e twinning project plan 1

Age of the pupils: 10 to 12 Used language: English Duration: 6 months School type: elementary Details: Teachers from Group 10 in e-Twinning Learning Lab - Exploiting Web 2.0 10: Ayça Oğuz (Turkey); Ana Tudor (Romania); Colaiuda Cinzia (Italy); Pinel Paraskevas (Greece); Iuliana Bălaşa (Romania) Partners: Our Customs and Traditions Name of the project: eTwinning project plan

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Post on 05-Jul-2015




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Page 1: E twinning project plan 1

Age of the pupils: 10 to 12

Used language: English

Duration: 6 months

School type: elementary


Teachers from Group 10 in e-Twinning Learning Lab - Exploiting Web 2.0 10: Ayça Oğuz (Turkey); Ana Tudor (Romania); Colaiuda Cinzia (Italy); Pinel Paraskevas (Greece); Iuliana Bălaşa (Romania)


Our Customs and TraditionsName of the project:

eTwinning project plan

Page 2: E twinning project plan 1

PowerPoint presentations, slides of photos, Word documents, Webcam, slideshare, videos through Youtube, messenger, skype, etc.

ICT tools:

The goals of our project are: to motivate our pupils working harder, improve their English and ICT skills, to keep their traditions and to be proud of them.


This is a project about the customs and traditions in our countries. We will try to show to each other what beautiful customs we have. In this way, we have the chance to see the similarities and the differences between our countries, to link a nice friendship.

Short description:

eTwinning project plan

Page 3: E twinning project plan 1

eTwinning project plan

• the work in groups of students; • the work in groups of teachers;• the mixed groups; • communication by e-mail

• creating PowerPoints, slides, videos, pictures, drawings and finally common posters

Working methods:

The aims of this project is to contribute to improving our pupils’ skills, to know the real face of Europe and to understand the importance of keeping traditions. They will be more involved in activities, willing to share and learn.

Pedagogical basis:

Page 4: E twinning project plan 1

e-Twinning project timetable

The project team of each country

* Using PowerPoint presentations, movies, slide pictures, digital photos, slideshares, slide pictures, Trilulilu program, etc.

Month 2

Teachers and students of our partner schools

• Sending e-mails and introductions in Word or PowerPoint in order to know better our partners and their schools

• Cooperating using known ICT skills

Month 1

Responsible person(s)

Task description – tools to be used

Time/ period

Page 5: E twinning project plan 1

e-Twinning project timetable

The students of each

partner country - Presentations through photos, Animoto, Jigsaw, Slidecom, Google of old customs and how we try to keep them along the centuries

Month 4

The coordinator of the

project in each school - Describing the most known traditions in our countries by using Teacher Tube Video, Slide Share, Blogger, Word documents, Paint

Month 3

Page 6: E twinning project plan 1

e-Twinning project timetable

The headmaster from

each school and the project coordinators

Feedback, Evaluation, Awarding Prizes and Certificates

Month 6

Teachers and students from our schools

•Talking about traditions similar to our countries

• Sharing news about traditions spent in our schools using different tools

Month 5