectivesObiective Objectives

1. Obtinerea resurselor pentru implicarea in concurs a sase universitati, in vederea proiectarii, dezvoltarii si

1. Deliver resources to six universities for the planning, development and demonstration of a remote-

realizarii unui robot functional

2. Creare de oportunitati educationale pentru studentiiîn informatica, inginerie electrica si mecanica.

exploration robot.

2. Create academic educational opportunities for students in computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering.

3. Furnizarea unor importante "deprinderi de viata" sioportunitati educationale pentru studenti: planificare, management de proiect, prezentare, comunicaţii, leadership si lucrul în echipa.

g g

3. Provide important “life skills” educational opportunities for students: planning, project management, presentation, communications, leadership and teamwork

4. Implicarea studentilor intr-un proiect competitiv, distractiv si interesant.

5. Reunirea echipelor universitare intr-o competitie

leadership and teamwork.

4. Inspire students through the process by providing a very competitive, fun and exciting project.

5 To bring university teams together with each otherfinala dedicata institutiilor de invatamant din regiune

6. Demararea unui eveniment anual dedicat roboticii

5. To bring university teams together with each other for a final competition and with other schools in their region and communities.

6. Create basis for an annual robotics event.

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 5: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Provocarea - The ChallengeProvocarea The Challenge

Similar cu Mars Rover, se dezvolta un robot de explorare la distanta, care poate fi controlat de pe Pamant sa îndeplineasca sarcini la distantapoate fi controlat de pe Pamant sa îndeplineasca sarcini la distanta.

Similar to Mars Rover develop a remote exploration robot that canSimilar to Mars Rover, develop a remote exploration robot that can be controlled and perform tasks at a distance on Earth.

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 6: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Provocarea - The ChallengeProvocarea The Challenge

Wifi, Radio Internet, 3GSingura legatura între student si robot este reteaua wireless utilizata pentru monitorizarea

Only connection between student and robots is wireless network for monitoring4G or Global Internetreteaua wireless utilizata pentru monitorizarea

si controlul audio, video, GPS, a senzorilor si sistemelor servo, la distanta.

robots is wireless network for monitoring and control of two-way audio, PTZ video, GPS, sensors and remote actuators.

Echipa va fi complet izolata de robot. Robotul va fi monitorizat si controlat pe baza software-ului dezvoltat. Studentii trebuie sa gestioneze intreaga activitate a robotului.

Students completely isolated from Robot Robot monitoring and control via developed software Students must successfully manage robot

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 7: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Partnership AgreementPartnership Agreement

Universities will be provided with: Students must develop and deliver:

Programmable Wi-Fi robotic system communications controller

Remote relays and servo actuators

A working remote-exploration robot system including: Presentations of their planning, y

GPS Navigation receiver and antenna Mobile IP Camera with Wi-Fi, two-way

audio, night vision, pan and tilt

progress and final system design Participation in the final competition in

Chisinau and at least one additional sanctioned event

Robot system mechanical chassis Training presentations, specifications

and support for all the above

Fundraising to cover team travel costs to Earth-Rover events

Lectures and demonstrations of their robot systems at schools in their local

Note: Students must plan and design the systems 1) component integration, 2) power supplies, and 3) control software.

robot systems at schools in their local communities

Earth-Rover 2011


Page 8: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Competition Events (for example only)Competition Events (for example only)

1. Testing vehicle mobility and remote control system - Team must navigate their remote robot in daylight through and over challenging physical obstacles to reach a goal. (stairs, rocks, etc)

2. Testing remote control in daylight - Team must navigate and reach a target during daylight and complete a task, perhaps knocking down a target cylinder without touching others

3. Testing night vision system and control - Team must navigate and reach a target during night and complete a task, perhaps knocking down a target cylinder without touching others

4. Testing GPS - With remote vision system disabled, the team must navigate as close to a remote target only using only the Global Positioning System interface in their robot and remote control system. The closest team wins.

5. Robot Speed - The team must successfully navigate a course in the shortest time possible.6. Robot Endurance - The team must complete as many courses as possible before their remote battery systems fail.

C S7. Design Considerations and Public Speaking - The teams must do a public presentation presenting their robot and their design considerations.

8. Robot Talent Show - Each team must demonstrate one function they added to their robot that will complete a special task. The most unique, successful and practical task that applies to remote exploration robotics wins.

