e tds manual

USER MANUAL Electronic Tax Deduction at Source System (e-TDSS): Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Accessing e-TDSS 3. Getting a Transaction Number 4. Confirmation 5. Entering TDS records 6. Entering Voucher information 7. Printing TDS Transaction/Voucher 8. Viewing Transaction status 9. Verifying TDS Information(Officer Only) 10. Check Transaction Number(Officer Only) 11. Verify Submitted TDS Records(Officer Only) 12. Transaction of Withholdee (Officer + Pan holder) 13. Create Withholdee Login(Officer Only) 14. Saving TDS records as XML files 15. Loading XML files 16. Editing TDS records in XML file 17. Creating new Excel file 18. Loading Excel file 19. Saving in as Excel file

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Post on 28-Nov-2014




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Electronic Tax Deduction at Source System (e-TDSS):


1. Introduction 2. Accessing e-TDSS 3. Getting a Transaction Number 4. Confirmation 5. Entering TDS records 6. Entering Voucher information 7. Printing TDS Transaction/Voucher 8. Viewing Transaction status 9. Verifying TDS Information(Officer Only) 10.Check Transaction Number(Officer Only) 11.Verify Submitted TDS Records(Officer Only) 12.Transaction of Withholdee (Officer + Pan holder) 13.Create Withholdee Login(Officer Only) 14.Saving TDS records as XML files 15.Loading XML files 16.Editing TDS records in XML file 17.Creating new Excel file 18.Loading Excel file 19.Saving in as Excel file


Electronic Tax Deduction at Source System (e-TDSS) is an Internet based system. This allows withholders, withholdees and tax officers to access system from anywhere with Internet connection. The main objective of the system is to do away with the necessity of collecting TDS certificates from the withholders so that withholdees can submit the TDS as credit in their tax returns. System is also expected to reduce the error in TDS information thus helping taxpayer with correct TDS information on time.

Effort has been made to simplify the system so that the system can be operated without any training. Only requirement will be access to Internet and skill to operate Internet. Following steps will clarify processes of the system.

Accessing e-TDSS:

Homepage of Inland Revenue Department

Access to e-TDSS is from the official website of Inland Revenue Department which is www.ird.gov.np. In the top menu there is a menu item, which reads e-TDS System. By clicking the link user will be directed to e-TDS System site.

Getting a Transaction Number:

Get Transaction Page

First step to enter monthly TDS information by the withholder is to book a transaction number for the concerned period. To do this, users have to click ‘Get Transaction Number’ menu in the top. System will then ask user to enter as:

1. User Name 2. Password3. Re-confirmation of Password4. Permanent Access Number (PAN) if available5. Name of the Taxpayer Entity6. IRO Name. Respective Inland Revenue Office where TDS will be submitted by

withholder.7. Valid Email8. Current Contact phone9. Address10. The period for which TDS records are being entered.

After entering this information and submitting the information system will assign a unique number (e.g., 6200000123) and display it to the user. User must remember user name, password and transaction number to enter, modify and submit the records. User can proceed to enter TDS records from this step itself or enter TSD records later.


Confirmation Page for Transaction Number, Username and Password

Confirmation Page for Transaction Number, Username and Password. Users have to remember the transaction number, username and password. It is used to further Add, Edit and Delete transaction and voucher information. Transaction number is also used to verify the records from Tax officers.

Entering TDS records:

Insert TDS Records Page

To enter the TDS records user can either enter the TDS records right after receiving transaction number or user can enter TDS records by clicking ‘Enter TDS Records’ menu. System will then ask user to enter TDS information such as:

PAN Number of withholdee: If withholdee does not have PAN number then this field should be left blank.

Name of the withholdee: If PAN number is entered then name is not mandatory since system will pull the name from the database otherwise Name of the withholdee is mandatory.

Payment Date : This can be entered both in Bikram Sambat (BS) as well as English Date (AD) both ‘YYYY-MM-DD’.

Payment Amount . TDS Amount deducted. TDS Type : This is a drop down list and users have to select the appropriate item as

reason for tax deduction.

Once above information is entered user has to press ‘ADD’ button to save the record. This action will save the record and system will be ready to receive next record. User can also Edit or Delete the saved records by clicking ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’ by the right side of the saved records which are displayed in the bottom.

Entering Voucher Information:

Enter Voucher Information Page

Next Step is to Enter Voucher Information; users can click on the link ‘Insert Voucher Information’ of the Transaction Page. Withholder is required to deposit the TDS amount in different treasury account heading according to TDS type in separate vouchers. These voucher information needs to be entered in the TDS System. To enter voucher information user will require accessing ‘Enter TDS Information’ link and by entering user name, password and transaction number and then selecting ‘Insert Voucher Information’ link. System will then prompt for the following information:

Treasury Account Number : System will provide only those account numbers, which has been entered as TDS type.

