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  • 8/14/2019 E-magazine of the Department of MHRM, IISWBM_march09


    EEEE ----m a g ! n em a g ! n em a g ! n em a g ! n e

    March 2009March 2009March 2009 March 2009 volvolvolvol----2222

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    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;The best lack all conviction, while the worstAre full of passionate intensity.Surely some revelation is at hand;Surely the Second Coming is at hand

    WB Yeats

    Eerily contextual in these troubled times, Yeats words remind us ofour ominous responsibility where the inability of the good to act has

    led to the bad prevailing in more ways than one.We, Team E-mag!ne,welcome you to the Second Coming of yourvery own E-mag!ne ! (No! we werent really a flash-in-the-panponzi scheme after all!!)

  • 8/14/2019 E-magazine of the Department of MHRM, IISWBM_march09



    At the outset let us thank all our readers for their enthusiasticresponse to the magazine. We have encapsulated some of that

    encouragement as a new VoiceBoxVoiceBoxVoiceBoxVoiceBox section. Also debuting in thisedition is a brand new quizzing section QQQQ----quotientquotientquotientquotient which we hopeyou would find exciting together with Ace the CaseAce the CaseAce the CaseAce the Case a fresh Casestudy every month for you to face and juxtaposed with FactFactFactFact----0000----FactorFactorFactorFactorfacts to rake your grey cells!!

    E-mag!ne is happy to build bridges with the student community inother colleges through its new feature Friends from YonderFriends from YonderFriends from YonderFriends from Yonder.

    Needless to mention we have your regular favorites Rhyme &Reason, Picture this and the most awaited Campus Bytekeeping pace with the new additions.

    Please feel free to write to us [email protected] withyour feedback and suggestions. We would appreciate all your ideasand inputs.

  • 8/14/2019 E-magazine of the Department of MHRM, IISWBM_march09



    Hope you enjoy reading this as much as we enjoyed bringing it toyou!!!

    Happy Reading!

    RegardsTeam ETeam ETeam ETeam E----mag!nemag!nemag!nemag!ne 2008-2010

  • 8/14/2019 E-magazine of the Department of MHRM, IISWBM_march09



    From theFrom theFrom theFrom the FFFFaculty deskaculty deskaculty deskaculty desk 7777

    From theFrom theFrom theFrom the AAAAlumni desklumni desklumni desklumni desk 15151515

    Friends from YonderFriends from YonderFriends from YonderFriends from Yonder 20202020Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate Social ResponsibilityHope orHope orHope orHope or

    Hype!Hype!Hype!Hype! 27272727

    Sweet are the Uses of AdversitySweet are the Uses of AdversitySweet are the Uses of AdversitySweet are the Uses of Adversity 32323232Deflationary AtDeflationary AtDeflationary AtDeflationary Atttttyacharyacharyacharyachar 37373737

    Its a Hard LifeIts a Hard LifeIts a Hard LifeIts a Hard Life 40404040

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    Politics Jai HoPolitics Jai HoPolitics Jai Ho Politics Jai Ho 46464646

    Ace the CaseAce the CaseAce the CaseAce the Case

    The Honda Case StuThe Honda Case StuThe Honda Case StuThe Honda Case Studydydydy 50505050

    QQQQ---- quotient!quotient!quotient!quotient! 57575757

    Picture thisPicture thisPicture thisPicture this

    The Human ImpactThe Human ImpactThe Human ImpactThe Human Impact 60606060

    Rhyme & ReasonRhyme & ReasonRhyme & ReasonRhyme & Reason

    61616161FactFactFactFact 0000---- FactorFactorFactorFactor 63636363

    CCCCampus Byteampus Byteampus Byteampus Byte 68686868VoiceBoxVoiceBoxVoiceBoxVoiceBox 71717171

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    IIIINTRODUCTIONNTRODUCTIONNTRODUCTIONNTRODUCTIONSocial Capital as an analytical tool can be used in the field ofBusiness Management to facilitate different business practices from

    both an ethical angle and a utilitarian perspective. Businessmanagers should try to entrench networks of trust, loyalty andcooperation within and without their organizations. This alsomakes good business sense in terms of rational choice theory. Goodbusiness is also about establishing customer-friendly images in a

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    manner that highlights values such as reliability, trustworthiness,quality, economy and durability. These values evolve over time and

    are underpinned by a sustained relationship of confidence


    Theproblematique of this paper is structured around the polemic ofcivil societal institutions (networks and embedded ness) anddemocratic governance (inclusive growth and participatorydevelopment) among other critical areas of social scientific research.This line of theoretical research is expected to contribute new

    knowledge and facilitate innovative research to better understandthe interactions and interplay between actors and theirinstitutions.

    The politics of everyday life and human development are generally

    informed by the dynamics of choice and the strategies of cooperation.This tension can be somewhat resolved by adopting the social capitalapproach, as inclusive growth can more often than not be ensured byempowered choices and delegated actions.

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    It may appear to be rather far-fetched to deploy a highly specializedsocial scientific theoretical category like Social Capital in the areaof Business Management and Industrial Relations. So innovativeideas supported by creative images are required to streamlineIndustrial Relations in the post-globalized scenario that predicatesupon both a breakdown of barriers as well as establishment of newand difficult barriers in the cyber world of netizens, their perceivedexpectations and their ever-increasing sense of achievements andcomplex role performances.

    RRRROLE OFOLE OFOLE OFOLE OFTTTTRUSTRUSTRUSTRUSTBusiness leaders have to realize that the pedagogics of trust andresilience of professional relationships can only be tested againsteither hypothetical or real life situations where the actual

    motivations, aspirations, perceptions, preferences and culture rootparadigms of individuals or groups are explicitly exposed in the givencontext of their informed self-interest. Trust happens to be a matterof choices that is not altogether different from the various otherchoices we make during the course of an ordinary day. But choices

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    are also inspired and conditioned by values that are establishedstandards of social interactions and constantly relearnt during the

    life of organizations and the professionals who sustain suchorganizations.

