e. iip^ jh^mwyeas coffiffivatio...

VOL XIX. No. 23. MANASSAS, VA.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3V 191». ONE pOLLAR A YEAR XELEBRATE PATRONS DAY Dr. Quaries and Dr. Heck Ad- dr«M School Gathering jtt,.. Court Hbn»e; In spite of the bad weather there was a considerable attend- ance at the celebrationof Patrons' Day last FriSay afternoon. The rtKulvr iaarian af tha Fanniiw' Inatitft^/e was held during: the TBorning, and after the usnal ex- cellent dinner, prepared - and served by the High School Do- mestic Science Class, the aftot noon was given over to the Pa- trons'T^FceleEranon. Mr. Weatwood Hutchison pre- sided, and Introduced Dr. H. L. Quarles, the first speaker. In his talk dttlpai'eintlil cooperation/ Dr.. Quai^les made many valuable sujcseetions as- to how parents and teachers might cooperate better and thus aid each othe^ iif tV wnrk {n whirli hnt.h harf-wr warm an mtereet. At the cpn- rr—+" elusion of his address, an invita- ^-^H-b^rfE-of the taachera was extended to dl patrons to MRSjANDERS ENIERTABISrjBeiCAR RAILWAYS SAFE l^^iffB^ fflrMr29 Catharpgajjood Houarikftopuigifiguict ^Show that Only One Cowacil Uta Club Enjoys IMcaMat C«U- hration of RBoy Day The Catharpin Good House- keeping Club was entertained on the 23d inst. at the hoapitable hom«of Mrs. W. L. Sanders.the The guest^ upon arrival were ushered into the sittihlr-room which was most charmingly deo- orated with autumn leaves and the cJub colorjsiyalpurple. There were present eleven club mem' Man m Evory 2^:75,122 I 000 Bond IMU«-6 |>«r c«at. ReceiTM Fatal b«ury Serial Bonds at 102. Interesting illustrations of the great degree of safety attending travel on American railways are given by a promTiient newspapeFf^ to ^rd besides several gentlemen who Me hoporary_nifi53lJfiri.And two of the Groveton club as guests. " A s Stated in the* year book of the club, the October meeting was to be^tmtainedbyoor w«u beloved, humorous and pathetic poet, James Whitcomb Riley; OB Many had fprgotten whetherity was married or sinide. dead or artietc based oa Jm Commerce Commission figures which" sBow That duringTKe six" year period. 1905-1911, only one passengger out of every 74,736 received ipjary of anx kind and only one out of every 2,275,123 was killed. _ CopomentiBjtapafl thei this paper says: "Atypical journey for all roads tn the country^s now 34 miles, and there are taken on the av«r- Tne Town Council, at a called meeting last Monday afternoon, contracted to sell the entire issue Of $7S,O06 wortli 5f 6 per cent ' feftniii at iftfli Thtaritiin dependent upon the letting of SflMSI^ (MfEinM ^^<f^»lT Moat in MaaasMS- Baptist Charck One of the mi»t, interesting and successful m e e t i n g s of the Prince Wimam County San- day School cunvwitlun took place iaat-gwday and Oatufday in Man assas Baptist Church, and white US XBOMAK A BRS)r Oltri* Rkhard» Ijoachmaa Wada Mr. AUcn U w i CHirv. of Capo GirukUav. Mo. With the imp^reasive service of the Episcopal Church, the wed- ding ceremony of Miss Olivia IKcharda Leoclunan, third daugh (io'ntfacu for the workwithin owing to the rainy weather the this amount and will not be con- gathering was not so large as summated until the bids are those of previous years, the at- opened. tendance was good. »nd during was performed at half aftpr iwvfln The council decided upon serial | each session the Church was filled o'clock Tuesday evening in bonds because they Jigure that taking up tifatured bonds each TIT age 2,2^6.122 HUCh jourueyg safety to each journey which re- sults fatally. If a man were to ride oiit. these 2,27.'), 122 safe alive, but he walked right into our midst upon the reading nl-a ,mgf!kJi-8Q0P ^AJlj^gAV""!*^ fa*" .set, toorganiie a patron^feague fot the year. - The remainder of the afternoon tp'Trn tn n iin'iitjr^njirj sketch of his life from Good inT.914, he would have to start JIadb>inffln&er added Iver 1 Z«Hidj^^ M^etgB JJV jp^fo vi^^Av.^ ^ ««,»i«iBj^mjl'fr^^T!^^ 7i»»rrcawn\ Fisim «r«> m:» \. •«iu iirtrodpciiir^Dr. HedE,-aiperii> tendefttlEVierexplained that-tWB diseussibn of the sabject was an outcome of the action takeQ by the (Jaunty SfelMWl Board last and~'aut^rttph letter, written especially to 'JT he Cathaxpin Good Housekeeping Club," in which tbik great map c<m>pli- ments these women upon ttie summer in makinST an approp^'j ^i^rk they are doing^ andthaak^ tion for the introdOCtibD of medP]fh^tn fta- aa knnnrino' him cal insp^tioQ in the schools. ck atColumbta University was '^oBg the liiJe of tFe njlalionriiip -t^tween the school imd the homei was pwufiitfly w«BnEtt6d"tOTit^ cuss this siibj ect. He made very clear the immense anportaoce of tfag woif in view ot the unhy gi^ifrewHliUMiath^t so goinmon ly prevail, both in the school and the home life of the child, and showed how sach conditions sap- ped his vitahty atia handicapped thSTchoofe oy JLtr. w. w. keck^^ ^^ ^^^ climax was reached when I the seowitary rwtd a shMrt poem nfoi journeys at iviix per day <fur each bumaaag day io the, year, it would take him 3,'792 years. To have year is th^ best possible way of investing the sinking fund and it will ajso r e ^ c g the IntaeefitworiE charge each year. The payments aie arranged so that t60,000 will jn thirty years leaving t^ be refunded ^ the -end of that period. witE «ame8t Sunday:. School auurkers and 4;>ei^ons interested in some way or other in the valu- able eooperative Sunday School The principal features of the Satiirdav evening se^ion were the addresses of Mr. Frank T, ter of Mr. and Mrr.'John'Pendle- Mr. Allen Laws Oliver, son of Mr. a^d Kirs. Robert Burett Oliver," of Cape Girardeau, Mo. Trinity Episcopal Church, Man- assas, the Be¥; Fr-£attg Robin - son, of Cismont, and-the Rev. J. F. Burks officiating. p The ehurcli was beuatafully decorated with autumn leaver. nalma and pJrvHWTithHmiytwt anri Mr. Lucius A. Trowbridge, the president of the Hanchett Bond hfigmiin time to meet hia dieath.,C<>.. of J^hicago. through whom J^rYTBtowWrnSHrUeVkmiM: j^ggf^i through the Red Sea. By recited in her most JdMttmingf 750 B: style, "Thia;a31d Sweethjeartof wheB Roraxrtusr^as Remus by modem reyiiatiQ^^'; Kemus oy moaern noc go lorwara witnout qeiay, mdjnoda, "%e commuter would" fhait the amount of money is sufii- ridd»ninL,nOO,0OQj th<nn tar so honoring him. Now, what is the w(n-k these H«jk. wB08» ipeciidLiwI wom»Q itfelwB«r^=DSlB^p<^ m o r e .to tilikt show the latest« and milliBCT? ^- - - -— 7 No, theyare fwging a cbam that is drawing the whole ndgh- borbood into a unit trough the navar'failinc mt'diuiii uf liimpii lali5y.~The5 I pub- lic school under thefrwiplfl man- tie and through it are kx>king forward to the future welfare of their aaamunity by the uplift ^ ^rim JKaTJty i h ^ » ^ struggle ^g^^j^ygr^i^jga^g. The comma. rough life. -^At this point saaae sms wer^-wade by the speakex- on t h e over-^crowded ' »nA unhygienic conditwn of the building BOW used by the Manas- aas High Schod, fand the great need for a better onewas empha- Exkanatioas were next m a ^ •tt »>n niiwple tssOrggnerally nsed in schoola^for discovering eye and ear defects (throat trouUes were usually more difficult of de nity spirit prevails; all, aa 4>ueir are for the^ extermination of ig- Cootnocd Oft SeeoBd Page WhenLEhiniaa^ in 460 B. C , was carving the Olympian Zeus, 'Our one-third of the way toward his death'; and even in the year 89Q A. D., when AWred the Great was letting the gricjdle cakes bum. this fhiveler ^tild have iq;)eQt the equivalent of 207 yean on the trains running at % qailes an hour, andlToold-; have had 87 years more of aefaud travel to i i a r e beBn-batr upffiotMHlall e x j M f i ^ i i n d d e a t ^ _ g S J ^ * ^ J ^ ^ J ! * " ' ' ? ^ aoMmiid e. the sale > was nwde, said that ir, the Mght of his wide experience ill such matlBis he believes tUeie is no reason why the work should not go forward without delay. Israel, of Fui;fax, and the State Secretary, Mr. Thomas C. Biggs Mr. Diggs also made strong and nelptui addresses at the two ses- sions on Saturday. During one of thdise hie Tp^rohounced this con- vention the best of the five thus illumined with candle light, while the little edifice was filled beyond Its entire seating capacity witb- fri^ds of thft happy rtftiiplt*—Rfl- in Interest. On Saturday morning interest ^enteFarSTOOiiift the Teports of nrt thuff n i t t w i ' a n Icgs^ pbataelefc- ents, naade by the Hon. C. J, | The bond company has taken totheissne. These willtnclilde printus; •examiag the records ftnd titfe aiid all investigati<Hi pgitaiuiiig theieto. • ' Bida .will he jjpened Nov. 29 for the instruction of the three systems* and if a satisfactoi^ bid 8p««d belwe^-tHeetiuft hi* f*ta^-*^**''-"|ff*^.*^.'^^''.^^ iip^ jH^Mwyeas coffiffiVATiOH amm Aina|MiIu Paper Thiows Beu- THE JOURNAL announced some wookoagPtbat Dr. John H. Tdaa,. U. S. N.,^ bad Jaeen ordered to the Naval hospital at Anqapolis.. We Ddegates From Every State ^i Fwni VJMiBiar Washington, D. a-Wide- ^Dread interest in the PiftirNt take the following firratsfying re- maxki from the f rootsheet of an. nocm, DF. Heck gave ah hoar's Capita} and Maiylaad Gazette: talk in the morning ta the boys j Dr. J. H. Iden, U. S.. N., has apd giris of the High Schoob- H^lteei^rd^fed^ the Naval dwolt wpan the immtasft impuiU tal^bere after a lapse of about ance of the odoloooont period the high schoitil agr—t ,, two years. <^ Br.Id denal C o n s ^ ^ o o s CongresB^ls Aown by the" lu^ uuinber of d e l ^ r t e s a T r e a d y "appointed. These del^ates are from every stiybe in the Union. They repre- ities, edueatiOTial institutions and national and local organizations. Included in thelist are many men MtiOnai promt' fore tiie ceremony. Miss Con- stance—Leachman. ssmg- in. hcr- 'eweet and powerful soprano, the beautiful song, "Because". To the'Btrairj of LahcBgrin'p wedding^ march, rendered on the organ by Miaa Tnlia W. T.»wi«, the bride eatered- Meetze for Manassas, and Mr.TX Just as interesting: were" thle'^S- ports of the departxnejat|d juperi ijitendents, Boade by Mrs. West- u ood Hutchison- MaDasaas, cle- lace. mentary; Miss Alberta: Hopkiii^ Manassas,, intermeduiee; Elder A, (3onner, Manassas, home de- puTtmi-nf: T>r H Ti Q i a r N . ^f- tulle veil was caught with' lilies t)f-the-valley, and riic earriodr^tr— bouqiwtelf lilies of the vaUey a^d nyxKwta ' ' teaeherjonMngf gon JauJaey, "Occoquanr^dulT dfr^ partment: Mr8..^Xjeo. G. ROund, Manassas, teBq>cranee;MiofrMag' gie'Smith, Manassas, nua^ffiss^ and Miss May Leachraan, Bris- tow,me88eng^ department. The fullest and most satisfactory d»- trict repwt was. made by Mr. C R. McDonald, xeprffs^^tin?^ Gainesville district The Sudiey viUe .jdistpct, led all the othor Sunday Schools in prt^^ss ialde" nence who have been identified with the cause-01 conservation t e n t a f « w H r t > a r * K « t r « e t « * ^ attentive *a^ --.oLe:?^ev4opraentorit^ jjoid^n^g tfeenjidahipooeii This vear's session of tW Ton upon parents the duty of obtain- of wiaUriSarTretWioratieBa^J,^,^^^ agot it was to ^^^^J^^^ ^ inesklHed medical treatmentaslT^r ij---^-- ^r'-" 'hin m^muC^iuSUISeXn ^j^^^4'^^'-^^°°-gQ"^-^ *'^' 8ooi\ |H defects werediscovered^ j^j^ shaping of the whole future j^,^jjj,^^^jt{, ^j^^t ^f ^ as. tfaei^eSy, Ufe>long_. tTout^^jliffc' He spoke of the influence ^j^j^^^ staUoned here at •ni iTht nf t^n he avoided. HeyuJ | ^ the high school, what it should .jjj t>.,f t\^ t^^,^«. in^xther; at the I Novr-lbf-ja^ and zu tn this city. IVwill be the first general gadi- ering of conservatioattts in thfe _i£ m(Mifiy_mu^b6-3gYM^ let it ^gr^^_^,4_,rhat thpy should rinaWp, ^^^,1^^^ m,^j^ ,^,^1, „ ^.^^j n^ iu the luattei uf dgtliec^ w »" j it, in thdr lives. .It should stand \ofiwry -and no cases weteJoat. y)me other way, but that it was ^nt m w r p I v for—iiitH»eBtual]—Dr. Ideu is abw iutefeatwl [iiatiuiutl cap^tjd ti'HVf^pii' f]^mj^ ence of Go'^eraors. . For this rea- e cbn»^ttee haa 288,. Tho T&iinH Tahlft in the even- iWtfritttftf. Shw wun gowHftd in a lovely creation of white crepe mfftfor and duchcsel H ^ ycung sist». Miss Mazy Virginia Leachman, as maid of honor, JiTore-a gown* of pank mes^ Tw whadim lata -blue chiffon,-and;' 'ed Kiilam^ buds. Misa^- MiMfwrf T^jM-hmap j ^ i t h . o f Cape2_ . Girardeau, a niece of the bride, was the little flower girl. She uai 1 ied a tiny buttkoc ot xmok rose- buds,^ and ^scattered rose petals. atopg th»:i Thegroi. faothf^r, Mr. JPalmer Oljyer, alktl of Cape Girardeau. The ushers R SunthiT School, of Gainaa-f^^^^ ^^^^ Wndo T ^ r h t i t ^ , B|ii8Bdl DoBFmont, Bygd QB^e^ md^Se during theyear." &tturday afternoon, helftfuL addrepBOe were made by MiaB Ciwff, of Herndon; Mr8,^FralgTtod,_0ft^ Col ^ Cape Girardeau. - Mrs. Oliver is the attractive- aeoompliohcd daui^ter - ^ County Treasorer-Leaehman, ard old Prince William family. She is a handsome brunette, a talented ing was a source of ideasure-joid . Utfemfioii: aiKT tftfi^rBimto ^^i miwimn and 1 ynnny wftman of the aftemoon-^^ere made to an !i¥a aiiftifmm ——r—— Tlie following officers were elected for the ensuing yegr fei^^ ft^d<At-Rev. E. A. Boada. Viee Prssident-Eadwc Abram SoogijaBy-^ MT fihm. ~&r - m ^ -I It mi wide and popular social acquai^W'^ ance In this section and in Cape Girardeau, where she^tent some- timg with her sie**^, .Mrj' ^ " ^^ b6hM. - Mr. OiWa b a 80B of Mi*, aft^ __ Mrs. Robert Burett O h y e r ^ Cape ' ^ jf^zarSefiS^ and is a young lawfoT'^ •PfagiMPlulJialMrtirtn. ^- a crime against tbe child to letl^wtib, but 'as a rich ^^^\thrJir:^U^^^erienc7vZ^p^\^^S^,^l^ him-often f o r e w e n t of onlyiji^^e f^r all the infivienCes. thei^,! aad^membeTof the medi-'^*^**'''^^"*"'" **'^*'"^*°** ^Ut^attenti0n^.^rig|^^.^j55^^„^ insttlutionT.XitTwSi wwTS aTlUjK!_eutei ie uf frieudar- 'vidin^ propel' uiediesl attoHttea- and of seeing tb^t^sch^lauld life, fw body and mind alike :__IIe sixike. with iiw:h approval," clubs, an<r societies' al-, move- open to ail Who are mterested. u«8, andJi^i^rc^^ESoM^l^^ -Announcement has '*>eenj P^^^f''!^^ *PP<>*n!«i generil. were what the7'^«M|;g^-fj,rmed, and advised a:made of the ravage of Missr''**"''* ^"'® o^ ^^^'«»» «»= h^. parents' love and devotion toj,^^,., .»,v,pl^.^. nngani.ar^n,. «rill Ti^li7.i.hPt.h Warren Merchant trA-^l^^i^^-Ciii^^o^toik, , Treasurer—Mr. Hariey. Th«» supurinteiideHta tf d e p f t - Teacher training—Dr. H. U, member of tite legal firm of Oliver ^Oliver, he has laid .the cwner^ stone of a brilliant CUterjn th'« practice of.bis chosen professi<»u Carrying with them the good 1 wishes Elementary-lbs. Hutchison. ' , --—= Secondary-Miss Alb«U Hoi^ tins. Westwoodj Maaawms Tueaday «tveftifag for a to New Mexico and the Pacific Coast. They will be aV borne after December 1st at Cape Ctrardwu, -Mlaaourt.—f their children might wefl bei^j ^jj ^^e Vaned ^tivitie^s ofthe MrTFranlc^ Wataon rhArh.^fP«vilV. S.T. Beveridg*. Richmfciri. gaaged^1^M^*^-th'gr were ^^il^^high school, fbic the more their" riaGregon. Tbecerwnony too: -ing.li).&tie»SL^ ^^£°^_;. .•>•• ,ythigh S9.hooi sfiirit developed the place last Wednesday, 0::tober, c. B. Srott. Lynchburg. heavy rains prevented many peo- ^jonje Finally, he spoke warmly familiarly known i» Mus Sue' \ from hearing. Df. Heak'sclaarim ^aiaise uf lli« Maiiassas High Mutchant, has livod m Manassas Adult-M*. Tyoon Janwy TefflpenflCfcrJBK -Gwi3{e. CL Representing req>ectfully: . KatTLumber itaaafactaran' Aa^'a. Round. -Wlwn—Pfooidont—U*¥^ ^BSJSEBSBi^SJl^KBS&JSBiJiSB^ presentation jof Jhe importance ' ^ | ^ l reminded them that it ttntil recently when she went tO; of the matter, but much interest ^ ^ among the best in the Sute Baltimore to make her home with is ahready being shown. Dr.W.F. |,^,4 tha<^pyjiim;t halp tr. nr»«. v., I h..> WfrTT.TT.TrtTLTuu]L t ^^^^^^^ g^^^^ G«o!o»i«ts' Aas'n. M^r^'hanr ano Other pnystcian^rfp^-ard i,h€ traa-iions for which going thence to Astona to visit' Nation*! H»y A»oci«tJon. _/ ; of the county have volunteered jj stood, and lead their high friends.- Sh» is a ^daughter of* SooiJwrrr Appakckiwi GooS^ R»adsi their services in helping to bejTjn school life so well thiat when they the late Lieut. B. D. Merchanf*-'»^=>^"" ' ' the work m the schools, and it is , ^ent out from it, it should more and a sister of Dr. W. F. Mer- >™^"« ^-^ Humane A»«,ci«u«. tobehoppd t h a t i t ^ i a ^ ^ b e ^ , Tn r, . , „f M.,,..^... Ht^r n u n . V^nm,n . W v " plai.«iJ LiMuu a ^ w . . . Aiui puium ,,. ^^^j. ^^^^^,. ^ themselves fnends in this locality wish them nent footing. ^ * Mfrtzea GajoeamUe District- Mr. C. K. Itet tbe convention should not con- sider to BOiiiluaiiun auU pluUgwl his hearty fii'Pl^'-^ ^^ ^''" -T Beside? hT? addr^s? in the after-1 and to the world. : a long and happy life togetlier. riai» .\raeric»n fkxafty for Testing If ate-' Brontgvitt''r>«triet-rTJii-.LawisjfWMor. believing that the office B. Flohr. ' was one that should be divided " Dumfries Kstriet-Mr: M. %. I among the eligibles.- as the means (3iiscock. of most benefit. Oecoquan District—Mr. Tjyaon ^ j;p<viai meritinr . rinH.>..~, •-^- Janney. " -"- lof theexoeiU^rt? ffiV>rt« nf ---^ • . ColesDistrict—Rev. Clifton W.lterUinmtr; . :n(r, ; .•> , Storke. Mr. > . .}. '• -.

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Dr. Quaries and Dr. Heck Ad-dr«M School Gathering jtt , . .

Court Hbn»e;

In spite of the bad weather there was a considerable attend­ance at the celebrationof Patrons' Day last FriSay afternoon. The rtKulvr iaarian af tha Fanniiw' Inatitft /e was held during: the

TBorning, and after the usnal ex-cellent dinner, prepared - and served by the High School Do­mestic Science Class, the aftot noon was given over to the Pa­trons'T^FceleEranon.

Mr. Weatwood Hutchison pre-sided, and Introduced Dr. H. L. Quarles, the first speaker. In his talk dttlpai'eintlil cooperation/ Dr.. Quai^les made many valuable sujcseetions as- to how parents and teachers might cooperate better and thus aid each othe^ iif t V wnrk {n whirli hnt.h harf-wr

warm an mtereet. At the cpn-


elusion of his address, an invita-^-^H-b^rfE-of the taachera

was extended to dl patrons to


Catharpgajjood Houarikftopuigifiguict ^Show that Only One Cowacil Uta Club Enjoys IMcaMat C«U-

hration of RBoy Day

The Catharpin Good House­keeping Club was entertained on the 23d inst. at the hoapitable hom«of Mrs. W. L. Sanders.the

The guest^ upon arrival were ushered into the sittihlr-room which was most charmingly deo-orated with autumn leaves and the cJub colorjsiyalpurple. There were present eleven club mem'

Man m Evory 2^:75,122 I 000 Bond I M U « - 6 |>«r c«at. ReceiTM Fatal b«ury Serial Bonds at 102.

