e tfine car ithat comquieirs eveipy it enters is the car...

OCALA EYttitXG STAR, THURSDAV, XOVOIBEIt 7, I9i2 DESTROYED A GOLDEN MYTH TOUCHED TENDER SPOT Moral Seems to Be Let Children Dis APPEAL IN HEN'S EYES TOO MUCH cover the Truth About Santa Claus for Themselves. It had been a hard year for the fa FOR "NIMROD." ther of the family and the coining of Christmas had something of terror In It for him when he thought of how-muc- less In the way of gifts he could do than he would have liked. Consequently Destructive Bird, Held In Honor as a Gift, Continues to Make Barren Waste of Doc- tor's Garden. One of the doctor's patients Is an But what hurt worst was that, hay ing had to meet some heavy tills, he found it would be quite impossible to buy the bicycle that he had promised v. i v r a . Italian who speaks English imperfect- ly, and 13, besides, very poor. The doc uis vqj aania ciaus wouia Drag. He was sorry for the disappoint ment that he knew the lad would feel and he decided that it would be best not to wait and have the disappoint ment come on Christmas day. So he went to the lad, a manly little chap, and said: OCALA LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. Jobbers and Dealers in Everything in Building Material, Including the Following: Lumber Lath and Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Sewer Pipe, Asbestos and Regal Roofing, Corrugated Iron, Metal Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Grates, Tile, Upson Board and Beaver Board. MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS No Order loo Large or None too Small for Prompt Attention Yards, Warehouses, Mill and Business Offices on S. A. L, A.CL and Ocala Northern Tracks. PHONE 223 OCALA, FLA. tor became Interested In him at a hos- pital clinic, where he treated him for some time. When quite restored to health, the Italian, full of gratitude and affection, desired to make some return for the kindness that had been shown him, and after much consider- ation decided to present his benefactor with one of his most valuable assets, a large white hen which he was fat- tening with a view to a feast for him- self and family later on. So one morning he arrived at the doctor's of- fice with this offering in his arms and "Look here, my boy, you are old enough now to understand things. Each 900 $900 F.O.B. Detroit Model "K" Touring Car Completely Equipped. Equipment includes: three oil lamps, two gas lamps. Presto-lit- e tank, mohair top with side curtains and top cover, wind- shield, horc, demountable rims with spare rim, tire holders, tool kit with jack, and tire repair outfit with pump, nickel and black trimmings. F.O.B. Detroit sat humbly waiting his turn among the other patients. "Well, Joseph, is your hen sick?' asked the doctor jocosely, when Joseph Christmas when you received gifts you supposed, and. Indeed, we told you, they were brought by Santa Claus. "As a matter of fact, Santa Claus is only a make-believ- e, a tradition that has come down through the ages to help make the Christmas season brighter and happier and less selfish for children. The truth is that your mother and myself have always been your Santa Claus. "This year, sonny, things have not been going very well with me and I can't just afford that bicycle that you thought Santa Claus was going to bring you. "Be a brave little man about it and Tfine car ithat comquieirs eveipy territory it enters is the car to tie to finally was shown into the private sanctum. "Seek-a!- " exclaimed Joseph. "No, ser, heem-- a no seek-a- . I brought-- a heem to you. I want gev-- a heem to you. You make-- a me well. You treat-- a me kind I geva you de cheek. I have-- a no more. I like-- a you, please take-a- ,' and with tears of emotion in his eyes he thrust the struggling, squawking fowl into the hands of the physician, who, being a most tender-hearte- d mor tal, could not refuse a gift he knew was offered in a spirit of sincere de votion. A few days later the doctor's broth we'll have a merry Christmas anyway, and maybe early in the year I'll be able to get it for you. But I really can't afford it now. You won't mind very much, will you?" "Why no dad." said the lad, though he had to fight a bit to keep the tears out of hl3 eyes. "But." he said, thoughtfully, "no Santa Claus! Why. I believed in him. Say, dad, you haven't been fooling me about Jesus, too, have you?" St Louis Republic. er, whose prowess as a hunter of big and little game had won for him among his friends the nickname of "Nimrod," was visiting the doctor, FE3ESC-- 3 SEEDS have just received a Large and Complete Line of WE Fresh Seed and can supply your wants in this Line no matter how Small or how Large. Send us a List of what