Voucher Number . Mode of payment (Bank or Cash) Payment Date in Bikram Sambat(BS). Bank : Select bank from the list provided. Branch Code : If branch code is not known click ‘Branch Code’ on top of field. System will

display the list of branch with the branch code. Enter the required branch code. TDS Amount : The total voucher amount under this treasury account number.

Once above information is entered user has to press ‘ADD’ button to save the record. This action will save the record and system will be ready to receive next record. User can also edit or delete the saved records by clicking ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’ by the side of the saved records, which are displayed in the bottom.

Printing TDS Form:

Print Preview of TDS Form

Once TDS records and voucher information are entered user can print the TDS form by selecting ‘Print Preview’. System will then display the TDS format, which could be printed for submission to the tax officer along with the photocopies of the vouchers of payments to the bank.

Enter the Transaction Number:

Viewing the records of Transaction no.

To access information entered into the system under a particular transaction no, withholder have to

Enter Transaction No.: Transaction No. Enter Username: Username Enter Password: Password

Transaction no., Username, and Password should be valid. Then click on ‘Login’ button. Now withholders can add, edit, and delete the transaction and voucher records as long as the transaction set is not verified. If the transaction is already verified then withholder can only view the records.

Verifying TDS Information:

Login Form for Tax Officer

Tax officer can verify the TDS records. The Tax Officers can only verify the records that belong to his/her Inland Revenue Office or Large Taxpayer Unit; they don’t have permission to verify the TDS records of other IRO/LTU.

Officers have to enter username and password to get access. The IRD ICT section will provide Username and Password.

Check Transaction Number:

Enter Transaction Number Page

Tax Officers have to enter the valid Transaction Number under the jurisdiction of respective IRO/LTU. Officers can’t view/verify the TDS records of different IRO/LTU.

Verify TDS Records:

Verify Records Page

This activity is to be done by the concerned tax officer of the IRO. Withholder should submit the printed TDS form and the copies of the vouchers to tax officer in concerned IRO. Officer will then check the records by entering the transaction number and previewing the TDS records. If voucher information is not entered then officer can enter the voucher information and verify the transaction. By verifying the transaction data related to transaction number will be shifted to clean database. Voucher information will then be later reconciled with voucher information received from Banks and the credit will be confirmed. Changes to any verified TDS information will be strictly controlled by respective IROs.

Once the TDS records are verified, the officers and withholders can’t Add, Edit, and Delete the information of that Transaction Number. Only print preview is available.

Transaction of Withholdee:

Viewing Transaction of Withholdee

It is used to view the transaction of withholdee within range of period. Officers have to

Enter PAN Number Select Date Type (BS/AD) Enter From Date: In given format i.e. (YYYY-MM-DD) Enter To Date: In given format i.e. (YYYY-MM-DD)

All the entered values (PAN No., From Date, To Date) should be valid. After entering the valid values click on ‘Search’ button.

Print Preview:

Print Preview Withholdee Transaction

Officers can print the transaction.

Create Withholdee Login:

Create Withholdee Login

In order to access the TDS record by withholdee they need a username and password. Officers in respective IRO will provide username and password for access to system. To issue username and password officers have to

Enter PAN Number Enter Username

PAN Number should be valid. After entering the values click on ‘Create’ button. System will then create user with the provided Username and default withholdee password same as username. Withholdee needs to change the password to other than default password that is username itself to get access to the system. Withholdee without PAN will not be provided with access to the system.

Change Password:

Change Password for Officers

Officers can change their password. Officers have to Enter Username Enter Old Password Enter New Password Enter Re-Type New Password

If officers have entered the valid username and old password. And two new passwords should also be equal. Then click on ‘Change Password’ button.

Printing TDS Information by Withholdee:

Withholdee Login Form

To get access the withholdee login page, withholdees have to enter their PAN number, username and password that have been given by Inland Revenue Office. Only withholdees with PAN number are allowed to login.

Withholdee can change the password to secure the access.

Print Transaction:

Withholdee Transaction Form

Withholdee can print the TDS withheld for a particular period. The printed TDS records will serve as the TDS credit certificate for submission with the tax return.

Print Preview:

Print Preview Withholdee Transaction

Withholdee can print the transaction.

Saving TDS records as XML files:

The user can save the TDS records by clicking the link “Save records to XML file”.

After clicking the link, a new window opens that allows you to give the name of file.

After writing the name of the file (without file extension), click “Generate XML File” button.

