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  • Continuity of Service through Effective Leadership

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    March 14 , 2016 Issue# 30

  • Continuity of Service through Effective Leadership

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    Headings Hyperlinked Page #

    Editorial 3

    President’s Message 4

    Berita Pudu 5

    Pudu Events 6

    About The Speaker 7

    Speaker’s Text 8

    Picture Gallery 10

    Announcement 11

    District News 12

    RI News 16

    Get Inspired! 18

    LOL... 19

    Motivational Quotes 20


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    Sadness vs Happiness... Just last week I had to go for a funeral, it was my mother’s eldest sister who passed away peacefully. She was 86! Now as much as she left us, and she was the dearest too, I was a little happy with her death. Well I know I may sound evil….but that’s not it. I was happy that she lived a full 86 years in this planet earth! Now how fulfilling that can be… She had 10 children including 1 adopted. 15 grandchildren and 5 great -grandchildren. She lived a simple life and she was on her feet till the last 2 weeks of her days. Now what more could one ask for? As we, the family members brought her to the crematorium, all of us who were quite calm earlier broke into tears. The very fact that we will not be seeing her anymore struck us and that selfishness of wanting her by our side became more intense.

    The next day what we could see or received, was just a bowl of ashes. That, is my aunt now… We can have everything in this world, and strive harder in getting more stuff. Sometimes we fight and compete just to get what we want. But all that, does not follow us… We get angry with people around us, whom we use to love once, and that little ‘who knows what’ tension will keep us from talking and meeting them for many years, just because of that pride. But all that, does not follow us… The only one thing that follows….is….NOTHING…… So my dear friends, Let’s live a life and cherish every moment because that is the only thing which is definite, for now...

    Puvaneswaran (Iswaran) Shanmugam Editor [email protected]


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    In my last message I talked about the false belief that many Rotarians, especially the older 20th Century types, think that fellowship is paramount in Rotary. It is not denied, of course, that fellowship was what started the Rotary movement. But Rotary is now 111 years old and many things/practices have changed. RI is very well organised, systemised and governed; with zones, districts and clubs all looking up to the Chicago HQ for guidance. What do I mean by that? Well, it means there is a structure; a hierarchy; an organisation; a system for doing things. To be all that one will need some form of rules and regulations. Yes, Rotary has that. And it’s very comprehensive too, catering for various nationalities and languages around the world. Regular meetings are held to review and revise legislations and policies. Who pays for all that? We do. If a Club fails to pay its dues on time, it’ll get suspended. For an individual member, we do the same. So Rotary has gone dogmatic and bureaucratic? Yes, but it’s necessary in any society or organisation of repute. No two ways about it. At zone and district levels we talk about the new Rotary direction. The collective wisdom of the leaders

    has identified areas of concern. And these are membership, TRF, public image and strategic planning (particularly succession planning at club level.) The District, of course, tries to train and educate Rotary leaders at all levels as to what RI wants. The training bit is easy; but the educating bit is difficult. Why? Because, the oldies’ mind-set is still prevailing. Not many older generation Rotarians attend District as-semblies or conferences anymore. Either they think they know it all, heard it all before, don’t like the “politics” or it’s just a waste of time/money when they could just be cheque -book RINOs. Why do we go clubbing in the first place? Clubbing is for people with likeminded interests. If you like golf, join a golf club; if you like bowling, join a bowling club; if you like riding, join a riding club. If you like socializing then we have the Royal Lake Club or Royal Selangor Club; both prestigious – and expen-sive – with a waiting list to boot. A Rotary club is prestigious too but it’s for people who want to do ser-vice to the community, to give rather than to take. There’s no “what’s in it for me” thing for Rotarians. You give your time, your money (small or big amounts) and are always mindful of your Rotary Pledge that you recited when you were inducted. All these are voluntary, of course, but in a “volunteering to serve” line of thinking. Not voluntary to do “what I like to do” in a bucking -the-trend sort of way.

    There’s also the “Service above Self” motto and the “4 -Way Test” that projects a Rotarian to the fore. So would the above argument satisfy the lot with the false belief that Rotary clubs are autonomous 1? I’d love to read your responses in a “Letter to the Editor” column that the Editor can set up.

    Dato’ Muslim Ayob President/Secretary RY2015/16 Rotary Club of Pudu [email protected]

    1. Independent, sovereign; autonomous mean not subject to the rule or control of another. http://www.merriam-webster.com


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    Club Proceedings 1. Acting Sergeant-at-Arms PP Alex called the meeting to order at 1:15PM on behalf of President Dato’ Muslim. He

    welcomed all Rotarians and guests. He then led in the singing of the National Anthem and the Loyal Toast.

    2. FINEMASTER- The Finemaster was PP Sim Bee and the list of fines were:

    RM2 - PP Tai Chin Peow for his durian orchard farming.