    But trust is also a societal resource that is limited by its very nature,as individuals more often than not put their own self-interest firstrather than the interest of their respective organizations. The corechallenge is to translate these small narratives of power into a grandnarrative of preference that would ultimately facilitate atransition of business culture of given organizations. So the game

    that is to be played by the different parties concerned would be totranscend the actors and institutions model to the actors ininstitutions prototype. This would be a game that requires amultiplicity of stakeholders and a plethora of their interests thatwould finally be integrated in an overarching design of motivations,

    aspirations and role performance.

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    Trust and cooperation happen to be dynamic aspects of humanbehavior that are both acquired as well as achieved during the courseof everyday interactive exercises. One has to appreciate that trust asan interface is perhaps more potentially real and tangible ratherthan trust as a construct, as the former is an arrangement ofconvenience, connivance and knowledge while the former is a livingentity that comes across our daily social interactions as a conceptthat works in real time. In essence, therefore, reciprocation sustainstrust while trust facilitates cooperation.

    Relationships can be built upon cooperation, competition andconflict. Each such mode will explore new models of interface andwould finally lead to an inchoate world of new possibilities wheremen and women in the industry would steadily learn how best to

    unlearn past lessons and deschool themselves from the culturalbaggage handed down the generations.

    For one lesson is almost clear at this juncture of empirical findingsi.e. actors will only cooperate if there are elements of confidence and

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    potentialities of profit to be found in such bilateral or even multi-modal discourses. But what about the body corporate as a whole?

    This is an entity that can neither be enticed nor be allured into rashdecisions and myopic strategies. If cost-cutting is the order of the dayand free rider expenditures are on their way out, then it is also theduty of business managers to adequately sensitize their industrialwork forces and integrate them in a culture of consensus withoutwhich the entire complicated domain of trust management would beseverely disempowered.


    From the management of human values to the management ofcorporate trust is a long, arduous and unenviable journey thatrequires out of the box thinking matched with the capacity to relateto the empathy of individuals. So rapport-building would appear tobe a crucial requirement in this context of trust management when

    business leaders should be able to overcome the tedium of HumanResource Development overkill in order to efficaciously enter intorevolutionary dialogues with both blue as well as white collarworkers to make them chant the mantra of their respectiveorganizations underpinned by their rational choices.

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    It is somewhat difficult to estimate the rationality of a choice untilthe outcome of that choice is perceived either in material or else inpsychological terms. Exactly how rational a choice iswould have tobe decided subsequently when the question how utilitarian that

    choice was would emerge in the future. The issue of IndustrialRelations is all about the management of choices in the workplace.OOOOWNERSHIPWNERSHIPWNERSHIPWNERSHIP ////TTTTRUSTEESHIPRUSTEESHIPRUSTEESHIPRUSTEESHIP The issue of Ownership / Trusteeship isalso almost organically related to the issue of institutions. Eachbusiness organization, in sociological terms, is an institution replete

    with a history of evolution, work culture, Trade Union ethics andtypical management practices. So the study of businessorganizations as dynamic institutions of power, authority,repression, obedience, reward and punishment may lead to anulterior understanding of Industrial Relations. Actors and their

    interventions become criticalities that have to be objectivelyfactored into the discourse of polemics that center on issues / concernsof Industrial Relations. The credo of loyalty is also anotherponderable that may be studied or else addressed in order to appreciate

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    the different dynamics of Social Capital, Rational Choice andValue Management.


    Social Capital Gateway (edited by Fabio Sabatini)


    AAAACKNOWLEDGMENTSCKNOWLEDGMENTSCKNOWLEDGMENTSCKNOWLEDGMENTSThe author wishes to than k his colleague s at the Danish Institute of Rural Research and Development (IFUL)under the University of Southern Denmark, E sbjerg where he was invited as a Gue st Profe ssor in 2007 for theirinsights into Social Capital that originally inspired the first draft of this paper. The usual disclaimer applies.

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    Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr. Joydeep GhoshJoydeep GhoshJoydeep GhoshJoydeep Ghosh , MHRM Batch 2003, MHRM Batch 2003, MHRM Batch 2003, MHRM Batch 2003----2005200520052005

    Its recession time, a time when suddenly importance of HR

    department gets highlighted in all companies. Staff fears loss of jobsso every time an HR Manager walks in or calls in someone, the fear

    of pink slip grips in. The Management suddenly wakes up to thehigh number of staff strength (which it forced to get hired in the

    first place) eating away half its revenues and asks for drasticreductions or in management terms cut flab.The poor HR is left tograpple with the pressure from top and the uncertainty in the eyes

    of the staff. This is a story of a HR in recession time, trying to find abalance between both worlds.

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    Once I met a doctor during a pre-employment test and afterchecking my eyes he asked me Do you have any problems with

    your ENT? to which I nodded my head honestly and said noneknown to me. The doc replied in an accented style well, nobody

    ever comes in a pre-employment test and says he has a problem. I

    smiled and said Well doc, I am an HR and I am not supposed to lie.

    The doc stared at me with a blank face and said suppose!During these times its interesting to see how we, HR, are reacting to

    the happenings around us, I see a feeling of its not happening to

    me so why bother attitude, and for those where it is happening in

    my company let me just get out of this place.We often forget that we HR are also like any other staff trying to

    earn our living through legal means and behave exactly the wayanybody else does, however we choose not to be recognized like them.

    IT has revolutionized the way we work and sacking or in systemterms termination is much easier to do on the system than

    creating an employment. With all the workflows around, all you

    need to do is raise a request. Its interesting to see that for joining,the staff needs to visit the HR and come over to office, however when

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    it comes to leaving, a request can be raised from anywhere in theworld and voila I am through.

    Earlier we used to spend most of our time with a bunch of papers andfiles, now we spend less of our time with a bunch of papers and filesand more on emails and updating the system. To most of the queries

    received standard reply is, can you drop a line or raise a request on

    the self service module?.