9 Landing and Orientation Robots will be taken to an initially unknown location Teams must then initialize and9. Landing and Orientation - Robots will be taken to an initially unknown location. Teams must then initialize and then navigate their robot to a target point to complete a task.

10. Remote Reset - Team must demonstrate in event of a system failure that they can completely reset their robots from remote and then successfully complete a task.

This event list is preliminary, for example only. The final events for the main competition will be provided in March.


Page 9: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Program – Schedule (2011) rev. 21 Jan 2011Program Schedule (2011) rev. 21 Jan 2011


Demonstrations and Competitions



Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Universities Selected d C Si d

Equipment Delivery 1/210 F b

Pre-Final CompetitionsS & Chi i

Demonstration at UNESCO SProject

Internet ServicesOnline

1 Jan 2011

and Contracts Signed28 Jan

10 Feb

EquipmentDelivery 2/2

28 Apr

Suceava & ChisinauJuly

Science Academy1-5 Aug

Final Competition in Chisinau, Moldova


Demonstrations by teams in schools in local communities

Robot Planning and Development in University Curriculums



Process1-24 Jan

Pre-Final Competitions Suceava, Chisinau, and

UNESCO AcademyJul – Aug

schools in local communitiesSep – Dec

in University CurriculumsFeb – Jul

Target to deliver robotics education to more than 10,000 youth throughout 2011

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 10: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Locaţie - LocationLocaţie Location

Proiectul are trei etape: Pre-Concurs, Etapa finala a concursului si PostEtapa finala a concursului si Post-Concurs

Etapa Pre-Concurs implica alegereacelor sase universitati

Earth-Rover will include 6-7 Universities from across the region

Pre-Concursul implica desfasurareacurriculum-ului in perioada februarie -iulie 2011.

Three Project Phases: Pre-Competition, Final Competition and Post-CompetitionTechnical University

of Moldova

Pre-Competition to Include Six Universities (see diagram)

Pre-Competition integrated into university

(final competition)

Pre Competition integrated into university curriculum from February to July 2011.

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 11: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Participating UniversitiesParticipating Universities1. Technical University of Moldova, Computer

Sciences (Moldova)

2. Technical University of Moldova, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (Moldova)


3. ME&CEC_Moldova, Microelectronics and Computers Engineering College (Moldova)

4 Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National

12 3


6 7

4. Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Ukraine)

5. Odessa Polytechnic University (Ukraine)


6. University of Suceava, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (Romania)

7 University of Suceava Faculty of EngineeringTechnical University of Moldova 7. University of Suceava, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (Romania)

Technical University of Moldova(final competition and conference)

22 – 24 Sep, 2011

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 12: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Locaţie - LocationLocaţie Location Etapa finala a concursului va avea loc la Chisinau

este principalul eveniment al proiectului si va reuni toate cele6 echipe concurente

22 22 –– 24 Sep, 201124 Sep, 20116 echipe concurente

Echipele si robotii lor vor fi implicate in mai multe evenimentece se for desfasura la Suceava si Chisinau.

Etapa Post-Concurs: Echipele vor face demonstratii cu robotii realizati la:demonstratii cu robotii realizati la: Academia de vara UNESCO pentru stiinte Atlantykron –

Romania In institutiile lor si in comunitatile din care provin

Etapa finală va avea loc în septembrie la Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei din Chişinău.

Final Competition will be held in Chisinau Main event of the project with all six teams Early competitions in Suceava and Chisinauy p Teams and Robots competing in multiple events

Post Competition: Teams requested to demonstrate their robots at:

Early competitions to be held in July in Suceava and Chisinau

UNESCO Summer Science Academy in Romania Schools in their Local Communities

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 13: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Coordonatori - CoordinatorsCoordonatori Coordinators

Dan Victor David Lewis DanMilici


David Lewis Anderson

University of Suceava Technical University of President & CEO WorldUniversity of Suceava Facilitator for University

