
Evaluation 2 How does your media product present particular social groups?

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Evaluation 2How does your media product present particular social groups?

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Social groups in our film;The main social groups that were used in our film are ;

•A stalker•A mentally ill young girl

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Emily is the main character of our film, who was put into witness protection at a young age, after the death of her government official parents (who were killed by a mysterious black figure). Due to her traumatic childhood, Emily now suffers with PTSD. We show that Emily suffers with PTSD in various ways throughout the opening. One way is when she is looking at news articles reporting her parents death, they are worn down due to show the way she looks at them frequently as she is obsessed to how her parents died. She is also shown to wake up from a nightmare in the middle of the night, to then go to the church where here parents were killed, showing the obsession with their death.

Mentally ill (Emily Ovvitz)How have we shown this character?

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Mentally ill (Emily Ovvitz)Where did the inspiration for this character come from?

We got the inspiration for Emily’s character from the character ‘Charlie’ from the film ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’, a character who also suffers from PTSD.His PTSD stemmed from his Aunt molesting him at such a young age, causing him serious trauma. His Aunt then died in a car crash, which he then blames himself for her death. This leads to him have blackouts, flashbacks and nightmares, which is where we found the inspiration for Emily’s nightmares. We also felt that they’d been through a similar past, with close family members death at such a young age, therefore thought that PTSD was a disorder which linked most closely to Emily’s history.

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Emily OvvitzWhere did the inspiration for the mise-en-scene for this character come from?We dressed Emily’s character in a white shirt, showing her innocence, but the shirt was also one of her Father’s which she had kept; showing the obsession to try and keep close to her parents. The inspiration for dressing our character in white came from ‘The Bride’ in the opening of ‘Kill Bill’, as she is dressed in a white wedding dress to show her purity. The pyjamas and bed socks also represent how she had woken up in the middle of the night to go to the church, and was not bothered about changing clothes as the only thing on her mind was getting to the church, likewise her hair and make up were natural as she had just woken up . Her clothing also represents her childlike attributes, to portray how she is still trying to cling onto her childhood, as it reminds her of when her parents were around. The lighting we used in Emily’s shots was more high key as we felt it added to the innocent/pure character we were trying to portray.The main prop which we used within our opening, was a photo of Emily and her mother which she is shown to be holding onto frequently, showing further how she always wants her Mother near.

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Stalker (black figure)The stalker is the mysterious black figure which killed Emily’s parents. She is dressed in black clothes to emphasize that she is the villain, contrasting the purity of Emily’s white clothes. She is out to get Emily as she see’s her as a potential threat after she is released from witness protection.

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Stalker (black figure)Where did the inspiration for this character come from?We got the inspiration of how we will portray our villain in the opening from the opening of the film ‘Kill Bill’. The identity of ‘Bill’ in the opening is kept unknown and he is only shown through his black boots and gloved hands. We did this in a similar way, by showing the figure by black boots and black gloves, but we did actually show the figures full body, even though her identity is still unknown by the audience.

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Stalker (black figure)Where did the inspiration for the mise-en-scene for this character come from?We dressed our villain in mainly black clothing, which is what is stereotypically expected from a villain in a thriller film. We got the inspiration for our stalker mainly from ‘Fatal Attraction’ as they don’t adhere to the usual conventions of a thriller as they have a female stalker. We thought that this was effective throughout the film therefore decided to use a female villain in our film as we felt it isn’t something expected, making our film more exciting and unusual.