Seed you may need, and will quote you Special Prices. in riding, room, comfort, and reliability-m- ore in fact. -- tor that sum than he could ever off er before. Therefore, the Dealer who ties up with the K-r-i- -t will ba scoring, like others before him, the biggest business stroke of his career. He will be tying to a car that will sweep through his territory just as it has triumphed elsewhere. If you understand the technical side of an automobile, bear in mind that the K-r-i- -t motor, clutch and transmission are a unit That means conservation of power, getting as near as possible 100-pe- r cent efficiency. And speaking of power, don't forget that while the K-r-i- -t is medium in price, it is full powered, staunch and husky, equal to any work. K-r-i- -t models are finished in black and nickel and with 56 or 60-inc- h tread as desired. Their equipment is complete. An electric lighting system including five lamps, and 100-ho- ur storage battery is added to each car for $10 extra. Other Models "KR" Roadster $000; "KD" Delivery $900; Completely Equipped F. O. B. Detroit K-r-i- -t cars have already conquered in many sections. They have never yet failed in profit to the cealer, and satisfaction to the buyer. Increased production now enables us to bring them to you. Here, therefore, is the opportunity for dealer and buyer alike a car of medium price that offers such value and service that it has made a clean sweep. One of the explanations of K-r-i- -t value is that all the essential parts are made within the K-r-i- -t organization ; the money is put into the car itself and not in useless equipment. Dealers who know the K-r-i-- t, know that the best part of the K-r-i- -t profit lies in its character which makes it a successful car next year as well as this year because the K-r-i- -t reputation rolls up the sales. Moreover they know that K-r-i- -t service . means that the K-r-i- -t Motor Car Company stands back.of every car that a written guarantee for a year goes with each car. The dealer knows also that when he is offer- ing the K-r-i- -t he is offering his client a full $900 worth in power, speed, ease and, happening to look out of the sanctum window into the yard, ob- served the hen contentedly scratching up a bed of geraniums, the last bit AH Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. OCALA SEED STORE of vegetation her actice claws had left untouched in the lnclosure. "Hello, Doc! Since when have you gone into the poultry business?" said he. Then the doctor explained. "The deuce of it is," he concluded ruefully, "that the activities of that miserable bird have kept my yard looking like a barren waste." "Kill her, why don't you?" said Nim- rod. "Cut off her head." "Oh," said the man of lancets and probes and surgical knives, "I couldn't do it; not In cold blood. Nimrod not in cold blood." "Pooh," returned Nimrod, "let me do It for you then. Just a clip cn the side of the head and it's over." "All right, my boy, go and do it," said the brother. So the doctor closed the window and drew down the shade Terms In Modern Evolution. "Yes, it was romance, all right, even if It did turn out badly. It started at one" of last spring's pic- nics. She was plucking white daisies or something with the proper back- ground in perspective. He saw her and muttered: "Oh, you pretty squab!'" 'Then what?" "Oh, she overheard it, all right, and in a roundabout way an introduction followed." "Go on." "Well, it wasn't many weeks be- fore he had her out under the trees in the moonlight, with a mocking bird accompaniment, asking her: Oos duckie Is oo?" "Next chapter." "The first week In June he mar- shaled up sufficient courage u say: 'Say, chicken, let's get married?' " "I see; short engagement, eh?" "Yep: wedded bliss not long, ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY Established dealers should write or wire to Geo. A. Crittenden, Sales Manager K-R-I- -T MOTOR CAR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH. Or our Special Representative J. Vo Ho CAIRNS, Burbridge Hotel Jacksonville, Fla. and Nimrod departed on hi3 murder- ous errand. Twenty minutes later he returned. "Well?" queried the doctor, looking up from his writing, "is it done?" "No," replied Nimrod. "Not done!" said the doctor. "And why not?" "Why, the darned bird looked at me with its round, silly eyes and I couldn't :v- - .7 A 1NPJ ir" Jggg 1 either. Along with other indignities alleged in her divorce petition she says he called her a goose. He re- taliated by saying no man was ex- pected to stay married with a chat- tering guinea always around." "Now what?" p!htn.. in th Chest. Irritation in the Throat and a Dry Hacking "She got her freedom yesterday. To do