    RM2 - Rtn Shu Yi for her new hair colour.

    RM2 - Rtn Steven Ho for stating that the credit card thumb drive can dig ears.

    RM2 - All who was not fined.


    Rtn Angela did the introduction.

    4. THANKING -

    PP Alex Chang thanked PP Hanns Sim for a very meaningful presentation together with a memento presentation..

    Visiting Rotarians Club

    PP Hans Poh Sim RC Sg Way

    Guests Host

    MARDI Club

    Ms Liew Club

    Mr Edwin Chia PE Sandy Soh

    Attendance Pax

    Club Members 16

    Visiting Rotarians 1

    Guests 3


    Collections RM

    Birthday/Anniversary/Fines 29.00

    Paying Dinners -

    Raffles/Others -

    TOTAL AMOUNT: 29.00


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    Dr David Gonsalvez


    Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation

    Duty Table:

    Rtn Steven Ho


    Rtn Daryl Kok


    Rtn Robert Tan


    Rtn Ong Shiou Ting


    Rtn Lawrence Kwan





    Duty Table:

    PP Michael Yeow


    PP Alex Chang


    PP Mahmood


    PP Gary Lim


    PP Quah SC

    Date/Day Time Event Venue



    March Rotarians:

    11th - Rtn Chinniah 12th - Rtn Richard Liew March Spouse:

    13th - Ann Siew Kien (Rtn Roy) 17th - Ann Raja Azma (Rtn Muslim) 22nd - Ann Evelyn (Rtn KH Low)


    10th - Rtn YK Chew & Ann Adeline 17th - Rtn Chinniah & Ann Chantra 18th - Rtn Ray Choo & Ann Leong HM 30th - Rtn Jeffrey Yap & Ann Catherine Foo


    Updates will come soon..!

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    Mr. Hanns Sim is the founder & CEO of Sacrosanct Superior Memory

    Technology Sdn. Bhd. He is an entrepreneur, researcher and education-

    ist. He has 18 years of experience in superior memory and he is the pio-

    neer in Superior Memory Research.

    He is an internationally renowned and highly sought after senior expert

    and authoritative in the field of Mnemonics (Superior Memory). In 1999,

    using his company's genuine and powerful technology and methodology,

    Mr. Hanns Sim has broken the WORLD RECORD by spending 7 months to

    remember up to 67,053 numbers of PI.

    The important breakthrough is that the same technology used to remem-

    ber these numbers, is actually transferable in learning all other subjects.

    Thus his company provides the genuine methodology and learning tech-

    nologies to help people to learn fastest in all subjects. Currently his com-

    pany is also at the forefront of developing cutting-edge, revolutionary

    and groundbreaking technologies that is proved to be revolutionary in

    the field of Superior Memory.

    He has also coached more than 2,000 students, receiving many highly positive testimonials, and con-

    stantly featured in the local media such as newspapers, magazines & Television Interviews. As a result of

    his talent, dedication and commitment in the field of superior memory, Mr. Hanns Sim was also spon-

    sored and recruited to Yale University to do research specifically pertaining to the Superior Memory Ac-


    Mr. Hanns Sim is also an educationist and he is very passionate to impart and share his knowledge, tal-

    ent and also his company's learning technology to help everyone learn faster and effectively in all the

    subjects and all areas of expertise. Currently, he is deploying his company's technology to many learning


    Due to his entrepreneurial spirit and many business networks that he has, he is also currently the Chair-

    man of the Iran Asean Business Council.


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    Dear distinguished guest, ladies and gentlemen,

    Firstly may I think the Rotary Club of Pudu, for having here today, to deliver my speech concerning the

    roles of Iran Asean Business Council and also the potential business opportunities that Iran has to offer

    in this emerging market.

    We would like to inform you that the Iran-Asean Business Council (IABC) Initiatives is non-political, non-

    racial & non-religious entity which aims at facilitating trades between Malaysia and Iran through Public

    listed companies (PLCs), Government linked companies (GLCs), Semi -Medium industries (SMIs) & Semi

    Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and expanded to trade activities with other Asean countries. As you know,

    just only weeks ago, the sanctions against Iran has been lifted, thus what does it imply or what does it


    Ladies and gentlemen, it means that

    1. The trades between Iran and many other countries are now more fluid.

    2. It means that there are much more facilities and capitals flow coming inside to Iran, and also coming

    out of Iran

    3. It means that it has provided an unprecedented business opportunities that was never offered before

    for the past 30 years, when Iran was under sanction.

    4. It means that there are more bilateral trades that can be elicited or produced between Malaysia and

    Iran, in order to ride in the next big wave of business transactions.