Interesting illustrations of the great degree of safety attending travel on American railways are given by a promTiient newspapeFf^ to

^ r d besides several gentlemen who Me hoporary_nifi53lJfiri.And two of the Groveton club as guests. " A s Stated in the* year book of the club, the October meeting was to be^tmtainedbyoor w«u beloved, humorous and pathetic poet, James Whitcomb Riley;

O B Many had fprgotten whetherity was married or sinide. dead or

artietc based oa Jm Commerce Commission figures which" sBow That duringTKe six" year period. 1905-1911, only one passengger out of every 74,736 received ipjary of anx kind and only one out of every 2,275,123 was killed. _ CopomentiBjtapafl thei this paper says:

"Atypical journey for all roads tn the country^s now 34 miles, and there are taken on the av«r-

Tne Town Council, at a called meeting last Monday afternoon, contracted to sell the entire issue Of $7S,O06 wortli 5f 6 per cent

' feftniii at iftfli Thtaritiin dependent upon the letting of

SflMSI^ (MfEinM

^^<f »lT Moat in MaaasMS-Baptist Charck

One of the mi»t, interesting and successful m e e t i n g s of the Prince Wimam County San-day School cunvwitlun took place iaat-gwday and Oatufday in Man assas Baptist Church, and white


Oltri* Rkhard» Ijoachmaa Wada Mr. AUcn U w i CHirv.

of Capo GirukUav. Mo.

With the imp^reasive service of the Episcopal Church, the wed­ding ceremony of Miss Olivia IKcharda Leoclunan, third daugh

(io'ntfacu for the workwithin owing to the rainy weather the this amount and will not be con- gathering was not so large as summated until the bids are those of previous years, the at-opened. tendance was good. »nd during was performed at half aftpr iwvfln

The council decided upon serial | each session the Church was filled o'clock Tuesday evening in bonds because they Jigure that taking up tifatured bonds each

TIT age 2,2^6.122 HUCh jourueyg safety to each journey which re­sults fatally. If a man were to ride oiit. these 2,27.'), 122 safe

alive, but he walked right into our midst upon the reading nl-a

,mgf!kJi-8Q0P ^AJlj^gAV""!*^ fa*" .set, toorganiie a patron^feague fot the year. -

The remainder of the afternoon tp'Trn tn n i i n ' i i t j r ^n j i r j

sketch of his life from Good inT.914, he would have to start

JIadb>inffln&er added Iver 1 Z « H i d j ^ ^ M ^ e t g B JJV jp^fo vi^^Av.^ ^ « « , » i « i B j ^ m j l ' f r ^ ^ T ! ^ ^

7i»»rrcawn\ Fisim «r«> m:» \. •«iu iirtrodpciiir^Dr. HedE,-aiperii> tendefttlEVierexplained that-tWB diseussibn of the sabject was an outcome of the action takeQ by the (Jaunty SfelMWl Board last

and~'aut^rttph letter, written especially to 'JT he Cathaxpin Good Housekeeping Club," in which tbik great map c<m>pli-ments these women upon ttie

summer in makinST an approp^'j ^i^rk they are doing^ andthaak^ tion for the introdOCtibD of medP]fh^tn fta- aa knnnrino' him cal insp^tioQ in the schools.

ck atColumbta University was '^oBg the liiJe of tFe njlalionriiip -t^tween the school imd the homei was pwufiitfly w«BnEtt6d"tOTit^ cuss this siibj ect. He made very clear the immense anportaoce of tfag wo i f in view ot the unhy gi^ifrewHliUMiath^t so goinmon ly prevail, both in the school and the home life of the child, and showed how sach conditions sap­ped his vitahty atia handicapped

thSTchoofe oy JLtr. w. w. keck^^ ^ ^^^ climax was reached when ^° I the seowitary rwtd a shMrt poem

nfoi journeys at iviix per day <fur each bumaaag day io the, year, it would take him 3,'792 years. To have

year is th^ best possible way of investing the sinking fund and it will ajso r e ^ c g t h e IntaeefitworiE charge each year. The payments aie arranged so that t60,000 will

jn thirty years leaving t^ be refunded ^ the -end

of that period.

witE «ame8t Sunday:. School auurkers and 4;>ei ons interested in some way or other in the valu­able eooperative Sunday School

The principal features of the Satiirdav evening se^ion were the addresses of Mr. Frank T,

ter of Mr. and Mrr.'John'Pendle-

Mr. Allen Laws Oliver, son of Mr. a^d Kirs. Robert Burett Oliver," of Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Trinity Episcopal Church, Man­assas, the Be¥; Fr -£a t tg Robin -son, of Cismont, and-the Rev. J. F. Burks officiating.

p The ehurcli was beuatafully decorated with autumn leaver. nalma and pJrvHWTithHmiytwt anri

Mr. Lucius A. Trowbridge, the president of the Hanchett Bond

hfigmiin time to meet hia dieath.,C<>.. of J^hicago. through whom

J^rYTBtowWrnSHrUeVkmiM: j^ggf^i through the Red Sea. By recited in her most JdMttmingf 750 B: style, "Thia;a31d Sweethjeartof

wheB Roraxrtusr^as Remus by modem reyiiatiQ^^'; Kemus oy moaern noc go lorwara witnout qeiay,

mdjnoda, "%e commuter would" fhait the amount of money is sufii-ridd»ninL,nOO,0OQj

th<nn tar so honoring him. Now, what is the w(n-k these

H«jk. wB08» ipeciidLiwI wom»Q i t fe lwB«r^=DSlB^p<^ m o r e .to tilikt

show the latest« and milliBCT? - - - - — 7 No, theyare fwging a cbam that is drawing the whole ndgh-borbood into a unit t r o u g h the navar'failinc mt'diuiii uf liimpii lali5y.~The5 I pub­lic school under thefrwiplfl man-tie and through it are kx>king forward to the future welfare of their aaamunity by the uplift ^

rim JKaTJty i h ^ » ^ struggle ^g^^j^ygr^i^jga^g. The comma. rough life. -^At this point saaae

sms wer^-wade by the speakex- on the over-^crowded

' »nA unhygienic conditwn of the building BOW used by the Manas-aas High Schod, fand the great need for a better onewas empha-

Exkanatioas were next m a ^ •tt »>n niiwple tssOrggnerally nsed in schoola^for discovering eye and ear defects (throat trouUes were usually more difficult of de

nity spirit prevails; all, aa 4>ueir are for the^ extermination of ig-

Cootnocd Oft SeeoBd Page

WhenLEhiniaa^ in 460 B. C , was carving the Olympian Zeus, 'Our

one-third of the way toward his death'; and even in the year 89Q A. D., when AWred the Great was letting the gricjdle cakes bum. this fhiveler ^ t i ld have iq;)eQt the equivalent of 207 y e a n on the trains running at % qailes an hour, andlToold-; have had 87 years more of aefaud travel to

i iare beBn-batr upffiotMHlall e x j M f i ^ i i n d d e a t ^ _ g S J ^ * ^ J ^ ^ J ! * " ' ' ? ^

aoMmiid e.

the sale > was nwde, said that ir, the Mght of his wide experience ill such matlBis he believes tUeie is no reason why the work should not go forward without delay.

Israel, of Fui;fax, and the State Secretary, Mr. Thomas C. Biggs Mr. Diggs also made strong and nelptui addresses at the two ses­sions on Saturday. During one of thdise hie Tp rohounced this con-vention the best of the five thus

illumined with candle light, while the little edifice was filled beyond Its entire seating capacity witb-f r i ^ d s of thft happy rtftiiplt*—Rfl-

in Interest. On Saturday morning interest

^enteFarSTOOiiift the Teports of

nrt thuff nittwi'an Icgs^ pbataelefc- ents, naade by the Hon. C. J, |

The bond company has taken

totheissne. These willtnclilde printus; •examiag t h e records ftnd titfe aiid all investigati<Hi pgitaiuiiig theieto. • ' —

Bida .will he jjpened Nov. 29 for the instruction of the three systems* and if a satisfactoi^ bid

8p««d belwe^-tHeetiuft hi* f*ta^-*^**''-"|ff*^.*^.'^^''.^^

i i p ^ jH^Mwyeas coffiffiVATiOH a m m Aina|MiIu Paper Thiows Beu-

THE JOURNAL announced some wookoagPtbat Dr. John H. Tdaa,. U. S. N.,^ bad Jaeen ordered to the Naval hospital at Anqapolis.. We

Ddegates From Every State ^i

Fwni VJMiBiar

Washington, D. a - W i d e -^Dread interest in the P i f t i rNt

take the following firratsfying re-maxki from the f rootsheet of an.

nocm, DF. Heck gave ah hoar's Capita} and Maiylaad Gazette: talk in the morning ta the boys j Dr. J. H. Iden, U. S.. N., has apd giris of the High Schoob- H ^ l t e e i ^ r d ^ f e d ^ the Naval dwolt wpan the immtasft impuiU tal^bere after a lapse of about ance of the odoloooont period the high schoitil agr—t

, , two years. < ^ Br.Id

denal C o n s ^ ^ o o s CongresB^ls Aown by the" lu^ uuinber of d e l ^ r t e s a T r e a d y "appointed. These del^ates are from every stiybe in the Union. They repre-

ities, edueatiOTial institutions and national and local organizations. Included in thelist are many men

MtiOnai promt'

fore tiie ceremony. Miss Con­stance—Leachman. ssmg- in. hcr-'eweet and powerful soprano, the beautiful song, "Because".

To the'Btrairj of LahcBgrin'p wedding^ march, rendered on the organ by Miaa Tnlia W. T.»wi«, the bride eatered-

Meetze for Manassas, and Mr.TX

Just as interesting: were" thle'^S-ports of the departxnejat|d juperi ijitendents, Boade by Mrs. West-u ood Hutchison- MaDasaas, cle-


mentary; Miss Alberta: Hopkiii^ Manassas,, intermeduiee; Elder A, (3onner, Manassas, home de-puTtmi-nf: T>r H Ti QiarN. ^f-

tulle veil was caught with' lilies t)f-the-valley, and riic earriodr tr— bouqiwtelf lilies of the vaUey a^d nyxKwta ' • '

teaeherjonMngf gon JauJaey, "Occoquanr^dulT dfr^ partment: Mr8.. Xjeo. G. ROund, Manassas, teBq>cranee;MiofrMag' gie'Smith, Manassas, nua^ffiss^ and Miss May Leachraan, Bris-tow,me88eng^ department. The fullest and most satisfactory d»-trict repwt was. made by Mr. C R. McDonald, x e p r f f s ^ ^ t i n ? ^ Gainesville district The Sudiey

viUe .jdistpct, led all the othor Sunday Schools in prt^^ss ialde"

nence who have been identified with the cause-01 conservation

t ™ e n t a f « w H r t > a r * K « t r « e t « * ^ attentive * a ^

- - .oLe:?^ev4opraentor i t^ j j o i d ^ n ^ g tfeenjidahipooeii This vear's session of tW Ton upon parents the duty of obtain- of w i a U r i S a r T r e t W i o r a t i e B a ^ J , ^ , ^ ^ ^ agot i t was to ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ inesklHed medical treatmentaslT^r i j - - - ^ - - ^r'-" 'hin m ^ m u C ^ i u S U I S e X n ^ j ^ ^ ^ 4 ' ^ ^ ' - ^ ^ ° ° - g Q " ^ - ^ *'^' 8ooi\ |H defects werediscovered^ j ^ j ^ shaping of the whole future j^,^jjj,^^^jt{, j t ^f ^ as. tfaei^eSy, Ufe>long_. tTout^^jliffc' He spoke of the influence ^ j ^ j ^ ^ ^ staUoned here at •ni iTht nf t^n he avoided. HeyuJ | the high school, what it should .jjj t>.,f t\^ t^^,^«.

in^xther; at the I

Novr-lbf-ja^ and zu tn this city. IVwill be the first general gadi-ering of conservatioattts in thfe

_i£ m(Mifiy_mu^b6-3gYM^ let it ^gr^^_^,4_,rhat thpy should rinaWp, ^^^,1^^^ m,^j^ , , 1, „ ^.^^j n^ iu the luattei uf dgtliec^ w »" j it, in thdr lives. .It should stand \ofiwry -and no cases weteJoat. y)me other way, but that it was ^nt m w r p I v for—iiitH»eBtual]—Dr. Ideu is abw iutefeatwl

[iiatiuiutl cap^tjd ti'HVf pii' f]^mj^ ence of Go'^eraors. . For this rea-

e cbn»^ttee haa

288,. Tho T&iinH Tahlft in the even-

iWtfritttftf. Shw wun gowHftd in a lovely creation of white crepe mfftfor and duchcsel

H ^ ycung s i s t» . Miss Mazy Virginia Leachman, as maid of honor, JiTore-a gown* of pank mes^

Tw whadim lata -blue chiffon,-and;'

'ed K i i l a m ^ buds. Misa -MiMfwrf T jM-hmap j^ith.of Cape2_ . Girardeau, a niece of the bride, was the little flower girl. She uai 1 ied a tiny buttkoc ot xmok rose-buds, and ^scattered rose petals. atopg th»:i

Thegroi. faothf^r, Mr. JPalmer Oljyer, alktl of Cape Girardeau. The ushers

R SunthiT School, of Gainaa-f^^^^ ^^^^ Wndo T ^ r h t i t ^ ,

B|ii8Bdl DoBFmont, Bygd QB^e^ md^Se

during theyear ." &tturday afternoon,

helftfuL addrepBOe were made by MiaB Ciwff, of Herndon; M r 8 , ^ F r a l g T t o d , _ 0 f t ^ Col

^ Cape Girardeau. - • Mrs. Oliver is the attractive-

aeoompliohcd daui^ter - ^ County Treasorer-Leaehman, ard

old Prince William family. She is a handsome brunette, a talented ing was a source of ideasure-joid .

Utfemfioii: aiKT tftfi^rBimto ^ i miwimn and 1 ynnny wftman of the aftemoon-^^ere made to an

!i¥a aiiftifmm — — r — — Tlie following officers were

elected for the ensuing yegr fei^^ ft^d<At-Rev. E. A. Boada.

Viee Prssident-Eadwc Abram

SoogijaBy-^ MT fihm. ~&r - m ^ -I It mi

wide and popular social acquai^W'^ ance In this section and in Cape Girardeau, where she^tent some-timg with her sie**^, .Mrj' ^ " ^

b6hM. -

Mr. OiWa b a 80B of Mi*, aft^ __ Mrs. Robert Burett O h y e r ^ Cape ' ^ jf^zarSefiS^ and is a young lawfoT'^

•PfagiMPlulJialMrtirtn. ^ -

a crime against tbe child to l e t l ^ w t i b , but 'as a rich ^^^\thrJir:^U^^^erienc7vZ^p^\^^S^,^l^ him-often f o r e w e n t of onlyiji^^e f^r all the infivienCes. thei^,! a a d ^ m e m b e T o f the medi - '^*^** ' ' '^^"*"'" **'^*'"^*°** ^ U t ^ a t t e n t i 0 n ^ . ^ r i g | ^ ^ . ^ j 5 5 ^ ^ „ ^ i n s t t l u t i o n T . X i t T w S i w w T S

aTlUjK!_eutei ie uf frieudar-'vidin^ propel' uiediesl attoHttea-and of seeing tb^t^sch^lauld

life, fw body and mind alike :__IIe sixike. with iiw:h approval,"

clubs, an<r societies' al-,


open to ail Who are mterested. u « 8 , a n d J i ^ i ^ r c ^ ^ E S o M ^ l ^ ^ -Announcement has '*>eenj P ^ ^ ^ f ' ' ! ^ ^ *PP<>*n!«i generil. were what t h e 7 ' ^ « M | ; g ^ - f j , r m e d , and advised a:made of the ravage of Missr''**"''* ^"'® o^ ^^^'«»» «»= h^. parents' love and devotion toj,^^,., .»,v,pl^.^. nngani.ar^n,. «rill Ti li7.i.hPt.h Warren Merchant trA-^l^^i^^-Ciii^^o^toik, ,

Treasurer—Mr. Hariey. Th«» supurinteiideHta tf d e p f t -

Teacher training—Dr. H. U,

member of tite legal firm of Oliver ^Oliver, he has laid .the cwner^ stone of a brilliant CUterjn th'« practice of .bis chosen professi<»u

Carrying with them the good 1 wishes

Elementary-lbs. Hutchison. ' , - -—=

Secondary-Miss Alb«U Hoi^ tins.

Westwoodj Maaawms Tueaday «tveftifag for a t o New Mexico and

the Pacific Coast. They will be aV borne after December 1st at Cape Ctrardwu, -Mlaaourt.—f

their children might wefl bei^j jj ^ e Vaned ^tivitie^s o f t h e MrTFranlc^ Wataon rhArh. fP«vilV. S.T. Beveridg*. Richmfciri. gaaged^1^M^*^-th'gr were ^^il^^high school, fbic the more their" riaGregon. Tbecerwnony too:

-ing.li).&tie»SL^ ^ ^ £ ° ^ _ ; . .•>•• ,y th igh S9.hooi sfiirit developed the place last Wednesday, 0::tober, c. B. Srott. Lynchburg.

heavy rains prevented many peo- jonje Finally, he spoke warmly familiarly known i» Mus Sue' • \ from hearing. Df. Heak'sclaarim ^aiaise uf lli« Maiiassas High Mutchant, has livod m Manassas

Adult-M*. Tyoon Janwy TefflpenflCfcrJBK -Gwi3{e. CL

Representing req>ectfully: . KatTLumber itaaafactaran' Aa^'a.

Round. -Wlwn—Pfooidont—U*¥^ ^BSJSEBSBi^SJl^KBS&JSBiJiSB^

presentation jof Jhe importance ' ^ | ^ l reminded them that it ttntil recently when she went tO; of the matter, but much interest ^ ^ among the best in the Sute Baltimore to make her home with is ahready being shown. Dr.W.F. |,^,4 tha<^pyjiim;t halp tr. nr»«. v . , I h..> WfrTT.TT.TrtTLTuu]L t ^^^^^^^ g ^ ^ G«o!o»i«ts' Aas'n. M r 'hanr ano Other pnystcian^rfp^-ard i,h€ traa-iions for which going thence to Astona to visit' Nation*! H»y A»oci«tJon. _ / ; of the county have volunteered jj stood, and lead their high friends.- Sh» is a ^daughter of* SooiJwrrr Appakckiwi GooS R»adsi their services in helping to bejTjn school life so well thiat when they the late Lieut. B. D. Merchanf*-'»^=>^"" ' ' the work m the schools, and it is , ent out from it, it should more and a sister of Dr. W. F. Mer- >™ "« - Humane A»«,ci«u«. tobehoppd t h a t i t ^ i a ^ ^ b e ^ , T n r, . , „f M . , , . . ^ . . . Ht r nun . V nm,n . Wv

" plai.«iJ LiMuu a ^ w . . . Aiui puium ,, . ^ ^ ^ j . ^^^^^,. ^ themselves fnends in this locality wish them nent footing. ^ *

Mfrtzea GajoeamUe District- Mr. C. K.

I t e t tbe convention should not con-sider to BOiiiluaiiun auU pluUgwl his hearty fii'Pl '-^ ^ ^''" - T

Beside? hT? addr^s? in the after-1 and to the world. : a long and happy life togetlier. riai» • .\raeric»n fkxafty for Testing If ate-'

Brontgvitt''r>«triet-rTJii-.LawisjfWMor. believing that the office B. Flohr. ' was one that should be divided " Dumfries Kstriet-Mr: M. %. I among the eligibles.- as the means (3iiscock. of most benefit.

Oecoquan District—Mr. Tjyaon ^ j;p<viai meritinr . rinH.>..~, •-^-Janney. • " -"- lof theexoeiU^rt? ffiV>rt« nf ---^ • .

ColesDistrict—Rev. Clifton W.lterUinmtr; . :n(r, ; .•> , Storke. Mr. > . .}. '• -.

•+-H-; >(\".\.:,f AS ,JOri:NAL...i "Ij " '•^^'t.'^O^^^ ^-

MRS. SANDERS such additional land

Ino^cbmry for aach change and ^ ^ s a t i o n for ^RgliB w^ iiFCAKiftffilWg! 1 1 ^

Qab Enjoys PleaMuat Cele­bration of Riley Day. ^

revert tothis _ , . ^. r. • t « T p y d w d t h a t c h a n g a he. mndpOng^gf U»e Fir»t EMeotoU of j in the Telegraph road on the land Soil Fertility—Better Drain-1 of Jerrnie Atkjf«e»j-«t N^absco I ^^^ Meana Better Cropa> I iMilis, Dumfries District, belong-1

1 ^ ^ ^ a a i -Jones aftd Pauline' " '*^*^** "' 1 Thorn tan7 and sum of $15.00 in

norance and the development of | j- u ^^j. damages be paid to said talent that lies dormant in niost|^^j^g^^

fnre ef our country b©ya-Bad.^«itk; who have never had the chance to learn whal. power in them lie*.

Throiigh the medium of the Woman's Auxiliary the women from the foot of Bull Run moun-tains clasp hands with their sis­ters on the Potoniac. and matrons

themaelves FikP! .sr.Trnnlgirls 32M has a better right than those who have braved the giant of hard work and conquered him on many- ^ j bridge, and report to this a hard contested field? But,hold ' I meanttOBaydetightful refresh* w>entfi werti sarvgd, the "pierp de resistance" being a cocoanut cake in club colors with "J. W. Kiley. Octr6rl918,*' surrounded by his nwn hofagpblins, beauti* folly wrought upon its surface.



A! a meeting of the Board ef-Supemsors nf Prinrif William county, held at the court-house of the said county on Tharaday.-the 20th day of Oct, l5l3-, there were present J. Tl Syncpx, Chair-

J. L. Dawson. O: C. Hutchison and T. Mr Russril. y. • —

The follow-ing jxtcounta-w«»t. presented.' ex&mVi(A, allOW6(l and ordfefftd tO Iw Cex Ufltftl lu tin County Treasurer for payment:

lay-ordered that H. F. Lynn and Cha«. R. McDonald. CQmmijslon-ers a|)poiftted to superintend the ^ . construction of said bridge, have | ^" ''„^ ,"' ^ «ri»iiMMH-},- approaches and grad

Uf-W. »• BBOWW ^ ^ 7 -(PfeW AK^nt Seuthern- Railway >

Drainage is one of.the_fir3t,es8-_ta soiLfertility. Some

soils liave natural drainage, so

When tbe froof Caa Be Easily Investicated.

the proljlem of artifiicial drainage does not aiffect them. PlStitB re­

heat and moisture in the soil. We cannot get the best

. , , , „„^ .„^ . t I results from any crop unl«a8 we ine with ca vert done and report , j-^- ..u -i • ui. '"' V". . J - I make conditions m the soil right costs to this board. ^ ^ ^^^^.^^ ^^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^^^^ mi^MW] Lhal h-Q. Manuel ad

vcrtisB for white oak himber ^ quired for flooring, etc., for Har­rison Ford bridge, delivered at

hjll and lot, at Independent Hill, Coles District, which has fallen 4Bto disuse and 4ecay.