it," confessed Nimrod, with a depre- catory smile. night he's celebrating, declaring he's glad he's rid of -- the old hen." St So Joseph's gift still clucks and Louis Republic. scratches contentedly and the doc tor's yard continues to look like a barren waste. New York Press. k1 '4 I Tennis in Japan. Bird Store a Magnet The bird store window is an unfail The Japanese have displayed a pe- culiar aptitude for lawn tennis. To many Indianapolis players the sight of an expert Japanese on the park courts Is not uncommon. Among the best amateur players In the city are Japanese house servants. What they ing attraction to many people. Per- haps it attracts men more than wom Coujcn means .a miserable night for the whole family. . s BALLARD'S H r s h uh dl S f r u p Is An Effective Remedy for the Throat and Lungs. Tt relieves tlcklime In the throat, tightness in the chest inflamed lungs, difficult breathing cn.! wheezins In the bronchial tubes. Conveys a soothing, heallnjr influence to the sore lungs, promote easy expectoration and contributes to the enjoyment of a quiet night and restful sleVp. Put Up in Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. Buy the Dollar size. It contains five times as much as the 26o alxe, aad you set with each bottl a Dr. Ilerrlck's Red Pepper Porous Plaster for the chest. en, but it is a magnet that draws all children. Let the small boys discover a bird lack in height they more than make up in agility. They seem to be inde store and they halt and linger long. fatigable. Tennis, like baseball, is wondering over or admiring the steadily growing in popularity in Ja JjORETTO (Near Mardarin) FLORIDA Boarding School for Boys, Conducted by Ahe Sisters of St. Joseph. Boys from Eight to Fourteen Years Received, and Carefully Trained on Physical, Intelectual, Moral and Social Lines. Healthy Location. Mag- nificent Swimming Pool. Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms. Dorm- itories, Dining Hall and Recreation Rooms. Apply for Prospectus t o the Sister Superior ST. JOSEPH'S ACAD EMY, LORETTO, FLORIDA. strange or beautiful feathered crea- tures within, and children walking pan. The former has become a fa vorite among Japanese high school with their mothers, if they should spy and college students. Intercollegiate games have also become popular among the students and their friends ST. LOUIS. MO. PROPRIETOR JAMES F. BALLARD Among the well-know- n institutions that have a large number of enthusi astic tennis players are the following: this window, are sure to tug her toward it to give them a chance to look in. The bird store window interests all children, as it appears to interest also many grown men who may be drawn to it by a natural fondness for birds and animals, or be attracted by the novel or striking character of the ex- hibit, on view. Here, for instance, in this window For Sore Eyes, Granulated LIJs, Itcdnen. of tue Weak Slkt, Smartia Sensations la the Eye- use Stephen Eye Salve. It b h remedy of proves) merit. Tokio Higher Normal school. Toklo V .Commercial school (higher), Waseda mm iSOLO AWDReCOMMENDCDBVl ';," ALL DRUGGISTS university, Tokio Kyoto university. 111 HOTEL JACKSONVILLE'S FINEST AND Kyoto; Third high school, Kyoto The foreign communities in the vari 1s a white peacock, a remarkable bird ous ports, Yokohama, Kobe and Na gasaki, have tennis clubs. The lead LEVOX ing foreign club at Yokohama is known as the Ladies Lawn Tennis club. Tennis rackets are already be- ing manufactured In Japan, there be seen with Its plumage in whatever form. As with characteristic deliber- ation it walks about with its long tail feathers folded and trailing people stop to look at it, and then let it raise and spread its great white fan and many more halt and gather in a crowd around the window. New York Sun. ing fix factories In Toklo alone. "Black and Blue" Bruises Explained. FLORIDA'S LARGEST AND BEST YEAR ROUND HOTEL The Hotel you take your Mother, Wife or LOW EXCURSION KATES TO (DC ALA VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE Well-Traine- d Cockatoo. "When seals were taught to do tricks balancing and to whirl flam- ing torches, and ordinary barnyard cocks crowed a duet at the command of a trainer, we thought the highest point in that commercially valuable line of education had been reached," says a writer in a Berlin paper. "But a new 'first place' has been created Sister to. THE HOME HOTEL OF THE STATE The color of blood is due chiefly to Iron In the little blood cells. W'hen the iron Is kept in these little blood cells, which are living and traveling around In the blood vessels, the color is red. Hit the skin hard enough to break some of the little blood vessels beneath the surface and