    On a global basis, it's ramifications and implications that the sanctions are being lifted is even more pro-

    found. global businesses, global conglomerate, are now rushing into Iran. There are more than

    USD100billion of investments pouring into Iran, to capitalize in Iran's emerging market. Iran is also very

    strategically located, neighbouring about 15 countries, it has proven to be an ideal marketplace for ac-

    cess into the even larger market in its surrounding neighbouring countries.

    Iran itself about 80 million population, and more than half of it are young people or age below 40. And

    out of these young people, most of them are highly educated, it means that they are either degree hold-

    er, masters holder or PHD holders, thus it provides a very capable, professional and intelligent work-

    force, and has also stimulated the education industry vastly.

    Besides Iran are also rich in many minerals and resources, these are some of the areas that all of you

    can consider to venture into, such as follows:

    1. An established banking sector

    2. Transport, aviation and energy infrastructure

    3. Oil and Gas industry

    4. Cultivable land and water

    5. Copper, bauxite, aluminium, coal, iron, ore, silver, tungsten, gold

    6. Brand related products

    7. consumable products


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    Port facility in the Persian Gulf and Caspian sea

    8. Free Trade and special zone

    9. tourism

    10. Potential of Iran in relation with 15 neighbours

    11. Iran potential in Drug companies

    12. Iran potential in automobile company

    13. Sophisticated services sectors in business development and business planning, tourism, IT and in-


    We also wish to explore more ideas with you all that can ultimately bring to fruition in terms of the via-

    ble projects that can be undertaken, or areas of collaboration in your industry. Our Business Council aims

    at facilitating trade deals involving all parties in a win win manner, whereby every deal being carried out

    will adhere to great efficiency, honesty, transparency and integrity.

    The sanctions against Iran have been lifted. Now Iran is indeed an emerging market providing enormous

    opportunities for businessmen around the globe to venture into, and also for Iranian businessmen to

    venture out of Iran country to do business with Asean region and the world! With such we welcome you

    to take the initial step to penetrate both the Iran and Asean market by offering your great services.

    We welcome your enquiries through the phone or email and you may also schedule an appointment with

    us so that we may share ideas, resources and meaningful connections for smooth bilateral trades and

    business between two countries and more. More importantly, many businessmen are currently undergo-

    ing serious planning and implementation to venture into Iran through our Iran Asean Business Council,

    we therefore welcome all of you for your enquiries and appointments. Our Business Council will also peri-

    odically extend invitation to you on our upcoming legitimate and official events so that you will have

    more genuine, accurate and important business networks through our business council.

    With such I conclude my speech, Thank you!


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    Club Weekly Meeting - March 7, 2016

    Introducing Rtn Angela

    Speaker of the Day...

    Sannice and friends... Shu Yi and friends...

    PP Alex doing the thanking and souvenir presentation...

    Finemaster PP Sim Bee...

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    Rotary D3300 Intercity on board the ETS train from Kuala Lumpur to Alor Setar, stopping over in Ipoh and Butterworth as other Rotarians joined in.

    The satisfaction is the smiles on the faces of the children.


    Celebrate Rotary Jamboree Alor Setar by DG Siti Subaidah

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    The Heritage Walk in Alor Setar to remember World Peace and Understanding day on February 23rd. Rotarians had a fun filled morning. Playing host, the Rotary Club of Rotary Club Alor Setar.

    ....a fun weekend for me too!


    Celebrate Rotary Jamboree Alor Setar by DG Siti Subaidah

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    To celebrate this year's World Rotaract Week, our District Community Service Chair Steven Moay organised a beach cleaning project at Pasir Ris Beach Park! On 13th March 2016, Rotaractors from different clubs in Singapore, a guest Rotaractor from India and guest Rotarians participated in the beach cleaning project to celebrate World Rotaract Week 2016. Our Rotaractors and Rotarians did their best to help clear the rubbish to ensure that the beach is kept clean for every-one! On behalf of the Rotaract District Team, we would like to thank the Rotaractors and Rotarians who participated in the beach cleaning project. Without everyone's help, we wouldn't be able to finish cleaning the beach before the heavy downpour! Job well done to all! Keep the spirit ahead & continue displaying Fellowship Through Service, Service Above Self and lastly Be a Gift to the World!


    World Rotaract Week Beach Cleaning

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    Rotary Interact Debating Championship