Ordered that all persons throw-' ing brush and other trash in pub-llu high ways and draing of thp county, contrary to law, be prose­cuted thgref or. Furthar orderag^ that this order be published four weeks in the county papers.

In re Chappawamsic bridge— ordered that this board agrees to pay one-half of the cost for the

the county of Stafford, over

soils contain a large quantity of watar. In, connection we are go-|ng to epeik of only two kinds of water; first, free or ground water. Tb« first fo«ft^ water fills all the soil particles UP to a certain

board. _ Ordered tTiat the cfrcult court

b petHloned for nguwiairy an- . ^ *. ^ ^u-.. ^ J t v ^ o make calo of townahip h^^" - ^V" < «""0t ^ « " " "P * ' « t^!r ._r? . !^^?! ! !^^.r f^mr fsoil. on account of tlTe excesi of

water. The sooner we get our crops planted in the spring, the better results we will get, pro vided sort conditions are rigtrtr The seed bed mast be warm and contain the ngnt amount ol air. The warmth of the soil cornea chiefly from the sun and inciden' tally from the decay of organic

Doan'* Kidney PW1», «*n yottdoubtlhe evidence? The proof is not far away — it is almost at your tjoor. Read what a resident of Manassas aays about Doan'a

convincing testimony?

Chari:» a , FaUly,, Manaaaas, Va., says: "It was wonderful how Doan'a Kidney PiUs acted in my case. 1 never had another medicine do sach thorooKh •worir. —l eeuld not-woffc an aecount of the lame and parnfnl condition of my back. The pains sUrt*d in the center

or how quiet, I couldn't lift or bend, n ^ back was so weak. A friend told me about Doan'sf Kidney Pills and I got a box . tRel ie f followed .their use, aod I go t another box. Two bpxes practical-ly cured m f c - -^—

Pnr ««!« hy all j^fitn. Price 50 cents. Foater-Hilbum Co., Buffalo, Hew York, sole agents for the United; SUtee.

Remember the name—Doan'a—and take no other. -011.24.-21

.=^ TTL

The Ladie* of

PKESfUENl' WILSON'S A<biiiiiistration

r e g How to Rtduct tft» #fa* Coat: of Living in

Gbappawamsir river, and agrees.: to concur in all reasonable under-m b i n y u Ih^. Rimril iif Si ipt-rviwirs

of Stafford county niay make, but ^ ^adttactinn afi aaidjcounbLolt^Bd^

• l\ Bai ley. ' sp^fial rd. fd . , $ 3.00 K M. B r i g g s , Dumfr ie s " " 1 1 8 . 8 ? i. 1'. Lt-achman, Treasurer , Oc-.-

>oquan road fun<l,. 824.25 ULrmafacturers Record PuUis l l -

i n g C o . , specia l road fund, 7. i i !

W. A. S m o o t & Co., l i ' t o i i s a x a l , ; i o u n t y . f u n d , - ; ' 51.00

W H. I. lark, a g e n t , f r e i g h t on

~:tx'', cuuii ly fund, ;,, r. Su l l ivajv ,Jno. F. Robertson . " ' "• " 2.8C> Kranlx-Jackson, M a n a a s a s " " Percy Brooks^— " '' " Kuoert Dolman, " " ." 8.75

^"•^'"" ";. ^ariNhall fjilw nhnll hr nnhmittfi

. 34.80 -special rd, ffl , fifl_Rfi

5.71 = 6 ^

Kc. Bryar.t, V " ' .iijiir: Harris , " '* N•• wnian Paynp, apecial ' ! R Wright, Brtntsville*

50.05 5.63 2.60

3S.O0 16.25

'. r, Ramey, ~"~ "" ";•"" B. Manuel, commissiODer,

.-pceial road fund,. '" '• ^ W R. FretsJr., & Co.,poor claim, W. R r.ntjgnm "^- " '• ^ ^

W K. Mountjoy, use 0 . C.Hutfchi-

^ F W

•anXT -24.a>^ ^ 3 £

son, special luad I'und— Same, GainesvitteKHHf

Piijt Jones.landdamages,change special road fund, . road, ^UM^

- 1 Fflgie.4iQQrjclaim, Palmer S m i t h , OI-^-^J^'^MW* *""'^„.

-&—GaiiLLj, Qaii i ts i i l l j !


roiifl "und, Davis , commisai4»er of

-ad? , special road fond, !.. Bawson, special rd. Id.,

:rr ii'jbei' Mfg.Oo.," " " H. R e i d, OccoQuan " "

„ . Pavnp Rr«.n»avill<» " "


2 6 ^ Zt.35

_2IL2& r. r -Smith,GainesvilleL" " 4.75 shall BlackweH,**—-^^ " ' a .8T

Gordon, fund,

lanaey chtiia.. !'inty fund, -- -•>• ;&Sff

W Baker, Cot«B Toad fund, 8.62 ,ther Mcintosh, G«iB«svifo - -art nind, — n.i>l>

' arter. superihten^^t of

POTT Claim, 6MAtf tunc 11 35: ^dsoiTof "f itH^x-county, t\e rlin. regjatiar. m ftL, SJOO

a a d f i d , g . M Carpenter S B B B I I CO.>

road foad, Kussetl, poorclailB. " " * * , ' Syncox, sapernaer Mantlet, '• t > n w o i i

12.0» 9.00

tar •eft

Onlick, Rjs.»»"ll. • - • " •

Hutchison, " i.ulick, expenses to Alex-

na. eountv fiin^. I'awson, erpenaes to Ameri-


to. this board for approval. Farthw Of dered that J. .T. Syn-

|t6""Wet~bii!y~fDr^ GrtHw wi thfa kind of noil wgw^

cox be appointed a <x>mmittee to confer with - Stafford board or eommiltfe in uMinection thofc-

Qh application of "J. R. Braw-ner and others Pdwell's creek, on the Telegraph jsffld—ordered that_Hr CT Mebi-ger, Paul Jones, S. B, Stonnell. unai'les U^au and U;«, Katehffe be apjipinied viewers, any three of whom vu^ act, to. view the ground and report to this board according to law.

On application of Mrs. M. H.

is permanent in itsVesulta; fficye-Tore It is best. It takes away Ihe water that cemented the soil particles togetiier and allows air Center it freely. Aeratioirtak^

Wheat and others for a "foot bridge ovor Quantico run, on tha Telegraph road, it is ordered that (j. MTKatolittut C> H> Ei!Hi y=fe

MftiyhftTit iand M. J . Key.s h e

ers,-any three of whiomT may; act, to vie\^ this ground and repoirt to this hngrd. as thfiiaw-direfta

Oil Hpirticaliou of Joseph Brown and others' for a foot bridge 0ver Bull Run, at Evan's Ford, it is ordered that W. T. Thomasson, J. R Johnson and William Hot-t'ei be ppolulwl a coumiitlee-to confer with a committee to be appointed by tne ttoard of S u ^ -viaors of Fair£ax coan^-ronvpnienro. and ffoat of •said bridge, and report result %f eon-f^Bce. '• Ckaft.of this board wiy transmit a copy of this ordw to ibederkoflfee-BeMdof aiper^

Qrdwpad thi^-th» bofd bo ad-joamed to meet again on Satm^ dsjv November 16,1918.^

-Sail^LensMala Wanted.

matter in the soil. Thus drain-age is the first step to be taken to get a wet soil warm enough to plant crops at the ^H-^^Mfft^f^^^fn^^^l^t^ai^ rnere is irom B to ±u oegrees 'difference in the temperature of j

weli-drain^ drained soft; ""

daring dry weather "because the soil IS not"^!^.'enough^to"l»U sufficient nipistune. There &te two way g of deepening shallow soils. When iite hardpan is near the surface, subsoil) ng wilt tmially

tfi^ mrr-

f^e-Water to pass throdegh to liowor dopthoi Thio—oparaiiMi will need tb few yearn.

be repeated evary But iindjRr-draining

place in a soil wily when the fcur-face water is removed. DriSnage improves the texture of the soU.

There ape thousands of farmCTS-who could materialBr improve fheirncrops by underdrainidg th<eir.-S<nla already under coitiva-tion. Many sdls are not yielding maiimuitt «rA|» becao^^^tiie ineonalities in water supply. Mnnt nf nnr inili hnrn plenty flf water during wet weather, bat as.a few weeks-' d>y w<»tber comes the water supply is eat-^j^i; haofltcd ahd~t l6 ^af fr-atly suffer. By drainage this type of aoil holds less waber in wat weather weather" And if the drainageS — sufliaently deep enough, water

Jl&ings :d§termine. tbe. dq>tb of drainage—the . outlet and—thh-natureof the soil. Aditchaboold

i t If the drain is to be coverad, should not he pur"at a peeper t&n the vtXet will iteadily fhtd it* way into^4fc—N»-«bheF^

the School I

le erection |

JBm J8g^«LhtCicigjpa.:»G8BK ^ ^ ^ E value of agricultural lands east oT'the

i, aa aa

Bids will be received by the Board of Oeeemian Diatriet unti lnoom -g-w.— -n-—•—' ' of November 20, 1913, for the erection p*^ "*® Miss i s s ipp i n v « r m o r e and completion of tt»* four-room, two- • t h a n u n d e r d r s t n a g e . In DASSng

' * ~ '''^' ^ • ^ t . - V ^ t l t " " , ! : : ! through the country we find the ' £ S t ^ ^ ^ ° " ' '"^ P'*"^ ^ ^ ^ a r o p a Art IftMfl that ^Av5•


co3j incewr , -__i--.z^ uf 1 114J !i. B,. i<ft?12, ConiBpnwealth oi virgififtr i t l ULtlUll.


vl^u^Zd^TuZTh^i^D draLned either by subsoiiing _ g p A I F S T A T F -

• •'o V. Rosebmy.nSrMtoriUe - aH fund, • 14.«5|

|u i-v. iSU wet IH

ranw^K, II Will eerUiln^iay Bids to be sealed aad marked j to deepen your soil, provide a

• <y)i.r.ty fund, ; ' • «.«ftl wBere plans can w K Hibba, Manassas rtL id. , 7.^0

(irJered that Palmer Smitfi, road aiiporintrnHnnt fnr r.a:inoo. \ illp District,be directed to ascer-

and *ddpewed to L. LED- ^deeper route zone and a greater _

' Mcn. 10^ ireBei'»i)ii' 'jnsed by the plant.

Swd >rp«ku« a«tMi Snui of Jj[gm Lf

- - - , I *fVtrtlslt

tain the true location of the road | '••«w»'«««e. Law, «ed«:iM, Engmmaf UiA^ FUNDS A V A I I ^ K ^

•o ••**y ""^ d«er»iag MadaoU. f 10.00 »»«r» 111 ooau to Viraiai* ttnrViW ia tks ':olJ«(ia. SsBd lor cs(aio«ree

B O « A B r i WIVSTON R t . i , T , u . "Hjir.ottoTji.f ' i

. The fall is the time of year fio do this work,

jand onr farmers ."should take every oppartuiuti' their soil by l>tLU;


The Economy

Cook Book

ha^^ Deeded io the scbool-rooiii will be foad at w s ^ Pepdls, f « s , Pads, irasin^ ComposHioii Books, Rnkrs, ink, Pei and Peidl Tablets, Note Boob of Everr l H , B c . i i I k B T forget flial W t a w

fonnlaia Peas

P o welFs Pharmacy ttt-aroRE^


To Plant Pall Ri fe j

Plant Now tO<lj../M'i'"HJ».VE



t * « T « t a m e »

0«« of fh* Pr—idtaa i^ ^it ^hat*d -Staf»r>—V^'e^AMnlMfr'«lh« ^abinmt- Ot&eiaf; Sp*ak*r et th» a mm of. Roprmoontativot, SI

Uundrada of othmr- important vomo» »t t*m Jav.haoa aU eontritmtmd THElK CHOICEST CVUNART (o tneAo thu work a sftmf

Notfilng Ilk* H ov tr iiubUatMd—The many unique foitures such as the cross tnoeji to rifclpeH,

'got: mmt -^ nttemi- lUo V w • Ml lim' of Ptmlfry Sopplits aad lujuliiln W Ttu l>a>e BM

aTcd • com

_and it the c«]<bratea

eapeclally the btoKiuphlM >a eontrltmtors. nuuce x m

7%ere'« a Cold Mine in It for Live AgentM

PrpvtniM hoolc enwrtpnce In Tmn«y««««r» leie j^lmpsea at the Prospectus show-

Led iUustratlons and Invaluable rec ta mi

««= righted iUustratlons

-tiy- t h e - m o s t prominent' • penple ov Oie day will deluge you with ordeni Send 26 cents tor oatfit and fnU luatrue-Bo«»--act n o w wMIe " "" •eirrnory la atUI opea.^ B ^ s = 3 S = s s = ^ s a s 3 = s a s a s ^ a i m a B S Oept, 47

W ; ^ Codkcy CompMiy tiAMMOHD, INDIANA

MONDAY, NOV. 17, tlMfaOowincpanmrnlitniitciiy. will be Stored up to carry the

c r o p t h r O i g h th jg J i y apglh" TWU" T O J , bjr^OTnpIpej'Z two-jrew--^. ei^t^gnc l i « U , i

a r e Euu aucQ ano icuc—wr IIBIIIII> Our 9& y e a r ^ oxp«n<gK« in BoBi Selection has ]>(ac<Ml as in ft posi­tion o f t o o w n g the moat mUft .U«.«oare« of saeariiig^ the eboK-eat Prencfa and HoUuid Grown BolbB.

I t \A* jraa

Baby Hyacinths ...-BcibUitf Hyadnl hs ind. Size Hyadnlhs 1 at. Siie Hyaciiilte...-....; »& I'msla U«HlM... 1 St

Parrot Tulips.:.: *c Doubk Tulips ....'. 3c Narcissus Sitigle ,. . .3c lonquik .. - •. — — 3c Uoufal* Nardsais *

.CucuiJJtxst—— : o«n»

E w n y ^ a r celling at • uin-r wiihjn ih^ L «each at aJI- Watch the iUib«i«

kan aad ^m tor spraal >aln7

Chinese Sacredlilli« I?c

Our Plant Season Now In Full Projrre^

_g«t t>l«»

it yoii TjOtpaiS* * ~-OUIl<S 'MMI r^ai'Hs J—

Si-»-«T S<«»rf (

~ B ^ i m n o R E . M 0 .

4 fu-taai-oM Inifla*, 17SI1 stain bun, 7 cowa.

FABMING IMPLBMENTS-: binders, mower.

bcraajlowa. euMratora. doabh shovel nlcm. JriH lannwaaanaad Kameaa, plow (ear, t boasita aad haznaaa. bnanr pole.aboat fifteen tons baled bar, lot earn aad fodder, pes of fat hoca. if not seSd b«forasale;2 aowa aod plea, one handred fowls. ' HOUSliJIOLp reiWUTORE-U^ilnhvjjann, 'b^reaw^ rtdet^aaA cateulfciiJ wauuftT^fanli . 1 •eatnia starea, eookina atove. klteben ftimttiita, Stwipleaa separator, mflk eaaa, et«.

apgiatad aaearitr. payaMe at The aalBankofMsaasaai. No

fUMsreJaatn tan—of sale are eomplladwWi

S. A. MARSTELLER. J. P. KKitUft; Auctioneer. lO-SMt

Telegraph and Tda^

. piboDe Polea ami PilBg ,

[• If. ijmiLff; .

outm 4b MAimN e o .

Waahingten'o Leading Store

•—For.China, Glaaa,

Dur supraniacy in tfai' fbUbwing lines has been recognized for years.

D<epei)ilable quahties, exemaively lovnarr^lgfw-for Y F

ilJar Sl'^rlia^ Silver war*. Finrft Plated W a n t

.-H«k'C;cade.C^a*nr_ "^Itina TaiHawara

• Pa»lo> 1 aiwpa KHcb«B UtMwiis BattrowB Fistnraa EAiy iUfi lf»ator», 4kc.


This 'well ^nown milHns institution, .recently re^bnilt and set in first class condi-tion, is now being operated bv A miller irf ymni' of ti«.

-penence. The^JTourTteinflf made at this mill, Fancy |tnd Straight jrrade, is giving'sat-isfactioh wherever used, and ' 'idlxatteagtingpewcua-

- tomers. It is made of Ihie very best wht at arMfyiiaraTi-teedpure and h«i!th3^ ^ran, Midtuings ahff other leed for

Meal. Blade of No:'4 conriconsT^ ly on sale, and is Bjpcond to noaa. All ordoro promp^^ filled and delivered to nearb> merchants if desired.

Phono mcesagoa to the miB-1




^ ^ Wft maVi^ srgyJgHT-fff flWfc —- T

tion. Appointments made' on short notice. For iniees call on or

Hai mmi * Studig W—rich B«H<B«a mUaaaMa, Va.

Having determined to deivote our

"TlTTrtTtTlll ami QUALITY .-. Ut

throygh the land of ft 9. Bett from W a t e r ^ to the mountain road, also if same should be f i .anged^d if 3o. a faircompen-

Insarance boslness. we hereby solicit aU property for sale and request those having property to j ,?. j ^ ^ ' t . i,- „

to improv«±list.±he same <ith us piimotly. | us do your baking anrj in.' urp better crops I ... - i ' . =

wib f i r e the btaioMa onr bSif rrsafTrrrT


T ^f t o L'* T ' t i t h r i ;

C. J. MEETZE & OfRe.: M. I. C. Baildme

ob Work de-•1 jrive your

Tirill.OIMhnllnanrlbrpn tiful (iesieTi»of Wall Pa- ^ Ber to cloose from a t WOTE'S WAU PAPER flOtJSC. U w i l i pAv jefu to exam-inr"nTrr]r^n(i prirrri hr fnre piacinc your order.

Foote'sWallPaoerHouse ^ \


- ~ € Q M P A N Y » Incorporated — ^

as well as applaiii^ succul&is; witu can spur hU lag^ gard sipirit to renewed effort in the face of pro

1 [loiiaed failure: who can irt>t>fcta4..Bt>attd-.aftt»t ari cipleaAfi the hearts of- lier children: and who can

Xntti-t J > the PosTTlfficViitMiiMaaSas, Virginia, as-Second Class Mail Matter

I ADVERTTSING RATgS > if IS' Ctii'i* »n inch Tor t h e f l r i t insert ion and Twenty-Av« C«fit«for sA^h

•co]i!.in"jnK''\ T,i'*" al l>>scount« to Y*arly Ad v«?rxi»en. " "ATT v-ui-<t« i f fftnrky.-ftTiii«i i«»Biutww. o6i t l lTy wwlilii n t h f t l u n t h l usual dea th ni>ticM, and qj) matter of MI adrertistas cluuvcter, cith«r

jdi^txUy or iudirectly.-wiU be pubiiilwd •» t l i » i » t « » t Twmttr-»m<iam»rt»

discipline herself to withstand the storm and stress of life when iHKKer ttuJ4K& :lian toniafa«eifc ttf«?au;n


"The Strain of hefoic womun still lives in Virgin ia. .It '••' lot now ciillid on to stand the terrors o war, but to endure sitatiftfslly the daily battle agafhisniuman advejsity. We trust those who


SWAP PLACES ^wnning clubs.—Times-Dispatch.

The bonda are sold, and some of our townspeo-npfe<w*ft<»^>w«tf^witb .tbe opinion that thfhratf nf,

interest is excessive, and that our public comnnt-tee may have been more considerate of the people on whom the great majority of thejtebt is laid. \Some find other thingp^to say—it i/ea^y to "pick a flaw and beauty and porfoetion arp twioa as hard

guide uur agrieakuraf lurtuiua^iii reilize, as tioes Miss Agnew, that there are splendid i>08aibilities of spiritual progress in the 'simple lessons of the


t o SOC« ~"

This is a poor return for the time and thought •each pf these me^ has given during the many months up to the consummafidn.pf the deal. It was not a lighT responsibility, iior a responsibility iigh'tJy acceptea, nut a trust requiring cjear, levei-headed jthought and "undivided consideration to

and trash prevent the prompt evaporation nf nioint-ure and promote retention of ground waters- This makea ideal breeding spots for mosquitoes, flies and other insects, which are known as disease car­riers, not to mention chinch bugs, hoppers and

make the many hard decisions. While there is conclusive evidence that these

yubllc-uiiuJwl citizens are g l a d j g j s j i f j e r v i c c ^ ^ l O n X d n o r i o - a i r i M l o w n s h i p - i t is by no KT^HS ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ » « ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ » ^ ^ ^ ^ and-i«ovidinfif;these

a forgone conclusion that this gladness overrides the knowledge of the btgneiiB andiilw weiBift'of the confidence reposed in them, and prompts a light acceptance df ifcTdfitiei Th cia< ^ ^ f^ Khnn^ahtenoaftion:^

Therrs is a neavy auty. ana oiten a thankless -eee:—Juft for-an instant, plaoe yourself in tte 'WBnr"pog1tion tmd wull, what would yon do? ia very 1tmlia^ln fhnt pf *^i'> ifin—nn* ynrr

-it iidvc

several well-defiited ideas, the "one and only" for oio- present need. Given-a cbaiiee to put them into prydca, itisfflOKthan likely that they ^ama dyiadle into nothingneas atul jroujr6tM^^?eady b> sink into oblivion, anything to ^ i away from

Koad oiling in itseljf is (destructive of lAsect larvae,

^ to sink into owivion, anytmng to get away trom eai^ia^y mosquitoes-a well knownVfact Dry ^'n ^ thou^hrof yourWinmcOTi^ToHs fwl^e iFer fg^_gg^^e^e8tr iaB»-apd notably children-who

tionV No,'it i ^ f t S ^ thankless d u ^ a i i d : ^ i e ^ arecom^eUed to walk to andjrgmaehogl, dry shoes

u-V" - - an. easy one, but it is impossiWe- to convince the amy Of i>gBgBg'#fcgfliw fay aoaenMaggojjTOaa^

'or majroe natural reason, unwittine to leave the matters to wiser beadSi placing upcm themsetym oulj the oblirffctiuu u£ cuuptimilOh:' '~~' ~~^~~'

Cooperati(ui is a big ward, but the Jel^ters and sylbbleB^havo aot a f»eelon of the b^e«e of the meaning of the word. Coopiaatidn i«.tbesecret of proaperity. the golden key of saceesg. ' -^


We recfonmend to any downhearted soul, doul

^^J^IJSMj!-"lugfcjtf 3QgtciuhWa-aireful readingof Miaa R}ln Agm>ip»B minry nf «-h > girT'*' <'«Tinit»g Mnha^

f Lauidiiy,_^^e sM-

8on war only moderately sr"'^^f"> fnf prinntngi but Miss Agnew tiiinks that t l ^ by-products of en-thuuiimm amliiuuatlu-dMvelopBieHt paid UIB dlv^

dends. Afte^ aB. ttiese ao-called ^ y - p w s t q e t ^ ^ t l l ^ ^ the contact-character are the beat harvests trom any work. ,^^ ^ ^ ^ w .meeta were offered a serious rude-

"girtg wera hnndlmppwt' liy a T«T6 a—^g

M: Then a nipping frost came alony and ciix down the


young tgmato plants.—In tiw^ww;^ cif_feeir_m-'rtroctor:' ^Tb aome. Of eoors^-

W for the year. To Uwirirt of strength it meant a test of character, and many ntnnA tkji l*al jt|p» 1)ought i^anta f<«r reirfanting." • That was victogy ninnbfr «* i T-tt* i lyt""* »*»* O^MM «>»«. Tnii nr green tomatoes, a heavy hailstonn beat down the. plants and cufhoPas in the greeirfmit;—^^NoltoHig

fc== sap"4^gifflC^iL.Is'^feati±at^

Few persons, on first thougbt, would see any possible connection between good roads and good health. Yet the Stale Board of Health of Kansas says that good, roads can and will prevent disease, How ? By the removal of weeds and trash. Weeds

more, an undergrowth of weeds invites the dump­ing ot garbage and manure ~by offering" conceai-ment, of which fact careless aind thoughtless peo-ple are prone to take advantage, thus increasing

insect carriers with proper material for disease tmnsmigtioni ^Ceod goads aloo pfovcnt-diaeaae t y providing good drainage. Many farms have no means of cteaiiiagelexcept by jitchas along raad-ways. Open ditches, clear of. bTOab and .ddmSi. with hardened surface and proper fall, afford these farms the opportumty of ridding themselves l i f many a Stagnant pool Thft rtiTrmvill-nf weeda, propor rood grading, sttrface hardening and oiling. insures pi-ompt drainage of-«ir pool, ditch and sur face watM', removing the possibility of insect "hii^ufAart^^ fny^nni!, «.QW i w i i l h i p t y ^aH^^A^l•: m n i a f l i r f t

and feet While orfdfl arc due to speeific-gwi

chilled limbs lower the resistance of individuals and make them more favorable subjects for infee-tlona ot toe respii^toty parages, indading pneo-mcaiia and tuberealoms.. Good roaedsjoefent dia-eaa» by setSng an eOTm lf( to adjoinrhg-fann-premiSes. Good roads promote travel and Bet-a» example to,'the farmer whose premises are bor-dered by »n ot 0 well-ainlwled. dean-highway with an nnkampt >T" fayt^y harn. yard adj raning is sufDcient to stimulate every land' ^

"lo a deaa-up. ~ Pride compds him to offer to panaers-by a neat appooring and attf houae'and barnyard. Besolts are only too obodocius. Good roads are active disease preventkm ag^ides.