the little red cells escape from the injured blood vessels, wander around for a while in the tissues, and die. When they die the Iron that made them red before then changes to black-and-blu- e coloring. After a while this iron is taken up by the glands caled the lymphatics and made over again into nice red cell3. The iron is taken up very much more quickly by the lymphatics if the black-and-blu- e spot is rubbed and massaged. ACCOUNT RATES for a grass-gree- n cockatoo. This edu Levon, Nov. 5. Mr. W. J. Frink Is improving fast and it is hoped by his friends he will be out in the next few days, although it will be several days before he can use his hands. Mr. E. P. Rentz paid us a pleasant visit of a few hours Friday and Satur- day. Mr. J. G. Culpepper Is home after a week spent with relatives at Crystal River. Miss Julia Waters visited Sunday In Pedro. Messrs. Alfred Oliver and Charles Carter spent the day Sunday In Ocala and Silver Springs. Mrs. W. I Miller, while, feeding sweet potatoes to the horse Sunday, had the misfortune of losing her middle finger near the first joint. The horse In bit- ing the potato, got the finger and bit it off. The recent cold snap has caused the farmers in our section to clean up and make ready the cane milL The many friends of Mr. R. R. Rhodes will regret to learn that he leaves Levon in a few days for Jack- sonville, where he has accepted a posi- tion as saw filer with one of the mills. The people of our town regret very much to give up this estimable family, but wish for them a prosperous future in their new home. Mr. C. H. Strozler of Palatka is mingling with friends In Levon this week. Mr. and Mrs. IL M. Hampton of Ocala were Sunday evening visitors to Dr. T. K. Slaughter and wife. cated member of the parrot family rides a tiny bicycle at command and seems to enjoy the sport He does many tricks for which professional riders receive applause. The same col 0 European Plan $1.50 per Day and Uq-Wa- rd A. F. WILSON, Ass'l Mgr. TIIOS. U. WILSON, Prop, and Mflr. lection or animal wonders contains a I lUlLJI monster lion, which Is shown in a cage provided with a grand piano. A 1 JACKSONVILLE, FLA. woman trainer enters, seats herself at the Instrument and strikes a chord, at which the Hon leaps upon the piano and glares at the pianist. Then she Jgfemt New Hotel stor Australia's Wheat Exports. Australia exported 728,000 ton3 of wheat to date, compared with about 428,000 tons in 1310. PORTO RICO'S NEW WOVDER plays, and the lion roars In time with the music. What next?" Corner Bay and Hogan Sis. T- - . FLAGGED TRAIX WITH SIUIIT Jacksonville, - Florida Tearing his shirt from his back an Ohio man flagged a train and saved It from a wreck, but II. T. Alston, Ral- eigh, X. C, once prevented a wreck RATES: $1 and Up From far away Porto Rico come re- ports of a wonderful new discovery that i? believed will vastly benefit the people. P.amon T. Marchan, of Baree-lonet- a, writes: "Dr. Kind's New Dis- - noi ana uom iiunning water and r mi n;' tmm4 hiyi with Electric Bitters. "I was in a terrible plight when I began to use them,' Tickets Sold November 26lh-27th-28- th and 29th. FINAL LIMIT NOVEMBER 30th. he writes, "my stomach, head. ! covery is doing splendid work here. It Telephone In Each Room. Free Baths COOLKST 1IOOMS ItEST IlEDS LARGE SAMPLE nOOMS Take Street Car at Union Station and Twinges of rheumatism, backache, stiff joints and shooting pains all show your kidneys are not working right. Urinary irregularities, loss of sleep, nervousness, weak back and sore kidneys tell the need of a good reliable kidney medicine. Foley Kid- ney Pills are tonic, strengthening and restorative. They build up the kid- neys and regulate their action. They will give you quick relief and contain no habit forming drugs. Safe and al- ways sure. Try them. For sale by the Anti-Monopo- ly Drugstore. Ad, Get off at Ilogran Street back and kidneys were all badly af- fected and my liver was in bad condi- tion, but four bottles of Electric Bit- ters made me feel like a new man." A trial will convince you of their match- less merit for any stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Trice 50 cents at Ty-din- gs & Company. Ad. cured me about five time3 oi terrjoie cough? and colds, also my brother of a severe cold in his chest and more than 20 other, who used it on my advice. We hope this great medicine will be sold In every drugstore in Porto Rico." For throat and lung troubles it has no equal. A trial will convince you of its merit. 50c and SI. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Tydlngs & Co. Ad. J. G. KIRKLAND Division Passenger A cent TAMPA M. R. WILLIAMS Ticket Agent OCALA Odd Fellows meet Tuesday night. A'.