    We love meetings especially with mangers where we can share ourpart of gyan with some complicated references to manuals,

    policies and yes the LAW! One who fears God has to fear the law and

    in turn fear from us as we are the guardians of implementing thesame inside the boundaries of our organisation.

    I often compare us to the likes of our state police, though unlikelythat it may sound, we do behave and face situations similar to

    them. They are battered by the ministers vis a vis the so calledmanagement in our case and by the public vis a vis our staff. It is

    always an ethical dilemma to be honest and fair or to only appear

    as one.

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    Experimentation or in organizational terms innovation has beenour favourite subject, whether it is about changing the menu in the

    canteen or launching a new version of the oldStar of the monthaward, we get an adrenal rush, moment we see something new and

    fresh. We just love to do it.

    Future is always our favourite subject to talk about and we want

    to be the first ones to speak about it having all the knowledge andproudly share it with others. What is going to happen in future?

    What new plans? When is the new system coming? We love it all

    and we always have the scoop story on it.

    We are the guardians of confidential information or the insideinformation, we know it all. Why was someone hired or why was

    someone fired? Why did he get promoted or why was he sidelined?Information just comes to us on its own. Now I know why most HR

    managers have big tummies.

    Yes we do get frustrated at times, when we see things going out of our

    hands and cant do much about it. When we see decisions being

    made by a bunch of intelligent and highly paid people with lack ofcommon sense, when we ask the question why did you not tell me

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    about this earlier? and the manager says I never thought itwould be this big a problem.

    The twist and tales are the life of an HR where every day is a newday with a reference to the past. Where every problem is resolvedusing a bunch of solutions with varied permutations and

    combinations. We are HR, the spine of an organisation which

    always, can only be seen from the back.

    The author is a HR Specialist working with an International Airline. The views

    presented above are his own and has no relation with that of the organisation.

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    AbhisheAbhisheAbhisheAbhishek Singhalk Singhalk Singhalk Singhal &&&& Shivani GillShivani GillShivani GillShivani Gill

    PGDM (RM), K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research,K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research,K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research,K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research,Mumbai.Mumbai.Mumbai.Mumbai.

    Identifying and managing your assetsIdentifying and managing your assetsIdentifying and managing your assetsIdentifying and managing your assets :::: TalentTalentTalentTalentManagementManagementManagementManagement

    This paper highlights the talent which builds world classproducts and services, nurtures employee relationship. The

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    learning and development, performance and incentivesmanagement, employee retention, work force planningaccording ability job-fit and worker redeployment are all part

    of the new workforce science called talent management. Thus,the paper examines the proven and leading best practices thatcan improve talent management for organizations.

    The following golden rules are discussed:

    Prioritization means talent management is about the, notthe many

    Ongoing sponsorship from the highest level is essential Organizations need a common and consistently interpretedview of what talent they are seeking and wish to retain.

    Ongoing best practices:Ongoing best practices:Ongoing best practices:Ongoing best practices:

    Basic Best Practices:Basic Best Practices:Basic Best Practices:Basic Best Practices:

    Organizations operating corporate career site with following


    Posting job boards, newsgroups, advertising.

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    Information on benefits, corporate culture and advanceopportunities.

    Create, store and manage multiple profiles along with

    personalized email acknowledgements

    Tools to register, interactive exercises, privacy policies, pre-

    screening and colleague referrals Manage applications, database efficiently to reduce time and

    collect vital data for workforce planning.

    Integrated employee plan software and workforce analytics

    Automated screening, sorting and ranking tools.

    Advanced Best Practices:Advanced Best Practices:Advanced Best Practices:Advanced Best Practices:

    Large, multinational organizations are looking for solutionsthey can deploy worldwide that will accommodate differences inlanguage, culture and laws. Organizations want solutions that

    can stand alone and integrate with ERP software (e.g.,

    PeopleSoft, Oracle and SAP)

    HRMS and other HR technologies.

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    Large organizations also choose to outsource large HRcomponents to specialty organizations like BPOs and HROs. Inorder to focus internal HR expertise on strategic and

    consultative roles.

    Organizations are adopting easier administrative tools to makechanges looking for solutions that are scalable and flexiblewhich solve candidate management problems, talent

    relationship management, workforce planning or retention aspriorities.

    Integrating temporary third party tools build alumni

    networks, employee and customer referral programs and conductweb research.

    Align recruitment goals with learning and performancemanagement.

    Developing an e-recruitment strategy that connectsemployment branding with e-recruitment functionality.

    Moving Beyond Talent Management:Moving Beyond Talent Management:Moving Beyond Talent Management:Moving Beyond Talent Management:

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    First, switching between a long-term and short-term view cansend out a strong message that talent management is merelynice to have rather than being a strategic imperative; leaving

    people to determine whether this is a good place to pursue theircareers. Second, the positive effects of demonstrating acontinuing commitment will be enhanced when times are hard.

    There is a clear message about the commitment to personaldevelopment and to the longer term, and this will attractand/or continue to motivate people with the right personalvalues and competencies

    Some of the questions which companies should consider whenSome of the questions which companies should consider whenSome of the questions which companies should consider whenSome of the questions which companies should consider whenbuilding talent are as follows:building talent are as follows:building talent are as follows:building talent are as follows:

    What is the business case for talent?

    What are the key outcomes the manager expects to achieve?

    Who are the key sponsor(s)? (Pertaining to the key positionsin the organisations in which talent has to be retained)

    Is there a commonly held definition for talent or does it mean

    different things for different parts of the business?

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    Have the company defined entry requirements to beconsidered for the talent pool?

    Is there an expectation that successful members of the talent

    pool would achieve a specified number of career moves within atwo or three year time-span?

    Does the company name its A list or high flyers? Is it atransparent programme or a hush-hush campaign?

    Organizations moving along growth trajectories must find designsolutions that do not become rigid and inflexible, but rather

    enable ongoing creativity, innovation, improvement, evolution,and growth.