Teams in RomaniaProject rules development

Technical University of Moldova in Chisinau Facilitator for University

Teams in Moldova

President & CEO, World Genesis Foundation Facilitator for General

Program and Ukraine

Final Competition Coordinator

Project rules development Final Competition and

Conference Coordinator

Equipment ManagementProject documentation

and progress reporting

Contact: Dan Milici@Earth Rover com Victor Ababii@Earth Rover com David Anderson@Earth Rover comContact: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 14: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Reguli / RulesReguli / Rules1. Fiecare echipa poate avea maxim sapte membri si va cuprinde un cadru didactic ca antrenor si consilier. Toti ceilalti membri trebuie sa fie studenti înscrisi în universitatea inscrisa in

competitie la licenta sau masterat..2. Fiecare echipa trebuie sa completeze, pentru a intra in program, o cerere, în ianuarie 2011 pe Daca cererea va fi aprobata, echipa trebuie sa semneze un contract

care sa cuprinda angajamentul de respectare a regulamentului concursului termenii si conditiile înainte de a primi echipamentelecare sa cuprinda angajamentul de respectare a regulamentului concursului, termenii si conditiile, înainte de a primi echipamentele.3. Fiecare antrenor va asigura integrarea proiectului în curriculum universitar nonformal si va asigura respectarea de catre echipa a tuturor regulilor si conditiilor.4. Fiecare echipa va lucra în laboratoarele universitatii proprii. Toate echipele vor primi echipamente similare care vor fi alocate si transmise in universitati în februarie 2011.

Echipamentele vor fi expediate antrenorului echipei cu exceptia cazului în care s-a convenit altceva.5. Fiecare echipa va furniza rapoarte periodice referitoare la activitatile realizate in cadrul proiectului, care vor reflecta munca echipei pe intreaga perioada a desfasurarii competitiei.6. Fiecare echipa va asigura transportul pentru reprezentantii echipei si sistemul realizat in vederea realizarii de prezentari si pentru participarea la etapa finala a concursului Earth-Rover

2011 care va cuprinde pre-jurizarea la Suceava Romania în luna iulie 2011 si Ceremonia de premiere la Chisinau Republica Moldova in septembrie 20112011 care va cuprinde pre jurizarea la Suceava, Romania, în luna iulie 2011 si Ceremonia de premiere la Chisinau, Republica Moldova, in septembrie 2011.7. Fiecare echipa este, de asemenea invitata sa faca demonstratii cu sistemul realizat la în august 2011 la Academia de vara UNESCO pentru stiinte Atlantykron - Romania. În plus,

echipele vor fi solicitate sa utilizeze sistemele lor robotizate pentru demonstratii in scoli, în comunitatile lor locale pe tot parcursul anului 2011.8. Detalii cu privire la etapele concursului si la regulile etapei finale Earth-Rover 2011 de la Suceava si Chisinau vor fi postate pe în februarie 2011.9. Limba oficiala, pentru comunicare orala si scrisa, este limba engleza.

1. Each team may have a maximum of seven members. One must be a faculty member as Coach and Advisor. All others must be students enrolled in the university.1. Each team may have a maximum of seven members. One must be a faculty member as Coach and Advisor. All others must be students enrolled in the university. 2. Each team must complete an application in January 2011 on to be considered. If approved the teams must sign a contract indicating their commitment to the project

rules, terms and conditions before receiving any equipment. 3. Each Coach and Advisor will ensure the project is integrated into their university curriculum and their team complies with all project rules, terms and conditions. 4. Each team will work in a university laboratory environment. All teams will be provided similar equipment that will be allocated and shipped to the university teams in February 2011.

Equipment will only be shipped directly to each team’s Coach and Advisor unless otherwise agreed.5. Each team will agree to provide periodic progress reports to the Earth-Rover management team on their work throughout the 2011 calendar year.g p p p g p g g y6. Each team agrees to transport their robotic system and representatives from their team to make presentations and compete in the final Earth-Rover 2011 Competition and Awards

Ceremony in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova in July 2011.7. Each team is also invited to demonstrate their system at a UNESCO Science Learning Academy in Romania in August 2011. In addition, the teams will be requested and required to

use their robotic systems for demonstration to students in schools in their local communities through the remainder of the year.8. The details of the competition events and rules for the final Earth-Rover 2011 competition in Chisinau will be posted on in February 2011. 9. The official language, for oral and written communication, is English.