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Page 1: e Tfine car ithat comquieirs eveipy it enters is the car ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027621/1912-11-07/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · some time. When quite restored to health, the Italian,



APPEAL IN HEN'S EYES TOO MUCHcover the Truth About Santa

Claus for Themselves.

It had been a hard year for the faFOR "NIMROD."

ther of the family and the coining ofChristmas had something of terror InIt for him when he thought of how-muc-

less In the way of gifts he coulddo than he would have liked.

Consequently Destructive Bird, HeldIn Honor as a Gift, Continues to

Make Barren Waste of Doc-

tor's Garden.

One of the doctor's patients Is an

But what hurt worst was that, haying had to meet some heavy tills, hefound it would be quite impossible tobuy the bicycle that he had promisedv. i v r a .

Italian who speaks English imperfect-ly, and 13, besides, very poor. The doc uis vqj aania ciaus wouia Drag.

He was sorry for the disappointment that he knew the lad would feeland he decided that it would be bestnot to wait and have the disappointment come on Christmas day. So hewent to the lad, a manly little chap,and said:


Jobbers and Dealers in Everything inBuilding Material, Including the Following:Lumber

Lath andShingles,


Cement,Plaster and

Sewer Pipe,Asbestos and

Regal Roofing,Corrugated Iron,

Metal Shingles,Sash,



Tile,Upson Board and Beaver Board.

MILL WORK OF ALL KINDSNo Order loo Large or None too Small for Prompt Attention

Yards, Warehouses, Mill and BusinessOffices on S. A. L, A.CL and Ocala

Northern Tracks.PHONE 223 OCALA, FLA.

tor became Interested In him at a hos-pital clinic, where he treated him forsome time. When quite restored tohealth, the Italian, full of gratitudeand affection, desired to make somereturn for the kindness that had beenshown him, and after much consider-ation decided to present his benefactorwith one of his most valuable assets,a large white hen which he was fat-tening with a view to a feast for him-self and family later on. So onemorning he arrived at the doctor's of-

fice with this offering in his arms and

"Look here, my boy, you are oldenough now to understand things. Each

900$900F.O.B. Detroit

Model "K" Touring Car Completely Equipped.Equipment includes: three oil lamps, two gas lamps. Presto-lit- e

tank, mohair top with side curtains and top cover, wind-shield, horc, demountable rims with spare rim, tire holders,tool kit with jack, and tire repair outfit with pump, nickeland black trimmings. F.O.B. Detroit

sat humbly waiting his turn amongthe other patients.

"Well, Joseph, is your hen sick?'asked the doctor jocosely, when Joseph

Christmas when you received gifts yousupposed, and. Indeed, we told you,they were brought by Santa Claus.

"As a matter of fact, Santa Claus isonly a make-believ- e, a tradition thathas come down through the ages tohelp make the Christmas seasonbrighter and happier and less selfishfor children. The truth is that yourmother and myself have always beenyour Santa Claus.

"This year, sonny, things have notbeen going very well with me and Ican't just afford that bicycle that youthought Santa Claus was going tobring you.

"Be a brave little man about it and

Tfine car ithat comquieirs eveipyterritory it enters is the car to tie to

finally was shown into the privatesanctum.

"Seek-a!- " exclaimed Joseph. "No, ser,heem-- a no seek-a- . I brought-- a heem toyou. I want gev-- a heem to you. Youmake-- a me well. You treat-- a me kindI geva you de cheek. I have-- a nomore. I like-- a you, please take-a- ,'

and with tears of emotion in his eyeshe thrust the struggling, squawkingfowl into the hands of the physician,who, being a most tender-hearte- d mortal, could not refuse a gift he knewwas offered in a spirit of sincere devotion.

A few days later the doctor's broth

we'll have a merry Christmas anyway,and maybe early in the year I'll beable to get it for you. But I reallycan't afford it now. You won't mindvery much, will you?"

"Why no dad." said the lad,though he had to fight a bit to keepthe tears out of hl3 eyes.

"But." he said, thoughtfully, "noSanta Claus! Why. I believed in him.Say, dad, you haven't been fooling meabout Jesus, too, have you?" St LouisRepublic.

er, whose prowess as a hunter of bigand little game had won for himamong his friends the nickname of"Nimrod," was visiting the doctor,

FE3ESC-- 3 SEEDShave just received a Large and Complete Line of

WEFresh Seed and can supply your wants in this Lineno matter how Small or how Large.

Send us a List of what Seed you may need, and willquote you Special Prices.

in riding, room, comfort, and reliability-m- orein fact. -- tor that sum than he could

ever offer before.