    Effective talent management is essential to the success of

    organizations over the next several decades. The reasons rangefrom cost saving and employee retention and maintaining anability to source and attract external candidates in rightlabour markets. E-recruitment and automated talent

    management continue to evolve at a fast pace. To keep up with

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    the demands of the workplace, system vendors will need tofurther consolidate each of the elements in talent supply chaininto one seamless system. This means that recruiting solutions

    will become capable of managing total workforce acquisitionefforts and that these systems will incorporate workforceplanning, performance, learning and incentive management

    tools, among others. We are not all the way there yet, but bymaking talent management more efficient and productive,technology can enable a better future for the workforce. Indeed,no organization will be able to compete and prosper in this

    century without a strategic and tactical talent managementcapacity.

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    Jayeeta Dutta , MHRM 2008Jayeeta Dutta , MHRM 2008Jayeeta Dutta , MHRM 2008Jayeeta Dutta , MHRM 2008----2010201020102010

    As we all know, Corporate Social Responsibility is the commitmentof business to contribute sustainable economic development, working

    with employees, their families, the local community and society at

    large to improve their quality of life.

    The term Corporate Social Responsibility was coined in 1953, withthe publication of Bowens Social Responsibility ofSocial Responsibility ofSocial Responsibility ofSocial Responsibility of BusinessmenBusinessmenBusinessmenBusinessmen.

    In 1984, celebrated management consultant Peter Drucker wroteabout imperative to turn social problems into economic

    opportunities. The 1990s saw CSR become an established industry

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    with major companies like PWC, KPMG entering the CSR serviceprovision market.

    The type of activities companies undertake to take an attempt tobe seen as socially responsible, include:

    Corporate philanthropyCorporate philanthropyCorporate philanthropyCorporate philanthropy: Donating to charities is a simple and

    reputation enhancing way for a company to put a numericalvalue on its CSR commitment.

    CauseCauseCauseCause----related marketingrelated marketingrelated marketingrelated marketing: cause related marketing, such as IBMshighly successful computers for schools promotion, is a partnership

    between a company and a charity.

    SSSSponsoringponsoringponsoringponsoring awardsawardsawardsawards: such as The Reebok Human Rights Awards.

    Community invCommunity invCommunity invCommunity investmentestmentestmentestment: Community investment covers a whole

    range of initiatives including: running health programmes,

    sponsoring schools, playgrounds or community centres or signing a

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    memorandum of understanding with communities affected by acompanys impacts.

    EcoEcoEcoEco----effieffieffiefficiencyciencyciencyciency: Minimizing the companys environmental impact,particularly around highly visible aspects of its operation or inareas where it makes financial savings, is a particularly popular

    tactic amongst companies, whose products are inherently

    destructive to the environment.

    But a report of Christian Aid-Behind theBehind theBehind theBehind the mask: themask: themask: themask: the real face ofreal face ofreal face ofreal face ofcorporate socialcorporate socialcorporate socialcorporate socialresponsibilityresponsibilityresponsibilityresponsibilitydemonstrates how over the last past

    decade companies have used an image of social responsibility to

    oppose regulation and convince governments in rich countries thatbusiness can put its own house in order.

    The report demonstrates that Shell, British American Tobacco andCoca Cola make things worse for the communities in which they

    work. Shell in Nigeria claims that it has turned over a new leaf thereand strives to be a 'good neighbour'. Yet it still fails to quickly

    clean up oil spills that ruin villages and runs 'communitydevelopment' projects that are frequently ineffective and which

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    sometimes even widen the divide in communities living around theoilfields.

    British American Tobacco stresses the importance of upholdinghigh standards of health and safety among those working for themand claims to provide local farmers with the necessary training and

    protective clothing. But contract farmers in Kenya and Brazil

    claim this does not happen and report chronic ill heath related totobacco cultivation.

    Coca-Cola emphasises 'using natural resources responsibly'. Yet a

    wholly owned subsidiary in India is accused of depleting village

    wells in an area where water is notoriously scarce and has been toldby an Indian court to stop drawing ground water.

    Since companies cannot act in any wider interest than the interestof their shareholders to make profit, CSR is of limited use in creating

    social changes. CSR is also a vehicle for companies to thwartattempts to control corporate power and to gain access to markets.

    Governments should adopt an international set of standards for the

    behaviour of companies. Rich countries like Britain haveregulations that bind companies to good ethical practice at home. So

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    why companies should not be tied to similar standards when theyare working in poor countries? Instead of talking about more

    voluntary CSR, governments should be discussing how new lawscan raise standards of corporate behaviour.

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    Tuhina RoyTuhina RoyTuhina RoyTuhina Roy, MHRM 2008, MHRM 2008, MHRM 2008, MHRM 2008----2010201020102010

    When the world is at its knees with the wavering economic

    condiitons and terrorism is spinning out of control things seem to beheaded for a rough time at least for some time.

    With the start of the vanishing of the worlds top investmentbanking firms, rest of the top companies of the other sectors arefollowing the same trot, most of them being on the government

    extended life support.

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    Out of the huge down turn, there are teachings to jot down, andlearning made for the future generations to come. Lessons can be

    learnt from the past, and we should have been aware of what JohnGower had said more than six decades ago, It had been seen and felt

    full often the hard time after the soft.

    South America, which was bolstering about it zooming economy

    last year, is already back in its crunches, to save what so ever it hasto survive the crisis. The United States and Russia being hit hard

    are leaving no stone unturned to survive it. European nations have

    been pushed to the brink. they need to count on external help. The

    G-20 summit is in progress to chalk down the survival strategies,and lend a helping arm to the needful.

    Apt time for the terrorism to flourish, especially in Asia as a whole,the neighbouring states of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and

    Nepal, facing the heat. Pakistan has to face the brunt of playing

    both sides, results presently been seen. Sri Lanka on the other hand,found it to be the right moment to clean off the separatist outfit,

    LTTE to the full. Bangladesh and Nepal have internal problemsgoing on, on a regular basis.

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    So is Indias fate implied from the above facts? Well not really.Even as the world reels under recession, India remains the country

    with the biggest 'Growth Potential' (after China) and a dynamiceconomy growing at 7%.

