eap5: text cohesion and coherence


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EAP5:Text Cohesion and Coherence

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colours create biological reactions in our bodies these reactions in turn can change

our behaviour in one study prisoners were put in a pink room and they underwent a

drastic and measurable decrease in muscle strength and hostility within 2.7 seconds

in another study athletes needing short bursts of energy were exposed to red light

their muscle strength increased by 13.5 percent and electrical activity in their arm

muscles increased by 5.8 percent athletes needing more endurance for longer

performances responded best when exposed to blue light other studies have shown

that the colour green is calming after londons blackfriars bridge was painted green

the number of suicides decreased by 34 percent these and other students clearly

demonstrate that colour affects not only our moods but our behavior as well

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Page 14: EAP5: Text Cohesion and Coherence

What differences can you find in the following paragraph? Is it better or worse than the paragraph we read previously?

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Now consider this paragraph. How does this compare to the previous two we have read?

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Analysis of a text

Study the following text and decide which linking technique is exemplified in the underlined words. With the reference words, indicate what words they refer back to; with the link words, explain their meaning in the context

Modern accounting firms use spreadsheet software to do complicated calculations. These can provide clients with an up-to-date report whenever needed. The software has many functions and can be integrated with other software.

The spreadsheet’s basic component is a cell. Each may contain one item from a range of information types such as data, or a formula which performs a mathematical operation. The former is a raw value while the latter describes the information on the worksheet. All need to be identifiable to the program by type in order for it to perform the necessary operations.

Page 18: EAP5: Text Cohesion and Coherence

Read the following paragraph on the subject of OLYMPIC ATHLETES:

Olympic athletes must be strong both physically and mentally. First of all, if you

hope to compete in an Olympic sport, you must be physically strong. Furthermore,

aspiring Olympians must train rigorously for many years. For the most demanding

sports, they train several hours a day, five or six days a week, for ten or more yeas.

In addition to being physically strong, athletes must also be mentally tough. This

means that you have to be totally dedicated to your sport, often giving up a normal

school, family, and social life. Being mentally strong also means that he or she must

be able to withstand the intense pressure of international competition with its

accompanying media coverage. Finally, not everyone can win a medal, so

Olympians must possess the inner strength to live with defeat.

Did you notice anything strange about this paragraph?

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The pronouns in the paragraph are not consistent. Look at the underlined pronouns and choose a more appropriate alternative.

Olympic athletes must be strong both physically and mentally. First of all, if you

hope to compete in an Olympic sport, you must be physically strong. Furthermore,

aspiring Olympians must train rigorously for many years. For the most demanding

sports, they train several hours a day, five or six days a week, for ten or more yeas.

In addition to being physically strong, athletes must also be mentally tough. This

means that you have to be totally dedicated to your sport, often giving up a normal

school, family, and social life. Being mentally strong also means that he or she must

be able to withstand the intense pressure of international competition with its

accompanying media coverage. Finally, not everyone can win a medal, so

Olympians must possess the inner strength to live with defeat.

Page 20: EAP5: Text Cohesion and Coherence

Compare your answers with the following:

Olympic athletes must be strong both physically and mentally. First of all, if they

hope to compete in an Olympic sport, they must be physically strong. Furthermore,

aspiring Olympians must train rigorously for many years. For the most demanding

sports, they train several hours a day, five or six days a week, for ten or more yeas.

In addition to being physically strong, athletes must also be mentally tough. This

means that they have to be totally dedicated to their sport, often giving up a normal

school, family, and social life. Being mentally strong also means that they must be

able to withstand the intense pressure of international competition with its

accompanying media coverage. Finally, not everyone can win a medal, so

Olympians must possess the inner strength to live with defeat.

Page 21: EAP5: Text Cohesion and Coherence

Now read this paragraph on salinity:

One difference among the world’s seas and oceans is that the salinity varies in

different climate zones. The Baltic Sea in northern Europe is only one-fourth as

salty as the Red Sea in the Middle East. There are reasons for this. In warm

climates, water evaporates rapidly. The concentration of salt is greater. The

surrounding land is dry and does not contribute much freshwater to dilute the salty

seawater. In cold climate zones, water evaporates slowly. The runoff created by

melting snow adds a considerable amount of freshwater to dilute the saline


Do you notice anything strange about this paragraph? How could it be improved?