Therefore, the Dealer who ties up with theK-r-i- -t will ba scoring, like others beforehim, the biggest business stroke of hiscareer. He will be tying to a car thatwill sweep through his territory just as ithas triumphed elsewhere.

If you understand the technical side of anautomobile, bear in mind that the K-r-i--t

motor, clutch and transmission are a unitThat means conservation of power, getting

as near as possible 100-pe- r cent efficiency.And speaking of power, don't forget thatwhile the K-r-i--t is medium in price, it isfull powered, staunch and husky, equalto any work.

K-r-i--t models are finished in black andnickel and with 56 or 60-inc-h tread asdesired. Their equipment is complete.

An electric lighting system including fivelamps, and 100-ho- ur storage battery isadded to each car for $10 extra.

Other Models "KR" Roadster $000; "KD"Delivery $900; Completely EquippedF. O. B. Detroit

K-r-i--t cars have already conquered in manysections. They have never yet failed inprofit to the cealer, and satisfaction tothe buyer.

Increased production now enables us tobring them to you.

Here, therefore, is the opportunity for dealerand buyer alike a car of medium pricethat offers such value and service that ithas made a clean sweep.

One of the explanations of K-r-i--t value isthat all the essential parts are made withinthe K-r-i- -t organization ; the money is putinto the car itself and not in uselessequipment.

Dealers who know the K-r-i-- t, know that thebest part of the K-r-i--t profit lies in itscharacter which makes it a successfulcar next year as well as this year becausethe K-r-i- -t reputation rolls up the sales.Moreover they know that K-r-i--t service .

means that the K-r-i--t Motor Car Companystands back.of every car that a writtenguarantee for a year goes with each car.

The dealer knows also that when he is offer-ing the K-r-i--t he is offering his client afull $900 worth in power, speed, ease

and, happening to look out of thesanctum window into the yard, ob-

served the hen contentedly scratchingup a bed of geraniums, the last bit

AH Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention.


of vegetation her actice claws hadleft untouched in the lnclosure.

"Hello, Doc! Since when have yougone into the poultry business?" saidhe.

Then the doctor explained. "Thedeuce of it is," he concluded ruefully,"that the activities of that miserablebird have kept my yard looking like abarren waste."

"Kill her, why don't you?" said Nim-rod. "Cut off her head."

"Oh," said the man of lancets andprobes and surgical knives, "I couldn'tdo it; not In cold blood. Nimrod notin cold blood."

"Pooh," returned Nimrod, "let me doIt for you then. Just a clip cn theside of the head and it's over."

"All right, my boy, go and do it,"said the brother. So the doctor closedthe window and drew down the shade

Terms In Modern Evolution."Yes, it was romance, all right,

even if It did turn out badly. Itstarted at one" of last spring's pic-

nics. She was plucking white daisiesor something with the proper back-ground in perspective. He saw herand muttered: "Oh, you prettysquab!'"

'Then what?""Oh, she overheard it, all right, and

in a roundabout way an introductionfollowed."

"Go on.""Well, it wasn't many weeks be-

fore he had her out under the treesin the moonlight, with a mocking birdaccompaniment, asking her: Oosduckie Is oo?"

"Next chapter.""The first week In June he mar-

shaled up sufficient courage u say:'Say, chicken, let's get married?' "

"I see; short engagement, eh?""Yep: wedded bliss not long,

ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMYEstablished dealers should write or wireto Geo. A. Crittenden, Sales Manager


Or our Special Representative

J. Vo Ho CAIRNS, Burbridge Hotel Jacksonville, Fla.and Nimrod departed on hi3 murder-ous errand. Twenty minutes later hereturned.

"Well?" queried the doctor, lookingup from his writing, "is it done?"

"No," replied Nimrod."Not done!" said the doctor. "And

why not?""Why, the darned bird looked at me

with its round, silly eyes and I couldn't

:v- - .7

A 1NPJir" Jggg 1

either. Along with other indignitiesalleged in her divorce petition shesays he called her a goose. He re-

taliated by saying no man was ex-

pected to stay married with a chat-tering guinea always around."

"Now what?" p!htn.. in th Chest. Irritation in the Throat and a Dry Hacking"She got her freedom yesterday. Todo it," confessed Nimrod, with a depre-

catory smile. night he's celebrating, declaring he'sglad he's rid of -- the old hen." StSo Joseph's gift still clucks andLouis Republic.scratches contentedly and the doc

tor's yard continues to look like abarren waste. New York Press.



ITennis in Japan.