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 15: Earth Rover

Crearea robotilor pentru explorare comandati la distantaTowards Remote Exploration Robots

Competition KitsThe following slides provide a brief

overview of competition kits to be provided Rev 20 Feb 2011

Pregătit de:

Dan Milici, Victor Ababii, David Lewis Anderson


www.Earth-Rover.comTechnical University

Of MoldovaWorld Genesis


Multinational LLCUniversityof Suceava

Page 16: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Competition KitsCompetition Kits Components Provided

Ch i M t d GChassis

Chassis, Motors and Gears Wifi Robotics Controller Switches


GPS Switches Servo IP PTZ Camera


Servo Global Positioning System’

Developed Components



Software Developed Components Power System Robot Control Software




Page 17: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

6-Wheel Drive All-Terrain Chassis6 Wheel Drive All Terrain Chassis

Chassis Designedspecifically







Corrosion resistant anodized aluminum chassis Adjustable “Super-twist” suspension system



Software j p p y Huge spiked rubber tires 6x powerful motors with steel gear boxes 2x battery compartments for 7 2V sub C battery packs



2x battery compartments for 7.2V sub C battery packs Large top deck to hide cables and mount hardware


Page 18: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

6-Wheel Drive All-Terrain Chassis6 Wheel Drive All Terrain Chassis




The suspension is a simple but rugged torsion spring design with rubber


Servomounts to provide a firm but flexible joint.

Multiple attachment points all for adjustment of sprint tension and travel.






Page 19: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

6-Wheel Drive All-Terrain Chassis6 Wheel Drive All Terrain Chassis







Software Six powerful motors with Gearboxes us heavy duty

steel gears and brassSoftware


psteel gearboxes

steel gears and brass bushes for greater durability

The chassis system is able to traverse rough terrain and steep inclines with ease


Page 20: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

6-Wheel Drive All-Terrain Chassis6 Wheel Drive All Terrain Chassis

Chassis Specifications



Size: 420 × 300 × 130 mm (16.5" × 12" × 5") Weight: 2.7 kg (6.0 lb) Ground clearance: 60 mm (2.5") when lightly



loaded Maximum recommended payload: 5 kg (11 lb) Recommended motor voltage: 2 – 7.5 V




Stall current at 7.2 V: 6.6 A per motor No-load current at 7.2 V: 420 mA per motor No-load output shaft speed at 7.2 V: 160 RPM

Students may use the chassis as provided or design


Power Stall torque at 7.2 V: 11 kg-cm (160 oz-in) per


Students may use the chassis as provided or design their own chassis using provided components.


Page 21: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

IP CameraIP Camera

Product FeaturesChassis Product Features IP Color Camera 640 x 480 @ 30 fps


GPS Night Vision (up to 8 meters) Wide Range Pan and Tilt Two Way Audio


Servo Two-Way Audio Built-in Microphone Built-in Speaker



Software Built in Speaker Fast Ethernet: Wired or Wireless



Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 22: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

IP CameraIP Camera









Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 23: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

IP CameraIP Camera








Power• Support Documents:

•User’s Manual•Quick Installation Guide

Visit to download

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 24: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

GPS Navigation Receiver and AntennaGPS Navigation Receiver and Antenna A Complete GPS System Embedded AntennaChassis Embedded Antenna Embedded Receiving System Built-in serial interface



Can track a maximum of 32 or 66 t llit i lt l


Servo satellites simultaneously 5 to 10 updates per second Fast time to first fix



Software Fast time to first fix Low power consumption


PowerTeams will receive either a 32 or 66 channel GPS System Please be certainTeams will receive either a 32 or 66 channel GPS System. Please be certain

to match your device’s model to the proper technical documentation.

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 25: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

GPS Navigation Receiver and AntennaGPS Navigation Receiver and Antenna 32-Channel GPS Features

5Hz max update rate Chassis Default 38400bps Selectable update rate from 1 to 5Hz Selectable baud rate from 4800 to 115200bps Support for DGPS, WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS

32 ll l h l i hit t


GPS 32 parallel channel receiver architecture -158dBm sensitivity 3.3m accuracy 2.6m accuracy with DGPS 3 3 to 5V supply


Servo 3.3 to 5V supply 59/42/33mA power consumption 2 NMEA serial ports Battery backup pin




• Support Documents:•Datasheet•User Manual Dimensions

30x30x8.5mm (1.2x1.2x0.3") 15grams 100mm cable included



•User Manual•MTK Packet User Manual•Mini GPS Software•GPSTrace Software•GPS Tutorial

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Page 26: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

GPS Navigation Receiver and AntennaGPS Navigation Receiver and Antenna

Chassis 66-Channel GPS Features:

MediaTek MT3318 solution



5Hz output 57600bps TTL serial interface 3.3V @ 41mA 66 Channel GPS Fast TTFF at low signal level



Fast TTFF at low signal level Up to 10Hz update rate Capable of SBAS (WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS) Built-in micro battery to preserve system data for rapid satellite




q LED indicator for fix or no fix

• Support Documents:Software


•Datasheet•PMTK Protocol Reference•Mini GPS Configuration Software•Example Configuration•Connection Tutorial•Connection Tutorial

Visit to download

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Page 27: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Wifi Robot ControllerWifi Robot Controller Features

Support for up to 8 ServosChassis External power terminal, header pins, and jack

connections Wireless operation over 802.11b/g WiFi Wired operation over wired LAN


GPS Wired operation over wired LAN 50Hz servo refresh rate Independent servo control Adjustable pulse width


Servo j p Sample software and source code available Built in web server Control via a web page or virtual COM port on a PC



Software Sample source code available Secondary COM port for alternate device control such

as a camera, GPS, or sonar module



Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 28: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Wifi Robot ControllerWifi Robot Controller

Compatibility WiFi 802 11b and g wireless networksChassis WiFi 802.11b and g wireless networks Works with both non encrypted

networks and encryption via WEP and WPA

Wired LAN over CAT5 cabling


GPS g Sample s oftware for Windows only Telnet software required for

configuration (included with most PC's) ServoCommander v1.5 and above


Servo Weight: 96grams

Package Details 1x WiFi Robot Controller



Software• Support Documents:

1x WiFi Robot Controller 1x 5V AC Adapter (110 VAC, 60 Hz) 1x 7' CAT5 LAN cable 1x 2.4GHz antenna



•Sample Applications•Sample Source Code•Lantronix CPR Software•Schematic•Controller Instructions

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Page 29: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Servo ActuatorServo Actuator

Product SpecificationsChassis Motor Type: 3 Pole Bearing Type: Dual Ball Bearing Speed: 0.24 / 0.20 sec @ 60 deg.


GPS Torque: 106.93 / 133.31

(4.8v/6v) Size: 1.59" x 0.77" x 1.48"


Servo Weight: 1.94oz

Package Details



Software Package Details 1 Servo Actuators will be provided


Power • Support Documents:

•PPM Protocol Specifications•PPM Protocol Specifications

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Page 30: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Remote RelayRemote Relay Product Specs

Max relay voltage: 240VACChassis y g Max relay current: 10A @

28VDC, 12A @ 120VAC, 10A @ 240VAC.


GPS Relay resistance: 100 mO max 3.5V to 5.5V operating voltage

(on servo pigtail)Controller

Servo 30mA typical draw from receiver Dimensions: 1.25" x 1.25" x 0.9" 32mm x 32mm x 23mm



Software 12 inch servo pigtail

Package Details


Power• Support Documents:

•PPM Protocol Specifications g 2 Remote Relays will be providedVisit to download

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 31: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Command Center SoftwareCommand Center Software Students to Develop

SoftwareChassis Software Key Features

Robot Controller M t



Sensor Analysis Actuator Control


Servo Video Monitoring and

Camera Control Audio Monitoring and



Software Audio Monitoring and Control

System Management Functions



Location Mapping

Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 32: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Power SystemPower System


Multiple Sub-system Power Requirements


GPS Requirements Multiple Different Devices Battery Capacity


Servo y p y Battery Technology Energy Consumption Rate



Software Ability to Operate in Environment Weight vs. Ability to Complete Goals



Towards Remote Exploration RobotsTowards Remote Exploration RobotsCreareaCrearea robotilorrobotilor pentrupentru explorareexplorare comandaticomandati la la distantadistanta

Page 33: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Earth-Rover CommunicationsEarth Rover Communications

Earth-Rover Discussion Group (Primary Communications) Face Book – “Earth-Rover International Robotics Competition”

Earth Rover Coordinator E mails: (Secondary) Earth-Rover Coordinator E-mails: (Secondary) Moldova: [email protected] or [email protected] Romania: [email protected]

Uk i d U it d St t D id A d @E th R Ukraine and United States: [email protected]


Page 34: Earth Rover

Earth-Rover 2011

Questions - IntrebareQuestions Intrebare

34Technical University

Of MoldovaWorld Genesis


Multinational LLCUniversityof Suceava