Tiy a number jitt ihe U>WH Iwya of whtfue It ma^ be said that' 'they were (M enough to kM>w

ibetter." . " " — ' ~ ^ ^ — — ^ ~ ~ ^ They probably did know tetter andTtlapoBaibtg

that many-^H remorae, owing to~ the fac(. that, swayed by the excitemeiU of the momait, they aUowed them-aelres to be dnwn'into aa atmosphere vt rougb

To visit and inspect the new safe deposit box equip­ment just installed in bur vault by the Invincible Metal Furniture Co., of Monroe, Wisconsin. We^

: want you t o make this place youT b^ualdng home. - { J^een vnnr mn^t priv«t#* papftr* and valuables in

r yowr own oonapai'tment of ow vaults and fed^fis-every pa^on should—that you are a part of this institution .' __.!_ / _ / _ _ . • . _ / _ _ _ . * .^

TheNationa^6mllrtf Manassas 3 PER CED PAlCrXM T a ^ ^ ' ^ B I H l>T I »Mlr\ Prf »T*T«Q li af

^White OaJcTg^r ^M fieoch^ Ash and Mc^c




ttdHit, and weK the occasion repeated there'd l>e


ing ricfrin the air to rain down upon the wedding party, was a harmless one, bat this hcvseptay at

hearted girls palled up the d ^ d viaes ami plantedLj^ ^^^^^ ^ „ ^^ „ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^

Last yd all, when the crop was abaost made, the blight killed thousands of plants. The stoatest-

°*""g *'^"" Miss Agnew aska: "Is not a girl worth while

- ^ r m f u j i f '!•<» spirit &f";b B~Wll»M •ip^ So long ti'mt aaW> aer wtt>te<Qwclr

Blretntth of dttribcter am<m^MyOUng follta, we need sol-#ear far ths fufaira.-

blight are examplea toevary fanaer in t h ^ neigh-


Gills iriiu aMi nut bmUili b^ liosi. nail "^ ^^^ ija^^tqvmte poKce preteetien aad the poor iMbmina.

tion H) the-neighbortood^tfaa edifice, buti^rqie-i'

« A foB Kiie of {^aaey MMhSteple GTOCOTMS, Fwmk a a d 5 « i t M M I S , B M ^ ,

Veal , Laflib* Ete.-~die best dM^

•I.iK. iJ.iiLk aliAl it means to b e l l i e d with rice. A %^^ <>«r M ^ y^H^Wft"* * !?* '**>'*^ ^ ' ^ MkfaUmya, Cracky! C o m , . . . ~S WIml i r n m Wnnat. Pata ami risTi - f i

n bOThoodsi: They may raise f e w tomatoes, feat t h ^ titipn of the eottduet wffi n « OMor, we f ed asorttS. raise the standard of industry and courage, which

wives and mothers of to-rhoiTow. -The yonng-fi^aai r OUR neighbor asserts that, in overhauling hi&'. gL who marries one of these Spartans of Virginia will pockets, his wife found material for a lecture. U


re 'S<: iun' i? ;>arn"..e.'^s. dcK:-.Ar!' _ «t>im#»«(»««««tt#t»#»<>#«tl«l)^«l>«l«tl0ttl}&aCiS-&tttS$3t!

>i /J^ N.V^^>^- OIJiNAI., FRIDAY PC'TOHER 31.

^ElELLOCAUHB: 'A'nf Rach^rRobinson, an^'Baynes,. of Spring Place, Ga.,

ly respected colored who white to Mr. Gulick several

—The banks, will close next Tuesday ™Bl«ctjon Day. - .---

—The regulai' meeting of the town council wasTieldTast night.'

—The hunting season begins to-morrow. ."Johnny, get your KunJJ l i : ^ _ _

—Stonewall Council, No. 43. | - ' jo. F. A.rJfW^oH-aijvTi'K^^i^lpiifeftS^^ coiorea wno wrote lo mr. UUJU^B. ac ,wi«»^

«ii in tliair naw tiaH , woman. dTad Tagfc FfTflay gvamngT w'ffigit*^^^5^ at C.tharpin. Wednesday even- ] in Washington, and .«vae buried nephew of G. 0. Baynes, 4th

Nove.'nber 5lh. " Everyonei here Sunday afternoon. A'ntrGwrgia Infantry, Pickett's Di-fagjgdJJYgd 4gb*h« <>ld house in;vi8iQp. the former owner gf, the.

The other comes f rum Mr.

ing, 3g . w d g n n e .

preach next o'tfiocki

Vaughn WJIL in Bethlehem Church,

Sunday morning at 1

_. -—Our infiirmant was m error last week' in stating that Mr. Lorin Walters was brakeman on the freight at the time of his in-jury. Mr.Walters holds the posi-

—There will be a progrram on World's Temperance next Sunday a!iHfii'ibirgraro*tiw*^tH Awbuij-\1, K. ChurtiR: ^'

-wtch to-day to make an address at the Patrons' Day exercises in the schools there'.

-Rev. J. F. Burks will' hold sirvices to-morrow—AH Saints' Ua>' at, n a. m. in Trinity Epis-roual church. .

—Tttfi» witi tn p» fatiltim; at Buck hall United Brethren Church next Sunday, November 2 at 3 p. m., and on Sunday. November

^, at Aden Ui &. <^hurch, 14.a,4n. and QakhiU, 3 p. m i ~

We regret to learn of the itathof Mr. AmBroseL. Henkel,

of Newmarket, editor * of The Shenandoah Valley.

- M r . Ji t ast Monday from The Hyg^a, at" Richmond, where he was talten

—Mr. .ana Mrs. Henry Camper have moved from the Hixson jjroperty on East street intotheir new ^West street residence, re-

last weeli Mr. H. Thornton Dayies and

family have moved from West t treet into the Hibbo & Giddings' property bri northjirant avenue.

—There will be services Sunr day morning at 11' o'clock Trinity Episcopal chu St. Anna's ChappLNokf •S p. m. — —

large attendance is ex-uected to-nighfeJW4 TnasquCTade-tO bfe giveh inl

tnan Club,


hall hv thp Manaitsas Ger-

tion of conductor. —Prof. C. H. Yarborough.

director of agriculture in the Ma-tHWsag tfigh ^hool. is in'Green

tfie lumber yard, d«>stroyed by; book. fire since, and has many friends Eugene M. Bayne-s. a lawyer of* in the comunity who will regret \ Monticello, Ga., whasays he had 11 to lennr of her

—To-night is All Hallowe'en

ur clfi named George Baynes, who was kiH'd at or

• near Gettysburg or in Kentucky but be careful boys, that your |,j.^|^ Mr Baynes'says "his uncle fun may be fun. Ban.sh the j ^ ^ ^ ,.^j^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ; usual mchnatpn to destroy prop- i j^ ^„k„„^„ ^ him at the pres-1 arty and being a ^ U e flmsanee i ^ ^.^ ^^^ ^ - ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ \ generally. Mayor Brown has proSTntsednnpti police protection, and their principal business will

ifacta tategthmat

-Rff" iT ^ nnrV« wrill nffipiafw next Wednesday at the rflSrriage of Miss Emma Jones, of Raccooir Ford, Culpeper county, and Mr. Philip Hfirmhavr. of Orangg cowh-ty, lat St^Paat Vc FSrd.

—rB'Tatufer the~low» cumwilif will be dry, for the old shingles on the Town Ilnll Imvc been re placiBd bv a new felt roofing. wlifeh will be amiik «»til- erection

Stephen Htrsberger, of CatI' tt, was elected pfesident of the State Medical Sodelar at"fee4^ annual meeting held laat weekin l.yrchburpr. • , •

- A m ai r iage licf nae was is-.

t > .Mr. .James M. Dove, of Acco-tink, and Mists

in.— Enmut V. • Petitt,

—Mrs. Bettie Uaniaon received the congratulations of her many friends in Manassas last iSandSy on Che occasion :lrst birthday.

Rev, J. F. Burks and "Mr.

ueor^e C. Unnnfi wi]} addrtgB > . P ivpnts An^ chlUlHanrtrthg

Patrons' Day , eelebration, at :oveton, this afternooiK -

Mr. W. H. Rfllhpimff and family expect to leave thift week f«)r their new home, near Alex­andria. The good «rishes of the

mmunity go with than; '

Dr. H. i r Q a w t ^ pastor ol lanassas Baptist Church, aceom-anied Mrs. Qmtrlea toBichmoml-

r .psday where she will remain n n hnqpit i for tteatnwnti'

Rev. Ur. • Uerviu U. Roup TJFT preach in the Pffflhytyran.

.urch next SundftV tttOrblug al . 'ctoefe—Ilia aubjeiit will be

—Mre. Ada Davis returned SsESaM^ IrpHLthe-iJiULYersiiix Hospital at Chariotteaville wljere she was taken for treatment ior a disease of the fifth n«*ve. We ttiita siai' to say. M 'uvns M moehimproved.'

wtiu will bwyiveu itig BAlenl uf the law. Fun and frolic is all right on Hallowe'en. The ghosts and .goblins have the upper hand, bttfr-thero is no Reason fer-giving-the evit witch the preference.—

—The Department of Agncul" ture has launched a niovement for the organization pf "Boys' Pig Clubs" in the Southern Stat es —a neai-schema to loiBer-^acast of ham, bacon and pork. The pig clubs and the corn clubs are «xpeeted to work hand in hand. The corn club boys raise t he corn.

I Bible be returned to him- and*

note, stock inventory, bond or stock f certificaterwheniost or clestro>'ea causes j

makes the proiai««-X(\ the son a> snon ,as i

-efKJlcss trQuBIe~misery and legal expense


and the pig club boys raise the pigs tb eat the corn. It is also the Idea of the department that

~ Mr. and Mrs. John- Pendleton tieactangn-entertained at dinner ofi "Monday eveniTiic thebrida! party and guests on the occasion off the marriage of their daugh­ter, Miss Olivia Richards Leach-man, JQ Mr. Allen La\^,QlLvgr^]- _ of Cape (iirardeau, Ipa The dining room was effectively deco­rated with autumn leaves and chrysanthemums, and the tattte was"'irglileff wTtK candelabra.' The dinner was of the old-fash-ioiied Virginia kind.t a wronder of

Put youp whiabie paf Safe Deposit Boxes and you will never have to worry •.bout them.

Massive steel vaults and Ysds Locks will keep tbcna gafe kom all harm.


IJPeapldNatioiirifaA a better breed of awjae will beVirgmia art. produced^- H-j^-piffHjiab^-plftB-f - Thezgaests. inHiided Mr. and wOfkB out aa wtill aa tha coraHUid I M?B.Rabcr{)BuMtt^hver,Me3srs.


canning clubs, the movement will be eiftended Wq*t. ~"~ '

Palmer, Byci and Robert Burett Oliver, Jr., Mias Ruth Dean

-The Chester (Pa.) Thueb of: October h say si "Mr and Mrs..

snce- -

of 4-A^ jGlritfdead, Mo.; Miss Martha - Strc^ber,—Mr. G, *"

the engagement of thJB- dayghter Miss Mabel Gertrude White, to

|-Kev:.-U.Grey Hutchison, formerly of Manassas, Va. of Smetliport, Pa. The prospecnve bridegroom who graduated from the Crozer TbeologiiialjStemimuy hwl^flUK;

—Mhg KutmtKwnas Cfaamblin, Bhiemont, 'aud~ Fiz'Bt .LicuL~

IgupTB; Keen.' 11, ,S A T^wem of

married in Washington Wednes-day by the Kiev. E. T- Regester;

home at the army post, McPher-Son. Ga. . .

—Miss Leona Tri|)let1^ Lee left lore^ on October Stti with

and Mrs. Temply for TCJHHP-Mr; kana. Texas, where she "Tias ac­cepted a positioft as tgw^CT aacl companion for thieir fnin-teeng year-old daughter. Mr. Temple ia a catton merchant.

—Mr. A. M. Crigler returned Saturday evening feom Baltimore where he h*« hfim unt^^-going treatment in the Maryland G«t-eral HosiHtal. Mr, Crigler, mi: iirtpmvadi laft togauJiU morning to visit 'relatives Rixeyville; Culpeper county.


—The ladies-of ^race M. E. (^w^Ti hi»l«t'a H«llnwp'pn party in the -vacant store rooms of the M.~L C: builcUng last mgfeV A ^i^^j^jitfurgBgnan was rendered

is well known in vicini^

this dty-and

Bapti^ t ie 18 pastor of the

Miss White, who is a nati^e-^

23rd, on the subject of eugenics, Altfiougr the Weather was ex-:

Upland, was a school teacher for ^^siwHngly JTmlnme^-r ^tB^meRttng'

She is an active member of the Baptist -Church and is promi­nently identified in the Young People's and Sunday. School workr^ Mr. Hutehiatm is V^SBS (^ lb-, and Mrs. West iood HutehisfHi. of Manaaooa.

"^ largBI>"i«h»raHm«far4-ri

reception held at the Rectory

were received by MrsV CT M. LarkiSi- President of the Gmtd. who in hor. usual frradoos maa-ner, prpsenfad th«m te. Bevi and

Glenn, and Messrs, Wade Koch-titgky and Russell Dearmont. all

atrather and Mr. William Qtwth fir, of Markham; Misa CoriStance Leachman, of Ljrnchburg,, and Mr. E. A. Brand, ol Maiiaawisf^

Rep. Mr. Eagle Addressas Men ^ , of Haymarket.

Kev. M. ii. i!;agle addres sed the

hood on ^Vidny evening, Ortoheir

was Well attended, and great iii-terest was manifested. -~

1tfr Fflr^*" '"°" fbfnw»i>1v roMftr-of Christ chimih, Richmond, and' was one of the the thirteen Epis­copal ministers-Df that city who pledged thiemselves t)]at tJaey would. refuse to perfohn tte naarriage ceremwiy for any couple unless the man presents a certifi eate from theiffospective bridft'fl t,..Kiciaii, or some^h]^ian^ap--proved waiters, ^^fing^i3iat Be iil f f^ froi6 Any dis6&5a that tg the result df immorairty. .

Wednesday evening;. Thegraestsl Mr. ISgte will IHJM another meeting of die same kind at Jjie Church ball,' Haymarket, on

Mjs. J. P. Burks. Mrs. J.B.T.. Tbomton, assisted by Mrs. P. P.

hapman, Misa Marnaftit SmStli and Misses Mu7 Lee bnd Evelyv Chapman, "dispensed delieioiig re­freshments. - Hie interest (if the occasion w«* lafyaly ifMTMW»d by SorAd ^xedltot music, m s 6 ^ i)Aentftt%^Mi%: T^spteton Hodge Mtd Miss Julia Lewis, and vocal

by local talent and the pumpkin.

A Man Seieii Otariea Ilijth": toflder, witehes,Waek eats.gho8te

served and e^ryone dieiwad ibr w^t"sMe'of^ijir3Uett|^h<>;P""^ij' pie. Thejnary

maskers ^ijoyed the evening and

The concrete sidewalk-^ !a;n street is now eomideted,

ir.d the fnm the railroad north tn the

• !-tk».

Eastern College had the . .easure of the pretfwce'af'itev:

and goblins were out in full fcnxe. De' l ie ieaa refreshments were

selectioas by Mrs. D. M. Pjtt^ Mrs. G. imY™< ~< "• '•'• r **'"

Thffiidjv* l«5*«Bb^ Bth, AVHSB p. m.

AH men ai'B iuviLed lu aitBuU' this meeting.


On the mud-soaked Round Athlrtic Fldjl laalSaturday, Ma. nassaa Athletic Club waa^die?-f eated by Alfexamdria HgA Schctol by a acOTg oi I'i to 7. Theentipe game-was played in a heavy rain, out in sfHte of t^is Inndicap,'

off. Round, Lynch andWllUsmv starred far the local elfigto.- The


: Le..lie Robinson at the Gfaapel 1 ^ f i^V^fl?' ^ ' J ^ . . nice Wedneadaymoming. Mr. p « » ° ^ ^6, WIS. The deceased

Tt.THmwn deliieied a aplcndidj t«v«^^0 80ns. t O < aughtera .tddress.

Bary Lee Ch«pm«». l i t t l e . M i « U ^ S S J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ MuHCiLfkiB, Ppef.C. H.'Yar* bMotigh, and a quartet composed of Mason Adama, Floyd Bryant, j Gregory, R._G.LL.Gregory. R.

Kouna, L. Rexroad, L.

A t h l e t i c Club-t;.; Janney, iz T.;

Sryant,t<jregory. P.. KI.; _ GilbertSpieslmdBurchellLeacl^-t|^_^^^. ^ E^^lfj^—'

G.;_ Lion. C; J,

• f t :


* That coat looks as good on a chair as lc MC>f coats Fve seen on men!

^ swing- of the lapels and those ihiri , trinm edges^-well, Pve ha4 lliein befcHe, but not for as low as

r^H^, hy^ hong^ s h o t r -Tha t ' i liuw yUu'U Aa?I ^Ver your

Kirschbaum Suit.

_ ^ o r Kirschbaum Clothes are the only kind al tlieir prices which are all wool Lmidun - slirunk, hana^

with silk threads ^

mBr ^=^o^nri:S

HIBBS & GIDDINGS • B B B a * * ( a a * * M i a i i a f i

departed^ with the unanimMUl Shafer, L. &; Poss, L. T.; Dun-<^nion that the evening h»d i «nr L. J?-; G- Pohl, C.; L. PohTl

-Mrs. Martha V. Thaipe. Wliu ^^^' * I ^ J l :3 •? iR G • Fish«-, „ ~ «o*c j ^ J • been on»M>f trfeaaore and tune 5" o ' - - ^ T rr TT T, «

«- iw»— ii-,r 99 tsMK A,^ «« r ^ ;E.; Raison, L. H.; Hayes, F. B.

tWenzel, R. H.;Bitzer. Q. B.

D ^ ney. (Seals

iiiierid~Director — Licensed Enibahncr

one sister and eleven grandchii

Daughters' will hold

clock next Wednesday noon in the Chapter room, M. L C Biiilding,

••:4 *•; i.?n.^.j i * 4 w u •« w:iC^.inTa.-Tlv?f.»r^'.^ , .,, . yesterxiay regarding ston * ."1^^"^ ** ^^ \ fa»»n ^ t- " "" '^^'^ R«p»i«* I tK> RihL. ffi»>« Km. Ky Mr r,s,<^r^ UteS. • w-Hn-«i«v after-lof Prince William county " " ! - - - - - - - - - ^ V - - - " " ^

uag a dairatad molhcf and w She I Fleming at the Gettysburg re-

Mi. niiiiiiiH fuuiiJ ihBiReffflrP^ThraB^ i union.

v^mTT loved thpaaghawt tiit ujuiiuuuily I DlbUi dUTlBg Lh* W*f. 5ity years

-Manassas is on the ^ooiriT! for Tier kind and generous dispo-JTo Qi€ diy before presenting itt THE JoiniNAL stove was black- sition. She had been a great! to Mr. -Gulick, who is making »n_ <ned last Monda^for the first sufferer for the past Ihrw years, jnfTort lu reatofe irto the rightful of ti>e peraon* t*kin^ wK#>^

years agv. The^ next thing on tience and cheerfulness until she I Gulick decided to hold the volume return the same in short the program is the windows—and passed into etwnity^ HOF fu- • for a time instead of pendfrr? it orrfer to avonf the nbtoriefy' the office towel. Come on with neral was preached by Rev. V. at once to the first claimant on anJ expense of prosecution

idct vC \Aii^'

hwiUU ti, the advantage l ^ ^ l l l ^ ^ S f f l l g l e S . U t l i S , DOOT:

• scriptions and

;j-n- in

we'l l hsve d take

H. C uncii. ind wa= h'jried at thi s t r e r p t h -,f H : r' ratirtn.


- a n d a b o a r d i n g

trip to the county

Bliiids and Building Material or Au: KiftDsr -—zz—


* A . -"^Jiii-^A> nArSGUT^ PEOPLE - W t 4 t f

fliv i^irh Mm: >v,:yntc c ; . y ^ . ^ a n a S S a s 4 ^ U b l l C D c h O O i | Mr vmti -A '-ington viditorTuesday. ' 2_ '. [ a!idJ)i-otht'r-ia-law. Mr. iindMrs. J" "-; Dr, J. Marye Lewis was in i ^^"'•y ^ '"P®'"' >" their home oa

Rirhmnnrilafit .Sunday | East street. ,

• Mr. and Mre. bl. B. G i d d i n ^ were in Baltimore this week.