After generating xml file, click “Save Transaction” link to save the generated file in xml format. Now the user can choose the folder where the file resides as shown in the figure below.

And finally the user can save the records by clicking “save” button.

Loading XML files:

The user can click the link “Load Records from XML Files” to load the previously saved xml file.

After clicking the link, a new window appears that allows you to browse for the previously saved xml file as shown.

The user can either only view the records (by clicking the button “View Records” ) or load the records in the web page (by clicking the button “Load Records”).

There is an option that allows you to load/view only Salary payment TDS transaction records. If the checkbox is checked, the users can view/load only salary payment TDS records.

Editing TDS records in XML file:

The users can edit the TDS records in XML file by opening the XML file in Microsoft Excel 2003 or later version.The users can add new records after opening it in Excel provided that the headers of the fields and data types are similar as that of previously saved XML file.

At first the user has to open the previously saved XML file. While opening it, the user must select the option “As an XML List” in order to edit or add new records.

The user cannot alter the header fields. It should be same as stated below. (also shown in the figure below).

There are altogether seven header fields (headings) in the file namely:

1. pan: The user cannot alter this header. While inserting the records under this heading, pan number is optional. If the pan number is not available, name becomes compulsory.

2. name: The user cannot alter this header. The user must write withholdee name while inserting new records

3. amount: The user cannot change this header. While inserting new records under this heading, the user must write the amount paid. (Users are allowed to enter numeric character and dot (.) in this field. Don’t enter text and other special characters).

4. tds_amount: The user cannot alter this header. While inserting new records under this heading, the user must write the tds amount paid. . (Users are allowed to enter numeric character and dot (.) in this field. Don’t enter text and other special characters).

5. t_date: The user cannot alter this header. While inserting new records under this heading, the user must write the transaction date. The transaction date must be in Bikram sambat in the format (YYYY.MM.DD) like (2063.01.01).

6. date_type: The user cannot alter this header. While inserting new records under this heading, the user must always write BS .

7. tds_type: The user cannot alter this header. While inserting new records under this heading, the user must select and write code according to their corresponding tds_type as shown in the figure below. For e.g. for tds_type salary, the user must write the code 7. Similarly for tds_type Interest, the user must write the code 11. Please see the figure below to write codes for their corresponding tds_type.

And finally, the user can save the file as “XML Data” as shown in the figure below.

Now, to load this saved file , follow the instructions as stated in “Loading XML files:”

Creating new Excel file:

The user can create entirely new Excel file ,add the new records and finally load it in the web page. To do so, the user must follow the following instructions.

1 Open Microsoft Office excel .

2. In first row, give exactly same headings for seven columns as stated here. ( also shown in the figure above). Like ( pan, name, amount, tds_amount, t_date, date_type, tds_type).

3. From second row, the user can start inserting new records.

pan: While inserting the records under this heading, pan number is optional. If the pan number is not available, name becomes compulsory.

name: The user cannot alter this header. The user must write withholdee name while inserting new records

amount: While inserting new records under this heading, the user must write the amount paid. (Users are allowed to enter numeric character and dot (.) in this field. Don’t enter text and other special characters).

tds_amount: While inserting new records under this heading, the user must write the tds amount paid. . (Users are allowed to enter numeric character and dot (.) in this field. Don’t enter text and other special characters).

t_date: While inserting new records under this heading, the user must write the transaction date. The transaction date must be in Bikram sambat in the format (YYYY.MM.DD) like (2063.01.01).

date_type: While inserting new records under this heading, the user must always write BS .

tds_type: While inserting new records under this heading, the user must select and write code according to their corresponding tds_type as shown in the figure below. For e.g. for tds_type salary, the user must write the code 7. Similarly for tds_type Interest, the user must write the code 11. Please see the figure below to write codes for their corresponding tds_type.

And finally, the user can directly save the file.

Now, to load this saved file, follow the instructions as stated in “Loading Excel files:”

Loading Excel file:

The user can load the saved excel file by clicking the link. “Load Records from Excel files”

1. Click on Load Records from Excel File

There is an option that allows you to load/view only Salary payment TDS transaction records. If the checkbox is checked, the users can view/load only salary payment TDS records.

2. Click on the browse to browse for the Excel File.

Browse the formatted Excel file from the destination location.

3. Click load button to load the record to the respective Transaction

Saving in as Excel file:

1. Click on Save Records as Excel File.

This window appears on your browser, then click on Save Transaction to save the records to your system.

When you click on the Save Transaction, it asks you for the location to save.

You can make a new entry or edit the saved Excel file and use further for new transaction entry.Follow the instruction for loading the Excel file as mentioned above Loading Excel