    Not more than a year ago, there were huge floods in Bihar, with

    catastrophic results in case of livelihood lost. To the flood victims,

    their loss was far more painful than that of the financial majorsbecause they had lost everything. But the most observant thing

    about it was that the people accepted the situation, did not get

    panicky, and started off with their lives instantly from

    scratchperfectly befitting the It happens only in India theme!India's cultural heritage dates back to 5000 years. Very few

    countries in the world have a social and religious structure whichwithstood invasions and kept its identity. Iraqi government has

    sent 50 people for spiritual training to India thereby bringing light

    to the fact that even Iraq with its 700,000 widows and one millionorphan children is adopting Indian spirituality to end violence.

    So far So good.Simultaneous entry for thorns in the rosycaricature. Challenges like poverty, illiteracy, social equity, poor

    infrastructure, national security still stare us in the face, the same

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    as they did when our country gained its freedom more than 62years ago. So exactly what have all these governments over the last

    62 years accomplished since then? Not much it seems. And it lookslike we are still ill-prepared to address these challenges - in terms ofthe quality of our political leadership. Poor educational levels,appalling level of criminalization, poor attendance records, divisivepolitics, a long list of scams, little if any contribution to nation

    building, etc are just some of the sterling qualities most of ourpoliticians can be proud of . A few well educated, honest andefficient politicians stand out as exceptions, truly heroes, given thegenerally shady profile and even darker underbelly of our politicalclass.

    It is amazing to see a country of over a billion go to the polls. Withso many people contesting for a handful of seats, the passing of anelection is nothing short of a miracle.

    But miracles do not occur. Unfortunately, not all of the billioncome out to vote.

    If there is anything worse than a criminal in politics, it is thecitizen who having failed to vote, has allowed him to get there and

    then has the audacity to whine about it.

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    In the words of the Guru of Joy Sri Sri Ravishankarji, I appeal toI appeal toI appeal toI appeal toMaoist rebels to shun bullets for the ballot. Maoist youths are goodMaoist rebels to shun bullets for the ballot. Maoist youths are goodMaoist rebels to shun bullets for the ballot. Maoist youths are goodMaoist rebels to shun bullets for the ballot. Maoist youths are good

    at heart. They are fighting against corruption and disparity. Thereat heart. They are fighting against corruption and disparity. Thereat heart. They are fighting against corruption and disparity. Thereat heart. They are fighting against corruption and disparity. Thereis need to bring them into the mainstream of society. The countryis need to bring them into the mainstream of society. The countryis need to bring them into the mainstream of society. The countryis need to bring them into the mainstream of society. The country

    needsneedsneedsneeds their service.their service.their service.their service.

    I am young. I have stars in my eyes, for my country and myself. It

    is too early for me to lose faith in the system. When I cast my firstvote, it will be because I care. I believe that my vote will have clear

    plan to shape the future, sometime, somewhere, because Democracy


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    Pritam SenPritam SenPritam SenPritam Sen, MHRM 2008, MHRM 2008, MHRM 2008, MHRM 2008----2010201020102010

    Still there is no relief for the middle class in India. Although wehave seen a steep fall in the inflationary rate in recent time the,

    the lower middle class are yet to get any benefit from it as severalfood articles are priced quite high still now. It has been recorded as

    2.43%in the last week of February. But still there is no respite asfood items has become more than 8% dearer than what it had been ayear ago. Annual inflation for food articles has risen up to 8.3% fro

    8.23% which is further a matter of concern. Prices of fruit andvegetable have gone up 2% and cereals have also become costlier.

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    Economists are expecting inflation to slip under zero due a baseeffect. The main reason for this downfall of inflationary rate is

    because of low demand in the marketplace. Due to recession throughout the whole world Indian market has also seen a downfall in

    demand. Machinery and textiles has become cheaper now days.

    People are more interested in saving money than in investing in

    different areas. It has resulted in easing prices of articles. This indeedis going to add a new color in the upcoming political battleground.As there is no chance of recovery from the current recession it is

    really hard to say how long this downtrend would be continued.

    28 Feb098 Feb0928 Feb098 Feb09 21 Feb0921 Feb0921 Feb09 21 Feb09 1 Mar081 Mar081 Mar081 Mar08

    GeneralGeneralGeneralGeneral 2.432.432.43 2.43 3.03

    PrimaryPrimaryPrimary Primary 5.845.845.84 5.84 5.995.995.99 5.99 9.439.439.439.43

    FuelFuelFuelFuel 5.13 ----3.973.973.97 3.97 6.696.696.696.69

    factured itemsfactured itemsfactured items factured items 3.963.963.96 3.96 4.504.504.504.50 4.694.694.694.69

    (Values in %)

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    Comparative study of different items in two successive years

    We have started talking about this drop in inflation. But can itreally be term as a downfall of inflation? Let us try to answer thisquestion. We know inflation means dynamic process of equilibrium

    which means a steady rise in index no of prices over time. Accordingto Gardner Ackley we can define inflation as a persistent and

    appreciable rise in the general level of prices. This clearly makesinflation a process of rising prices, not high prices. So when there is

    a steep fall in the rate of prices of commodities we cannot term it as

    inflation. This is a clear case of deflation. Basically what it meansis actually just the contrary of inflation i.e. continuous fall of


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    Bikram Sarkar, MHRM 2008Bikram Sarkar, MHRM 2008Bikram Sarkar, MHRM 2008Bikram Sarkar, MHRM 2008---- 2012012012010000

    Michael Smith, 40, died in March 2000. It is said that Smithkilled himself after failing to meet performance targets set byhis employer the ANZ bank. As manager of investments and

    lending, Smith became depressed as he failed to meet high salestargets. Paul Duff, who had the same job at ANZ, claims thedemands pushed him too into despair.

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    Dramatic as it might sound these incidents and events dohappen in the daily grind of the modern workplace. Thestatistics is there to support these alarming statements.