Mr. B. Conway Taylor, of Bai-

Mr. David Fau-ty. wlio lias

: Builetm MiSS ANNIE B. KIRK, Editor

h 4 h

>t«' "i^ >;>' >«>.' \ii tti Wf «4< > y '«K «t< >t» >t»"


In these f'* \v weeks of the pres-

ibeen employed in New Hamp-' shire the past six months, visited

»;.^—. • • • . . • - .J «• L t friends here this week, and has timore, isvisitingrreJatives here. » j ^ ar i.- . . » «« "^^

J _ _ •.;.. ^._... T„_L. „ o ^returncdJoWashington where he eni >.',». ,jion. -beto Bennett ; MrryStanter J«nu». of HamlFTTjas accepted-a posllion. School and Manassas Mifrh Scheol toa.vi^tadlmad*»i,4«wnMon- jjrs: (ieo.-g^ , , , j„^^ Berry | ^ - e -very indication of a vigor-

and Master George Chadwell'""^ ''^^^'•'^ "P«" tne-work as-Berry left last evening for their " « " ^ for- the term.

Browp Halter* flfjan have moved to Mr." Thonjp-' son's placs, near Mana-ssas.

Mr, Robojt ilali w>a a viaitor at Mr. John Ree l ' s Slii>,H;.v.»uon


Miaa Effie Gulick left Sunday to visit her brother in Waahiagr-.ton.. _ •

Teirstnr day to wsit his brothej- in V- ash-mgton

Mr. C. Shirley, Tieachman, of Alexandria, visited hia father this week.

Mr. James G. Metcalfe, of Sud-. lersvilie, Md., visited friends here

duclng the week.

Mrs. Johnson, of Harrisonburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Davies

_during the w^ek, . - ' -

Miss Helen 1* iorance, of Pfeggr


ant Valley, visited friends- here ,the first of the week.

Misses Alma and Lula Lewis, Qf California, were guests of Mrs. C. F. M. Lewis this wwk.———

:M£: Afflii!gwCaasE;<a^Atlantict City, yiaitft^ |m> p» r<>nta, Mr anA Mrs. W. G. Gather, thia week.

Mrs. Addie Maddox,of Catlett,


visited Miss £iucy HBrnstm^diis w«<k in hop homo on West rtreet.

home in Phoenix, Arizona, after spending the summer with Mrs. Emif'i ^Arknis: Mr. and Mrs. P.

Mr. A. W. TrTplett of Catons-ville, Md.,*and Mrs. L E. Git-tings, of Washington, with her two children, Claire and_James^ spenj several days of last week St the home of MF. ahd'Hrs. R. H. Lee, "The Hermtlage."'

Mrs. D. B. Smith and children l^f t yesterdtiy for their home i n Cape Gtra^eaur-Misseaii, after «p«>nrfing strveraV weeks with


At Ruffner, student activities are marEed, thesecondyear hav-

Qfl Mont'ay with

Mis. "SiiiiLh'B pai'niiLa, Mr. aiiU Mrs. John Pendleton Leachman. She was accompanied by her sis­ter, Miss Lillian Lewis Leachman, who will spend the 'winter in Cape Girardeau while attending ^etBgolr~~ ~' ^ " ~


Writo Secretary of Farmer*'

44r». ^ - € r - ^ Loachnaftft'-speafr T-

his son.Mr. C. Shirley Leachman;

i: Mrs. J. Jenkvn Daviea, "of Aden, was a guest this week of Mrs. E. B . Hil)bd oq. Grant ave^ ride.

Mr* and Mrs. > of Wa^ingtOn, are visiting tbeir apnt, Mrfl. g. R Lowey nftfur'Cfc

P^ Washington. w««g\}ests of Mr]

this yreek.

Misses Pauline Fred and Opal Jones were guests this w ^ k - o l Miss Margaret Lewis in b ^ home on W&t street. •'\.:^^^.:....

Miss K^ningtdnT

Elvia Shackleford, of a guest of her IS

-.;<^^-.i»:wnggTgg on Foirvtew avenue.

fa»tihile in Afiwwer to Wire offytntyBr 24tK-

At th& Aieenng of tnefarmers' institute on Friday last it was decided to wire Hon. Henry ;C. Stuart, our next governor, ask-ing if hp wan in fava/o^ teat *»

onn^ laws:

Mr. Stuart's' reply f<A-

MY DMRSnt- Xourlelegramof Oct 24, already acknowledjcred bv mv Beferc-tSryVis ftbfMre m» on my return to RiehnuHijd froRi Tidewater Virgfinia. am somewhat solarised at your inquiry, aa it aeems to me that it would hardly be thougbtsaeceasary ilT Virginia to in-ten^ate any public man on a queation

ing orgaataa oMcers, ,*0for3, motto~alicryeir. Mr. Clarke Johnson is "president, and Mi8« Louise Walker secre­tary. • . —This class will give a Poe Even­ing Friday, the Slst instant, the program being arranged as fol­lows: ' Cborua—"Ma^land, My Marykmd" Biography of Edgar Allan Poe

' 'Annabel L«e-'.. Miss Vtiginm -Walker "Tho Raven" Mr, Kvef^l f'-> "The Bells".. .Misses Lily Sutton,

Nancy Green," Louise Walker aitd Looisv Msjoney

Chorua—" VJJgiaia " "Israbel"... — .. .Miss Norma Young "EMnnuin"—,.....Mr. Pfcyton.Larkia^ "I Helen".. • • -Miaa Lucy Haydon

"Pns^'K P 1 a i » p i n A m o , ^ . . . , ^ P » ^ « n . y "

Mr. Clarke Johnson

Miss Mildred Lawler will pre-aide at th<> moating

Xhfi yoBOg ladies nf thip Nor. rhal fHftRs aro ^ ovft « lpT g gtwtt "Peice on «urth, good-will to histrionic skiB In -flieir wdrk on dramatization for ^ e aa-adeg. Which they will exhibit a ta lateip ^Im iaie^

Third year English had an in­teresting debate, on Thursday, the subject b^ng ' Resolved, That Sjliylouk had iwL ona dw^

BBEikliiy hou»«. furniture anii Ilxtures P u t from N«Uon«l B»nk» Ini.t rMerve

M e n u j Due from St»t« and Private B«nk» and

B«nk?r«, Tru»t Companln, anri fUv-in»a B&nki

the sale at Mr. Neale Burke'^j^^i'^I'SJ'i't^rtr^'.^'n^'"^.:::; NoUa of other National Banka Fra<:tinnal parar cvnva^t wick*!* aiid

Quite a Jar^e crowd attended

Ixwinh «nd Diicounta 1219.064 H ^»«^'»ft». iBctnwd um unrac'urvd;.. l.TSI n i U. S. Bonds tuii«<'urech-i;i<latian 30.000 00 (J. is. Bond! to Mc<ir< U . S . Uepoaiu i.KIO OO Pr«niiurna on U. S. Borxit 300 W puiwla, a tmHl tn /g ix

Mon Mr. and Airs. Robert Parker i' '" •'-"*"'!'*""•<'<'"-sa-u r<r

and Miss Gertrude tfalterman, I IS;S't«,d.r i^LWftfihiiiatQu.jnadea week-end visit to tiieir pareats. '

Mr. William Sultrvanrbf Woob-'

— t a r» i6.moo

U.fSlK 768 41 19D W

ington, was a guest of Mr. Aaron Jialtermati thfl uaat week

6M 00

Rvdrmptlon fund with U. S. Tr««aurcr (S per cent, of ciruulatlenj

tH ••»-

U.CiM 20

l,suo bo ToWl, tsiia am hv

Mrs. Jennie Robertson, who. has b^en quite ill t<)V SOmeJams> is somewhat improved.




(From the Youth's Companion of O c ^ her 9.)

It is late in the day to bring forward anything new in regard to the great reunion of the Blue and the Gray Uttjeilysbur^TDne incident • oT the encampment W!«m8, huwtJVUl. lu have received less notice than' it deserved. Among the organizations *epjpe-seritedonihe battle-fieTdwas that of the old-time signalmen of the TTnion army, who moct every

Ovardrafta, aecuredand unaacurad..!. . 2is06 8£ •' • •• •r-'' . * — — I i v . _ . . 1 J - ^ , : — : - ° . c - I U' 3 . Bonda to aacura c i r c u l a t i o n ! . . . . •WMn rm year. Early-on the morning_of

:faff<><r'vftfpnin "on ^enaiiMuy IgenmfoWedawar-worn flag.

On Little Round Top another vetCTan^as watchinB^ina with

meB;.' Ridge wHujlr Jw wdfda.

, riwuiuuu MV. 8.' HAIKU .. . . . . ' - -BaaaaT BMSTiMiT«tr_r: '.ZT.'..,. *

B u i k i n a hcuaat f frnt tn i* and Bxtoraa Due from Natiesal Banka-diat rawrre

• c e M a ) —rr: ; / _ D u e from S t a u and Private B u U u and

-glaa8£ss.__ In the p*"''«f»'j o«QM»p«"*«*.«»*s»v-Dua fifuaumuim iliwilil'lit«iiia'.['.'. Checka and otbar cath itanaa Notaa of othar N«tfc»ii«l Bai i l»„.^

nid-timfi code camoil^o mcoaage;

Back from -Sem»iap»= -gq™g^ we«jyjy«g:- "isfeaJ* N>4_:r Mt l l i u ,„^mAn i| I l>ti^. a V - r j ™ / * . ' L , • • • • • ' - • - > • • • • • • • • ; • - • • • • • • • ^

-Ut- th° highpflf * ^^Let-as have

Then "spae....•:•......: " " " I l«B«»l-lwiil»i liima.-

of p i ^ in hio heart'* AiHrma-tive leader. Mr, Cundiff Willianigi

Ynt.e nf three to one, the jttdgas being Misses Dorotiiy Haydon^ grace and Ali«< Mete^ and MF^


The first year young Ix^dies are quite envious of the skill in the

of this fctod.- i t is gOTceded kidteWr-f^JUlPBQy^M^^^SWB fef iBe etgig' ters that the whole ta« ayotom wilt come under roviowia the next l^fisla-tiirp wit.h'a .Vifw to a more oquitablo

Miss M. A. Willis, of Clifton, was a guest last Sunday <d M i ^ Martha Virginia Nash in-Jier hftf p on f ;hnrfth fttrect. ~

;- Mr«. Qanrge Osbsym and Miaa Eloise Osbo<»m,^f Brightwood, B^C., were gnestsuf: OeA)oum during the wedtr

jmpbrtantJqaestion that wSr eome 1>e fore the next legiahttore, and that to Ull!' tumwi' aiKl.-faii' uuluUuu of Uiia

Mrs. Marllia A. Frost and Mr. J. Edward Brandt, of Ridley. Pairk. Philadelphia, arc guerta oJf relatives at •' *B»oBnte View."

Mr. and Mrs. S. T. ^lack, of MouyfotiMify -County, MmyiiiMt w « e guests this week of Mr. and

»Mr8. It. S. gmitKon Battle street.

Hr: and Mrs. Ci»rlea FWd, of Washington, were guests this week (rf Mr./Snd Mrs.-W, N. Lipscomb in their home on Main OtTQCt.

Mr. andMra-R. W. Merchant, in Riehm^ant ~

ren have returned from a visit to Mrs. Waters' parents. Mr. and M». __ way^W^^Wh--

man and daughter, Mias C<HI-ȴ^mfP. T*a<iiKwiaw n4 liwmhhapg,

were guests <rf Mrs. Besne A. ^ Elliott inr thf OHvCT^Tieaffhman .^ . . ,^

. ini w utan nuptials.

this queation because iit was unneces­sary to A»ao,btrti have iwl heaitatgt at aV times ui speaking to my frienda to say that this was by far the meet

queation the beat aiwgieaof ^eatate in all branches of the pabtie service ahenU ha dadicmtod.

- - , 'YoaiB trujy,. C. SmAar-

To most of the <rid«T j"h«>»tantji arid to some who are n ^ so~c^ tbfe memory of the old Institute "CtuB Nighta^^ biingo baoL thfiihas of nights well apeut^ wted. I'he Aiumnr Association, in an effort to raise a little money this winter for the needs of- the pre-sent high school has decided tY^at

George Adamson. wise lovely face spoiled by home­ly hair—a face that would be most chairaingly beautiful if she tndy:iaHl^pretti«r ha».

presiding over tra#s heaped with good things. —:"' ="~~


' Mn. tM-feia reports Jgiefgea^ an(^at B^^iefEases^n^tigntb Uie addiUuH uf wvtiiiflliibw ptF pila.

Theexquisiteautumn cokwiBg ofthe woods drew the happy lit- > lie lolka troiatbe primanoB wjdK, thdr teachers, Miss-Sattie Will-

t s Monn. All hod a hmw>y Uutf, uii thg

flashed.-:Out, -and them Lee's noble phrase, "Duty is the sublimest ward in our lan­guage." It was a simple inci-dent, hardly noticed ?n t hg n ir. npg events of llieday.'faut noth-ing in the whole reunion was more impressive.

opmAfe BBOfitr

"TT'Bft? n

l^ ls , and are clamorous to b^n--?***%**"*''<*''^o<>K?^5, Because work actively as cooks: They * * ' "^y ^^^' stringy, dull, lifft-

leSS-lo(rfang teOUgb it mnv he^ P*Wn^I.r:<iBi:xB.ivrirj:tiW:3r?

and beauti^l as tfa^ heart could desire if only takgiL-proper care of. ' ; ."' ' . •

flaraoonsL. Wair _, ius£'what it is nameti^a beautifier. It is not a hair dye Of hair^-<Hl--it is jiiat a /lywry,' rose-perfumed liquid dressiitfr to S^e the hair its< natural gloss and hrightnefw, its natural wnvr

ontinjar. On Friday; the' I m p r o v e m ^

L^gme win give a party cud the beys itod girls are d^ig^y inters

In the Domestic A n CUss wor IS oeiBg i^^^ared for the schuul exhibit to be held at the meetTng

I of the State Teachers' Associa-

ohTClufr Nights witZI (he best that t ^ high schod teui giy«n JB-i t s public functions of recent ITEMS FROM WQODLAWN.

softness^ its natural rich beauty. Very i^sy^Jo^ apply — simi^y swinkle a littl4 ad vam KCr i^ii tune oelore brushing^—It COB- [Th< tains no i I wl, and wiU uol eluuwf.:

r'ox.r^iuui|, :nor darken gray hair.

To keep r e w - t e g ^ i n l iii iitii

- U i t a t u n a Capital stock paid in

Undivided profliB, leaa -aM#a«aa« taxea paid

Nmtinn»l Ri.nl, ........ ^..^ At-^ LhM to other National B a n k a . . . . ' • '"•' ' ' '"-'•*-r-Tltnil>iiB> t i •hiMifc Demand certilicataa of dapoalt. CertiAed checka United St«t*»d«Dil>aftr.... . . . . . Billa payabia,4BcliidiHc«b)icati<»a for

nwney borrowed, Raaerve for u x a a


$3C.n00 00

5.8S8 77

7M U

aoo 00 «0 97

1.000 00

i».000 00 .. 400 0(>

Stair o/ Virgiitiu. County of J'H/,ce \]Uliain,n:

l i C . K*TMgHP'TUTCUfpa. Caililef a f - B i r above-named J»nk. do aolOTnly aweiar'that uie 1 'or Rcht. — St Ore rOOm and SdS tSybSS' ** " V "•«.'»»< ?* wrkaMti-jware room on Fair View avenue,

C. J. Mefetze 10-31-tf

G. R A Y H O N D RATCLIFFE. C A S U U . Subtcribed andaworn to before me thia iSth day

o f October. 1»1». L. M. J O N E S . —-— *

C o « « E C i - A t r i a l ; ifetary PaMir, '

S B A L -

A. W. SiNCLAia. I. B-CAliMUN.


ton .

the C a i U U w i u< T h e WaU>ii_ _ _ _ _ MaMuaa>, at Maaaaaaa. i s the S ta te of V h -• m a , at U M Cleae a i Beateaaa.Oct. 2 1 , 1 > I 3 .

separator, No. 6. buyer.., tow. Va.

KESOUaCEk LAUIIB And jjiBoounta

K-8;-flondron hanj- .

4.018 30

t O O u . - • M 1*3. -t-Jt r y i ^ S f r H t y - N n i f ^


Law/Hi MoHfg Batrvfin Bank. Wj; (.in »

tl6.»96 OS

per cent , «< cireolatfaHi)


L U M u n a a CapHxI atoek tadd In. 7.' „ „ Snmlna tund-.


miM* TO

NatinuU Bank Bote* outotaadias. Dna to other NatioDal Banka'.^ ^. Due-to 8<«te and PHrate Buika and




Total.,... . . . . . ; ttrnjafn

I, Wagrwoop HuTcatnoHi Tatliiep ef thaahtire-bank, do anl««nnif .w^v th.t t ^ above

aftanjeirt » true to the beat -* '

WESTWOOP H UmtUBOH. Subaeribed asd nroni to before Bw tlilaZtth dar

ofOetober. m l ' -L. M. JOHBS, - , , >—».

{st!AT.{i : Ur dAKmBOaii cpcpttaa A«waat 9. Uli-

UOUKJI-Al'llU'I. E. K.CoHma.

•T B H n n r a tT»ai •DUacUaT-

Lowest PussiHe Fri«^=» Faif HMeit Peahg

Give: ore at ttM and trf

monyShampog This pure liquid .--i^^._ -^^ i» • j r r shampoo gives ^ instantaneous!i^MSl.:^[1Ce P M W V N I h

. W a « . For S a k ami a a i a c U a n e o u . ^ . . , l i a e a a a u will be pablisiiMl luader l i iu bc r.u j a a at Ifce a_a>a e< fcea a . a t i a fai lai' iha t i i . l l a a a n t o a , A r e e c e o U a Ua« lor •ubao iuac i

A4»ert iae»eiat« fer tlu> cehuna

.U>yt.—(iuld furw-JwjLh gold and diamond seitinn. Suitable le-wmd if returned to-W^^f. t-ip-Pcoinb. , It-*

Wanted. - 2 0 0 bundlestrf good fodder, deiivwed. L. B. Wil­liams, Madassas, Va. It-*

—JOT isalw.-Two thorouKhbred Berkshire boarsi eligible for reg-istrationi and eiceeptionaily good •ndividuals. M. D. Lvnch" K. F.

D. No. 3, Manassas. Va. 10-31-4t

~Gr~f.-i&Fwtze- frCor offeryou" your last chanco t ' getyoui pxap-erty listed in their first catalogue. It will fro to press next wtek, about the 6th. Send in vour list at once. 10-31-tf

110.^ per mcjnth. &Co.

.For . EenLrJ house on Fair View avenue, $12 p r month.C..T M^tv.,^ x, r.. in.3t

For Salt>. - A Sharpleas Tubular rpii Ch« cheap to qtiick


Having complf ted a Drwamnk ing Course, am prepared to give

vUle. V«^ - " « 4 3 —

The Manassa* J o u r n a l -4MUUM1 bijfhc-aetifg; aiJiar-

tnoiu boyj^onew^a.-stick* iMriaUuM -tr •pkodid mp

|de- TIMS »- a pppwrtnnity far Ae

V ar Jom-.

We have moved <mr coal and wood vaid in Mw Inr Bi<jniT.fTyg= Brown & Hooirs lumbo-yard. Our ofSoe is «ow in the old.shop. next door to Hibbs' blacksmith^ shep; and we are prepared to

Just received another car of 'Purina" Patty anaTTorie feed:

l i r a sack and watch your stock "••r"'v' HntidpT ^ Pyrd to T7.tf

j i . H i ;

HIU u u i a

A.ina«iuficent three^atorr frame mill, i-batrel :ea£*c'

and feed taira. 2S-batrel capacity with ^lendid cor&_

capacity and ele-vatbra for five^ thoosand boabela of gcaiB. The ImJidinga and nunnery we in perfpct ^pair. Tbia mill ia 2k

Tvarn statiim on tiie Soniben mfei Railway, and 12 mUea from Warreaton, die eoanty seafTJf Faoouier county, "'"?* *y? j of the way peing over a q)ieii(iid Macadam road, it Ul lUiiiKuuil. nwnmnnity and haa a fiaa oaehaii mnity ana naa j> tiaa oaehaago-inute, U M eivetyU>u«^ eonaidered is tae

•tart bargaia of its kind ever offered ' BUU 1ft Vifgmia. Tha^e a j o S

Of good groond attached, miller'a howe, prettily sitoated, foUckamitii shop and •H neceaMy oatbttildingB. Thia xaaA finat tn bnitrtnind tqiii|j uuun tea jeai'i ago, $13,000, and ia now offa«d at the iiea.^w»,«iy u.— prir* «ff y.nwi wid oa toma Uiiink jwjotfijv . ,^, . _ , ' "'f^fOPIfe^ p«rtici))aM, Vj^y to


As far as possible, the original Mr. SamueTBailey has sold his cleanliness.

tion takes only a few Contains nothing that can harm I theliHir; leaves no harshness or] stickiness—just a sweet-smelling!


cast of cfaarartsrs -anil h^ r^\\*^ t r - t e € T * r f e P s tire ,fu(itiiMhi^-B«^ the flli^iffft !ftli"TP1=^^'^=^'^

audience will probably be sur- Mr. Philip Vogel and da prised to find how much histrionic talent ift latent mthis community white it may be that aaeae of tfase actdW imy Bud ft mure difficult t o 4 n w forfii aiq)lau8e

ftrm to Mr Cwimpet, wlw w&i

MiMftaThert^nn^ Hfirthn, ITITr recent Woodlawn .visitors. They will make thar future home in WiailiJimiail

yiftg N r f i o M»rg»*ll«.y iy \\»\X.

iarmet glory. All of which should make for^

irianda in Washington and suburban towns this month.

Hair RHumflar.ll.UU. Harmony Shampoo, 50c Both guaranteed tn ytiitfy yon in erem wan, la j—s=

community only at our store j •BTTTLEI?