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One difference among the world’s seas and oceans is that the salinity varies in

different climate zones. The Baltic Sea in northern Europe is only one-fourth as

salty as the Red Sea in the Middle East. There are reasons for this. In warm

climates, water evaporates rapidly. The concentration of salt is greater. The

surrounding land is dry and does not contribute much freshwater to dilute the salty

seawater. In cold climate zones, water evaporates slowly. The runoff created by

melting snow adds a considerable amount of freshwater to dilute the saline


The paragraph is lacking in TRANSITION SIGNALS or LINKERS. At what points could you introduce the following transition signals? ( you should use the terms in the order you find them in below)

For example, Two, First of all, therefore, Second, consequently, on the other hand,


Page 23: EAP5: Text Cohesion and Coherence

The transition words can be used as follows:

One difference among the world’s seas and oceans is that the

salinity varies in different climate zones. For example, the Baltic Sea

in northern Europe is only one-fourth as salty as the Red Sea in the

Middle East. There are two reasons for this. First of all, in warm

climates, water evaporates rapidly; therefore, the concentration of

salt is greater. Second, the surrounding land is dry and

consequently does not contribute much freshwater to dilute the salty

seawater. In cold climate zones, on the other hand, water

evaporates slowly. Furthermore, the runoff created by melting snow

adds a considerable amount of freshwater to dilute the saline


Page 24: EAP5: Text Cohesion and Coherence

Now turn to page 29 of Writing Academic English and look at the text on Genetic Engineering. Underline all the transition signals you find, and add any punctuation that you feel necessary

On the one hand,

For example,

In addition,


On the other hand,

In fact,

As a result,


Page 25: EAP5: Text Cohesion and Coherence

It had started to rain. I therefore decided to take the bus. I thus avoided getting wet in my work clothes. The bus stop, however, is a fair distance from my office. Moreover, I had no umbrella with me. Consequently, I got wet anyway. In addition, on the way, a car splashed me with rain water.

It had started to rain. I therefore decided to take the bus. I thus avoided getting wet in my work clothes. The bus stop, however, is a fair distance from my office. Moreover, I had no umbrella with me. Consequently, I got wet anyway. In addition, on the way, a car splashed me with rain water.

My place of work is only a thirty-minute walk from my home, _____ I rarely take my car or even use public transport, _____ on the particular day in question I was cold wet and tired after a long day at the office, _____ I decided to catch a taxi.

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My place of work is only a thirty-minute walk from my home, so I rarely take my car or even use public transport, but on the particular day in question I was cold wet and tired after a long day at the office, so I decided to catch a taxi.

Page 27: EAP5: Text Cohesion and Coherence

In England trains are very expensive. Therefore many students prefer to take coaches. However an equivalent coach journey invariably takes much longer. What is more, the departure times can be quite infrequent. For example there may be only one or two inter-city buses in a day. In addition, coach are less comfortable. In conclusion, students may find that it is worth their while to buy international student rail cards. For example, for some journeys, the cost of a student rail card can be recouped in a single journey. To find out more, enquire at the Student Union Shop. In addition, information is also obtainable from train stations.

Page 28: EAP5: Text Cohesion and Coherence

In England trains are very expensive. Therefore many students prefer to take coaches. However an equivalent coach journey invariably takes much longer. What is more, the departure times can be quite infrequent. For example there may be only one or two inter-city buses in a day. In addition, coach are less comfortable. In conclusion, students may find that it is worth their while to buy international student rail cards. For example, for some journeys, the cost of a student rail card can be recouped in a single journey. To find out more, enquire at the Student Union Shop. In addition, information is also obtainable from train stations.

Page 29: EAP5: Text Cohesion and Coherence

In England trains are expensive and many students prefer to take coaches. An equivalent coach journey, however, invariably takes much longer than the train; departure times can be quite infrequent (with only one or two inter-city buses in a day) and the journey is often less comfortable. Many students find that it is worth their while to buy international student rail cards. For some journeys, the cost of a student rail card can be recouped in a single journey. To find out more, enquire at the Student Union Shop; information is also obtainable from train stations.

Page 30: EAP5: Text Cohesion and Coherence

Study the use of linkers in the sentence below. In each case, what is the precise meaning of the underlined linker?

1 Contrary to what many people believe, the work of a scientist can sometimes be rather boring.2 Jane Austin’s showed signs of her future genius from a very young age; I would not, however, recommend that a reader new to her work should start with her early novels .3 Given his recent attempts to improve the quality of his work, I believe we should give this employee the benefit of the doubt and extend his contract for a further probationary period. 4 Whilst taxes overall have not gone down over the last 15 years, the total tax burden for normal families has risen considerably.6 I appreciate that modern artists are no longer interested in accurate representation. Nevertheless, one does wonder whether some have anything like the skills and talent that would have been required of a successful artist one or two hundred years ago. 7 A British Prime Minister is different from an American President in that he is not directly elected by the people.8 Saint Paul’s cathedral is one of Christopher Wren’s finest works; indeed, some would argue that it is the finest.

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Sentence continuation practice

Complete each sentence below with ONE link word and follow-up sentence.

1. Energy-efficient technology is expensive but will eventually save money and reduce pollution. ...

a Moreover, ... b However, ... c In fact, ...d For instance, ... e Obviously, ... f ..., therefore, ...

2. A good deal of crime is committed by young people - one third of all known offenders are under 17. …

a As a result, … b On the other hand, … c Admittedly, …d Despite … e What is more, … f Fortunately, …

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