    According to ABS National Health Survey 2001 and GrantThornton IBOS Survey 2004, 1 in every 3 adults suffers frommoderate to extreme stress; this represents an increase of nearly

    40% in just 4 years. Organizations tend to overlook this graveissue thinking it to have no implication on the performance ofthe employees. That is a terrible mistake to make when ignoringthis aspect of the modern workplace can cost organizations

    millions in losses. Stress-related workers compensation claimshave increased by 400% in the last 10 years, this alone goes on tosay a lot about how this seemingly innocuous aspect affects theworkplace. Work-related stress accounts for the longest stretches

    of absenteeism

    The first step towards dealing with workplace stress is to identifythe symptoms that mark the fact that fact you are a victim.The symptoms can include-

    * Feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed

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    * Apathy, loss of interest in work.

    * Problems sleeping* Fatigue,

    * Trouble concentrating

    * Muscle tension or headaches

    * Stomach problems

    * Social withdrawal

    * Using alcohol or drugs to cope.

    The reasons why you might be experiencing these symptoms canbe many but If your mind is cluttered with thoughts of being

    laid off, if you feel pressurised all the time to work overtime tocope up with staff shortages and meet up with rising

    expectations with no increase in job satisfaction and forced towork at optimum level all the time, its more likely than not

    that the symptoms are workplace related.

    Having spotted the culprit to stress here are some steps you can

    take in this regard-

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    Time management tips for reducing job stressTime management tips for reducing job stressTime management tips for reducing job stressTime management tips for reducing job stress

    * Create a balanced schedule. Analyze your schedule,responsibilities, and daily tasks and Try to find a balance

    between work and family life, social activities and solitarypursuits.

    * Dont over-commit yourself. Avoid scheduling things back-to-back or trying to fit too much into one day. Drop tasks that

    aren't truly necessary.

    * Try to leave earlier in the morning. Dont add to your stress

    levels by running late.* Plan regular breaks. Make sure to take short breaks

    throughout the day to sit back and clear your mind.

    Task management tips for reducing job stressTask management tips for reducing job stressTask management tips for reducing job stressTask management tips for reducing job stress

    * Prioritize tasks. Make a list of tasks you have to do, andtackle them in order of importance. If you have somethingparticularly unpleasant to do, get it over with early. The rest ofyour day will be more pleasant as a result.

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    * Break projects into small steps. If a large project seemsoverwhelming, make a step-by-step plan

    * Delegate responsibility. You dont have to do it all yourself,

    whether at home, school, or on the job. If other people can takecare of the task, why not let them?

    Apart from these time and task specific measures there are somegeneral steps which we can take to tackle workplace stress in

    general, because stress has a hangover effect so stress related toanything permeates into everything else. So its better to handlestress as it arises. The remedial steps can be-

    * Get time away. If you feel stress building, take a break.Walk away from the situation. Take a stroll around the block,sit on a park bench, or spend a few minutes meditating.

    * Talk it out. Sometimes the best stress-reducer is simplysharing your stress with someone close to you.

    * Cultivate allies at work. Just knowing you have one ormore co-workers who are willing to assist you in times of stress

    will reduce your stress level

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    * Find humour in the situation. When you or the peoplearound you start taking things too seriously, find a way tobreak through with laughter.

    When job and workplace stress surrounds you, you cant ignoreit, but with these simple steps you can regain control overyourself and the situation. Your growing sense of self-controlwill also be perceived by others as the strength it is, leading to

    better relationships at work today and a happy and successfulcareer in the future.

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    Suman Mordina, MHRM 2008Suman Mordina, MHRM 2008Suman Mordina, MHRM 2008Suman Mordina, MHRM 2008----2010201020102010

    We cannot safely leaveWe cannot safely leaveWe cannot safely leaveWe cannot safely leave politics to politicians, or political economypolitics to politicians, or political economypolitics to politicians, or political economypolitics to politicians, or political economy

    to college professors. The people themselves must think, because theto college professors. The people themselves must think, because theto college professors. The people themselves must think, because theto college professors. The people themselves must think, because the

    people alone can actpeople alone can actpeople alone can actpeople alone can act....

    Henry GeorgeHenry GeorgeHenry GeorgeHenry George

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    I belong to a small town, Ranchi. Nowadays I dont come acrosspeople asking me to locate Ranchi on the atlas, thanks to our

    Indian cricket team captain- Mahi bhaiya.

    I got a bike in the year 2002 and was on cloud nine. But the petrolallowance always troubled me as I used to go out with friends

    without informing my parents. One day I came to know that there

    is a rally of a political party, and who ever participates will gettwo litres of petrol and hundred rupees as a token of participation

    and support. I calculated the RoI and found it to be more than 500%,

    much more than Berkshire Hathaway. As I was there one among

    the troop I was shouting slogans - XYZ ki Jai ho..... Jai ho...Suddenly I was taken aback by desires of the aspiring MP. We were

    ordered to block the road. This was because the public and the presscould see the power which XYZ had possessed. Now all on a sudden

    my RoI saw a southward dive.

    These incidents dont require an ISO approval or an AAA+ rating toprove its authentication. Join a rally and this amount of public-

    centric feeling can be found among the political aspirants (at leastin most).

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    Along these political weapon lines our politicians have foundmany new ways to do Samaj or Desh Sewa. They now have

    developed compensation package to woo political capital. Twoincidents occurred during the Holi celebration. Mr Mulayam Singh

    Yadav and Mr Govinda putting green colour to the voters through

    few hari patti. They say it was unintentional, but sir our heart

    compels us to have faith in our IQ.So as the election dates arrive, we hope to get more such

    entertainments. At least now we will have something out of the

    saas-bahu serials to get ourselves entertained midst of all the

    recession, pink slips, and lower GDP news.There is an old saying: in every problem there is a solution hidden.

    So I think here is also a solution, and that is to fight the globalrecession, lowering GDP, etc...