A 8on ^

inn}EKTAflg.gXTMARKgT;Va^ --^ Proajn and aliifitory aarno* afcaT*

more than 7,000 leading drug Haareefarniahefi'oraByriM- naVediataort

The Rexall Store-one Of the-

to Mr. «id|Aturi&uf UwUnTiwrgutw.TTttTa-f'^ •BS^SS-

Purity flour whid^aadet&eite^ lidoQs coffee, biscuits and walk­ing cake, served at Nash & Can­non's dori<% the demonstration ' of the Maje^c, were bought from the grocery and provision StOT6 6f

1-19 ManaaMS. Va. —

A M J #

r Tuesday evening from Peten»- the delight of the apectitor tod I Mrs. Grover Biilley last Wdfik. Ida and Gr^at Bfllttlii, wUiUi uwu—It ia not litaralt burg j?here she was a guest for \ the chances are that the crowd 1 Mr. JJ. H. Burke has given his, the big Harmony laboratories in been aaid, that THE JOURNAL: f%JJ^f^^ T \ -D A xrTrn~

" ^-.—--V _u:- t . .^„_ur„;_7^ . - « - , , house a c^ple orcoSls orpaint-; Boston, where the many cafeit4>ea job work for notkmg, bat]U-Jl iV- l . U , X S A H i ^ ^ >- several days of her son and dauglt- i which assembles in Conner's Hall ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert;on the night of Fridax the JJ2th

.\damsoTi. The trio spent j of December will j?o home vow­ing lately.

Misf Bessie \ . r .Mrs. R. W. ir.^ that never spent | Woodlawn \ns;tr>r not lona:

' j !« te i Harmony Perfumes and j ^ ^ ^ ; ^ " ^ ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r. Comb v.a5 a Toilet Preparations are made.

Dowell's Pharmacy. Manassas, (pttined wondered that thejibove idea p^^

cradance, Try us

Diiertakcr tti iKtaae< Fsitataer L a i A T X

V A^mr: A . - i —L#

€ JHlLy *] Ba& § J0UgJ^-H:7^"i^A^^JJjg^B^ ^ ^ ^ ^

V^PM.>*'»*»»»»»'>»»»*»'l'*••••*• "Hou»ekeeplng

I ceanit of mockel-y.

she repeated 'the ytth gomeHitnp

Yon STB nawt. HBrry.

H J B f X K V l l j J ^ ^ at th,. By VERA STRAIGHT.

KorrU- was te t e

elevwittt H0Dr-«nd Bt««il »way l ike .a th iof wbT"—she laiiyhpd hysterle-T ni i* i <r u T :—B*ii "*UC " ' , :^ -.^ - - — ^

,Uy^.'the •teM.'int *fTtU|Biiieul» » • | «H made; the diunet i« ordered; the Kusst£ havfi tlons—'*

Jecely.ed i ^ r invu»-EatbOF Kiwrla- was to be married the next afternoon. She »«t at her window, hM^cUfl.. U£«5_.^.er^ *» i'<'' She burst into h>st'?rtcal Boba aijd looking out into the shadows of the ^ j , ^ ^ g ^o^^ her in Ms arm* ohe maiJle tieeg.—fter fiance had jutt4«ft-^g|^ ^^ivX »he had aot the atrongth 4o-her and she had alipped away to her room, leaving her mother to put the ^ tlnai touchea to the doooratiana and I der-mm guul kiiuw lu rthearae the wedding dinner.

Esther waa thirty-one. Francla Pryce. whom she was to marry, waa forty seVbWi "~n WBr'BPt~» iui« match.

«5he Btepped out through the wlr Juw anil ni«y f ee* caeli athtf t» tha

but born of mutual respect and con- y,ril»n nillalfl'* Nnhodr waa atirrtna: fldence" bolh SaiJ" Ween fii' loTe "M^'' — • > - - . • ^--i- -• •«•-fure and each knew it of the other.

n^ throa. mfltllhs be-rwo y a r a an fore. Esther had aent away her lover, Harry Ooddardi They had ht-fin an gaged five years and Harry showed no prospects of doing anythlDg efther for himself or for her.

•It isn't that you are unfortunate, Harry." she, said. "But a man who thinks of marriage must be prepared to make « ; Uunie for the woman h* loves. You can't stick to anything; yotr BQuander—your njonoy^~ If you had ever saved I might—" She broke off and continued: "Harry,

resist longer. Hia lo^e had meant) more to her than she had let even [

"Harry, I will come with you," the

Two Carloads of

Prices Frra $45.00 to ^100.00

VVc have just received one car-

«.id, raising her head "Any°w^rt^" j METHODS OF TREE PLAJfTING MAKING A SWING STANCHION

In the street. She looked back at the house, fearful, and still uncertain.

cntnt hffori ir

ilU'lf " " r * ' "'*"* ""<""' *" *

'fW>y eeiildn't yoii

• of MwBly Sticking Roots in Bui»-dle In Deep Hole.

•he w-htspered. —Ilarry Oeddwd threw htcfc hli tiff'td

(By W R ( n i . B E R T > To my mtnd there i> sot'half though

attention paid to the way trees are'

llluatrailon and Directions aiveH MP .Putting Tesether Daviee for

Uae In Dairy Barn.

Tnirm fniir nlfirtu pf 4 j ^ - T * ° ">»**

. . . . I put Into the hole wEen planirnK. "Borne ' "Be«u.e," he anawered, "Senator 1 People t^lnk that becauae tree , have Pryce gave me five hundred ddiUrs I roots-t6ch*hould grow nearly on y.p to stav awav untn his wedding day." «' every dltob In the country.

He Pa!»l yju money?" I—For ten years I planted trees yearly. Half the'trees I planted the flrist year failed baaauae 1 didn't know-

I'm going to put you to the test. tWn¥ you you •can get—a-

Do ^atltUB,

hold it two yearn and save Bve hun­dred doiiara^ If you can I will mar­ry you when the two years are- up. If not—J idon't want you to come Track;

cried, and Esther shook her head in her obstinate way.

"la two years," was all shft woultf answer; and so Harry went »w*y -.

Their Ftanfcls Pryce, atate aeftatOT and millionaire, had W66«d I16F. 88 gently. SQ,_Eer8ls^ntly_did. ,he set about the winning of herTfiaVBe Bad" won her consent at^ost^ before »he

"Yes. And the joke la that the old fttft outwitted hltuwlf.—This l i hla wedding day, because It Is past mld-

H r thongfafr the joke waa ea me, but that's where he fell down."

Esther laid her hand on his arm. "Harry, you' did thla daaUrdly

plant properly. I said to myself there .Kaa something wrom yomewherei

be 4 ^ feet long, one IH feet and one X fypt -2-- tacbei .: Cut j?n . f t -^ , J h e . ptecea as shown by A,' making the notches c and d about 1 inch wide and 2 inches deep. Cut the other short piece as shown by B. The notch at c is the same as on A but at d the 2i4 Is beveled and Is finally attached

Lyle A. Myers of Muskegon county, MIoh,, J4 the Farm anrlH"""^

.t$ad of Blue R i ^ n Bugifies, and one-CiJiioaAdirf. thg famnus iiaydock*-each ipade of the v e r y . ^ i r material avatlabte, Swught in tJfie white wood and painted as per our instrucfiou*.

Also all kinds of

BROWN S SOOFF J f l fKIHWti V«>g""*

^ '

Lumber t 4



thtiigT" she asked. — •'Vf..n V—•» y*^ ^y .t^ .por^? i.ra' Half nf the yn»ng trMW nrfl.

either In the trees or in my want of one of the long pieces must be cut knowing how to plant. | m, shown by C with the tongues at

I experimented a couplt of years e^ch end, made to At Into the grooves and found oiu! "TBRl'HPfifar'BT'lHy g t t - ;


It will be worth your while to inspect pur stock.

F. A. Cockrell & Co: Manassas, Va.

and PJaimig-Mil! s

.ih. |IF;«V, Doors. .Sasl , Blindf, Siii1i(<i«»^

Mooldinip. Door and Wiadow Fnuuss, Psinu,

Oils, Varnish, Hinges, Screws and »U kinds

«l Bvilders' Hardware, sod are prejmrrd u>

~ "We~gu*r«tttoe prices fc be ai I0W-M any in all «M4s.

Lumber in Caiioad Lots a Specialty.

And wasn't he just as bad, with all his money, bribing a poor man?"

•'It wasn't the^bribe," she muttered. It TTiiff **•' "^fc'if tier the subject tne^brloe. t>ne~itnoW iiiiiib mv iiu*.

whleh hound her to Harry was broken fo<S»vei'. Quietly she ateppetf back

nearly useless for plantlns on account of the ways they are pulled at the nurseries.

Some nien, when they go pulling XHOnLE

^hrouKh-the wlhdow. - "I win," aald a low voice IS Eer •BBT—Smialuf Pr^w was btauding bp

caped-^" ., • ,

swered »oftly„ (Copyright, 1S13. by W. Q. Chapman.)

fore hw; In her rooik^ iftlBllR. __;'Wh»t does thla meant" saked B»-ther.? " "It meana." ati swered the senator, m a r T-have tested you-stn^fOttady J111 tnin. jiiT* r- ' *"""•* ' • ' ~ ^»'«'

trees in the noraeilAS pHUl.JUKJiji-Justt •a though they were pulling tucntpa ; In a hurry, atapplng the roota together and Vhrowtng them*aw&y aa If they were no mor» than rotten llmfae. " T o u g C g i M * ta j i y w inii •ntnilil im.!: handled Sa 6tffeimiy U «M^." -They |

p. Bather, forgive feie, but I coaldn't m«nT you ttntfl I Kji^gtvaH'^if th»

fomiili'' ih


Quiz," Which la in Such ColtlRieii Use, Has No Root Nor etymo­

logical Meaning.

The word-.qulc l»I:<Sie. of _the few

"etymological meaning - tu-Kl.*e » hlat

that the manttL wuidniuiwm-aia'mn


was ai\'are of it. And, ^ x motttlw before, nhen h^ asked h«r, ah* told him about HM'TTJ. . •_.. •:,

I won't hide the tact thst we cared for each other," ahs 'SSlfc" fact, if he came hick—"

You would care for him more tiuui for me''" asked the eenstor quietly.

• Y«<3 But \ iwered_

am a«tT51 answered. "Goddarg" shall have M» chanre If he doee-Bot return when ht two years are up, I shall claim

you And I shall teat you both." he addt-d, sm illng in nis enignUiUc WSyT"

GoiJdard did not oome bSK . Esther learnt^d that he had be«l Hvlnc ]«at tb« CTi'na Ufa i^«-nf «li>. H e i a d bf^ti Jlist a a l d ^ p a t e d . ' i ^ A *as. Im' provifient and recklesa^ Sh that life with him waoltf hsve been

kiiow what it meant. He made tt up Jokingly, aedofdiug to tns tuttuw* ""-J" ' **"

should be do^ out of the grodnjl and

ifae atoiry- Of the word'a urlglu. Whyn thf! mote am.itralnfwl la the Many years ago there lived In Dub- PUl»°« they grow the fkrst ye«r badly

Ita a pSson whose name waa Daly. •»:* hen dte away. I examined the AcconUng to custom he and a-party i roota of a do^en young treeaj there

on' 'k} vpi B; - T1«F o S e r "loftg -piacs must be cut aa shown by D with a tongue at a and travel at b to Ht into

plocs B^ —Thead ple^eth Sf^ PSI together s s sht>wn,''and the cow Is fastened-in the stanchion' by closing the piece D.

has a hole I n the toggue which comes opposite a bote In A through % which a n a i r t s Inserted to hold thst stanchion ahut.—— ' — : —

fact ion .

*f • hrii;CTr- sati'rfif^ fff?!; Smobt • qudity thfito.


SELECTlwe THE Oematid for Stock That Will lnH>rov«

vanced Registry. 80 Popular.

On erery, larg* farm'where a herd ^ . w ^ . - — - . . . . , . . . « : • t "* ^^^ <=*^* *• ''*''• * • quaaOon

orSiends were gathered together one I ' ' o " ' ^ ^ ° " " « * - " * I « « ^ « "K>«'I of seJocUng the dairy sire Is one <* ».». .> n%«t shwrt iB twe^ more. ioren>artmentHK^„l, , j„l ,„.,^f w,^i,.^ | i mi ma|i im


1 ^C0.|

Marble, Granite and ail Ifflds of Cemetoy

< ' ^ '' * ^ 1 TOfc m •nrKtsier; ALEXANDBIA, VA. %

« a d e s hy the mi of the foHowiBK day every ssdce.

man in gublin' would l>e-apeakthg a wnrH <mvtn» an mgouag ana being derived from no, language known/

The wager was eagerly takwi up by fVelf a ^«Jibciaiea~WlMn»«4«) gure-^asit-

kept In a herd for a few years, and •xne ones u u t were . n S T ' strained , ^ ^ ^ there la a.necessity.to snppluT •ow healthy from the start, and srn ! i||m ^^^ Q Q , , , faeed, espooially It his

be had no chance of wtnnlns vsdaT the ditrumstances

DHy owiiea^i inimr « « * « thlHgs »

fiTjwlfig w e n , — r b e aues UUU'. wuru! danshten are maintained in the hzeed-stralned grew nearly right the first j {^^ '^eri

tM^KKA v^ar, and thfr The breeder wfctt Is aati'stsfitly try-ones that-X-eat a little of the rnntiii off Uved-ln "dprllTip " '.— •.—'. \

lag to improve'bin oattle and laereaae the preduetlvn eapaotty of the herd,

_ _ _ 1» «*^ theater and after tb* party had brok- j spr«id oat evenly in a broad hole, not ^ ^ y , anxious to gat a little betUr

-The-roots, when^-plaBtlng, aheuld be ; gays iCtmbalfs^

en up he called up all the men CoO' qitti •satad^iath th» tlHia*«»r* ssnlgnsftjtfc

eadi a certain portion of the city, aap-pile* ^ e m with chalk and Uatmeted t h e m t o write the> letters "<l-U-l-Z" on every door and- sQ^p window In town

t ied out so eflectnally that -before the

deep, the roots just barely ceveredr' gtocfc with each sncoaedlng purchase. Where some, or most fteople. pMitapa. j if h« bs^ i^andied hl^ catUe so aa to make the adstake la In stlctdng th^ : make credlUble rec(<r<)bi the aeardi Riota in a handle In a deep hole. \ aI^st be more ter-reaching, and the

Treea planted In this. fasUon are ease with which a b<iU suitable to bound to fall. At least it haa been my ' head the herd may be found will^wt aT|M>rU»n«;e. _ ^ _ . _' _ ^ . l _ b e . BO. STCat

Some people alve the trees a, pnU Ihft Sumaud fui stuck that will coa.

TTTTTTTiiniT nr Til" l y p w i n g nay^wap OTW- | everybody waa asklag of hla jiejahbor .

ap aftier ptanttng. With-this ntff hffff «*»T1*!r »—r*"*" '^^ ii««i t- » h . t h . . ~ - - in»ib> fh»i advaaeed resrlstrv«work of I do»'t agree. There is no TIWWI

the meaning of th i mysterioos wordi "quiz." The ignorance of Its iJeaalBg I and. Its sadden Appyraaea an over \

»Kf aaora handling. , i the various aasociatlona 8<> popvlar. It la Important to preaa the loota. Theae i ^ d a l records are the ladex ta

soeondly. say after a moath, baeaase : thf dpslrahllity nf fsrafllfti and 111 the city created talk aad.eoniectarel of the air geta down alongside-the Ing, and it U only throai^ ftritowlng tor many a day. f stem tha t n a la liable to fall : ap til* work that haa been dose by a

Whea..tte t r ^ l r ths^ It waa an a | 1 ! « , « fotai *lwmy that tha taU': certala stTala t»*L.a daflaiU k a o ^ J ' ' y ' " - " - * » " -'«*r*«^ * T~- * V t—* '^"'^nr rianUna. yfhea edgg.of, what may be expaetad trom

k a e w l " « synonym lor a Jest a i » a g w # they were bat In.late I t o C m o r S faU- • I*"" V> "r^'l^^'" By It^ nsa t t , »


In. effect May 25, 1 ^ . i M i r t ^ lifnnis TiiiHirfied as iiit>gBatioi

book's to H. P. Cartel's heirs, was sold on the 6th day of JaDuary,1912, for de^

luent taxes, levies and costs to the lenigBed, and that four months f rom.

date hereol I shaU aoply to the Clerk/ I uf OIK Cirtuil Oourt o f said coanty for a dged to BMd land.

Yoa are.therefore notifiocT ts-app«sr in f oar montta fcop date oi this notice . ~ i ««. wl.*f .i»ay ^ BflffifflffTV lu tltU- •

and are not yUaTMrtgegT

Trams to MANASSAS as f pUowt


H^PsilyBjaU; 8?tP"m.-Br- f M l m r connection at Orange Aiily u c e ^ itaidaT 10 0. & O.lio. il3 for UcadonsTilfe aad Richmond.

No. Ill—Except Sandsy, 11:25 a. m - -jjiciifor Wsrreweaand intannediatepoiata ^--ga.ia:=B»>lvJhrough"gg?-lt>SS> au. ' eiH ntnn irWBnisass nn ^iir ^

^0.113—EioeptSaiiday,4:3Sp.ni. for \Warrenton and intenaediate

. LoeiU

¥ou are hereby notified |liai' a tract of land containing SS acres, on Quantico Ran, fat Colee pistrict, Prince Winians-ffoimty, Va , fharypd nn Commiaaioner'a

teet yotir ihtereet. ^ O c t l O - f i J. S. STORKE.


GwnesTille, Vs. ^ ' AMeetioB givea «» <a«

ten penainugg to booadaiiea; Eatimatea on load, dndnsgv and gaasrsl coostnictioa work. '5-2S9m'oe

•ASDSBB L. BOOTES, l . J "uf, V V - ' " '

awIliwSBTTBT Tl, Oisblw --r' —

Pnll^isn Parlor Car. points.

an irapussiblllljl. Now she saX bealde Iwr ..^____^

thinking over the paist.' U f e had never given her n a n * ftrat K had | —"•«• "> aak-iptaatteaa. s^d la nthw offPTod her the Tove of a worthJea* gnippBTTn«g TBgR- the •giassnraty ^ feoflon of a mature jnaa, and neither fuintledthfe d e m ^ J l t a t her natora made, --c^

and feH that tbat Th'' future looked black aad Her heart felt very teadar Harry at -that- momeat. J

She- mnrmarad his aams ar aha sat by the window. And, even as she Invoked it a man stepped tSraugk

si,T& TA»6 of a pudcHMaaaaa -puaalWs '

-had. aroused. 10 quu m«ani. theretwv. H «a«

ta.qais a person means to Jeat with ui' uuke fuB «« mm

^iwJIU, t^l-g T M H » . i . irt-AWiig • ! ) * —< battsf-fat! M It h on^ la groping in'tke dark.

Srieetittg a aire Is m«»* t^p^i^^f^^ Mo. IS-Daay dranrfi ttaia la, u tba y"rg tiMa an say of time paUadlikay ari pretty iara to' T T ^ ^ " "'",.'» ^""' ""'"""' 1 "ap'nnilur " " * -r -^ ^ J_aBishonMJhsve tlie csnlil sttsUloa-:

' - - - II f '•" • • ' ""— " »«" •)»»»»• ^ 1 ) 0 0 , 0 0 0 FOR GOOD ROAOS it poaalUe for the heiteia to da }aat a

Httle batter than their daau have dona, aad also ract a bull aa wUt fcaan na

ice on the oM Swtasea achoai bott^ aad board of goardiaaa, la oaa of tha ! few Bagtiah women who eajoy a cigar.

Aa a result of an energetic go<M eampalga waged by Spokane

•—tlie laat t a u jea i s . Spuhagw Prwvtaita to CalMng Animal ShoiiM

-nerfc - - - . . —-i ISOke them becanse I like them." she told a newspaper representative.

r«an coaaty wOI ha«o SS1»,0«0 far. balMIng and Improvement in 191S and 1914. With aa addUiojal l lSS.ew teifWife H A E ' - K I

toward her and stood beneath her I 1 can't remember how maay years appropriated by the iegislatore for for tefa jmyk ^receoTng IKe urns tor imm i h s ^ hiTt «T^'--»^—«1| flypr ""* -'-'•''* , — • • ' •' 'i • • • - • • " y ' - iitiuu laa iw>w Uumia .» t ew m .

aiU. _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ ^ fr«m« -R was TOin^T^ back <Ai bar woMlng ere.

'la IT" w^^winrai.

: j^mBUiaif Wa-ve^f im-^tavagtil mr'y.^' eamfoitrtte, j ^ U t t e r e d box ftall or aattamr-aad Itedrad «>fc^i«W.4as.-, TUi dUUlbwOaa^aaamw >« i JWiTii mXei t « B r t i ^ o m«a«sr.^i lr^

plaints, but I amoka ainrply and sole- , per oeot. of the a a M l t h i l a i aimima ' *'ii< itihillf I r iT- rii In • >iii ITT Bia" s f | f r fw irtissaM. ' i luiuksd utji awt g s t e 4 on eoattaooaa sus t i i s s s—U ***• "klt-h sauaM bt i>mwi>e< after

cigar whea I waa a^t»»i» v—TT " " • - '—Sr-f *•'•*•—T '—^ ' —tmade tha faad is fskfs Thn^fdarar fawd have come back to yoa." j cigar when I waa «ilr»*» ^ — ^ " " ' — S r - f *•'•*•—r '—*^ * — \ M * * " W f «I H f s s s a — T h e ^raar . She stared at h ta taeradnloaaty smd { ^'^^ >**"' mr ^thcr naed to give me^. ceatera along asaia tratretod roads •»ay be pat la the ceraer. a a * mm- On feaaa W—fa>Ba«<» "> HamaoBban. 4:dC

then recoiled. ^ I cigars. I do tot like cigarettes Som» which are a part of the a U U pria»si3t^-'gggfi-«te»a'd >>* •**•" t ^ » •>'» « U l | p -"TM si«-toir tat*" she wiHeiari "Pg one? said Do I drink beer pat truak highway ayatem. In the compre- "at. Thts . r»»e should be oboervad,

••Don't voa kaow whiU erwlna tWsjof » tbrmbte" >tid that t s » y os«ak»g^ benatve road s n g r a m a hrw Uaa been —< only^ before- f tv tag b«t at aH tr ' Tbeai w«k TTiTiig iJJailtm.TTT i iga iBtm l'*H6aally,4^aa*aS*sga7:g«»w<ig lUUiWlai lUi lUt <jweT»pal^»*-^"a'a*--'^ng»n^^ l n t « quananes of

LTL she 1 suffered ny Ill-effects from cigars." of rostds in oountiee whose aaaessed -roag^gge before a cow leads her Into ' " ' . . V i iXtB 'tha \mt haWL uf s s u i n Wiy iBf

Look Ahea<:. • road work Thus a portiqiiL of Spo- appetising parts and sa.wastiag much 'Das«ht«i> the yoaag a a * yos aca i kaaa'a nM4t ssoaoy »iU ta used . ia , .<«^ >< ,i* • B<x>d praettc«jp_take a

eaMfCd te doesn't amoke or driak or betiding highways Is other counties laatsrv and go the rounds of the bam.

"I cos ldnt oome beforS,' avei ed. "Toa aiada a^~ I must have 9*>« bsadred doltara.'