Bird Store a MagnetThe bird store window is an unfail

The Japanese have displayed a pe-

culiar aptitude for lawn tennis. Tomany Indianapolis players the sightof an expert Japanese on the parkcourts Is not uncommon. Among thebest amateur players In the city areJapanese house servants. What they

ing attraction to many people. Per-haps it attracts men more than wom

Coujcn means .a miserable night for the whole family.

. s BALLARD'SH r s h u h dl S f r u p

Is An Effective Remedy for the Throat and Lungs.

Tt relieves tlcklime In the throat, tightness in the chest inflamed lungs, difficult breathing cn.!

wheezins In the bronchial tubes. Conveys a soothing, heallnjr influence to the sore lungs, promoteeasy expectoration and contributes to the enjoyment of a quiet night and restful sleVp.

Put Up in Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle.

Buy the Dollar size. It contains five times as much as the 26o alxe, aad you set with each bottla Dr. Ilerrlck's Red Pepper Porous Plaster for the chest.

en, but it is a magnet that draws allchildren.

Let the small boys discover a bird lack in height they more than makeup in agility. They seem to be indestore and they halt and linger long.fatigable. Tennis, like baseball, iswondering over or admiring thesteadily growing in popularity in Ja

JjORETTO (Near Mardarin) FLORIDA

Boarding School for Boys, Conducted by Ahe Sisters of St. Joseph.Boys from Eight to Fourteen Years Received, and Carefully Trained onPhysical, Intelectual, Moral and Social Lines. Healthy Location. Mag-

nificent Swimming Pool. Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms. Dorm-itories, Dining Hall and Recreation Rooms.

Apply for Prospectus t o the Sister SuperiorST. JOSEPH'S ACAD EMY, LORETTO, FLORIDA.

strange or beautiful feathered crea-tures within, and children walking pan. The former has become a fa

vorite among Japanese high schoolwith their mothers, if they should spyand college students. Intercollegiategames have also become popularamong the students and their friends ST. LOUIS. MO.PROPRIETORJAMES F. BALLARDAmong the well-know- n institutionsthat have a large number of enthusiastic tennis players are the following:

this window, are sure to tug hertoward it to give them a chance tolook in.

The bird store window interests allchildren, as it appears to interest alsomany grown men who may be drawnto it by a natural fondness for birdsand animals, or be attracted by thenovel or striking character of the ex-

hibit, on view.Here, for instance, in this window

For Sore Eyes, Granulated LIJs, Itcdnen. of tue Weak Slkt, Smartia Sensations la the Eye-

use Stephen Eye Salve. It b h remedy of proves) merit.Tokio Higher Normal school. TokloV.Commercial school (higher), Waseda mm

iSOLO AWDReCOMMENDCDBVl';," ALL DRUGGISTSuniversity, Tokio Kyoto university.111 HOTEL



Kyoto; Third high school, KyotoThe foreign communities in the vari

1s a white peacock, a remarkable bird ous ports, Yokohama, Kobe and Nagasaki, have tennis clubs. The lead LEVOXing foreign club at Yokohama isknown as the Ladies Lawn Tennisclub. Tennis rackets are already be-

ing manufactured In Japan, there be

seen with Its plumage in whateverform. As with characteristic deliber-ation it walks about with its long tailfeathers folded and trailing peoplestop to look at it, and then let it raiseand spread its great white fan andmany more halt and gather in a crowdaround the window. New York Sun.

ing fix factories In Toklo alone.

"Black and Blue" Bruises Explained.


The Hotel you take your Mother, Wife or




Well-Traine- d Cockatoo."When seals were taught to do

tricks balancing and to whirl flam-ing torches, and ordinary barnyardcocks crowed a duet at the commandof a trainer, we thought the highestpoint in that commercially valuableline of education had been reached,"says a writer in a Berlin paper. "Buta new 'first place' has been created

Sister to.


The color of blood is due chiefly toIron In the little blood cells. W'henthe iron Is kept in these little bloodcells, which are living and travelingaround In the blood vessels, the coloris red. Hit the skin hard enough tobreak some of the little blood vesselsbeneath the surface and the little redcells escape from the injured bloodvessels, wander around for a whilein the tissues, and die.

When they die the Iron that madethem red before then changes toblack-and-blu-e coloring. After a whilethis iron is taken up by the glandscaled the lymphatics and made overagain into nice red cell3. The ironis taken up very much more quicklyby the lymphatics if the black-and-blu- e

spot is rubbed and massaged.