    The central government should get the liberty to bring all thefestivals in the month(s) prior to election, Holi, Id, Diwali,

    Christmas, Pongal, etc, etc... These months will see a lot of

    monetary empowerment among the poor people. They will be gettingpolitical compensation package, the students will also get a better

    RoI. This in return will encourage spending which will increase

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    demand of goods and services and there will be increase ininvestment- thus pulling up the GDP. Bringing all the festivals

    together will give a full month holiday to all the employees. ButMarch being the closing month of the financial year, they will

    have to work and thus be rewarded with overtime benefits. This will

    increase spending and thus high investment-higher GDP. All of a

    sudden we would realise that our GDP is growing at 10%. Thestudent will also benefit by getting one more month as exam leave.Now this model will be a case study at Harvard and IIMs, and our

    politicians will preside over those sessions as guest lecturers.

    So Politics-Jai Ho

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    Clockwise from top left corner

    Manish Prakash, Priti Chakraborty, Sharmila Ray & KusumitaManish Prakash, Priti Chakraborty, Sharmila Ray & KusumitaManish Prakash, Priti Chakraborty, Sharmila Ray & KusumitaManish Prakash, Priti Chakraborty, Sharmila Ray & KusumitaSahoo , MHRM 2007Sahoo , MHRM 2007Sahoo , MHRM 2007Sahoo , MHRM 2007----2009200920092009

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    On July 25th 2005,there was a huge workers unrest in Gurgaon,police beat up thousands of workers of Honda motors and scooters

    India(HMSI),in the premises of mini secretariat that is the office ofthe Deputy Commissioner of Gurgaon district.

    Facts of the caseFacts of the caseFacts of the caseFacts of the case

    The HMSI a Japanese multinational automobile company has ahuge manufacturing plant at Manesar in Gurgaon .There are

    about 4000(about 1000 temporary) workers who have been workingfor years for the company without any major unrest.

    It was reported that the workers were not happy with the behaviour

    of one of the vice-presidents of the company,Hiroshe. He reportedlykicked a worker. He unfurled the turban of another Sikh worker.

    The workers felt humiliated and protested against this inhumantreatment, but the management brushed aside the issue and asked

    them to be careful when dealing with company officials, especiallyforeign ones. Given frequent incidents like these, the workers decided

    to form an employees union, Honda Employees Union, that would

    protect their collective interests. The union got affiliated to AITUC,the trade union of CPI.

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    The management resented the move and decided to resort to lockoutfor the existing workers and announced a fresh recruitment drive.

    WorkersWorkersWorkersWorkers versionversionversionversionThe workers of Honda who report to work by 7.30 get conveyance buton June 27th they did not find any, and when they arrived at the

    factory, they found police standing both inside and outside the

    factory. And a notice hanging on the locked gate that if they givean undertaking of good conduct they will be permitted to enter, inother words they were asked not to join any employees union.

    By 8.30 all had decided that they will do as asked, but at 1.30pm the

    management announced through loud speakers, that services of all

    the workers are terminated and no one should b e seen within

    100meters of the factory. Next day Honda started to recruit newpeople, with the help of district administration himself wasannouncing the recruiting drive in neighbouring villages.

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    Few days later management agreed to take in the workers phaseby phase but again went back on its words. It also refused to take

    back 50 people whose service was terminated for lack of good conductand discipline.

    The workers did not agree to this demand, they wanted security of

    job, because they had invested 2yrs in training and passed series of

    tests. In this regard they decided to hold a rally and submit amemorandum to the district administration. When they were

    heading towards the Mini Secretariat the police stopped them. The

    situation became tense and police threatened to apply force. The

    ensuing melee resulted in stone pelting and workers burning 2 govt.vehicles.

    Few hours later when the workers peacefully assembled in front ofM.S, the police with greater reinforcement lathi charged the

    workers in presence of DC and other senior officials. The workers were

    surrounded from all sides, they had no escape route. They werebeaten mercilessly resulting in severe head and limb injuries. (700

    injured, about 100 of them seriously.

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    Management versionManagement versionManagement versionManagement versionPersonnel department commented that the workers were

    undisciplined and inefficient, and therefore disciplinary actionswere deemed fit against them. They were compelled to takepreventive measures by calling the police.

    AITUC versionAITUC versionAITUC versionAITUC version

    AITUC spokesperson alleged, that the administration wasuncooperative and in collusion with the management against theworkers.

    AftermathAftermathAftermathAftermathHonda suffered losses to the tune of 100crores.

    Production was cut down by 75%.

    Companys brand name suffered.


    Later management agreed to take back the workers but insistedthat enquiry will continue against suspended workers. They askedthe union to drop all charges against them, and sign undertakings

    not to hold any strike for next 1 year.

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    SuggestionsSuggestionsSuggestionsSuggestionsThe HMSI workers were facing chronic problems like a crammed

    canteen, brutal rules and regulations, harassment of womenworkers. They lacked a formal grievance redressal body

    The hr manager should have taken immediate action rather than

    allowing the situation to smoulder.

    A contractor should have hired the labourers. And in case of anysuch trouble the I.R department should have been informed first and

    matter should have been solved together by the management, I.Rdept and the contractor. Instead of a complete lock out the I.R dept

    should have first issued a show cause notice.Throughout management was resorting to third partyreconciliation methods. Because the workers were not directly

    involved in the dialogue process, the AITUC got pre-eminence and

    the workers were misled.

    To operate successfully in another country, any MNC shouldconsider the cultural and industrial environment of that

    particular country. But the Japanese MNC was against the

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    formation of trade union, which is a natural process in themanufacturing sector of a welfare country like India.

    The existing labour and industrial laws of India suit the welfarestate concept. It should be amended to suit a globalized economy andchanging demands of the time.

    Finally it is important to recognise that there always has been aclass struggle, and history has proved that the justified demands of

    the working class cannot be suppressed by repressive policies. It willlead to more resistance. So this calls for an improved industrial

    relations system and awareness off human rights.