"What-tfW t care tor Sve haadred' <lanc« i*« .aage" • thiis connecting all parts or the state. be*ore retiring for the night, t a . s e e tittars t n r p •« a proof that yea ' Sonetimes 1 UsInkT t o ? "S«iler Seattle and Taooma ar<> to tak^ carr • that la^Tythlng is aa K aheald be. were able to maU—Bom»—TTfritlrf * ~f" 1*i*Tty Him. ma.~' of the westwrn Waah.n^ton ar.d mour.- : - - — for mel" she cried. YOff TITF TtithT:—Tkal—klud uf a lata ^wiBllei' Tfr Tfi-^ f^rrrf way. Ait Pn>di>c« Rlc»i Mtlk.

'Hut 'I havo It r,ow and In my ^i*''. »il i a lways be ^ wet blanket stato road (>\,IHI. , , - . ^ n-t T,..de bv '.'cwi '•>-. .r<rn stiage wl!, c r c - l - c e T).-.-. .• .p ar.-.» •-''d Come -.^ar -r.-"-*^-^- i i . *-aT\T to havp a .:;tip "i'- '-^ti- .. - -•, ^ , • Ki - ' »_ .^i-t*^ ^c U._- M. .;ji*-

-S&, 17—Ezeept Snoday, loaal bum 1fl»A lU Wanealiia. O.M p. l & ^ D u l j local, 5 : H p. u .

Ho. 41—Daily tluoagh tnua, ll.-M p. sisfa lo-lat oi passeagers boas Wr*--

Ajesandiia aad to take oa . tet.Bofaits at whidi scheduled to stop.

.JU. to P - ^ p 0--J-J. . , - , . ^•- -^^^ atoa W Waahingtob, 6:a4 a. m

and Aiazandria 9:15 a, m. "Wo:!!*—-EiSSprSoaday; Arrive IT "''*'• " B" , Tnnr-Wafffm^waaita-ia^

mediate potats. Pollman Parlor Oar No. 10—Daitv local, 1:10 p. m. Conaeea

St Oraag* with C. A O. Railway b«L Riek-tnrmn mrt AnrH»<n«will. J *

o. 44—tWaly tliroa^ timS'fasniBai X a aad ^Sijiiafitoa, 6:36 p. B .

No. 3H—Daily throagh. train, ooaskes sad

a*|j- ^Saoaiasa suausc tioa daily eieepl Swnday. »t Ons^e (roit C tl 0 . from Kickaond and Oordoasville


ftlinHHIIfNI). No. 4»—DaUv local. »;30 a. •>. Wo. a f - D a i l T laaiira!» B. • ' — ^ — V» la—F.T>»pt <i^.A.y. ^ » - > . p i f i^ .



gBMnflw AID UUOfUSD^ F W R M - r astKMKN)

- D n « 5 C T o a » -O. I.. aOOTHK M. BHARLOar.

Fre^pt amatwft crrvu u* all oosinf it. •throashoMth«Da<t«<r9tatM

MOTOR CA»EFrTCICNCV~ is largely a qaestion of the skill of the repair maa. A raainliratad and m««ly adjaatad meebaataB ifta an aatoafaoaM narer be repaind ar avariMllad try tinkers.

*SK US ftHnilTIT

S'ORTHBOUSD N"o I'lS-ruilT l<x-*l, ' - lo ». m Xo-U—Kic^pi SuDdsv.PuUinaaTsHor Cai

yp. 2S—l>yjil from H»rri»f«»baTg to Vfaat -.axfUm

Trains No«."21> 21T snd 1.1 in cooaectior •ritlvMain i/.c^r ...no Soa.9 sod 10,betwaea tfsiia—sii sod >' raage afford good •siiloe t« aad tnm Rirhmnnd throogii OuiduusiiU* sad C. A 0 R»il»«T • » -

E. H. CO.A.iM vS f »r.1Uen Mgi. 8. B. H A k D m , T -».« rraSsMgr -H. F CAi:

Oar repairaerviceia quick and effieienW becauae arerr one o f our meehaniea ia aa «x|tart. No delaya—no tinkering. All wartt ^aaraiitead. Cwtanitatkina




AtiaestKeties Ariniinist^red for Patn^ less Extraction of Teeth.

fl>R.L.F. HOUGH ^


mf haart: try me, and know, n r tfiouvhta and Me if th*r« ba aar wlckad way ID ma. and leart me In lh« war •••rlaattng. Paalm U9:23-M

Tbere l i a way of Ufa U»»t- toOi. icendi all others. more (i«Hgblful ai


Tb« lnt«raal reT«na« raport . tor wid«ly eouimentwl upon:

1 IT y>* w^M. lU flsuTM. tMlnc caaar-

In drlnklnc. "Botabl*.** "•Uxmiac" "•hamal—».' aooordlnc to tk« polst of T1»« of the oomm«ntatx>r. W* do not ffhallan^ t>f^ pecvnoj ol tha r»

aod more )>)a*aei ^t the ond—H Is the war averlast-Ing. Here the Paalmiat' p r a y a that he may b« >«d in such a way.

poet. b H we do > maintain that the -frm* «t ^m oonntry kae cl«*B~4t toa haaty ee—ldfatton. and that Out pn^ lie haa toe r«adlly aoeeptad the OOD-

^ urea S1T«B a i* tnia aa tar aa thay so, t^mt-lt^M • •* tta proTtaae ^ - t h a JIK

•ach and that

will take ' place th«t he may not mlaa that way.

The OhriMlan telU pray this prayer, should pray It dally, tui, tiwuBulumB ut Ma telluwifalp| with Qoi. he woald have it proreo ui(t woold^liirTe taken from Mnrerery' thing hindering lueh-fellowfthlp. But the •Inner wilt pray this prayer, h« muat pray i t In hl» caae. coneeteue-nesa of God as revealed here leads, to ttirvnr >MwaB»« of min ^ t ^ atintrt, tar

tereal reTWuaa ooni|nlaaloii to explain thoae flsoraa. Tb* National W. C. t . v.. throngh Ita hweam of pabHeKy. ••Bda a«t the foIlowlBg axplanartop: —Tta*. wttt^ pa—rd to dlatUlad ttqnon. It to not to gmtmnr know* i i T t skoull Ve thiU iSa Bgaraa of t&o gOTorain—t ravoit ara baaod oa tha

-vnmbar a< gidlanr~ wtttkdrawB l ^ whoIaaaUrs from the bonded war*-bouses, and that, the aasonnt tor any one yaar may or may not rapiaaant

^tha aetnat-eenaumgttan- tor that i;anr ft happana ^a!t"'fof" tlia ^^^ • J * ^ <dosed the a^owit wKECiiwa doaa

n o t repraaant aettial ooBaomption. To t^a aTaraga neadar the altsatlon 1* aomawhat eoDfusing. hat H is aaally aocpiainad. Tender the law Uaaor may

PIJ^C - O J ^ _ _

Tloufte am} Lot -AT-

OCCOQUAN, VA. Pursuant to the terms of a decree of

th« Circuit Court 7?f~ the County of Prince Williasn, Vir(rinui, «tit«red on

h flay of Clrtiih^r^ ipi« in a .-ai.-thg 13tti tain chi anetry suit therein depending wherein GtorgeW. Allen and wife_are compTiiinanta, and Richard H. AITeri ahff wife and ethers are defen^ante, the undersiyned/ wbo wae bv Uje itatd d«-ere^ appointecl a SpeciaTComrniaeioner of Sale for that purpose, will offer lor sate, at public auction, for cash, in front of the premises, in the town uf Onsemtaai Virgiiiia, on

Sate^^ ieyefflkf S, 1913


Yahahle Real EsWg [


Under and by virtue of a detree -ttrsaLAt the October term, 19X3, nf . _ _ cifcuit ctnw-Bf fnaee witnatn liowty,-in the suit of Davig vs. Patterson et ali the uudsnixned Special ' mmisaioner of.S»l¥ t gffilj] .HPfinintad, will nffe» for sale, auction

h i g h ^ bidder, at public

Saturday, I OYember i

at II o'clock al m., a certain housu and nf innd iiinipiBii) lying.aad being m

the town of Occoquan^ vn the county and state afcfcMiri. whi»h Int is honnried

aflSTb'ciocinn., in front of the People* National Bunk, in<he town of Manas­sas, Prince William County, Virginia, all that certain tract oir parcel oflanti on tha Bethel Readi nuar Neabsco, in Occoquan District, afore^id county, known as UlS ;TTUBtie Piitt^r««>"pi»..» adj«kiii>g^tha Inndi at I.a¥elaee, Uptow Andrew Patterson and others. canJUin-iny;. ignore or U i , , ,

and deseribM as follows, vie: Bceln ning on Mill street at a point eighty-ISO) feet from Union street, thence running on tht-lineof Mill street twen­ty-four (?4) feet, thence at right angles •t -fiSMl street one itunarcd itJO/ feet to Poplar alley, thence on the line of Pop-tar alley towards tJhiOn street twenty-four (24) feet, thence one hundred (100) feet to the point-of beginning on -Mill street, together with all appurte.i-ancea whatsoever to the same in any wise belonging. Conveyancing at coat

- * . NOBfc GARNER;-Comraiaaiener of S^e: -

t ceruiy that bojtd m th^ penalty «f 11,00^ required by the above men-tiohfed decree, has been-duly given by the above mentioned Commissioner of Sale as required, by law with approved iMytirity.

_ 15 3-4 ACRES This place has soiQe timber and a

dwelling thereun. '

TERMS:-One-half cash; bslsnce up­on a credit of twelve months, interest bearing bondB for whichia. to be given on day of sale. Purchaser may luitici-pate said dajewnd paymoijt,

H. THORN T9N D A VIES, •et oale.

L. B. PATTIE, Auctioneer.

I, J. E. Herrell, Oerk of the afore­said Court, do certify that bond has iBsni du y <!3igcute{l M pmvmm 6y tU--cree of sale in-above suit.

10-24-61 -T r. HgaBtMT. nwt--L.


LANSBUBGH & BEO., %%H W—huictoa, Di C.


We are the »oiinowle<Jg»d twdj inr ler« in Waahinaion aod TJciaifr ior._the baat Talueti ob(u7a<T>leTa Table Lioens, Ubeeti aad jTSlow.Uaaea. Qaalitr i* Derer aacri-

mff^— rmwtyrlBW prteg - Ijul piiuj ait iWna a lewaal. tliiaij llum inuii.

—^ TABLE LINENS aiJi^ACW Et> -HtfeB- DAMAfeK, ehoita qf u u s y atUactiT*

Sfic ijuj|Jitji;^»|)«pcial, yard,, . . . . _ , . . . . ^ . . ^,j,_^,.^.

72 inch B L E A O h E l ) IHlSH T A U L E LIKEN,- ia 40 ol Oia prettieai deitigns. $ 1 25 yard quaiiijr. (Jboice, a yard

1» by 86-iBch Buck To«eU, •pecinl a 4oaei) 18 b» 3>i iaeb UaioB' Hweii TuwtU, »pi>iiat » deaeg.. ; . . . -.-.VT.-.

75c $1.00

iU by a^ inch Extra Fiue Buck ToweU, * dozen..


.$1.00 . i.ae-


nrino mm aiiii |i Sbeeta <rf Muidy -wearing ooitoA. Snla^ied with S-ioch hem*,

< 1.1


«8 byiWiocb. •W by 00 i»«h. .

.47e SI'by l(i8iiKb... 90 by lUlBca "

81 by 'J» inch.. S»c 99 by 108 Mch. Pillow C&(«!i, uiHdo the mrsioht way ol tb« ootloo, hemmed:

42 by 38-inch .'.12 1.2« 46 by S8inch




SEND YOUR ORDER BY MAIL-We daliver. faanaportalam prepaid, and br parcel post when ptacBiSal. to all points witUn IWTnules of WaaL-isgtoa, pnrchaaei amounting to 45.00 and over.


Grain, F^our, Meal, Feed, Hay, Salt torxlvenesa, acceptano. and eteanalng.! ramam tt aono not longer wjin ajwix Tha cmiBUaii %i^ how au- abort Ue-i ^ - ^ ^ ** • " *'!^r!S!!!.^L!^!L^

10-31-2t J. E. HERRELL, Clerk. - -......-^S^ = Is of the tlory of God asd his C17 !• i " " " ^ ba J^nwred troiu JLUe «uf«u.

- - S i a beforf he flhdimr'feetTBTHe| " e uiai^et botnuae ^ » bondhiB p» flret steps of the way aTerlastbig. t »**>* ^ ^ *"»*'^ Tha fa<* that anch


Nota the at^s by which the sinner i • large fluantltr ramataad In bond nn-comea to this crv^-Search m* « fons«m ont by the thna Hgih ia

- . .m.,1.n» nro«f t h . t | h » ante of aylr-

:ufl94^:tiwwjtjnjaijagdjtngws all aboiil me <v8. 1-6)'. Svery moTemant. every thoagjit^ avary word, every way—ali knnwn to the Ood with whom !• have to dn )He kyiows me thorbnghly.'and" aa If be had examined rae minutely. ' ^ 6 knows all men, he knows aH men thwoughlyr-ha knows nil men eo" atantly." This eelemn trnth' ma?

Itnotts liqaors haa b««n dacraaalngi • MtBMt-tB*-tmaar W Mm fwm ia»

bonded warehouaaa the government taj ta paid; anrTTlB" iKftB omdidly

^ ' Tte truth- ot Dacembef-tsti -tbe- «aUa»-lB—Oat—miuduJlfflifiX—EtL

awaiton wonder and^^ndratiOB In the ChrUtian, tt tsar be a gr«at comfort tp' him and an aaaurance of guidance i ^ w«n-belng; hot to t9ke sinner It is A-soleou waraing-aad « call-tO" re--

tance and fai^^ The troth of this ,\i«rt oT the {>Baltn hiw a baautifaT pawrtlnl tn the epistle to the Ilomansrt-"ror 01 bin, and throunh him, and to

ported aa "connm^d" fM>m Jima M, l*i«. to Jana M. x%\\, to twir ifarfnd • .^^^ ^qTr in i>riv»t« wnnahdnsas walt^MM^ 4 f c | ^ ^ nsand. - Thoae whn nndaeatMJ. ntata of aSain hava axpaeted

jQlfr jBSt

auch a showfi&g aa that now- pat ont 1v tha latnmal lATanaa, dapaitmant. ^•Z_ have e«pactad, __too, ;ttat_ _ K wwild kit ganaroUy int«n»«ted iui

t u g " T h a y >BOW that w M t * a n An-


him are all things." Ood knowa my dpwB-sittlsg and my upciaing. he Com-puKs' my .iiaffi, Ina lias beaiet 'me' B^' luna aitd bet<»«, ne IS acquatnteo wiib

''all my ways.' What oan a ainner do tn the prosence t/t au<^ a iSod but to say: Search me . . . try ma . . . lead me? And God' wlH. answer his «ry^

'Were emergea anotfao- reason for th» MtTir-jr-n Fry- he caniiot .get away from tUa.Ood {vs. 7-li). Odd is every whoro, n ^ a mere power nillng in

-might . n*t

by laws really outside him s^t.

_ratn. bat a personality- distinct, sepa-«np<»riQr. and pacing all- I do

' 'ima qod aeeat m»." raw wary whereneas of God makes It a dreadful, an twfal. thiag-ta elBT- 'Whmiei' atatl I go tram thy a»lilt?.ar «l|lther .a)»U I flae from tUy ^reaeneaT Up Into

JmaxfiO- te IMH Hta nttarmnat part* of -th* ate • • . dw^nesa shall ^xnvt me ; . >he darkness and the light are beth-^illkB to thee." What cau 1 hide from hlra. or where can n aln that he will not see me? Yes. but this very Qod who k'ooVs all abonl

id ¥lin irns sn- n t ilni ~li~ dwet l s ln the uttarmost parta of thf earth alae can save to the atteratoet Thank God, h«-at«t forgivea.- Saareb

I know not wberf Hts tsianaa IWl Their froBdrd p a i n s ih *ir- •

\ oalr know 1 canpM drift . -BayoBd His toxa. and .(^rc.. 4 •

O p ^ p o r e the P ^ l m l a t aotii fjarth a rea^6»^tw hla t i iyfui waakiilni^' Oed Is neaoeiated 00 Intimately with hi* entire -Hffe, even l>efore he him­self had any consclouBnesis. T h i n v eyMl • dIH see my'gul»atance-r-jSst^ieTnf

-xL^,t^i- ..^ in till uwih ril my members were writtan, wKteh tn eon-tin uance were fashioted. when as yet tbere was none'of tbeu." "1 am fear tuny and auudeifulftr aiadf "—Man In a creaiare accor^^ig to Qgd'a design.

. . uy me . . . tend me. ThiK prayer is natanU now. It yon have never madn-4t- there 4a only on* fe anon—yon oeveir have seen God la his boltneFs. power and might. When God searcheg he may flnd In you some [ VITAL QtlESTtON. -.-J. - . -.i-i„.f-„,r. iinfnreahon—etiM-- -Tkefg 4s not

Mnal iainogni of Hqnor wna wlth-dfa-»fl iMt yani^ from thn bosidad warehonana tt br no mean* fbllowa that iOl-ef-lt^rent down tha'tkroata-of- AaxMcnn cltfanns.

SeoMKi, ther* la morn or lata ja«-gtinK of offlelal llguraa by liqvorlfea-Destrfng (In titetr etfot^ to dtaeredtt the ao-eallad "reform wave") to UU 9*r eft^ta Increaaa appear {arga, fkey hfcve a way of bmchlng togeth-

i n kinds ar the .flisares rsferrtaif^ to 1 of llquora, diatlUad and^nialt And newsnapera have t MkH df WgeMWr without investlcatlon tkds maatf^aUy anjaat eativate. _Tot exampla, some ''wei" nnttoatr staMa that jfco peg capita aawvnt of' nqnor acawamptlon haa'-'flaan tn—twenty^:•yemw from—*•-gallona to 11 .(ailona (this, of eeonw Udndinc aH Mqnor on wU^'tMi' ' tea been paidl^and tha wlaiaadlnK atntn-mant goaa the roonda. _^

Third! In view of these fhcta tt ts idear that there are more total 'ab-^talnets and raois -prohibitionfats in this country than ever l>efore, and—• graatlag for the sake of arguinent the tanrnmlTif •iisnsani[!tijnjii^_jjJ"L ilifn*"

Under and by virtiie of a decree of salf pnffrfri at, the Orlnher tgrm, IftlS

Payyottr 191S tazesiiuw atul siive "tte" five per cent, penalty required 1^ law to be charged you if you fail to pay by December ] St- Thi« fiv«. p»r """t is a fine upon you for not 'our taxes

U lOi j u u

of the Circuit Xourt oLPrince W. .. .. Oninty, Virginia, in the suit of SyWia Tyler et al vs. Randall et 4I, therein depending, the undersigned (^aimis-sioners Si. u^e therein appointed, wfl


fnrthpr iniljtgfn'-f eyr Bt awroB h the; edarteav of the co lectors, uoon whom


collectors, upon 'whom the law is mandatoty, rcqahiiig them to proceedTgaBfercetha^ivmantaftnr

itBrn liovJeiiA^ I will be at the folio

dates mentioned below £»(• uau» menuonea oeiow Ew tne purpose of receiving taxes and teviea for th«

i^_ ^ ^ ^ - ^ Natioqtl Bank, in the town of Hanas-• »• «fer>m»TH r m m t y all t.liat rertAJn trn<it wt- land, near Wellington, in Mn-

nafharpin , Mnnrjay^ ^<»i. ^m^ Hickory Grove, Toeaday, Nov. 4th. Haymarket, Wednesday, Nov. fith. GreenvicJi, Tbonday, Nov. -(Mh. NokeBville, Friday, Nory. 7»h. ._ Hoadley, 1l6ndBy,. ?OTnTtBr ' Occocnian, Tuesday, Nov. Igtfa; Woodbrtdg:*, Wedneaday, Nov. ISth.

uusas Distrhst, Uld eoUUiy, kn6wn as tfae<%«24es anHSetsy BaiMtadi }and and tognderig-ti^ie WefiingtOB'Road. the

I titineavjlle - Manwaas koad and tSe landaof O. .Wells and others, iContain int;, taore or ieoa.

Thia land wtH Iw'-imfvifyfflTif'TnTr day-Dcirey Store, Tliur.,, Jophn,, Friday, Nov.

na^ienaentiint, Saxaraay, IWW. stE Fayman, Monday, Nov. I«UL

Jiiapp, Wednesday, Nwa Jgth..-'-Potomae, Thursday, Nov'. 13th. Punairiea, Friday, Nov. Wh. — Miiittieville, Satuntay, Nov. ISChl Briatow, M<»day, Nov. 24th. We^ligtoiT, l^iealay, Nnv «>th

^aa le . -T3ffiMS:-dne-aiird cash;:

- tme- and- *wo-years, the" porcfaasar to axeoita, opon day xA sale, intfrett hwaring.wtfqi tlwrfifor. iinri titi«i JoJie with-telf until paid in fall, thonj^ the payment of saia notes iMy be antiei pnted.-

^MBtsvillc. Wei neadi y, Nov anfh

ROBt.' A. HUTCBJSQH , H. Tnomrrpiii lUyiBSr-

Connnitsioiiars cf Sal>i

llri other days from naw until Deeem-hwr-lat, I will be at n»'offiee-H»-sas. Upon request, Twill mail to any tax-payer a card givjcur the aiinonnt "

J. P. KEXLIN, Auctioneer, I, J. E. Herrell, Clark of sforeiaid

t»»«8. 10-17-6t 31 Tm CHMAK.

j ^

Oort, do certify that bond has been executed in above anit as riequired by ikeeree bi sale.

Treasurer. l&-24^t } . E. HsRREU., raerET

1 vn i i ic iHmiiB^ EUBUCSALE - O F -

nf hnylrig some furniture.

I Wf arel)repared to hebyoa.

Should .it be harcmiit^, such as a stove, ^ plow, or a hammer, pay ue-a visit.


era are drinking more than evm-" bfr I W a t e t l O H T W l i y L l M l

Mitt Property •Under and by vilrtue of a decree en­

tered at the October term, 1913, of the dKUH KJKR.IA VrOitA WHHftlh IJon'ntyT' "'-^«^'^''ianniry'™BMI ihprrtn rtrprmT?

fore. It is one of the characteristics of aieohol ta tacreaae tha. desire for \ ItaeH. so we may expect the moderate T


drinker (or his children) to become the exee|saive 'drinker and the exciM-shre drlnkar A»' ttecome more excea-aiv*. U. t a n t from th^ mimbar a< patlona of l lyior conaomad thaf ana

!<» t l x waamaas-of natian-wWet'~MiiM«M.y*i. prohibition, btrt 9Cioanlft9

from the 'rap<dly prohlbKton ae<«tiiMi>t_AM >

wamber -ef- preMhWaw

W . Cn W a g e i i e i

ing under tile atyle of consolidated causes of 'W. N. Ljpscbmb and (Com­pany et al vs. Laws So undersigned Spedal ^

etat, nmiisientrs

\UM»saa,ytK. Saie therein nppoteted, will offer sale, at p«blie auction, to the highaat bidder, on

ScliBmacher awl: Sterfag Feeds Uinconi Uagy teej, Feeds, €.S. C HiMrsi> FM»jr, listmaii i p feed

Uarber & Hedrick WbKESViLtE. VinGIWlAv

FaB valna fo^ .avary'daKrT

cARLowiar"OFr" ar tLTtA FUh Wagona, Cutaway

N e w l d e a SfHVMcis.