ACCOUNTRATES for a grass-gree- n cockatoo. This edu

Levon, Nov. 5. Mr. W. J. Frink Isimproving fast and it is hoped by hisfriends he will be out in the next fewdays, although it will be several daysbefore he can use his hands.

Mr. E. P. Rentz paid us a pleasantvisit of a few hours Friday and Satur-day.

Mr. J. G. Culpepper Is home after aweek spent with relatives at CrystalRiver.

Miss Julia Waters visited Sunday InPedro.

Messrs. Alfred Oliver and CharlesCarter spent the day Sunday In Ocalaand Silver Springs.

Mrs. W. I Miller, while, feeding sweetpotatoes to the horse Sunday, had themisfortune of losing her middle fingernear the first joint. The horse In bit-ing the potato, got the finger and bitit off.

The recent cold snap has caused thefarmers in our section to clean up andmake ready the cane milL

The many friends of Mr. R. R.Rhodes will regret to learn that heleaves Levon in a few days for Jack-sonville, where he has accepted a posi-tion as saw filer with one of the mills.The people of our town regret verymuch to give up this estimable family,but wish for them a prosperous futurein their new home.

Mr. C. H. Strozler of Palatka ismingling with friends In Levon thisweek.

Mr. and Mrs. IL M. Hampton ofOcala were Sunday evening visitors toDr. T. K. Slaughter and wife.

cated member of the parrot familyrides a tiny bicycle at command andseems to enjoy the sport He doesmany tricks for which professionalriders receive applause. The same col 0European Plan $1.50 per Day and Uq-Wa- rd

A. F. WILSON, Ass'l Mgr. TIIOS. U. WILSON, Prop, and Mflr. lection or animal wonders contains a I lUlLJImonster lion, which Is shown in acage provided with a grand piano. A 1JACKSONVILLE, FLA.woman trainer enters, seats herself atthe Instrument and strikes a chord,at which the Hon leaps upon the pianoand glares at the pianist. Then sheJgfemt New Hotel stor

Australia's Wheat Exports.Australia exported 728,000 ton3 of

wheat to date, compared with about428,000 tons in 1310.


plays, and the lion roars In time withthe music. What next?"

Corner Bay and Hogan Sis.T--


FLAGGED TRAIX WITH SIUIITJacksonville, - Florida Tearing his shirt from his back anOhio man flagged a train and saved Itfrom a wreck, but II. T. Alston, Ral-eigh, X. C, once prevented a wreck

RATES: $1 and UpFrom far away Porto Rico come re-

ports of a wonderful new discoverythat i? believed will vastly benefit thepeople. P.amon T. Marchan, of Baree-lonet- a,

writes: "Dr. Kind's New Dis- -noi ana uom iiunning water andr mi n;' tmm4 hiyi with Electric Bitters. "I was in a

terrible plight when I began to usethem,'

Tickets Sold November 26lh-27th-28- th and 29th.

FINAL LIMIT NOVEMBER 30th.he writes, "my stomach, head. ! covery is doing splendid work here. It

Telephone In Each Room. Free BathsCOOLKST 1IOOMS ItEST IlEDS


Take Street Car at Union Station and

Twinges of rheumatism, backache,stiff joints and shooting pains allshow your kidneys are not workingright. Urinary irregularities, loss ofsleep, nervousness, weak back andsore kidneys tell the need of a goodreliable kidney medicine. Foley Kid-ney Pills are tonic, strengthening andrestorative. They build up the kid-neys and regulate their action. Theywill give you quick relief and containno habit forming drugs. Safe and al-ways sure. Try them. For sale bythe Anti-Monopo- ly Drugstore. Ad,

Get off at Ilogran Street

back and kidneys were all badly af-fected and my liver was in bad condi-tion, but four bottles of Electric Bit-ters made me feel like a new man." Atrial will convince you of their match-less merit for any stomach, liver orkidney trouble. Trice 50 cents at Ty-din- gs

& Company. Ad.

cured me about five time3 oi terrjoiecough? and colds, also my brother of asevere cold in his chest and more than20 other, who used it on my advice.We hope this great medicine will besold In every drugstore in Porto Rico."For throat and lung troubles it has noequal. A trial will convince you of itsmerit. 50c and SI. Trial bottle free.Guaranteed by Tydlngs & Co. Ad.

J. G. KIRKLANDDivision Passenger Acent


M. R. WILLIAMSTicket Agent

OCALAOdd Fellows meet Tuesday night.A'.