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    Malini Sengupta, MHRM 2008Malini Sengupta, MHRM 2008Malini Sengupta, MHRM 2008Malini Sengupta, MHRM 2008----2010201020102010

    1 -Blooms taxonomy of learning domains divides learningdevelopment into three main aspects: Cognitive, Affective and

    Psychomotor. What are these three aspects of personaldevelopment more commonly called?

    2- Who wrote the book called Seven Habits of Highly EffectivePeople?

    3- What is the alternative work schedule that allows employees to

    voluntarily agree to reduce their work time and pay called?

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    4-What do we better know an incumbent who is paid above therange set for the job as?

    5-Which is the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet?

    6-Which management and behavioural concept did DanielGoleman popularize in his eponymously titled 1995 book?

    7-Identify the personalities.

    8-By what name is the Phiroze Jeejebhoy Towers better known as?

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    9-Which publication advertised itself with the lines Software forthe most advanced microprocessor on this planet?

    10-Which Indian bank features Goddess Lakshmi in its logo?


    1. Knowledge, Attitude, Skills2. Stephen R.Covey3. V-time4. Red-circled Employee5. Epsilon

    6. Emotional Intelligence7. Dhirubhai Ambani & C.K. Prahlad8. Bombay Stock Exchange9. The Economic Times10. Dena Bank

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    Bikram Sarkar, MHRM 2008Bikram Sarkar, MHRM 2008Bikram Sarkar, MHRM 2008Bikram Sarkar, MHRM 2008----2010201020102010

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    , , Rumy Ghosh, MHRM 2008Rumy Ghosh, MHRM 2008Rumy Ghosh, MHRM 2008Rumy Ghosh, MHRM 2008----2010201020102010

    , ,




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    , ,






    , , , ,




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    Just keep scrolling down.Just keep scrolling down.Just keep scrolling down.Just keep scrolling down. This is very interesting!This is very interesting!This is very interesting!This is very interesting! AfterAfterAfterAfterreading it, you'll go 'duh,reading it, you'll go 'duh,reading it, you'll go 'duh,reading it, you'll go 'duh, I didn't know thaI didn't know thaI didn't know thaI didn't know that.'t.'t.'t.'

    'Stewardesses' is the longest word typed with only the left hand And'lollipop' is the longest word typed with your right hand.

    (Bet you tried this out mentally, didn't you?)(Bet you tried this out mentally, didn't you?)(Bet you tried this out mentally, didn't you?)(Bet you tried this out mentally, didn't you?)

    No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange,silver, or purple.

    'Dreamt' is the only English word that ends in the letters 'mt'.

    (Are you doubting this?)(Are you doubting this?)(Are you doubting this?)(Are you doubting this?)

    Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears

    never stop growing.

  • 8/14/2019 E-magazine of the Department of MHRM, IISWBM_march09



    The sentence:'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' uses every letter of

    the alphabet.(Now, you KNOW you're going to try this out for accuracy,(Now, you KNOW you're going to try this out for accuracy,(Now, you KNOW you're going to try this out for accuracy,(Now, you KNOW you're going to try this out for accuracy,right?right?right?right?))))

    The words 'racecar,' 'kayak' and 'level'

    are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left(palindromes).(Yep, I knew you were going to 'do' this one.)(Yep, I knew you were going to 'do' this one.)(Yep, I knew you were going to 'do' this one.)(Yep, I knew you were going to 'do' this one.)

    There are only four words in the English language which end in'dous':tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.(You're not doubting this, are you?)(You're not doubting this, are you?)(You're not doubting this, are you?)(You're not doubting this, are you?)

    There are two words in the English language that have all fivevowels in order: 'abstemious' and 'facetious.' (Yes, admit it, youare going to say, a e i o u)

    TYPEWRITER is the longest word

    that can be made using the letters only on one row of the

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    keyboard.(All you typists are going to test this out)(All you typists are going to test this out)(All you typists are going to test this out)(All you typists are going to test this out)

    A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

    A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

    (Some days that's about what my memory span is.)

    A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.

    A snail can sleep for three years.(I know some people that could do this too!!)(I know some people that could do this too!!)(I know some people that could do this too!!)(I know some people that could do this too!!)

    Almonds are a member of the peach family.

    An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.(I know some people like that also)

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    Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until thechild reaches 2 to 6 years of age.

    February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have afull moon.

    In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.

    If the population of China walked past you, 8 abreast, the linewould never end because of the rate of reproduction.

    Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissorsPeanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite!

    Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.

    The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.

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    The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by aradar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

    (Good thing he did that.)(Good thing he did that.)(Good thing he did that.)(Good thing he did that.)

    The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completelysolid.

    There are more chickens than people in the world.

    Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance.

    Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

    Now you know more than you did before!!Now you know more than you did before!!Now you know more than you did before!!Now you know more than you did before!!

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    What a month it has been! Exams knocking harder than ever at

    the doors, seniors getting all emotional on their farewell andsummer placements efforts going into overdrive.

    March marked the onset of exam fever upon all of us,everybody went scampering around to collect missing class notes,studying in groups to help each other out in weak areas and yes, not

    to mention visiting the library more often than the canteen!

    First week of March was all devoted to giving the seniors a bumperfarewell; teams were formed to come up with innovative games and

    activities for the seniors at the farewell, make arrangements forfood and music and other sundry items. We were both excited as well

    as emotional to finally be giving our seniors their grand finale totheir tryst with this institute. On the D-day every thing went asplanned, the seniors had a gala time participating in the games

    and events organized, liked the food and the arrangements very

    much and danced away their parting blues in the Jam session that

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    concluded the Farewell. They shared with us the ups and down oftheir campus experiences, the wealth of knowledge they gained over

    these two years and also their future plans and ambitions.

    Summer placements meanwhile have also been going on at full

    throttle. We all look forward to our summer internships with a lot

    of enthusiasm.

    As the month approaches to and end, we all hope to welcome

    the exams well prepared and confident and then migrate to differenthorizons to pursue our summer internships with all the zest and

    knowledge that this academic session has bestowed us with.

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    Please write to us [email protected] with your suggestions and