Tbie Bine Bdt. Cr«aiki S ^ a r a t o n THE BEST on EAHTH

Hay Bailars, ThiwaUaig Marhinaa, SiBMrior DriUa; AU KiaJs al P«lfc *TrvhFil---*

td Sapairs .f 1 Alwaya on Hand inJ all sands sold by aa.

s' FavMtite Gcaia III FsiUBaiiii ——

• x i l ^

Rt Atfrtirtiifimniit fHffring Thffp <Ww><ki Yi TlMa You Par for-GoM « GoU.

£• IflMie YM^i^ k^B B^RMlei


OlVe MC ifc-6*fefcv^

^IH. IX WENRICH, . a a t J I I I — " " "

J C W ^ g f * ^ Qp***-""

^hreinhon* the ceuiitiy. The Hquor jnteseat* are.txyiac

IwiaHiVi In hldn the, fcel Jhat Is a lostng caase. In their loomals and ht'-thelr conventions their otter-ancee arc doleful and wamlncfnl. and tn the stock market there Is marked'

laa FaaarmsM camp, opdmlaip among the tloaMa—thia. de^tte tha tetamal rt lBun ttapart fM- 1913. ia tka > tl«n todhy.

Matirmal Rank of Mana^fp. in f ^ t r .» , . of Manassas, aforesaid county and _

' jState, all that Mrtjun tnurt or parcel of | land, together with all machinery there­in -kciA All WkKr nghia oeMngmg to aaid place, known as the "Sudley Mill"

l^ooe yt write for^MatJcalan

some unyielded room, some nnlovlnn spirit, some, sel&shnesa—but If yo5", _ .

~reatr*Tniai6ilgTrieTTIoJ7Ha-TiM^ t»4. yoti in the-

ceflor (3al^a. tnat siilneth more and more unto me •perfect day 9o, couple with this

at the any qneatton which so »lwp>^ IwrtMl the moral, the. physical, and Jte ra-

v^^ diy. AA Bs to sad fWlWf «DH lanAUrr^ ;;. 'fc "IS—r-* HenrStykTBock

DRINK^ft&"NOT WANTIO. prayer, that other petition. "Oeate in me a clean heart. O Ood, and renew .The United Stataa a <iKht spirit within SM." Lat yonr -ports tha| nearly every vital e ^ « e r n ka.- la aty: htaW^taht j dlaeriminaUng ntalnat tte wltb God" for with him that la the

faahtoHH for iiinu. iumtmi and children an<i ycx^ fain buy from ii WILU VV^T

aapreme thing. Put yonr prayer Into lUi **f^.» 9* *^S^ h«art-aon«: "*

borann ra-! suntfK^ of satisfactScm.

_ ••TB. Ri^'ft Sons -r drinking m«n-^-Tn« flgnres are: '[ AwrHn.ifriata 7t n«

Oh for » h^art ic pr:ilv mf 0«* . -heart from Mn »•( freo;

A heart thai « sprtnkia* w4U> Thjr Wood. *n fr^^ty abrd for ma. - ^ '

—•> an <mi jf im'g diviiie. P'rr-rt. and T\%y.\. UKI pure,

A oupry. Liord. of T*»a«.

Mannfaetnrera Trades Railraad9- . T T .

.7f i ja&a

" ^ ^ \A

and a o o ^

t H t F T e . R E S P O N S I B i L f T Y . | The mrin who t a k e s the drink .navar ,

I mfcfi—tti?—wwHiviMTCir;—vssr 1 borne by his family his employer I bis T^oc^r

j Manassas Iranskf Co,

jajftimng vtik Ufads A KHT ling, Pattie, llatthewa and athera,

and bo.rdei-ing en Citfiarpin and Ban Rons, aix) oontaining about

FALL SHOES »'^ -f^'

InT Biittnn, tip tnai«> ~ ^ ^ Kid Bnttoo, pCteBt llD

Falenr Leallief'.

- t g O f r

Ji Vin KM •nd fi 49e-OuMrwa'a C M Metal Bvttoa. size 5 to 8 :.

" Gim M«td B<rttoB,*ixe8 fo 12. Min«n' Gmi Matnl Bntton. aiae 12 to 2 ,

I 1.2S 1.50

Thia plnee hna a dwelliBg. mill, etc., upon it. Is well watered and is divided I iiitw two traeta of 100 auiui and 4g aerw. I ^SSSIS.


PANY-TERMS:-One'thlrd cash, and bak

upon a credit of one, two and three yeara, for which deferred pay-1 luimui lumgat Inauiug mmuntw iftfai -^^

W « saB Standard Priaea WflHaa Cwnrty to _ _ S t n i ^ MiLhia i i CaH and will b« pleated to s h o w I

- * * • > - 1 . ^ . - * ^ Mtwell, OleHi of afuieaajd ' Conrt, do certify that bond haa hean executed as provided hx decree of sale ! ftt. above snit.—•—• ^ f

1ft 91 Rt 1 K H-"'--'*' ' I'M ••T

We are now prepared-tgfa-nuh go-1 and^ irood Get our pncea and S;-^ fAjguaatrty.

• y ,S .MIlR.T,Ptoprtfrr " * . .ifcg^i^je. Fnnulare and al) -tnwlii M •Bd ; ..^AudIlteoro(b•reo<aBod>tl••praMtai)u

(arred'or deliTuwi.


SURGEON DENTIST At Manssscs every Tuesday and

KTb^csday. _ -^ • , . Wsihingtnn addrasa : H4^ i4*k> I street. N. W.

Peoples National Bank BtuldiBj!, »-24-eBi MANASSAS VA.

J. R.3 DAVIS MANASSAii, \/A. '


T?r .XA.:;*Aii .lOl'SLNAL, OCTOBER

^HADES-M^LEciHiu^awr BIG PKitifTOR ANTl iud irr i Pr«Uy .J!>Apar AfteUs^ Can' JUaily

Msd*—Flowar Pattarn* Much III Fmror-.


Oreas carUIaca ~paper «lionU ba cut. Into a circular ahape with a amall clr-, d e cut from the oentar and a section c«t from the Bld^, »o that when the T - >•'•—'"" • I'l i"»^» t> e ahada -

IK A«>bi» Hltfb lUt«l Chargcti for Remedy.

e6nlcar-chap«^ the pAcea,

tifexT, l»«f&r^ jotHln* draw Ti Jjaltem upon tha

Kichmynd. Va;. Oct. ^ . i»i3r

edre, cutting It out with a abarp knlf^ practjcaily maklns a atencH pattern. ThlV la Venetian paper work, and It one 1» provided with a very aharp knife, manicure aetaaora »»d * M M U •tUetto the work cail be quickly d«»« The idea is to have the dealgn per­fectly amo<>th. Back thla with a me^

Bids will be received by Ihe Town Council of Ma-

.-nassas. Va., up to ^atur-

the construction of Water, Light and Sewer Systems in said town according to taniranf^ spijcirications off le in office of TowB.ClerJs,.

Address Mayor, or Town Clerk, Manassas, Va.

dium thin red paper, ualng a thin pafiie xd jBiK thenj—^oKeth«r -Photo-1 dH=eet4y.4rom t h e S t a t e , craph paate la eicellent for this pur-1 "^^ physjoittn io—QU poaa, -ir»nl-«-TnT)-gr-|» Tierpf^rin amootli- , """ Ipg Ibe pagers ""POTtJf

FollowingntKe ceceipt today of a letter from a private physician who declares that druggists in his county are selling antitoxin at exorbitant rates, the State i , , , T Bear*} ol Heatth i^ued a 8pecial| jQpeg AW OOtl^ OF lUCnON caution to the public not to pay' the excessive rates but to buy) MANASSAB

-thatr ^:i^r>T^ n.n^r )» form tna ;thfl mftltintiii w j l t h ^ i o w r a t e r b y ^

cube shape until the paste la dry. ^ ° " i t h e StfttC and t h c n rC BoU i t tO'

the persons who need it .at from two to three times the prices

Judges —Geo. D. Baker, I J^R. Evans, E. K. Mitchell. Clerks-^L. T . PattTe, W. E. CyncBT "

"WELLINGTON—Judges—A • H. Comp-drUggistB b u y i.i".i'./W. f. ijfrrkin, A. S. Rotxrtaon.

It genHylo' prevent it from breaking. Join the edges' and trim tha lower and upper edge. If there It no braiis ( lobe support upon the electric light bulb It will be, nec«Bsarjk to make a wire trl-angTtracross the top of the shade. Re­move the bulb, place the shade over It, re place the bulb In the aeekat and Ihw shade le secure. For patterns there are Bower" patterns and the tlpnai stencils.

charged by the Board of Health. In one case, he declares that he ftirnished the family of a poor cotored ctiild aiitituxin, and had


Ftati may tw acafed eaafer by dipping them for a. moment iit bolUog w ater. — - . . ^ >

The old-fMhioned,' natural pongee should be jroneATorfglr dry o r while miJi i!ln;iiil> Uimji. apilukliug ia Tony api io spot i t

deea — Edwart) J. E. Deevins.

to pay the druggist $3.50 for a lockage

' 'We have cautioned the people against paying these excessive iirices-" says the bulletin of thg Board, "and we have ui^ed upon Lite bupeivisuia uf every county the necessity of keeping a stock on hand for nue. in pimergency.

gierka- :Vy,.J. Monroe. R. a-Gufthwtg.

Prwric i*ick ett, Stigene Reiser.—eterks, Frank M«yhug:h, E. F. Triplett

HICKORY Wilson, W. C. Latham Clerka-Ty'.erBranaugh, T. R.Galleher.

WATERFALL -^ Judges — H. Howdy-ahell, R. R Smith, R- O- MayhHgh.. Clerks-R. B. Goaaom, W. M. Fole, .

CATHARPIN—Judges— L; B. Pattie, P. S. Buckley, W. H. Hoffman.'

XneWs"—"CTXr Xynn, Howard Htki^ltp. • BRENTSVILLB—Judges—'^. M. Keys, R. A. Cooper, Richard D o n o v a n . C l e r k s - a B. Spitier, J. S , Shave.

NoKESViLLE—Judge?—W. R. Free, S. A, Harsteller,. A. J. _ McMichael. Clerks—H. J. Jonas, J. A. Hooker.-

GaEENWicH—Judged-H. M. House, 11. A. Dulay, Walla,ni Wsod. Ciartts M,

-ft: M. W«shington, Loujs Mayhagh.

We have dqne evep^thing we can to acqusint the^peopie with

(;iafawar6 I S g l h a s been washed In 'warm. nmM. bluB'waitti' mil iliiwl lu

of the reaJ artlclei .ruTT—c:. . . . . I T - ^ p p ^ g r

improper that anv .driiggist afaotthi deniand~a htgh "pricg~"for a remedy which evejy familj-";nust have when diphtheria ap-peaira. ~Tht8 s Trot erdy^unfair lo-the piit)lic. and untttir to ns, iMJlfi |g uufalt' lu the iBtJuUUle tirtiggiate of *hfe State wbe^Wyl^_

If moths have attacked a carpet, »nrl pnurtPTBri hnrax Into the carpet

.ADEN—Judges—J. B. 'Harpin& J. € . Colvin, jr., J. J. Rowe.—Claris—N. Sayera, J. P. Smith.

gUi'U«AL--JudKee "W. Wi Able, R. totn i.Fl J. R. Flick. Clerks-Prank

DUMFRIES—Judges—L. E. Merchant, M. J . K e y s , . a Warfield Brawneiy ClaiiflB Hrawrwr.

JOPLIN-Judges-^K. l i . ' w . iceyarf Lewis Liming, Elias Miller. Clerks— Wm. Crow, W. A. Abel. -

OCCOQUAN-Judgea—R.- S- Brivkat. (^eo. M. " navia, Wrlnfrfrv TTammill


y ^ ^ c ^ a v t . r t h n r n 1« -m, miffn «lf . t h e la-

antitoxin from us to sell at reasion-

uuges' E ; Sh%B30^, H. B. Fairfax.

Clefka to. t. CroBBh, R T CronfK

HRTtt, awl scatter It nnder the itirai-j : W e c a n n o j too o f t e n e m p h a s J s e


?"or vinegar, »»Te all peellng;s from fruit; boU In enough water to cover, strain and set aaKl« unaeklea to lec-ment Rinse out all. emptied ]&ra and pour (he rinsing into the TJnegar jug. The vinegar will .$« a finelQaVer color, Kharirund pure. . -i:_^----.~^-

When wa^hing^^crq^m wogt or c<>t ton goods, iniiteMl of ualng hlulng. try putting the.water In whlcli jii few onion siiine- have h » n bttttod jifc^ha, last rinsing' water. -Thta. t» much brighter and cleaner than the cream color made by coffe^. oftep used.

Wash and dry flannels aa quickly a» ;ot«ib!e if you wish ta keep them soft ! ?.d white. Faded bilue h»ir ribbons may l>e Tfeshenad l>y-SI}Sirlng ihem lo b land in strong bine watm-a-^ew mia­ul teii aftrr being washed and Imneri with a warm tron.

pl;u-»(1 on the inside df the cloaet of uardrot>e will- be found haiidy to place the neckties on. _The_y can be eaailt 6elf c-tpd without hunting through the box. —A, iMiarrt Hlmui, IHHITF ItiPtiBs: lou.' into whicfi""6raaa boblcs have bet n screwed, can iK! h<u>£-on the door and itHe for belts or etrtngs of beads.

—oiu-raaiiitmeu uintl" a (llsli put one cupful of tagu

II' ami one^haif ciipfiils of flaur FTTrr V iiH uMii ruuinllng tcatipocmul

hking powger. itno a-meaauring" 1 I !! ih« whites of l-*o eggR^ aar •i'l tht- i-nn JK imif full an.! :h>.,

f i i ! of svceet milk. Be«t fltj

n;c ov i i . Frost it with aHito

(' bine ^xf^sr-vaefazBilc^^tien

. ! • : ]

Mi; or e cupful of cold boile^maca-hrok' n into short .ptecgy. auU vav

of eo\A i»etlea~eMt );;tTprfd baking diah: c-f

- f i l l f:

butter half the stze of an KS^ .ly it on in bits, with a pincb ! and a. dash of ^i>pef Moisten

"111), tt!^^^^^•sa^^" fniam

the fact that the State Board of |*cierii r-^ ' Health has for sale diphtheria antitoxin of the highest quality w icn It Bella at thd k^w st {kos-siblerate. The normal dose for a case. 5,000 .uoitB,5ell8-for^$i.^ and can be had by anybody who

than~j&i|0^ ia pMiiTy ej>u;ait»Tve This is the one-aD4,o£Iy remedy lor ciipH£b«m and it caoT be had at any time by addressing the SUteDMAidufHealUi. The anti­toxin ordered will be sent by the first mail or express from Rich-mond and bill for" it «HU be ren-

INDEPBNBENT HILL—Jtidgts—B. W . ^tarkCi Bieni- Ix>we- R<--ub(m RohiMm. Clerk8-!-J. C. Stfei-ke, G. C. WrliAt>.

HoRTONS-Judge"B--OBcar Duffy. W, Clifton S o u t h a r d .

^cix,—>><u<. Kal%, May HemdMiJ TOKEN—Judges-Robert CoriiwiH,V.

B. CostellOi Delia ComweH. Cloka— W. S. Smith, H. M..Fair.

coMMisaioiteftS OF ELHtrriulr Evans, Isaiah Jacobs, J. C. Colvai, jr., p . W. StMJte, % J L Simpson.

w /KUfmrGjwnrurc:, u. •s: '

Begin Now to Make Up Art Needlework

Pieces for Holidajr Gifts "Our Newly Enlarged Arf'

way of the very latest ideas for embroidery or crochet work of all kinds.

Among the hrtest novelties, brought o i i ta re the ne\v PILLOW TOPS, of brown, green, omattiraf COfdi'ed crash, with designs for Italian relief, Venetian crochet, Topedo Braid, Cubist and^ ^>oss stitch draigns, ail capableyof beii^g' ^' -developed-i& the most art48tie^col<»-ing6. These pillow tops all ha\^ backs, and with comparatively little wnrk, vpry handannift grifts can be fashioned with little expense.

• •

. PACKAGE GOODS, containing various pieces, some made up all ready to work; these^re well kndwh makes such as ROYAL SGCJETY, PERI LUST A, ARTAMO aftd WtfRZBURG. The assertfifieat contains pillow tops, scarffr, Rav­eling aprons, underwear, book holders, spoon holders, pin cushions, etc.


-STAMPED NIGHT GOWNS, <feaign» on excellent quality louji cloth,, at. l*?*J..*=^t J

Wc STAMPED GUESTS TOWLS, all H^en with timple des i^ s in

Frfinrh embroidCTy and crow aUtch, at .••.. .-• •••• 25& S^AMPEn Pl t . I .aW CASESrabfr-dajrqtto slampwl u t r - B t t o ^ T t q - —

quality hibmfc W parf ...... .,^...........:.'.'....... ^:.t-.::.r......i.. f t J C ~ —

STAMPED TEA APRQNSra^ryirrf i punch.jii

- T - l H i S C O U H O N Sent Vith order for any of die four, specials above will entitle yon totwo "slceins of embrotdery cotton, Suitable for working on piece ordiared, T R ^

Receipts u id DphvtntmttM of

Total balance, on. band. fr<mi JOCtSii

Receivi fun(&:..

^ y ^ r . 'Om state

^ • «2-343.02 school .

•Reetayed from c o a a ^ scfaooi

dered later. In attempt to chari pnces. persona

case druggists e unreaBonabte bo want anti-

Received from S t r i c t school levy . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . ; . . • . . ." . .

Received from sale' of scfaooF t, ^iropeHy . . , . . . . . . . . - 7B6aOei

-Frotn literary fuud,limiowed. l,50tt.90 Received from Fauquier Co. . From league library f tmd. . . . lietireo teachers' filiid, pftB

by Tireasurer * — . [ Piuui uuuioi'tionmont of JH4e=

ment m Uerreil case


OB Strndayr-tfov, is; a new train between ^New Yortc and Atlanta, to be known as tbe "At-ianta Special, "will be inautrurat-ed by tb^Southem raS way. Tlufr new train will be operated on the pnftient &chednle of the ' 'New Yorkr^-Atlanta and New Orletag Limited" which will be ch^Tiged so as to run later in both diree-tiOHM.—BuUi Iraias will be high .y^y»«. v^ />.T/»y .-oBpant w i f h rfininy

_ ^ and eltd> cars and handling only the rhrutmas «*« ^ •WtpsiBiBnreqaljHnent ... v .*

—I:—With - thfe inauguration of-ihe 111 I n | i M > i i

four high^lass tnfpagh trains ,vMi--esefa^dinitieu between

Atlanta, aiid Ne «r York over the Sonthem raiiway. ftre between

iCRsplotto and New Yor^ and

few Y«rfc, thualfE>pdiBr BoTtg^ it tllTpe tahlnapnonrala at fMitda , , . , • j • „n top Bave uatit IOTWB. | did accommodations

-•: —r— . 1 between the states of the South-Ori«<i-up Cheese. I east and e gi-eat Eastern cities.

.10 use up cheese that fj g ng^- servicc 1s being estab-srate it, aod a iJ^b^H \^ ^o^" ^ar^ c^l tht> h p a v y

FroHi ibg taxes, r.':::

Total receipts and balances . ~' D1S9URSE1IE!4TS

Pftid for ttachsrs' salaries ( U

Paid for real estate. Paid on new.buiWings Paid for enlarging b jildings . P«iafuiii!tmni,iuiiiliuiiiima -Hjraries .

Paid for fud and r e n t . . . . . . . itcf's. commis-

967.64 IS9.86

SHMIS J a g ..an.-debt- Mt- ?J.^.>r^iri1>B -««:

school house.. Paid for insurance^. hauling,

tHifgHl m'lJ ' A.pl KM ., •. _ Paid for stationery, pest4«e

ana small school snppHt



snpi ifcW Paid for Attorney's f w a^5» mumauaBt laxea. — «.« Tot«l balances on h a n d . . . . . . . 177.69 Paid for-pay of tiistrjct clerk 42.0S

T«Ul aiobftroomotitfl and bat^ $8,S16.4> :i- J. R. OOBKE, Ck-rk.


Single BarreiiAiuns JpBbfe^BftirdL Hammer QWSL

$5.00 up

~~' Double Barrel Hammoriess . . $21.00 up~

I t D. Weiuidi'i Jewelry Slore

>'d way . <ime dry ' butter,

i a IO

ana cr-'Bm U you have

Cream T H BlKUltl. same dafce that^ tlie Atlanta Special" makes its first trip a

•Sif; Qcp quart of Sow with two tea- ^ ^ ^ t i ^ ; „ „ n i h e put on b e t w e e n spoQBtuls Of bakin< powd^jMUl oM-teaspooaful of »alt MJT, \^ n a^ttt adtsfb wiift 8v««t ereaai. raii tWa, eat Into'tiny biscDlta and bake te « ^ c k t j i e u — — ^ — ^ — — ^ _ ^ ^ _ _ _

Calvea L/v«r OumplifiQ. One POUD4B esinoed iiver, one bat'

^unrf rrr-TT n~"'"i T*'^' '* 'tti* «Sga. twtr auaeaa soaks4 bread. saH, yepper. Dotmeg. parsley, amall Out vaioii and mustirooms. wbKei or tour •CSS beateo iUC Bak* 1B paa

New Orleans and San Francisco whl/h mm i MiiM l.h firtnJ- to the Pacific Coast by thirty hour* and thp mapj^gpmenl of the^outhern raiiway has taken advantage o r the op|x»rti]nity thus offered to turri as large a vdume of trans-cohtinental n*V^! as .poesiDie! throujrh the Sotrtheast and at thej • same, time give improved service j -• nr the terriiory- directly on its' • i n e f ; .

'y true. -- Our prices are so low that it is wondered that the above idea gi


I credence. Try us and find out

% <-< -C j£-C g.-g <.-g!. ^.^.'^ ^ ^ ^ ^-.^^j' >*• , ^i:^iS