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    More than three years after an earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster triggered widespread devastation in Japan, the physical scars are beginning to mend. Debris has been removed. Coastal communities are being rebuilt. Farming and fishing have resumed, and thousands of people have moved in to new housing. But the Rotary Clubs of Koriyama West, Japan, and Englewood, New Jersey, USA, are concerned with the emotional and psychological impact caused by the triple disaster, known in Japan as 3/11, which claimed more than 19,000 lives and displaced hundreds of thousands of people. In a country that prides itself on stoicism, it is difficult for survivors to seek and accept mental health care. "We believe that the first step to overcome the grief is to be able to talk about what they're going through and share their personal experiences," says Englewood club member Ikuyo Yanagisawa. With a Rotary global grant, the clubs purchased mobile video conference equipment for four mental health clinics in areas most affected by the Fukushima nuclear power plant crisis. These tools now connect mental health care provid-ers in Japan with trauma experts at the Arnhold Global Health Institute in New York City, where psychologists treated survivors and witnesses of the September 11 attacks. To augment the new resources, Koriyama West members will organize multidisciplinary mental health care teams from Fukushima Medical University to make outreach visits to temporary shelters and schools in and around Tohoku, a town near Fukushima. Additionally, survivors of 3/11 will be able to talk via video conference to 9/11 family members and first responders who lost loved ones and colleagues in the tragedy. "Despite the differences between 9/11 and 3/11, survivors of both events share a similar healing process by overcom-ing the shock, grief, and isolation," adds Yanagisawa. Last November, the Englewood club teamed up with Japanese Medical Society of America and American Airlines to fly five members of the September 11th Families Association to Tohoku to share their stories and give encouragement to 3/11 survivors still displaced by the tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster. "The 9/11 members would open each conversation with the Japanese expression otagaisama which means 'we are all in the same boat,'" says Yanagisawa, who accompanied the team. "This helped 3/11 members open up more and feel at ease with sharing their story. I could see how deeply connected the two groups were. It was remarkable to see." Yanagisawa says that 3/11 survivors came to her after group sessions to say how encouraged they were to move for-ward with their lives. "This is our [the two participating clubs] goal: to help communities in Japan overcome their grief and find the strength to rebuild their lives," she says. "Bringing together survivors from two different disasters, from opposite ends of the world, we hope will bring about a sense of international community."


    Mending The Lingering Effects of Japan’s Triple Disaster

    Mourner prays at the memorial for students and teachers of the Elementary School of Okawa in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, 11 September 2011.

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    The fight to eradicate polio got a major financial boost from the annual Miles to End Polio bike ride that took place 21 November in Arizona, USA. Rotary General Secretary John Hewko and a team of eight RI staff members helped raise $4.4 million. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will match the funds 2-to-1, bringing the total contribution to Polio-Plus to more than $13.5 million. This is the fourth year in a row that Hewko has biked in the 104-mile (167 km) El Tour de Tucson ride, one of the country’s top cycling events. More than 100 Rotary members from Arizona and around the world hit the pavement with the Evanston team. The RI staff riders have been training together since September. “In the beginning, riding 104 miles seemed impossi-ble,” says Jean Stanula, Rotary’s Global Events supervisor. “But we came together early Saturday mornings and rode 20, 40, 60, and 80 miles. After a while, it felt like we could do anything.” Contributions of District Designated Funds (DDFs) were a big part in this year's fundraising effort, with more than $1.4 million collected. Districts can continue to donate DDFs to support the fundraiser through 30 November. President-elect John Germ will visit the district that donates the most DDFs, and the top five contributing districts will be recognized onstage at the 2016 Rotary Convention in Seoul. Rotary members have taken part in the ride since 2009, when the End Polio Now campaign was designated an official beneficiary of the race, allowing Rotary cyclists to gather pledges for the campaign. In the first year, 27 cyclists raised $35,000. The number has grown exponentially ever since. Give to End Polio Now


    Rotary Ride To End Polio

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    A man was exploring caves by the seashore. In one of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunch of

    hardened clay balls. It was like someone had rolled clay balls and left them out in the sun to bake. They

    didn't look like much, but they intrigued the man so he took the bag out of the cave with him.

    As he strolled along the beach, he would throw the clay balls one at a time out into the ocean as far as he

    could. He thought little about it until he dropped one of the balls and it cracked open on a rock. Inside was

    a beautiful, precious stone.

    Excited the man started breaking open the remaining clay balls. Each contained a similar treasure.

    He found thousands of dollars worth of jewels in the 20 or so clay balls he had left. Then it struck him. He

    had been on the beach a long time. He had thrown maybe 50 or 60 of the clay balls with their hidden

    treasure into the ocean waves. Instead of thousands of dollars in treasure, he could have taken home tens

    of thousands, but he just threw it away.

    It's like that with people. We look at someone, maybe even ourselves, and we see the external clay vessel.

    It doesn't look like much from the outside. It isn't always beautiful or sparkling so we discount it. We see

    that person as less important than someone more beautiful or stylish or well known or wealthy. But we

    have not taken the time to find the treasure hidden inside that person by God.

    There is a treasure in each and every one of us. If we take the time to get to know that person, and if we

    ask God to show us that person the way He sees them, then the clay begins to peel away and the brilliant

    gem begins to shine forth.

    May we not come to the end of our lives and find out that we have thrown away a fortune in friendships

    because the gems were hidden in bits of clay.

    May we see the people in our world as God sees them.

    Clay Balls

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